Author: Shaun Marie

Governor Cuomo needs a math lesson…

Who said the two major political parties that are the players in Washington, DC, can’t agree in this strange political year?  Yesterday, both parties proved they have a “common enemy” called Big Tech, albeit for different reasons.  In today’s “cancel culture” world, this is a good sign; political parties – and individuals, colleges, big and small businesses, etc. – are allowed, no, they should be encouraged to reasonably discuss different opinions.  Most Americans agree as evidenced by Big Tech’s facing backlash (and the Washington, DC circuit is on the same page.)  Since @cpnys is currently suspended on Twitter, (the 3rd time this calendar year, in March for 30 days, in May for 16 days and currently since July 10) we understand the frustration of being silenced without any explanation of why we have been silenced.  Personally I cannot understand why Twitter Greenlights Ayatollah’s Calls for Genocide, while that very same platform has removed Trump tweets for ‘glorifying violence.’  I have asked the Twitter powers that be that question and am waiting for a reply; however, I am smart enough to know I shouldn’t hold my breath.  As we have noted; this November’s election is about America’s future, the America we love and admire for being the greatest nation that freedom loving people long to be a part of; or the America the progressive, undereducated, left want America to be.

Anyone who didn’t see this coming must have been living under a rock without access to reality.  Knowing that, it still is daunting when you see the actual numbers.  COVID-19 is still causing havoc and as long as people keep choosing to ignore the recommendations, the economy will continue to falter.  People are eager to get back to work, sports and weekend relaxation, our normal routines and our economy will recover…it is up to you.

More disappointing news for New York State residents:  State Pension Fund Lost Money in 2020, Pointing to Higher Costs Ahead.

This is so disingenuous coming from the person who issued Gov. Cuomo’s order to return patients to nursing homes, to say nothing of where it is published.  I seriously doubt that the readers of Rolling Stone even know about the Cuomo/Zucker order, thereby not understanding just how duplicitous the article really is.

Cuomo: Taxing wealthiest New Yorkers won’t cover COVID-related deficit.  Translation:  Everyone is going to pay more in taxes; especially if the democrats continue to have a strangled hold on every branch of government.  YOU can change that on November 3!!  We must elect those who understand how crucial it is to have a balance in our government.  This editorial is spot on:  Cuomo’s overreaches neglect the real problems.  Remember, the democrat-controlled legislature gave the Governor/Emperor carte blanche when COVID-19 descended on New York.  What other state legislature also abdicated their responsibility?  It appears from this article that many states had some authority when and if a “state of emergency” is declared, but not to the extent New York’s Emperor/Governor has with the abdication of the democrat-controlled legislature.

File this under:  Governor Cuomo seeks to a “save face” and not let his Restore Mother Nature Bond Act be in the November ballot, knowing full well it would fail.

Do you think Governor Cuomo failed math?  I am beginning to wonder myself.  Governor Cuomo, aka, the Emperor, admits to a $14B shortfall this year and a probable $16B next year, but he is asking Congress for $500B unrestricted aid in the HEALS Act.  So why is he asking for the extra $470B of your money?  Other than stating that NY has not been treated fairly and mentioning a few other shortfalls, there is no indication why the extra $470B is required.

From the NY Sun:  Barr Outmaneuvers the Democrats.

Read Gordon Chang’s explanation on the current “China seeds” theory.

America has lost two great patriots this week, Rest in Peace, Herman Cain and Olivia de Havilland.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

The Emperor adds more states to New York’s COVID-19 quarantine list…

Jarrett Stepman, writes a compelling article in the Daily Signal that explains how imperative it is that Americans understand that America is standing on a precipice trying to decide if the Founding Fathers were heroes or villains.  Far too many young minds have been influenced by those who see America’s Founding Fathers as villains and those of us who see them has heroes and still believe in the American Dream are unaware of how much damage has been done over the last 20 or so years.  The NY Times 1619 Project is masquerading as truth and demanding to be the recognized as America’s true history.  What we are seeing now, throughout our country, is not about to end due to zealous beliefs our younger generation have been inoculated with.  We have said it before, this November election for President, Congress and state Legislatures’ is for the future.  Will America continue to be the beacon of freedom throughout the world or will it become another monumental failure based on the assumption that the 1619 Project is based on truth?   Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her ever expanding squad, including Joe Biden, is counting on the latter.

Dennis Prager writes in; Anti-Americanism: The New Anti-Semitism

What planet is Congressman Nadler living on?

First the Emperor told us he didn’t have to self-quarantine upon his return from his trip to Georgia (to explain how to cope with COVID-19) now we learn that the Emperor, who has mandated that every person in NYS wears a mask when they cannot maintain the proper 6 foot distancing, didn’t wear a mask while hugging the Savannah, GA mayor.  So typical of our “do as I say; not as I do” Emperor/Governor.

Governor Cuomo continues to wield his power by fast-tracking appointments to the New York State Financial Control Board.

Cuomo: Next Two Weeks Will Determine State Budget Cuts.  It won’t only be cuts; taxes will rise.  As anyone who has returned to getting their hair cut or nails done, the prices these small businesses charge for their services have had nominal increases to make up for the loss of income.  Food costs have risen as well as various other items.  Brace yourselves; life is about to become more expensive for all of us.

Intellectual Takeout reprinted Ryan McMaken’s article for Mises Institute, titled, Using Statistics to Get Your Way in Politics.  It is an interesting article in that it points out how certain statistics are being used to gain power by politicians…our Governor being one who did so masterfully.

Any doubt?  More states, others added to New York coronavirus quarantine list.  But, he does make an exception for sports;  Cuomo invites all MLB teams to play in New York state amid COVID-19 issues.

The Lincoln Project is just another way for hacks to milk (liberal) donors.

I have listened and watch a fair amount of Congressional Hearings, today’s, Chaired by Congressman Jerold Nadler, is disgraceful, rude, and unbecoming.  When did the members of the majority decide to act like a group of college kids enjoying too many drinks on a Saturday night; they wouldn’t let anyone outside their group say a word, limits each other to questions that only require a yes or no answer, and tell them they are intruding on their time? There was not one scintilla of respect of the United States Attorney General William Barr. Here is a quick assessment by Guy Benson:  ‘Shame on You:’ House Democrats’ Idiotic Hearing With Attorney General Barr.

The Emperor has a Freudian slip…

Isn’t it amazing that so many on the left decry the use of large sums of money in politics, except when it is George Soros giving it out to them?

The Atlantic, not known for a conservative view point, warns voters that the first large scale test of mail-in voting in the pandemic has left one in five New Yorkers with their votes tossed out.  “New York is a solidly Democratic state, with a Democratic governor, and all the officials who matter said they were committed to expanding voting by mail and other options. And it was a disaster (emphasis added by cpnys).” One has to give The Atlantic kudos for pointing out one of the problems with being dependent on mail-in (absentee voting), but it fails to note the strong possibility of fraud, which is the bigger problem.  While credit is given to The Atlantic, it is still written from a democratic point of view by never mentioning the probability of a true election disaster (fraud) with government’s encouraging absentee voting.

The WSJ (subscription required)  writes that New York Lawmakers Work to Avoid Problems With Absentee Ballots.    With democrats having complete control of the legislature, any proposal put forward by them, would not address the real concerns of absentee voting, those being fraud.   The article notes “… thousands of ballots have been invalidated because they weren’t postmarked by June 23 or the voter didn’t sign the back of the envelope.” Both solid reasons for invalidating the absentee ballots which is necessary to maintain a semblance of honesty.  Remember they passed automatic voter registration for those who use state agencies without confirming they are a New York citizen.  According to this WSJ article, Election Officials Are Vulnerable to Email Attacks, Report Shows, emailing is also vulnerable. New York isn’t the only state with problems:  New Jersey’s All-Mail Vote Debacle Is a Warning for November.  Let’s all resolve to vote the old-fashioned way:  In person on November 3rd.

One more WSJ article, What Else Cuomo Crushed, which points out that NY’s economy has suffered the worst job losses in the Northeast.  (It seems that the Emperor has a new nemesis to blame for his failures.)

Cuomo blames NY Post for rising COVID-19 rates in Florida and Arizona.  The rates of infections are rising; New York currently has 416K total cases with 32,506 deaths, Florida has 424K with 5,853 deaths.  Why do you leave that fact out, Governor?  Far too many people have died from COVID-19, but, making it political Governor Cuomo, is immature and trying to deflect the horrendous number of deaths in New York’s nursing homes.  It appears that the Emperor has a new villain to blame:  Cuomo Blames Fed ‘Trusted Traveler’ Ban For Early COVID-19 Spread In NY.

How is the Emperor going to explain or blame someone for this?  Cuomo’s coronavirus-only hospital became deadly amid shortages of meds, PPE: insiders.

Today’s NY Post editorial chides the Emperor with their pithy editorial that ends with this, “We’re fine paying the rent. We’re fine being the whipping boy for Cuomo’s passing the buck on nursing-home deaths. Because if we’re annoying him that much, it means one thing — he knows we’re right.”  Yes, he does, so do we.

Did you hear about the Emperor’s Freudian slip?

Former Gov. Pataki: NYC seeing ‘regression to those dark days’ of crime.

Newsmax has five good reasons why we shouldn’t lockdown again.

The New York Times’ Dark History of Slave Ownership.

Freedom to Deface by Heather Mac Donald.

Sunday evening, Mark Levin, had one of the best reasons to reject Joe Biden’s bid to replace Donald J. Trump.  His only guest was Stanley Kurtz and it was a compelling hour of television. Here is a short clip.  As of now, I have not been able to find the full show for you, but I will continue to search for it.  I encourage all of you to do the same.  We who live in New York are familiar with the Obama Administration’s attempt to change Westchester County.  Thankfully. Westchester County fought the good fight and Secretary Ben Carson, along with President Trump, resolved the contentious 2009 court ordered settlement to meet fair housing requirements in 2017.  The democrats have not, nor will they ever change their desire to fundamentally change America; they are currently winning and will continue to do so if we do not fight for what we believe in:  The American Dream; the dream that has empowered those willing to work for it, it has lifted countries out of poverty and lets freedom ring throughout the world.  Pay attention, get involved.


For Immediate Release
July 23, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY – Today will go down in history as the day the Democrat controlled legislature changed election law to allow those who use the services of state agencies to automatically enroll as a New York State voter.

Voting is one of the privileges a citizen in New York state has and a responsible citizen takes the time to register to vote.  With the passage of this bill, New Yorkers, many who are here illegally and others who are not citizens of New York, will be automatically registered to vote just by their interaction with certain state agencies listed in the bill.  The bill tout’s automatic registration as a modernization of our current registration system, and states unequivocally that this proposal will increase the efficiency of voter registration, save money, increase the accuracy of voter lists, prevent disfranchisement of eligible citizens, promote greater participation and reduce incidents of registration and voter fraud, this has not been proven in states that have adopted similar legislation.

Automatic voter registration is a ruse to dilute legitimate votes cast by citizens who want to vote; those who take the effort to register and cast their votes.  Automatic voter registration does not guarantee the person is eligible to vote, as we learned when this same body enacted the Green Light Law.

The lack of accountability, again proven by the Green Light Law, increases the possibility of fraud, especially, if every aspect of this automatic voter registration is completed electronically which is available by this ill-advised political maneuver.

# # #

If Emperor Cuomo ever ran a small business, he would put himself out of work.

The Emperor is at it again, changing mid-steam and making it impossible for small businesses to keep up with his ever-changing rules.  It has become very obvious that this man has never held a job in the real world, couldn’t run a business, and couldn’t keep employees due to his constant changing how things are done.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new bar rules are killing NYC businesses.  One should also note it is killing the moral of owners and patrons.  How much are they expected to endure, Emperor Cuomo?

Today’s NY Post editorial that we agree with states:  With COVID-19 deaths near zero and economy on its knees, NYC must reopen wide.

Governor Cuomo admits NYC is in a state of decline, but no help is needed and no need for federal involvement.  So, Governor, you may be surprised that I see that as a semi-positive statement.  Since there is no need for federal involvement, you won’t be looking for a federal bailout to pay for all the costs associated with this crime wave and loss of revenue from the closing of New York.  New York must be doing better financially or are you counting on that pot-of-gold at the end of a rainbow?  Knowing how the legislature thinks, it may just be relying on the pot.  (I pray they won’t slip this into law as they scramble to end this very strange session.)  No matter how you look at it, New York is broke and looking for ways to recover monies lost to COVID-19.  Senate Minority Leader, Rob Ortt, writes this in today’s NY Post:  NY Democrats’ insane bid to bleed wealthy — when they’re already fleeing state.

We find it rather amusing that failed presidential candidate, Beto O’Rourke, took time from his skateboarding, and said that Texas desperately needs a Governor like Andrew Cuomo, “someone who’s going to be guided by the facts and the science and the truth, and whose sole mission is going to be saving the lives of those that he is elected to serve.”  He obviously missed all the articles on the mishandling of COVID-19 patients sent to nursing homes.  And he obviously doesn’t understand math; New York’s population 19.4 million, 32,228 deaths.  Texas’ population 29.9 million, 4,522 deaths.  Hey Beto, New York would welcome Governor Abbott, but, now that we have informed you of the real Governor Cuomo record, do you still think Texas would be better with Governor Andrew Cuomo?  You two boys would have so much in common; he’s yours if you want him, you can skateboard and he will drive his muscle cars in the wide-open spaces of Texas.  And we would have a responsible governor who knows how to govern.

DeBlasio is back (did he ever leave) in Never-Never Land.  De Blasio says Black Lives Matter ‘transcends any notion of politics’

Betsy McCaughey opines on how Biden will destroy the suburbs.

Brian Patrick Eha writes in the City-Journal about the Media and the Virus; American press coverage of Covid-19 was first dismissive, then alarmist—but always condescending.

This is disappointing, but not surprising.  Sad that Americans are hesitant to express their political views, I would venture that most that are hesitant lean or are conservative.  Never fear; we always express our political views.  (And if you help support us, we can spread our views further.)

Good news:  On Space Exploration Day, US Continues to Lead in Space

Even some in the left wing media understand:  Rolling Stone Editor on Why ‘White Fragility’ May Be the ‘Dumbest Book Ever Written

If Unborn Lives Don’t Matter, No Lives Matter.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

New York’s Emperor Strikes Again; 10 more states added to quarantine list.

New York is digging a financial hole that may take years to recover from.  NY suspends licenses of four bars, including one on LI, and adds 10 states to quarantine list, Cuomo says.  Governor Cuomo is seriously doing more harm to New York than anyone thought possible.  It is time that Governor pays attention to the science of the virus; he is overreacting to his initial deadly mistake of forcing nursing homes to admit/readmit COVID-19 positive patients.  What he is doing now does not mitigate his earlier judgement, in fact, it is obvious that New York’s death rate – what he fears most will inch up again – is due to his mishandling the COVID-19 crisis.  It is also a problem that most of the main stream media fails to recognize that fact.  For the governor to say follow the facts and science on a regular basis, he fails to follow his own advice; but that is nothing new to those of us who have followed his career.

11 COVID Assumptions Based on Fear not Fact

Tough talk from Governor Cuomo on public health mandates.

Is the Emperor morphing into Captain Queeg?  Andrew Cuomo: People ‘fleeing the virus in their state’ to come to ‘safe’ New York.

Don’t be surprised when your health insurance premiums go up.

Another fact this is very disturbing:  Domestic Violence More Than Doubled Under Lockdowns, New Study Finds.

Is it possible that democrats do not watch the news?  Or is it that they just cater to the hard-left progressives that are trying to destroy America?  Bill Shielding Undocumented Immigrants in Courts Passes Assembly.  This bill makes a mockery of our system; if you provide undocumented immigrants protection in the courts – how does justice survive when a person is knowingly allowed to flaunt the immigration laws?  Justice only works when all laws are held in equal respect and equal enforcement.

Nancy Pelosi and Democrats have it exactly wrong on feds vs. protesters in Portland.

Chris Wallace compliments Donald Trump; yes, you did read that right.  Read what he said here.

Thinking outside the education box. This could be an interesting concept; however, I do admit, it has been a long time since I have had school age children.  At the very least, it is an idea for those who are fearful of sending their children back to school.

Nicole Gelinas writes in City Journal on the Underground, a Pandemic of Lawlessness

Chicago says no to President Trump’s offer to help; Portland condemns federal troops being there, Cuomo sits in front of a photo in the daily news telling cops to do their jobs, yet all three cities have made it possible for lawlessness to survive.  Those of us who are still proud Americans want this to end.  President Trump, we have your back.  It is really a shame that progressive only have their lust for power driving them and they ignore, not they completely try to discredit what President Trump is doing for all Americans who want the opportunity to live the American Dream.

This California Law Is Ripping Away American Dreams. The Left Wants to Take It Nationwide.

Chairman Kassar signs on to the Conservative Action Project that asks the Trump Administration to halt tax breaks for abortions.

Conrad Black writes in the NY Sun that the election shapes up as a major test of U.S. Press.

Nike, Other Global Brands, Complicit in China Slave Labor.

Here’s Where the White House is on a Stage Four, Wuhan Coronavirus Stimulus Plan.

The wild west was nothing compared to the lawlessness of today…

The editors of National Review want their readers to know:  Andrew Cuomo Is Not a COVID Hero.  Circulate the article to your family and friends and let them know also.  Another great article to pass around to those who still think the Emperor walks on water.  One more for those who need more convincing:  Andrew Cuomo’s COVID-19 tall tales.

Our Emperor has thin skin when criticized.  Cuomo: Jake Tapper’s Analysis of My COVID Poster Was a ‘Misconstruction’

One must admit that New Yorkers are an inventive group of people tired of dumb regulations.

Glad to see we are not the only ones calling Andrew, Emperor.  ‘Emperor’ Andrew Cuomo’s insane ‘eat if you’re drinking at a bar’ order.  It would have been fun twittering this out on Saturday; if we had access to our twitter account.  This is the 3rd time we have been denied access and it is getting to be absurd, that “bots” think we are robots also.  Conservatives: we need an alternative to Twitter and please don’t tell me Parler; Parler promotes free speech, but not an alternative to Twitter, far too convoluted to use and reach many people.

The Hill has this article, Quarantines for out-of-state visitors exceeds governors’ emergency authority, dated July 14, 2020.  We happen to agree that this exceeds the emergency authority of the tri-state governors, and today, upon learning that Governor Andrew Cuomo is going to Georgia (one of the states on the quarantine list) we can’t help but wonder, if he will follow his own advice and self-quarantine upon his return?  Or is the Emperor above the rules he makes for others?

Good news:  Oxford University Coronavirus Vaccine Trial Produces Strong Immune Response.

AOC’s Anti-Billionaire Crusaders Are Spreading in New York City.  (Unfortunately for Americans, not only in NYC)

Poor Democrats: they were so sure they would be able to use this in the upcoming months.

A good history lesson from Nayeli Riano who wrote, Do We Learn From History, in the Imaginative Conservative.

Nearly 50% Of Americans Believe Mail-In Voting Is Vulnerable to Significant Levels of Fraud: Poll.  Rest assured mail-in voting will be pushed by every democrat that has a stake in voting results.  We must do all we can to prevent mail-in voting.

Armstrong Williams writes:  Our Government’s Unwise Stamp of Approval on Black Lives Matter.

Silver gets off easy!

Trump vs. Cuomo:  Trump says Gov. Cuomo must end NYC ‘crime wave’ — or he will step in.  Trump: “And then the police are afraid to do anything. I know New York very well, I know the police very well, New York’s Finest, and the fact is, they’re restricted from doing anything, they can’t do anything.”

In all honesty, crime is out of control in New York, Chicago, Portland and far too many other places.  The wild west was nothing compared to what is going on today.  Pray that America and Americans find their way…soon, very soon.


For Immediate Release
July 20, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

 Brooklyn, NY – State Conservative Party Chairman, Gerard Kassar, speaking on behalf of his membership and the majority of New York’s citizens, is urging the members of the New York State Legislature to withdraw the emergency powers they voted to give Governor Andrew Cuomo, in a budget bill, at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak.

“When the legislative members return this week, the first order of business should be to rescind the unilateral control — full authority over any state or local law – as long as it is related to the disease.   For example, just this past week, Governor Cuomo required restaurant patrons to order food if they want to buy alcohol, clearly overreaching the original intent.

“Businesses are doing their best to comply with the public health needs; however, the ever-changing requirements are making it incredibly difficult and extremely expensive to comply with the dictates of the Executive Order.

“The legislative members must take back their role as the representatives of their constituents and do what is best for them and the citizens of New York to get our economy back on track as well as the lives and mental well-being of the citizens of New York.  Should further action be required, it must take place in each legislative house, debated on the floor, passed by majority vote, and sent to the Governor for his signature,” said Chairman Kassar.  “That is how our representative democracy is required to work, all three branches of government working for the good of its citizens. “

# # #

Mayor de Blasio: New York City would be better off if you just self-isolated and live in your out of touch reality alone.

This headline is spot on:  With Joe Biden in charge of law enforcement, there will hardly be any.

AOC Gets Caught Gaslighting About New York’s Rising Violent Crime.   (I admit, I am a dinosaur when it comes to slang, so I had to ask Siri what does gaslighting mean.  According to Siri, gaslighting as a verb is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality, in other words, they deny the other persons point of view and tries to make them think it is not true.)  How typical is that of AOC who believes she is smarter than anyone.  It really is so unbecoming of a member of Congress, and a huge disservice to her constituents who will ultimately be the ones hurt by AOC’s power grab.

How Is the Left of the ’60s Different from the Left of Today?

When they’re going after the Virgin Mary, you know protest has turned to madness.

Jeff Minick writes in Intellectual Takeout how in his life has he never seen such uninspiring leadership among our politicians.  (Don’t despair, we have a chance to change this in November.) Missing in Action: Leaders in a Time of Crisis.

Mr. Mayor: this is NOT leadership.

Neither is this, Mr. Mayor.  Really, the state courts should take responsibility?  You and your backers, the NYS Legislature under the “leadership” of Governor Andrew Cuomo opened this Pandora’s Box.  All of you demanded criminal justice reform…what on earth did you think would happen?  You are witnessing the results of your changes; all of you tied the hands of the state courts and now you have the audacity to blame them?  What planet are you from??  To say that you need the court system to run again…insinuating that because COVID-19 closed the system…is mind-boggling.  Even when the courts are back in business, their hands have been tied by the actions taken by those who support the deadly mistakes of the criminal justice reform supported by progressives.  Disgraceful remarks, disgraceful lack of leadership.

NYC shooting surge continues, injuring at least six people across city.

Anti-cop madness is forcing some leaders to say, ‘Enough’

Mike Bloomberg’s gun-control group will spend $1 million to help Democrats try to flip Pa. legislature.  Why doesn’t Mike Bloomberg spend $1 million to stop criminals from getting illegal weapons?  Hasn’t the gun violence that he abhors (as we all do) prominent in democratic controlled cities and states?  Why does he want to make another state vulnerable?  It isn’t nor has it ever been people who purchase guns legally that are the problem, it is the gangs, thugs and those who could never but a gun legally that is the problem.  One could pass thousands of laws but they will never stop the ones who don’t give a damn about the lives of innocent people.   At least Bloomberg dropped out of the presidential race, so he won’t have that bully pulpit to spread his misinformed message.

City Journal examines Nursing Homes: The Center of the Pandemic

Here is another idea that progressives are trying to push through the legislators all across America.   Christopher F. Rufo explains the harm in “harm reduction.”

Allison Schrager opines on the “Stakeholder” Fallacy; Joe Biden’s vision of capitalism is a recipe for failure.

The Empire Center’s Bill Hammond fills in the blanks on New York’s COVID-19 pandemic.

Janice Dean Excoriates Cuomo for Selling ‘COVID Mountain Death Posters’.  Watch Brian Kilmeade’s interview here.

From the WSJ (subscription required)  The Covid Fiscal Crisis Is About Debt and Taxes.

The Emperor speaks again:  Cuomo cites ‘significant evidence’ NYC restaurants are violating social distancing rules, threatens closures.  Governor, we still have a lot to learn about this virus, and we urge you to stop being a dictator, study what we do know, and encourage our citizens to do what is recommended here.  If people understand the importance of wearing a mask — like most of you, I find wearing a mask is uncomfortable, hot, unpleasant, ugly and a hundred more reasons to not want to wear one – but, I do understand why it is so important and I wear it when I am in public places to protect myself and others should I be asymptomatic, I comply, not because the Emperor tells me to, but because it really is the right thing to do…until we have a vaccine. And as soon as we have the vaccine,  people will argue over getting the vaccine.  We will leave that argument to another day.   Today, however, the choice is ultimately yours to make…make it a smart choice.

Kudos to Rochester, NY!  They wasted no time in replacing their statue of Frederick Douglass in Maplewood Park.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Mayor de Blasio: New York City would be better off if you just self-isolated and live in your out of touch reality alone.

Gov. Cuomo shouts about his COVID-19 response; silent on his New York criminal justice reforms tolerating crime sprees in New York.

Which is more pathetic, that this woman is a Congresswoman, or the people who voted for her?  No need to answer, we already know that the people who voted for her are just as uneducated, despite her degree from Boston College, as she regarding all the good that America has done.  She, and her supporters, are a product of the extreme liberalism that has co-opted our educational system.  If you agree, help make the necessary changes in November.  Need more proof how out of touch the Congresswoman is?  William McGurn opines in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) about AOC’s Hill of Beans.

Here is a good read for AOC and the people who think like her:  Is America Good.

Parents of students in college, if you have any doubt that the young minds of your children are being infused with anti-American rhetoric, read this:  Public univ. ‘encourages’ students to fight ‘unjust’ Trump policy.

Davell Gardner’s killing should shock NY politicians out of their NYPD-bashing madness

Seth Barron opines on the Wave of Violence Overwhelms NYC.

In Wake Of Continued Gun Violence, Prominent Members Of Black Community Call On NYPD To Bring Back Anti-Crime Unit.

Gov. Cuomo’s nursing home report is facing more blistering criticism from outside of NYS…as well it should.  However, it doesn’t stop “our emperor” from attacking President Trump by saying, “Trump’s COVID scandal makes Nixon’s Watergate look innocent.”  Rather political statement by “our emperor” who likes to say this is not the time for politics.  In fact, he said partisanship will make COVID-19 pandemic even worse in America.  How things have changed in the emperor’s mind, when under attack, his political reaction is defensive and punitive.  He believes the puff journalism pieces, believes he is invincible but, when a crack in his armor occurs, he goes for the jugular; wounding isn’t enough.

Rich Lowry opines in today’s NY Post:  It’s just nuts to praise New York’s ‘success’ against coronavirus.

Emperor Cuomo must have been influenced by George Orwell’s 1984.

The NY Times became the “Old Gray Lady” in 1951  when the newspaper was “regarded by many in the world at large (and all within its own world) as the world’s greatest. And newsmen generally hail it as “old” and “gray” by way of acknowledging its traditional special marks: starch conservatism and circumspection.”  Bari Weiss slams ‘new McCarthyism’ in scathing resignation letter as a NY Times opinion editor.   The “Old Gray Lady” is no more and lost its standing as the world’s greatest a long time ago.

LISTEN: US Ambassador to France ‘Petrified’ American Dream Slipping Away, Warns Against Civic Ignorance.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Gov. Cuomo shouts about his COVID-19 response; silent on his New York criminal justice reforms tolerating crime sprees in New York.

The Emperor (AKA Governor Cuomo) doubles down on his major nursing home mistake…again.

Being Conservative, Mark Levin and I have some things in common; at the top of that list is our admiration of Thomas Sowell.  In case you missed Mr. Levin’s interview of Thomas Sowell, here is a snippet of it.

If former VP Joe Biden isn’t true to his religious tenets, how will he be true to the US Constitution?   Will he pick and choose the doctrines that he likes to enforce and ignore the ones he doesn’t?  These is a serious question to think about, since he touts being a Roman Catholic and supporter of the US Constitution.

Governor Cuomo, here is another organization calling for an independent investigation on the COVID-19 deaths on New York’s nursing homes.  Answers, Governor Cuomo, answers are needed, not a whitewashing  of deadly mistakes.  The Emperor definitely has no clothes on when it comes to this issue: Cuomo says his nursing home report ‘has the facts.’ Others worry it has a ‘preconceived conclusion’.  We will continue our demand for an independent investigation!

The coffers are empty, so the Governor says:  Out-of-state travelers must tell NY authorities where they came from or face fine, Cuomo says.

Really, Governor?  Isn’t it about time you acted like an adult?  Gov. Cuomo produces old-school poster glorifying coronavirus response.

New Book Revealing the ’21 Biggest Lies About Trump’ Might Trigger One Group…And It’s Not Liberals.

Harper’s Open Letter Critical of ‘Cancel Culture’ Should Be Applauded, Not Canceled

The Left tried to respond; Guy Benson writes about their response in  Surprise: Pro-Cancel Culture Letter Packed with Lazy Arguments, Inconsistencies, and Omissions

Every American should join stand with the GOP Lawmakers Urge(ing) Attorney General to Defend St. Louis Couple’s Gun Rights After Firearm Confiscation.

Soros Groups’ Vote-by-Mail Drive Aims to Expand Government Control.

Here is a good article to pass around to your friends and family:  Defend U.S. Statues and Monuments: Here’s What the Mobs Really Want to Destroy.  Especially to our younger members whose history has been skewered by the NEA.

Another Deadly Cost of COVID-19 Lockdowns: “A Hidden Epidemic” of Drug Overdoses.

Joe Biden’s Economic Plan and Type 2 Socialism.

Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times that Race hustlers take ‘diversity’ scam to new levels by enforcing leftist agenda.

Liberal Reporter: Yes, The Mueller Probe’s ‘Hysterical Fallacies’ Is Cause for Roger Stone’s Commutation.

Demoralizing the Police.  As cops become objects of derision and scorn, violent crime soars in American cities.  (The Conservative Party stands with all our law enforcement…and proves it.)


Don’t judge a book by its cover, (nor a US Supreme Court decision) read it and see what you discover.

Today’s major news is from the US Supreme Court; two decisions directly effecting President Donald J. Trump.  The first one that came down allows Manhattan DA Vance’s grand jury subpoenas for documents from accounting firm Mazars USA and the Trump Organization as well as his tax returns,  to go forward and the second punted the Democratic Congressional request back to the lower courts because, as Justice Roberts noted, “The House’s approach would leave essentially no limits on the congressional power to subpoena the President’s personal records.”  Neither decision will have an immediate effect, much to the disdain of desperate democrats.  Of course, most of the media coverage will focus on these decisions being a big Trump loss, however, once people look behind the headlines, the decisions are not as damaging as the main stream media would have you think. One thing is certain, we have not heard the end of either court decision.   Our system of government has always believed that no one is above the law, that essentially is what was reaffirmed in the first decision and the second decision reaffirms that “fishing expeditions” by those in power should not be allowed.

Supreme Court rules in favor of Little Sisters of the Poor in ObamaCare contraception case. The court ruled 7-2 in favor of the Trump administration and the Catholic charity. “The majority opinion, written by Justice Clarence Thomas, ruled that the Trump administration’s challenged rulemaking was aboveboard, and hailed the work of the Little Sisters of the Poor.”

David Bossie: Republican vs. Democratic 2020 platforms will lay out clear choice for voters in Nov.

Thank you, Julie Kelly, this had to be said:  Never Trump’s utterly unprincipled lies.

In case you missed this yesterday: “Cuomo has the nerve to blame grieving family members and heroic nursing-home staffers, charging they were the ones who infected and killed as many 12,000 elderly and helpless residents.”   No, Gov. Cuomo, New York’s nursing home carnage is your fault: Goodwin

Health czar Howard Zucker’s pathetic bid to clear himself on NY’s nursing home deaths.  “In fact, the report says 6,326 infected patients were transferred from hospitals to nursing homes from March 25 to May 8. How can any data show that was unrelated to the virus’ deadly spread in those homes?

Churchill: No, Cuomo isn’t off the hook for state’s nursing home order.

Gov. Cuomo sent 6,300 COVID-19 patients to nursing homes during pandemic.

Bill Hammond writes in Empire Center that Cuomo Administration Ducks Important Questions on Nursing Homes.

The City Journal writes about The Nursing-Home Catastrophe.

Will they try to whitewash the nursing home crisis also?  Senate Health Chair Says Nursing Home Hearings Necessary

Even national columnist, Guy Benson, weighs in on Governor Cuomo handling of COVID-19 and NY’s nursing homes.    Analysis: Cuomo Keeps Digging

Betsy McCaughey writes How COVID-19 is transmitted completely upended — here’s what we need to reopen.  In Ms. McCaughey’s article, she gives kudos to Gov. Cuomo for wanting Malls to have filtered air.  Considering the history of Legionnaires Disease and Ms. McCaughey’s latest evidence on how COVID-19 is transmitted, maybe, just maybe Governor Cuomo may be right.  (However, this “juror” will wait for more evidence since his decision on nursing homes was so abysmal.)

New York’s Police Department still under heavy assault by state legislators.

America caving to anti-Americans; have we forgotten appeasement never ends?  Cult Programming in Seattle

Hey Joe, haven’t you learned yet appeasement never ends:  Joe Biden Says Police Have ‘Become the Enemy,’ ‘Absolutely’ Should Defund Them.

Corporations haven’t learned that appeasement never ends either:  These 18 Corporations Gave Money to Radical Black Lives Matter Group

Does this woman really represent the people in her district?  I just do not understand how anyone who lives in America, a country that allows her to speak against her government, a country that has given her a huge platform to say what she says, why would she want to dismantle the economy and political system.  Didn’t her parents flee the government she is calling for?

Trump’s Right. We’re Now Reckoning With a Generation of Anti-American Indoctrination.

.Big Philanthropy and the Battle Against ‘Systemic Racism’

How the Heroes of Black Lives Matter Executed Blacks.

Victor Davis Hanson opines on the Fragility of the Woke.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Don’t judge a book by its cover, (nor a US Supreme Court decision) read it and see what you discover.