Author: Shaun Marie

Welcome to Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for Oct. 4, 2019


The Oswego County Veterans Service Agency recently honored Ron Greenleaf, who serves as Mayor of the Village of Hannibal, for his heroic Naval service during the Vietnam War.

The 71-year-old war hero received a plaque from the county at Vona’s Restaurant during a banquet that was held to give Greenleaf the inaugural Oswego County Veteran of the Year Award.

“I am so honored to even be nominated,” Greenleaf said to the crowd, according to a report that appeared in the Oswego County Advertiser. “The other seven nominees are all well-deserving of this award, just as much as I am. We all served our country, and we all served our community.”

Greenleaf’s civic accomplishments, in addition to serving as Mayor, include his time as Chair of the Hannibal Historical Society, town supervisor for the Village of Hannibal for 14 years, and Chair of the Oswego County Conservative Party.

“It’s truly an honor to be able to say that the first Oswego County veteran of the year comes from District 21,” said county legislator Terry Wilbur, who represents District 21 and is a long-time colleague of Greenleaf.  “Ron, you make our district very proud.”

The event that took place on Wednesday also honored all of the county’s veterans, and starts a great annual tradition of making sure that some of our state’s greatest heroes receive the respect and admiration they truly deserve.


The 2019 Conservative Party of New York fall reception will take place on Oct. 24 and feature a keynote speech from Jeanette Nuñez, the Lt. Governor of Florida. It will also feature a celebration of the 25th anniversary of New York Governor George Pataki’s historic electoral victory.

“Jeanette M. Nuñez was born and raised in Miami, Florida. She was elected as Florida’s First Hispanic Female Lieutenant Governor of Florida in 2018. She previously served as a State Representative of the Florida House of Representatives from 2010 to 2018 and was named Speaker Pro Tempore from 2016 to 2018,” the keynote speaker’s bio reads.

Nuñez is a rising star in the Republican Party, serving under Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida. Gov. DeSantis is a favorite of President Donald Trump, and he has risen to become one of the most conservative heads of state in the entire nation following his electoral victory last year.

“If he was doing a lousy job, I probably wouldn’t have shown up today. But he is doing one of the best jobs in the whole country — Ron DeSantis,” President Trump said during a rally on Thursday.

The event will also honor former Governor George E. Pataki, who was the last Republican elected to lead the state of New York. He defeated Mario Cuomo, the father of the current New York Governor, and served three terms in office from 1995-2006.

Pataki’s valiant leadership helped New York get through the attacks of 9/11, as he and America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani set an example for strength in the face of tremendous national adversity.

“I’ll just never forget one obviously homeless gentleman coming up and giving me a hug, and me telling him, ‘We’ll get through this,’ and his saying, ‘Thank you, I’m sure we will,'” Pataki said about his experiences the day of the attacks.

Pataki served as the honorary chairman of the National September 11 Memorial board of directors, helping the country to never forget what happened on that fateful day.

“It is something that I thought from the beginning had to be the cornerstone of all that we did at Ground Zero, so that people would not just once a year think back to September 11th, but every day people from around the country and around the world would have a chance to visit the site and understand the magnitude of the loss and yet at the same time understand the courage and strength that New Yorkers responded with,” Pataki said.

The event takes place on Thursday, Oct. 24 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel New York Ballroom on the 3rd floor. The address is 811 7th Avenue (between 52nd & 53rd Streets), New York, NY 10019. Please R.S.V.P. by October 18, 2019; you can also purchase tickets here.   For additional information, please call 718-921-2158.


 The Democratic Party is getting cold feet about the impeachment push against President Donald Trump, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi noting that her party is stopping short of pushing for “outright impeachment.”

“This is an inquiry and not an outright impeachment. And we have to give the president his chance to exonerate himself, but he thinks what he did was perfect,” Pelosi said about her party’s efforts against the President.

Pelosi has called upon House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to lead the impeachment inquiry, and he insists that he means business.

“We’re not fooling around here, though,” Rep. Schiff said. “We don’t want this to drag on months and months and months, which appears to be the administration’s strategy.”

However, President Trump is calling Schiff’s bluff. He is telling the Democrats to get on with the impeachment, or give up on this ridiculous charade.

Trump plans to send a letter to Pelosi informing her that his administration will ignore Democrat lawmaker’s demands until she calls a formal vote for an impeachment inquiry. Democrats are not happy about Trump’s posturing.

Pelosi said in a letter to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy that there “is no requirement under the Constitution, under House Rules, or House precedent that the whole House vote before proceeding with an impeachment inquiry.”

“For several decades, impeachment investigations have frequently been conducted without a full vote,” Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne said to Axios.

Trump seems undaunted by any of the controversy and continues to put the spotlight on Vice President Joe Biden for the corrupt behavior he committed while serving as B. Hussein Obama’s second-in-command.

“China should start an investigation into the Bidens because what happened with China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine,” Trump said on Thursday. “I’m sure that President Xi [Jinping] does not like being under that kind of scrutiny where billions of dollars is taken out of his country by a guy that just got kicked out of the Navy.”


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The NY Times exposes the leader of New York’s swamp…again.

The New York Times is reporting on the ever deepening swamp in New York and exposing the fact that Governor Cuomo has done nothing to clean up the swamp; in fact, he thrives in it.  Read more on the federal investigation in Bill Hammond’s column here.

Chris Bragg writes in the Albany Times Union about another federal probe of the Cuomo Administration that is costing taxpayers $1.2 M in additional legal fees that first began with the Buffalo Billion investigation.

Devine: Anti-cop policies implemented in the Bronx bring danger to cops.

It was wrong to suspend him in the first place, fortunately, Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin C. Roessler Jr., responded to the public outcry.

Laura Ingraham looks into Rep. Adam Schiff’s alleged Ukraine connection, asks why media ignores it.

The case of the so-called Ukraine whistleblower scandal.

Congressman Max Rose, since you made up your mind on impeaching the president, we thought you should know you are on the wrong side.

Obsessed by “impeaching President Trump” democrats ignore doing what is right for Americans.

Conrad Black opines on former VP Joe Biden’s career in National Review.

Here is what David French thinks of the former VP’s gun control plan – it is a disaster.

How the War on History Is Rewriting America’s Past.

The Gospel of Marx: A False Religion Explained

Hong Kong’s ‘Shot Heard Around the World’ Is Reverberating.

Our Divisive News Media Needs Clark Kent.

Walter E. Williams asks the question who cares about you?

America shows her true colors.

Democrats’ impeachment drive serves their needs, not the country’s.

Peter Navarro: Trump’s two big wins for farmers, manufacturers, workers vs. Dems’ impeachment squad.

Warren Backs AOC’s Illegal Immigrant Welfare Plan.

Hunter Biden: The Most Comprehensive Timeline.

She’s back!  (Actually, she never was really gone.)

Charles Hurt’s column — Happy retirement, Speaker Pelosi.

Reports: Red State Democrats Already Concerned About ‘Out of Control’ Impeachment Process.

Jason Chaffetz: Trump’s transparency is driving the left nuts (and messing up their impeachment dreams)

Pompeo rejects Dem demands for officials’ testimony.

Heather MacDonald writes in the City Journal about  a platform of urban decline; an article that should be forwarded to everyone who is considering voting for anyone of the democrat presidential candidates.

E.J. McMahon explains why Judge Paul Oetken rejected the states’ core argument that Congress lacked the power to cap SALT deductions. But, true to form, Governor Cuomo

As predicted, the $15 wage is killing jobs all across the city.

De Blasio is utterly clueless about the city’s retail pain.

Transgender Players Disrupt Women’s Rugby in Britain.

This is the true America!  God Bless America.

1969: a year with historic events evident in today’s society.

Rest in peace, Officer Brian Mulkeen.   This makes our hearts even heavier.  Pray for our law enforcement and first responders.

The tragic result of New York City turning anti-cop.

Sen. Marco Rubio:  Socialism is entirely incompatible with America and its unique, entrepreneurial spirit.

Oh Joe, don’t you know almost everything you say is on a video tape someplace?  Why is it that far too many democrats do not understand the meaning of hypocrisy?   Or ethics and conflicts of interest?

And sometimes it takes too long for people to do what is right.

Charles Hurt’s column in the Washington Times:  Media have only themselves to blame for disbelief in Ukraine scandal.

Good question.  Ukrainian to US prosecutors:  Why don’t you want our evidence on Democrats?  (Note the date on the article.)

Andrew McCarthy ask the question  how about a bipartisan treaty against the criminalization of elections?

‘An Uprising from the Strangest Places’: Sen. Tim Scott on Diversifying the Conservative Movement.

Interesting upcoming US Supreme Court case to be heard this year.  Were you aware of this?

Somehow the socialist who are demanding the US adopt socialism never learned this truism.  The Driving Force of Free Markets Is Empathy, Not Greed.

Nicole Gelinas opines on the gaping hole in the MTA’s new financial plans.

The NY Post editorial explains that the Pols’ business-killing laws are leaving city storefronts empty.

Carranza accused of ‘pitting parents against each other’ along racial lines.

Robert Knight opines on the 50th anniversary of True Grit.  John Wayne versus Woodstock.

Welcome to Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for Sept. 27, 2019.


Now that the Russian collusion facade has fizzled out, Democrats have concocted a new way to attack President Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced an impeachment inquiry over a phone call Trump had with the Ukrainian President in July that they claim is unlawful and improper.

“The President has tried to make lawlessness a virtue in America and now is exporting it abroad,” Pelosi said. “The transcript and the Justice Department’s acting in a rogue fashion in being complicit in the President’s lawlessness confirm the need for an impeachment inquiry. Clearly, the Congress must act.”

A rough transcript of the phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian President was released publicly on Wednesday, and the initial complaint filed by a whistle-blower that started the controversy was released to the public on Thursday. Trump maintains that he has committed no wrong-doing, and his Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire backed him up during a hearing before the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

“It’s a disgrace to our country. It’s another witch hunt, here we go again. It’s Adam Schiff and his crew making up stories and sitting there like pirates, whatever you want to call them. It really is a disgrace. It’s a terrible thing for our country,” Trump said of the entire ordeal.

Trump believes the real scandal is Vice President Joe Biden abusing his authority in 2016 to strong-arm Ukrainian authorities to fire a prosecutor who was allegedly looking into a firm that employed his son, Hunter.

“I’ve done just about more than any president in his two-and-a-half years in office. I think very few could compare to what we’ve done for the military, the economy. We have the best economy anywhere in the world by far. We’ve rebuilt our military. We’ve done so many things that are so incredible with tax cuts and regulation, and I have to put up with Adam Schiff on an absolutely perfect phone call to the new president of Ukraine,” Trump said.

Calls for Impeachment Are Getting Louder

Congressman Antonio Delgado, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney have joined the democratic corpus calling for President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment based on hearsay, while Congressman Max Rose, lacking any backbone, does his best to have it both ways. Congressman Rose issued a carefully worded statement indicating his belief that “a President attempting to blackmail a foreign government into targeting American citizens is …an invitation to the enemies of the United States to come after any citizen so long as they happen to disagree with the President.”  Congressman Rose then calls for the facts.  Shouldn’t the facts come first, Congressman, before one jumps to a conclusion based solely on a whistle-blower’s beliefs?

Conservative Party files Amicus Brief Opposing New York’s Green Light Law

Earlier this week, the Conservative Party filed in the United States District Court Western District of New York, an Amicus Curiae brief in support of Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns’ motion for a preliminary injunction against the implementation of New York’s Green Light Law.

It is the belief of the Conservative Party that the Green Light Law was written specifically to withhold information from federal law enforcement officials creating a security risk to the citizens of New York.  Duties of the DMV are primarily administered by elected county clerks, who will be required to follow the new law — and ignore federal law — or be removed by Governor Cuomo as allowed by the State Constitution.    The Conservative Party of New York State believes the only way this conflict will be resolved is via the previously filed lawsuit which this Amicus Curiae brief supports.

President Trump on Religious Freedom

As President, protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities,” Trump told the nations of the world on Monday.

Kudos to President Trump for shinning the light on religious freedom while hosting a meeting at the United Nations.

In his keynote address to the UN, President Trump pointed to alarming statistics showing 80% of the world’s population lives in countries where religious liberty is threatened, restricted, or even banned.

The President urged nations to repeal laws that restrict religious freedom and increase prosecution towards crimes against people of faith.

“To stop the crimes against people of faith, release prisoners of conscience, repeal laws restricting freedom of religion and belief, protect the vulnerable, the defenseless, and the oppressed, America stands with believers in every country who ask only for the freedom to live according to the faith that is within their own hearts,” he said.


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- Border Patrol Catches Child Sex Offender Illegally Re-Entering US


Instead of working, the House of Representatives created a circus.

Peter Schweizer: Biden Ukraine dealings – 7 essential facts

Matt Vespa writes in  WSJ Columnist torches every Democratic talking point being peddled in this bogus Trump impeachment circus.

Goodwin: Nancy Pelosi will regret rushing into impeachment push.

Poor Uncle Joe, he forgets there are video’s in which he brags about bribing Ukraine to fire the prosecutor Investigating his son’s company.

More from Uncle Joe trying to deflect the real item that should be investigated.

The real scandal is, according to Peter Schweizer is, foreign governments recruiting family members of American politicians, yet the main stream media would not cover the conflict until a “whistleblower” did their best to implicate President Donald J. Trump.  Is there any wonder why American’s don’t trust the press anymore?

Trump right to question Biden dealings with Ukraine, despite Dem criticism.

6 Key Points from Trump’s Call to Ukraine’s President.

Ukraine Whistleblower’s Lead Attorney Donated to Biden.

Is Hillary still waiting in the wings?

File this under: keeping it in family.  Biden’s Brother Used Former VP’s Cancer Initiative in Business Pitch.

WATCH: Rep. Elise Stefanik Shades Chairman Schiff at DNI Hearing

House Democrats Target Tax-Exempt Status of ‘Hate Groups’ as Defined by Left.

Gov. Cuomo shows little respect for New York’s taxpayers:  Cuomo’s latest ‘triumph,’ gold-plated at your expense.

E. J. McMahon writes about a flawed Fed wage analysis.

Bill Hammond gives his professional insight into New York’s Health Act’s revenue roller coaster.

So flavored Juul products are banned, but flavored marijuana is on its way.  Apparently, Governor Andrew Cuomo is fine with marijuana’s future in New York State.  Talk about your priorities being upside-down, Governor, perhaps you should do some research on the side-effects of marijuana use.

Victor Davis Hanson opines on the death of American citizenship.

Walter E. Williams opines on youth and ignorance.

The Democratic Party lost the 2020 Presidential Race today.

This is why Donald J. Trump is President of the United States.  “If you want freedom, take pride in your country. If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty. If you want peace, love your nation.”

Trump slams open-border activists for ‘evil’ agenda, decries Iran ‘bloodlust’ in fiery UN speech.

KT McFarland praises President Trump’s address to the United Nations General Assembly.

Katie Pavlick writes in  Trump Stands Up for America at the UN, Rips Illegal Immigration, China and Iran.

Bob Fredericks reports in the NY Post on President Trump’s United Nations speech.

Why is most of the media circling the wagons to protect Hunter?

Roger Kimbell opines on Another Week, Another Pseudo-Scandal.

Former VP Joe Biden is trying his best to change the narrative by calling for President Trump’s impeachment.

Impeachment is the democrats word of the day…desperate to drown out President Trump’s address at the United Nations General Assembly and d determined to win at any cost, it appears that impeachment proceeding are now likely than not, according to today’s Guy Benson’s column.

Abortion Stops a Beating Heart — Unless It Is Being Harvested for Research.

Governor Andrew Cuomo does not learn from his mistakes:  New York will invest $500 million to bring this company to upstate, or $814,000 per job.  The Empire Center explains Cuomo’s polytech present for unions.

Watchdog gives New York State’s finances an ‘F’.


Mayor de Blasio just cannot let his presidential ambitions go:  De Blasio drives campaign themes, even after campaign is over.

Fellow democrat disses Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez disinformation on fracking.

Seriously Bernie?  Sanders Calls for ‘National Wealth Registry’ to Enforce New Tax.

Joe Biden is getting testy while Bill Weld has lost all credibility.

New York State Conservative Party backs Kearns.  The NYS Conservative Party held it most recent meeting in Lackawanna where Chairman Kassar was able to advise Erie County Clerk, Michael J. Kearns, that we will be filing an Amicus Curiae brief in support of Mr. Kearns lawsuit to prevent the New York State from implementing its controversial “Green Light Law.” While there, State Vice Chairman and Erie County Chair, Ralph C. Lorigo, brought the state executive committee up to date on our current lawsuit to prevent the Commission on Campaign Financing goal of ending fusion voting.  (As a side note, lawsuits are expensive, and any financial help you can offer would be most appreciated.  You can donate on our secure website.  Thank you.)

Charlie Gerow explains to the Beto O’Rourke’s of the nation why any serious discussion of gun control must begin with the Second Amendment.   It really is alarming that it has to be explained over and over again why the 2nd Amendment is essential for the freedom too many American’s take for granted.  The 2nd Amendment combined with our armed forces, law enforcement and first responders keep America the land of the free and home of the brave.

File this under Chutzpa:  Ex-con Eric Stevenson running for his old Bronx Assembly seat.

Bob McManus opines in today’s NY Post on Mayor de Blasio’s failed presidential run and his lackluster, incapable administration.  McManus quotes part of what Mayor de Blasio said when withdrawing – “I’m going to redouble my efforts to improve the quality of life of everyday New Yorkers” — CPNYS says you are forewarned — redoubling zero is still zero.

In case you missed Michael Goodwin’s Sunday column in the NY Post:  Comey and Baquet — united against Trump — have caused a nonstop feeding frenzy.

S.  A. Miller writes in the Washington Times some background on how Biden son’s questionable business deals in Ukraine are becoming a campaign liability. The former VP is getting a little testy when questioned by those who actually report the news. Katie Pavlich has this to say:  Actually, It Was Joe Biden Who Bribed the Ukrainians to Fire a Prosecutor Looking into His Son.

Bill Weld, seeking some attention by grasping at one-sided headlines, says President Trump is guilty of treason.  Treason!  As defined by most dictionaries, treason is the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign; a violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state; or the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.  According to Weld an act of treason is subject to the death penalty.   Bill Weld’s obvious overreaction to the latest media overreaction is not an accepted one from a person who wants to be trusted with the nuclear codes.

Despite the pressure growing for Bernie Sanders to dump ‘virulent’ Linda Sarsour, Bernie won’t dump her…unless by some strange alignment of the stars, Sen. Sanders’ wins the democratic nomination, at which point he might.  This is part of the reason why I believe he won’t dump Sarsour.

Nanny Yang is at it again:  Climate Change May Require Elimination of Car Ownership.


For Immediate Release  09/21/2019 
Contact:  Shaun Marie
Twitter @cpnys

 Brooklyn, NY – The Conservative Party will file in the United States District Court Western District of New York, an Amicus Curiae brief in support of Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns’ motion for a preliminary injunction against the implementation of New York’s Green Light Law.

The Conservative Party of New York State, established in 1962, has always been bound by the rule of law that protects citizens.  On June 12, 2019, a majority of the members of the New York State Assembly passed the Driver’s License Access and Privacy Act, aka the Green Light Law.   Five days later, on June 17, a majority of the NYS Senate passed the Bill and Governor Andrew Cuomo signed it on the 17th of June, with an effective date 180 days after it becomes law.

Prior to the law being passed, Section 502 of the NY Vehicle and Traffic Law required an applicant for a driver’s license to provide their Social Security number, except for certain exceptions applicable to legal residents who were not eligible for a Social Security number.  Section 502 was amended to allow an applicant for a driver’s license to no longer provide a Social Security number; rather an applicant only has to sign an affidavit that they have not been issued a Social Security number when applying for said license and the applicant shall not be required to prove that they are lawfully present in the United States.

Issuing driver’s licenses to individuals here illegally will allow said individuals to evade detection by federal law enforcement and due to the check off on the driver’s license application, may even allow individuals here illegally the right to vote.

It is the belief of the Conservative Party that the Green Light Law was written specifically to withhold information from federal law enforcement officials creating a security risk to the citizens of New York.  Duties of the DMV are primarily administered by elected county clerks, who will be required to follow the new law — and ignore federal law — or be removed by Governor Cuomo as allowed by the State Constitution.    The Conservative Party of New York State believes the only way this conflict will be resolved is via the previously filed lawsuit which this Amicus Curiae brief supports.

“With this Amicus brief the Conservative Party continues its efforts to get this poorly thought through state law that will lead to voter fraud and public safety concerns reversed.  We applaud Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns and all the county clerks who are standing firm against its implementation,” Chairman Kassar concluded.

# # #

Welcome to Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for Sept. 20, 2019.


President Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to build a wall, and he is living up to that promise. He showed the world the incredible progress that has been made at the southern border during a trip to Otay Mesa, California this week.

“It’s an amazing project,” he said pointing to nearby Tijuana, just a few hundred feet to the south. “There are thousands of people over there that had been trying to get in.”

“I think really the success is going to be when the wall’s built, when the human traffickers can’t come through,” Trump said to a group of reporters during his visit. “This is certainly a tremendous national emergency.”

The President boasted that 20 of the world’s greatest mountain climbers tested different wall prototypes, and the one he was standing by was the most difficult to scale.

“This is the one that was hardest to climb,” Trump said. “This wall can’t be climbed.”

He also mentioned how the wall was built to absorb heat, which would provide another impediment to anyone trying to hop over it.

“You can fry an egg on that wall,” Trump said.

Trump also brought up Mexico’s role in curbing immigration enforcement demands. Apprehensions are dropping because Mexico is doing their job keeping the illegals from getting near the U.S. southern border. Trump is pressuring the Mexican government with tariffs to keep them honest.

“If Mexico stopped helping us, that would immediately be on the table … and that would pay for the wall many times over,” Trump said.

Heading into next year’s presidential election, Trump is kicking his immigration crackdown into high gear at the perfect time to remind his passionate supporters why they moved mountains to put the man into office in 2016, and why they should do so yet again in 2020.


New York State Conservative Party (CPNYS) Chairman Gerard Kassar made the media rounds this week, talking on state-wide and national broadcasts about the necessity of fighting for conservative values outside of the corrupt two-party system.

Kassar began a busy media junket on Wednesday with an appearance on the “Joe Piscopo Show” on AM 970 before appearing on “Liquid Lunch” with John Tabacco on NewsmaxTV to talk about how the CPNYS represents the values of the average New Yorker.

“They work against what the average individual in New York state has an interest in,” Kassar said of the liberal elites that dominate New York politics. “We believe we’re part of a not-so-silent majority. We’re kind of loud about it. We have hundreds of thousands of voters on our line, but we represent more of a philosophical movement.”

“We really want government off our backs, and we want to live our lives as we see fit with some money in our pockets to spend on what we want to spend it on,” Kassar said to summarize the view of the CPNYS.

Kassar mentioned that he thinks Sen. Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren of Massachusetts will ultimately be the Democratic presidential challenger against Donald Trump in 2020 and commented about attitudes that are building against law enforcement to finish the interview.

“There are more bad eggs coming out of our education system … due to very liberal teachers or college professors that just show no interest in expressing what the value is in having an orderly society that law enforcement represents,” Kassar explained.

That same evening, Kassar made an appearance on “Cats at Night” with John Catsimatidis where a group discussion took place about the nature of New York politics and the challenges facing conservatives operating in what has become a solidly blue state.

“The progressives operate within the Democratic Party. The Conservative Party does not operate within the Republican Party, so there is kind of a different way of looking at it. We are a true multiple of what the Republican Party candidate gets if we endorse a Republican,” Kassar said, defending the necessity of the conservative role.

Kassar also published on op/ed in the Times Union defending fusion voting against Democrats who have set up a phony commission to attack third-party political efforts that are a thorn in their side.

“The stakes before the public are enormous. Free speech and the free exchange of ideas would be severely curtailed in New York if Cuomo’s commission isn’t stopped. The Democratic Party machine is working to de-democratize New York for its and Cuomo’s advantage, and it’s doing it while the Legislature is out of session. Alarm bells should be ringing all across the state,” Kassar wrote.

Kassar is keeping the CPNYS relevant in the media landscape as Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s alienates New Yorkers with his tax-and-spend insanity.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo has shown a relentless desire to squeeze New York taxpayers dry, but he has found out that his power has its limits. He was forced to abandon his scheme this week to force the replacement of license plates that are at least 10 years old following widespread bipartisan resistance.

Cuomo wanted New Yorkers to pay $25 for replacement plates and another $20 to keep their original plate number, regardless of the condition of the plate if it was more than 10 years old. A Siena College Research Institute poll showed that the move was highly unpopular, and Cuomo was forced to drop the proposal.

Previously, Cuomo’s administration had shown they were backtracking on the issue. State DMV Commissioner Mark Schroeder made that clear in a statement from August.

“If the Legislature can agree to a cost effective and practical plate inspection mechanism to determine what plates are still in good operating condition after the 10-year life and thus do not need to be replaced we would welcome the opportunity to be cooperative,” Schroeder said in the statement.

Cuomo’s spokesman made the news official this week that the Governor would be capitulating on this issue.

“As the DMV commissioner said weeks ago, this proposal isn’t going forward as we have committed to working with the Legislature to create a plan that ensures plates are readable by law enforcement and cashless tolling systems and creates a process where plates older than 10 years are inspected and, if still readable, can be kept,” Cuomo spokesman Richard Azzopardi said in a statement.

Although the people have won this battle, the war is never over. Cuomo never stops devising ways to cheat New Yorkers out of their hard-earned money. We must stay ever vigilant to keep this aggressive nanny stater at bay.


 Ilhan Omar Plays the Victim After 9/11 Victim’s Family Calls Out Her Insensitive Remarks
Prosecutors: Former American Airlines Mechanic Charged with Industrial Sabotage Tied to ISIS
Corey Lewandowski DESTROYS Democrats Over and Over and Over Again During Congressional Hearing
The left despises Trump because he fights progressive elite on every front
US Secretary Of Defense: Military To Respond To Iranian Attack On Saudi Oil Facility
Trump Says Osama Bin Laden’s Son Was Killed In US Operation
DOJ Rejects Andrew McCabe’s Appeal To Avoid Charges
Trump: ‘I Don’t Believe Israel Is Spying On US’
Incredibly important lessons of Sept. 11 being forgotten
The climate strike is all about indoctrination, not science

Sen. Elizabeth Warren can’t handle Stephen Colbert; how will she be able to run America?

State Chairman Gerard Kassar opines in the Albany Times Union:  To threaten fusion voting is to threaten democracy.  If anyone has any doubts that the Commission’s work has already been decided, you should read Politico’s article, Democrats recruit speakers to testify against fusion voting.   Karen Dewitt covered the public hearing and reported on the tension when it was apparent that Mr. Jacobs was recruiting speakers and Gov. Cuomo saw nothing out of the ordinary with people doing that.   Jimmy Vielkind, covered the hearing for the Wall Street Journal (subscription required.)

Another United Nations human rights wrong.

Some things never change; Unions still making big donations – to democrats.

Not all democrats want to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

U.S. Abortion Rate Drops to Lowest Point Since Roe v. Wade, but as Sen. Marco Rubio said “While some have greeted the news that there was a decline in abortions last year as good news, the fact of the matter remains that close to 900,000 unborn human beings were killed last year before they even had a chance to do anything, before they even had a chance to have a name.”   What Does It Mean to Destroy a Fetus?

Get on board or be called a ‘bigot’: dilemma facing parents against Carranza’s ‘Diversity’.  One is constantly reminded that everything possible must be done to end bullying, yet, New York Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza is a blatant bully who won’t budge on his diversity program.  Which message should students follow:  end bullying or be the biggest bully in the school yard?

De Blasio admits wife’s $1B ThriveNYC program is ailing.

Awkward: Colbert Corners Warren on Middle Tax Class Increases, Calls Her Out When She Dodges.

Odd Allies Are Coming Together to Defend Free Speech.

Walter E. Williams’ latest column.

Is the democratic dream team Sanders and Sarsour?

The United States Constitution, the brilliant work of our Founding Fathers, was ratified on September 17, 1787 after a long hard-fought battle.  The US Constitution created a government that is the envy of the world; people have emigrated to America since its inception and 232 years after establishing a country run by “we the people” people are still searching for the American Dream crossing our borders with and without permission.  Unfortunately, many who are choosing to break the rules seeking all that our US Constitution offers her citizens are threating the very essence of America’s hope for all humanity.

The United States of America has always welcomed immigrants and we still do, but, the immigrants we welcome should respect the US Constitution and understand that abiding by the rule of law has been the foundation that has made America, in her very short history, the country that has raised the standard of living in every aspect of life, in every corner of this magnificent planet.

Socialism had absolutely nothing to do with creating the hope that America dispenses around the world; and socialism, if adopted by American voters, because they have become unwilling to work for the American Dream and want government to provide it to them, our US Constitution will be shredded by the very people who claim they will make America a utopia where health care is free, education is free, guns are confiscated and dissent is verboten (think of today’s college campuses .)

Celebrate our US Constitution today and every day and work hard to make certain America and the people who choose to live here, abide by the brilliance of our Founding Fathers.

North Carolina Is Tackling Crimes Run Amok. Congress Should Take Notes.

Rich Lowry opines on the Times’ latest smear.   NYT Reporter: Every Single Person We Spoke to Said Kavanaugh Has Been a Great Person and an Exemplary Judge

The Nanny State rears its ugly head again.   Congresswoman Stefanik reminds Mayor de Blasio of the importance of New York’s dairy farmers and what they contribute to New York’s economy.

New Yorkers are well aware of the activities of Linda Sarsour; presidential candidate Bernie Sanders just embraced her anti-Semitic views.