Author: Shaun Marie

Daily Update

Sometimes the left just makes me laugh out loud.  Guy Benson, writing in, informs us that in the recent California state party election for chairman, some progressive party members allege voter fraud and are demanding voter ID.  Imagine that, progressives in California demanding voter ID to prevent fraud in their elections — sweet, sweet news.

The democrats have some strange rules lately:  (Didn’t they preach about a “big tent”?)  Suicide by litmus test.  

The NY Post editorial opines on the truth in President Trump’s “savage” cuts and the Washington Times runs this headline –  Trump sends optimistic budget to pessimistic Congress  – in  S. A. Miller and Stephen Dinan’s article regarding the President’s budget proposal.  The Daily Signal has this assessment of the proposal.  Mick Mulvaney defends cuts before Congress.  

Mayor de Blasio, shooting his mouth off without knowing the facts (Again!), campaigns on the politics of fear. 

Europe’s denial of Islamic terrorism threat perplexes security specialists.    

Michael Goodwin:  Trump is right: Fight against terrorism is battle of ‘good vs. evil’.  

The NY Post editorial says:  Stay angry after Manchester.  

Betsy McCaughey on the latest deadly “super bug” 

Governor Cuomo does Hamlet “to march or not to march, that is the question?”

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  



Conservative Party Opposes Commercial Surrogacy

Brooklyn, NY — The following legislative memo has been sent to the members of the legislature today to inform them of the strong opposition the party has to the repeal of certain sections of the domestic relations law pertaining to surrogate parenting contracts. The memo follows:

2017 Legislative Memo…

In Opposition to…

S. 17-A Hoylman Calendar # 1126 A. 6959-A Paulin

Purpose: To legally establish a child’s relationship to his or her parents by amending the family court act; and repealing section 73 article 8 of the domestic relations law, relating to legitimacy of children born of artificial insemination and surrogate parenting contracts.

Party Position: This legislation seeks to lift the longstanding ban on compensated surrogacy contracts which has been law since 1992 (signed by Governor Mario Cuomo) upon the unanimous recommendation of the NYS Task Force on Life and the Law and bipartisan support. Even the National Organization of Women supported this decision.

Surrogacy is a contractual arrangement through which a woman bears a child for another — with the intent of relinquishing that infant at birth — in itself an unnatural act that encourages a woman not to bond with the child she is carrying.

If this bill becomes law the dignity of marriage and the very core of the family is undermined. “Collaborative reproduction” as defined in the bill makes it possible for a child to have up to five parents, thereby the child may never know their true biological parent causing confusion, pain, loss, and abandonment. See to understand what these children feel.

If this bill becomes law the potential for women to be exploited increases expeditiously. In states where surrogate services are advertised – most often in poor neighborhoods, college campuses and military bases – women who need financial help are paid up to $30,000 in addition to medical expenses. (Agencies make a large profit for bringing people together.) Most participants are oblivious to the health risks involved (injection of synthetic hormones, some not FDA approved) due to their financial needs. It is unfortunate that as economic incentives increase, and if legislation like this proposal becomes law, the technology of surrogate child bearing will override the joy of giving birth naturally and become a commercial “made-to-order” baby producing business that would include sex selection and specific genetic – blue eyes, blond hair, high IQ – desires of the purchasing “parent” thereby, making the baby a consumer product bought or sold based on supply and demand of the economy.

What a disgraceful, horrific way to treat a human child that should be brought into this world to be loved for just being themselves. This proposal demeans all that parenthood has stood for since the beginning of time, in the name of being progressive. If this is progress, humankind is taking a huge step backward by commercializing the miracle of giving birth.

The New York State Conservative Party is strongly opposed to this disingenuous bill and urges NO vote.

LM 2017-09

Daily Update

Kudos to the Yankees and JetBlue as they join the list of those boycotting the Puerto Rican Day Parade.  And the NYFD union joins the boycott

Will someone please explain this to me...NYPD Commissioner will not march in the Puerto Rican Day Parade (he is 100% correct for not marching) due to the honoring of FLAN’s co-founder and the bombs he is responsible for making and terrorizing NYC,  then we learn that the  NYPD is refusing to comply with the feds’ request to detain illegal immigrants — anyone of which could have the same mindset of Oscar Lopes Rivera since NYC is a sanctuary city where terrorists know they have a better chance of not being caught.  It isn’t only a problem in New York City:  Staggering number of visa overstays now biggest problem in illegal immigration. And as a reminder, at least five of the nineteen 911 hijackers overstayed their visas.   

Programming Alert:   Wednesday, 5/24. Chairman Long will appear on  NY1’s Town Hall meeting to discuss immigration with other distinguished guests and a live audience.  For more information, click here. 

Governor Cuomo continues to pursue his presidential pipe dream, albeit, he is not using his bullhorn when increasing spending.  

Bill Hammond has a great column in today’s NY Post regarding the democrats lunatic push for single-payer health care.  For your information, California’s price tag on universal health care is in, and it’s bigger than California’s budget. 

Republicans go to jail, democrats run free.  

The left isn’t going to like former CIA Director James Brennan’s remarks to Congress today.  

And the progressive left will really lose their minds when they see President Trump’s first taxpayer’s budget.  This is what Stephen Moore has to say about President Trump’s tax cuts.  The Daily Signal has this to say about the budget.  

By the time the progressives see this in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) they will be so overwrought they won’t be able to think.  (Too bad most PL’s [progressive liberals] do not read the WSJ)

Donald Devine recognizes that the PL plan is impeachment.  Read his thoughts here

Peter Barry Chowka makes a valid point in this American Thinker piece. 

Roger L. Simon opines in PJ Media —  Manchester: This time they came for our children.  Another horrific example of the evil in today’s world.  


Daily Update

Programming Alert:   Wednesday, 5/24. Chairman Long will appear on  NY1’s Town Hall meeting to discuss immigration with other distinguished guests and a live audience.  For more information, click here. 

In Saudi Arabia, Trump Asks, “Will We Be Indifferent in the Presence of Evil?   From National Review:  Trump’s Statesmanlike Speech in Riyadh.  This is Roger Kimball’s assessment of President Trump’s speech:  Donald Trump’s Invigorating Speech in Riyadh. Arnold Steinberg, who has a long history with Saudi Arabia, writes this in the American Spectator:  The Washington Times calls it an “historic speech” that implores Muslim world to rip out Islamic extremism at its roots.  Ambassador John Bolton calls the speech, “a good start.”

Trump in Israel: ‘Iran Must Never Be Allowed to Possess a Nuclear Weapon’.  

The left wants us to think we are imagining that the main stream media is fair, thanks to Harvard (surprise) we now have proof that we are not.  The full interesting report is here.  What is especially interesting is this: Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.[22] News reporting turned sour during the Vietnam and Watergate era and has stayed that way.[23] Journalists’ incentives, everything from getting their stories on the air to acquiring a reputation as a hard-hitting reporter, encourage journalists to focus on what’s wrong with politicians rather than what’s right.[24] Once upon a time, the “honeymoon” period for a newly inaugurated president included favorable press coverage.[25] That era is now decades in the past.”  Conservatives are normally people that believe the glass is half full, not half empty, we work for the positive and when the news focuses on the negative it hits us twice has hard. 

Derek Hunter writes in that there is something fundamentally wrong with liberals.

 Like many we believe that leaks from the White House to the press undermines the good that the current administration is trying to accomplishment.  

The Daily Signal gives us a “heads-up” on the major entitlement overhaul that could be part of Trump’s budget. (Of course, the press will emphasize the negative, so read this to know what President Trump wants to do and why.)

Dodd-Frank Has Crippled Our Economic Recovery. This Bill Would Unleash Real Growth Again.

Mayor de Blasio is so free with our money; never caring about the possible consequences.  Unfortunately, for us, he isn’t the only one.  

Robert Knight opines how the ACLU employs an army of ex-cons.  





Weekly Wrap-Up

This week saw the introduction of a special prosecutor for the Trump/Russia kerfuffle. The New York Post thinks Bob Mueller is the right man for the job – will he even rescue the Trump presidency? He might uncover info about Clinton/Obama Russian ties that the Democrats might not want to hear. 

Democrats want to impeach a Republican president? What else is new?

Democrats are showing rank hypocrisy? What else is new?

Is there any use trying to satisfy demanding Democrats? Destroying President Trump is all that matters to them – and Sen. Schumer is their ringleader.

We are interested in knowing your opinion on the Trump/Russia kerfuffle,  so be sure an let us know in this week’s poll.  

Deroy Murdock writes how Obama gave Putin British nuclear secrets and the media just snored.  

Meanwhile, George Soros continues to undermine our justice system by getting progressive liberals elected as District Attorneys.  

Isn’t this typical of Governor Cuomo — when the news is good he has no problem taking credit, when it is uncomfortable, he has no control over the situation.  

It is disgraceful that Mayor de Blasio will march in the Puerto Rican Day Parade that will honor an unrepentant terrorist leader.  

On the bright side of this week’s news, the Conservative Party endorsed the NYC mayoral run of Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis.  New Yorker’s will have a clear choice in November, they can vote for a woman who understands the problems and has common sense solutions for New York City residents or continue with a man who sees the city as a place to percolate his progressive social justice ideals.  

Have a great weekend.  




Daily Update

This is the Speaker of the NY City Council, in Puerto Rico, celebrating the release of the co-founder of FLAN, the violent group who claims responsibility for over 100 bombings in the United States. DISGRACEFUL.  The NY Post editorial is correct when it opines that radical and cynical pols are ruining the Puerto Rico Day Parade. 

Another person free thanks to Obama. Personally, I think it is wrong that Pvt. Manning is allowed to be an active duty soldier while the appeal continues.  

One more time:  What part of their oath of office do they not understand?  Do your research…sanctuary cities are the downfall of our way of life.  Enough, America is not against immigration; it is against illegal immigration!  Sanctuary cites only encourage illegals to go there and drain the resources necessary of the citizens who live there.  Bryon York opines in the Washington Examiner on sanctuary cities.  

Fake News, Real Consequences.    

My kind of University President. 

In case you missed this yesterday:  Conservative Party endorses Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis for Mayor of New York City.  

Yesterday’s other big news is that the democrats got what they wanted with a little help from their friends in the media got what they wanted.  Democrats must remember this:  Be careful of what you wish for.  

The Slow-Motion Assassination of President Trump.  

David J. Shestokas has a great gift for Dad that your little ones can afford!

Rest in Peace, Roger Ailes.  You know a person is bigger than life when his adversaries  praise him.  The NY Sun opines on the death of Mr. Ailes. 


Conservatives Run Full Slate in New York City Elections

Brooklyn, NY – Chairman Michael R. Long announced today that at a meeting held on May 17, 2017 Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis was endorsed to run for Mayor of New York City. (see press release at

Michael A. O’Reilly and Michel J. Faulkner were also endorsed to run for Public Advocate and NYC Comptroller, respectively.

Mr. O’Reilly, a former Marine with a degree in aeronautics, worked his way through law school while working on Wall Street to support his family. During that time, he also earned his pilot’s license. While flying is his passion, after 10 years as a pilot for Northwest Airlines, he returned to law and worked as a regulatory attorney.
Mr. O’Reilly has run for Queens County Civil Court Judge and in 2016 he ran for Congress in the 5th Congressional District.

Michel J. Faulkner, a former all-star football player who graduated with a B.A from Virginia Tech, played for the NY Jets in the ’81 – ’82 season. Rev. Faulkner earned his Master’s degree in education and career counseling and became the Assistant Dean of Students at Liberty University and in 1987, Liberty promoted him to Vice
President for Urban Ministry. He returned to New York City and became active in Youth and Community Outreach as an ordained minister. He founded the Institute for Leadership in 2005, ran a spirited campaign for Congress in 2010 and is the author of Restoring the American Dream.

“The voters of New York have a clear choice in November’s election,” said Chairman Michael R. Long, “the Conservative Party has put forth a slate of candidates that have dedicated their lives to helping other people reach their full potential.”

Daily Update

It is very apparent that the main stream media is doing all they can to once again control what people know and think.  There was a time that the NY Times controlled and filtered the news to regulate what you read.  ABC, CBS and NBC followed their lead and so did the rest of main stream media.  The elite journalist liked the control they had — they knew what you needed to know and they filled the news with all that they thought was important.  At one point Yellow Journalism drove the US and Spain to war.  But that was then and this is now.  Cable news came on the scene, Rush Limbaugh became a talk radio icon and the elite journalist became less important and certainly less influential.  They have divided our country and now they are attempting to bring down the second person in modern times that has not caved to their agenda.

The NY Post writes in today’s editorial that the media might have revealed more intel than Trump. Occasionally,  they try to be honest in their reporting, but the underlying message is that republicans are bad.  

ZipDialog reports the latest on the Trump, Comey, Russia news as succinctly and accurately as any other article I have come across.   Americans would be better served if the NY Times had done the same.  Some pundits asked the right question:  Why didn’t Comey come forward sooner? Joseph Curl has a great column in the Washington Times that asks a simple question:  How did the Russians help Trump win the election?  Sean Hannity wants to know where is the outrage over the leaks about the president?  (The MSM won’t complain about something that it serves their agenda.)  Dan Gainor writes that the liberals and the MSM are finally getting what they wanted all along…violence.  The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) covered NSA advisor McMaster’s press conference yesterday and their lead off paragraph is perfect…”Former government officials have been demanding anonymity from the Washington Post in order to discuss a meeting they did not attend at the White House. President Trump’s National Security Adviser, Gen. H.R. McMaster, who did attend the meeting, has been going on the record this week along with other attendees to knock down the resulting story. Yet much of the press still seems to credit the Post’s unnamed non-attendees.” The final paragraph sums it up: “:But readers are able to evaluate H.R. McMaster. He has spent a highly distinguished career defending the United States. And he was at the meeting. And he’s on the record.”

Former President Obama just cannot let go…is anyone surprised by his continuation of undermining America?  

EXCLUSIVE: CCRB fills executive director post with ex-Queens assistant DA who prosecuted police misconduct.   Maybe I shouldn’t rush to judgment, but I wonder just how fair and open-minded this commission will be to police who are doing their jobs.  

Finally, some GREAT news:  Kudos to Goya.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  

Conservative Party Endorses Malliotakis for Mayor

Brooklyn, NY — The Conservative Party of New York State officially endorsed Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis in her bid for Mayor of the City of New York. After a brief meeting today, in the party’s State Headquarters in Bay Ridge, the party threw their support behind the 4 term Assembly member who has been the
Conservative Party standard-bearer in all of her races.

In a joint statement, Conservative Party leaders said, “Over the course of her career in the New York State Assembly, Nicole Malliotakis has been a vocal advocate for conservative principles and policies in the Empire State. Assembly member Malliotakis has been in the forefront of working to cut the high taxes that are a
heavy burden on every taxpayer in our city and state. In the Assembly, she has voted against tax and fee increases 297 times, for a total of $20.3 billion and she voted for 62 different tax cuts, saving New York taxpayers $9.8 billion! She’s stood tall with law enforcement, especially the NYPD and she instinctively realizes that
the root cause of crime is criminals. She’ll fight to ensure that New York City keeps Rikers Island open and will stand arm to arm with New Yorkers to block any efforts to locate city jails in our neighborhoods. As a product of New York City Public Schools, Nicole has a clear understanding of what a great education can mean to the children of our city; she’ll fight for high standards and against the special interests that seem intent on dumbing-down our schools. She also will fight for the expansion of Charter Schools in the 5 boroughs and tuition tax assistance for New Yorkers who send their children to religious or private schools. The Conservative
Party is proud to endorse Nicole Malliotakis for Mayor of the City of New York.”

Staten Island Conservative Party Chair Harold Wagner said, “I know Nicole well, she is a no-nonsense legislator who fights for her district and all the people of Staten  Island. She’s fought long and hard to make sure that those impacted by SuperStorm Sandy got the aid and services they desperately needed, even when the de Blasio administration dropped the ball. Unlike Mayor de Blasio, she understands the people of our borough and the neighborhoods we live in. Nicole has never shied away from speaking-out on the outrageous tolls the MTA has imposed on those who take the Verrazano Bridge and for the ever-increasing bus and subway
fares that every New Yorker faces. Without a doubt, she’ll be a great Mayor for the people of Staten Island and I’m proud to support her.”

Brooklyn Conservative Chair Jerry Kassar said, “I’ve known Nicole since she first ran for office and the Brooklyn Conservative Party has been proud to endorse her in every race she’s run. She’s a strong supporter of the men and women of the NYPD and I know they’ll never turn their back on her. Her legal battle against the de Blasio administration and their cynical and dangerous plan to destroy background information from the Municipal ID is reason enough for common sense New Yorkers to vote for her. Nicole’s energy, honesty and knowledge of the issues are all reasons why she’ll be our next Mayor.”

Queens Conservative Chair Tom Long said, “As a former small businessman I’m very excited that Assembly member Nicole Malliotakis has entered the race. Her parents ran a small business and she had a first-hand view of the headaches and struggles small business owners face in our city. Whether it’s high taxes, red tape
and regulation or high rents and low margins it’s a constant struggle to run a business in New York. Nicole will be a champion for small business people across this city and especially for the many new immigrants that are investing all they have in attaining the American Dream. The Queens County Conservative Party is proud to call her our candidate for Mayor.”

Manhattan Conservative Chair Stuart Avrick said, “As a resident of Manhattan I have seen the decline of quality of life under the current administration. I look forward to working with Nicole, an outstanding member in the Assembly with good government experience that will enable her to be a Mayor we can all work together with to restore the pride New Yorkers have in their great city.”

Daily Update

Kudos to Senator Pam Hamling who won’t accept stipend/lulu as committee chair.  The best way to resolve the stipend problem:  eliminate them and every “pork-barrel project” they dole out.  If the $79,500 salary for a part-time job is not sufficient, don’t run for office.   In principle, legislators are supposed to be part-time employees for the precise reason to understand the consequences of legislation in the real world.  By having careers outside of the legislature, they have a better understanding of their actions.  Living in the isolation of the legislature for decades (another reason to enact Term Limits) creates an atmosphere of believing they know better than those who actually have to abide by what they decided is best for the rest of us.  For the record, a police officer — a full-time position earns $44, 744, a fireman, another full time position earns after three years, $59, 629, teachers just starting out with a bachelor’s degree, earn $54,000 (albeit, they do have summers off) and Sanitation workers average $47,371 including overtime (they start at $33746) in their first year, also full time work.  So, a salary of $79,500 for a part time public servant that does not require a degree is a pretty good salary that each one chooses to run for every two years. 

Start-Up NY a boon or bust? Don’t hide data.  

CNBC has a list of the 15 most expensive states in the US:  New York is ranked number 3: Housing: 98.3 percent more expensive, Transportation: 14.2 percent more expensive and Groceries: 10.3 percent more expensive.  

George Marlin opines on those who remaking Gov. Cuomo for the next campaigns.  

The NY Post editorial reminds us, once again, that Mayor de Blasio is all about taking care of his friends/donors at taxpayers’ expense.  Sadly, the same things happen in Albany, again at taxpayers’ expense.  (Let your legislator know you are firmly against these bills.:  (;

The Internet and the Main Stream Media are besides themselves with the idea that President Donald J. Trump gave classified information about ISIS to the Russians.  Really?  Why would a man devoted to the freedom and prosperity of America bring harm to the people who trusted him with their safety and well-being? President Trump detractors — and even some who supported him — are doing all they can to undermine his every move.  Yes, he is different — he thinks outside the box,  entices his detractors with catnip, and doesn’t play by Washington’s rules.  Exactly what the voters wanted — a man who speaks for them in a way they understand. McMaster on the above Washington Post story:  It’s false.    Here is Christopher Ruddy (founder of Newsmax) on President Trump’s supposed leak. Judge Andrew Napolitano on the “leak”.  

The plot thickens regarding the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich

Thank you, President Trump, for doing this. 

This is very disturbing:  Germany Confiscating Homes to Use for Migrants.  

File this under very disturbing also:  U.S.: Syria executing thousands of prisoners, burning bodies.  






Daily Update

Today’s New York Post opines on the fact that Penn Station needs real leadership, and Nicole Gelinas opines on what a real Penn Station plan would look like.  

De Blasio’s biggest ‘bundlers’ got special political treatment.  

There are far too many other disturbing articles/editorials in today’s papers:  Breakaway State Senate Dems costs taxpayers $2.2M a year;  Yet another taxpayer-funded union perk; and Dozens of bills aim to benefit public employees at taxpayers’ expense.   The special interest groups are driving the agenda in Albany and the taxpayers are so busy working and doing their best to keep their families together that government believes they are doing good n passing some of these outrageous bills to satisfy the special interest groups demanding government’s money.  Speak up New Yorkers when you read about these government give aways of YOUR money.  Save these links (  and and when you see an article about unnecessary spending, copy the article link, click on the legislator’s email account, and let them know — NO MORE UNNECESSARY SPENDING!  This is your money and it has never been easier to have YOUR VOICE heard.  There is strength in numbers.  When their offices start getting emails that enough is enough, they will pay attention

More costly news:  State Insurers to seek rate hike for 2018 ObamaCare policies.  

Question for Governor Cuomo:  What are you doing with this money, why are our taxes so high  when tourist are spending so much in New York State?

Here is another example on how Governor Cuomo is looking for more power!  He should have read this before increasing the minimum wage in NY.  

What a hypocrite!  Sen. Schumer, the only reason you want an Independent Counsel — knowing full well that there is no there, there — is to keep this “alleged Russian meddling” in the news for as long as possible. Shame on you!  Why is your political agenda more important than the welfare of the citizens of the United States?   

This woman’s thinking is twisted upside down,  but, I would not expect it to be anything but twisted upside down when your goal is the death of completely innocent unborn children.  

Rest in Peace:  Thomas E. Bolan, Esq.  







Daily Update

The democrats are besides themselves over Mr. Comey firing.  He, however, acknowledged that any president can fire an FBI Director for any reason, or for no reason at all.  So why are they on the verge of talking about impeachment.  One thing is certain, President Donald J. Trump, has his own way of leading the free world and no one should be surprised by his style. Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times that Mr. Comey was a creature of the swamp and received a deserved dumping.  Tammy Bruce writes about the frenzied reaction and the NY Post opines on the Democrats’ hypocritical Comey-firing fury.  

Aetna pullout shows Obamacare on life support.   Betsy McCaughey writes about the left’s sick lies about health reform. 

President Trump signs Executive Order launching voter fraud commission.  New Hampshire is already investigation the possibility of voter fraud in the 2016 elections, albeit, the results would not change. 

PragerU Video: Shapiro Explains Why Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings.  

Federal court strikes down VA firing rules… all the more reason to get President Trump’s nominees confirmed.  

Donald Devine wants the swamp drained, then closed!

Is anyone surprised by this:  New York’s economy is behind US pace

Mayor de Blasio’s ferry is just like most of the things he touches with his reverse Midas touch.  

Dana Rubenstein opines on the Cuomo aesthetic.  

Congressman Joe Crowley likes to keep it in the family.