Author: Shaun Marie


For Immediate Release
November 6, 2019
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys


 Brooklyn, NY – State Chairman Gerard Kassar noted that the Conservative Party had a great election night due to the efforts of excellent local leaders of county organizations who put our candidates over the top.   Just some of the highlights are below:

  • Taking back the Town of Hempstead – the largest town in the United States with 800K people.
  • Winning a civil court seat in Richmond County on the predominately Democratic North Shore.
  • Flipping the town of Yorktown in Westchester County with 33 year- old Matt Slater a true rising star
  • A landslide victory for returning Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro against Governor Cuomo’s handpicked candidate
  • Flipping the Clinton County Legislature together with many other gains in the North Country
  • Taking back the City of Canandaigua
  • In Wayne County every single non-Judicial election was won by a candidate supported by the Wayne County Conservative Party.
  • Our candidate George Scaringe is holding a lead in the Town of Colonie.
  • In the Fourth Judicial District all 4 of our candidates won with the Conservative Party providing the margin of victory to Michael R. Cuevas.

The Party provided the margin of victory in many races including Hempstead, the Richmond Judicial race as well as several Livingston County Judicial races, the Yorktown race, and the City of Canandaigua in Ontario County.

Despite the unfortunate loss of our outstanding Monroe County Executive candidate, Cheryl Dinolfo, Monroe County Conservatives had many victories. This can also be said of many of our county organizations who saw gains both small and large.

The Conservative Party attributes many of this year’s victories to the implementation by the New York State Legislature of outrageous polices, on crime, taxes, government spending and cultural battles that caught the attention of New Yorkers from all localities and all walks of life.

# # #

Have you voted yet? Make you voice heard: Vote on the Conservative Line.

Election Day!  If you have not voted yet, please vote now.  Send a message by voting on the Conservative Party line.  If you don’t know where to vote, click here.  Remember, all politics are local, so make you voice heard in today’s local elections.

Without Free Speech, All Speech Becomes Government Speech.

Why is it that our youth are drawn to socialism?    Here is a video, that provides hope that not all our youth is lost.  It was made by a young man who lived under a socialist regime and explains why our system of government is still the shining light on the hill.  If we do not exercise our right to vote, we will be the cause of extinguishing the shining light on the hill.  The same one George Soros – who used our free market system to become a billionaire – is doing his best to smother.   George Soros plays where it really makes a difference – the safety of residents.

How despicable is it when government purposely hurts their citizens in order to keep control?  Unfortunately, this article is not about a Third World country, rather it is about our own.  Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times on how deep in the swamp Pelosi Bonaparte really is.

Betsy McCaughey writes that Pelosi’s impeachment rules guarantee a partisan circus.

Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment inquiry’s sneaky next chapter – Get ready for THIS.

Chris Farrell writes in the Gatestone Institute International about a corrupt resolution’s damning consequences.

Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times that the left looks to own all three branches of government in 2020.

Senator Ben Sasse Just Issued a Terrifying Warning About Mexico.

Mark Mills opines in the NY Post on why Chuck Schumer is completely wrong about electric cars.

Nation’s Report Card Shows Why We Should Get Washington Out of Education.

Bob McManus’ latest column:  With O’Neill’s resignation, who’s going to clean up de Blasio’s mess now?

Governor Cuomo reverts to his “I didn’t know anything” when slammed by politicians of all stripes for the early release of prisoners.

Ken Girardin writes in the Empire Center’s NY Torch that the state blows smoke to hide wind costs.

More about The Devine Plan that we wrote about yesterday.  It is only playing tomorrow, see it, if you can.

Research Finds Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, And Purposeful Than Liberals.

Election Day is tomorrow and your only real chance to be heard by elected officials. Make your voice count; Vote on the Conservative Party Line.

Two headlines in today’s NY Post are disheartening, to say the least, as to the future of New York: Nearly 900 city inmates may be freed even before bail-reform law takes effect and Bronx judge releases ‘gun-blasting thugs’ with no bail.  Total democratic control, in New York City and New York State, is doing long term harm; who would want to open a new business, keep their families here or travel to see all that New York has to offer, when we have a government that protects predators rather than the innocent?  The old saying, “you get what you pay for” is playing out.  Tomorrow is Election Day, vote as if you future depends on it, because it does.  Written for Pennsylvania readers, but true in every state.

NYC lawmakers to speak at kink-themed fundraiser for sex workers’ rights group.

Commissioner James O’Neill stepping down from NYPD and NYPD Chief of Detectives Dermot Shea to be named next commissioner.  Does it really matter, as long as Mayor de Blasio and the NYC Council continue to tie NYPD’s hands behind their backVOTE NO ON NYC BALLOT PROPOSAL # 2. (For a complete list of our recommendations on the NYC Ballot Proposals click here.)

As voters, you make a difference when you vote on the Conservative Party line.  It really does send a message to those elected that you support the common sense values that protect the innocent and want a government that allows the entrepreneurial spirit to soar.  Fusion voting in New York State carries that message loud and clear.

The Daily Gazette Editorial: Voters win when they have more choices.

The Times Union Editorial:  A good cause, corrupted.

Fred LeBrun opines in the Albany Times Union:  Cuomo’s faults all his own.

Seriously, Gov. Cuomo?  How could you even think, let alone, say this?  Oh, I forgot, you need to pander to the left.

Goodwin: De Blasio, Cuomo show sneering hostility as Trump leaves New York.

Democrats are stealing old ideas from Europe just as Europe abandons them.

Bill Hammond lets us know who benefited from Medicaid hikes.

Rich Lowry has a lesson in history for the leftist;  Surprise ‘Hamilton’ fans: the Founding Father was a nationalist

This woman is a disgrace to womanhood; cold and heartless.

Here’s How Poor Land Management Is Leading to Bigger California Fires.

If you can, make plans to see this movie, at the present time, only available on November 6, 2019: A president and a pope: an unlikely pair who combine deep faith with political acumen and a shared revulsion for the evil of Soviet Communism.

Cayuga County recently lost a steadfast conservative who will be sorely missed.  RIP Billy Kufs.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Election Day is tomorrow and your only real chance to be heard by elected officials. Make your voice count; Vote on the Conservative Party Line.

Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio Have No Compassion for The Victims

For Immediate Release
November 4, 2019
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @CPNYS

Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio
Have No Compassion for The Victims
The Victims of the Crime are Also Entitled to Justice

 Brooklyn, NY – What were they thinking?  The democratic controlled New York State Legislature passed and the Governor signed a bill to eliminate bail for defendants charged with an array of misdemeanor and felony crimes and made it retroactive!

Thus, the Governor is able to free them even before the law’s effective date.  To add salt on the proverbial wound, Mayor de Blasio is offering incentives – that taxpayers are paying for – movie passes and gift cards to encourage them to return to court.

This is a complete miscarriage of true justice.  The people truly harmed are ignored, while the perpetrator is rewarded.  Taxpayers are forced to pay for this injustice.

Is it any wonder why people are fleeing New York in droves?

# # #

Chairman Kassar’s wrap-up discusses the Impeachment Resolution, Governor Cuomo’s lemmings and the death of an ISIS coward.

Welcome to Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for November 1, 2019.


The Democratic Party’s Congressional Members from New York have failed the people, all of which have voted affirmatively on an impeachment resolution Thursday that advances the unprecedented witch hunt against President Donald Trump.

It is particularly shameful for Reps. Sean Maloney. Max Rose, Paul Tonko and Anthony Brandisi. These are legislators who advertised themselves as moderates to trick unsuspecting voters into putting them into office before stabbing their constituents in the back with this vote.

“My constituents want to judge things for themselves, and I support them. They want more information and public testimony,“ Brandisi said to justify his cowardly actions. “The only way to ensure this actually happens is to take the investigation into the public arena and shine a much-needed bright light.”

Congressman Max Rose said, “The President says he is innocent, so all we are saying is prove it.”  It is shameful that Congressman Rose, an attorney, does not understand the basic American judicial plank that we are all innocent until proven guilty.

The behavior of these “moderate” Democrats shows that the entire party fold has radicalized without exception. Democratic Party policy is now dictated by the likes of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – the “Green New Deal” proponent who is striving for radical communism. The days of the JFK-style reasonable Democrat are long gone.

The resolution ultimately passed by a 232-196 margin, and brings the country one step closer to civil war as the Democrats will do anything in their power to oust President Trump before the 2020 presidential election.


It was discovered this week that Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s hand-picked bureaucrats were in such a rush to destroy the practice of fusion voting that they did not even take their Oaths of Office before wielding power. The Party issued a press release on this major issue on Tuesday.

“Today we learned that his commissioners, including State Democratic Party boss Jay Jacobs, were so rushed to do Mr. Cuomo’s bidding that they failed to even take an Oath of Office, a strict requirement of New York State law. What an incredible waste of money: All of the commission’s previous votes, hearings, and activities have now been rendered null and void.”

“Andrew Cuomo’s commission to exact revenge on political foes is now officially a disaster. It’s been obvious since the commission was authorized by the state budget that this slapstick assemblage was all about Mr. Cuomo’s political grudges and nothing to do with public policy or sentiment,” I wrote in a Op-Ed printed in the NY Daily News also on Tuesday.

New York State GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy is echoing the concerns that I covered in my Op-Ed, and hammered Cuomo’s lawlessness and incompetence during a Public Finance Commission Hearing that took place earlier this week.

“This commission served no purpose other than to do the dishonest bidding of Governor Cuomo,” Langworthy said.

Public Finance Commissioner and state Democratic Party Chair Jay Jacobs confirmed to the New York Times this week that he will be using his power to destroy the fusion voting system that has given a voice to conservative and liberal activists to oppose the establishment political machine.

“I haven’t settled on any particular number yet,” he said. “What I do know is I am going to propose a dramatic increase in that threshold.”

“If we have a campaign finance program, it’s going to have to be able to pay for those candidates if they qualify and that’s what this is all about because the qualification levels now to become a minor party are way too low,” Jacobs added, completely unconcerned about pesky little things like the rule of law, political disenfranchisement, and the Oath of Office.

My Op-Ed strongly advised Cuomo to shut this bureaucracy down before he and other concerned interests, such as the left-wing Working Families Party, stop their unlawful measures in the courts.

I concluded with, “Mr. Cuomo should shut down this charade before it becomes even more embarrassing and stop interfering with state Election Law that is the express purview of the duly elected Legislature.”


 President Donald Trump celebrated the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Sunday, who blew himself up after his hideout in Syria was raided by U.S. forces.

“He died like a dog, he died like a coward,” Trump told the nation. Trump gave full credit to U.S. Forces who conducted the mission without any casualties.

“No personnel were lost in the operation, while a large number of Baghdadi’s fighters and companions were killed with him,” Trump said, before adding that the U.S. retrieved “highly sensitive” information related to ISIS.

“You are the very best anywhere in the world,” Trump said about the U.S. Forces who apprehended Baghdadi.

While President Trump’s “America First” policy has ISIS on the run, they still maintain their terror operation in a limited capacity. ISIS confirmed that Baghdadi had been killed, but have appointed a new leader to head up their Islamic extremist organization.

“The Shura Council met immediately after confirming the martyrdom of Sheik Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The leaders of the Mujahedeen agreed after consultation with their brethren and acting according to the will (of al-Baghdadi) they pledged allegiance to Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi as the new leader of the Believers,” new ISIS spokesman Abu Hamza al-Qurayshi said.

“So, don’t rejoice America for the death of Sheik al-Baghdadi,” the spokesman said. “Don’t you know America that the state (IS) today is at the doorstep of Europe and is in Central Africa? It is also expanding and remaining from east to west.”

While Americans may be happy that Baghdadi is gone, they will not be rejoicing until ISIS is finished for good. President Trump’s policies have helped to destroy the caliphate, but there is much more work that needs to be done before ISIS is wiped off the planet for good.


Warren’s $52T ‘Medicare-for-all’ plan revealed: Campaign still claims no middle-class tax hikes needed
Elizabeth Warren Pledges to Crack Down on School Choice, Despite Sending Her Own Son to Elite Private School
In Trump Impeachment Probe, Democrats Refuse to Follow Nixon and Clinton Precedents
Trump Administration to Reduce Cap on Refugees Allowed Into U.S. to Record-Low 18,000
Judge reopens Covington Catholic teen’s $250 million lawsuit against Washington Post
No evidence photo of Trump watching Baghdadi raid was staged
DOJ Upgrades Russia-Origins Probe to Criminal Investigation
Why Is The Left So Incurious About Ukrainian Election Hacking?
Ilhan Omar votes ‘present’ on bill condemning Armenian genocide
California’s Disastrous State Illustrates Limits of Progressivism
The Supreme Court Should Kill DACA

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s wrap-up discusses the Impeachment Resolution, Governor Cuomo’s lemmings and the death of an ISIS coward.

How pathetic is it that Speaker Pelosi laid the groundwork for a Kangaroo Court?

What happened earlier today in Washington, DC is a really shameful, mindboggling mess.  When I listened to the Speaker of the House, her voice dripping with honey- coated sincerity, wrapping herself  in honoring what America is, describing America as a Democracy while America is a Republic.  In a republic, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, prohibits the government from limiting or taking away certain “inalienable” rights of the people, even when the government is voted for by a majority of the people. In democracies, those elected have almost limitless power over the minority (think Venezuela).  This explains why Ms. Pelosi believes America is a democracy (trying to convince Americans that she knows best), while we know America as a Republic that places the Constitution and Bill of Rights as laid out by our Founding Fathers to limit the role of government.  Eventually every elected official must and will answer to the people who placed them in office, hopefully it will not be by a kangaroo court.

House Formalizes Impeachment Inquiry in Party-Line Vote.

Conrad Black opines in the NY Sun:   Sordid Ruse Is All That’s Left of Impeachment.

Daniel Oliver opines on laws, guns, and freedom, bureaucrats fight to overrule the people.

Richard W. Rahn:  Democratic candidates’ proposals destroy American liberties.

Is it any wonder why the left tries to ban Dennis Prager?  The Dangerous Lessons the Left Is Teaching Our Kids?

Those who think America is a pure democracy do not only serve on the federal level.  New York is now in the hands of Governor Andrew Cuomo and he also thinks and acts like New York is a democracy.  Political theater: Public Financing Commission overshadowed by party politics.  Lucky for us, New York is part of the United States and is subject to the laws of the land.  Thus, we are in court to remind everyone in government that we are not a pure democracy.

Seriously, while still in prison?  NY lawmaker introduces bill that would give prisoners the ability to vote.

Need a reason not to vote early?  Prominent Saratoga Democrats Support Republican as Allegations Swirl in Public Safety Race.

This is outrageous.  Have the jurors heard of contributory negligence?  Oh, that’s right, NYS doesn’t believe in contributory negligence.  Do the jurors understand this is TAX MONEY paying him?  Simply outrageous.  Heroin addict allegedly drags NYPD cop with his car — and wins $11 million in court.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117


 Brooklyn – October 30…“Governor Andrew Cuomo is blatantly misleading the news media and the public in his effort to conceal catastrophic flaws in his Public Campaign Finance Commission, the not-so-thinly-veiled body he created in the 2019 State Budget to exact revenge on political enemies,” New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar today charged.

“His spokesman cited incorrect statute yesterday in an attempt to deflect attention from Cuomo’s most critical Commission error to date: Its members failed to take the required Oath of Office. As a result — under clear State law — any actions the commissioners have taken thus far are nullified. They were not conducted lawfully,” Chairman Kassar said.

The Conservative Party cited clear and long-established State law requiring Public Campaign Finance commissioners to swear an Oath of Office before conducting official state business, which they did not do (below).

Article XIII, Section 1 of the New York State Constitution states that:

Members of the Legislature and all officers, executive and judicial, except such inferior officers as may be by law exempted, shall, before they enter on the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of according to the best of my ability.

The Constitutional Article is codified in Public Officers Law Section 10 which states:

Every officer shall take and file the Oath of Office required by law, and every judicial officer of the Unified Court System, in addition, shall file a copy of said oath in the Office of the Court Administration before he shall be entitled to enter upon the discharge of any of his official duties.

Public Officers Law Section 2 defines the term ‘state officer’ which:

…includes every officer for whom all the electors of the State are entitled to vote,

 members of the Legislature, Justices of the Supreme Court, Regents of the

 University, and every officer appointed by one or more state officers, or by the Legislature, and authorized to exercise his official function throughout the entire state, or without limitation to any political subdivision of the State.

Attorney and Erie County Conservative Chairman Ralph Lorigo, who also serves as Conservative Party Vice Chairman elaborated: “Public Officers Law Section 30 provides that the office of a public officer becomes vacant when the public officer refuses or neglects to take and file his or her Oath of Office within 30 days of appointment,” he said.

“The Governor would have you believe that there is an exception codified in Public Officers Law Section 73 for public officers who receive no compensation or are compensated on a per diem basis. Clearly this is not the case. Section 73 only applies to the Ethics Law sections and Disclosure. That is clear when Section 73 starts with the words ‘As used in this Section’, Chairman Lorigo said.

“Governor Cuomo will be admitting his deception,” Mr. Lorigo continued, “if these nine commissioners do, in fact, file an Oath of Office at this late juncture. But even if they do, Section 30 clearly points out that work done previously, and unlawfully, is negated. Attempting to file an Oath of Office, in accordance with the statutes at this late date, would render the commission unable to complete its task within the statute time frame.

“Governor Cuomo should stop with the shenanigans and allow the duly-elected State Legislature to do its job. Only it can create or amend State Election Law,” Mr. Lorigo concluded.


Did you know there are “sanctuary cities” you will support?

The New York Times:  Democrats’ Secret Plan to Kill Third Parties in New York.

Stephen Moore: Trump economy surges and Biden and Obama hog the credit.

The pathetic push to deny Trump credit for getting Baghdadi.

The Beat examines Sen. Schumer’s push for electric cars in Battery Flattery.

Kamikaze Schumer Wants to Repeal Private Health Insurance.

What are they teaching our young ones if 1 in 3 millennials view communism favorably?

This federal Judge, appointed by President Jimmy Carter, is using common sense.  Judge reopens Covington Catholic teen’s $250 million lawsuit against Washington Post.  Let’s hope Nicholas Sandmann gets his day in court.

Here is a thoughtful and reasonable editorial from National Review:  The Deficit Is a Popularity Problem.

Just let this headline sink in for a minute:  Castro Open to Quid Pro Quo for Israeli Aid.  (what’s good for the gooses, isn’t good for the gander?)

Normally when a conservative hears the words “sanctuary city” their blood pressure rises a bit because of the lack of respect for the US Constitution, however, these “sanctuary cites for the unborn” will cheer your heart.

‘Dangerous and Foolish’: How Legal Vote Harvesting Prompts Illegal Conduct by Political Operatives.

City Journal examines Climate Stalinism.

I am beginning to think that the Democratic Party has a death wish:  Dems Release Impeachment Resolution That Puts Adam Schiff in the ‘Driver’s Seat’

Statement by Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement by Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

October, 29, 2019

Note: New York State Conservative Party Vice Chairman and Erie County Chairman Ralph Lorigo today revealed at a meeting of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Public Finance Commission in Buffalo that Commission members never took an Oath of Office which is required of them by State Law within 30 days of their appointment (30 days is long past.)  As a result, all previous Commission business is legally impermissible (documentation below.) This is yet another embarrassing blow to Mr. Cuomo’s Commission.

“Andrew Cuomo’s commission to exact revenge on political foes is now officially a disaster. It’s been obvious since the commission was authorized by the state budget that this slapstick assemblage was all about Mr. Cuomo’s political grudges and nothing to do with public policy or sentiment. Today we learned that his commissioners, including State Democratic Party boss Jay Jacobs, were so rushed to do Mr. Cuomo’s bidding that they failed to even take an Oath of Office, a strict requirement of New York State law. What an incredible waste of money: All of the commission’s previous votes, hearings, and activities have now been rendered null and void. Mr. Cuomo should shut down this charade before it becomes even more embarrassing and stop interfering with state Election Law that is the express purview of the duly elected Legislature.” — Gerard Kassar


Documentation of need for Oath of Office Documentation on need for Oath of Office


Backlash forced the Washington Post to change obit headline!

The Public Finance Reform Commission is ridiculous — and dangerous.

Why Mike Pence Shouldn’t Shut Up About China

 Did it ever occur to him that the criminal justice bill he rammed through the legislature contributes to the problem?  Cuomo says ‘there oughta be a law’ against subway troublemakers.

Governor Cuomo, since you really do not care about the people who live in upstate New York, and you continue to cater to the people who live in the downstate area, why don’t you just run for Mayor?  Oh, I forgot, you need the surcharges on upstate electric bills to pay for your green schemes.

Why the professionals are fleeing the State Education Department.

This is just mind-boggling:  NYC secretly exports homeless to Hawaii and other states without telling receiving pols.

Only liberals are surprised by this:  After New York Rent Reform, Some Landlords Are Falling Behind.

What could possibly go wrong?  New York City Councilmembers call for hiring of noncitizens for 2020 census.

 Last time I checked cigarettes are still legal.  Why do legislators think that only what they want must be law?  This is wrong,  if it passes in the legislature, all it will do is make the black market even stronger…and give more money to terrorist.

Again, the current crop of legislators is out of control, thinking they are the only ones capable of making good decisions.

The Washington Post changes Baghdadi Obit headline to read “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, extremist leader of Islamic State, dies at 48” after backlash.  The original full obit headline read:  Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48.”   The NY Post editorial hit the nail on the head; Rot in Hell, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  Is there any wonder why people have lost their trust in journalism?

Sometimes there is a glimmer of hope for journalism’s future.  Harvard’s Student Newspaper Chooses Ethical Journalism over PC Mob’s Demands

 If Biden wanted to ‘earn’ the nomination without Obama’s endorsement, he wouldn’t be using Obama as a shield.

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times: Punching holes in Schiff’s leaky pot o’ impeachment soup.

 From the Empire Center:  Excelsior Scholarship “Illusion” Inferior to TAP, Report Says.

File this under:  You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

This is simply not right.  Biologically Male NCAA Runner Named Conference Female Athlete of The Week.

60 Minutes showed last night, that the myth of making marijuana legal will end the black market and produce lots of tax revenues isn’t true, in fact, the black market is stronger than ever in California and tax revenues are far less than promised.

Conservative Party Releases Social Media Ad Urging a NO vote on NYC Ballot Proposition Two

For Immediate Release
October 26, 2019
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

Conservative Party Releases Social Media Ad

Urging a NO vote on  NYC Ballot Proposition Two

Brooklyn, NY — The Conservative Party has released a social media ad in opposition to the NYC ballot proposal regarding changes to the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB).

The Conservative Party is opposed to the CCRB and believes that each of these proposed changes to the Civilian Complaint Review Board only further empowers it, therefore a NO vote is recommended.

For more details on our position, click here.

To view the Ad, click here.


Welcome to Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for Oct. 25, 2019.


 Let me begin this week’s wrap up with a very sincere thank you to all who attended our 2019 Fall Reception held last night in Manhattan.  The Conservative Party exists because you make it possible with your financial support.

Those in attendance had the opportunity to hear from a republican rising star: Lt. Gov. Jeannette Nuñez, who gave a rousing speech that certainly invigorated the already energized crowd.  Lt. Gov. Nuñez, whose husband is a native New Yorker, relates to the problems we have with our Mayor being tone deaf, when she recalled how he praised Che Guevara in Miami (a strong hold of Cubans who escaped from the Cuban Revolution) while campaigning for president.  Her genuine warmth and connection with those present explains why her star is rising.

I was especially happy to see Chairman Emeritus Mike Long along with Governor George E. Pataki who also wowed the crowd.  You know he made a difference in New York when two of the bartenders’ present asked to have their picture taken with him.  They were so excited when Gov. Pataki stood with them while many recorded the moment.

Every Conservative Party event is distinct, last night continued the tradition with Lt. Gov. Jeannette Nuñez and Governor George E. Pataki, Chairman Emeritus Mike Long, the many elected officials who traveled from near and far and most of all to those who make it possible for us to continue our work.


The hammer might be getting ready to fall on the government officials who have waged a coup against President Donald Trump, as Attorney General William Barr has announced that a criminal investigation regarding the origins of the Russian collusion investigation is underway.

U.S. Attorney John Durham has led the probe into the origins of the Russian collusion investigation, and it was revealed yesterday that the probe has become a criminal investigation. This suggests that evidence has been found that serious wrongdoing was committed by federal officials as they attempted to railroad President Trump and undo the results of the 2016 presidential election.

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz will be releasing a report on the FBI’s surveillance on Trump in the near future that is likely to show evidence of serious criminal acts. Democratic Party leaders, who have promulgated a scandal regarding Trump and Ukraine out of whole cloth in recent weeks, are already crying foul as they worry about the bombshell revelations that may emerge.

“These reports, if true, raise profound new concerns that the Department of Justice under AG Barr has lost its independence and become a vehicle for President Trump’s political revenge,” House Judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) said in a joint statement.

“If the Department of Justice may be used as a tool of political retribution, or to help the President with a political narrative for the next election, the rule of law will suffer new and irreparable damage,” they added.

After replacing  Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, Barr is showing what can be accomplished with a man willing to use his power to fight back against institutional corruption.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s bureaucratic incompetence bubbled to the surface yet again this week, as a gas shortage and road funding woes have put the Democrat’s mismanagement on full display.

N.Y.S. Thruway Authority Executive Director Matthew Driscoll shared the news about a stretch of highway that is in total disrepair in a letter addressed to the Seneca Nation on Monday.

“Work also continues on a detailed engineering design report which I will share with you in the coming weeks, but in the interim, it has become abundantly clear from an engineering perspective that the underlying concrete base is in far worse condition than we had anticipated,” Driscoll explained.

Cuomo, of course, passed the buck and blamed the Seneca Nation for the delays on the N.Y.S Thruway. Unfortunately for New York residents, they will inevitably have to pay higher tolls to pay for Cuomo’s poor leadership.

He also weaved some ridiculous conspiracy theories in a letter addressed to Public Service Commission John Rhodes in order to shift the blame regarding a Long Island natural gas shortage as well.

“The fact that National Grid has consumers in a position whereby National Grid gets what it wants or consumers are punished is unconscionable. A utility does not have license to harm customers because it believes it has an irrevocable franchise and is immune from effective regulatory oversight. I will not allow that situation to continue,” Cuomo wrote.

However, the gas shortage is happening because one of Cuomo’s agencies blocked a key pipeline over phony environmental concerns. Cuomo’s unwillingness to take any accountability for the decisions made under his own regime show why his popularity ratings are beginning to fall among New Yorkers fed up with the aggressive nanny stater.


Pence scolds NBA over Hong Kong retreat: ‘Wholly owned subsidiary’ of Chinese Communist Party
Kurds Withdraw From Syria-Turkey Border Region Amid Tentative Ceasefire
CNN’s Zucker ‘very open’ to hiring Shep Smith, says ‘state-run TV’ no place for good journalists
Judge Grants Parents Joint Custody of 7-Year-Old James Younger, Which May Halt Forced Gender Transition
State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Says It Found Nearly 600 Security Violations