Author: Shaun Marie

Daily Update

The Conservative Action Project is reminding Congress to REPEAL Obamacare

George J. Marlin writes:  Dems Elected Trump by Forgetting Working Class, ‘Flyover Country’.

Trump plans executive action to prevent family separations at border.  Typically, Democrats in no rush to help Trump, GOP clean up family separation mess.  Katie Pavich, examines the Executive Order here

Everyone who supports open borders:  This is a must read

GOP Senators Richard Burr (NC) and Susan Collins (Maine) voted against President Trump’s plan to claw back roughly $15 billion in spending approved by Congress earlier this year.

Every American will miss the brilliant mind of Congressman Trey  Gowdy next year, when he is no longer a Congressman.  

More Stars on the Flag? California Split Vote Has Implications for Entire Country

Census Bureau Has Been Co-Opted by Leftist Ideologues

The Tax Cap is still working…Thanks, Governor.  You know what they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day.  In seven plus years, Governor Cuomo does deserve our thanks on the tax cap and continued hope that he will veto the bill, passed by both houses, designed to exclude school district contributions toward regional boards of cooperative educational services (BOCES) capital costs from the tax cap formula, as he did last year.

Michael Bloomberg Will Spend $80 Million on the Midterms. His Goal: Flip the House for the Democrats.

Cuomo, de Blasio are high on hypocrisy over marijuana

The NY Post editorial says:  Cuomo is putting politics first with parolee-voting scheme.  Doesn’t he always put politics first?

Legislature ambles toward end of session with conclusion still unclear.

Grimm’s electability problem could doom GOP (commentary).

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

Mindboggling.  Every mention of voting in the US Constitution refers to “citizen,” how, does U. S. District Judge Julie Robinson reach the conclusion that requiring proof of citizenship violates the 14th Amendment

This is unsettling, just imaging for a moment, the legislation this person would introduce, while being paid by you. 

Conrad Black opines on crime and punishment

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz isn’t finished yet.

Congressman Trey Gowdy: “we can’t survive with a justice system we don’t trust.” 

U.S. to withdraw from U.N. Human Rights Council.

Right reversal, wrong reason.    

Tucker Carlson is right in his assessment

The self-appointed King of New York, AKA Governor Andrew Cuomo, writes to VP Pence to admonish him about “your policy of ripping children from their parents is a moral outrage.”  What is a moral outrage is not upholding the rule of law.   What is also a moral outrage, is the fact that their parents broke the law in coming to America…and you defending their right to do so.  As you note, we are a nation and state of immigrants…LEGAL immigrants that came to America through the front door, not breaking down the back door and sneaking in to take advantage of America’s heart.   You say you will “continue to fight to defend our American values and protect the rights of all New Yorkers,” and then you go on to quote Emma Lazarus.  Well, if you truly want to protect the rights of all New Yorkers, you must assure us that every immigrant comes to New York LEGALLY.

Guy Benson examines Sen. Ted Cruz’s “sensible plan” to possibly resolve this latest crisis. 

Buffalo Billion trial exposes more of Cuomo’s corruption problems.

Ex-SUNY Polytechnic president rigged bids to keep Cuomo happy: prosecutors.  

‘Utopian Petri Dish of America’: San Francisco Tourists Shocked by Conditions.

Daily Update

New York’s Department of Health is finalizing their report on marijuana and unfortunately it appears that the push from the far left to make marijuana a legal substance in New York has won.  Obviously, this is a bad political decision from the Second Floor who have failed to study the ramifications of Colorado’s change in marijuana use.  Making marijuana legal in New York is simply a ploy for votes and disregards the seriousness of adding another drug to the marketplace.  How pathetic is it that one would ignore the fact that marijuana is designated a Schedule I drug by the DEA and allow its use for a few votes? 

The Second Floor – AKA Governor Cuomo – also had an unusual response to a FOIL – Freedom of Information Law – request about Crystal Run, the Hudson Valley healthcare center under investigation.  Read the Times Union article here

Once an ally of Governor Cuomo, now former Mayor Stephanie Miner says she can no longer be silent on what she believes to be corrupt political culture that hurts real people every day, declares she is running as an independent for Governor. 

Prosecutor at start of Buffalo Billion trial: ‘Case is about lying and cheating’

The subway system in New York is in a desperate state of disrepair, yet DOH has spent $44 million on subway and bus advertisements since January 2014 promoting safe sex and social services.  While the DOH was the agency who made the payments to Outreach Media, it just seems that if the DOH had that money to spend on advertising it would better spent on making the subway healthier and safer to ride.  File this under “mismanagement,” or “misplaced priorities.”

David Harsany opines in today’s NY Post that Comey protected his ego at the expense of the FBI and the nation.  

BREAKING: DOJ Inspector General is Investigating James Comey For Potential Mishandling of Classified Information.

First it was President Donald J. Trump, now Rudy Giuliani and lots of others show their support to Congressman Dan Donovan.

In case you missed these over the weekend:  The latest unjust release by New York’s Parole Board and City Hall’s parachute for a failed NYCHA manager

Assembly member Crystal Peoples-Stokes sponsored a bill to fight corruption.  Now she DOES NOT support it. 

The Beat writes about enforced mediocrity.   

Charles Hurt writes:  Wanna stop parent-child separation? Build the wall.

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week’s release of the FBI Inspector General’s report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation featured bombshell after bombshell – more Clinton lying, actual election meddling, and unbelievable corruption.

All in all, not a great day for the FBI – and don’t let anybody tell you that the report doesn’t find political bias from bad apples at the FBI.

The fix was definitely in for Hillary. Lawmakers are demanding accountability, and even MSNBC admits the report is damaging to the FBI’s credibility (and MSNBC viewers are likely saddened that all of official Washington’s anti-Trump conspiring actually backfired).

The Daily Wire shares 12 things to consider about the new report – what do you think is the biggest takeaway? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

The report reads like a who’s who list of bad behavior – from Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton to Hillary and Comey and the rogue agents who leaked like sieves and eroded the FBI’s credibility.

Who do you think comes out looking the WORST after the release of the FBI Inspector General’s report? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Meanwhile, President Trump continues to get results on the world stage, from taking a tough stand against the world establishment at the G7 to moving the ball forward with North Korea to seeing progress in a united front against Iran.

Also this week, America celebrated Flag Day – here is a look at how this special day came to be.

In celebration of Flag Day, what’s the FIRST thing you think of when you see the red-white-and-blue? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo:  can you explain this?  Fifty towns and villages that have lost upward of 6% of their population since you came into office?  Not a record to tout when asking New York’s citizens to give you another term.  You can’t even point to Buffalo (where you have poured millions of tax dollars into) as a success, since USA today listed it as the 34th worst city to live in in the entire nation.   New York needs new leadership; Marc Molinaro will work to restore New York’s economic engine to keep people here and revitalized cities and towns without government giveaways. 

The IG report has been released, most of it was leaked already.  You can read the full report here.  It really is disturbing that two top officials of the FBI thought they could stop a person from being elected; it is gratifying to know that they couldn’t.  Here is Guy Benson’s take on the IG report.   The FBI is ordering bias training to prevent future problems.   This appears to be new information:  IG REPORT: FBI AGENTS REGULARLY RECEIVED FREE HANDOUTS FROM JOURNALISTS.  Of course, Dem Senators Pounce on IG Report as Proof There’s No Deep State Conspiracy.  

Hillary Clinton could still face charges, experts say

Oops:  Comey used personal email for government business

I find it fascinating that left-wing thinkers are so quick to insult right-thinking individuals and whine if someone says something negative about them. 

The drive to jail NYCHA’s fraudsters…personally I think jail is too good for them.  How about forcing the fraudsters to live in a NYCHA apartment for a minimum of 5 years? 

Bombshell:  Maloney all smiles with diplomat who likened drug war to ‘Final Solution’.  Even giving her the benefit of the doubt that she is unaware of what he said, shouldn’t one of our representatives in Congress, who is responsible for drafting and voting on bills, know who she is being photographed with?  Especially before posting it like some teenager who just had their photo taken with a rock star.

Flag Day facts: 10 things you didn’t know about the American flag


Daily Update

The Manhattan Institute skewers Mayor de Blasio over the fact that the NYCHA had to be placed under the control of a federal monitor due to the lack of proper maintenance.  What is laughable is that the Mayor said he orchestrated to protect the residents of NYSHA. 

Henry Rex Greene opines on the dangers of assisted suicide. 

Seattle City Council listened and repealed its “head” tax to combat homelessness.  Business can fight back and win!

Pew Research says public support for the death penalty ticks up

Why won’t Congress cut items like this from the budget?

The Daily Signal brings us up to date on what hasn’t happened to the Internet since net neutrality ended on Monday. 

Gun control activist is now an expert on net neutrality…and he is only 18.  If only we were all as smart as he is.

A Philosophy of expedience – The Left’s jurisprudence is whatever sounds good politically.

Pompeo:  North Korea Must Denuclearize and They’re on a Tight Timeline to Get It Done.

Michael Goodwin writes in the NY Post that Trump’s historic summit is a time to celebrate – not nitpicking. 

Trump on ‘Special Report:’ US military drawdown in South Korea ‘not on the table’ yet.

Reports:  Yes, Trump Has A Plan To Kill DACA–And If It Works, The Program Could End In Weeks.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

2018 Senate Ratings Short Description of Bills Used

1. A.9503-D Budget/S7503-D Budget: CPNYS opposes this bill that contains Medicaid funding for abortions.

2. A.3039-C Budget/S2009-C – Budget: CPNYS opposed this bill that enacts into law the major components of legislation necessary to implement the state fiscal pan for the 2017-2018 state fiscal year which only continues the expansion of NYS government at the cost of taxpayers.

3. S.8751 Sepulveda/A.3696 Pretlow: CPNYS opposes this bill that would authorize the Crime Victims Board to accept other official
documents in lieu of police reports for eligibility for compensation; CPNYS believes this will open up the possibility of fraud.

4. S.2412-D DeFrancisco/A.8595-C Perry: CPNYS supports this bill that creates the commission on prosecutorial conduct to review
complaints of prosecutorial misconduct in New York State.

5. S.6807 Golden/A.8511 Dinowitz: CPNYS supports this bill that prohibits diversion of funds dedicated to public transportation systems.

6. S.8380-A Funke/A.10639-A Morelle: CPNYS opposes this bill that authorizes the use of Paid Family Leave (PFL) for bereavement; by 2021 PFL will be for 12 weeks which will place an undue burden on small businesses.

7. S8501-B Murphy/A8245-C O’Donnell: CPNYS supports this bill that seeks to reform the NY ticket resale law in order to increase
transparency and fairness for consumers.

8. S. 8298 Gallivan/A10795 Paulin: CPNYS opposes this bill that gives members of the NYS legislature the ability to solemnize marriages.

9. S.8769 Ortt/A 10644 Gunther: CPNYS supports this bill that sets forth policies and procedures for discharge of an individual with a
mental illness.

10. S.3698 Croci: CPNYS supports this bill that prohibits local government action which prevents the enforcement of federal laws.

11. S.2997 LaValle: CPNYS supports this bill that seeks to increase from 24 months to 60 months, the time for which reconsideration for parole for a violent felony offense shall be determined.

12. S.2761 Amedore: CPNYS supports this bill that establishes the crime of homicide by sale of an opiate controlled substance.

13. S. 2109-A Felder: CPNYS supports this bill that establishes a career and technical high school diploma for students completing a course of study for a career or trade.

14. S.1347 Funke: CPNYS supports this bill that would require the state to fund certain programs mandated for municipal corporations and school districts.

15. S.1207 Flanagan: CPNYS supports this bill that would eliminate the expiration of and makes permanent provision of law establishing the property tax cap.

16. S.446 Young: CPNYS supports this bill that provides for the emergency or involuntary admission of person with mental illness when there is a risk of serious physical harm or serious psychiatric harm.

17. S. 365 Robach: CPNYS supports this bill that establishes an annual spending growth cap and increases the maximum capacity of the rainy day fund.

18. S.8441-B Phillips: While CPNYS sympathizes with couples unable to have children, we oppose requiring health insurance policies to provide coverage for in-vitro fertilization.

19. S.3984-A DeFrancisco: CPNYS supports this bill that seeks to enact the “New York state procurement integrity act” as a good beginning to require transparency and compliance when exercising procurements.

20. S. 8401 Serino: CPNYS supports this bill that would require assent of two-thirds of the members for any bill that enacts or increases tax revenues.

The first 9 Bills passed both houses; the final 11 Bills only passed in their own house.

2018 Assembly Ratings- Short Description of Bills Used

1. A.9503-D Budget/S7503-D Budget: CPNYS opposes this bill that contains Medicaid funding for abortions.

2. A.3039-C Budget/S2009-C – Budget: CPNYS opposed this bill that enacts into law the major components of legislation necessary to implement the state fiscal pan for the 2017-2018 state fiscal year which only continues the expansion of NYS government at the cost of taxpayers.

3. S.8751 Sepulveda/A.3696 Pretlow: CPNYS opposes this bill that would authorize the Crime Victims Board to accept other official
documents in lieu of police reports for eligibility for compensation; CPNYS believes this will open up the possibility of fraud.

4. S.2412-D DeFrancisco/A.8595-C Perry: CPNYS supports this bill that creates the commission on prosecutorial conduct to review
complaints of prosecutorial misconduct in New York State.

5. S.6807 Golden/A.8511 Dinowitz: CPNYS supports this bill that prohibits diversion of funds dedicated to public transportation systems.

6. S.8380-A Funke/A.10639-A Morelle: CPNYS opposes this bill that authorizes the use of Paid Family Leave (PFL) for bereavement; by 2021 PFL will be for 12 weeks which will place an undue burden on small businesses.

7. S8501-B Murphy/A8245-C O’Donnell: CPNYS supports this bill that seeks to reform the NY ticket resale law in order to increase
transparency and fairness for consumers.

8. S. 8298 Gallivan/A10795 Paulin: CPNYS opposes this bill that gives members of the NYS legislature the ability to solemnize marriages.

9. S.8769 Ortt/A.10644 Gunther: CPNYS supports this bill that sets forth policies and procedures for discharge of an individual with a
mental illness.

10. A.2646-A Simotas: While CPNYS sympathizes with couples unable to have children, we oppose requiring health insurance policies to provide coverage for in-vitro fertilization.

11. A.9608-B Lavine: CPNYS opposes any attempt to allow early voting.

12. A.9605-A De La Rosa: CPNYS opposes this bill that seeks to provide financial assistance to those who are not legal citizens of New York or America. Citizenship has its privileges and while we understand the necessity of education, providing scholarships and financial aid is an opportunity that must be reserved to those who are in this country legally.

13. A.5137-A Rosenthal, L: CPNYS supports this bill that would require all single occupancy bathrooms in state owned or operated buildings be designated as gender neutral.

14. A.4879 Bichotte: CPNYS opposes this bill that seeks to prohibit law enforcement officers from using racial and ethnic profiling; our
Constitution currently provides that a police officer must have a just and reasonable cause to stop individuals, this bill creates onerous
regulations that takes time from law enforcement officers actually doing their jobs.

15. A. 4738 – A Gottfried: CPNYS is opposed to the establishment of the New York Health Plan that seeks to establish a universal singlepayer health plan for all New Yorkers.

16. A.4696 Titus: CPNYS opposes this bill that seeks to establish a policy of equal pay for both sexes and equivalent value of work and
directs corrective action.

17. A. 4348 – A Crespo: CPNYS is opposed to this bill that seeks to establish the NYS 2020 complete count commission; CPNYS believes that this commission is unnecessary and duplicative of the work to be performed by the US Census Bureau the agency that has responsibility of assuring the census is accurate.

18. A.3358 Gottfried: CPNYS is opposed to this Orwellian thought-crimes bill and strongly believed what when a person is discriminated against there are current laws that those who harm others will be charged with.

19. A.2343 Aubry: CPNYS is opposed to this bill that would require employers to make a conditional offer of employment before inquiring about any criminal convictions of a prospective employee; this bill is unnecessary as current correction law prohibits discrimination against a person with a criminal record.

20. A.1748 Glick: CPNYS is proudly pro-life and is opposed to this bill that seeks to “update New York’s abortion statutes to address
constitutional flaws in our (New York’s) laws and recognize a woman’s fundamental right to access safe, legal abortion.”

The first 9 Bills passed both houses; the final 11 Bills only passed in their own house.

Daily Update

The Korean War officially began on June 25, 1950 when the North Korean communist army crossed the 38th Parallel into South Korea.  The reality is that the Korean War became inevitable when the Allies met at the Potsdam Conference in 1945 and decided to split Korea into two parts to hopefully contain the communist and allow South Korea to practice democracy.  36,914 men gave their lives when that plan failed and thus began  the Korean War that unofficially ended on July 27, 1953.  On June 12, 2018, President Donald J. Trump began the process to end Kim Jung-Un’s belief that he can use nuclear power to control the peninsular and all her residents and any other entity that may get in the way of his plan.  He is cunning, calculating, and diabolical.  President Trump is proficient in dealing with personalities that seek the kind of power Kim Jung-Un has been acquiring all his life, but admits he may be making  a mistake.   The Singapore Summit may be the day Kim Jung-Un overplayed his hand while President Donald J. Trump called his bluff.    The NY Sun has some reservations about the future which are only natural due to the history involved.  The Heritage Foundation looks at what may come next.   Jim Geraghty opining in National Review-on-line thinks we have suspended our war games for promises and magic beans.   Guy Benson gives his analysis here and like many is filled with hope tempered by an ugly history.  Ultimately, time and the ability to verify, will let the world know if Kim Jung-Un was the better chess player.  Whatever the outcome is shame on the American’s who want Donald J. Trump to fail.

Charles Hurt opines on the G7 meeting prior to Singapore Summit.   The NY Sun says it is the collapse of the G7. 

It isn’t only in peace talks that the left want President Trump to fail

We are not fond of new government subdivisions, however, this may actually help government save money and keep us safe.

Study: Welfare Benefits, Minimum-Wage Hikes Might Harm Poor Neighborhoods

Governor Cuomo plays the martyr.

De Blasio can’t dodge blame for NYCHA disaster.

Molinaro:  Cuomo’s shady $1M Cadillac grant needs to be returned.

Common sense reigns in the Supreme Court decision on purging records.

Daily Update

The Post endorses Dan Donovan for Congress

What is wrong with the Assembly’s thinking:  Assembly moves to protect trafficking victims — and some pimps, too. 

And unfortunately, it is not only the Assembly that isn’t thinking about what is best for taxpayers.  How union construction privileges bleed taxpayers dry.   Bill puts sick kids second

How the Assembly can fight corruption and give the taxpayers a break

Michigan comes to its senses and repeals its prevailing wage regulations for road.  It will most likely save taxpayers 10 to 15%.  Yet, the NYS legislature is thinking about making it law here in NY.

First it was the Mayor, now it is his wife:  Nonprofit led by mayor’s wife gets millions from donors with city business. 

Michael Goodwin’s column on Sunday defended the government and slammed the NY Times.

Top DEA agent slams de Blasio’s edict on marijuana

Bill Mahar wants the economy to crash – and hurt our citizens – just because he wants Trump out as president.  Seriously?  And to add insult to injury, Robert De Niro is so full of hatred that he has to swear “blank” Trump while our President is trying to make the world a better place negotiating with North Korea?  What is wrong with these entertainment elitists?

Bill Clinton is no different than Bill Cosby.   

Daily Update

An article in today’s Daily Caller is making everyone aware of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) influence in social media.  The problem with this is that SPLC has a history of inaccuracies and routinely labels conservative organizations as “hate groups.”

The Obama-era program that won’t go away; it isn’t Obamacare, rather it is Obama’s “Operation Chokepoint” designed to investigate and punish businesses that engage in commerce that the Obama administration deemed to be on the “fringe.”   The Obama Administration truly has deep tentacle’s that are almost impossible to disengage.

Jonathan S. Tobin writes in the National Review on-line what the left has planned for its next crusade.  While the possible bill language sounds innocent enough, it is not. 

Social Security is rapidly going insolvent.  For the first time since 1982, Social Security is dipping into tis reserves.  If it continues on this path, recipients will face an automatic 21% decrease.  Even with this devasting news there are politicians who want to give illegal immigrants all the benefits afforded to citizens, which would only bring Social Security to insolvency much sooner than 2034.   Guy Benson notes that Medicare is in the same awful shape, perhaps even worse.   Both could be stabilized, if politicians only had the backbone to do it. 

It is way past the time to cut programs like this.  Congress must examine where our tax dollars are going, and end grants that are predestined to reach the conclusions the applicants want.  Here is another study that is a waste of taxpayer’s hard- earned dollars. 

One more reason to never give up, despite what the doctors tell you

NYC’s top schools wouldn’t survive de Blasio’s testing plan.  Bob McManus takes the Mayor to task on his latest boondoggle idea.  BREAKING Speaker Heastie says bill will not be taken up this session, but will be considered in 2019.  It is time for us to organize against this movement. 

George Soros pours money into DA races; does he earn some of that money from these races?  (Just a rhetorical question as the blog needed to lighten up a bit today. I wonder if Soros will be the big winner of the day.)