Author: Shaun Marie

How much do you know about the new NYS criminal justice reforms?

Signs that America’s finally facing the urban mental illness crisis.

Unfortunately, this is the future in New York State.  With or without a Judge having political connections – and quite honestly, which Judge does not have political connections – this is what the democratic controlled legislature wanted when it passed criminal justice reform.  Once again, read what Ulster County DA D. Holley Carnwrite wrote about the bill here.  I find it ironic that a group of animal rights advocates is the first group to speak out about a criminal justice bill that will put lives in danger while letting criminals roam our streets.

What happens when the criminal scene is your home?  New York’s criminal justice reforms could allow suspects to visit crime scenes.

The Beat opines on Not Fare.  

Judge Hopes to Make Decision by Mid-November On Green Light Lawsuit.

Ken Girardin:  Offshore wind to soak upstate.

Please Hillary, give it up already  and enjoy the precious role of being a grandmother.  Hillary Sees Russians!

David Bossie: Impeachment, Adam Schiff, 2020 and the Clintons – So many questions (and still no answers)

Veteran pollster: Don’t believe the skewed, biased polling.

ELECTION 2019: Ulster County executive challenger (our Conservative Chairman, Jack Hayes) says he’s a long shot who gives voters a choice.

Oh Joe, (and other prominent democrats)  how soon you forget what you have said in the past.

Conrad Black writes in American Greatness that Impeachment Will Fail.

Also, in American Greatness, Roger Kimball explains how the media’s attempt to school republicans Is a disingenuous fraud.

Former House lawyer says Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry ‘is illegal’

Why the secrecy, Rep. Schiff?

The Power to Subpoena a President’s Tax Returns Is the Power to Destroy.

Frank Vernuccio writes in that Venezuela was elected to the Human Rights Council – Yes…You Read That Right.

Jimmy Vielkind writes in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) that New York Republicans hammer proposed state Campaign-Finance System over cost.

What was wrong with this jury?  Thank you, Gov. Abbott!  Gov. Abbott: Two Gov. Offices Looking into Case of Little Boy Transitioning to Girl Against Dad’s Wishes

Can we sue them for using the word “nonpartisan?”  ‘Nonpartisan’ Rock the Vote Goes After Electoral College, Embraces Other Liberal Talking Points

While this article is a year old, it is still will worth the read.  My personal favorite quote is the 6th one down beginning with “Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth…”

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from New York State

Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

 October 22, 2019

“Free speech and the competition of ideas — the lifeblood of democracy — are being brazenly and unlawfully threatened by Governor Andrew Cuomo and his handpicked state Democratic Party boss Jay Jacobs.

“This egregious assault on the Constitutional right to fusion voting in New York is bringing together Conservatives, the Working Families Party, Republicans, and brave Democrats because of its critical importance to free political discourse in New York.

“Today, State Senate Republicans are speaking out loudly and clearly about the sham commission created by Governor Cuomo and led by Democratic Party boss Jacobs — Jacobs was granted special dispensation to lead the commission through a surreptitious and almost universally unnoticed last-minute language insertion in the 2019-20 State Budget — and rightly claiming the exclusive right of the right of the State Legislature to make Election Law changes.

“It is the ardent and legally impregnable position of New York State Conservatives and Republicans that Governor Cuomo’s so-called ‘Public Financing Commission’ lacks any authority to amend or create state law. Only the State Legislature, duly elected by the People of New York State, have that right.

“Governor Cuomo has crossed a legal line in an effort to kneecap political competition and quiet dissent in New York from both the left and the right. It is encouraging, though, to see elected leaders from starkly different political persuasions stand together against such attempted tyranny.  Our forerunners would be proud.”


***Fusion voting was established more than a century ago in New York as a good government measure to challenge rampant Tammany Hall corruption. It has thrice been upheld as constitutional in New York’s highest courts.

The Tax Foundation rates New York business climate #49; sandwiched between New Jersey at #50 and California at #48. All run by democratic governors.

The Tax Foundation released its 2020 state business climate index, and unfortunately, NYS is winning the race to the bottom again.  Governor Cuomo, despite all the economic accolades from your press office about how great our economy is, this analysis shows that New York is not heading in the right direction.

Ken Girardin explains in his Empire Center column how Gov. Cuomo makes case against PLAs.

Today’s NY Post editorial:  How to tell Cuomo frets the natural gas shortage: He’s passing the buck

George J. Marlin opines on the need to keep fusion voting in New York.

The Ulster County District Attorney issued a press release on October 7, 2019 on the Bail Reform Bill.  Please read it through to understand the problems New York is facing and will continue to face under total democrat control of the Executive and Legislative Branches of government.  Is this what we want for New York State?  Or is this the reason why New Yorkers are fleeing New York.  Unfortunately, not everyone is in the position to move out of state, so those of us who are left must do all we can to regain control of our government.

What happens on the left coast inevitably finds its way to New York.  So, be forewarned:  California’s War on Citizenship.

We Need More Rapists in Prison, Not Fewer. Why AOC Is Wrong Again.

Roger Kimball writes in American Greatness about how the media attempts to school republicans is a disingenuous fraud.

Steve Moore: It’s a middle-class boom — How Americans are really doing under Trump economy.

From the Daily Signal:  The Real Collusion, and the Lessons of the Mueller Investigation.

Thank you, Congressman Lee Zeldin, for shining a light on Cong. Adam Schiff’s biased questioning that he is conducting behind closed doors.

Larry Horist opines in the Punching Bag Post that this time it IS a witch hunt.

Weapons Displayed at China’s Military Parade Should Be a Wake-Up Call to US.

Parents and Grandparents:  Is it really worth the expense when, as Victor Davis Hanson explains today’s universities breed anger, ignorance, and ingratitude.

Cal Thomas opines on the Hillary-Tulsi smackdown.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The Tax Foundation rates New York business climate #49; sandwiched between New Jersey at #50 and California at #48. All run by democratic governors.

The curse of the third term has begun and it rests on Governor Cuomo’s shoulders.

As we tweeted (@cpnys) on Saturday:  Gov Cuomo, now would be a good time to reconsider your bill that allows abortion through the 9th month that you signed with such fanfare last January.  Cuomo huddles with Catholic leaders to honor Mother Cabrini.

On Sunday (also on Twitter) we were quick to remind Governor Cuomo that a leader takes responsibility for his actions.  Cuomo blames the press for his n-word scandal.

Today’s NY Post editorial points out another instance where Governor Cuomo has not shown leadership and refuses to admit he is responsible for the natural gas crisis.    A Wall Street Journal (subscription required) editorial explains how Governor Cuomo’s “habit of bullying others to cover for and fix his policy blunders” is on full display with the current natural gas crisis.   Bloomberg News has more on the crisis here.

Oh dear, another problem Governor Cuomo will try to blame on others:  Cash reports confirm Medicaid gap.

Speaking of not taking responsibility (and creating mini crises), what is going on with Hillary?  The former Secretary of State has seriously lost all ability to be a world leader.  Her unwarranted rant about Russian’s “grooming” Tulsi Gabbard as a third-party candidate for president.  After this military combat veteran put Hillary in her place, she softened her stand and thought it best to be “raising our voices to take our government back out of the hands of the rich and powerful in the special interest?”   Just when you think a democrat had a strong backbone and came to the senses, they bow to the queen of the swamp.

Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times: Killing Biden — to salvage Obama.

Andrew C. McCarthy opines on the Trivialization of Impeachment.

Guy Benson’s latest:  All Nine House Intelligence Committee Republicans: Adam Schiff is Playing Games and Withholding Evidence

2020 Dems Lean on Myth of Marijuana-Incarceration Link.

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t want Mark Zuckerberg making decisions over my life,” Ocasio-Cortez said.  And then pays Facebook over $425,000 to advertise.  I still have never watched a Jane Fonda movie, play, work-out video or anything she may have on You-Tube; unlike AOC, I live by my principles.

Gordon C. Chang opines for the Gateway Institute International Policy Center:  Do Not Trade with a China that Lies, Cheats, and Steals.

Trump Considering Leaving Small Contingent of Troops in Syria, Defense Secretary Confirms.

‘True North’ Outlines 14 Conservative Principles.

An insane drive for more quotas at the FDNY.

Will the cease fire last and other timely subjects.

BREAKING NEWSU.S., Turkey Reach Ceasefire Agreement in Syria Conflict; more from Fox News.

If you are not telling the other person that you are withholding something in order for them to do something, how is it a quid pro quo?

Impeachment Becomes A Psychodrama Of the Press.

Memo to Democrats: A wealth tax is unconstitutional.

California and New York Show the Ugly Face of ‘Progress’

‘Organized destruction’: William Barr blasts ‘militant secularists’ over assault on religion.

What does it take to get sent to jail in New York City?

The Beat writes about reducing the jail population.

Bill Hammond writes this in today’s NY Post:  Blame Cuomo for New York’s Medicaid crisis.

There is a federal plan to bring freedom back to patients and doctors.

If you are caught up in the CDB craze, here are some facts that the FDA wants you to know.

Why Is the Media Ignoring a Law That Hurts Those with Disabilities?

Why does CNN’s fact checker leave out the facts?

The NBA controversy continues:  ‘Believe in something’: Nike mum on China’s crackdown despite standing up for Kaepernick.

The Daily Signal lets us know that the Democrats new bill would drive up college costs even further.

Interesting.  But the Democratic controlled House would never consider passing a bill to achieve this.

Our institutions of higher learning are anything but that today.

New York is so expensive; $100 is worth about $86 in New York—here’s what it will buy you in every US state.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams:  Intolerance in Academia

For our New York City residents. The Party’s website’s home page lists our recommended positions for the 2019 NYC Ballot Proposals. 


Proposal # 1:  This proposal seeks to eliminate the separate run-off primary elections for Mayor, Public Advocate, and Comptroller (by a convoluted system based on ranking your choice and eliminating the candidate with the lowest vote until a candidate has the majority); Extend the time period between the occurrence of a vacancy in an elected City office and when a special election must be held to fill that vacancy. Special elections would generally be held 80 days after the vacancy occurs, instead of 45 days (for Public Advocate, Comptroller, Borough Presidents, and Council Members) or 60 days (for Mayor); and Adjust the timeline of the process for drawing City Council district boundaries so that it is completed before City Council candidates start gathering petition signatures to appear on the ballot for the next primary elections. This process occurs every ten years. The Conservative Party believes that each portion of this proposed amendment should be a separate proposal. It should be noted that in the past, the ranking system was used in NYC School Board elections which created confusion and lent itself to fraud, therefore a NO vote is strongly recommended.

The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote on Proposal # 1.

 Proposal # 2:  This proposal seeks to increase the size of the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) from 13 to 15 members by adding one member appointed by the Public Advocate and adding one member jointly appointed by the Mayor and Speaker of the Council who would serve as chair, and to provide that the Council directly appoint its CCRB members rather than designate them for the Mayor’s consideration and appointment; Require that the CCRB’s annual personnel budget be high enough to fund a CCRB employee headcount equal to 0.65% of the Police Department’s uniformed officer headcount, unless the Mayor makes a written determination that fiscal necessity requires a lower budget amount; Require that the Police Commissioner provide the CCRB with a written explanation when the Police Commissioner intends to depart or has departed from discipline recommended by the CCRB or by the Police Department Deputy (or Assistant Deputy) Commissioner for Trials; Allow the CCRB to investigate the truthfulness of any material statement that is made within the course of the CCRB’s investigation or resolution of a complaint by a police officer who is the subject of that complaint, and recommend discipline against the police officer where appropriate; and Allow the CCRB members, by a majority vote, to delegate the board’s power to issue and seek enforcement of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of records for its investigations to the CCRB Executive Director.  Increase the size of the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) from 13 to 15 members by adding one member appointed by the Public Advocate and adding one member jointly appointed by the Mayor and Speaker of the Council who would serve as chair, and to provide that the Council directly appoint its CCRB members rather than designate them for the Mayor’s consideration and appointment; Require that the CCRB’s annual personnel budget be high enough to fund a CCRB employee headcount equal to 0.65% of the Police Department’s uniformed officer headcount, unless the Mayor makes a written determination that fiscal necessity requires a lower budget amount; Require that the Police Commissioner provide the CCRB with a written explanation when the Police Commissioner intends to depart or has departed from discipline recommended by the CCRB or by the Police Department Deputy (or Assistant Deputy) Commissioner for Trials; Allow the CCRB to investigate the truthfulness of any material statement that is made within the course of the CCRB’s investigation or resolution of a complaint by a police officer who is the subject of that complaint, and recommend discipline against the police officer where appropriate; and Allow the CCRB members, by a majority vote, to delegate the board’s power to issue and seek enforcement of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of records for its investigations to the CCRB Executive Director.  The Conservative Party is opposed to the CCRB and believes that each of these proposed changes to the Civilian Complaint Review Board only further empowers it, therefore a NO vote is recommended. 

The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote on Proposal # 2.

 Proposal # 3:  This proposal would amend the City Charter to: Prohibit City elected officials and senior appointed officials from appearing before the agency (or, in certain cases, the branch of government) they served in for two years after they leave City service, instead of the current one year. The proposed change would be applicable to persons who leave elected office or City employment after January 1, 2022; Change the membership of the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) by replacing two of the members currently appointed by the Mayor with one member appointed by the Comptroller and one member appointed by the Public Advocate; Prohibit members of the COIB from participating in campaigns for local elected office, and reduce the maximum amount of money that members can contribute in each election cycle to the amounts that candidates can receive from those doing business with the City ($400 or less, depending on the office); Require that the citywide director of the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) program report directly to the Mayor and require further that such director be supported by a mayoral office of M/WBEs; and Require that the City’s Corporation Counsel, currently appointed by the Mayor, also be approved by the City Council.  The Conservative Party believes that some of these proposals have merit and should be adopted, however, it also includes that the citywide director of the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise program report directly to the Mayor and be supported by a mayoral office of M/WBE’s and therefore we recommend a NO vote on this proposal.

The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote on Proposal # 3.

Proposal # 4:  This proposal seeks to amend the City Charter to: Allow the City to use a revenue stabilization fund, or “rainy day fund,” to save money for use in future years, such as to address unexpected financial hardships. Changes to State law will also be needed for this rainy-day fund to be usable; Set minimum budgets for the Public Advocate and Borough Presidents. The budget for each office would be at least as high as its Fiscal Year 2020 budget adjusted annually by the lesser of the inflation rate or the percentage change in the City’s total expense budget (excluding certain components), unless the Mayor determines that a lower budget is fiscally necessary; Require the Mayor to submit a non-property tax revenue estimate to the City Council by April 26 (instead of June 5). The Mayor may submit an updated estimate after that date, but must explain why the updated estimate was fiscally necessary if the update is submitted after May 25; and Require that, when the Mayor makes changes to the City’s financial plan that would require a budget modification to implement, the proposed budget modification shall be submitted to the Council within 30 days.  The Conservative Party supports the idea of a “rainy-day fund,” however, to establish a minimum budget for the office of Public Advocate and Borough President eliminates the need to find ways to streamline and cut expenses, we therefore recommend a NO vote on this proposal. 

 The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote on Proposal # 4.

 Proposal # 5:  This proposal seeks to amend the City Charter to: For projects subject to the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP), require the Department of City Planning (DCP) to transmit a detailed project summary to the affected Borough President, Borough Board, and Community Board at least 30 days before the application is certified for public review, and to post that summary on its website; and Provide Community Boards with additional time to review ULURP applications certified for public review by DCP between June 1 and July 15, from the current 60-day review period to 90 days for applications certified in June, and to 75 days for applications certified between July 1 and July 15.  The Conservative Party supports government transparency and therefore recommends a YES vote on this proposal.

The Conservative Party recommends a YES vote on Proposal # 5.

Did Hunter do himself harm in ABC interview?

Hunter Biden attempts to squash appearances of conflict of interest with father.  (However, he seems to dig himself a bigger hole.)

Even some in the media appear to be changing their minds.

Mr. VP Biden, if the heat is too hot in the kitchen, get out of the kitchen!

Here is Steve Hilton’s take on the real Ukraine scandal —  US cash for gas — It involves the Bidens’ and a growing list of Dems.

Could it be — Joe Biden: Youth Idol?

 Is it any wonder that Tom Steyer is polling less than 1% in his home state when he says outlandish statements like this?

Varney: America has a spending problem, not a tax problem.

Governor Cuomo:  In case you missed this, we agree with the Buffalo News editorial:  The 27th District needs a special election – soon.

What could possibly go wrong – besides fraud?

NY Legislature doesn’t care about public safety, only members’ job security.

New York City: The Front Line of Minimum Wage Misery.  Then there is this:  Target Cuts Workers’ Hours after Vowing to Raise Minimum Wage to $15 By 2020, which should be filed under “be careful what you wish for.”

Three Nations That Tried Socialism and Rejected It.

‘Godlessness and Big Government Go Hand in Hand,’ Allie Beth Stuckey Tells Social Conservatives.

Lack of Outrage Can Be a Real Drag.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Democrat Chairman Jacobs Knows Nothin’ About Nothin’ 

New York-Oct. 15…A longstanding prohibition against political party chairman serving on government policy-making commissions — common knowledge among New York party officials — was nullified by a one-sentence, last-minute language insertion deep inside the 2019-’20 State Budget that greenlighted New York Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs to serve as de facto chairman of a commission hellbent on kneecapping the rival Working Families Party (WFP), a story in The Albany Times Union has revealed.

Chairman Jacobs, an ardent opponent of fusion voting who has long-served as the Nassau County Democratic Party chairman as well, claims in the Times Union piece that a.) he noticed the language addition in the 2019-20 State Budget (virtually no one did) and b.) he was previously unaware that political party chairmen have been expressly banned from policy making roles for decades (an equally preposterous assertion.)

“It looks pretty obvious to me what’s going on here,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Jerry Kassar. “Governor Cuomo is furious at the Working Families Party for endorsing Cynthia Nixon instead of him for governor in 2018, so his legislative mechanics cooked up a way to let his handpicked Democratic Chairman put a shiv  between the third and fourth ribs of the WFP. Thankfully, though, the plot is unravelling as members of the public and news media are catching onto what they’re up to.”

The last-minute budget language insertion expressly allowed party officials to serve on the New York State Public Financing Commission — by name. That commission was ostensibly created to look at establishing a taxpayer-funded matching fund program for state political candidates, but it quickly added to its purview a proposal to ban fusion voting in New York, a practice Jacobs has long and very publicly opposed. It then coupled the two issues, declaring that commission members would cast a single vote on all of its recommendations. Jacobs was even caught emailing Democratic Party subordinates to demand that they turn out at commission hearings as members of the public to support his positions on both issues.  (The Conservative Party maintains that the commission has no authority to change New York State Law; only a duly-elected State Legislature can do that.)

Fusion voting permits candidates to run on more than one ballot line, allowing voters to cast nuanced votes by supporting chosen candidates on ballot lines with which they most ideologically agree. It was enacted in the early 20th Century by good-government organizations to help combat endemic corruption in Tammany Hall Democratic politics, and it has thrice been upheld as Constitutional by State courts.

“New York’s third parties, whether they be progressive or conservative, foster crucially important debate in New York and serve as incubators of ideas,” Chairman Kassar said. “We should be promoting as much free speech and political diversity in New York as possible, not working cynically to repress it. What Governor Cuomo and Chairman Jacobs are saying simply doesn’t pass the laugh test. They need to come clean about what they’re up to.”

The Conservative Party, Working Families Party, and Republican Party have each filed suit against the commission’s attempt to eliminate fusion voting in New York.


Hillary and Chelsea trying to find their way back to the White House.

Chairman Kassar was a guest on WAUB 1590 AM/98.1 FM with Steve Penstone discussing the importance of the Conservative Party in New York State.  You can listen to it here.  (scroll to the bottom of the page, on the right-hand side {as you look at it} then go up three.)

File this under:  Sanctimonious school resource officer out of control, detention, counseling on why it was wrong, but being charged with a felony is way over the top.

Get set for a statewide wave of cases like Randy Santos.

Goodwin: Chinatown murders are proof liberal policies put us in danger.

“Compassion” Comes to Chinatown. 

NYC’s fact-challenged first couple.

The Left’s Real Impeachment Wish.

Hillary Clinton: ‘Obviously’ I can beat Trump ‘again’   (Personally, I really think she is fantasizing that she is Elizabeth McCord [Téa Leoni] in Madam Secretary.)

Hillary Clinton Proves She’s Still Tha Kween of Milquetoast Platitudes 

The apple doesn’t fall far from her mother:  Imagining Chelsea Clinton’s America.

Trump faces growing GOP revolt on Syria.

Trump Moves to Increase Transparency in Government Regulations.

Congressman Katko comments on impeachment inquiry, feels it is premature.

What You Need to Know About Trump’s Syria Move.  

The Empire Center reports: Cuomo’s Medicaid Reforms Are Breaking Down.  Watchdog say’s New York’s ballooning Medicaid cost stems from poor budgeting.

The Empire Center also educates us on a lesson on apprenticeships.

Lies, leaks and half-truths: Schiff’s credibility crumbling amid impeachment push.

Authenticity problem? Elizabeth Warren stories under scrutiny amid 2020 surge.

The Chilling Case of Dr. Mackereth.

This Is the Strongest Argument Against Medicare for All.

This week’s words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

Why do so many want to destroy the one country that has lifted up so many people and countries?

Be forewarned!  Daniel Turner: Capitalism, prosperity, freedom are worth fighting for. We don’t want to end up like Venezuela.

And if you think for a moment that can’t happen here, read what the new crop of candidates are running on in Brooklyn.

Letting mentally ill homeless live on the streets is a false kindness.

Another tragic result of the new crop of candidates have been getting passed is the idea that “little” crimes do not matter.  Think again.   The latest from democrat socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would be abolishing prisons.  Ms. AOC believes a “cage is a cage.”

Senator Warren:  Three major lies and you are out!  This is number two.

Congressman Schiff’s record on impeachment isn’t much better.

Republicans Battle Adam Schiff: Yes We’re Pissed and Americans are Getting Screwed.

Words of advice to elected democrats with “Trump derangement syndrome” –  Be careful what you wish for.

Donald Devine opines on the deep state swamp.

The NY Sun:  Democracy Dies in Darkness, Indeed.

The NBA’s Shameful Hypocrisy Over China.

Trump’s making a big mistake in betraying the Kurds.

Trump’s most vocal allies disagree with Syria pullout.

New study: Not one vaping illness linked to legal e-cigarette pods

Kudos to Richard Ketay!   We need more people like him to speak up.


For Immediate Release
October 8, 2019
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @Twitter

Brooklyn, NY – Affordable housing is a problem for many who want to live in the greatest city in the United States, one that has thrived on capitalism.  To quote Frank Sinatra, “If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.”

The latest crop of candidates, emboldened by the press that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez receives, are embracing her socialism by calling for the purging of private ownership of apartment buildings as a way of alleviating the city’s affordable housing crisis, which will only get worse under the “Housing Stability and Tenant Protection act of 2019” passed by the democratic controlled Houses  and signed by Governor Cuomo on June 14, 2019.

Does Boris Santos, who is running as a democratic socialist for the NYS Assembly in Brooklyn not read the papers?   Does he not understand the awful conditions that those who live in government-controlled housing – NYCHA – are forced to endure?  No heat in the dead of winter; elevators that do not work and rodents who invade their apartments to just mention a few of the problems faced by tenants in government run housing.

The only way to solve the affordable housing problem is to allow entrepreneurs to invest in housing and let the free market work.

Boris Santos is pushing this idea with his new “squad” and their motto seems to be “…this power is anti-capitalist baby!”

To which we say, should these radicals be elected, New York City will become Caracas and what was once the pinnacle of the US, will become a nadir of despair.

# # #





The US Supreme Court Justices have a busy year ahead…

Kudos to the Trump Administration!  Buffalo news article Trump Admin joining Michael Kearns efforts to stop Green Light law.

Conservative denounce attempts to impeach President Trump.

Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times:  Impeachment in search of a high crime.

John Gizzi wants to know did NY Rep. Rose’s Change From ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ On Impeachment Finish Him?

Trump Stopped Cold When A Black Supporter Asked to Pray for Him — What She Did Next Floored the Room.

The New York Daily News makes some good points in today’s editorial:  Give us a break: De Blasio didn’t do the homework necessary to support his paid vacation plan.

Another NY Daily News editorial that shines the light on the right point of view.  Love the last sentence.

File this under:  Finally!  Long Island liberals wake up to how green extremism hurts constituents.

More liberals are “woke” and right on this issue:  City council signs letter opposing school oversight plan.

Not all liberals are having a change of heart:  Liberals see oppression in the food aisles.

Michael Goodwin’s common-sense shines through his Sunday column:  ‘Groundhog’ Dems again ‘left’ behind.

Why the tristate ‘pot summit’ won’t settle a thing.

The US Supreme Court returns today and it should be a very interesting year with abortion rights (especially with Justice Kennedy retired), transgender rights and DACA among many other far-reaching cases.  For more information on some of the cases read the Heritage Foundation’s Overview of the Supreme Court’s 2019–2020 Term.

What’s at Stake in Supreme Court’s ‘Sex Discrimination’ Case.

Most likely one of the most important fights we are in in today’s society:  We Must Fight the Sexualization of Children by Adults.

I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn.  (A very touching article by a young lady, led astray by her fears and those who exploit them.)

Can Babies Defeat Marx?  Great article by Annie Holmquist!