Author: Shaun Marie

Democrats are flip-flopping into a power grab that America, as we know it, may not survive if they are successful.

Seriously, President Biden?  It’s a Monday, a Disaster Is Unfolding and Joe Biden Just Called a Lid.  You are the leader of the free world, when are you going to act like a leader?

In First Big China Test, Team Biden Got Rolled…And It’s Painful to Watch.

US goes wobbly under Biden: Goodwin.

Gordan G. Change writes China: What to Do About It? In Gatestone Institute.  And follows it up with this China Calling for Civilizational War Against America and the West.

This is the problem with so many politicians that do not have a moral compass guiding them:  Sen. Elizabeth Warren Calls Filibuster Racist After Filibustering Sen. Tim Scott’s Police Bill.

Biden administration awards ICE $86M contract to secure hotel rooms for illegal families.

Border Patrol in Rio Grande Valley releasing illegal crossers into US without court date,

When officials say something as outlandish as this, is there any wonder why they are not believed?  Mayorkas blames Trump administration for current border crisis.

Team Biden’s disgraceful border media blackout.

Pictures Inside Overcrowded Border Detention Facility the Biden Admin Didn’t Want Released.

Is It a Border Crisis? Two-Thirds Say Yes, and Most Voters Blame Biden.

This is called “Unity” in the Democratic Party:  Democrats vow to go ‘bold’ — with or without GOP.  Have they forgotten their pledges prior to election day…or do they believe we are unable to hold them to their words?  Perhaps they should remember the adage:  Elephants don’t forget (neither do conservatives.)  As Steve Doocy pointed out this AM on Fox and Friends, don’t they know we have tapes of what they have said in the past.  To which we add; they may try and scrub their social media accounts, however, with today’s technology, we are able to keep most of them to remind them of their flip-flops.

The only reason to kill the filibuster: to empower Democrats.

Your Guidebook to Combating the Climate-Crazed Left

Recover the Moral Imperative of Law and Order/Conservatives should lead the way in moving the pendulum back toward the rule of law.

The Man Behind the Modern Conservative Movement, with Sam Tanenhaus.

Glenn Arbery opines in the Imaginative ConservativeEdmund Burke and the Progressive Mind.

Could the Courts Wheel on the Press?

Cuomo keeps grip on power amid scandal few corporate boards would allow.

Number 8:  Current Cuomo aide accuses governor of sexual harassment

Cuomo accuser Lindsey Boylan leads NYC impeachment rally — as fans gather to support him.

A Brief History of New York Impeachments.

The Times Union has a very accurate analysis in today’s editorial: The show that will drone on.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) How New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Is Fighting for Political Survival/Political operatives and pollsters say a strategy that includes appearances with civil-rights leaders is working for now.

ICYMI: NY officials covered up more than just nursing-home deaths

#2- ICYMI:  State and fed tax hikes would be a double whammy pushing more New Yorkers to Florida.

Democrats’ bid to turn screws on New York’s richest by E. J. McMahon writing in the NY Post.

COVID-ravaged New York faces new plague of tax increases.

Can Gov. Andrew Cuomo stop the Legislature’s tax-and-spend madness?

In a ray of hope, WCBS Radio in NYC is reporting:  Critics push back against NY lawmakers’ push for tax increases on wealthy

Top finance, tech firms mulling NY exodus over proposed tax hike.

Governor Cuomo did receive some good news today; actually, the people of New York who use the Mario Cuomo Bridge received the good news:  ‘No safety concerns’ on Mario Cuomo Bridge despite alleged bolt fails: feds.

Federal Judge Alleges Democrats Are Close to Controlling All Major News Outlets.

A Grim Reminder That Fetal Tissue Market Is Still Open for Business.

Charles Love writes in City-Journal:  Progressives against Civil Rights/As activists trade equality for “equity,” they jettison the principles of the civil rights movement.

And he really believes he could be the next governor of NYS:  Policing Speech/Bill de Blasio wants the NYPD to investigate constitutionally protected conduct.  (In what parallel universe does he exist in?)

How Three Women Sought to Sway Americans Away from Socialism.   BTW, to Hillary et al; it took place 78 years ago!

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times about the Medal winners at the first annual Hypocrisy Games.

Sen. Ed Rath, III is looking out for our children by introducing a bill to allow schools to fully open with three feet social distancing.

The City-Journal writes about Death and Lockdowns/There’s no proof that lockdowns save lives but plenty of evidence that they end them.

The daily update will be back on Thursday.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Democrats are flip-flopping into a power grab that America, as we know it, may not survive if they are successful.

Democrats should remember Newton’s 3rd law: each action has an equal and opposite reaction.

NYS Conservative Party Chairman Jerry Kassar discusses recall and Initiative and Referendum legislation:  Listen to the Soundcloud interview with Marc Gronich, Statewide News Service, here.

President Biden:  Why is it that “political empowerment” and/or pacifying the Progressives means more then what is right for America? Rich Lowry describes:  How Trump Got Control of the Border.

The border mess is only going to get worse.

Democrats never cared about border security — and now they’re proving it.

Psaki uses ‘crisis’ to describe situation at the border, then walks it back.

House to Vote on Bills That Provide Citizenship Path to Illegal Immigrants.

“Xi Jinping Will Not Stop until He Is Stopped”: A Conversation with Gordon G. Chang.

Stacy Abrams, this is for you!  Rasmussen Reports:  75% Support Voter ID Laws.  And this of for all the Congressional/Senate Members who are considering increasing taxes on all of us who are doing their best to survive the economic restrictions placed on us by government:  Nearly Two-Thirds Oppose Higher Taxes.  Votes have consequences.  We will not let your constituents forget how you voted.

In a probable blow to pro-lifers and those who support religious freedom;  Senate Confirms Xavier Becerra as HHS Secretary in Near Party-Line Vote.

Jon Guze: Lessons from NAACP – HR1/For the People Act revives this shameful Democrat policy from 1950s.

This article, Justices’ Title VII ‘on Basis of Sex’ Ruling Spawning Unintended Consequences in Lower Courts, is a must read.  Unfortunately, it is very discouraging as it explains the unintended consequences of certain judicial decisions.  Should this trend not be stopped, young ladies may never win in a sports competition if a transgendered male is competing.  Isn’t it possible for transgendered competitors to compete with other transgendered competitors; it may be a smaller competitive field, but it would be one that is far more equal.

One Female Powerlifter’s Fight to Defend Women’s Sports

FEE Testifies Before the Senate: The Life-Threatening Unintended Consequences of Pandemic Lockdowns.

Nursing home administrator was ‘petrified’ by Cuomo’s order to take in COVID-19 patients.

Mr. President, would you send me a lifeline?  Sure, Andrew.  Biden seen as Andrew Cuomo’s lifeline in the White House.

Is this the right firm to inquire about the possibility of Governor’s impeachment?  N.Y. Assembly Opens Cuomo Impeachment Inquiry, Hires Law Firm.   State of Politics explains why some are skeptical of the choice of firms.   Then there is this:  New York Gov. Cuomo has appointed all 7 appeals court judges who would vote in impeachment trial.

Cuomo carries on a tradition of ruined dynasties.

House Democrats Ignore GOP Calls to Investigate Cuomo Nursing Home Scandal.

Bill Hammond writes in the Empire Center:   The Cuomo Administration Is Withholding Pandemic-Related Records Again.

Fauci Is Torched by Rand Paul Over Questioning About COVID Vaccines, Masks, and Immunity from Infection.

File this under Good News:  21 Republican-led states sue Biden over Keystone XL rejection.

How to Tell the Difference Between Real Education and Propaganda.

Gov. Cuomo’s list of why he is being investigated just keeps getting longer and longer.

From E. J. McMahon:  Legislature seeks huge tax and spending hikes in next NY budgetToday’s NY Post editorial calls it as it is:  “…the Legislature’s addiction to spending is strong; the bailout just gives it reason to get greedier.”

Here’s the List of the Top 20 States Getting ‘COVID’ Bailout Money (And Why It Raises a Giant Red Flag).

Bello says Cuomo should resign; says he was called by NYS vaccine head to gauge ‘position’ on governor.

The list keeps getting longer and longer:  New York Senate eyeing probe of Cuomo’s group home COVID policy.

Joe Concha on Washington Post’s correction to Trump-Georgia election story: ‘Big stuff’.   Washington Post correction points to larger issue with agenda-driven anonymous sources.

The Gatestone Institute has a message for President Biden:  Yemen’s Houthi Rebels are Iranian-backed Terrorists.

From City Journal:  The Left’s New Constitution/A raft of new legislation seeks to enshrine racial preferences into American society.

From the LA Times (it is good to see the LA Times remember President Ronald Reagan)  Op-Ed: Look to the Reagan administration for the answer to the China challenge.  Good advice for President Joe Biden, “…These efforts must apply Reagan’s fundamental insight — to win against a rival of China’s magnitude requires sustained pressure against the true sources of the adversary’s power. (emphasis added.)

China Hikes Defense Budget Again as US Weighs Flatlining Pentagon Spending.

This, President Biden, is not a good idea:  Biden reportedly planning largest tax hike in almost 30 years.

Huge fight looms over raising taxes.

McCarthy Rips Biden Over Border Crisis, Says He Needs to See ‘What He’s Created’

DHS secretary: Illegal immigration on border at highest rate in two decades.

Terror suspects are part of border surge, warns Rep. John Katko.

Our prayers go out to Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and his family on the passing of his beloved father, H. Douglas Barclay.

Democrats are about to encourage New Yorkers to leave the Empire State.

Rent Control Is Making a Comeback in US Cities—Even as It Is Proving a Disaster in Europe.

Cuomo’s Schedules for the Peak of New York’s Pandemic Show Limited Contact with Outside Experts

Knowing what he has learned throughout this year, Governor Cuomo is a heartless, cold, micro-manager person to allow this to continue.  He has incapable of empathy for those who need it most. Team Cuomo gave group homes a deadly COVID mandate too — and it’s still in effect

Andrew Cuomo’s weakness puts all of New York at risk.

Gov. Cuomo is rightly facing calls to resign — but for the wrong crime.

Embattled Governor Andrew Cuomo Defends Democratic Tradition of Sexual Harassment.

Conservative Chair Calls for Hochul To Be Involved in Key Decisions Immediately.

Mayor de Blasio, on the other hand, has no problem reading the tea leaves and the newspapers, and blasts his nemesis:  De Blasio_ ‘Thoroughly corrupt’ Cuomo must resign to save lives.

NY legislature proposes nearly $7 billion in new taxes on wealthy.  See our response here.  For your information, in 1970 New York State had 41 Congressional Districts, when reapportionment takes place next year, we will lose at least one, possibly two seats, bringing us down to 26 (possibly 25) Congressional Districts.  The land mass of New York has not changed; people leaving in droves has reduced our representation in Congress.  (The Assembly, by contrast, has 150 Members, set by the NYS Constitution, and that number has been consistent since the 1938 Constitutional Convention was adopted.)  Spending in NYS is driving taxes up and driving people out.  Perhaps the time to reduce the number of Assembly Members has come.

E. J. McMahon: Through January, New York was still 1 million jobs in the hole. (Yet the Democrats in the legislature want to raise taxes on businesses…did they all fail economics?

Also, from The Empire Center:  Historic Decline in NY Public School Enrollment?

Peter Schweizer writes for Gatestone Institute:  China and Military Power through Artificial Intelligence.

Finally, some college professors are being responsible:  Cornell Faculty Revolt Against China Partnership

Robert Knight opines about exposing the left’s radical version of ‘normal’ in the Washington Times.

Halting the Energizer Bunny of ‘Wokeness’

Calls for unity really mean ‘stop disagreeing with Biden’

However, we can have unity despite political differences, if one has respect for the other.  Friendships that transcend differences — a Chesterton legacy.

Here is some good food for thought:  Fighting Totalitarianism with Beauty.

Joe Concha opines in The Hill:  The media fact-checkers finally come for Joe Biden.  

Joe Biden and the extreme left’s Equality Act would cancel religious freedom.

Biden’s threat of more lockdowns is disconnected from reality.

It looks like the Biden Administration is also looking to hike taxes…to help pay for the massive COVID-19 relief bill that did little for those who have been hurt most by government’s major shutdown.

From the City Journal:  Crossing the Line/The CDC stretched its authority to halt evictions, but it has taken a hands-off approach to preventing the spread of Covid-19 across the southern border.

Parents and grandparents, if your children are away at college, this is a must read:  Biden Prepares to Strip College Students of Due Process Rights.

File this under “Officially lost her mind:”  Pelosi Blames Trump for Border Crisis, Says Biden Inherited ‘Broken System’

“Lt. Governor Hochul Should Be Included in All Key State Matters to Ensure Continuity of Government”

For Immediate Release
March 12, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys


“Lt. Governor Hochul Should Be Included in All Key State Matters to Ensure Continuity of Government”

Brooklyn, NY – “Andrew Cuomo’s tenure as governor could abruptly come to an end, and it’s critically important that Lt. Governor Kathleen Hochul be fully immersed in all state government matters, down to the granular level, in case such an eventuality takes place. Continuity of government in the midst of significant challenges must be ensured. That doesn’t appear to be the case today, based on the Lt. Governor’s public schedule.

“Lt. Governor Hochul should immediately and significantly be included in the state budget negotiations with Senate and Assembly leadership, Covid vaccine rollout planning, federal relief negotiations with the Biden Administration, and other core state operations. Governor Cuomo, whose position as governor appears untenable, should make that happen today. The state must be fully ready for whatever comes next.”





Sen. Gillibrand shows her true hypocritical beliefs.

This Morning:  Assembly Democrats Could Decide Cuomo’s Fate

This afternoon:  NYS Assembly speaker lays groundwork for possible Cuomo impeachment.

Groping allegation against Gov. Cuomo referred to Albany police.

How soon he forgets:  6 times Cuomo called for other politicians to resign.

This is a stunning statement by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand; albeit, no one should really be surprised.

The Empire Center has some very interesting information regarding New York’s fiscal interests:

New York’s Pandemic Progress Deteriorates Along with Cuomo’s Political Standing; 

Schumer’s First Spending Bill as Majority Leader Tailors Money for New York Medicaid.

Biden, Congress about to rain cash on NY state, local governments.

Cuomo Administration Approves Additional $45 Million in Pork Spending in 2020, Analysis Finds.  (As long as the federal government continues to bail out states; states like NY will continue to allow grant funds generated from bonds issued without voter approval to be granted by the Governor and his favored legislators.  This “house of cards” fiasco of uncontrolled spending must end.)

Really?  Do we need more black-market cigarettes (that are known to fund terrorists) flooding the streets? Health and Community Groups Back Cigarette Tax Hike for New York

Farmers react to billions in COVID-19 relief bill for Black farmers: ‘Where did common sense go?’

Biden’s ‘Transgender’ Order Imperils Victims of Abuse.

David Keene opines in the Washington Times that Democrats sentence a fair election system to death.  We will continue to link to articles explaining the dangers of HR 1, until it receives its own death sentence.   Here is DeRoy Murdock on HR 1:  the ‘For the People Act,’ tells us the Democratic Party is now the party of vote fraud.

Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times:  Will the real president of the United States please stand up?

Chaffetz & Saphier: Widespread COVID panic – here’s how the left misused science to gain political power.

How pathetic is this?  Paoletta: Amazon Prime Stops Streaming Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month.  Seriously, Amazon Prime?

From Gatestone Institute:   China Ramps up Pressure on Taiwan.

Microsoft Responds to China Cyber Attack by Expanding Business in China.

Ivy League Colleges Partner with Chinese Health Institutions Tied to Military

Is you child or grandchild heading off or college?   Read this first:  The Miseducation of America’s Elites/Affluent parents, terrified of running afoul of the new orthodoxy in their children’s private schools, organize in secret.

Newt Gingrich writes an open letter to Twitter in the Washington Times.

Larry Elder’s final thoughts on reparations.

Governor Cuomo is facing a crescendo of voices all saying they were subject to unwanted inappropriate behavior

Publisher Halts Promotion of Cuomo Book, Citing Nursing Homes Inquiry.  It is positive news that Crown Publishing has halted promoting of Gov. Cuomo’s book, but the question still remains; how much did he profit from it?  According to this article in today’s NY Post, “Embattled Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s book celebrating his response to the COVID-19 pandemic fetched a seven-figure advance – as publishers sought to capitalize on “another political star,” according to a new report.”  But we won’t know for sure until he files his financial disclosure by May 15.  According to the article, the governor has said he would donate a portion of his take to an unspecified coronavirus-related charity. (I doubt that that action will bring much comfort to the grieving families.)  We welcome Assemblyman Ron Kim in joining our call for the book details:  Cuomo urged to come clean on book deal amid nursing home deaths scandal.

Paul Grondahl writes in the Albany Times Union that Cuomo’s mother, sister remain by his side amid accusations;  “I don’t like what he’s going through,” Matilda Cuomo says.  In all honesty, no Mom would like the allegations her son, Governor Andrew Cuomo, is facing.  The whole article is about the allegations of the 5 (now 6) women who claim to have been sexually harassed by him.  What is missing from Mr. Grondahl;’s column is how Momma Matilda and sister Maria Cuomo Cole have reacted to the growing nursing home scandal and the subsequent cover-up.  Why was that left off the table?  Mr. Grondahl did mention it and the problems that have come to light regarding bolts used in the Mario Cuomo Bridge, yet neglected to let his readers know if they are upset by these allegations also.  Interesting to note, Gov. Cuomo noted in his moving eulogy at Mario’s funeral that Mario told him “You always have to do the right thing.”  The question now is:  Will Andrew Cuomo follow Mario’s sage advice?  The families of those who died in NY’s nursing homes need to know; a grave mistake is one thing – a cover-up of that grave mistake is unforgiveable and most likely criminal.

Why New Yorkers Are Appalled Gov. Cuomo Held an Event at the Javits Center.

Breaking:  Sixth woman comes forward; this time  ”the governor inappropriately touched her late last year during an encounter at the governor’s mansion, where she had been summoned to do work.”

Gov. Cuomo’s approval rating hits all-time low, but not in NYC.

E. J. McMahon explains how Andrew Cuomo’s crisis may open the door to state fiscal madness.

WalletHub finds tax burden is taxing for NY, CT residents; NY ranks 49 and they want to raise taxes. “WalletHub found that residents of states that voted Republican in the 2020 election on average paid less in state and local taxes than did residents of states that voted Democratic.” Any wonder why people are moving out of New York State?

From the City–Journal: Paging Dr. Hayek/Free-marketeers should make their case with renewed vigor after central planners’ pandemic missteps.

Parents and grandparents please read this:  The Brave New World of Children’s Propaganda

When Censorship’s the Game, Despotism Is the Goal.

Some Liberals Are Getting Sick of Cancel Culture.

KUDOS to Gov. Kristi Nome, a woman who stand by her convictions.   South Dakota passes bill banning transgender athletes in women’s and girls’ sport

Supreme Court Sides with Christian Student in College Free Speech Case; and the vote wasn’t 5-4! You may be surprised on how the Justices voted, read about it here:  A Win for Free Speech at SCOTUS.

Meet the soon to be US Attorney General:  Merrick Garland Approved Illegal Immigrant Teen’s US Abortion.

U.S. Democracy Could Be in Peril by Pelosi’s HR1.

Two peas in a pod:  In First National Interview, Harris Has Cozy Heart-to-Heart With Al Sharpton.

Frustrated progressives on relief package: ‘We’ll take the win’.  Of course they will and then they will come back for an even higher rate.

Number of Migrant Children in Border Patrol Custody Triples in Two Weeks.

From Gordon G. Chang — RED ALERT: China Is Winning the Great 21st Century Tech War

On a brighter note, we wish James L. Buckley a very happy 98th Birthday.  Principled win in divided times: New York’s election of Sen. Jim Buckley was key in America’s Reagan-era rebirth.  Thank you for carrying our banner; we are so proud of you.


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Governor Cuomo is facing a crescendo of voices all saying they were subject to unwanted inappropriate behavior

The age old question of which came first – the chicken or the egg – is now, which will happen first – resignation or impeachment?

Is there another separate scandal simmering that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s administration will have to answer questions about?  Read Brendan J. Lyons article from Sunday’s Albany Times Union; Broken bolts: Structural problems on the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge were covered up.

Arrogant Andrew Cuomo faces a fall: Goodwin.

From  Cuomo Throws a Fit: I’m Not Resigning!

Governor Cuomo must know his growing problem is serious when The Atlantic writes this:  Of Course Andrew Cuomo Isn’t Going to Resign/But his dream of a fourth term is slipping away.

Cuomo leans on crisis management playbook as walls close in.

New York Republicans announce Cuomo impeachment resolution: ‘We believe the time has come’

Cuomo closes vaccine site tour to press, avoiding questions on allegations as top Dems call for resignation.

Andrew McCarthy writes in National Review:  Why Cuomo Cooked the Books on Nursing-Home Deaths.

ICYMI:  Cuomo accuser says gov had someone else take sex harass training for him.

Andrew Stiles writes in the Washington Free Beacon about the DIARY OF DEATH: A Retrospective Review of ‘American Crisis’ by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

What is the process to impeach Governor Cuomo if he refuses to resign?

John Faso, writes that NY needs term limits: More frequent turnover benefits all.

If anything, that is happening today in the “Cancel Culture” world needs to be CANCELLED, it is the fact that transgendered males are competing in women’s sports.  Track Athlete Resists Being Forced to Compete Against Biological Males.

Poll: 2/3 of Americans Think Corporations Are Taking Political Wokeness Too Far.

Tom Homan: Biden’s border surge – here’s how president’s team has created a crisis in record time.

Democrats Just Snuck a $1 Billion Tax Crackdown on Workers into Their COVID Bill.

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times: Render unto Biden? Dems’ appetite for revenue will make taxes go through the roof.

Dictator Joe Biden.

Here is another one of his horrendous Executive Orders:  Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting.

Conservative Nonprofit to Launch $10 Million Campaign to Strengthen Election Integrity.

What happened to George Floyd never should have happened.  However, George Floyd Justice in Policing Act Would Make Cops’ Jobs More Difficult and Dangerous.

Ocasio-Cortez’s Terrible Minimum Wage Argument.

Bob McManus on the new NYC School Chancellor:  Same as the Old Boss/Like her predecessor, New York City’s new school’s chancellor uses racial demagoguery to distract from a record of educational failure.

Guy Millière writes in Gatestone Institute about A Storm Over the American Republic.

Peter Schweizer writes in the same publication about Dragon Ships: China’s Naval Threat.

Researcher Taking US Grants Under Federal Investigation for Hiding Chinese Communist Party Contracts.

CDC issues guidelines for COVID-19 vaccinated population.

The current administration must close the borders, period.  White House says it must ‘work more’ to discourage illegal migrants coming to US

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The age old question of which came first – the chicken or the egg – is now, which will happen first – resignation or impeachment?

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the House Democrats radical agenda, Albany’s Democrats and the Governor’s Race.

House Democrats Push Radical Agenda

The Democratic majority has been busy forcing their radical, partisan agenda down the throats of tax paying, law abiding citizens since the beginning of the 117th Congress in January.

This week it was H.R.1/ S.1, better known as “For the Politicians Act.” H.R.1/ S.1 outlaws voter ID, implements same day voter registration, begins public financing of federal elections, and supports the groundwork for Washington D.C. statehood.

At a time when confidence in our election system is at an all-time low, we should not be passing legislation that bans voter ID and allows for same day voter registration giving our election boards no time to vet new registrants properly.

H.R.1/ S.1 isn’t about protecting the rights of voters, it’s about seizing control of our time-tested state election processes to benefit the Democratic Party. This massive federal overreach would politically weaponize the Federal Election Commission (FEC), a traditionally bipartisan commission, and force taxpayers to pay for the re-elections of career politicians. It would further discourage Americans from exercising their First Amendment rights by abolishing privacy laws that protect them from the left’s pernicious cancel culture tactics. Any way you look at this bill it screams Big Brother.

The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, a reform bill that bans chokeholds and alters the so-called qualified immunity for law enforcement, which would make it easier to pursue claims of police misconduct, was also passed in the House. This bill does nothing but make an already tough job more difficult on law enforcement and allows for the defunding of police and their equipment, such as bulletproof vests.

This last week, Democrats in Congress showed the American people once again their wallets and personal safety mean nothing to them. It is imperative we work to take back the majority in 2022 to stop even more radical legislation from making it to the House floor.

Smoke and Mirrors from Albany Democrats

 Democrats in the State Legislature provided us with more lip service this past week as they pretended to work tirelessly for the people of New York and strip embattled Governor Cuomo of his emergency powers.

The bill passed by the Legislature merely affects new Executive Orders and allows the previous orders to be extended beyond April 30, with the Governor being allowed to amend them if his Department of Health deems its a necessity. The reality is that potential new orders will cover any area imaginable.

With the trust in our Governor and State Department of Health being at an all-time low following the revelation of the nursing home death cover ups, and yesterday’s breaking news that the Cuomo Administration altered documents and withheld data since at least July, Governor Cuomo should not only lose all his emergency powers immediately and into the future, he should resign his seat immediately.

Now is not the time for Democrats to play games in Albany, with all the information we have received the past few weeks, it is clear, Andrew Cuomo is not fit to serve anyone other than Andrew Cuomo.

Governor’s Race

 I was pleased to hear that Congressman Lee Zeldin is exploring a race for Governor. There is no doubt he is a very strong candidate capable of running a good race and representing the state of New York.

He joins Congressman Tom Reed who has also expressed interest, and would be a formidable candidate.

I suspect others will also come forward, but, the bottom line is that the Governorship is in play and with the right candidate, we could be looking at a much needed changing of the guard in Albany.

Recent polling also indicates Senator Chuck Schumer is overstaying his welcome as the Senior Senator from New York. 2022 is shaping up to be a very important year for our state as voters from many political parties have woken up to the reality of what Governor Cuomo is doing to our great state.

Can Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin Beat Governor Andrew Cuomo in 2022?

Our view: It’s time for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign. Here’s why.

WATCH: Cuomo sexual harassment accuser speaks out in interview

BREAKING: Cuomo administration revealed to have doctored report proving nursing home deaths.

NYC sees 75% jump in February shootings; de Blasio insists: ‘We are the safest big city in America’.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the House Democrats radical agenda, Albany’s Democrats and the Governor’s Race.

Gov. Cuomo, your acting does not make you eligible for an Oscar; pretending you are sorry is so shallow.

Gov. Cuomo, who is obviously looking for an Oscar with this performance, your pseudo drama is pathetic.  “It was unintentional and I truly and deeply apologize for it,” he insisted as his voice choked up. “I feel awful about it and frankly I am embarrassed by it and that’s not easy to say – but that’s the truth.”  Embarrassed? Hardly.  Cuomo Has Lost Control of His Self-Investigation Theater.   Remember you signed this:  Cuomo Signed Law Lowering the Bar for Sexual Harassment.  Fortunately, you signed the bill into law; obviously, you didn’t take it seriously, or worse, that you believe you are above the law and will be protected at all costs.   What does this say about you and your record in office?

From the NY Post:  A shameless Andrew Cuomo’s ridiculous second non-apology.

From Fox News:  Cuomo apologizes but won’t resign as he denies touching anyone ‘inappropriately’: ‘I am embarrassed’

What else would you expect her to say?  After all, this is the same woman who privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers for withholding the state’s nursing home death toll from COVID-19 — telling them “we froze” out of fear that the true numbers would “be used against us.”  Cuomo’s top female adviser, Melissa DeRosa, weighs in on sex harassment allegations.   Sounds like a desperate plea to save her boss.

Albany republicans blast democrats for “feckless” efforts to rescind governor’s emergency powers

E. J. McMahon explains In budget negotiations, embattled Cuomo is still in the driver’s seat.

REMINDER: There are still questions remaining regarding Governor Cuomo’s other outstanding lapse of ethics.   REPORT: New York’s Proposed Nursing Home Fixes Cause for Concern.

The NY Post editorial explains Why Andrew Cuomo is falling on all fronts.

Reps. Roy, Budd, Hice: HR1 is Pelosi, Schumer’s dangerous ploy to cancel Republicans at the ballot box.   From the Institute of Free Speech:  House Passes Direct Assault on Free Speech.  As we tweeted (@cpnys) Kudos to our conservative endorsed Member of Congress, Garbarino (NY-2), Jacobs (NY-27), Katko (NY-24), Malliotakis (NY-11), Reed (NY-23), Stefanik (NY-21), Tenney (NY-22) and Zeldin (NY-1).

Former Vice-President Mike Pence speaks out on HR 1/ S 1:   Election Integrity Is a National Imperative.

GOP Attorneys General Rip HR 1 as ‘Unconstitutional’.

In case you missed our press release today HR1/S1, you can read it here.

Raheem Kassam opines in the National Pulse on Dying In Darkness.  An analysis of President Joe Biden first six weeks in office.

Oh dear, this article shows a photo of former First Lady Michelle Obama reading a Dr. Seuss book to young children…will the photo be erased from all the social media platforms it may be on?  The article is a must read for parents and grandparents:  Here Are Some Books the Woke Left Would Replace Dr. Seuss With.

Nancy Pelosi’s Capitol pawns: Devine.

From City-Journal:  How the Woke Stole Childhood.

Also, from the City-Journal:  Critical Race Fragility/The Left has denounced the “war on woke,” but it is afraid to defend the principles of critical race theory in public debate.

From Gatestone Institute:  Arabs Warn Biden: We Do Not Want Another Obama.

Larry Elder writes on about The Case Against Reparations: Part 2.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Gov. Cuomo, your acting does not make you eligible for an Oscar; pretending you are sorry is so shallow.


For Immediate Release
March 4, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys
Omnibus Democrat Incumbency Protection Bill (HR1/S1) Would Inhibit Free Speech; Partisanize the FEC; Create Welfare-for-Politicians 
“Anyway You Look At This Bill It Screams ‘Big Brother.’”  

Brooklyn – March 4…The New York State Conservative Party today called on members of the U.S Senate to defeat overreaching and unconstitutional legislation pushed through the House of Representatives in a razor thin party-line vote on Wednesday that would usurp the sacrosanct rights of states to control their elections processes, force taxpayers to assume the costs of congressional elections, and strip Americans of their right to confidentiality in furthering political speech, among other things.

“HR1/S1 isn’t about protecting the rights of voters,” Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar said, “it’s about seizing control of our time-tested state election processes to benefit the Democratic Party. This massive federal overreach would politically weaponize the Federal Election Commission (FEC), a traditionally bipartisan commission, and force taxpayers to pay for the re-elections of career politicians. It would further discourage Americans from exercising their First Amendment rights by abolishing privacy laws that protect them from the left’s pernicious cancel culture tactics. Anyway you look at this bill it screams ‘Big Brother.’”

Provisions in the massive HR1/S1 bill include:

  • Forcing taxpayers to subsidize congressional campaigns;
  • Changing the FEC from a six-member, bipartisan commission into a partisan five-member commission controlled by a sitting President and unilaterally capable of creating new regulations without the input of Congress;
  • Compelling individuals to disclose what causes they support, subjecting them to potential harassment and thereby reducing political speech;
  • Forcing not-for-profits, issue advocacy groups, and organizations they support to publicly declare whether they support or oppose any candidate that appears in their materials, and
  • Dramatically increasing the cost of online political speech — aka suppressing it — by eliminating the FEC’s longstanding internet exemption.

“Every time the Democrats seize power in Washington, they attempt a massive federal overreach,” Chairman Kassar continued. “This time they are going after free speech itself — our nation’s First Amendment rights — and the American people will not stand for it. This cynically misnamed omnibus bill, the so-called ‘For the People Act’ is anything but. The proper title for this legislation should be the “For the Politicians Act’, and it must be summarily rejected in the Senate.”



Can we cancel the cancel culture, control spending in Congress, and impeach Cuomo? Absolutely, we are New Yorkers living in America.

HR 1 is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever considered by our Congress.  It will, without doubt, change what our Founding Fathers established for the United States, outlined in the Preamble and the US Constitution.  The First Amendment of our Constitution guarantees citizens, the freedom of religion; the freedom of speech; the right to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Yet, today, the left is determined to cancel all they do not agree with, thereby having no discussion about anything the left disdains.  Americans, who treasure our freedoms, must speak up nowThe Democrats’ New Schemes to Control Political Speech.   More about HR 1 here:  The Facts About H.R. 1: The “For the People Act of 2021.”  There is nothing in the “For the People Act of 2021” that is for the people; it is for the oligarchs who want to control those they consider their personal serfs.  Even the ACLU has criticized HR 1.  Nine Former FEC Commissioners Warn of “Ruinous Effect” of H.R. 1 and S. 1.   Contact your Member of Congress (scroll down to New York) and urge them to vote against this egregious and iniquitous piece of legislation.  Even the ACLU has reservations about this

From the Hill’s Memo: Cuomo’s fall raises questions for media.

Seth Barron writes in the NY Post:  It’s a high bar to impeach Cuomo — but his political ambitions have been destroyed.

Chris Cuomo addresses brother Andrew’s sexual harassment scandal.

From the NY Post editorial board: Cuomo’s blame-the-victim ‘apology’ for his off-color comments.

Star Parker writes in Daily Signal:  My Ancestors Were Slaves. Here’s What I Think of Reparations.

Senior Biden Adviser Says White House Will Start Acting on Reparations Without Congress.

Regarding HR 5:  Inequality of Equality Act stretches from locker room to court room.

A society that can’t debate trans ideology’s effects on kids isn’t a democracy.

The Most Scandalous Provision of the $1.9T Biden Boondoggle.

Big spending Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus bill is only his warm-up act.

File this under:  How to cancel the cancel culture.  Prices of scrapped Dr. Seuss books skyrocket on eBay

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Can we cancel the cancel culture, control spending in Congress, and impeach Cuomo? Absolutely, we are New Yorkers living in America.