Author: Shaun Marie

Speaker Pelosi pushes impeachment; but doesn’t “hate” anyone.

First, the free spending democratic controlled Assembly spends money lavishly and helps creates a $6B budget deficit, then Speaker Heastie wants to raise your taxes to close what they created.  Now Speaker Heastie says there’s no appetite to delay NY criminal justice laws amid cost concerns.  So the democrats in the Legislature spend our money without concern, will raise our taxes to pay for their spending, and then say our safety, which is in jeopardy, doesn’t matter despite the fact that the majority of law enforcement and the courts don’t have enough revenues to hire the people needed to comply with the new demands made by criminal justice reforms.   How much longer will NYS voters put up with this nonsense?  You have 333 days until November 3, 2020.

As if they haven’t spent enough of our money, some state agencies keep coming back for more; NYSERDA Seeks $573 Million and Policy Changes to Reboot NY-Sun.

I guess when your political party controls the state government you begin to believe you can do anything you want without repercussions.   Heastie contacted JCOPE commissioner following January meeting.

Jim Geraghty reminds us the world is getting better. it’s just that no one tells you about It.

Former State Chair, Mike Long, speaks out about Bishop  Scharfenberger who is a passionate advocate for his beliefs and is adding Buffalo’s  diocese to his portfolio until a new Bishop is named.

Victor Davis Hanson opines on corruption at the FBI, CIA and DOJ.

‘Dirty cops’: FBI leaves trail of lies, leaks, lapses in Trump era.

I really think Speaker Pelosi has lost her mind:  Pelosi lashes out at reporter: ‘Don’t mess with me’.  “I don’t hate anybody. I was raised in a Catholic house; we don’t hate anybody — not anybody in the world.”  Being a self-proclaimed catholic, you may not “hate” anybody, Ms. Pelosi, but you certainly do not show any love or compassion for unborn children.  #retireNancyPelosi

Impeachment hearing: Nothing is more convincing than liberal professors yelling at you.

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) writes about Mr. Schiff’s Impeachment Opus.

Scott Walker thinks the democrats in Congress may be overplaying their hand.

Isn’t it frightening knowing that these are law professors teaching future lawyers about the Constitution; Heaven help the United States of America.

I’m guessing the Congresswoman was missing the spotlight:  AOC Falsely Claims She Fast-Tracked HIV Drugs to Market.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.


For immediate release
December 5, 2019
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys


 Brooklyn, NY – The Conservative Party released their ratings for the past legislative session today to keep the voters of New York informed and knowledgeable of how their state legislators voted on 25 key bills passed in the 2019 session.

Keeping with tradition, the Conservative Party tracked legislation throughout the session, issued support and opposition memos, and determined, at an executive committee meeting, which key issues would be used. The Bills considered comprise a variety of issues including, but not limited to economics, crime, health,  education, and pro-life issues that affect the lives of New Yorkers. “We believe that it is necessary to keep the public informed of key votes and let the taxpayers be aware of how elected officials spend our hard-earned money. Every Bill is considered, and then we narrow the number to give voters a fair assessment of what transpires in Albany,” said Gerard Kassar, State Chairman.  “A review of the Bills used this year will show New Yorkers how out of touch the legislature is with the average citizen; many are costly and others will show how they help New Yorkers.” said Kassar.

Senators Daphne Jordan (43rd SD), Thomas F. O’Mara (58th SD), and Robert G. Ortt (62nd SD) each scored a perfect 100%; in the Assembly, David J. DiPietro (147th AD) and Kieran Michael Lalor (105th AD) also had a perfect score of 100%.

The overall Senate ratings dropped 15% from the 2018 average of 55%, to a new low of 40%.  The Senate, now under full democratic control, explains the dramatic drop.  In 2018 the democratic average was 41%, this year the democratic average plummeted to 14%.  Conservative endorsed legislators in the Senate averaged 86%, up from 69% in 2018.  The Assembly’s overall rating was 36%, down from their 2018 rating of 42%.  The democrats averaged 17%, down from their 28% rating in 2018.  Conservative endorsed Assembly members averaged 79%, up 1% from 2018.

We encourage voters to review the ratings and contact their legislators to remind them that conservative fiscal policy and principles make New York business friendly and encourages entrepreneurs to open businesses and most importantly to provide jobs to those who want to stay in New York State.  The current rush for progressive ideology will only increase the exodus of families and further decline the opportunities that made New York the beacon to those who sought hope and prosperity.

(Ratings are online here.  If you have a problem downloading, please call 718-921-2158 or 518-356-7882 for a copy.  Thank you.)


# # #

Phase two of the impeachment begins…

As we noted in yesterday’s blog, the criminal justice reformers want more.  Today’s NY Post editorial, Why New York needs to pause criminal-justice reform,  also believes that “… New Yorkers should get to see the impact of the changes already baked into the cake before lawmakers drop yet more wholesale ‘reform.’”

Zack Fink reports that NY lawmakers face calls to reject vote on system of publicly-financed campaigns.  We staunchly believe that your tax dollars should not be used for the campaigns of candidates you do not necessarily support. As Chairman Kassar noted in his statement issued yesterday; “Of all the insults heaped upon New York taxpayers, this one may be the cruelest. Governor Cuomo is forcing New Yorkers to pay for other people’s careers, with money they need themselves. And he did it without the required consent of our duly-elected state legislature.”

Chairman Kassar was on WCNY’s Capitol Press Room yesterday.  You can listen to the program here.

Is anyone shocked by this?  Cuomo has ties to official who dismissed whistleblower’s claim.

No one will be shocked by this either.  Bob McManus explains how Andrew Cuomo stands with America’s energy enemies.

Governor Cuomo caved to the progressive movement once again:  Cuomo Signs Bill to Widen Potential Criminal Liability for Landlords Who Harass Tenants.

The NY Post editorial:  Cuomo must start explaining how he’ll close New York’s $4B Medicaid gap.

9 of the 10 Richest People in the World Are Self-Made Entrepreneurs; and 7 of the 9 are Americans that have created an untold number of jobs that make it possible for families to live a better life.  Yet they are vilified by those who believe government should take the majority of their profits in taxes.

He Grew Up Poor in Chicago. Then Conservative Values Helped Transform His Life.

If it were up to Sen. Warren, the left and right coast would choose the next president, and middle America would be left out.  Warren Plans to End Electoral College by 2024.

The NY Sun opines on the Bloomberg Blackout.

Blinded by extreme dislike of what President Trump is accomplishing, Democrats release Trump impeachment report, blast scheme to ‘solicit foreign interference’ in 2020 race.

Here is Katie Pavlich’s take on the Adam Schiff submission regarding impeachment.

John Stossel gives us an example of how government creates problems.

Did you miss any of these articles over the Thanksgiving break?

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed the company of family and friends while keeping the economy going when shopping on Black Friday.  Today is a catch-up day on our blog; short notations for some of the items you have may have missed over the Thanksgiving long weekend.

Kudos to President Trump (and every preceding president) who visits our deployed troops on holidays.  Trump surprises U.S. troops in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving, announces new talks with Taliban.

‘Unprecedented’ impeachment in election year forces Trump to fight on two fronts.

Democrats’ ugly Christmas present to the nation.

This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.

David Limbaugh on New Far Left: Americans Must Resist ‘Tyrannical Bullying’

Anti-Capitalism: Trendy but Wrong

Some British Lessons on ‘Single Payer’ Health Care.

It pays to believe that you can change what goes too far:  In a Blue State, Parents Beat Planned Parenthood’s Sex Ed Push.

Millennials Are Fleeing Cities for Refuge from Democrats’ Disasters.

Heather MacDonald wants to know:  Why Are College Students So Afraid of Me?  (Wall Street Journal article, subscription required.)

Your tax dollars are paying for this:  New York City leads the country in illegal Medicaid enrollment.

Jimmy Vielkind write this in the Wall Street Journal (Subscription required) State Comptroller to Cuomo: Come Clean on Medicaid Cuts.

Why Cuomo’s victory over National Grid is a loss for you

One of many of Governor Cuomo’s legacies.  Tom Precious:   Economics aside, a soaring deficit takes shape in Albany

Wow, the fact that innocent New Yorkers will be at risk with the criminal justice reforms just enacted, doesn’t matter at all to these legal defense groups.  NYC legal defense groups want additional criminal justice reforms from Albany.

New York’s new bigots are its anti-Christian lawmakers.

Robert Knight writes about ‘Conservative Obama,’ pregnant men and other liberal media fantasies, in the Washington Times.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams:  Who Are the Racists?

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on
Cuomo Public Finance Commission Report

December 2, 2019

Brooklyn, NY — “If you hate campaign robocalls now, wait till you’re paying for them yourself.

“And you will be, ring, ring — $100 million worth every four years — if Governor Cuomo’s boondoggle of a taxpayer matching fund plan is allowed to stand.

“Handing hard-earned money to politicians for political ads would do nothing to slow corruption. When governments grow as large as New York’s, there are always avenues for larceny. Mr. Cuomo’s backhanded commission proved that yet again.

“Of all the insults heaped upon New York taxpayers, this one may be the cruelest. Governor Cuomo is forcing New Yorkers to pay for other people’s careers, with money they need themselves. And he did it without the required consent of our duly-elected state legislature.

“The Conservative Party continues to question the constitutional authority of this commission to make law, and expects to be back in court on Thursday, December 12. Stay tuned.”



Don’t worry Gov. Cuomo, the third-term curse, is solvable, provided you accept that you caused it and stop catering to the progressive wing of your political party.

The progressive arm of the democratic party pushing for a “wealth tax” is promoting an agenda that will ultimately harm all Americans.

From Bloomberg News:  Give Thanks, Americans. You’re Back to Work.  Perhaps the former NYC Mayor and current presidential candidate should note the headline from the news organization he formed and still plays a major role in how it operates.  (Alas, true to form, it takes an un-necessary poke at President Trump, Mr. Bloomberg’s current nemesis.)

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) in their editorial Bloomberg No News; His reporters won’t investigate Democrats—but Trump is fair game points out the problems that could/will probably occur with Bloomberg’s news organization and Mike Bloomberg’s run for president.

Governor Cuomo, reading some out of state editorials may help you get back on the right track for all New Yorkers.

It is good to be king, isn’t it, Governor Cuomo; everyone does your bidding.  State panel proposes rules for lower fat cat donations in NY races.   (Notice how the change in limits for the gubernatorial races don’t begin until 2026.)

Some things, Governor Cuomo, just cannot hide from:  Ginormous budget holes look to be Andrew Cuomo’s third-term curse.

Ken Girardin writes in the NY Torch how the Grid fails under pressure.

Bill Mahoney writes in Politico:  Everybody — except minor parties — gets something in campaign finance deal.  (Not everybody.  More of your tax dollars will be spent on campaigns that you might not want to support…everyone is so eager to spend our tax dollars.)

From the Daily Signal:  4 Big Questions About the IG Report on FBI Surveillance of Trump Campaign.

Victor Davis Hanson asks the question:  Are Thought Crimes Impeachable?

Obviously, Democrats cannot call for transparency in campaign financing when this is going on.  Dark Money Network Funneled $600 Million to Liberal Initiatives in 2018, but they will when it comes to republican campaigns…or they will have their shills call for transparency.

5 Things to Know About Rep. Elise Stefanik as GOP Lawmaker Fights Democrats on Impeachment

Trump’s impeachment hinges on ‘national interest,’ legal scholars say, writes S.A. Miller in the Washington Times.  The ‘national interest’, as far as most people believe, is that our tax dollars should not be going to a corrupt government, which Ukraine was when Hunter Biden was employed.  Most people, if questioned directly, would believe that President Trump had a moral obligation to protect the tax payers and establish that he knew about the corruption, and wanted them to know he knew, and to be certain it would never happen under his watch.

However, some in the Democratic Majority are blinded by hatred and They Won’t Stop: Jerry Nadler Announces Another Impeachment Hearing with a Special Invitation.

Happy belated (11/24) birthday to Bill Buckley.

Have a safe, happy, and blessed Thanksgiving.  Our daily blog will return on Monday, December 2, 2019.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Don’t worry Gov. Cuomo, the third-term curse, is solvable, provided you accept that you caused it and stop catering to the progressive wing of your political party.

Statement by Chairman Gerard Kassar

For Immediate Release
November 25, 2019
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys
Statement by Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn, NY — “The Conservative Party could be the only surviving small party in New York under this proposed, two-percent threshold, but our principles get in the way of any celebrating. We continue to believe that Governor Cuomo’s commission lacks the constitutional authority to make law — only a duly elected legislature can do that — and we remain philosophically opposed to taxpayer funded political campaigns. This is a classic example of government engineering a crisis and then presenting an impossibly bureaucratic solution to it on the backs of taxpayers.” — Gerard Kassar

# # #

How will New York face its looming budget shortfall?

Cuomo’s posturing on Long Island natural gas crisis is a real jobs killerBreaking news on the Cuomo National Grid feud:  Cuomo, National Grid reach agreement to lift gas hookup moratorium.

Be prepared:  This will lead to higher taxes, cuts in programs and the budget hole is before the democratic controlled legislature’s wish list in an election year.  New York state faces $6.1 billion budget hole next year: officials.

As if the above isn’t bad enough, add the fact that debt for NY’s local governments tops $43B.

In case you didn’t read yesterday’s NY Post editorial:  The commission rewriting NY campaign law has lost all legitimacy.    Oh, and if the Commission passes campaign finance “reform” it will only add to the huge deficit.

I don’t remember seeing this in any New York papers.  Obviously, this is part of the reason we have a huge budget deficit.  I think New Mexico has the right idea when it comes to pay for legislators; New York should take their lead, but, alas, they followed California’s lead.

The Conservative Party made the difference in Cayuga County by providing the margin of victory to Republican Mike Didio, thereby giving the Republicans a narrow majority in the Legislature.  Kudos to Cayuga!

Justice Reform Coalition Launching ‘Seven Figure’ Educational Campaign About Cash Bail, Discovery Laws.  “The group plans to spend more than a million dollars to get its message directly to citizens. It’s launching a public education campaign that will include video, digital advertisements, direct mail and phone efforts.”  In other words, citizens are too dumb and callous to understand that criminals belong behind bars.  If you don’t want to be in prison, don’t do the crimes that put you there.  Their money would be better spent in helping to prevent the crimes that put people in prison.  As, The Beat notes, the dangers are real!  Even state attorney general Letitia James, a noted progressive, has expressed concerns.

City blocked investigations of de Blasio, Richard Carranza: whistleblowers.

New York’s pathetic excuses for ethics cops.

China going big on coal guarantees the world won’t meet its carbon-cutting goals.  I think we should send Greta Thunberg to China so she can Preach the Gospel of Climate Change there.  Does anyone think she would make that trip?

Larry Horist opines on his blog: Should Trump be concerned about investigations in Ukraine?

From the Daily Signal:  Why the ‘Whistleblower’ Should Testify.

By the way:  Impeachment witnesses agree on one thing: Delay of foreign aid is common practice.

The miracles of modern medicine:  Miracle boy tossed off Mall of America balcony is now ‘walking perfectly’.  We really are the greatest country in the world…with so much to be grateful for as we approach a unique American celebration:  Thanksgiving.

Chairman Kassar’s wrap-up discusses Gov. Cuomo’s reaction to Syracuse University’s crisis; Our Rising Star, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, and the ban on Hydrofracking in NYS.

Cuomo’s Silence is Deafening for Binghamton University and Conservatives Throughout New York.

It wasn’t long ago that Governor Cuomo told conservative minded residents they “have no place in the state of New York,” with that said, it should come as no surprise that the Governor has conveniently remained silent regarding the disgraceful behavior shown on campus at SUNY Binghamton earlier this week.

Arthur Laffer, a renowned economist, was quite literally chased off campus Monday night as bullhorn touting protestors stormed the room and interrupted the speech hosted by the Binghamton University Republican Club.

The Governors silence is especially deafening since he had no problem condemning Syracuse University, a private institute, and its Chancellor Kent Syverud even after the Chancellor and University ordered a full investigation into a white supremacist manifesto that was airdropped to students.

The incidents “have not been handled in a manner that reflects this state’s aggressive opposition to such odious, reckless, and reprehensible behavior,” Cuomo said. Failing to mention that Chancellor Syverud has ordered a full investigation to be carried out by campus safety, Syracuse police and nine officers from the student senate.

I can only imagine Governor Cuomo would be just as interested in the safety of the students at SUNY Binghamton, a state funded University, as he is of the Syracuse University student body. Unfortunately, imagining is the best I can do as the Governor has not mentioned SUNY Binghamton once, sending the same message loud and clear conservatives have “no place in the state of New York.”

Stefanik Shines as Democrats attempt to buy New York’s 21 Congressional District.

 Rep. Elise Stefanik continued to take on her Democratic colleagues this week on Capitol Hill saying the entire impeachment process “reeks of political desperation.”

Rep. Stefanik has received high praise from Conservatives around the country, including President Trump who tweeted “A new Republican star is born,” on Sunday. Her cool and calm demeanor on the Hill, along with her effective questioning and cross examination.

While a guest on the Sean Hannity Show Thursday night, Hannity told Stefanik Republicans were “at their best this week.” That is true and it is true because of the incredible leadership role Rep. Stefanik has taken.

While Stefanik carried out her duties on behalf of the people in NY21, a democratic challenger, Tedra Cobb, officially launched her campaign. Cobb, backed by the liberal Hollywood elite and former Hillary Clinton Senior campaign advisors, have been working overtime to pump cash to Cobbs campaign in an attempt to buy the 21st Congressional seat.

It is clear Tedra Cobb is out of touch with the North Country if she believes Hollywood donors and coastal elite are the keys to winning an election in upstate New York. Stefanik defeated Cobb by 14% just a year ago, I expect an even stronger performance from Rep. Stefanik in 2020.

Conservative Party Holds Press Conference on Hydrofracking

 I was pleased to be joined by members of the Conservative Party Executive Committee, Binghamton’s Mayor Richard C. David, Windsor Town Supervisor, Carolyn Price, and Vice President of the Joint Landowner’s Coalition, Julie Lewis, this past Saturday in Binghamton where we held a press conference to call for the immediate lifting of the statewide ban on hydrofracking.

Recently, the Empire Center for Public Policy reported “newly released federal data on personal income growth last year point to the continued economic weakness of upstate New York.”

In December, 2017 Strata.Org issued a report on A Tale of Two States: The Economic impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing in New York and Pennsylvania. Under the Economic Impacts in New York, the report states “The Hastings paper found that ‘New York’s fracking moratorium is associated with a statistically significant increase in unemployment.’ ” They conclude that their findings are consistent with claims that fracking increases employment opportunities. New York residents are missing out on these opportunities because of the state’s ban on hydraulic fracturing.”

It is incomprehensible that we allow upstate New York’s economy to die because the progressive, left-wing movement has convinced Governor Cuomo that banning hydrofracking is in the best interest of New Yorkers. But it is not just upstate feeling the effects. Long Island, who is experiencing a severe gas shortage, would greatly benefit from lifting the ban.

It is in the best interest of New Yorker’s to lift the ban and allow residents all over the state to prosper. I, along with the Conservative Party, will continue to fight until the Governor does the right thing.

Cuomo’s disgraceful silence on the outrages at SUNY Binghamton

Exclusive: Elise Stefanik Reflects on Her Two-Week Whirlwind

Commentary: Gas pipeline embargo stifles growth, hurts New Yorkers

UPDATE: Lower Level Lawyer Did It?; CNN Senior Legal Analyst: FBI’s Peter Strzok Altering a FISA Warrant Is Alarming, ‘Doesn’t Get More Serious

Chick-Fil-A, Your Compromise Is Demoralizing

Bronx pol got taxpayer reimbursements for political trips.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s wrap-up discusses Gov. Cuomo’s reaction to Syracuse University’s crisis; Our Rising Star, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, and the ban on Hydrofracking in NYS.