Author: Shaun Marie

Who knew, the most powerful man in New York isn’t the Governor, just a union honcho.

In case you missed this Saturday article in the NY Post:  Teachers’ union boss Mike Mulgrew launches campaign against Cuomo Medicaid plan.  Mulgrew said “Why am I doing this? I stand up for New York City,” the union boss told The Post Friday night.  In reality, Mr. Mulgrew was standing up for his union, knowing full well, that the more that has to be paid for Medicaid, the less there will be for schools.  Should be an interesting budget process…with everyone wanting a larger piece of the pie.

Attempted assassinations of NYPD cops show it’s time to cool anti-police fury.

America’s Quiet Policing Crisis.

Another amazing mistake by the NYS Democratic controlled legislature:  New rent law helps tenant jailed in Rikers on murder charges beat eviction.

E. J. McMahon makes some very good points in today’s NY Post Op-ed.

Michael Bloomberg, the billion dollar panderer, Bloomberg Pledges to Investigate ICE ‘Abuse’ in Immigration Proposal

Robert J. Knight, writing in the Washington Times, reminds us why marriage-based family life is key to civilized cultures.

Remember that 2017 Equifax hack when 145 million Americans had their information stolen?  Today four Chinese nationalists were arrested.

Victor Davis Hanson writes in American Greatness about the once and future scandal.

One News Now wants to know if there is a stop sign ahead for ‘Green Light’ law?

Will New York State’s Criminal Justice Reform bill morph into a bigger problem, like Britain’s Criminal-Justice Frivolity?

Red v. Blue: Seismic shifts in economic and demographic power are occurring across America.  Considering the barrage of daily news from the main stream media, you may be surprised who is winning.

The Poorest 20% of Americans Are Richer on Average Than Most European Nations.

Human Nature Makes Socialist Ideals Impossible.

The Battle Over America’s Soul.  (I know where AOC and the Squad are, and those who read this blog, know where I am.)

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Shooting of NYPD Officers

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Shooting of NYPD Officers

February 9, 2020

“Elected leaders who fire up crowds with anti-police rhetoric in the name of ‘progressivism’ may as well have armed accused cop shooter Robert Williams. They have created a dangerous hair-trigger environment for anti-police crackpots, and shouldn’t act surprised when shootings like these occur. We pray for the officers wounded this weekend — and for serious reflection from those stirring the rage. There’s nothing progressive about blind hatred.”


Acquitted! But is the nightmare really over?

Today would be  the 109th birthday of Ronald W. Reagan, our 40th President.  A man who once said, “Let us be sure that those who come after will say of us in our time, that in our time we did everything that could be done. We finished the race; we kept them free; we kept the faith.”  Ronald Reagan was a man who understood that America is the first nation that placed her faith in the people.  Our Declaration of Independence made it possible for America to become the greatest nation ever.  We have provided untold assistance to other nations in need, we have raised the standard of living  throughout the world, we, as a nation, are committed to doing good,  and yesterday, the majority of our representatives in the United States Senate did what was good for the United States of America, they acquitted President Donald J. Trump.  President Trump, like every person who walks on this earth, has his flaws, but of this I am absolutely certain, President Donald J. Trump would never harm our nation for his personal gain.

Unfortunately, many will not agree; Sen. Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, Congressmen Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, to name a few.  They will continue to do all they can to prevent a second term for President Trump.  They forget one thing; our Declaration of Independence – while enacted to unshackle us from the British Crown – empowered citizens to choose their leaders, and gave citizens, not the oligarchs committed to maintaining their own personal power, the ability to choose their own government.   In 271 days, the people will decide who will lead this great nation, and I seriously doubt it will be the ones who controlled the government and stretched laws to their breaking point to maintain their fiefdoms.

Intellectual Takeout explains how the Associated Press twisted the facts about Trump’s Impeachment.

In case you missed President Trump’s State of the Union address, you can read it here.

Marxism Sugarcoated and Force-fed to Schoolchildren As ‘Equity’.

Cuomo: Marijuana Bill Could Be A Tough Vote.  (Is this why Governor Cuomo included it in the budget?)

Bill Hammond fact checks budget director, Robert Mujica’s Op-Ed on Gov. Cuomo’s Medicaid proposals.

An excellent read:  In New York, Politicians Place Criminals and Violent Students First.

Taking the Freedom Out of Freelancing.

The ill-thought out Green Light Law strikes again:  Department of Homeland Security suspends Global Entry program for New YorkersRead Chairman Kassar’s reaction here.

Words of Wisdom from Walter E. Williams.



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

February 6, 2020







Conservative Party Calls for Restoration of Common Sense, Urgent Fix


New York-Feb. 6…Global Entry and other Trusted Travel programs, including NEXUS, SENTRI, and FAST, can no longer be used by New Yorkers or New York businesses, thanks to the new, pro-illegal-immigrant “Green Light Law” passed by the Democrat-controlled State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo.  The New York State Conservative Party today demanded immediate repeal of the law, which gives New York driver licenses to illegal immigrants. 


The Department of Homeland Security yesterday announced its suspension of renewals and enrollments for New Yorkers using or seeking to use these expedited entry programs. 


“Liberalism is one thing, but this is madness,” State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar said. “Thousands of New Yorkers were killed by terrorists a blink of an eye ago, and New York’s political leaders are proactively making our citizenry less safe. Governor Cuomo needs to view this Department of Homeland Security decision as a jarring wake-up call, and get busy restoring common sense security measures in our identification document and reporting systems. This is a matter of public safety.”


The 19 9/11 terrorists obtained dozens of state-issued driver licenses in advance of the attacks to help them operate freely and unnoticed on U.S. soil. Those licenses were used for, among things, the wiring of funds internationally and the Florida flight lessons that taught them how to pilot the planes. 


Following the attacks, a major national effort was undertaken, culminating in the federal Real ID Act of 2005, to establish minimum security protocols for state-issued licenses. These biometric and other safeguards were developed to ensure that a license holder is who he says he is. 


“The ‘Green Light Law’ flies in the face of two decades of homeland security efforts,” Mr. Kassar said, “and it makes New Yorkers more vulnerable. The Department of Homeland Security clearly agrees.” 





For Immediate Release
February 5, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys


February 5, 2020

“After wasting millions of dollars on a senseless show trial to divide the nation even further for political gain, Democrats in Congress have predictably come up empty. We congratulate President Trump on his acquittal today, and urge all in Washington to get back to work. These past three months have been nothing but a waste of time and money.”

# # #


Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

For Immediate Release
February 4, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

February 4, 2020

“President Donald Trump again delivered in his State of the Union Address because he has a great story to tell. This is a President who has kept his word to the American People – to put us first and above all other things – and his unquestionable accomplishments on our behalf are resonating throughout the economy and American spirit. America is, indeed, first again. With the nonsense of last week’s Democratic Party meltdown behind us, President Trump has a clear and deserved path to reelection. The New York State Conservative Party is proud to stand by his side.”


Is a college education really worth the money being spent when it fills minds with progressive agenda’s, not unmodified facts?

Jay Jacobs is right, but for all the wrong reasons.  His priority should be the safety of all New Yorkers, not protecting his incumbents.  We have repeated stated that the Criminal Justice Reform is not only about cashless bail; it is also about the 15-day discovery period that gives pertinent information to the defense team, including, but not limited to, personal phone numbers, home and cell, addresses, witnesses, the right to visit the crime scene without any thing being changed, and if it isn’t handed over, the charges are dropped.  Cashless bill, is one thing, but these new discovery standards are almost impossible to accomplish.   While all the “noise” is about cashless bail, and tweaks may eventually be made to give Judges some discretion (but not until legislators know if they are in a primary) the elephant in the room is the 15-day discovery.

Hopefully, judges, like this, (with backbone) will help:  Cohoes judge issues order challenging state’s bail reform law.

Unfortunately,  Speaker Heastie seems to think there is nothing wrong with the new law, it just needs to have some more time to make it work.

We are not sensationalizing the issue; we are doing our best to be certain the safety of all New Yorkers comes first and foremost.  Yes, it is difficult to raise bail money and some are truly first time offenders and the alleged crime may be minor, but the victims of the crime need to know they will not be victimized again by the perpetrator, nor will they be set free because the DA’s office was unable to provide the required information within 15 days.  Sign our petition here.

I’m still trying to figure out how the democrats will blame the republicans for this fiasco.  Iowa chaos: Democrats undone by reporting fiasco; Buttigieg declares victory, Bernie counters.   Hillary, of course, will do all she can to distance herself from Gerard Niemiram who created the APP responsible for the chaos.  If it wasn’t so serious, it would actually be pretty funny; sometimes the tried and true is best.

Cuomo’s Lack of Action May Come Back with A Bite.

$18.3 billion in local sales tax revenue was collected last year, but will still have a $6 to $10 billion budget deficit.  Spending is, and continues to be, the problem.

Disputed New York Times ‘1619 Project’ Already Shaping Schoolkids’ Minds on Race.

Truth Is Being Replaced in American Colleges.

Study Reveals the Absurd Conformity of Higher Education.

China’s hold on N.Y. universities: SUNY must investigate, if not shut down, the Confucius Institutes.

Compelled Speech Is Hitting Close to Home.

What Part of ‘Sell By’ Expiration Dates Do ERA Backers Not Understand?

Why Socialism Often Leads to Tyranny.

Thank you, Rush, because of you we are all ditto heads.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Is a college education really worth the money being spent when it fills minds with progressive agenda’s, not unmodified facts?

As of today, there are two hundred and twenty-four days until election day 2020

Senator Bernie Sanders is so misguided:  Sanders attempts to lead Generation Z into a socialist paradise.  What is even more upsetting is that Generation Z is willing to believe that his socialist paradise exists. Did they sleep through history classes, or again, what is more upsetting, were they taught the history of socialism?  Do they even delve into the hypocrisy of Sen. Sanders campaigns?  Bernie Sanders’ $16.3T climate plan would phase out fossil fuels; yet, he thinks nothing of using a private jet to fly around.  Hmm, come to think of it, Sen. Sanders is a true socialist –peasants should work so he can live the life of luxury.  Wake up, Generation Z!

Michael Bloomberg, created a business that has paid him very well and he can afford living the life of luxury.  Bloomberg Drops $200 Million on Campaign in First Five Weeks.  But like the others running in the democratic primary, he espouses punishing the people who have made substantial money and corporations which ultimately hurts consumers by raising their prices or is unable to hire more employees.

The Democratic Party has a problem.  Their leading socialist and capitalist candidates both want to end the economic boom Americans have experienced under President Donald J. Trump.  What do they have against us?  What do they have against America?

Perhaps it is time to remember E.B. White’s forgotten story about the tyranny of good intentions.

Here is a report that is very interesting regarding how progressives cities betray their commitment to educational opportunity for all.

Governor Cuomo:  would you please explain this.  NY and CA spend billions more in taxes than TX and FL — and get worse results.  If unable, we would be happy to explain to you how to cut the unnecessary spending.  (We will also explain it to all your fellow democrats and the federal, state and local level.)

This editorial in the Daily Gazette suggests New York should focus on the solutions as to why people are leaving New York.  Do we really need a panel to study why when we all know why?  It seems to me that a panel is just buying time; we know the problems…taxes, regulations, poor business opportunities.  Change the mindset of elected officials; isn’t it about time elected officials stop putting their re-election before the needs of the citizens of this great state?

Michael Goodwin made a good point in his Sunday column:  Hillary Clinton ended the practice of humble concessions.  Hillary is obviously still bitter over losing.  And it appears Speaker Pelosi is becoming just like her.

Here is an open letter from State Senator Gallivan on NY’s Bail Reform Law.  We are in an election year; we must be certain to elect like-minded people to get the changes necessary in the ill-thought out law.  Sign our petition today, if you haven’t already.  Then get involved in the process to elect people that put the safety of our citizens first.

11 hospitalized after fentanyl sent to Dannemora prison in Upstate NY.  Gov. Cuomo, when they find the people who mailed the fentanyl, will they be released without bail?

How the left seeks to censor challenges to man-made global warming.

Good News:  Monday starts an excellent week for President Trump.

In case you missed this yesterday prior to the LIV Superbowl:  The Super Bowl Ad Honoring the American Flag Featuring Johnny Cash and Cpl. Kyle Carpenter

Chairman Kassar’s wrap-up includes CPPAC, SEC endorsement of President Trump and VP Pence, Impeachment and CPNYS’s call for budget reform.

53rd Annual Political Action Conference

 I want to first thank everyone who attended our 53rd Annual conference and made it a huge success. I am overwhelmed by the amount of support we received Sunday and Monday. I can only assume State Democrats have re-energized the party with their asinine legislation. The conference was a great start to the 2020 election cycle.

Day 1, we enjoyed a tremendous list of speakers that included consultants to the President and Vice President, leading New York policy guru’s, and a young rising star who is sure to be a force for many years to come. We gained valuable knowledge from experts who work every day to bring conservative values back to America.

Day 2, we were happy to feature Mike Pregent as our lunch speaker. A veteran of three wars, company commander in Afghanistan, foreign policy, Middle East, and terrorism expert. Mike designates terrorists for the United States, and advises decision makers how to proceed. To say he has an impressive resume is an understatement. We were honored to hear from him regarding the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and the role the United States will play going forward.

To end the conference, we presented New York State Senators Daphne Jordan, Rob Ortt, and Tom O’Mara, Assembly Members Dave DiPietro and Kieran Michael Lalor, with awards for their outstanding Conservative voting records for the 2019 legislative session.

We have more work to be done in 2020, but strongly encourage you to be part of our conference in 2021. It is truly a wonderful two days of learning, growing and networking amongst like-minded individuals with a strong interest in preserving constitutional freedoms and conservative values!

NYS Conservative Party’s Executive Committee Endorses President Trump, Vice President Pence for Re- Election

The Executive Committee of the New York State Conservative Party unanimously endorsed President Trump and Vice President Pence at the executive committee meeting held on Monday afternoon.

President Trump and Vice President Pence are keeping the promises they made to the American people, and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse them along with party leadership.

The decision was simple. Candidate Trump promised America would win again, and it has done just that. We are experiencing one of the greatest economic expansions in history with successful new trade deals, record low unemployment, and a virtual eradication of the most pernicious threats in the world, ISIS.

I was honored to speak with the President last week and discuss the future of New York State and the nation. We look forward to helping him, and Vice President Pence, win re-election in November.

Impeach Charade Drawing to a Close

 As of this writing, Senate Republicans scored a big win late Thursday evening as Senator Alexander (R-TN) announced he would not be supporting additional witnesses  in the impeachment trial of President Trump which Senator Alexander called “shallow, hurried, and wholly partisan.”

Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in the Senate and Alexanders decision all but ends the Democrats attempts to convene a kangaroo court at the expense of the taxpayers.

Democrats have spent over three years attempting to overturn the election results of 2016, all while President Trump has pushed forward, persevered and made America a stronger, more prosperous place to live, work and raise a family.

I look forward to the day when Democrats love this country more than they hate President Trump. Imagine what could be accomplished.

Conservative Call for Changes to State Budget Process

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay, Assembly Members Phil Palmesano and Karl Brabenec, along with State Senator Daphne Jordan called for substantial reforms to the New York State budget process which has been significantly transformed under Governor Cuomo’s three terms in office.

“Once again, Governor Cuomo is misusing the budget process to push through radical legislation that might never see the light of day through regular legislative processes,” Senator Jordan said.

The Senator is right. There are three branches of State Government – not two – but you wouldn’t know it the way Andrew Cuomo has been running roughshod over the State Legislature.

Frankly, the fact that the Governor is pushing radical legislation by including them in the budget is constitutionally inappropriate at best.

“New York’s budget process has been hijacked to serve as a vehicle for policy initiatives that rightfully should be debated during regular legislative session,” Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay added.

The Senator, Assembly Leader, and I called for immediate consideration of two powerful legislative reform measures that would: 1)  protect taxpayers against ever-escalating tax increases; 2) safeguard the traditional budget process, and 3) guarantee the proper parsing of legislative items that don’t belong in budget bills. Governor Cuomo has made folding legislative policy initiatives into budget bills to avoid debate and maximize leverage over state legislators, who only vote up or down on massive budget bills, his signature governing tactic, however is inappropriate.

The bills advocated are:

A.  6018-Barclay:  An Act to set parameters for the content of budget bills, ensuring that budget negotiations are focused on financial, not policy issues, and

A. 3538-Palmesano:  Creating a constitutional amendment requiring 2/3 vote for any bill that raises taxes or creates a new tax.

Additionally, Senator Jordan announced that she will be sponsoring companion bills to these measures in the State Senate in the coming weeks. Senator Jordan has already introduced a bill – S.3373 – that would amend the State Constitution to restrict the ability of the executive to make laws via the budget.

CNN anchor John King says Republicans make ‘legitimate point’ about whistleblower

Chuck Schumer Invited Lev Parnas to the Impeachment Trial, Then Something Hilarious Happened

Warren’s pathetic treatment of Chief Justice John Roberts

Capital Region lawmakers to study state population loss

Lawmakers: Key Medicaid data shrouded by Cuomo team

Pols could fix the ‘no bail’ law — if only they would read it first

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s wrap-up includes CPPAC, SEC endorsement of President Trump and VP Pence, Impeachment and CPNYS’s call for budget reform.

Millennials may like big government, but they don’t like what it costs.

House Passes Fentanyl Ban Over Democratic Objections.  Can you believe this headline?  What is going on with some democrats?  Have they forgotten that governments role is to protect its citizens? Fentanyl is one of the most dangerous drugs ever and yet some insist that there is no reason to keep those that pedal this death drug in jail.  Shameful, simply shameful.  New York state democrats have gone a step further than those in Washington, DC.  Suspects accused of running $7M fentanyl ring released without bail.

The main-stream-media likes to report on the cases where finding bail money is difficult, pressuring people to understand how difficult it is when a family does not have the means to post bail.  Here are two examples:  Woman Impacted Says Finding Bail Money Can Be “Nerve-Racking” for Families and Chris Churchill’s article in the Albany Times Union:  A back and forth on bail reform.  We are not heartless and understand how difficult it is to post bonds to get people out on bail, but, taking judicial discretion from the equation sends the wrong message.   How will the MSM react when the worst-case scenario takes place?  Sign our petition to demand repeal of this nonsensical, dangerous bill.

Nancy Grace believes the criminal justice reforms need a lot more than a tweak.   

Bail uproar may dim appetite for NY criminal justice reform.

Our view: Hit the brakes on controversial bills in Albany.

Lawmakers push back against Cuomo Medicaid deficit reduction ideas.

Lawmakers: Key Medicaid data shrouded by Cuomo team.

Bill Hammond’s testimony at the NYS Budget Hearing on Health Care and Medicaid.

What You Need to Know About the Legal Battle Over Equal Rights Amendment.

Thomas Paine on Government, Liberty, and Power.

Wow, finally, the former VP, Joe Biden, actually said something completely unvarnished and truthful: Joe Biden says he needs a VP who can be president ‘because I’m an old guy‘. His words, not ours.

Phelim McAleer writes about the new documentary that shows side of Justice Clarence Thomas you’ve never known.

A reason to hope:  Millennials’ Rosy View of the Welfare State Dwindles Once They’re Told What It Costs.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.


January 29, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys


New York-Jan. 29…The executive committee of the New York State Conservative Party has unanimously endorsed President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for re-election, it announced today. The endorsement follows a vote this week of the Party’s Executive Committee which met at the 53rd Annual Conservative Party conference, held this year in Latham, NY.

“President Trump and Vice President Pence are keeping the promises they made to the American People, and our party is proud to endorse each of them for re-election,” said State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “Candidate Trump promised that America would start winning again, and indeed it is, with one of the greatest economic expansions in history, a successful and overdo trade show-down with China, and with the virtual eradication of ISIS, the most pernicious threat in the world when Mr. Trump was elected. We are also delighted with his steadfast support of Israel, our chief democratic ally in a region of considerable strategic importance. President Trump has shown that ‘America First’ was not just a campaign pledge, it is a governing philosophy that the Conservative Party has long championed.”

President Trump personally called Chairman Kassar earlier this month to ask about the Conservative Party endorsement, demonstrating just how hands-on this President can be. Chairman Kassar ensured the President that no call was necessary. The Party stands firmly behind him.



Is tolerance a one way or two way street?

What a conference! The 53rd Annual Conservative Party Political Action Conference is now history, and if you were unable to attend, you missed a conference that energized our leaders and attendees, heard great speakers, and learned about situations that are not accurately reported by the press.  We will have videos posted shortly, and while you will be able to learn and see what we saw in person, it is never quite the same.  You can watch a spectacular 4th of July fireworks show and enjoy it, but the live music, smoke and smell of gunpowder and sulfur make the fireworks show come alive.  The same with CPPAC, being there in person with like-minded patriots, makes it so much better.  Mark your calendar NOW –  January 31-February 1, 2021 – plan on being there in person.

The Impeachment drones on, wasting tax dollars while real work goes undone.  So sad that this is happening in our country; so sad that the oligarchs in America are still trying to overturn the will of the people.  Michael Goodwin writes in the NY Post that even with Bolton, case against Trump too small for impeachment: Goodwin.  Rich Lowry has this to say: Why John Bolton’s ‘bombshell’ really isn’t.  Why is it that Congressman Adam Schiff and all of his lemmings in Congress and the press are so intense in doing all he can to 1) overturn the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump and 2) do even more to ensure that Donald J. Trump is not elected in 2020?  I’m tempted to consider that they all have a financial stake in keeping the status quo to benefit their families.  After all, didn’t Speaker Pelosi parley her connections to financially benefit her husband, walking that extremely thin line between what is illegal and what is unethical.  And she isn’t the only one.  What is happening in our country is more than extreme dislike for a man; it borders on trying to attempt a non-military coup.  Simply because a man is keeping his promises to the people who put him in office to protect them, to clean up the previous attempts to change our basic American values, to save taxpayers money from going to regimes who would rather see America fall and to protect the lives of those not yet born.

Trump Unveils Middle East Plan that Offers Palestine Path to Statehood, Increased Territory.

This is for the “Squad” and Senators Sanders and Warren: read it and weep. Voters Feel Better About Economy, Security…and Race Relations Under Trump vs. Obama.

Combat Vet Senator Accused of ‘Betraying the Troops’.

Supreme Court allows Trump administration to move forward with ‘public charge’ rule.

Virginia’s Recent Extremism a Warning Sign for Other States.

How Drag Queen Story Hour Expanded Across America.

Auschwitz Reminds Us That the Fight Against Evil Is Never Over.

In case you missed our Press Release:  New York State Conservatives call for reforms to budget process.

New York State Conservatives call for reforms to budget process.

Both Ends of Political Spectrum Uneasy with NYS Budget Process.

Cause, effect: NYPD commish explains new no-bail laws lead to more crime.

NYC pols freak out over NYPD’s mild ‘tough love’ for homeless subway law-breakers.

Killing the city’s housing stock: another progressive ‘victory’

Robert J. Knight opines in the Washington Times about Dems’ un-American agenda appeases LGBTQ community.  For your information, New York State has the same law.

The social liberals prove how “tolerant” they really are:  Social Liberal Is Silenced Over Belief That There Are ‘Only 2 Sexes’

Far-left agitprop for pre-K tots: what NYC schools have come to.