Author: Shaun Marie

Daily Update

Today is the 75th Anniversary of D-Day; a day full of a complete range of emotions, from sadness at the tremendous loss of lives to incredible pride in overcoming the physical obstacles that our boys were able to conquer.  D-Day changed the world and placed America’s vision — it’s steadfast belief in our Republic and the people willing to make the sacrifices necessary to protect it — at the helm of the fight for the world to experience our freedom.  We are forever grateful to the men and women who trusted our leaders knowing full well that they may never return. has assembled an chronological view of the storming of Normandy’s coast and how they overcame disastrous landings to rout the Nazis.  The Daily Signal writes how American soldiers on D-Day set the bar for courage.

Bob McManus credits American exceptionalism along with the courage of our young service men.

Fox News covered President Trump’s speech on D-Day’s 75th anniversary in Normandy, France.  You can watch it here.

As the Daily Signal notes, on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, sacrifices at Normandy must not be forgotten.

James Varney writes in the Washington Times about Racing time: Groups rush to honor World War II veterans, preserve their stories.

Paratrooper Tom Rice, parachutes into Normandy again, 75 years later and at age 97!

Newsday is reporting  that John Flanagan considers that a vote on license bill would be ‘colossal political mistake’ for Democrats.  We say it would not only be a colossal political mistake, in endangers the safety of our citizens.  If you have not signed our petition, please do so now, and if you have, please forward it to your family and friends for them to sign.

Unlike our Lt. Governor who flip-flopped on driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, Rensselaer County Clerk, Frank Merola, is standing strong in opposition, as he did in 2007.

The Conservative Party agrees with today’s NY Post editorial:  Don’t spread the poison of rent controlBernadette Hogan reports on why landlords do not agree with plan to pass pro-tenant measures.  The Daily News is reporting that landlords say the city could lose billions if the rent reforms on track to be passed are adopted.

Have you ever wondered how Governor Cuomo manages to negotiate most of what he wants?  This may explain why.

Wendy’s good deed.

Can it really be that robocalls are in its death throes

Daily Update

It is way past time for Chancellor Richard Carranza to be FIRED; any other person would have been by now.  As Bob McManus rightly points out, racial division is Richard Carranza’s only agenda.

The NY Post editorial opines on Jerry Nadler’s political theater.

New Yorkers already anticipated this:  MTA Document Says Congestion Pricing Will be Complicated.

Oversight is lacking and automatic approval seems to be rampant, reimbursement almost impossible.

Congresswoman Stefanik describes H.R. 6 as “a sweeping amnesty bill that will expand the flow of illegal immigration, allow criminals and gang members to enter our country, and make our Customs and Border Patrol Officer’s jobs significantly more difficult,” in explain her no vote.  Kudos to Congresswoman Stefanik and Congressmen Collins, King, Katko, Reed and Zeldin for voting no and putting the safety of New Yorkers first;  H.R. 6 goes much further than a DACA fix as the Democrats are describing the bill.    The Daily Signal points out 4 things to know about House Democrats’ ‘Dream and Promise’ Amnesty.  The Washington Times covered the vote and fallout here.

Jim Geraghty writes in his Morning Jolt that the pro-lifers warned of a slippery slope, and they’re right.

Clarence Thomas Shows Left’s Hypocrisy on Discrimination.

Queen, world leaders honor veterans on D-Day anniversary.  D-Day deception: How phantom armies and fake information helped win the Battle of Normandy.

‘The boys of Pointe du Hoc’ (you can hear President Reagan give the speech)  It has been 35 years since President Ronald Reagan gave the D-Day speech that moved a nation, somehow it is fitting that Ronald Reagan went to meet the boys of Pointe du Hoc 15 years ago today.  Rest in Peace, Mr. President.  We still sorely miss you.


The City, an on-line news source has an article, STATE ASSEMBLY POISED TO GREENLIGHT LICENSES FOR IMMIGRANT DRIVERS, written by Josefa Velasquez and Rosa Goldensohn, that begins with this sentence; Undocumented (emphasis added) New Yorkers are inching closer to getting their right to driver’s licenses restored. Question, where does it say that ILLEGAL, or to use their term, UNDOCUMENTED New Yorkers have a “right” to a driver’s license.  Just because news organizations say you have a “right” does not mean you can circumvent the laws of the United States and New York State.  If you enter our country ILLEGALLY you have disregarded, ignored and defied the law of the land, why then should you be rewarded with any of the benefits of citizenship?  Instead of pulling at the heartstrings of a generous population, why not write about the deaths caused by illegal immigrants when driving?

Bob Confer writes in his column that lawmakers look to make New York even more litigious.  It helps explain why New York’s hidden costs helps make NY a very expensive state to live in and why companies are reluctant to locate here.

According to the US Census Bureau, women in NYS comprise 51.4% of the population.  The way Governor Andrew Cuomo is pandering to them, one would think the percentage would be much higher.  The unfortunate results his pandering could easily backfire leaving women without jobs (strengthening  equal pay), broaden the criteria for what’s considered sexual harassment (could lead to fewer opportunities for women) and, sadly the reality is, it encourages women to be victims.

Ken Girardin writes about Albany’s Pork Binge update in the NY Torch, a public policy blog.

Larry Horist has two columns on his blog that you will enjoy:  New York Times thinks CNN and MSNBC are too biased. What? And, Helping the left understand why people don’t join the Trump Resistance Movement.

One of today’s NY Post editorial:  Exploiting kids to push racial division: Team de Blasio’s new low. 

Biden Didn’t March with the Civil Rights Movement But This NRA President Did.

Dennis Prager:  Why So Many Mass Shootings? Ask The Right Questions And You Might Find Out.

Sadly, this shows how nonchalant far too many have become about killing innocent lives.  ICYMI: PBS Documentary on Abortion Shows Woman Nonchalantly Killing Her Twins.

Why a Former CEO Says Capitalism, Not Socialism, Encourages Morality.

Walter E. Williams writes about Colleges Committed to Ideological Diversity.


Daily Update

If ever there was an extremely accurate editorial, the New York Post printed it today: Albany’s end of session: uglier than ever. Read it and weep as it speaks the truth about the NYS Legislature. Unfortunately, when the Big Ugly is passed (and there is little doubt that it will be since Governor Andrew Cuomo blasted the legislature for not doing enough for the progressive movement) the steady exodus of New Yorkers’ will only increase as the burden on taxpayers, already one of highest in the nation, will become more than the average wage earner is willing to pay. It is unconscionable that the majority of the current elected officials are willing to pursue a course that continues the demise of what was once an Empire State. What is also unacceptable is the people who elected these officials that encourage the demise of a state that was once a beacon to those who wanted to pursue the American Dream through the free enterprise system, not government mandates and handouts.


The Buffalo News has a very thoughtful and interesting editorial on an unequal spending equation on education.

Charter Schools have done well for their students, yet, state Dems are fighting charter schools near end of legislative session. One would think that the education of our youth would be more important than pleasing the NYS Teacher’s Union.

Michael Goodwin writes that William Barr is determined to unravel truth behind Russia lie.

Robert Knight opines on keeping the Russia collusion hoax alive.

The Beat writes about Youth Truth and former NYPD Commissioner, William J. Bratton opines on like it or not, broken windows works.


Welcome to my Weekly Wrap-Up for May 31, 2019! 


As the state of New York enforces laws radically expanding abortion “rights” recent figures have been released showing that there are four times as many late-term abortions than there are murders in New York City. These numbers are from 2015, so the numbers will substantially increase because Gov. Cuomo signed legislation allowing abortions up to 24 weeks into a pregnancy earlier in the year.

 This may be legalized infanticide, considering a baby was born at 23 weeks and survived last year in San Diego. The baby was in the hospital for nearly six months following birth due to serious complications, but the health care staff was able to stabilize the health of the baby who was born the size of an apple. The baby left the hospital at a healthy five pounds earlier this month. In the state of New York under the Cuomo regime, the baby may have been discarded as medical waste.


 Rep. Jerry Nadler, who has a long-standing feud with Donald Trump going back many decades, spent time with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in favor of speeding cameras last week.

 Nadler just does not know when to quit. Using FBI spook Robert Mueller’s sophistry as an excuse, Nadler announced to the public on Wednesday that “all options are on the table” with regards to impeaching President Donald Trump despite the fact that he was cleared of Russian collusion.

 “What special counsel Mueller said loud and clear today for the American people is that President Trump is lying when he says no collusion, no obstruction and that he was exonerated,” Nadler said – showing no regard to the facts of the case.

 With the assistance of turncoat libertarian Republican Rep. Justin Amash, the clamor for impeachment is growing and may be the next hurdle President Trump has to overcome in his mission to Make America Great Again.


Populist parties of the Left and the Right dominated European Union parliamentary elections which concluded this past weekend. The biggest conservative winners were Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage and Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini.

 Their right-leaning political parties received huge pluralities of the vote in their nation’s respective elections. They are expected to form a voting bloc in the EU parliament where they will be able to stall the plan of the globalists. They will possibly be joined by French upstart Marine Le Pen’s National Rally and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party, who also made large gains in the election as well.

 The populist fervor is another good sign for President Donald Trump’s re-election hopes in 2020, as electoral models are already showing him as the favorite to defeat a Democratic Party challenger and receive a second term.


 Donald Trump: ‘Big League’ Border Policy Soon

Donald Trump: ‘Robert Mueller Is a True Never Trumper’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Mocks Rape Survivor’s Pro-2nd Amendment Views

Biden Promises Pay Increase for Teachers, Jacks Edu Spending by 75%

Bernie Sanders Campaigned for Marxist Party in Reagan Era

Border Agents Apprehend More Than 1,000 Migrants in Record Roundup

White Female Execs Sue N.Y. Over ‘Racial Equity’ Plan

Twitter Bans Analyst Who Revealed AntiFa Connections With Journalists

Rand Paul on fellow libertarian Amash’s impeachment call: Russia probe was ‘un-libertarian’

Daily Update

The news of the day continues to be Mr. Mueller’s closing down the office of special prosecutor while leaving the door open to the congressional democrats demand for an indictment of President Trump.  Liberal democrat, Alan Dershowitz, wrote this in The Hill: Shame on Robert Mueller for exceeding his role.    Michael Goodwin has this to say:  America left to face the nasty consequences of Robert Mueller’s actions.    The NY Post sums it up with this editorial:  Mueller’s passive-aggressive statement doesn’t change the bottom line.

Charles Hurt puts it this way:  Starved for attention, Mueller pulls a Jim Comey.

Stephen B. Presser opines on jurisprudence and the failed coup. 

Julie Kelly writes about another Mueller-Comey One-Two Punch.

How many of your tax dollars have been funneled to the western area of New York State for economic development, yet people who lived there are leaving in droves.

Wind turbines or military preparedness?  Will Green energy eventually make it impossible for our military to be properly trained? 

Roy Spencer: Why so many tornadoes this year? It’s not what AOC, Bernie Sanders (or maybe even you) think.

These two soul sisters  should tour as victims and sore losers Oh wait, they are doing that already.

Here is a democrat that understands the sanctity of life .  Kudos to Governor John Bel Edwards, D-LA.

Another convicted murderer has been released on parole while the victims’ family still feel the deep, empty loss and heartache of not be able to hold their 16-year-old, watch her go to proms, graduations, get married and live the life that should have been but, was brutally cut short.

The reality is, Gov. Cuomo lost control of spending a long time ago, it is just becoming public now.

Daily Update

If this is accurate and we have no reason to believe that it isn’t, the chances of Governor Cuomo’s dream of a 4th term just hit rock bottom. 

No license+ DWI charges+ Fatal injury = No Bail.

The Albany Times Union covered the Public Hearing on Single Payer Health Care yesterday, the important  and honest assessment of Single Payer Health Care is in Bill Hammond’s testimony here

This certainly is an eye-opener:  California threatens to upend Catholic ‘seal of confession’

Michael Goodwin writes that Richard Carranza’s prejudicial race politics have gone too far.  I couldn’t agree more with his assessment. 

Betsy McCaughey opines in the NY Post on why Democrats’ grab for Trump’s taxes is doomed to fail

John Podhoretz has this to say about Robert Mueller’s statement today:  Robert Mueller’s ‘final statement’ was a disgraceful mess..  I watched Mr. Mueller and I tend to agree with Mr. Podhoretz’s column.  I believed Mr. Mueller was trying to have his statement keep the discussion on-going and while he is finished, the reasons that the special counsel was appointed remain muddled because Mr. Mueller managed to leave the door ajar.  However, while Mr. Mueller stressed the fact numerous times that a sitting President could not be charged with a crime, he  stated just once and very briefly, that  it was necessary to have this investigation now, because memories are fresh and documents are available and among other things that evidence would be used if there were co-conspirators, who could have been charged now. . (at the 5:37 mark) This is a fact:  No. one. was.   Mr. Mueller has resigned and closed the books.  It is time for the nay-sayers to do the same.  While some will continue to try and keep this investigation open based on Mr. Mueller’s statement, which as Mr. Podhoretz stated “was a disgraceful mess,” the fact remains, no one close to President Trump, who could have been indicted after a two-year investigation, was. 

David Keene opines on Joe Biden’s gambit. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

Mayor Bill de Blasio is definitely off his meds, if he really thinks this is a good idea.  It is a prescription to chase responsible New Yorkers’ out of New York City.  

NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill has concerns regarding the “dangerous bail reform” passed earlier this legislative session. 

Then you add the irresponsible legislation passed by the NYS Legislature earlier this year that today’s NY Post Editorial calls “New York’s new get-out-of-jail-free card for white-collar criminals” , and you can’t help but wonder, how long before New York returns to the days when New Yorkers’ actually had signs in their cars that stated “no radio” and Bryant Park was an open-air drug market?    This is the path New York is on, a path encouraged by the total control of the progressive arm of the Democratic Party that dominates the NYC Council and since January the New York State Legislature. 

Tom Precious, a longtime Albany reporter for the Buffalo News, outlines crunch time at the Capitol, with just 13 legislative days left in this year’s session, barring any return in December to deal with campaign financing and fusion voting.    This is not all that can and may pop in the middle of the night on the last day of session; it is when bills that would not withstand public scrutiny are passed or bills that the public demand (limo safety) die a sudden death. 

Will Legislators even consider these real areas of concern pointed out in this Op-Ed by Joseph Strasburg

In an effort to pass the recreational use of marijuana, the bill has been amended to include a higher tax rate (more money for legislators to spend), expunging lower level marijuana convictions (few, if any, are convicted on their first arrest), reduced the amount you are allowed to have from 2 pounds to 3 ounces (must means one has to make more trips to the place of sale), the state would invest in training police to recognize impaired drivers ($1 million a year for 3 years…police need a reliable field test, recognizing impaired drivers is not the problem), the Governor gets to appoint  someone to oversee cannabis regulations (a big contributor?) and the most concerning amendment: greater preference for sales licenses would be granted to those affected by prior marijuana convictions.  Seriously?  You break the law and your reward is a franchise to sell the product that caused your conviction?  That really teaches society to respect and abide by laws created by the legislature to keep the public safe.  What this amendment does is teach people by disregard laws you may be rewarded with a government franchise worth millions of dollars. This must be the new progressive definition of capitalism: break the laws and get rewarded.

Will this stunt backfire?  Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to show support for tipped workers and will be serving patrons later this week to urge mandating “One Fair Wage” which would institute a full minimum wage for workers who earn tips.  If adopted, who will leave a tip?  In all likelihood, those who work for tips now, will have a serious cut in pay, if “One Fair Wage” is adopted.   As a side note, unless AOC wears a disguise, most patrons will be over tipping her so they can brag that @AOC served them.  

Robert Knight writes about rejecting the Marxist version of the Constitution

Charles Hurt opines that the delusional Democrats are lashing out at Trump – again

The Daily Signal reminds us that Medicare for all would eliminate Americans’ choices in health coverage.

Pay to Play lives on!  Unfortunately, the tax payer pays for it in the end.

Daily Update

Chairman Emeritus Mike Long appeared on Currents TV to discuss how abortion will factor into the 2020 presidential race.  You can watch the interview here. 

And our former Chairman isn’t the only one discussing how abortion will be front and center in the upcoming political races.  Last night on “The Story with Martha McCallum”, Brit Hume also discussed the abortion factor. 

The majority members of the NYS Legislature are lemmings… they all do the same thing as someone else even though it may be stupid, harmful, or dangerous.  How else can you explain this?  Pols and cannabis advocates make final push for legal pot as end of Albany legislative session nears. 

This is what the headline says:  NY democrats working to make voting easier for constituents    This is what it should say:  NY democrats working to take your vote and make it ours…because that is their goal.

Albany Struggles to Pass Bill on Driver’s Licenses for Undocumented   We must keep the pressure on, sign our petition now If you have already the petition, please ask your family, friends and co-workers to do so also.  Thank you! 

A Liberal Law Professor Explains Why the Equality Act Would ‘Crush’ Religious Dissenters. 

When will the left learn?  School Choice Breaks the Poverty Cycle, Not ‘Adversity Scores’.

It is time for him to go!  This ‘white-supremacy culture’ training is far worse than nonsense. 

The Beat writes about the Toxic Chancellor. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily Update

Yesterday, the Empire Center wrote that the NY state pension fund earnings are slumping.   Today, we read in the NY Post, that the Democrats in the NYS Legislature” are looking to fatten pensions of the most recently hired government workers by undoing reforms that were approved to control runaway costs.”   Have the Democrats lost all moral fortitude?  Don’t bother answering, we know they have.  Anyone who was hired and is in Tier 6 knows what their pension benefits are.  (If they don’t shame on them…or shame on the Agency that did not explain it to them.)  New Yorkers’ are leaving the state in droves, who will be left to pay in increased pension costs that the Democrats want to provide? 

May 1 the democratic controlled NYS Senate also voted to allow striking workers to received unemployment benefits after just ONE week on strike.  The vote was 48 -14 and the Assembly loves proposals like this, so rest assured they will pass it also.  Employers will be hit with increased rates and you know the businesses will pass along the costs to consumers, in itself a problem.  The bigger problem is that Union shops will be “off the hook” in supporting union members and will have more money to provide to the legislators who gave them this gift.  If you subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, you can read the article here.  

Hey, .@AOC, perhaps you should read this article in the Washington Times (doubt if you will find it in the Washington Post):  2020 Democrats on hot seat after climate change backfires on Australian left. 

Same advice (above) for you Governor Cuomo.  Robert Bryce writes in today’ NY Post that New York’s energy policy depends on an impossible fantasy. 

John R. Lott, Jr. opines on Abortion’s Impact Is More Than Morality. 

It really is tragic that democrats, in general, only see abortion as a way to end an “inconvenient mistake” that interferes with the freedom of the woman who owns her body, while pro-life people see that “inconvenient mistake” and an innocent human baby who does nothing to deserve death.  Sadly, they are the ones who go to extremes.

NY per-pupil spending reaches $23k; and it still isn’t enough according to the Teacher’s Union and NYS Democrats. 

As Gomer Pyle used to say, “Surprise, Surprise!”  Oh, The Judge Who Ruled for The Democrats on Trump’s Taxes Is an Obama Appointee…AND A Donor? 

And now for some GOOD news:  Robert Smith’s tremendous gift .  What a truly generous, loving, gesture that others should emulate, if they are in the position to do so. 


Daily Update

Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times that a misnamed legal jackhammer struck on Friday. 

The Daily Signal writes: We Hear You: When Transgender Athletes Crush the Girls.

Larry Horist opines on how identity politics is the root of all evil. 

Did you know the State troopers’ PBA is against ‘greenlight’ legislation?    Please sign our petition that opposes illegal immigrants being granted driver’s licenses.  Click here to sign.

Democrats shift to seize on Supreme Court as 2020 campaign issue. 

Victor Davis Hanson writes about the similarities between declining Rome and the modern US. 

New York Democrats will seek input on automatic voter registration at Albany hearing.  Doesn’t this headline seem innocuous and that it would genuinely been a good way to get both sides of the argument?  Well the dirty little secret in Albany is that many of the public hearings are by invitation only. In other words, this “public hearing” on automatic voter registration, that we are adamantly opposed to, due to the probability of fraud, we, an organization that represents thousands of constituents, would not be allowed to testify at the hearing.  When it says “by invitation only” the public hearing is stacked to produce the results they want. I would presume that, if the State Board of Elections, is invited to speak, they would present both sides automatic voter registration, since they do not have a horse in the race.  Most invited will have a horse in the race and only present the perceived advantages of automatic voter registration.  The resulting report by the committees involved will be exactly what they wanted and the press will report that the public input supported the issue.  Welcome to the manipulation of facts and the press that helps it continue.   

Chris Bragg has an article in the Times Union about a prolific contributor to Governor Cuomo.  All I will say on the article is:  Where there is smoke there usually is a fire. 

The NY Medical Society rejects assisted suicide!  Are you listening Members of the NYS Legislature?

I’ve Had 2 Abortions. Here’s Why I Support Alabama’s Pro-Life Law. 


Daily Update

Mayor Bill de Blasio continues to embarrass the residents of New York City with his grandiose dream of being president of the USA.  Here is some of the coverage from his home town papers:

Bill de Blasio officially launches 2020 presidential campaign. 

All the reasons de Blasio’s 2020 presidential candidacy is a complete farce. 

‘Do as I say, not as I do’ is Bill de Blasio rule for governing. 

Democrats fume that ‘Bigfoot’ de Blasio keeps stealing their policy ideas. 

Bill de Blasio’s ridiculous presidential bid is a gift to Joe Biden.

‘Make America Late Again’: De Blasio’s political tardiness is an enduring theme. 


LOL: Bill De Blasio’s Presidential Run is Already Going as Well as You’d Expect. 

State financial forecast doesn’t match Cuomo’s dire SALT predictions. 

The View is right in giving Sen. Warren a hard time about not wanting to go on Fox News