Daily Update

This person is the definition of chutzpah! 

Kevin D. Williamson writing in National Review reviews the Trump, Pelosi, Schumer meeting that took place on Tuesday.    This is how the Washington Times covered the meeting. 

Betsy McCaughey asks the question, what’s ‘immoral’ about caring for America’s poor first?

House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes. 

Bill Hammond writes:  Single-Payer; Double Standard  and Slay the Single-Payer Myths in The Torch. . 

Seriously, is anyone surprised by De Blasio defending embattled $120K-a-year parking summons advocate? 

Apple makes a wise business decision to expand in Austin, Texas, not overtaxed New York State. If only New York’s hierarchy understood why Apple is expanding in Austin, Texas. 

This is only part of what New York State faces if or rather when the Governor succeeds in passing recreational pot  : Boston Herald headline — Pot blamed for mounting highway death toll

Assemblyman Steve Hawley isn’t the only legislator who has concerns about the proposed pay raise and the limit on outside income.

Forbes has an interesting article on what activists Attorney Generals have been able to justify when they band together.  Attorney General elect, Letitia James will be right at home with this group of AG’s.

This bill has been around for at least 5 years , however, every gun owner in New York State should be very concerned that a Democratic controlled Senate and Assembly, and a Governor opposed to our right to own a gun, will pass and Governor Cuomo will sign it in the upcoming session.

Podcast: Doing What’s Ethical on Fetal Tissue. 

No one is targeting the real corruption plaguing New York. 

The left continues to adore Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and wants the 29-year-old to run for president in 2020!  To the writer of the article, the fact that you have to be 35 to run for president is “ridiculous.”   What is ridiculous is their infatuation with her. 

Wednesday’s (a day late) with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily Update

The debates over legal pot revenue are way too premature.  The last sentence is extremely apropos. 

The Legislative Commission tasked with justifying pay increases for legislators is not being received with open arms despite the fact that it has suggested a 63% increase over 3 years.  One member of the Assembly would have to put 12 people out of work, if he decides to stay on as a legislator. Did the Commission even consider that this might be a problem for some of the members?  The Commission failed the legislative members, the general public and themselves by not anticipating the repercussions of a hastily put together pay raise.   The question arises as to the constitutionality of having a Commission raise the pay of legislators.   

Albany pay hikes costs taxpayers, Conservative leader says. 

The Mayor’s wife hires more staffers!

Is NYC’s ‘ticket advocate’ some kind of joke? 

The Daily Signal writes that On Gender, the Science Is Deafening.  An excellent article, by Tony Perkins explaining that despite what the headlines scream about gender identity, many in the medical community — experts were relieved to see that the president’s policy (“sex discrimination” would not include “gender identity.”) matched what was wise and prudent for patients. In a letter to the departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services, a coalition of doctors, bioethicists, therapists, academics, and policy groups all praised the president for taking a scientifically-sound approach in understanding those who think they are not the gender they were born. 

Conrad Black writes Mueller’s Got Nothing. 

Trump Forces Chuck and Nancy to Debate Him in Front of America, They Didn’t Like It. 

Media’s Trump Obsession Has Crossed Over to The Clinical. 

Our New Religion – Humanitarianism is displacing Christianity, but without its redeeming effects. 

Daily Update

Former Mayor Bloomberg, like so many self-made extremely rich businessmen lately, thinks he knows what is best for Americans.  The former Nanny Mayor is seriously looking to run for president in 2020. 

Left wing legislators push for “equal access for driver’s licenses.”  The article states that giving illegal immigrants a license would produce an estimated $57 million in combined annual government revenues…so, the bottom line is more money for these progressives to give to constituents who will then keep them in power!  Enough.  A driver’s license opens the door to a myriad of privileges and should be limited to legal residents of New York State. 

Another liberal/progressive proposal would require gun permit applicants to disclose their internet search history and social media passwords.   Obviously, the proposers have no concept of why we have a 2nd Amendment. 

Another topic the progressive/liberal agenda is pushing for:  Restore voting rights now, N.Y.: A basic civil rights reform still lags in our progressive state. 

If you are still following the Mueller investigation, here is more background from Victor Davis Hanson. 

Here is more insight from Katie Pavlich writing on Townhall.com 

Wall Street Journal Ed Board Tells Mueller to ‘Wrap it Up. 

Robert Knight opines on suppressing Christianity’s historical importance. 

And the National Review writes how the Founders protected the natural right of religious liberty. 

The Beat opines on Big Raise; No Vote. 

Ken Girardin, writes in Empire Center on highest legislative pay ever?

The more Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the more we understand how lacking her education was. 

What the New Socialists in Congress Need to Know About Poverty. 

From the Daily Signal:  The New Farm Bill Is So Bad That Supporters Don’t Want Its Details Released

De Blasio doesn’t care what parents think about his elite-school-quota plans. 

Bill Hammond writes how single-payer gets even more costly. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week we said goodbye to a great leader, President George H.W. Bush – known for his service to the country, his kindness and strength, and his zest for life.

What will you remember most about our 41st President? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Unfortunately the remembrance of a remarkable life was marred by the usual Trump hatred and media bias. The liberals just can’t help themselves, can they?

Meanwhile it seems that most Americans aren’t all that interested in what the Clintons have to say. Bill and Hillary’s “arena tour” is facing underwhelming attendance and ticket sales, and seats that once cost a fortune are now reportedly selling for $11.

Here’s something to think about: Imagine you’ve found $11 in the cushion of your couch – enough to buy a ticket to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s national tour. What do you think would be a BETTER way to spend that $11?

That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – I hope you have some fun with it.

The Clintons showboating illustrates just how out of touch they really are – a problem that afflicts seemingly all Democrats, all the way to the top of the party.

Just listen to DNC Chairman Tom Perez complain that voters are misinformed because they pay too much attention to what’s being told to them “from the pulpit,” by their church leaders. Who but the Democrats would view paying attention in church is a bad thing?

The left’s war on faith always becomes especially pronounced during the Christmas season – and this year, liberals who worship political correctness are going after Christianity everywhere from local communities and schools to social media.

And the left can’t even let people enjoy the fun of the holidays – they see evil in everything from the classic song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” to the timeless tradition of “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

How would you describe the left’s politically-correct war on Christmas? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Here in New York this week, our state legislators got an early Christmas present in the form of a big pay raise, and Bill de Blasio is playing the Grinch by cracking down on the ride-sharing operations like Uber and Lyft that people enjoy using – and of course making New Yorkers pay the price.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

A must-see video: Conservatism vs. Progressivism

The Hill drops a bombshell:  FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet. 

Victor Davis Hanson opines on the perpetual presidency.. 

Daniel Henninger writes that Trump didn’t kill the Bush values. 

Ben Shapiro:  Policies Have Consequences. 

Heartbreaking: Infant who survived abortion cried while he was left to die.  How can any woman – who has the ability to conceive and carry a child – fight for the “right” to kill their own flesh and blood?  I will never understand their actions.  Maybe, just maybe, this video will educate them.

This is a good example as to how government has budget problems…shouldn’t one know how a pay increase will be absorbed prior to committing to a pay increase. 

NYC has a mayor who doesn’t even show up for work.

Obviously, Mayor de Blasio isn’t having a good week:  Why are de Blasio’s missing emails suddenly reappearing?

Money, Support for Migrant ‘Caravans’ Flow Through Chicago. 

Quote of the week:

“Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny.”

Barry Goldwater. U.S. Senator, 1964 (1909-1998)

Daily Update

Before the Republicans relinquish the reigns of Congress for the next two years, they should acknowledge New York’s only elected registered Conservative Senator James L. Buckley’s service in the United States Senate where he was a co-sponsor of S.1192, which created the Gateway National Recreation Area, that stretches along our Atlantic coast from New York into New Jersey.  Herbert W. Stupp makes the case for this honor in his National Review article:  A No-Cost Statement for ‘Comity’ and Conservatism. 

Investor’s Business Daily writes that Trump Is Right — Subsidies for Electric Cars, Renewable Energy Must End. 

The Beat writes about housing solutions, or housing confusion?

Nicole Gelinas writes that the ‘improved’ MTA is still a complete mess. 

Bungled firing makes Team de Blasio look completely inept.

We’re all paying for NYC’s huge frivolous lawsuit industry. 

Will Governor Cuomo listen to this coalition and just end pretrial jailing? 

Andrew Cuomo to hold inauguration at ‘historic gateway to America.’ Remember, I am not running for President, but I will use Ellis Island in order to have a perfect video for American’s to watch and encourage me to run.

The Ninth Circuit strikes again:  Law Barring People from Encouraging Illegal Aliens to Enter U.S. Is Unconstitutional

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update


Study: 63% of Non-Citizen Households In 2014 Used Welfare

Why are taxpayers paying to promote Chirlane McCray’s career?    The cost of her staff is closing in on $1 million dollars a year… think of what that money could help with…the MTA, heat in NYCHA apartments, improving homeless shelters, all things Chirlane says are important.  Apparently, promoting her career is more important and unfortunately, taxpayers will continue to pay (a generous pension) long after she is out of Gracie Mansion. 

Here is another example of a progressive that promises you everything … then takes what they can for themselves.  Al Sharpton’s latest unseemly racket.

Another reason why doing business in New York City (and state):  NYC is drowning in ridiculous, pricey lawsuits.  Tort reform is an absolute necessity to help put an end to frivolous law suits.  This only makes the situation worse:  Wall St. cashing in on NYC’s legal feeding frenzy. 

Bob McManus opines about Gov. Cuomo’s game plan:  It’s not hard to figure out Cuomo’s game plan for 2020. 

Godfather Politics writes about the Seductive Allure of Socialism – Traditional American Values Are in Jeopardy.

Smoking saw’ ties Saudi crown prince to Khashoggi killing: Sen. Graham. 

Robert Knight writes about keeping the cold civil war from getting hot.  

Why Tissue from Abortions Isn’t Needed to Save Other Lives.

Podcast: The Importance of Civics Education. 

The Beat examines Beds or Cells? 

Daily Update

Kudos to the Daily Gazette, they understand the underlying problems with a pay raise that limits outside income.  Editorial: Limiting outside income not the answer. 

The NY Post also has a great editorial in today’s paper: Look who is getting protected from single-payer health insurance.  

Democratic Socialists have become a political force in NYC.  Before these socialists become more entrenched in NYC politics, New Yorkers should keep an eye on Italy, France, England, Germany and other countries that have embraced socialism and the unrest of the people it is being forced upon. 

Ocasio-Cortez and Jim Hanson Spar Over Whether ‘Death Panels’ Exist in Private Health Insurance Markets. 

Democrats won the House but they’re $18 million in debt.   They spend on their campaigns the same way they spend once elected; no regard for fiscal restraint.   

Prospect Park anti-freeze fountains met with criticism. 

How is Governor Cuomo going to explain his running for president when he has denied it so many times?  The accepting of this position  is a certain sign that the interest is definitely there.

Outgoing GOP congressman mentioned as possible NYS Republican chairman

Extent of corruption detailed in de Blasio donor’s trial is stunning. 

E. J. McMahon has some advice for suburban democrats when they return to Albany. 

Tijuana shuts down migrant caravan shelter. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Over the holiday, I felt very grateful to be an American – gratitude that I know is shared by the Conservative Party’s friends and supporters. But new evidence this week shows that liberals are creating new generations of Americans who don’t understand or appreciate the blessings of our nation.

In fact, large numbers of “millennials” and younger Americans believe what they’ve been taught by the left – that America is racist, sexist, and not all that great.

And it certainly doesn’t help that the left’s “heroes” right now are incompetent, economically illiterate, condescending and smug, and that they hate democracy when things don’t go the Democrats’ way – and of course here in New York, we can add “corrupt” to the list.

Going beyond politics and personalities, though, what I want to ask you today is this: What is the MOST IMPORTANT fact about America that we must be teaching young people right now? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Sadly we learned this week that young people today are by and large profoundly unhappy – we are truly facing a lost generation of Americans.

And is it any wonder, since the very liberals who claim to represent the future constantly hammer this country with doomsday “global warming” propaganda and fake science?

Fortunately we have a President who is not afraid to stand up to the politically correct climate change bullies – but the left continues to cling to their most cherished dogma.

Why is that, do you think? That is the second question in our new Weekly Poll: What do you think is the TOP reason that liberals push bogus “global warming” hysteria?  I look forward to getting your perspective on this.

Finally, the “migrant caravan” – the left is delusional, but there’s no escaping the risks and dangers that America faces right now as a result of this invasion.

Border patrol agent Brandon Judd has helpfully outlined the five primary dangers of the migrant caravan specifically and illegal immigration in general. Which of the five threats he sets forth do you see as most alarming? That’s the final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Let’s all be grateful that we’re still able to search online and find accurate information like stories I’ve shared today – we know for a fact that Google has explored strategies for suppressing “inconvenient truths.” You can count on the Conservative Party to keep giving you the facts.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Another day, another democratic hope gains more support:    Broad coalition created to push for NYC congestion tolls. 

Rest assured that single payer will hang its hat based on a RAND report that Assemblyman Gottfried is praising.  .  Hopefully, the new coalition of Realities of Single Payer Healthcare   will be able to help us prevent New Yorkers from being saddled with single payer healthcare. 

Reform Underfunded Multiemployer Pension Plans. Don’t Make Taxpayers Bail Them Out. 

‘A Political Report Masquerading as Science’: The Truth About the New Climate Report.  More on the new climate report from the Washington Times:  Obama official helped prepare dire National Climate Assessment. 

From the Washington Times:  Caravan mostly standard illegal immigrants, not refugees fleeing violence.  

John Crudele opines on the problem with those in favor of ‘illegal’ immigration. 

The Beat wants to know when NY will take serious action on mental illness. 

The LA Times takes a look at the (somewhat obvious) ethical problems with creating gene-edited babies.  For the most part, it is a thoughtful, though secular, article. 

Rod Watson: Proposed gun bill threatens more than 2nd Amendment. 

Now this is a sanctuary city that conservatives can support. 

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial in today’s paper  ends with this sentence, “If Cuomo intends to live up to his ‘fiscal conservative’ talk, it’s time to put his veto pen to work.” The problem is that Governor Cuomo has never really lived up to his “fiscal conservative” talk and we doubt he will veto all 12 bills.  His excuse will be they were “bipartisan” bills.

Beware:  It will cost you your hard-earned money if they succeed and open the door to fraud.  Reform push combines Democratic interests, nonpartisan charities.  John Kaehny, the executive director of Reinvent Albany says in the article that, “We view these measures as part of our core work to reduce the influence of money on politics. …” what he left out was to have citizens support candidates they would not normally support, to increase the influence of unions and let unscrupulous candidates perpetrate fraud.  The fact that not-for-profits are involved with this issue, should be enough to understand that campaign finance is all about control.  

Here is a website that explains the Realities of Single Payer Healthcare for New York.  Every New Yorker should be aware of this group and do all they can to help them defeat Single Payer Healthcare.   

File this under “Good News” Abortion in US Reaches Lowest Level on Record, Report Finds.

Global Warming: Fake Science Again Serves Far-Left Political Agenda. 

The man just cannot let go of the fact that his term is over!  Obama takes credit for U.S. oil-and-gas boom: ‘That was me, people’.

This was Obama’s proposal:  Obama’s ‘car of the future’ goes kaput. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams 

Daily Update

We keep getting snippets of what the totally democratic controlled state legislature is willing to enact and unfortunately, it is going to cost taxpayers more and more of their hard-earned dollars.   The question becomes, how many New Yorkers will stay and pay the increased cost democrats are willing to inflict on their constituents.  Empire Center’s Bill Hammond explains the pitfalls of the currently popular single-payer health care plan embraced by democrats here. 

Rich Lowry writes in today’s NY Post that Trump’s critics were dead wrong about the caravan.  after all.

Don’t blame Border Patrol for clashing with caravan migrants. 

Flash Back:  When the democrats said the caravan wasn’t dangerous. 

Dallas Morning News: Illegals Storming the Border Make the Case For Trump’s Wall. 

The Daily Signal looks at 4 problems in the latest climate change report.    They also link to a Daily Caller article that exposes that the research going into the latest climate change report was funded by two major democratic donors.

Here is a college professor that should be emulated by all professors.   Unfortunately, it will never happen.   

A Judge Will Likely Rule Against Obamacare. Here’s What Should Happen Next.

Sen. Tom Cotton spells out his concerns with the criminal justice reform bill. 

Robert Knight opines on Trump and the ongoing culture war. 

Larry Horist had a few words (before Thanksgiving) for the left-wing media.