Author: Shaun Marie

CONSERVATIVE PARTY RATES 2020 LEGISLATIVE SESSION; Assemblyman David J. DiPietro Scores 100%

For Immediate Release
October 13, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Assemblyman David J. DiPietro Scores 100%

 Brooklyn, NY – The Conservative Party’s 2020 legislative ratings for the shortened COVID-19 legislative session are available on the Conservative Party’s website ( today to allow voters in New York state to be informed and knowledgeable of how their state legislators voted on 20 key bills that passed both Houses.

Keeping with tradition, the Conservative Party tracked legislation throughout the session, issued support and opposition memos, and determined, at an executive committee meeting, which key issues would be used. The Bills considered comprise a variety of issues including, but not limited to economics, health, safety, and pro-life issues that affect the lives of all New Yorkers. “We believe that it is necessary to keep the public informed of key votes and let the taxpayers be aware of how elected officials spend our hard-earned money. Every Bill is considered, and then we narrow the number to give voters a fair assessment of what transpires in Albany,” said Gerard Kassar, State Chairman.  “A review of the Bills used this year will show New Yorkers how out of touch the legislature is with the average citizen; many are costly, sometimes unwarranted, and some will show how they help New Yorkers.” said Kassar.

Assembly Member, David J. DiPietro (147th AD) was the only legislator to score a perfect 100%.

The overall Senate ratings have consistently dropped since the Democrats took total control.  In 2018 the average was 55%, in 2019 the average was 40%, and this year the overall Senate rated a meager 35%.  In 2018 the Democratic Senate average was 41%, in 2019 the democratic average plummeted to 14%, and slightly improved to 17% in 2020.  Republican Senators averaged 71% and Conservative endorsed legislators in the Senate averaged 69%.

The Assembly’s overall rating remained at 36% same as 2019, but down from their 2018 rating of 42%.  The Democrats in the Assembly averaged 19%, up slightly from 17% in 2019, but down significantly from their 28% rating in 2018.  Republican Assembly members averaged 79%, while Conservative Party endorsed Assembly members remained steady with an average of 79%.

We encourage voters to review the ratings and vote accordingly.  Send a message by voting on the Conservative Party line that conservative fiscal policy and principles make New York business friendly.  New York needs to reestablish a friendly place for entrepreneurs to open businesses and most importantly to create new jobs for those who have been forced out of work due to COVID-19. The current trends adopting progressive ideology only increases the exodus; families want a safe place to live, and a resurgence of business opportunities that made New York the beacon of hope and prosperity.

(Ratings are online here.  If you have a problem downloading, please call 718-921-2158 or 518-356-7882 for a copy.)

# # #

Gov. Cuomo’s dream of being President is shrinking as nursing home crisis makes news as far away as Spokane, Washington.

No surprise here.  REVEALED: Zuckerberg Group Funneled 99.4% Of Voter Engagement Budget to Democrat Districts

From Gatestone Industry;  Black Appraisals of Black Lives Matter – Part III

As far away as Spokane, Washington, they are reporting how New York’s Nursing Home Scandal Undercuts Cuomo’s Covid Boasts.

Jacob Sullum opined in yesterday’s NY Post: Courts say extreme, arbitrary lockdowns don’t pass Constitution’s sniff test.

John Tierney calls the lockdowns a failed experiment in today’s City Journal.

Every logical person knows there will be cuts in government budgets across the board; one cannot spend money that hasn’t filled the government coffers due to the lockdown creating the problem of people unable to work.  Yet, Cuomo Says Deficit Decisions Will Hold Until After Election Day. Why until after election day?  Is he trying to protect the democratic majority of both houses purposefully not allowing a vote on necessary cuts so people will continue to vote for the democrat candidates and their failed policies?  What he leaves out in his statement on holding off decisions, is that NY was deeply in debt prior to the COVID-19 crisis, which he has exacerbated with his burdensome lockdowns.  Waiting for a Democratic win in November is kicking the can down the road and multiplying the problems when it doesn’t happen.  Question to Governor Cuomo:  Where is the federal money supposed to come from since they also have lost income and are spending exorbitant amounts of money.

Speaking of voting, tomorrow, October 9, is the last day to register and be eligible to vote in this year’s elections.  Click here to register if you are not a registered voter.  Here is a comprehensive list of who is running in New York State.  And when you vote, please vote on the Conservative Line to send a message to Governor Cuomo that failed policies driving New Yorkers out of state must end.   Voting is a privilege and responsibility if we want to continue to live in the country that guarantees its citizens, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.   Vote this year because the Elements of Revolution Are All in Place if you fail to protect our Founding Father’s constitution.

From National Review; Newspaper Endorsements: A Pointless Ritual.

The Gray Lady has become a laughing stock, but the elites still believe it is gospel.  NYT Calls for UN ‘Election Intervention’, Says Biden Must Follow Belarus Protesters And ‘Appeal to The World for Help’.

Here are some articles on last night’s debates you may have missed.  From the Daily Signal:  6 Highlights From the Pence-Harris Debate; from National Review: Pence Accuses Harris of ‘Playing Politics with People’s Lives’ by ‘Undermining Confidence’ in Vaccine; also from the National Review: Kamala Harris’s Dishonesty on Abe Lincoln; from the NY Sun: Trump Chose Well in His Vice President, Debate Shows; from the Washington Examiner:  Trump’s economy even now is better than Obama-Biden’s was; from the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) Mike Pence’s Re-Election Case; from the Washington Free Beacon:  Harris: Biden Admin Will Repeal Tax Cuts ‘On Day One’, from the Patriot Post: VP Debate: Pence Exposes Harris’s Radical Leftist Policies, and in the NY Post: Pence effectively went after Harris — and a very biased moderator: Goodwin.

The Biden/Schumer/Pelosi camp must really be worried since Speaker Pelosi is floating the idea of invoking the 25th Amendment.

Don’t let ACO, excuse me, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, see this:  Swiss City Geneva Votes for World-Record $25 Hourly Minimum Wage, the Congresswoman will introduce a similar wage hike bill tomorrow.

Susan Page, however, should read this:  3 Inconvenient Truths 60 Minutes Forgot to Mention in Its Story on California Wildfires and Climate Change.  And this (WSJ article, subscription required):  Why Won’t the Media Listen to These Scientists?

The woman running in the 2nd Congressional District has no use for law enforcement; all the more reason to vote for Andrew Gabarino.

It’s Democrats playing ‘gaslight’ on America: Devine.

Words of Wisdom from Walter E. Williams

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Gov. Cuomo’s dream of being President is shrinking as nursing home crisis makes news as far away as Spokane, Washington.


For Immediate Release
October 7, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY – Chairman Gerard Kassar, speaking on behalf of the NYS Conservative Party, mourns the death of Senator Joseph L. Bruno, the long-time NYS Senate Majority Leader.  “Senator Bruno was a leader that served New Yorkers well.  He understood the problems that New Yorkers faced in business and everyday life.  His passion for doing what was best for New Yorkers was well known as was his passion for getting things done right.

Senator Bruno was the same person when meeting with constituents or meeting with national leaders, a gentleman who used all the skills he learned through life, as a veteran of the Korean War, as a boxer, a successful businessman and as your next-door neighbor, to help make the world a better place.”

Our thoughts and prayers to Kay, Susan, Kenneth, and Catherine.

Rest in peace, my friend.


Fox News has an exclusive declassified report regarding former CIA Director John Brennan…the question is will other news sources even report on the damnatory facts?

Caught Red Handed: Brennan’s Handwritten Notes Prove Obama Was Briefed on Scheme to Set Up TrumpMore on this at Fox  So, Brennan’s handwritten notes indicate that former President Obama was briefed “on Hillary Clinton’s purported “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server” ahead of the 2016 presidential election…”  Was Joe Biden aware either briefed or told by Obama? Or did President Obama and Hillary think he wasn’t part of the “inner circle” and should be told.  Either answer is detrimental to the Biden campaign.  He either was part of the cover-up or not trusted enough to be told.  I wonder how the press will have his back on this breaking news or if they will even bother to report it?

Trump makes dramatic return to White House.

Trump Confirms He Will Participate in Next Presidential Debate: ‘It Will Be Great!’

White House Physician Gives Another Good News Update on Trump’s Health.

The NY Sun reveals some of the anti-Trumpers trepidation about his return.   So, does Charles Hurt in his Washington Times article:  Liberal vermin squeal with delight over Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis.

Even Dem Lawmakers Seem Shocked by Jennifer Rubin’s Suggestion for Walter Reed.  (Jennifer Rubin used to be the lonely conservative writing for the Washington Post; she must have lots of friends there now.)

Great analysis by Heather MacDonald who opines in City Journal on how President Trump’s handling of his coronavirus diagnosis models positive masculinity—rational and unbowed.

The NY Post editorial:  The virus is absolutely no reason to put democracy on hold.

Before you, your family and friends vote (especially those who adhere to the progressive narrative taught in colleges) read this:  America Must Return to the Noble Traditions of Her Founders.

‘Vote for America’ Ad Campaign Focuses on Dangers of Far-Left Policies.

Pre-Pandemic Economy Hit Unprecedented Heights for Black and Hispanic Americans.

Biden Admits Law Enforcement No Longer Backs Him.

NBC town hall panned as ‘Biden infomercial’: ‘Undecided voters’ didn’t seem so ‘undecided’

Court-Packing Would Be the Very Tyranny Democrats Have Warned About.  (But it won’t stop them if voters give them the US Senate and Presidency; they would control the future for years…remember how long the Democrats were in control after Watergate…this would be far more devastating.)

Here are two important articles from the Empire Center regarding New York’s finances:  A Federal Emergency Rule Is Inflating New York’s Medicaid Enrollment and It’s Official: New York State’s Second Quarter Economic Crash Was the Worst on Record.

From the Daily Signal:  Tens of Thousands of Cases of Possible Vote Fraud Cited in New Report. When you vote on November 3, vote in person to be certain that your vote counts.  Not registered to vote?  Click here.  Here in New York, Friday, October 9, is the last day to register to vote.  Register NOW.  And please cast your vote on the Conservative Party line.

As we noted yesterday, Twitter fact-checkers need to be reprogramed: Twitter Slaps ‘Misleading Information’ Warning on Completely Factual Trump Tweet.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Fox News has an exclusive declassified report regarding former CIA Director John Brennan…the question is will other news sources even report on the damnatory facts?

Will a lawsuit force the Cuomo Administration to reveal the truth about the COVID-19 nursing home deaths?

No Drama; No problems; Just Support! Trump supporters close 5th Ave. to support COVID-19-stricken president.  And it happened all over New York State and the Nation.  However, far too many in the mainstream media failed to cover President Trump’s support.  It is discouraging that the MSM is so biased.

The left’s sickening lack of decency on ailing President Trump: Goodwin.

Trump says he’s leaving Walter Reed hospital Monday night after COVID-19 care

President Trump tweets he will be heading back to the White House today.  This is good news for the country; even for those who vehemently dislike President Trump.  His fast-tracking ways to cope with COVID-19 (vaccines and drug therapy) have shown how he has the best interest of all Americans front and foremost.  Hopefully, he will get credit for this, especially from the media, since it is the media that has pushed the envelope on how “detrimental” the Trump Administration is.  Does anyone think Jack Tapper will retract this?  Trump: ‘Sick and in isolation … you have become a symbol of your own failures’  Neither do I.

Your future, if NY continues under all Democratic rule:  New York Politicians Decide to Keep a Brooklyn Neighborhood Poor.  (Wall Street Journal article, subscription required.)  You can make the difference when you vote on the Conservative Line on November 2, 2020.  Not registered:  Click here.   Hurry, last day to register is October 9!  And please vote in person.  New York Is Not Ready for Election Prime Time.

Cuomo’s options for avoiding spending cuts this year worse than the disease.

‘Never Happened’: Cuomo Claims Coronavirus Patients Were Not Sent Back to Nursing Homes.

Justice is being fought for: My mother died of COVID-19 in a nursing home — now I’m fighting back.

New Yorkers have a right to know:  Lawsuit over COVID nursing home death numbers tries to force the issue.

Some reading material for those who believe lockdowns are the answer.  Stats Hold a Surprise: Lockdowns May Have Had Little Effect on COVID-19 Spread.

Here We Go: Democrats Demand SCOTUS Hearings Be Delayed Due to Positive Virus Tests.  What a baby; have you noticed how many times when Sen. Schumer can’t get his way (or just wants to emphasize how angry he is), he clinches his fists and is just short of throwing a temper tantrum?  Senator, we thought you were tech savvy, but I guess Zoom isn’t good enough for you and your colleagues.  Senator, in case you have forgotten, there was a time when Dems fully supported virtual hearings:  Take Note of How Dems Are Flipping the Script on Virtual Hearings.

Lefties’ silly attacks on Barrett show they have no real complaint

Family Research Council has researched 15 positions for its 2020 Presidential Voter Guide.  You can review it here.

Everett Piper writes in the Washington Times:  ‘I don’t care if Donald Trump is a jerk. He still has my vote’ 

Victor Davis Hanson always gives his readers a common-sense explanation behind so many of the snafu’s in the political arena:  The Full Crowley

The Debate: A Vote for Two Men or a Vote for Two Ideologies—One Will Save America and Keep Her Strong.

The Most Anti-Gun Ticket in American History.

Ok, I know we are back on Twitter, but what I want to know, is why we were locked out for a total 10 weeks, never told @cpnys why, and this person isn’t suspended for one day.   Twitter should seriously consider ending its artificial intelligence system to monitor what is posted, or at the very least improve how its AI programs/monitors what is posted.  Twitter to fix AI system that cut black people from photos.

China ramps up campaign of bribes and economic extortion in global power play.

ICYMI: Black Lives Matter Protestor Reveals What the Real Goal of the Movement Is.

This Week in Leftist Intimidation and Violence Vol. 6

Trump, Vought, DeVos and Keim call out Marxist indoctrination in colleges and gov’t agencies.


The Emperor admits that Gotham has hit the skids…due to lack of leadership! Do you think he includes himself?

Senator Schumer will you please explain this:  Schumer and Senate Democrats Oppose Legislation Ensuring Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions.

Biden really does live in the basement and apparently has no television or cable networks to learn what is happening outside of his little world.  Trump slams Biden’s belief that Antifa ‘is an idea’.  So pathetic that the man who wants to be President thinks Antifa “is an idea” and doesn’t acknowledge that it is movement to undermine the US Constitution.

From the Daily Signal:  6 Highlights from Trump-Biden Debate.   The absolute best critique of “The Debate” is a Daily Wire column written by Ryan Saavedra.  It captures many of the Tweets that point out (some even from his colleagues) what a poor moderator Chris Wallace was.  For a man who said “… “But if I’ve done my job right, at the end of the night, people will say, ‘That was a great debate. Who was the moderator?’ ”  Obviously, Chris Wallace did not do his job right!  Chris Wallace had this to say on the debate: ‘Never dreamt it would go off the tracks the way it did.’  Seriously, Mr. Wallace?  You helped push it off the tracks, every time you interrupted President Trump and helped the former VP; your bias was a big part of the problem.  I think you should watch the debate since you seem to be unaware of your part in helping it go off the tracks the way it did.

Another topic Mr. Wallace dropped the ball on:  Radical Indoctrination in the Federal Bureaucracy

Treasury reports rebut Biden’s ‘totally false’ claims about Hunter’s cash haul.

Charles Hurt, writing in the Washington Times has a good analysis of Tuesday’s night brawl.

From the WSJ (subscription required) Biden repeats the same false claims about ObamaCare that Democrats use every election.

Stuart Varney to Biden: ‘You did not leave Trump a booming economy’

Guess How the Times Knows So Much About Tax Losses Trump Uses

Gov. Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and all the other democrats (Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer et al) that do not want Americans to get back to work, you have an obligation to read this:  6 Charts Show America’s Big Debt Problem, and this, Addressing the Biggest Threat to Our Children’s Future: Unsustainable National Debt.

Do these items really have any constitutional reason to be in the next stimulus bill?  House Democrats’ stimulus bill includes stimulus checks for illegal immigrants, protections from deportations.

While the article stresses that one’s privacy is protected, it strikes me as a little too invasive.  What happens if it goes off, and a person overreacts to the fact that someone near them has tested positive for COVID-19?  We all know what happens when a person doesn’t wear a mask near them.  New app alerts New Yorkers if they’re near someone with COVID-19.

Trump COVID adviser won’t cave to criticism: ‘It’s destructive to lock down the healthy’.

No Need to Wait for Herd Immunity

David Marcus opines in today’s NY Post that it is past time to pull the plug on Andrew Cuomo’s dictatorial pandemic powers.  You can send a strong message on November 3 by voting in person on the Conservative Party line and take back the US House and the NYS Senate.  Click here to register and click here to get background on who is running for office this year.

Bob McManus hits the nail on the head with his column:  Cuomo, Gillibrand, James, de Blasio: A sad pack of ‘leaders’ New York is stuck with.   Reminder, you can begin making changes on November 3, 2020.  Vote in person (early voting begins on October 24, check your local BOE to find out where polls are open for early voting) on the Conservative Party line.

The Daily Signal asks: What Kind of America Will You Choose?

Gregg Jarrett: Corrupt Comey conveniently claims no memory of parts of FBI’s Trump-Russia ‘collusion’ probe.

4 Questions James Comey Actually Answered in Senate Hearing.

From Gatestone Institution:  Black Appraisals of Black Lives Matter – Part II

Following the Woke Crowd Backfires for Minneapolis City Council.

FYI: Ginsburg Rejected Court-Packing, And So Should We  (You can stop talking about this – and adding 2 new states —  by voting in person on November 3, 2020)  As noted above:  What kind of America will you choose?

A powerful, honest column by Lawrence W. Reed:  The Iron Fist in the Velvet Glove.

Words of Wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The Emperor admits that Gotham has hit the skids…due to lack of leadership! Do you think he includes himself?

True to form, Governor Cuomo cannot accept the fact that NY’s budget deficit began long before COVID-19, and closing businesses in NY, made it worse.

Biden has fought a pandemic before. It did not go smoothly.

It is discouraging to be reminded, once again, that the US Senate Minority Leader is anything but a leader.  New York’s own Senior Senator, Charles Schumer, said today that he will not meet with Judge Amy Coney Barrett.  Isn’t a leader supposed to have an open mind, look at all possibilities and then decide.  When a leader refuses to do so, because he believes that the “nominee of such an illegitimate process and one who is determined to get rid of the Affordable Care Act” (without any knowledge that she would) he shows the world that his mind is closed and making political points with his base is all that matters to him.

Following lock step with his minority leader, Sen. Cory Johnson, that he wants to know if the future Justice would recuse herself from any election issues.  When did leadership become redefined to mean:  pander to your base?

Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times that the Democrats can’t smear Amy Coney Barrett.

William McGurn writing in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) points out how the mainstream media handle the Catholic Faith of former VP Biden and current Judge Amy Coney Barrett.   Two Catholics, One Double Standard.

This is from the Washington Free Beacon:  Dems Love Biden’s Catholicism But Fear Barrett’s

Then there is this double standard on paying taxes:  Biden Dodged $500K In Taxes By Exploiting Loophole.  Since this is breaking news today, the former VP did this:  Biden releases 2019 tax returns before debate, calls for Trump to release his.  Hasn’t Biden learned through the years, that offense play is better than defense?

Ryan Ellis writes in the Federalist that New York Times’ Trump Tax Return ‘Bombshell’ Is A Joke.

Melissa Mackenzie, publisher of the American Spectator, has a lively political analysis (as an aside, she also has a food interlude on the best way to cook a steak) of Biden, Harris, and Barrett.

Mr. former VP, here is a reminder that Progressives will call you out if you are not completely loyal: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard irks left after citing Project Veritas in call to ban ballot harvesting.  (They may preach they have a “big tent” but the reality is they do not.)  David Hogg, the darling of the left, learned this yesterday when they turned on him.  Since he craves the attention of his 1 million followers, he quickly apologized for having an independent thought.

Just hours before the debate:  Trump, Biden Campaigns Bicker Over Last Minute Debate Negotiations

No Stamina? Joe Biden’s Break Requests Could Rehash Old Trump Attack Line.

Quite the eye-opener headline:  China Says Killing Americans over Taiwan is ‘Morally Justified’  The article is not one you will find in any of our mainstream media publications and an informed voter should be aware of how the communist government of China thinks.

From the Daily Signal: Understanding the Chinese Challenge to the United States.

Rod Dreher opines in today’s NY Post;  Refugees from tyranny agree: Authoritarian threat in America now is from the left.

This is how Progressives became so strong.  How ‘Systemic Liberalism’ Failed Public Education in America.

ICYMI:  How Black Lives Matter Is Being Used to Further a Communist Agenda.

The Dangers of Appeasement in a Social Justice World.

The Real Revolutionaries That Seek Control and Power.

Rand Paul Isn’t Buying Fauci’s Tale of NY COVID Success.

A leopard cannot change his spots and apparently Gov. Cuomo cannot accept any fault when things go wrong.  New York had a budget deficit long before COVID-19 ran rampant and closing-down New York certainly helped the fiscal crisis. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this Monday:  No state budgetary decision can prevent an economic downturn, before asserting the federal government is liable for New York’s estimated two-year $50 billion deficit due to the coronavirus pandemic.  Governor, take the advice given in yesterday’s NY Post editorial:  take a week off.  (Perhaps you need more than a week…?)  Have the professionals focus on fixing the problems you have allowed to become almost impossible to fix and even more difficult due to the closing down of New York state.  In other words, get back to doing what is right for all New Yorkers.

GOP state lawmakers introduce bill to strengthen parole board oversight.  We need more conservative/republicans in the state legislature.  Vote on Nov 3 and please vote in person.  Not registered to vote?  Click here.   Need a list of candidates?  Click here.  (A special thank you to Mike Nelis for introducing us to this site.)

Need a break from politics?  Read this, Ari Aster’s Moral Horror.  Its focus is on America’s most intelligent young filmmaker who is obsessed with the collapse of fatherhood and the return of paganism. (Ok, it may not be a break from politics, but it will introduce you to a gifted filmmaker.)

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on True to form, Governor Cuomo cannot accept the fact that NY’s budget deficit began long before COVID-19, and closing businesses in NY, made it worse.

Will the Emperor close areas in NYS again?

Usually when a candidate will not answer a question, it is because they do not want you to know their answer will be one that is not supported by their constituents.  Former VP Biden, who believes he should replace President Trump, still refuses to say if he supports court packing.  By not saying he doesn’t support court packing, we know he does.  Keep up the good work, Joe.  This also gives Americas insight on what kind of president you would make…and it doesn’t paint a pretty picture either.  Another gaffe or outright misrepresentation?  We can’t help but wonder how much discussion will take place on these issues during the debate tomorrow night.

What is going on with the democrats and the leaders of their Party lately?  A few examples:  Ocasio-Cortez’s Snub of Rabin Event Is Harbinger of Democrats; former astronaut Mark Kelly, running for US Senate in Arizona, has some very strong financial ties to the Chinese government; and Miranda Divine tells us that Project Veritas uncovers ‘ballot harvesting fraud’ in Minnesota…one would think that Rep. Ilhan Omar would respect her adopted country instead of trying to turn it into a replica of the country her family left.

In case you missed Dennis Prager’s column, The Left’s Moral Compass Isn’t Broken, the last sentence sums up the left accurately.

Dick Durbin: We Can’t Prevent Barrett From Being Confirmed But…

Why the Democrats Really Fear Amy Coney Barrett.

The Daily Signal writes:  In Amy Coney Barrett, Trump Picks an Exacting Scholar for Supreme Court.

Roger Kimball opines in American Greatness that Barrett Will Sail.

Heather MacDonald:  Blue Truth Matters.

Did you know this about Sen. Kelly Loeffler?  She appears to be a woman who is committed to doing what is right for all of society and not afraid to say so.

New York’s future, if it remains under all democratic control:  New York Legislation Aims To Expand Use of ‘Red Flag’ Gun Law.  Fortunately, there are people like Ron Lauder, who are willing to help save New York by targeting Democratic candidates for New York State Senate.

If you need another reason to take back the NYS Senate:  NY Senate Minority Leader voices concerns for witness safety, citing discovery reform changes.

You can’t vote if you are not registered to vote:  Click here to register or go to your local Board of Election and register in person.  Click here if you don’t know where the local BOE is located.   Mail in requests must be postmarked by October 9, 2020 and received by October 14, 2020.

A prime example why you should register and VOTE in person:  Queens voters are wrongly receiving mail-in ballots marked for military use.

One of the best NY Post editorials written to date:  Andrew Cuomo has gone loco on crime and vaccines.

New York deserves better than this:  New York’s post-COVID job losses outpace all but one other state.  However, the Emperor of NY, continues his total control of what we can and can not do, his obsession to “help” is only driving the economy, loss of tax income, deep into unchartered territory that will take years, if not decades, to recover from and force our youth to places more conducive to starting businesses and raising families.  One small step to help our great state is to take back the NYS Senate on November 3, elect as many conservative/republican Assembly Members as possible and send conservative endorsed congressional candidates to Washington, DC while re-electing President Trump who understands how to get the economy back to solid growth.


For Immediate Release
September 27, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882      @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY — Conservatives meet in Washingtonville, NY (Orange County) on September 26, 2020 to reorganize, adopt rules and regulations and elect officers to serve for a two-year term as required by Election Law.

Gerard Kassar (Kings County) was unanimously re-elected to serve as Chairman for the two-year term.  Regional Vice Chairman James Thomas accurately portrayed Chairman Kassar’s leadership in nominating him when he said, “Jerry has only been chairman a short time but it’s been a busy time.  Lawsuits and a pandemic and virtual meeting.  But even then, he was able to move the party forward – reaching out to new audiences and expanding the party.”  Reid Robbins, Ontario Chairman noted that “There are very few reasons I would leave my family early on a Saturday morning and be gone all day.  The leadership of Jerry Kassar and his ability to eliminate distance among county leaders to advance conservative principles across the state, makes the trip pleasurable,” when he seconded the nomination.

Chairman Kassar, in accepting, said: “I wish to thank our State Committee for placing the faith in me to serve a second term. Together with the officers, Executive Committee, and members we will meet the challenges of the next two years as we met the many challenges of the past two. I am confident we will see victories and with that a much-needed impact on government.”

The following officers were also elected yesterday, Shaun Marie Levine (Albany County) as the Executive Vice-Chairman, Howard Lim, Jr. (Westchester County) as Secretary and Frances T. Vella-Marrone (Kings County) as Treasurer.

Eight State Vice-Chairmen, Daniel F. Donovan, Jr. (Nassau County), Hugh Fox (Westchester County), Thomas M. Long (Queens County), Ralph C. Lorigo (Erie County), James F. Quinn, Jr.  (Wayne County), Gregory S. Rigby (Cayuga County), Allen Roth (New York County) and Frank Tinari (Suffolk County), and seven Regional Vice-Chairmen were also elected.  The Regional Vice-Chairs are:  In the Capital District – Brian Gardner (Columbia County), in the Northern Region — Henry “Hank” Ford. (St. Lawrence County), in the North Central Region — H. Leonard Schick (Oswego County), in the South-Central Region – James M. Thomas (Broome County), in the Mid-Western Region — Jason McGuire (Livingston County), in the Western Region — Arthur Munger (Genesee County) and in the Hudson Valley – William Beckmann (Rockland County).

The Officers above also serve as the officers of the State Executive Committee.  The following are At-Large Members of the State Executive Committee:  Vincent Arcuri (Queens County), Stuart Avrick (New York County), James J. Barrett, Jr. (Schenectady County), Carol Birkholtz (Warren County), Ross Brady (Kings County),  Michael Buttino (Greene County), Thomas M. Casey (Queens County), David M. Curcio (Richmond County), Chung Dick (Kings County) Louis DeCicco (Chemung County),  John P. DeLessio (Orange County),  John E. Flynn, (Suffolk County), Robert  Fois (Westchester County) Edward J. Gaddy (Ulster County), Michael Garlock (Wayne County) John J. Hayes (Ulster County), Eileen Johnson (Kings County), Christopher J. Kendall (Madison County), Jim M. Kerr (New York County), Paul Kosowski (Nassau County), Edward A. Magilton (Sullivan County),  Charles R. Mancabelli (Onondaga County),  James Maxwell (Putnam County), Donald S. Mazzullo (Monroe County),  Patrick McManus (Bronx County), Donald Minichino (Dutchess County), Christopher Mistron (Nassau County), Scott D. Nasca (Monroe County) Demitry Edward Naemit (Rockland County) Reid W. Robbins (Ontario County), Laura A. Schreiner (Suffolk County),  John Seravalli (New York County) Michael E. Torres (Suffolk County),    Robert E. White (Franklin County),  Anna M. Wilcox (Chautauqua County) and Robert Zordan (Saratoga County).

The Members of the State Executive Committee serve as the governing body when the full state committee is not convened.  All members serve a two-year term.  The Members of the State Executive Committee appointed Ralph C. Lorigo, Esq. as Party Counsel, Eileen Johnson as the Assistant Secretary, Shaun Marie Levine as the Executive Director and Michael R. Long as Chairman Emeritus, for a term coterminous with the elected members.
