Author: Shaun Marie

Will former VP Joe Biden’s faux pas be his downfall?

This makes it very evident that there is more work to be done by the Trump Administration to weed out the misuse of taxpayers dollars:  Feds Hosted Meditation, Massage, and Social Justice Retreat for 450 Employees, Including IRS Workers.

JCOPE is NOT an independent government agency. Simple fact of life; anytime elected officials name who will be on a commission, a temporary commission or the controlling body of an agency, that entity will not be independent.  Heastie’s counsel contacted ethics commissioner after Percoco vote.

Bob McManus shines the light on Cuomo’s disgraceful silence on the outrages at SUNY Binghamton.

The Wall Street Journal’s (subscription required) editorial board:  Adam Schiff, Founding Father;

The chief impeacher tries to redefine ‘bribery’ under the law.

James T. Knight II reminds us of the importance of the Ninth Amendment in his National Review column.

Former Mayor Bloomberg files papers to run in 2020, but his team says he still hasn’t decided to run.  (Just what America needs, a man who can’t decided what to do…unless it is a large soda or how much salt one can put on/in their food!)  But, run or not Bloomberg will drop $20M to defeat Trump in battleground states.

Why did he even accept the invitation, didn’t he know that Atlanta was hosting the debate across town?  Deval Patrick Cancels Atlanta Event After Only Two People Show Up.

Former VP Biden, according to the latest Siena Poll, is the favored candidate of New York’s democrats.  Maybe, New York democrats are not paying enough attention to his most recent debate faux pas:  Biden Slams Trump for Withheld Aid, Ignores Obama Admin’s Ukraine Policy and Joe Biden says we need to ‘keep punching’ at domestic violence.

Steyer Spent $6.2 Million for Every Minute of Debate Speaking Time.  Do we really want him watching over our tax dollars?

Do Americans really want to go down this road? What High-Tax Europe Really Looks Like

The Secular Religion of Socialism.  Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should read this, especially the very last sentence.

Chris Stigall introduces us to two men in the professional world of sports world who can (and should) be admired:  Character Makes A Comeback.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.


For Immediate Release
November 20, 2019
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys


Brooklyn, NY — Governor Andrew Cuomo criticized Chancellor Syverud’s handling of recent racist incidents at Syracuse University, a private university.  All incidents of racism should be investigated and should be handled within the purview of any crime committed and it appears that Syracuse University is investigating the incident.

We have to question, why has Governor Cuomo been silent regarding the problems at SUNY Binghamton, a state-run university?  While, the incidents are not in any way equal, the right to free speech and assembly is guaranteed by the First Amendment.  Some students attending SUNY Binghamton obviously do not agree and took matters into their own hands.

Both incidents are wrong, yet Governor Cuomo criticized one and was silent on the other.  Why, Governor?


# # #

Attorney General is a breath of fresh air in a world that really needs a break from the constant negativity.

One would have thought Mayor de Blasio would have learned by now:  FEC warns de Blasio over presidential fundraising irregularities.

It is no longer only District Attorneys calling for changes in the criminal justice reform bill that Governor Cuomo pushed for and signed.  Mayors Across State Voice Concerns Over Law Changes.

Don’t let politicians screw up the NYPD’s fight against subway crime.

What could go wrong, the City agencies are run so well.   Just think of what a new agency will cost, and don’t forget to include the new long-term pension costs.   Brooklyn pol wants new agency to help nonprofits with city’s flawed contract system.

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) calls out Gov. Cuomo on Cuomo’s Carbon Casualties.

Albany Times Union investigative reporter, Chris Bragg, is still looking for answers:  Cuomo leak probe echoes ’09, with different results

The NY Sun editorial board takes Mr. Bloomberg to task over his apology for the “stop & frisk” policy that worked so well to combat crime in NYC.  Happy to see that the NY Sun is steadfast in their support of Mr. Bloomberg’s “signature political achievement” but disagree with many aspects of his 12 years in office.  Mike Bloomberg is about Mike Bloomberg and his excessive need to control what people do in their personal lives because he thinks he knows what is best for every individual, so excuse me, while I go drink my extra-large soda and put some salt on my potato salad.

The Daily Signal informs us of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s chilling ignorance of history.  Honestly, every member of the Squad is either ignorant of history, chooses to ignore history or just changes it to further their cause.

Also, from the Daily Signal:  Congress Shouldn’t Get Paid Until It Does Its Job. Why This Bill Is a Great Step.

Bill Asher opines in American Greatness on Democrats and Double Standards.

EXCLUSIVE to the Daily Caller:  Former Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese: Bill Barr Is Restoring Faith in the DOJ.  Read this excerpt from Attorney General William Barr’s recent lecture at the Federalist Society’s 2019 National Lawyers Convention and you will understand better how he is restoring faith in the DOJ.  Thank you, AG Barr, for speaking the truth.

Betsy McCaughey had this to say before today’s hearings began:  What Democrats’ next witness, Alexander Vindman, really has to say..  Fortunately, Matt Vespa is watching the Impeachment Hearing for us and writes this.  Kudos to Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, again!  Impeachment witnesses suggest Hunter Biden’s Ukraine ties could be conflict of interest.     Ron Johnson: Ukrainians Felt No Pressure from White House Over Withheld Aid.

Lost Innocence: Let’s Give Children a Childhood.

President Donald J. Trump does what is right for our military who now know for certain, he has their backs.

The Conservative Party held a meeting in Binghamton, NY on Saturday, to emphasize the need to end the ban on hydrofracking, a proven economic boom everywhere it takes place.   It seems that what Governor Cuomo, who is directly responsible for the fracking ban, would rather waste our tax dollars in economic development that continues to fail, or worse, has little oversight that allows CEO’s to take liberties with grant money (according to a lawsuit recently filed), than have true economic growth that benefits New Yorkers.

It isn’t only in economic development where Governor Cuomo makes major mistakes: Pulling JCOPE’s strings.

Cuomo’s Fusion Intrusion Draws Bipartisan Flak.

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) is reporting New York City Plans Support Network for Defendants Freed Under New Bail Laws.

Bill de Blasio’s ‘churro’ problem shows how terrified NYC leaders are of their own laws.  Just wondering, if anyone were to become ill from eating churros purchased underground, would the Transit Authority be responsible?

How generous the Rev. Al Sharpton is…paying himself $1M from his own charity.

I wonder if he supports AOC’s tax plan?  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%.

Elise Stefanik rises as GOP impeachment star: ‘I am proudly the opposite of AOC’.   Keep up the great work Congresswoman Stefanik, as @NikkiHaley said over the weekend…We have your back!

We thank President Donald J. Trump for having the backs of our military who put give their all to protect our rights; they need to know their Commander-in-Chief will have there back, and this weekend he proved that he does.  This is how Fox News broke the news on Saturday morning.  Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher shares his message for the presidentClint Lorance gives first interview since pardon by Trump this morning on Fox and Friends.

What a difference in presidents:  Obama administration knew Hunter Biden was shady, witness admits.

As Robert Knight points out: No one is above the law — unless you’re a Democrat.

Marie Yovanovitch testimony offers no impeachment evidence

When you do this Ilhan Omar funneled another $150K to alleged lover’s consulting group, how do you have any respect for how taxpayer’s money is spent?

This from the latest want to be “panderer-in-chief” Bloomberg apologizes for stop-and-frisk policy.  As the NY Post editoral points out Bloomberg’s reversal doesn’t change the truth about stop-and-frisk.  Bloomberg’s joke of a bid says more about present crop of Democrats.

Billionaires give Elizabeth Warren a political gift before she can even tax them — their anger.

Fur information:  Nearly 80,000 Illegal Aliens Carried an Arrest Record Before Winning DACA Approval, Government Data Show.

And he isn’t the only one to feel this way:  1 Year After Sex Change, This Teen Regrets His ‘Frankenstein Hack Job’.  Personally, I do not understand how people demand the end of declawing cats and celebrate doctors doing this.

Upstate Economy Is Dying; The Best Way to Change This is by Lifting the Ban on Hydrofracking.

For Immediate Release
November 16, 2016
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

Upstate Economy Is Dying;
The Best Way to Change This is by Lifting the Ban on Hydrofracking.
But Governor Cuomo Continues to Refuse to Provide a Life Line

 Binghamton, NY – The Empire Center for Public Policy recently reported that  “newly released federal data on personal income growth last year point to the continued economic weakness of upstate New York.”  While there are many reasons for this lack of economic growth, one of the most predominate reasons for the lack of new jobs is due to the statewide ban on hydrofracking.  The Conservative Party of New York State calls for an immediate lifting of the statewide ban on hydrofracking.

In December, 2017 Strata.Org issued a report on A Tale of Two  States: The Economic impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing in New York and Pennsylvania.  Under the Economic Impacts in New York, the report states “The Hastings paper found that ‘New York’s fracking moratorium is associated with a statistically significant increase in unemployment.’ ” They conclude that their findings are consistent with claims that fracking increases employment opportunities.  New York residents are missing out on these opportunities because of the state’s ban on hydraulic fracturing.”

The report also notes “New York’s ban on fracking has done little to curb its appetite for natural gas, however.   “Nearly two-thirds of all-natural gas imported to New York in 2016 came from Pennsylvania.”  Despite the fact that the Southern Tier also sits on the Marcellus Shale.  End the hydrofracking ban, now!

The report concludes with this “Much of that natural gas could have been produced within the state while providing jobs for New Yorkers. It also could have provided tax revenue for rural communities and the state government and spurred investment in those areas as well. Instead, those benefits have been outsourced to neighboring states.”

Long Island has a severe shortage of natural gas and Governor Cuomo recently told National Grid to provide gas or lose your license.  Governor Cuomo’s instance on the hydrofracking ban is partially to blame for the severe shortage.  And it is his ban on hydrofracking that is partially to blame for the dying economy in upstate New York.

Carolyn Price, Town Supervisor of Windsor and an activist for fracking and pipelines, had this to say, ““As the Town Supervisor of a town that’s across the border from Susquehanna County, I’ve seen the benefits that hydrofracking has brought to that County.  The two pipelines that are in the Town of Windsor have brought great benefit to the town.  the Town of Windsor currently ranks #8 out of 977 towns and cities in New York State for tax base growth, largely due to the natural gas infrastructure in the Town.”

Julie Lewis, the vice president of the Joint Landowner’s Coalition, noted that “The Cuomo administration has egregiously cost New York’s Southern Tier millions if not billions of dollars in lost opportunities by banning fracking, while our neighbors to the South have reaped multiple benefits.  NY passed the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act with the goal of banning fossil fuels like natural gas in an effort to force its citizens to pay for more expensive renewable energy.”

Chairman Kassar concluded with these facts:

  • PA Landowners have been able to improve their properties and set aside money for the future;
  • Local PA governments have received millions of dollars in impact fees collected from drilling activity allowing them to improve infrastructure and other large projects;
  • Drilling companies in PA have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to local charities;
  • Businesses, particularly oil and gas and supportive industries, have been relocating or expanding in PA;
  • PA in contrast to NY, has authorized a PIPE Grant program that encourages natural gas expansion for the benefit of communities that have never had natural gas service.

It is incomprehensible that upstate New York’s economy is forced to slowly die because the progressive, left-wing movement has convinced Governor Cuomo that banning hydrofracking is in the best interest of New Yorkers.   The best interest of all New Yorkers is to end the hydrofracking ban, Governor, and let upstate prosper.



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Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
Conservative Party Champions Will of Voters, Political Freedom; Reiterates that State Commission is “a Sham”

New York-Nov. 15…New York State Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jac0bs, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s handpicked leader of the constitutionally dubious New York State Public Finance Commission, declared on Thursday that his commission will determine which New York State political parties are “credible” and which are not. New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar called Mr. Jacobs’s statement, “stunning, self-serving, and wildly anti-democratic.”

“We have to make sure that people who run for offices on these party lines are running from party lines that are actual credible parties that have some demonstrated level of support,” Mr. Jacobs told The Capitol Pressroom.

New York State political parties are formed by achieving a 50,000-vote threshold in quadrennial New York gubernatorial elections, an established benchmark that goes back almost a century. Governor Cuomo’s commission, ostensibly created to establish a taxpayer-funded state campaign system, is now arbitrarily proposing that parties be required to attain as many as 250,000 votes in a gubernatorial year in order to exist. It has been suggested by good-government political observers and others that the Democratic-Party-boss-led commission has set its initial sights on The New York Working Families Party for revenge, a competing party on the political left that famously irritated Governor Cuomo by backing a competitor over Cuomo in the 2018 Democratic Party primary. With such arbitrary powers, the commission, or a subsequent commission, could then come after The Conservative Party, the third strongest party in New York, by establishing even higher thresholds, Chairman Kassar warned.

“Governor Cuomo and the New York Democratic Party boss are trying to kill off political competition in New York right before our eyes, and that’s a frightening scenario for everyone,” Chairman Kassar said. “They are using the guise of campaign finance to rationalize their ploy, but no one is buying it — a power grab is a power grab is a power grab. How can they possibly think that a state political party chairman should decide the fate of competing parties? It’s a preposterous attempt.”

The Public Finance Commission has proposed a wildly expensive matching fund program for state candidates — taxpayers matching political donations at a ratio of 20-1 under one suggestion — and then claimed that such a program would be too expensive with New York’s multiple party lines system. It’s convenient recommendation? Effectively abolish competing political parties, the Conservative Party noted.

“From day one, this  Commission has been blatantly unconstitutional,” Chairman Kassar continued. “It has no authority to make law  — only a duly-elected legislature can do that — and it has no right to end fusion voting in New York, a constitutionally protected practice going back more than 100 years. The work of the Commission is furthermore null and void because its members inexplicably failed to swear a required oath of office.”

A spokesman for Governor Cuomo angrily claimed two weeks ago that no oath of office for commission members was necessary. Those members quietly took oaths this week. Under clearly established State law, the Conservative Party maintains, all previous commission work must be nullified.

“This circus needs to end,” Chairman Kassar continued. “If Governor Cuomo wants to change the law to benefit himself, he should propose bill language to his allies in the State Legislature.  This surreptitious end-around has blown up in his face.”



If Congressman Schiff really thinks this impeachment will pass he needs a refresher course in: Impeachment 101

There is an old saying that If you tell a lie long enough, people will come to believe it.

Cuomo Says Upstate Is Booming, New Report Shows More of the Picture.   Governor Cuomo, did you not see this column:  After years of failed promises, SUNY Poly sells former Kodak facility.   I guess you missed this also:  Buffalo Billion Goes Bust; Now Worth 8¢ on the Dollar, Empirezuela Is Next.

Cuomo’s latest bid to dodge blame for Long Island’s natural-gas crisis.

Cuomo blows a natural gasket.

Cuomo’s AWOL in saying what he’ll do about New York’s huge Medicaid problem.

It is time for you, Governor Cuomo, to face reality:  You’ve lost your “Mo-Jo” and it is time for you to face the reality that New York is in deep financial trouble due to your unsustainable need to please progressives and your inability to continue to pull the wool of the eyes of New Yorker’s.

Kearns Continues to Challenge Green Light Law, Moves Forward with Appeal.

Angry GOP, Conservative officials seek early election for Collins seat.

Goodwin: Adam Schiff’s dull impeachment hearings are a flop.

Adam Schiff is wasting the nation’s time with impeachment hearings.

10 reasons why this impeachment ‘inquiry’ is really a coup.

Dems trot out new charge as initial focus of impeachment hearings falls flat.

 Democrats’ word games show they can’t find a true impeachable offense.

Fred Lucas writes about 6 key moments from the first day of public Impeachment Hearings, for the Daily Signal.

Roger Kimball writes about a tale of two quids.

Revealed: Millions in payments to Hunter Biden.

Lo and behold can this be?  CNN Legal Analyst: You Know, Schiff’s Witness Testimony Is Actually Problematic.

John Tierney writes in City Journal about Journalists Against Free Speech; Once unswerving defenders of the First Amendment, members of the press increasingly support restricting expression.

Take it from a man who knows the health care industry:  How ‘Medicare for All’ Would Make Your Health Care Worse, Not Better.

Clarence Thomas: An exceptional American who defied the odds

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams:  Young People Ignorant of History.

Is Project Nightingale ignoring the HIPAA laws?

This is very unsettling.  First the US had concerns about Huawei, now the Feds charge a New York firm with illegally selling Chinese-made security equipment as American-madeto resell to our military.  Very unsettling to say the least.

Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees…makes a huge difference, outside of New York.

We are not a party that supports more government; however, we certainly understand why the District Attorney’s in New York State need more money to comply with the extremes the democrats included in the criminal justice bill.  DAs say they need more funding to carry out criminal justice law changes. (see additional articles in the weekend round up.)

Entitlement Liabilities Are a Graver Threat to the Next Generation of Americans Than Climate Change.

So, is the HIPAA Law no longer law, or is Google (and others) defying the HIPAA Law?  Technology knows too much about personal lives and may soon be in a position to dictate to government who should stay and who should go.  Yet, we just keep giving Big Tech more and more information.  CNBC is not as concerned as others; Google’s hospital data-sharing deal raises privacy fears — here’s what’s really going on.

Great article by Bob McManus:  NYC’s would-be mayors give the NYPD the churro.

Fr. George Michael Rutler and his words of wisdom makes a lot of sense in his weekly column of November 10, 2019.

In case you missed these articles from the weekend:

Cuomo’s deep denial on New York’s coming criminal-justice crisis.

Criminal justice reforms receive calls for repeal

The gov’s well-paid wind-power liars.

AOC was even more wrong about Williamsburg than we’d thought.

Elizabeth Warren Thinks Voters Are Stupid.

Just 29% Of Americans Support Allowing Biological Males on Girls’ Sports Teams. A Democratic Bill Would Require It.

Transgender agenda fought by unlikely alliance: Radical feminists and conservative women.

Reality Check: After Huge Tax Cuts, Revenues Increased. The Deficit is Spiking Because of Overspending.

Pension Bailouts Could Raise the National Debt by $7 Trillion

Under Socialism the Worst Get on Top 

Next Generation of Americans Will Embrace Socialism If We Lose ‘War on History’

The Left Doesn’t Really Believe ‘No One Is Above the Law’

Statement by Chairman Kassar on Congressman Peter King’s Decision

For Immediate Release
November 11, 2019
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

Statement by Chairman Kassar
on Congressman Peter King’s Decision

Brooklyn, NY – Congressman Peter King’s decision to not seek re-election in 2020 will be a loss to his constituents and especially to all Americans.  His leadership and expertise in homeland security and counter terrorism has been instrumental in keeping New York and America safe since the horrific 9/11 unprecedent assault on our homeland.

His long and lustrous career in the House of Representatives, fighting for his constituents, will be sorely missed, but we are confident Congressman King will always be available to continue the fight for his constituents and all Americans.

The Conservative Party is proud to call him a friend.

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For Immediate Release
November 8, 2019
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys


Brooklyn, NY, Nov. 8…High-tax, anti-business, and soft-on-crime policies coming out of Democratic-controlled Albany are jolting everyday New Yorkers, and Tuesday’s election results reflect it, New York State Conservative Chairman Gerard Kassar today said.

“Despite some misleading news reports about this week’s elections, Tuesday’s results show a growing backlash against unhinged policy positions being driven by Albany’s hard political left,” Chairman Kassar said. “Voters around the state rejected this unbridled ‘progressivism’ by supporting Conservatives and Republicans at the polls, and we are confident that this trend is only just beginning. Leftist, one-party rule will spell disaster for this state, and voters are already beginning to react to it.”

Chairman Gerard Kassar noted Conservative-backed victories on Tuesday, including:

  • Taking back the Town of Hempstead – the largest town in the United States with 800K people;
  • Winning a civil court seat in Richmond County on the predominantly Democratic North Shore;
  • Flipping the town of Yorktown in Westchester County with 33 year- old Matt Slater a true rising star;
  • A landslide victory for returning Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro against Governor Cuomo’s handpicked candidate;
  • A district attorney win in heavily Democratic Dutchess County;
  • Flipping the Clinton County Legislature together with many other gains in the North Country;
  • Taking back the City of Canandaigua;
  • Winning every non-judicial election in Wayne County;
  • George Scaringe holding a lead in the Town of Colonie;
  • Mike Kavanaugh leading in the count for Ulster County District Attorney;
  • All 4 candidates in the Fourth Judicial District winning, with the Conservative Party line providing the margin of victory to Michael R. Cuevas.

The Conservative Party provided the margin of victory in many races, including Hempstead, the Richmond Judicial race as well as several Livingston County Judicial races, the Yorktown race, the City of Canandaigua in Ontario County, and Michael P. Cuevas in the 4th Judicial District, Chairman Kassar noted.

The Conservative Party attributes many of this year’s victories to the implementation of dangerous and outrageous policies on crime, taxes, and government spending, and on the cultural battles that caught the attention of New Yorkers from all localities and all walks of life.

“Democrats in Albany are turning this state into a laboratory for off-the-wall ‘progressivism’ and everyday New Yorkers are noticing it,” Kassar continued. “This is not the New York that the average voter wants, and if Tuesday is an early indicator, there will be hell to pay for the government malpractice we are witnessing. Mark my words: The pendulum is swinging in New York.”

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Welcome to Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for Nov. 8, 2019


The Conservative Party has a lot to celebrate from this week’s local elections, as we explained in our press release issued on Nov. 6.

Here are some of the highlights we have singled out:

  • Taking back the Town of Hempstead – the largest town in the United States with 800K people;
  • Winning a civil court seat in Richmond County on the predominately Democratic North Shore;
  • Flipping the town of Yorktown in Westchester County with 33 year- old Matt Slater a true     rising star;
  • A landslide victory for returning Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro against Governor Cuomo’s handpicked candidate;
  • Flipping the Clinton County Legislature together with many other gains in the North Country;
  • Taking back the City of Canandaigua;
  • In Wayne County every single non-Judicial election was won by a candidate supported by the Wayne County Conservative Party;
  • Our candidate George Scaringe is holding a lead in the Town of Colonie;
  • In the Fourth Judicial District all 4 of our candidates won with the Conservative Party    providing the margin of victory to Michael R. Cuevas;
  • In the Town of Southhold (Putnam County) registered conservative, John P. O’Connor, was elected to the Town Board;
  • In the Town of Gilboa (Schoharie County) registered conservative, Alicia Terry, was elected Town Supervisor;
  • In Erie County, registered conservative Joseph Lorigio, was re-elected to the County Legislature where he serves as the Minority Leader;
  • In Ulster County, Michael J. Kavanagh, is leading by 3 votes, due to the votes cast on the Conservative Party line.

Unfortunately, Monroe County Executive candidate Cheryl Dinolfo lost her race. She would have been a spectacular public official, but we did make gains in other races throughout Monroe County to somewhat off-set that unfortunate result.

We would like to thank Governor Andrew Cuomo and the out-of-control Democratic state legislature for rallying the people of New York against them, and sending voters in our direction!


The New York state government continues to come apart under Gov. Cuomo’s far-left stewardship, with Medicaid being in the red by the billions largely due to his fiscal recklessness.

The state is planning to kick the can down the road by allocating $2 billion in Medicaid spending for next year’s budget, but the only problem is they are still $3 billion in the red in the current year. Cuomo will have to cut at least $1.5 billion out of Medicaid by March for the program to remain afloat according to analysts.

Cuomo has finally mustered the courage to admit that Medicaid is in crisis mode, although he still severely downplays the severity of the crisis.

“We have a reduction in federal aid, we have an increase in the labor costs, we have an increase in coverage for the program — which is a good thing. They’re all good factors besides the reduction in federal aid, but it is gonna be a major financial issue for the state for next year,” the governor said.

Bill Hammond, who works as the health policy director of the Empire Center for Public Policy, puts the blame squarely on Cuomo for the crisis.

“It was Cuomo’s good idea, at the very beginning of his first term in 2011, to impose an inflation-based cap on Medicaid spending growth, bringing a modicum of fiscal discipline to the notoriously bloated program,” Hammond explained.

However, Cuomo eventually weakened his own policy which is what ended up leading to the crisis.

“Cuomo and the Legislature weakened the policy with carve-outs and loopholes. The biggest exemption applied to expenses from a major minimum-wage hike, to as high as $15 an hour. That is now costing Medicaid about $2 billion a year,” Hammond said.

“Medicaid is state government’s costliest program and most awesome responsibility. The millions who depend on it for care, and the taxpayers who foot the bill, deserve better from their chief executive in Albany,” Hammond concluded.

Unfortunately for New Yorkers, they will ultimately end up footing the bill for Cuomo’s jaw-dropping profligacy and incompetence.


 President Donald Trump has achieved an incredible milestone in his goal to make America great again. He has now appointed 25 percent of all circuit court judges who are currently serving on the bench.

“As of this afternoon, one in every four judges on the federal courts of appeals will have been nominated by [President] Trump and confirmed by us here in the Senate,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced in a Twitter post on Thursday.

“That’s 45 new lifetime appellate judges committed to the key principle that judges should apply our laws and the Constitution as they are actually written, not as the judge might personally wish they’d been written,” he added.

Trump made the announcement on Wednesday during an event at the White House that he had already appointed 150 federal judges and expects for that number to be as high as 182 within a couple months.

“In terms of I’d like to say quality and quantity we are going to be just about number one by the time we’re finished,” Trump said.

Conservative hard-liners in the Senate are proud of the President’s tremendous accomplishment and the lasting ramifications it will have on the nation.

“Few legacies will be longer lasting than this judicial one. These new judges are principled constitutionalists who have demonstrated excellence and professionalism throughout their legal careers,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wrote in an op/ed on Wednesday.

Liberals are extremely angry about the progress that Trump has made.

“These judges are a way of advancing conservative political goals that cannot be achieved through the proper means,” said Sam Berger of the liberal Center for American Progress.

“Under Obama, they prevented him from appointing judges and when Trump became president, they changed the rules so they could rush through a number of ideological and in many cases unqualified judges to the bench,” Berger added.

“As a senator, I have now worked with four separate administrations, Democrat and Republican, on the appointment of federal judges,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said. “I can say with perfect confidence that over the last three years, President Trump has nominated — and Senate Republicans have approved — the most unqualified and radical nominees in my time in this body.”

Elections have consequences, and Trump is making great use of his time in the Oval Office by completely remaking the judiciary. This may be the most compelling reason of all for conservatives to pound the pavement and re-elect him as President next year.


Whistleblower’s Attorney Cheered on ‘Coup’ Against President Trump in 2017: ‘We Will Get Rid of Him’
Rand Paul blocks Senate push to protect Trump whistleblower
NY Bail Reform Would Be Curbed Under GOP Proposals in State Legislature
The Right Way to Talk About Rights
Bill De Blasio Defends Plan to Give Accused Criminals Mets Tickets, Gift Cards to Show up to Court
Liberal Policy Failures Are the Reason for Socialism’s New Appeal
– Congressman Lee Zeldin: Yovanovitch ‘Did Not Accurately Answer’ My Question Under Oath in Impeachment Inquiry

Are Al Sharpton’s glory days numbered? Meet the person who should replace him.

Is the Press Corps getting tired of Gov. Cuomo’s coveting publicity?

New York is facing a severe budget shortfall.   This is a bombshell related to the fact that Medicaid is facing a real funding problem.  And it isn’t only the fiscally conservative Empire Center that is reporting the bad news.  Read Crain’s New York Business on the looming budget deficit here.

This is so typical of Governor Cuomo:  Cuomo says no new funding for criminal justice reforms.  NY law enforcement has reasons to be worried about the new reforms.  And counties cannot keep absorbing the costs of unfunded mandates; residents cannot afford any increases in taxes, and the 2% barely covers the naturally occurring increases.  The exodus of New Yorkers will continue.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is on the defense in his Op-Ed countering Michael Goodwin’s  November 2, column.  Fortunately, for all New Yorkers, the NY Post editorial board, stand by their “intrepid columnist.”  Alas, the Left will never accept the facts, to their own detriment.

But there is hope.  Some are beginning to see the facts; for example, Candace Owens, who in 2016 was a self-described liberal.  Now she is the leader of the Blexit (Blexit means the exit by black Americans from a Democratic Party that takes their vote for granted) movement, and the worst nightmare for democrats.  Watch out Al Sharpton, there is a new, attractive spokesperson making her mark in African-American communities and Ms. Owen is making it by recognizing the virtue of HOPE.  Kudos to Candace Owens.

More bad news for democrats:  State Elections Aren’t All about Trump.

Congressman Adam Schiff explain this:  ‘Coup has started,’ whistleblower’s attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment.   Mark S. Zaid wrote on his certified Twitter account on Jan. 30, 2017, Mr. Trump’s 11th day in power, that “#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers.”

Another blow to Congressman Schiff’s impeachment quest.

Then there is this:  The Whistleblower’s Other Attorney Also Called for President Trump to Be Removed from Office

Before Donald J. Trump was president, he did this.

About early voting in New York State; New York needs to rethink early voting and Less than 20% of NYC voters cast ballots this year.  Your tax dollars pay for early voting, is it worth the expense?  Next year is a Presidential election, we will see if there is an improvement.

Good news regarding Tuesday’s elections.   John P. O’Connor was elected to the Town Council in the Town of Southeast (Putnam County)  and Alicia Terry was elected the Town of Gilboa (Schoharie County)   Supervisor.   Joseph Lorigo was re-elected to the Erie County Legislature .  Mr. Lorigo  serves as the Minority Leader.  All are enrolled conservatives.  As we get more information, we will let you know.

More hypocrisy by a leading liberal newspaper:  A Massive New Study Says the Washington Post Often Underpays Young Women and People of Color

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.