Author: Shaun Marie

Daily Update

Chris Churchill has a terrific sense of humor and he shows it in today’s Times Union column:  35 questions inspired by Andrew Cuomo

Politico is reporting this:  New York, New Jersey governors cut deal on congestion pricing while Politico is also reporting this:  Cuomo’s MTA chief denies two-state agreement on Manhattan tolling Time will tell which article is accurate.  (My money would be on Pat Foye.)

We won this battle once before, let’s win it again! 

If there is a Legislative Hearing in your area, please make every effort to attend and hopefully to make a presentation You and I both know the other side will be stacked, our voices must be heard, if you can’t attend, send letters to your local papers, do all you can to stop New York State government from taking over your health care. 

How Pelosi’s Equality Act Would Ruin Women’s Sports.

Do you think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortiz even acknowledges that this will happen  if her “brilliant New Green Deal” is adopted?

Another case of priorities up-side-down.  Do we really want a person who is willing to reward felons for selling drugs as our next president?  ”… they were ahead of the curve…” what next?  Having bank robbers becoming bank tellers?  Oh wait, JC Morgan Chase wants to hire more ex-felons despite the fact that since 1950 banks are barred from hiring anyone convicted of a crime of dishonesty or breach of trust.  Almost everyone deserves a second chance; but that second chance has to be the right fit. 

 American schools produce 100,000 illegal immigrant ‘Dreamers’ a year. This huge number must end.  Build the Wall. 

 When you read this article you really have to ask yourselves, do Legislative Hearings really matter? 

 Michele Malkin:  Beware Soros-Funded Hijacking of US Census

Daily Update

Did you know that New York State will no Longer suspend driver’s licenses over drug crimes? Forbes explains why NY did and how it has come about that they no longer will.  The drug crimes were not necessarily related to driving, and about 90% of the suspensions fell into the “nothing to do with driving” category.   Did you also know there is currently a bill in the Legislature that seeks to make NYS a Sanctuary State , that Governor Cuomo’s Parole Board released Judith Clark one of the principles involved with the Brinks Robbery,  and in NYC jumping the MTA turnstile is no longer an arrestable crime (but the MTA is hemorrhaging money, looking for ways to have you pay more even if you do not use the MTA facilities.)   Unfortunately, New York State is on the path to becoming a remake of the 1981 movie Escape from New York; wait, that won’t happen, in Escape from New York, Manhattan was a prison, currently New York is doing all it can to empty their prisons and letting the inmates run the city because all of the hard working people are escaping.

New York can stop the madness that is slowly eroding the city that never sleeps.  However, if the breaks are not applied NOW, New York will become the East Coast’s San Francisco.  Lawrence Jones, the Editor-in-Chief of Campus Reform, traveled to San Francisco to expose just how devastated this once iconic city has become. Mr. Jones, notes in his report that the city has the money to deal with the dangerous conditions on its streets, but are funneling time and energy into sanctuary city policies. (emphasis added.)  May we remind you that Speaker Nancy Pelosi represents San Francisco.  Nice legacy, Nancy!!!

NRA: Supreme Court Should Move Forward on Gun Case Despite NYC Attempt to Undercut Suit. 

Michael Goodwin nails it in today’s column:  Bill de Blasio is the worst mayor of all time after Green New Deal talk

Betsy McCaughey opines on Elizabeth Warren’s loony college-giveaway plan.  Here is the Daily Signal’s take on Sen. Warren’s plan that they say will make college’s cost more. 

What Social Security’s Shortfall Means for You. 

Liberals Are Using Rep. Ilhan Omar as an Excuse to Chill Speech

U.S. Veteran: This Is Why We Take Ilhan Omar’s ‘Disgusting’ Black Hawk Down Tweet Personally. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

Nicole Gelinas explains the problems when government passes laws that make no sense whatsoever. 

The NY Post editorial board is justifiably critical of the political influence currently controlling the Parole Board.

Cosmetics tycoon Ron Lauder sets the right example when he fights for gifted students:  Billionaire joins push to stop de Blasio’s high school admissions test plan. 

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar sparks more controversy with her assessment of the number of Somalis killed during the 1993 military operation that inspired the film “Black Hawk Down.”   Why is the Congresswoman still on the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Oh my, what will the mainstream media do when they read this:  Latino vote expected to be major factor for Trump. 

Another organization that once had a stellar reputation; our morals and values have been cast aside by a nonreligious need to gratify ones wants immediately without regard for the consequences.   Then again, in today’s secular society, there are little or no consequences for taking the innocence of a child.  And there is no shame either; in fact, far too often it is celebrated.  We are abandoning God, is it any wonder that He is abandoning us?

Mayor de Blasio is trying to outdo Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with his vision of no more glittering glass skyline  and slashing beef consumption and phasing out processed meats.    Why do these controlling politicians think they are the only ones who have solutions to various problems? 

Here is a man who understood our problems and came up with reasonable solutions to America’s problems.  A man comfortable in who he was, where he came from and who he leaned on, a man who quietly sanctioned the morals and values of our Founding Fathers who relied on Judeo-Christian values. 

Some Possible Good News:   After Supreme Court Arguments, Odds of Keeping the Citizenship Question on the Census are Good For the Trump Administration.

Daily Update

The long- awaited Mueller Report is due out tomorrow; all the news will be about “the report.”  Ralph Z. Hollow relied on his years of journalistic experience when he wrote today’s Washington Times article anticipating the report:  Response to Mueller report Thursday can make or break Trump and his remarkable makeover of GOP. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo always has the upper hand…and total control.

Sanders: Murderers Shouldn’t Lose Voting Rights Because They Are ‘Paying the Price’ in Prison. Really, murderers take the life of another human being and no long-term consequences should be enforced.  What about the rights of the person they murdered?  They have NONE, but the person who took their life should be able to go about with privileges as if they did nothing wrong? 

This is a December 2014 article from Syracuse.Com that indicates Destiny USA has taxpayers on the hook for nearly $704 M.Here is today’s article on Destiny USA stating that it may default on its mortgage.  On-Line shopping is expanding, Malls are shrinking, taxpayers should be concerned.

Another upstate/downstate divide. 

Saratoga Supervisors, thankfully, are strong on this issue:  No driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. 

Jim Riches’ relives the searing pain of his son’s untimely death by terrorists on 9/11/01 again at the GOP Dinner last evening.  Congresswoman Omar is not the victim, and publicly saying so is not incitement

Thank you, Bob McManus:  ‘Dreamers’ over heroes — as Albany did — reflects the new norm. 

Betsy McCaughey also has a way of keeping things in perspective:  Trump is looking to give sanctuary cities just what they asked for

The Daily Signal also responds to Trump’s call to sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.  Answers to 4 Big Questions About Sending Illegal Immigrants to Sanctuary Cities. 

Surprise, surprise.  Pete Buttigieg isn’t all that the main stream media (and Twitter) make him out to be.  Pete Buttigieg’s Abortion Extremism Hurts His Religious Appeal  and Buttigieg: Capitalism Has ‘Let a Lot of People Down’

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily Update

Chairman Jerry Kassar appeared on two radio shows yesterday; you can listen to Chairman Kassar on the Bob Lonsberry Show with Congressman John Katko filling in for Mr. Lonsberry.  Chairman Kassar also responded to WXXI regarding the “One Day Act.” 

Here is a piece of good news for a change:  NY Senate compromise would extend free college tuition for Gold Star families.  Always believe YOU can make a difference, if you voice your opinion loudly enough. 

This is an issue that needs very loud voices!  Pass the video to your friends and neighbors and let them know what is going on.  America’s founding is based on Judeo-Christian beliefs and we, as a country, have been blessed.  We cannot keep silent any longer. 

The Farm Bureau is almost unknown in the five boroughs of New York City, yet New York City is dependent on farms.  Here are two articles that will help people understand the proposed legislation — Farmworker Fair Labor Practices Act – that is being considered this year and what it may ultimately cost consumers throughout the state.  Farm Bureau Members Speak About Proposed Farm Labor Legislation.  As this article indicates, we are already losing farms; USDA Census: New York loses 2,100 farms 

Thanks Governor Cuomo, this is not what New Yorkers’ want to see when they open the paper in the morning:  Yet another study confirms it: NY has the worst economic prospects. 

Governor Cuomo paid less in federal taxes this year; do you think he will acknowledge that fact to President Trump?  (Neither do I.)  Cuomo actually paid less in taxes under Trump’s plan. 

Today is Tax Freedom Day …for federal taxes.  New Yorkers’ reach Tax Freedom Day on May 3.  Did you know that Americans will spend more on taxes in 2019 than food, clothing and housing combined?

Rich Lowry writes about Notre Dame’s collapse — and the loss of what it stood for. 

Kate McKenna is an American living in Paris and also writes about Notre Dame’s burning and notes that it is the third church in Paris to suffer fire in the last three months and in 2017 there were 887 attacks on Christian artifacts or churches.

Dennis Prager’s column is a thoughtful analysis on the Notre Dame fire also. 

Guy Benson’s analysis of Congresswoman Omar’s remarks. 

Daily Update

The Beat has an article on how the Legislature will do even more harm to upstate New York if they “spread the gospel of rent regulation to the rest of New York.”  Read what The Beat has to say here. 

The sweeping changes for criminal justice reforms passed in the NYS Budget are a grave concern to law enforcement officials due to the lack of funding that is needed for compliance .  Just another rush to satisfy the progressives in the Legislature without considering the consequences; bad policy and again should have been a stand-alone bill for full debate.   

We have often said that when one doesn’t respect life at conception, the long- term result is that one won’t respect life near the end of one’s journey.  Sadly, Governor Cuomo is now proving this presumption.      Every life is precious, from natural conception to natural death. 

Putnam County, NY pushes back on Gov. Cuomo’s abortion agenda   Kudos to them!

In case you missed this over the weekend:  Michael Goodwin’s Sunday Column; As Trump soars higher, Dems reach their lowest point yet.

It’s time for the City Council to stop playing thought police

This NY Post editorial — NY Assembly’s shameful snub of fallen-soldiers’ kids– will, we hope, bring about a change of heart by the Assembly Democrats.  The public backlash has been helpful also. 

The Beat also writes about being High at Work. 

Another really bad policy idea Supporters Hopeful Driver’s Licenses Will Extend to Undocumented Immigrants   We were able to beat this back once, and will make every effort to beat it back again. 

Does the latest rising star in the Democratic Party have a problem

Since today is April 15, aka Tax Day, we thought you would like to know where your taxes go.  Here is the Daily Signal’s chart for how your taxes are spent. 

Daily Update

The NY Post begins today’s editorial with “How pathetic: A member of Congress can’t acknowledge what happened on one of the most horrific days in US history.”  We couldn’t agree more with that statement and the entire editorial. 

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar  went on Twitter complaining that people who were outraged over her comments are creating an unsafe situation for her.   Her comments describing the Sept. 11 attacks as “some people did something” shows a complete lack of understanding of the events on September 11.  Congresswoman Omar was 20 years old on 9/11/2001, old enough to understand that terrorist attacked America and almost 3000 innocent people were killed when planes were deliberately flown into buildings and hundreds of New York’s Finest did their best to save them.  Shame on her for trying to make 9/11 inconsequential by referring to it as “some people did something.”

Congresswoman Omar should read the moving article by Jim Riches that describes the horror of 9/11 and the indescribable pain that Jim Riches has to live with every day since.  Congresswoman, come to New York and stand where the Twin Towers stood, close your eyes and see the images of American Airlines Flight 11 flying into the North Tower directly hitting floors 93-99, 16 minutes later United Airlines Flight 175 flies directly into floors 75-85.  Hear the screams, smell the burning flesh, see people trying to escape by jumping out of the windows.

Then tell us again that “some people did something.”

Congresswoman, as someone who had to escape from Somalia’s civil war, who spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya, then had the privilege of moving to America, one would think compassion for the victims of 9/11 terrorist acts would be natural and benevolent;  not a cold, unfeeling, disgraceful statement that “some people did something.”

234 House Democrats, Two Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill forcing schools to let make athletes compete on girls’ sports teams. When you read this headline, you shake your head and ask yourself, did I read that right?  You did!  The Daily Caller explains that the “Democrats’ Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” protected characteristics under federal anti-discrimination law. Among other things, the bill would force public schools to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls.” (emphasis added by CPNYS.)  Sad to say that Congressman John Katko (NY-24) is one of the Republican co-sponsors of the Bill.  We find Congressman Katko’s co-sponsorship of this legislation inconsistent with the Conservative Party and with the views of most Americans.  We strongly urge him to remove his co-sponsorship and to reconsider his position.  Congressman Jerry Nadler (NY-14) must live on another planet when, in his opening remarks, he said this, “transgender athletes participating in sports in accordance with their gender identity having competitive advantages have not been borne out.”  Obviously, he does not follow sports on the high school level.  Julia Beck, the head of a self-described radical feminist organization that supports the LGBTQ movement, testified against the bill.  You can read her testimony here.  If Julia Beck is opposed to this bill, why would anyone co-sponsor it?  The Daily Signal has a pod cast that all of the co-sponsors should listen to.  Her Daughter Has to Compete Against Biological Males in Track. Now This Mom Is Speaking Out.  Equality is an equal playing field, the Equality Bill, endangers those playing on the field.  We hope every co-sponsor rethinks their reasons for being on this bill, especially New York’s Congressman John Katko.   

NYC Council Votes to Ban Pre-Employment Marijuana Testing.  Another bad bill passed by the NYC Council, but I am sure the Trial Lawyers will like it since Worker’s Compensation laws fail to include contributory negligence. 

The Intellectual Dishonesty of the Campaign Against the Electoral College

The Pivotal Gun Case Likely Going to the Supreme Court, Explained. 

Daily Update

Charter Schools:  Worth the investment!

Michael Goodwin takes Richard Carranza to task in his column:  Richard Carranza’s black and white approach is ruining city schools.    It isn’t a good press day for Mr. Carranza, as the NY Post editorial board call him a total pathetic twit. 

Adam Mill opines in American Greatness about a “radical” idea that could beat socialists with one simple plan.  It is, as they say, food for thought. 

Chele Farley is taking the plunge into politics again; plans on running for Congress. 

Gregg Jarrett and Sean Hannity discuss  AG Barr’s belief that “spying did occur”  on the Trump Campaign. 

Sen. John Thune:  If governmental powers were used to abuse the rights of American citizens we need to know. 

The Daily Signal writes about the 4 big issues in Attorney General’s first hearing after getting Mueller Report. 

John R. Lott, Jr. writes that the push to demonize private gun ownership never stops. 

Charles Fain Lehman writes in National Review that suing Big Pharma won’t fix the drug crisis. 

Top 10 Anti-Vaccine Falsehoods and The Truth About Each. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Keep Judith Clark in prison; sign our petition here. 

Daily Update

Rest in Peace Christopher Slutman. Thank you for being a true New York hero. 

Our Founding Fathers knew that the Republic they were creating was based on self-government and self-government would require a certain moral compass that would prevent the newly elected officials from becoming self-aggrandizing.   Not an easy task, when one is placed in the position of writing laws, to protect the citizens and welfare of the new Republic.  A system of checks and balances was needed, thus the 3 branches of government, but one still needed a moral compass in each branch.  Joshua Charles opines on the simple, yet extremely important fact that without virtue there is no freedom

City and State reports how six state upstate economic development projects have fared.  Can we get our tax dollars refunded? 

Campaign hopes to sway minority lawmakers in NY pot legalization push.    Al Sharpton and his National Action Network, is part of the larger group – We Rise to Legalize – looking for legalization and expungement of prior records as well as calling for job and ownership opportunities in the cannabis industry from “seed to sale.”  What could possibly go wrong?

Today’s NY Post editorial:  Why the road to pot legalization is proving so rocky , makes good arguments against rushing to move the marijuana issue any further in New York State.

Guy Benson writes about the horrors of socialized medicine in the UK. 

Gov. Andrew Cuomo completes the cycle; no respect for the beginning of life and no respect at the end of life.  It really is pathetic that Governor Andrew Cuomo wants to let Judith Clark out of prison after taking part in the Brinks Robbery that left three law enforcement officials (Brown, O’Grady and Paige) dead, he shows no respect for their loss of life and celebrates the life of Judith Clark.  Sign our petition to keep Judith Clark in prison here.

Governor Andrew Cuomo is the kind of individual dreaded by our Founding Fathers – one who has dove head first into self-aggrandizement. 

Daily Update

In case you missed this over the weekend Judith Clark, the domestic terrorist involved in the infamous 1981 Brinks Robbery that left 2 police officers — Waverly Brown and Edward O’Grady — and Brink’s guard Peter Page dead, is up for parole again.  The fact that she is even eligible for parole is the result of Governor Andrew Cuomo declaring her rehabilitated (can’t help but ask what is Governor Cuomo’s expertise in declaring her rehabilitated) and minimizing her actual crime.  The NYS Conservative Party has launched a petition to keep her in prison; please sign the petition   and send a message that killing police officers will land you in prison for the rest of your natural life. 

Cuomo & Co’s next special-interest payoff.  Be prepared, you know it is going to cost you more in the long run. 

Jonathon Trugman has some good advice for Governor Cuomo and the Legislative Members:  Cutting NY taxes will eventually increase state, city revenue. 

The Daily Gazette outlines some common sense changes that are sorely needed in the budget adoption process. 

Daniel Ikenson and Colin Grabow have a better way to unclog NYC streets: Repeal the Jones Act. 

Very good insight from Richard Brodsky: We’re going to ‘commission’ ourselves into authoritarianism. 

The Beat writes about the De Blasio Corruption Scandal…AGAIN. 

File this under “Be careful what you wish for.” 

Weekly Wrap Up

Welcome to my weekly wrap up for April 5, 2019


 New taxes, new fees, new regulations and new laws that make our streets less safe and reduce our freedoms summarizes the NYS recently enacted budget   With the exception of making the property tax cap (which unfortunately excludes NYC) permanent this was a no-good news budget that will continue to cause New Yorkers to abandon our state and businesses to close or look to other states to create jobs.

 Governor Cuomo used his ability to blackmail the Legislature with the threat of the next phase of their pay raise being negated and even manage to swindle an undeserved 40 percent pay raise for himself.  Interestingly, due to a quirk in NYS State law which caps all executive agency salaries at that of the Governor’s, his pay increase will likely result in hundreds of state employees being eligible for increase. The end result of what I feel certain was a poorly thought through action by the legislature will eventually cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

 It was a budget that had something bad for everyone.  If you live downstate and drive, Manhattan is about to become off limits by car .  If you live upstate know that there is a whole new set of unfunded mandates.  If you live anywhere in the State, the budget implements and funds the DREAM ACT and codifies parts of the Affordable Care Act and Health Exchange Law. The budget also makes policy having absolutely nothing to do with budgeting such as eliminating cash bail – a very dangerous action

And as bad as the budget is to our state’s residents even the progressives thought it was an awful budget because it did not go far enough.  Personally I think Stephen King could come up with a new novel based on NYS government.

 Stay tuned for further stories about the horrors of Albany.  Make sure you make every effort to elect Conservatives to local government – our only line of defense.


A funny thing happened on the way to adopting  a budget.  The Legislature — against what appeared to be an overwhelming member objection — nevertheless created a Commission to possibly establish a  taxpayer funded system of public campaign finance and raise the issue of fusion voting. The advocates are pushing for a six to one match.  The end result will be a public financing scheme that will cost over any four- year period as much as $350 million.

  As you know fusion voting allows for a candidate running on multiple party lines to combine their votes.  What it does not do is effect the legal status of a political party to exist.

 The legislature in establishing this commission ceded significant authority to write law. This issue,  as it effected last year’s pay raise commission, is currently being litigated in State and Federal Court.

 As you can imagine any effort to adjust or eliminate fusion voting concerns us.  There are certain to be many turns on this road.  And allow me to assure you that we are very much preparing for the fight.

Daily Update

Our society is simply inexplicable lately.  How does one cosponsor a bill designed to put an end to animal testing using kittens, when one voted against protecting newborns?

Far too many of today’s elected officials see their positions as one to enrich themselves and/or family members. 

And too many of today’s elected officials cannot admit that their policies are responsible for the problems they face: De Blasio rants that feds are to blame for NYC’s problems. 

It’s sad to see 2020 Dems kissing Sharpton’s … ring. 

Congresswoman Debbie Lesko believes that the bill the House passed today, will actually hurt women more.  Here is her assessment of the democrats’ bill:  I Survived Domestic Violence. Here’s Why I’m Voting No on Violence Against Women Act.

The Daily Signal’s Daniel Davis sits down with President-elect of El Salvador Nayib Bukele to discuss his recent election, migration, crime, and ways the US and El Salvador can work together in the coming years.

Do you ever wonder why countries are giving only token efforts to stem the tide of migrants to the United States?  The answer is probably in this article. 

U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low, Below All Forecasts. 

Ken Girardin writes about Albany’s other big raise.  

The Beat takes another look at congestion pricing.