Author: Shaun Marie

Do not let the loss of lives and sacrifices of WWII be for naught…

Seventy-nine years ago, America suffered a horrendous Day of Infamy.  We pray for all the souls lost; for all the sacrifices made through out the horrors of World War II and will be forever grateful to the men and woman who protected America and promise them we will honor their commitment and continue to protect America.

How will Mr. Biden handle this China Is National Security Threat No. 1?

Wall Street, Woke Capitalism, and China

Xi Jinping’s new book: ‘Our Red Country will never change its colour’.

Peek: Biden and China – 4 reasons he can’t be trusted to protect US from Beijing.

Walter Williams’s Students Explain What Made Him Such a Great Economics Teacher.


It’s good to know that some in Hollywood stand up for Conservatives!  Matthew McConaughey, Russell Brand slam liberals who ‘condescend, patronize’ conservatives.

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times:  May God have mercy upon us and our troubled country.

From Gatestone Institute:  So, Durham is Now a ‘Special Counsel’? – What Does That Mean?

Imagine how this will go if Loeffler and Perdue lose the January 5, 2021 elections.  Senate gears up for battle over Barr’s new special counsel.

Georgia Republicans have no choice — they must vote in Senate runoff: Devine.

Study Finds Asymptomatic Spread Not a Significant Source of the CCP Virus Pandemic.

The Capitalist Cure for Covid.

Conservative populism stronger than ever despite Trump’s election loss.  Did you know that in NYC, President Trump gained 4.4% in 2020 compared to 2016…(and 25% more on the Conservative Party line.)

Occasionally the mainstream media makes a valid point; and we applaud it when it does.

It is good to note that even the Albany Times Union calls out Governor Andrew Cuomo on his doing as I say mantra.

Cuomo, a frequent critic of FDA, concerned about vaccine skepticism.  Concerned?  Seriously, after he has been constantly dissing the vaccine and the FDA under the Trump Administration.  Trying to have it both ways again, Governor Cuomo?  Portraying your self as the only that truly cares about their constituents?   Question for you Governor:  With all your self-proclaimed “expert” handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, how is it that New York’s numbers are increasing?   Today we learn that the Governor is touting the fact that NY will receive 170,000 vaccines by December 15, 2020.   How times have changed; less than a month ago, Governor Trump questioned the Trump Administration’s COVOD-19 distribution, vowing to have his own review of any COVID-19 vaccine from the Trump Administration.  Amazing about-face, Governor!  Can’t help but wonder if the backlash from the petty theatrics had any thing to do with your rapid change of mind.

Three Signs of a Tyrant.

Betsy McCaughey opines that heavy-handed COVID-19 lockdown rules are an all-around disaster.

Somebody has some explaining to do:  Assembly speaker’s chief of staff lived ‘opulent’ lifestyle from ‘unexplained wealth’.

Do you even notice the not-so-subtle digs at conservative/republican elected leaders?  Malliotakis mulls conservative clique to counter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ‘Squad.’  CPNYS lauds Congresswoman-elect for taking this step in being the counter balance to the “Squad.”

AOC roasted for selling ‘Tax the Rich’ sweatshirts for $58.

The New Resistance Is Rising.

Its Critics Are Wrong. The Electoral College Is a Bulwark Against Power Grabs.

Victor Davis Hanson writes that progressives are no longer defenders of free expression.

With a heavy heart we acknowledge there will be no new words of wisdom written by Walter E. Williams, R.I.P.  Here is Thomas Sowell’s touching tribute to his friend.  (For the life of me, I do not understand how the press made heroes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and ignored Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams as the true leaders for people of color who seek and understand the American Dream.  They rose from underprivileged lives to become a beacon of hope to all that listened.  Another shameful error perpetrated by the mainstream media.)

Why Georgia is on America’s mind…

This is a perfect illustration of a Governor out of control:  New York is seriously running stings and fining bars for not serving enough food.

Supreme Court’s 5-4 Ruling Shows How Religious Liberty Hangs by a Thread.

E.J. McMahon:  Democrats’ supermajority in the state Senate is terrible news for NY’s economy.  Also from E. J. McMahon:  With Employment Lagging, Cuomo Can—And Should—Postpone Scheduled Minimum Wage Hike.

If you think you don’t have a voice to object to the leftward drift of corporations, this is a must read article:  New Conservative Portal Makes Fighting Woke Capitalism Free And Easy.

Abolishing Freedom Under the Guise of ‘Woke’ Hollywood.

This helps explain how important the US Senate run-off races in Georgia are:  Biden’s national security adviser a dedicated ‘get Trump’ member of Hillary’s inner circle.  If you need further background on the candidates here are a few articles to read:  Ossoff Defends Warnock’s Anti-Cop Comments; Schumer-Aligned Dark Money Outfit Funnels Record $40 Million to Advocacy Groups; Ga. Secretary of State Investigating Warnock-Led Voter Registration Group.

Will We Be Citizens or Subjects?

The Gatestone Institute opines on the Biden Administration and the Mexican Border: Questions of Food Security, Drug Smuggling and Money Laundering.

Also from Gatestone, Gordon G. Chang writes about ‘Unrighteous Commerce’: Our Responsibility for China’s Barbaric Acts.

The Washington Times has an honest assessment of the problem with not including the illegal immigrants in the 2020 US Census count:  Justices take dim view of Trump effort to cut illegal immigrants from census count.

Coleman Hughes writes an excellent article (another must read) in City Journal:  Black Fragility? A bestselling book offers a prescription for race relations that casts whites as sinners and blacks as children.

Michael Brendan Dougherty opines in National Review on why identity-politics pushers are winning the culture wars.

Donald Devine opines in the American Spectator:  A Time for Healing — or for a Very Civil Disobedience?

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:  Cyril H. Wecht_ Time to end the COVID-19 hysteria _ Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Barr Appoints Special Counsel To Continue Investigation Into Origins Of Trump-Russia Probe.

We’re back with some interesting articles that you may have missed over the Thanksgiving Holiday.

We hope you had a safe and healthy Thanksgiving and are in the Holiday Spirit.  Here are a few articles you may have missed while enjoying the holiday with your family and some great food.

Wednesday, 11/25/2020 NY Post editorial, hits the nail on the head and puts a smile on your face.

Once again, Governor Cuomo ignores his own administration’s recommendations.

Andrew Cuomo winning an Emmy for his disastrous pandemic leadership is one of the more insulting things of 2020.

Shame on politicians who’ve fed anti-vax hysteria even amid a pandemic.

Cuomo just proved that NY’s ‘independent’ regulators are merely his pawn.

I seriously doubt this is on Andrew Cuomo’s must-read list, then again, he may want to know what an ex- aide has to say.  The Collapse of the Cuomosexual.

New York just went deeper blue — and we’ll all pay the price .

The person who wrote this headline contributes to the current unrest: State Senate Democrats proved the haters wrong.  The bias in the article doesn’t help either.  Perhaps the writer should ask himself why are so many people leaving New York City in droves?  Really a shameful piece of “journalism” since the writers title is reporter and this isn’t considered an “opinion” piece.

The latest on Claudia Tenney’s congressional race.

New York Times takes aim at Thanksgiving, and indoctrinating kids.

A vaccine miracle — if Democrats and the media don’t screw things up.

Kudos! Assemblyman David DiPietro Earns Perfect score and Recognized as Top Conservative in New York State.

Patriotism Isn’t Fascism.

We the Sheeple of the United States.

Democrats still outraged that the election was so close.

National Review writes about Stunning Findings on Campaign-Finance Law.

Victor Davis Hanson opines about A Time of Chaos Upon Chaos Atop Chaos.

Christopher F. Rufo writes in City-Journal about how activists in Seattle want to abolish police, prisons, and courts in his latest article “Burn It Down.”

Angelo Codevilla opines in American Greatness:  From Ruling Class to Oligarchy

What a Biden Administration Means for Border Security.

States with more economic freedom lost fewer jobs during the pandemic.

Tucker Carlson: Yes, the election was rigged for Joe Biden. Here’s how.

How Odd That 44 States Voted Without Allegations Of Skullduggery.

Is the FBI finally looking into voter fraud?

(Can’t say that he is wrong on this since we are still locked out of Twitter, albeit, I think I know why now:  we dared to link to articles about Hunter Biden’s ties to China.)  Robert Knight opines in the Washing Times:  Google, Facebook and Twitter fixed the election for Biden over Trump.

Three Nations That Tried Socialism and Rejected It.

Biden Era Brews as the Times Plumps Socialism.

Three articles from the Daily Signal you may have missed:  5 ‘Terrifying’ Policies to Brace for Under Biden; If Voters Had Known About 8 Stories Media Ignored, Trump Would Have Won, Says Media Watchdog and How the Elections Signaled a Breakthrough for Multi-ethnic Conservatism.

Victor Davis Hanson opines on Why Our Universities Have Failed.

Words of Wisdom from Walter E. Williams

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Despite the Covid-19 virus disrupting our daily lives and all the devastating deaths, losses of employment, closed schools, elections with strange results, and government officials who live by “do as I say; but I am exempt,” Americans have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 2020.

We live in a country that recognizes the importance of our individual rights and our ability to worship in our choice of Houses of Worship.  We live in a country that allows us to challenge our government without fear of being taken away in the middle of the night.  We live in a country that has the courage and strength to acknowledge and correct its mistakes.  And we live in a country that in its very short history (only 244 years) has lifted the world by sharing its entrepreneurship and vision.  We live in a country that has fought wars to save the world from despot oligarchs determined to destroy all that America chooses to be.

I thank God every day that I was born in America, a country that celebrates life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  And for those who seek to degrade who and what we are:  Shame on you, instead of trying to destroy America just leave and go to a country that embraces what you believe in…if the oligarchs who control it let you in.  Because in the end, it is all about who is in control.  Oligarchs control the places you favor; in America, citizens decide.

Court rules against Cuomo’s coronavirus limits — with Barrett playing key role.

New York Times takes aim at Thanksgiving, and indoctrinating kids.

‘Thanksgiving is a myth’ is fat lefty lie.

America’s Forgotten 400th Anniversary.


Captain Queeg returns.

As more legislators call for the legalization of cannabis to close the budget gap, it is extremely important to understand the consequences of doing so.  If you haven’t watched this video; please do so now.  Be informed.

Captain Queeg is back and doesn’t like to be questioned!!  When he speaks, everyone must accept what he says as “the truth and nothing but the truth.”  Obviously, the strain of the last 8+ months is getting to Andrew.   Andrew Cuomo slammed after berating reporters who asked about schools: ‘Follow the facts!’

Here is the latest report from Empire Center:  NY Should Lift the Shroud of Secrecy Around Union Contracts.

Daniel Henninger opines in the Wall Street Journal (Subscription required.)  Hey, Trumpians, Cheer Up!

Is there any doubt how biased CNN is?  If you need more proof here it is.

The Hill is tries to hide their bias.  The Memo: Democrats see warning signs beyond 2020

If only Mr. Dorsey would acknowledge what they do to others as well.  We are still locked out of Twitter with no explanation whyJack Dorsey is finally starting to admit Twitter’s censorship problem.

Big Tech’s free speech suppression is dangerous information warfare: Devine

Do you think teachers’ unions (undoubtedly many individual teachers would) would even consider this common-sense idea?  For Teacher Training, Drop Critical Theory and Add Character.

If you have college age children or grandchildren (even if you don’t), please read this.  Be informed what the youth of America are being spoon-fed by the loony liberals who want nothing more than to destroy the greatest country ever created by a group of freedom loving men and woman.

Do you think he will listen?  Arabs Warn Biden: Do Not Embrace Islamists

I want to believe that if Joe Biden is actually the 46th President of the US (and it is still not certain that he will be) that he will support the United States Constitution; however, he is making that very difficult to believe!  Biden’s Pick for Deputy Chief of Staff Hawked Beto’s AR-15 Confiscation Plan.

And then there is this:  Liberal Media Suggest Biden Should Take Aggressive Approach to Censoring Conservative Media.  First, they want to eliminate the 2nd Amendment, then they will suppress the 1st Amendment.  As we have noted previously; all those who voted for Biden due to their dislike, no, make that hatred of a man who only wanted the best for all Americans – you should have been careful what you wished for.

What voters are telling Joe Biden about his Democrats’ radical agenda

Hey Georgia, do you really want this man to represent you’?  Disqualifying’: Past remarks haunt Raphael Warnock in crucial Georgia Senate contest.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

The US Senate runoff elections in Georgia just became more critical…

Deroy Murdock: COVID feud — Gov. Andrew Cuomo bites the hand that healed New York.

Today’s NY Post Editorial:  Andrew Cuomo’s shameless vaccine lies.

This Daily Signal headline is just what we need to see.  Life Wins: At Least 14 New Pro-Life Women Elected to House.

Most major news outlets used to stand up for the “little guy,” and took pride in doing so.  Today, most major news outlets seek to squash the “little guy.” Note the headline:  Washington Post Editorial Board Says the Electoral College Is ‘No Longer Tenable for American Democracy’.  Why have national elections at all, just let California’s 55 electoral votes decide…Wyoming’s 3 votes would be cast aside if the Washington Post had its way.  Maybe the Washington Post editorial writers need a refresher course in why the Electoral College is required.

COVID-19 copies climate as elites squash science.

This is important to note:  Moderna COVID Vaccine Did Not Use Fetal Cells.


New burdens on outdoor dining: NYC bureaucrats’ latest bid to kill restaurants.

Kudos to Burgess Owens, former NY Jets Safety, on taking back a democratic seat in Congress as a conservative.

VP Pence: SpaceX Crew-1 launch proves NASA is back, President Trump has secured America’s leadership in space.

The City Journal has a very interesting (and sad) article on where religious freedom is heading.  Strings Attached; Religious social-services groups have become dangerously dependent on government contracts.

From the Gatestone Institute — Britain: Two-Stepping Toward Totalitarianism.   Gatestone also runs an article by Soeren Kern that asks the question:  Was the US Election Stolen?  (Remember the OJ Simpson trial: circumstantial evidence isn’t enough to convict.)

Mr. Dorsey:  So good of you to admit this now after the elections. When are you going to unlock @cpnys; or at the very least tell us what cockamamie reason you can come up with for keeping us locked out?

Mr. Biden:  Global Threats Are High. Now Is Not the Time to Shortchange National Defense Budget

Mr. Biden and Company:  Is this what you really want?  How will the economy survived when your policies will put more people out of work?

Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism.

Georgia Senate races could be key to this possible Secretary of the Treasury:  Biden Taps Reparations Advocate for Treasury Transition.

Is it possible that he just does not know the definition of corruption?  Or does he just choose to be blind to the effects of corruption?  Biden Meets with Leadership of Union Under Fire for Corruption.

The Justice Democrats who helped elect AOC want their pound of flesh and more.  The silence of the old Democratic Party while the new Justice Democrats flexed their muscles has created a boondoggle that will never be able to put the genie back in the bottle.  To those who threw the baby out with the bath water; you are stuck with what you wished for, at the very least for the next 2 to 4 years.

Governor Cuomo and the COVID-19 Vaccine…when will Governor Cuomo allow NYers to have it?

Andrew Cuomo, Vaccine-Resistant.  The New York governor’s negative reaction to the Pfizer announcement is pure partisan rancor.

NY doctor slams Gov. Cuomo for doubting potential coronavirus vaccine touted by Trump.

Trump rips Cuomo, says NY won’t get COVID-19 vaccine until gov OKs it.   Trying to cover his major faux pas: “As soon as Trump delivers me a dose, I will be ready to administer it. Period. As soon as it’s available to New York, I’ll be ready to administer it,” Cuomo said on MSNBC, despite his threats just days ago.   Just wondering if Sen. Brad Hoylman asked Governor Cuomo’s permission to be a volunteer for the COVID-19 vaccine?

Governor Cuomo backtracks big time.  ‘New York will lead the way’: Cuomo vows to mobilize army to vaccinate all New Yorkers fairly.  It was Governor Cuomo who stated quite clearly what he planned;  “New York State will form an independent Clinical Advisory Task Force comprised of leading scientists, doctors, and health experts who will review every COVID-19 vaccine authorized by the federal government, and will advise New York State on the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness in fighting the virus.”   His September 24, 2020 Press Release continues with “Frankly, I’m not going to trust the federal government’s opinion and I wouldn’t recommend to New Yorkers based on the federal government’s opinion. We’re going to put together our own review committee headed by the Department of Health to review the vaccine, and I’m appointing a committee that is going to come up with a vaccine distribution and implementation plan on how we will do it.”  By the way: We all remember how well the DOH March 25, 2020 failed to protect New Yorkers in nursing homes.

Cuomo to have emergency COVID-19 meeting with heads of Northeast states.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo will sit down with five other governors of northeast states this weekend for an emergency powwow over how best to fight the second wave of coronavirus infections sweeping across much of the region — and the nation.

More good news on the COVID-19 vaccine front:  Moderna COVID-19 vaccine nearly 95 percent effective in trial, firm says.

This is a must watch:  Smokescreen.   Legalizing marijuana – the truth the marijuana lobby doesn’t want you to know about.  Governor Andrew Cuomo wants New York to legalize this potent drug to collect tax monies to close a budget gap that overspending caused.

New stats reveal massive NYC exodus amid coronavirus, crime.

Arizona’s Tax Disaster: Refugees from Blue States and Other Infuriating Explanations.  This is a must read for New Yorkers.  People leave the area they have lived in and made unbearable by how they vote; then the go to places with less taxes and more stable in government and continue to vote for what they escaped from.  Is this their plan?  Or are they incompetent and too uneducated to understand the consequences of their votes?  Either answer indicates that we certainly have our work cut out for us.

Kudos to Congresswoman-elect Malliotakis for taking on this challenge:  Nicole Malliotakis has The Squad in her sights as new face of GOP.

The 70+ million Americans who voted for President Donald J. Trump understood this lesson and while the leftist call them “Trump Chumps” they are true Americans who will ultimately prevail and restore the American Dream of realizing your dreams are achieved through hard work and the satisfaction it brings.  James B. Meigs writes in the City-Journal about The Chump Effect/Progressive policies penalize those who play by the rules and shower benefits on those who don’t.

The things we learn after Election Day:  Potential Biden Cabinet Pick a Frequent Guest on Chinese Propaganda Outlets.

This is the man who wants to be a US Senator from the state of Georgia:  Warnock in 2009: ‘Sick and Tired’ of Attacks on Socialism.  Here is another related article;  Warnock: Americans Must ‘Repent’ for Backing Trump and ‘Worship of Whiteness’.


It would be madness for Joe Biden to return to the Iran nuclear deal.

Pollster: It’s Curious How Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton In Every City…Except These Four.

York: The election lawsuit Trump should win.

For President Trump, a larger fight endures after 2020 election: Goodwin.

Calls for ‘Unity’ Really Calls for Capitulation. No, Biden doesn’t have a ‘mandate.’ Pelosi and Schumer can thank themselves for that.

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times:  Democrats calling for unity but vow for vengeance

No, Biden doesn’t have a ‘mandate.’ Pelosi and Schumer can thank themselves for that.

“Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire:”  N.Y. senators blame Mitch McConnell for holding up COVID relief bill.  Is it any wonder why people don’t trust the mainstream media when they continue to pump up one side and silence any opposition to what that side is saying?

Guy Benson opines in about the media’s obsession with Stacy Abrams and the sanctity of accepting election results.  Benson believes Joe Biden is the President-elect as do others.  He also believes that President Donald J. Trump has a right to pursue the legal options that are available; so does cpnys.

When all is said and done; America will have elected a president that some will support and some will oppose; hopefully without the violence we have seen in the past few months and over this weekend.  In 1995 OJ Simpson was acquitted of murder and most who followed that trial believed he was guilty; however, the prosecution could not prove its case.  Unfortunately, President Trump may fall short in proving his case that election fraud is responsible for his not receiving 270 electoral votes. Like so many things that were out of the ordinary in 2020 the 2020 Presidential Elections, as far as I am concerned, will be the “OJ Simpson” election.  In the years that followed his acquittal; O.J. never proved his innocence, in fact he kept doing things that made those who believed his was guilty more certain that he was.  Being an optimist, I am hoping 1) that Donald J. Trump will win in court, and 2) if he doesn’t and  President-elect Biden is sworn in on January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will put America first, last and always; and not continue his embracement of those unwilling to work hard to achieve the American Dream while demanding handouts from those who have.

Shameless profiteering by the NYC Department of Education.

The latest judicial ruling begs the question: Was Pennsylvania called too early?

The Emperor’s latest decree:  Gov. Cuomo orders restaurants, bars to close at 10 p.m. amid COVID-19 uptick.  “Additionally, Cuomo announced a new 10-person cap on parties and other gatherings in private residences, including apartments and houses.”  Quick question, will the “Dinner Police” obtain a warrant to enter and count the number of people present in the apartments and houses?

The Emperor has consistently said that N.Y. Health Officials Will Review Any U.S. Approved COVID-19 Vaccine,  which makes one wonder why he would delay allowing those who want the vaccine the opportunity to have it.  (Did Sen. Holyman ask his permission?)  What is worrisome is that Governor Andrew Cuomo did not attend the White House briefings (17 of them) “designed to brief state leaders on the vaccine development and rollout process;” why is it the Governor will withhold the vaccine from those who want it in NY while his health officials review the results? We have not forgotten what his health officials (NYS Dept of Health Commissioner Dr. Howard A. Zucker) recommend in his March, 2020 memo regarding NYS Nursing Homes.

Huge NEWS:   Pennsylvania Judge Rules in Favor of Trump Campaign “Further, the judge found that Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar lacked the “statutory authority” to change election law just days before Election Day.”

One has to consider this when discussing the need for investigations:  Dominion Vote System That Flipped Trump Votes To Biden Was Flagged As ‘Fragile And Error Prone’ In 2019.

The Future of Capitalism makes a valid point in this article:  The New York Times and Voter Fraud.

From City Journal:  Philadelphia’s Election Follies.

At least they admitted this:  Fox News Admits Wrong Call on Democrat House Seat Projections, but the question remains, was it the only wrong call?  (Having Chris Wallace as the moderator of the first debate will never be acknowledged as a “wrong call.”)

The former First Lady Michelle Obama is very proud of her statement “when they go low, we go high.”  So, is this an example how she goes high, even when we (President Trump supporters) did not go low?

From the Daily Signal:  Here’s the Latest on Litigation Over Election Results

It was the headline that caught my attention:  New Conservative Investment Fund ‘Boycotts’ Companies with Liberal Agendas as it seems like a great idea.  What really caught my attention when I went to read it was the photo of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in the article.  Interesting photo.  I guess the devil is in the details.  Mr. Dorsey:  the election is over, yet, we still cannot post on Twitter and still no explanation was to why we are locked out.

AOC & Co.’s loathsome plan to keep lists of pro-Trumpies

Gordon G. Chang keeps Americans informed on what is happening inside China:  China Squashes a Giant Ant and Nukes Its Financial System.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

California’s voters have seen the light on two progressive issues; when will New Yorkers?

On this 245th birthday of the US Marine Corps, we Salute all who have served in the Corps!  On this Veteran’s Day eve, we Salute all who have served in the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, and the US Coast Guard as well. We are forever grateful and sincerely Thank You for keeping America the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

The Daily Signal writes: What You Need to Know About Election Litigation in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona.

Also, from the Daily Signal:  4 Things to Know About Voting Machine Company That’s Causing Stir.

Leftists Changed Rules of 2020 Election.

The Epoch Times is doing a great job of keeping readers aware of all that is going on since election night:  Tens of Thousands of Unsealed Ballots Arrived in Michigan County, All for Democrats: Lawsuit; Barr Authorizes Federal Prosecutors to Probe ‘Substantial’ Allegations of Voting Irregularities; Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit Over ‘Two-Tiered’ Election System in Pennsylvania and Pence: Election Isn’t Over Until Every ‘Legal Vote Is Counted’.

President Trump and Sen. Tillis Formally Clinch Victory in North Carolina.

Michael Cook is the editor of based in Australia.  This is what he wrote about our 2020 Presidential elections:  America survived 1824. It can survive 2020.   Here is another view, from Australia, of our presidential election from Robert Hutchinson, written on Nov. 5, so it is a little dated, but still interesting how another country sees us.

From Intellectual Takeout; Obsession: How the Media Keep Us Ignorant.

Surprise!  Californians get this issue rightAffirmative Action Goes Down in Flames in Deep Blue California.  And an even bigger surprise from California:  Voters Chose Basic Economics over Feel-Good Policy in ‘Rent Control’ Referendum.

Surprise?  Not really…Nancy Pelosi refuses to denounce socialism as she seeks another term as speaker.

To say the NYS Bar Associations’ proposal to recommend a state coronavirus vaccine mandate is controversial is an understatement.  BTW, when did the NYS Bar Association become part the of NYS Medical Society?  The Emperor still wants NYS health officials to approve any vaccine that came about under the Trump Administration.

Is this America’s future?  Portland goons’ new thuggery.

The Daily News:  N.Y.’s Green and Libertarian parties in peril as Working Families Party avoids disaster;  they did mention, in what appears as an afterthought in the article, that the Conservative Party also kept its legal party status.

Governor Cuomo reaches a new low…

Tolerance is no longer the Left’s favorite word.  The “leader” (AOC) of the Squad posted on her Twitter account: “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”  “Archiving those Trump sycophants,” quite the interesting choice of words…not flagged by Twitter… while we are still unable to post anything.  The tolerant left no longer exists and they are looking for total control of news outlets and social media.

From Jay Valentine in American Thinker:  Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming.

This is interesting:  Did certain states purposely choose ‘Hybrid’ Voting System Can Change Paper Ballot After It’s Been Cast.

Milwaukee’s sky-high voter turnout raises questions, prompts lawsuit seeking explanation.

This is from a trusted friend who asked that people be aware of what is still happening:

This group started w/ GoFundMe, but as is happening to too many conservatives & good guys these days, were de-platformed:  Their initial results:

Preliminary Numbers:

Ballots cast by voters flagged as ‘Moved’ by NCOA (National Change of Address)

GA: 138,221; PA: 24,475

Voters marked as having requested and been mailed a ballot but not marked as having returned it:  GA: 250,253; PA: 481,022

Voters who cast ballots but found to be dead in MFD based on name and full DOB match: GA: 20; PA: 20

Call centers are/will be reaching out to the first group to confirm whether they actually voted, and the second group to see if they requested the ballot and if they returned it. In-house team will check the ‘deceased’ lists for false positives.

We should have these numbers for WI, MI, NV, and AZ tomorrow. Will release as we get them.

We raised $220k on GoFundMe before we were deleted for “Prohibited Content.” None of the money was disbursed to us.  This is the same platform that raises money for bail for terrorists. Help us out by 2x’ing what you gave before to help make up what we lost.

                We will use the funds to acquire voter data from the seven swing states (and more depending on funding) and cross reference the early/absentee/inactive voters who cast ballots with the Master Death Index and the National Change of Address Database to detect potentially fraudulent ballots.

                 We will then deploy a call center to track down people who moved or were otherwise inactive and ask that they confirm whether or not they actually cast a ballot. Anyone who says they did not will be provided with an affidavit.

                All of our findings will be made public.

This project is being led by Matt Braynard, former director of Data and Strategy for President Trump. Receipts, invoices, and other statements will be provided for all money raised here, and Matt Braynard will personally receive zero dollars.  

There are many other instances that show some possible/probable fraud.  Despite what the AP, Fox News and other news venues say, this election has many questions that need to be answered.  If the votes cast for Joe Biden are legal and legitimate, then he would be the 46th President of the United States.  President Donald J. Trump loves this country far too much to let it be lost in a fraudulent election and will not be responsible for a constitutional crisis.  As Conrad Black says:  No One Knows Who Won the Election.  Chris Farrell writes in Gatestone Institute:  The Election is Not Over.

We will never get true answers if Biden’s election is certified; leaving us vulnerable to another viral attack.

Biden’s agenda (if he becomes 46):  7 Big Items on Biden’s White House Agenda.

Mrs. Speaker, are you ready for the new class in town?  Republican women roar with unprecedented wave of victories in the House.  Kudos to New York’s own Congresswoman Elise Stefanik who was a major reason for this success.

Why should anyone be surprised by this after his nursing home debacle?

It appears that Governor Cuomo cares more about tax revenue than the detrimental effects of cannabis legalization

Thank you to all who voted on the Conservative Party line.  As noted in our press release on Election Day, we will continue to be a legal political party in New York.   While there are still ballots to be counted, there is no doubt that we will remain a strong political organization.   ABC has a map showing how “red” New York is with very little blue counties, they however, have the population that gravitates to the progressive movement.  There is reason to have hope even in New York City, since there are still strong pockets of “red” there as indicated by the awesome win by Nicole Malliotakis: Malliotakis Rides Law and Order Issue to Big Win in NY-11.

City and State is reporting only two minor parties in New York will keep their ballot access.  Again, thank you for placing your confidence in the New York State Conservative Party.

Morgan McKay writes in State of Politics about Where Things Stand in the NY State Legislature, as of now.  Remember there are still absentee ballots that need to be counted.

From the Wall Street Journal editorial board:  So Much for the Election Landslide.

The Hill writes about Winners and losers from 2020’s election.  (Knowing the Hill expected a “blue wave” this must have been a difficult assessment to explain; even more difficult for Speaker Pelosi to explain.)

Trump’s Deficit in Arizona Shrinks with New Results from Maricopa County.

BREAKING:  Trump closes gap on Biden in Arizona as officials say no results before Friday

Trump Campaign Touts Major Legal Victory in Pennsylvania.

Election staff take ‘day off’ in PA county with 35K ballots to count.

An Old Anti-Trump Tweet from the PA Secretary of State Has Resurfaced.

In Announcing Nevada Lawsuit, Trump Campaign Says Illegal Votes Are Being Counted.

Despite ‘racist’ charges, Trump did better with minorities than any GOP candidate in 60 years.

President Trump is simply suing to stop the counting of bogus votes.

Election night showed why Trump voters don’t trust the media: Goodwin.

File this under “How to internally destroy a nation” Legal weed 2020: States that legalized marijuana, mushrooms on Election Day

Governor Cuomo looks to legalizing marijuana for the tax revenues despite all the problems in states that have already depended on the tax revenues.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.