Author: Shaun Marie

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

For Immediate Release
April 15, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

Statement by New York State  Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn, – NY – “The New York State Conservative Party condemns in the strongest possible terms efforts to expand the U.S. Supreme Court from 9 to 13 members.

“In attempting to pack the court — a political impulse 75 consecutive Congresses have resisted — progressive Democrats are fiddling with the lock of a Pandora’s Box. If the Democrats succeed, what’s to stop Republicans from further expanding the court to 17 members when they next regain power? What’s to then stop Democrats from going to 21?

“The Supreme Court was never intended to be the plaything of temporary partisan passions, and it should not be now for the benefit of either party. Its role is to interpret the constitutionality of our laws, not advance shortsighted political agendas. We urge level-headed members of Congress from all political backgrounds to stop this ill-conceived bill dead in its tracks. It’s bad for America.


The Emperor has warts and the NY Times magazine writes all about them.

FEE (Foundation for Economic Education) has two  articles worth the read: A 75-Year-Old Warning about Those Who Say ‘Listen to the Science’ and Panic Has Led to Government “Cures” That Are Worse than the Disease, History Shows.

Gavin Newsom Taken to the Legal Woodshed at SCOTUS. Again.

Democrats are redefining ‘infrastructure’ to justify Biden’s slush fund.  When you read some of what Sen. Gillibrand describes as infrastructure, you ask yourself, does she really think we are that ignorant to believe her, or is she that uneducated that she believes it herself?  Either way, the fact that Ms. Gillibrand is New York’s US Senator – writing and voting on laws that have the ability to change our lives – is a problem.   A review of her time in Congress (Since 2007 in the House, then appointed to the Senate in 2009) Sen. Gillibrand has only had one bill signed into law.  In 14 years, one bill signed into law and that was designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4558 Broadway in New York, New York, as the “Stanley Michels Post Office Building”.  Her overall rating by the American Conservative Union is 4.44 %; while the Americans for Democrat Action gave her a 95% for 2019.  More information from Americans for Democrat Action can be found here.   After reviewing her record, I believe Senator Gillibrand actually believes what she tweeted.  New Yorkers deserve better, unfortunately she is not up for re-election until November, 2024.

Liz Peek: Biden’s fake economic news – this is how Democrats justify their radical spending binge.

Is this a good use of your tax dollars?  If federal employees can take off four months for this, why is it they have a job with the federal government if they can take a four month paid leave?  Biden Administration Offers Four Month Paid Leave to Federal Employees Who Care for Illegal Alien Children.

Roger Kimball opines about the Grasping for Raw Power Behind the Biden Chaos.

2 Students Who Grew Up in Venezuela Warn About Danger of Socialism.

Cal Thomas writes in the Washington Times:  What loss of liberties looks like under the Biden presidency.

China: Compromising U.S. Elected Officials.

Donald Devine sees positivity in America’s religious congregations; not the decline that the secular media reports.

How Far Left Infiltrated Corporate America and What Can Be Done About It.

File this under:  You can’t make this bizarre New York law suit up.   New York parent seeks OK to marry their own adult child.

Good for him!  Herschel Walker considering US Senate bid in Georgia.

60 Minutes Shows Absolutely No Remorse for Its Corrupt DeSantis Smear.

ICYMI: Actually, Cuomo Knew the COVID Nursing Home Death Toll…And Still Cooked the Books.

The New York Times magazine shows the Emperor’s warts while giving all a peek at what made him the person he has become…a man who believes he is above the law, or as he once noted “I am the government.”

Scandals, Scandals, Scandals…how many is Andrew Cuomo allowed to have before his empire collapses?

“Not easily dismissed by hospitals that refuse to treat the elderly patients, New York families have turned to a couple of attorneys, including Ralph C. Lorigo and Jon F. Minear, both with West Seneca, NY-based Law Office of Ralph C. Lorigo” to help save their loved one’s lives with ivermectin.  Read more about what our State Vice Chair Ralph Lorigo is doing to help save lives.   More about ivermectin here —   Peer-reviewed study: Ivermectin cuts COVID infections, deaths by 75% and Ivermectin and the Virus.

The Chesterton Option: America Is Worth a Crusade.  “There lies in conservative populism a great opportunity, not just to turn the tide sooner rather than later, but to restore that foundational element that America cannot do without.”  Excellent essay by Joseph Mackinnon.

Team Biden caves on Iran — and gets nothing in return.

Biden’s gun control policies would treat everyone like a criminal.

If it ain’t broke, Joe Biden will break it: Goodwin.

Joe Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure package is totally unnecessary.

Byron York writes in the Washington Examiner:  The border is even worse than you think

Biden’s atrocious opening to packing the Supreme Court.

It Only Took 74 Days Before Hunter Biden Was Trading Off the Presidency, Beginning His Book Tour.

ICYMI:  Hunter Biden: I was so crack-addled, I forgot pants — but I was also very qualified for Burisma.

Wow, talk about outlandish statements:  Buttigieg Claims Racism Is ‘Physically Built’ Into U.S. Interstate System.

How many different scandals must unfold before Governor Andrew Cuomo resigns or is impeached by his colleagues…or will his colleagues keep moving the goal posts to give themselves leverage for what they want as they did in the bloated, unsustainable NYS Budget?  Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s government staff did work on ‘super PAC’s’ poll.

Stuck in Limbo—but Spending Lavishly/The vagueness of the plan to expand Penn Station didn’t stop Albany from appropriating $1.3 billion to rush it along.

Failure to lift the charter-school cap hurts NY’s most deprived kids.

‘Drinktator’ Andrew Cuomo extends no-alcohol-without-food rule.

In case you have forgotten that the NYS Legislature is helping New York’s exodus, here is a reminder of the taxes we pay:  Combined local-state tax rate in New York highest in US.

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times that Georgia’s citizens and baseball fans deserve an apology from Rob Manfred.

The Schoolyard Bully Morphs into the Corporate Bully.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required)  CEOs Plan New Push on Voting Legislation Companies from PayPal to AMC have signaled they will support joining effort for voter access, people say.  Since this article seems to indicate that they are all calling for greater voter access, they must want handouts from the government, why else would they become involved in a state’s right to be certain that those who vote are citizens of these United States.  It doesn’t make sense to me why they would take an active role in voting rights.  Are they looking for cheap labor as well as tax incentives? Is it a way to pressure the US Senate to pass HR-1, the federal takeover of voting in the United States while the US Constitution specifically leaves it up to individual states?  Is it about appeasing employees? What they should realize is that they really do not want to anger those who purchase their goods, especially when many CEOs are not fully aware of what any pending legislation will do.  After all the Bill passed in Georgia, that began this upheaval was completely misrepresented.  Even the ultra-liberal Washington Post gave President Joe Biden 4 Pinocchio’s for his take on the bill – yet, he continues to distort it.

Progressives are no longer enticed by wine and roses; they demand Henri IV Dudognon Heritage Cognac Grande Champagne and Zeuxine rolfiana orchids for all.

They Came, They Saw, They Taxed/New York’s progressive legislators want to make the nation’s heaviest tax burden heavier still.

NY’s $212B budget shows how Gov. Cuomo’s scandals have drained his power.  Unfortunately, all New Yorkers will be forced to pay the price of his arrogance as the progressive-left walks all over him.  We had our differences with Governor Cuomo’s budget agreements (and legislation) throughout his administration, but what has happened this year is irrefutably the most irresponsible waste of taxpayers’ dollars ever adopted in the long history of the New York State Legislature.  After Albany’s off-the-chart budget and monster tax hikes, NY needs a voter rebellion.

Governor Cuomo please explain this:  Cuomo administration tracked nursing home deaths despite claims they couldn’t be ‘verified,’ document shows.

Jeff Bezos says Amazon supports Biden’s proposed corporate tax hike.  Well why wouldn’t he?  It does not affect his bottom line, corporations just pass increased taxes along to their customers by increasing prices.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required): New York Is in Trouble.  From the Empire Center:  Spending to skyrocket under budget deal.    Also from the Empire Center:  Empire State’s new budget is a bridge to nowhere.

NY Rep. Zeldin launches 2022 gubernatorial campaign amid Cuomo controversies.  Congressman Lee Zeldin, has a great background  and is good on issues: we wish him success in his latest endeavor.

Mike Pence writes about Building on the Trump administration’s victories to advance American freedom.

From the Gatestone Institute:  Biden Is Determined to Create Jobs… in China.  Also, from Gatestone:  China’s Exploitation of Western Academia.  And this: China Boycotts Western Companies Over Uyghurs.

Biden’s Weakness Allows China to Surround Taiwan with Air and Sea Military Exercises.

Biden’s Trojan Horse.

9 Things You Need to Know About Biden’s ‘Infrastructure’ Spending Plan.

American Bloat Plan.

Voters Don’t Trust Political News, Say Most Reporters Want to Help Biden.

Looking Beyond Headlines to Outsmart the Propagandists.  (As we have noted many times in this blog, headlines are written to grab your attention, but one must read the article to hopefully gain the truth.  However, we must take ever article with a grain of salt as far too many reporters have become opinion writers instead of reporters; Intellectual Takeout strives, and for the most part succeeds, to provide the truth.)

The Heritage Foundation also strives and succeeds in providing truth in their articles and website reporting.  When the Daily Signal produces articles, you can rest assured it is as accurate and truthful as possible and only has the interest of Americans committed to the beliefs this great country were founded on.  Green Bay Official Warned Boss She Wouldn’t Break Law in Election.

Democrats Flip-Flop on Preserving Filibuster.

Turn Off the Spigots.

The Tyranny of Cancel Culture and Its Attack on the Soul.

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano opines in the Washington Times on Enduring the tyranny of the Democrats’ majority.

In case you missed Colion Noir: Gun control measures ‘don’t do anything to keep anybody safe’.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Progressives are no longer enticed by wine and roses; they demand Henri IV Dudognon Heritage Cognac Grande Champagne and Zeuxine rolfiana orchids for all.

Enough is enough. The Woke must wake up!

E. J. McMahon opines in the NY Post: Will the last high earner to leave New York please turn out the lights. It is mindboggling how the democrats are so ill-informed of the damage they will impose upon all New Yorkers as the exodus and loss of tax receipts trickle down and affect all New Yorkers.   And it isn’t only E. J. McMahon who believes New Yorkers and corporations will leave New York.  Here is what Don Pebbles told Maria Bartiromo this morning.  Fear of exodus over $4B in tax hikes as New York hammers out budget deal

Read Chairman Kassar’s statement on the NYS Budget here.

Why Andrew Cuomo’s Cover-Up Scandal Isn’t Just a Case of One Bad Apple,

With apologies to William Shakespeare: Something is rotten in Washington, DC!  First we learned this:  Two Yemeni men on the FBI’s terror watchlist arrested at southern border  Then we learned that there is Nothing to see here: DHS deletes announcement of terror suspects arrested at border.

Why did Biden put Harris in charge of the border crisis?   While the article will not come out and say why, we all know it is because President Biden wants an “Open Border” and VP Harris will give him what he wants.  But he is wearing sheep’s clothing again.

If only he hadn’t worn sheep’s clothing while in his basement prior to the election:  Biden wants to be the most progressive president yet, and he’ll spend trillions to prove it.  But he did, and far too many believed his deception.  Remember the old saying:  Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

The March to Appeasement/There will be no peace between Iran and its enemies.

This is not good news:  Senate parliamentarian rules Democrats can sidestep two more GOP filibusters.

David Keene opines in the Washington Times:  Biden embarks on frenzied campaign to block election reform.

Conservatives Call Foul on Baseball’s Hypocrisy Over Georgia Election Law.

Rubio Rips MLB Commish for League’s China, Cuba Ties.

President Biden, Stacy Abrams and all the “Woke” CEO’s, look at these numbers:   75% Say Voter ID Necessary, Majority Oppose Georgia Boycott.

REVEALED: China’s State Propaganda Group Boasts Control Over Western Think Tanks, ‘Election Integrity’ Groups, And Even Joe Biden’s National Security Team.

Justice Thomas Suggests Section 230 May Be Unconstitutional.  More on this in The Federalist.

This Teacher Says Left Has Turned Public Schools Into ‘Indoctrination Centers’

It is refreshing to know that not all politicians are biased and will stand for the truth!  Florida Democrats Defend DeSantis Against Attack From ’60 Minutes’.  And it is good that it is reported by those who expect news agencies to be honest.  Democratic Florida Officials Explain How 60 Minutes Twisted DeSantis-Publix Story.

Message to the Progressive Left: Utopia – a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions – cannot be created by your ideology.

Cuomo’s $4M book deal is looking like yet another crime.

Democrats in the NYS Legislature need a crash course in basic economics, but alas, it is probably too late for them to understand that all this will do is create an even greater exodus of our wealthy and job-producers from New York State.  NY budget will likely hike taxes on state’s top earners to highest in the country.  Seriously, why would they want to stay in a state who punishes them for being successful?  Many New Yorkers may believe this massive tax increase will not affect them; nothing could be farther from the reality of massive tax increases.  When the exodus takes place (it has and will continue) who is left to pay the bills?  You are; and most likely you will not be able to flee the high rates.  Senior citizens, young working couples, parents with children who depend on grandparents to help watch children, most in these groups will be tethered to New York because to get up and move is not within their financial means.  The democrats refuse to acknowledge economic facts; and those left in New York will continue to watch the once Empire State become the Exodus state.  On the bright side and being an eternal optimist, the average New Yorker understands New Yorkers cannot and will not sustain these massive taxes and will change the political outlook in 2022 to save our state.

NY lawmakers rush to blur the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.

Apparently, it isn’t only the democrats in New York.  Democrats in Washington, DC are living in their own world also;  The Memo: Biden’s bet on taxes.  Do the democrats really think we are that ill-informed and we will believe the malarkey they are trying to sell?  “Raising taxes …  will not slow the economy at all,” Biden said in response to a question from Kelly O’Donnell of NBC News at a White House news conference Friday. “Asking corporate America to pay their fair share will not slow the economy at all.” Mr. President, perhaps you should rethink the disaster of the Obama Administration which was exactly why Donald J. Trump was elected.

This is our wake-up call; Elections have consequences.  We are feeling the consequences of the 2020 elections across the country; 2022 is barreling toward us; be prepared, stay informed and make it your goal that your taxes are not being squandered. America doesn’t punish success; America, has always been a country that celebrates your hard work and financial success.  Ask those who escaped from socialist countries; the countries you and your progressive friends are trying to turn America into.  Utopia is a myth.

ICYMI:  Victor Davis Hanson opines on the 10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America.

Why State Election Reform Bills Don’t Signal a New Jim Crow Era.

Fact-Checking 6 of Opponents’ Claims About Georgia’s Election Law.

County That Overwhelmingly Supported Biden Gets What They Paid For, Loses $100 Million All Because Of Him.

Wokeness Is No Laughing Matter.

I’m the Last One.

This Can’t Be Real: Politifact, CNN, and Fauci Are Joining Forces for Something Only Liberals Would Celebrate.

Guy Benson writes in  Endless: Media Falsely Attacks Florida Man, Yet Again.

6th Circuit Reaches Right Conclusion on ‘Preferred Pronouns.’ Other Courts Should Follow Suit.

How Hunter Biden’s Interests ‘Overlapped’ With Banned Ukrainian Oligarch.

Less Is More: Restoring the Founders’ Original Vision for Our Constitutional Republic.

4 Reasons Gun Control Can’t Solve America’s Violence Problem/These 4 underlying sociological problems, not guns, are the key drivers of American violence.

Robert Knight’s writes in the Washington Times:  Easter proclaims that Jesus is Lord of all.  A beautiful message this Easter Week, especially after the year we just went through that doesn’t even minutely equal the excruciating death Jesus suffered for each of us.  Thank you, Robert Knight for writing this column and the Washington Times for printing this column, and for reminding us of the freedom that America stands for…at least for now.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Message to the Progressive Left: Utopia – a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions – cannot be created by your ideology.

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

For Immediate Release
April 1, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

 Statement from New York State Conservative  Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“There’s an old admonition about crooked politicians: ‘watch the hands not the mouth.’ It’s exactly what we should be doing with Mr. Cuomo.”  

Brooklyn, NY – “It’s not Mr. Cuomo’s greed for power that we’re learning about now, it’s his greed for cold-hard-cash at the expense of the very people who elected him. Last night’s damning New York Times exposé, revealing that Mr. Cuomo sought and likely received up to $4 million for his book, “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic,” confirms what the Conservative Party has long suggested — Gov. Cuomo, using state employees, appears to have buried inconvenient facts about nursing home deaths to publish a book and become a wealthy man. His actions demand additional criminal inquiry.

“There’s an old admonition about crooked politicians: ‘watch the hands not the mouth.’ It’s exactly what we should be doing with Mr. Cuomo.”



President Joe Biden needs a refresher course on what made American the greatest nation in the world and he needs it immediately.

President Biden has many “slips of the tongue” however, this was no slip:  Biden Calls the Republicans ‘Un-American’.  Some advice, Mr. President:  Stop lying about wanting to unite America.  In the 69 days you have been president, sorry to say, you have not uttered one word that has helped unite our country, unless, of course, you believe that America has abandoned her US Constitution and delved into a progressive movement that will never succeed.    Why are you so fearful of states requiring Voter ID, after all, you want everyone vaccinated, and an ID must be provided to get vaccinated.

More proof that the Biden Administration is out of step with Americans:  Biden to announce up to $4 trillion infrastructure plan with massive tax hikes.  There is no doubt that our infrastructure needs repairs, but something tells me that there are more progressive dreams coming in this proposal and they will get precedence over the needed repairs.  Necessary repairs must take priority and be passed as a stand-alone bill.  Obama’s shovel ready boondoggle should have taught Biden that lesson.  If you think you will escape the proposed new taxes, think again.

Mr. President why are you doing this:  Biden admin asks for government volunteers at the border amid crisis, when you and your administration keep telling us there is no crisis at the border.

Kamala Harris’ schedule shows Team Biden’s true border priorities.

Hmmm, Biden Nominates Gayle Manchin, Joe Manchin’s Wife, For ‘Key’ Co-Chair of Federal Commission.  Interesting.  Read about the Appalachian Regional Commission here; hopefully Mrs. Manchin is a good match for the Commission.

Andrew C. McCarthy writes in National Review about the case for prosecuting Hunter Biden.

Opinion: Tim Scott: Let’s set the record straight on ‘woke supremacy’ and racism.

Victor Davis Hanson writes in American Greatness:  Is Racism Moral Now?

From the Daily Signal: 6 Goals in Black Lives Matter’s New ‘Impact Report’

From Gatestone Institute:  China Grabbing Whitsun Reef: ‘Sudetenland’ in Slow Motion and US, China, Russia and Thucydides Trap.  From Victor Davis Hanson writing in the Daily Signal: China Continues to Show Its Contempt for US.

The Democratic-controlled Legislature plans are providing more reasons for New York’s wealthiest to move out of state.

Albany’s race to pay off friends — while shunning everyday New Yorkers.

This is how the Democratic-controlled Legislature computes math equations to balance budget needs:  School enrollment declines; Legislature provides more money.

File this under completely misguided:  If you live in San Diego, the education of migrant children is placed ahead of our own students.  Jen Psaki Fails to Explain Why Illegal Immigrant Children Are Getting In-Person Instruction.

From Bad to Worse in New York/ The city council’s new reform package offers little hope of getting crime under control.

Mail-In Voting Audit of Montana’s 2020 Elections Finds Significant Number of Irregularities.  Yet Congress (and their partners in the main stream media) are demanding HR 1/S 1 be adopted.

Cal Thomas opines about Jim Crow and the Georgia Voting Law.  Rich Lowry’s has this to say:  Comparing Georgia’s new voting law to Jim Crow is a disgusting smear.

The New York Times Can’t Get Basic Facts Right on Election Reform.

David Harsanyi:  No to DC Statehood.

If the Excelsior Pass Wallet app (Nation’s first ‘vaccine passport’ coming to New York) is going to be required to attend concerts etc., why is a Voter ID not required for voting?

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on President Joe Biden needs a refresher course on what made American the greatest nation in the world and he needs it immediately.

LM 2021 – 001 Opposition to creating the office of ‘New York Office of Cannabis Management’


486 78th Street, Ft. Hamilton Station, NY 11209

(718) 921-2158 Voice  * (718) 921-5268 Fax

2021 Legislative Memo…

 In Opposition to…

 A. 1248-A Peoples-Stokes 854-A Krueger

Purpose of Bill:  The purpose of this bill is to establish a new Office of Cannabis Management for the regulation of cannabis, to create a regulated and taxed cannabis industry in New York and to provide for various social and economic justice initiatives related thereto.

Party Position:  The Conservative Party of NYS is adamantly opposed to this bill that seeks to provide for the lawful possession, use and personal growth of cannabis – marijuana – for adult-use of cannabis that is still currently a Schedule 1 drug under federal law. 

 It would allow plants to be grown in the home with different stages of growth; and allow for 5 pounds of cannabis in the home and up to 3 ounces outside.

Marijuana use has increased when legalized in other states because it is available and when it is legalized kids and adolescents believe it is harmless, while science has proven it contributes to psychosis and schizophrenia, and sadly it reduces the IQ of those who start using the drug before age 18.

Traffic injuries and fatalities have increased in states that have legalized the use of cannabis, i.e. Colorado.

Second-hand smoke presents another major concern.

Instead of ending the black-market sales of illegal cannabis; black-market sales have increased in states that adopted similar bills as users look for ways to avoid the taxes the state will collect.

Do we truly want to educate our children on the profits of a drug that is considered a gateway drug?

The public costs of cannabis legalization will increase also, for every $1 of tax revenue in alcohol and tobacco tax revenues, society loses $10 in social costs according to SAM-Smart Approaches to Marijuana – the Top 10 Messages Against Legalization.

The Conservative Party urges a no vote on this bill that sends a message to the youth of New York that getting high on marijuana is harmless, funds their schools and will have no long-term effects.  Nothing could be further from the truth.


Gov. Cuomo’s controversies are multiplying…Johns Hopkins University is reporting NY’s COVID-19 deaths are 10,000 more than NY State’s own trackers numbers.

All the gun restriction laws ever written will not stop a person determined to get a gun from getting one. NYC teen, alleged gang member jailed after his fifth gun arrest, but they will harm good, honest people who have a 2nd Amendment right to own a gun. Today’s Rasmussen Report indicates that 76% of their poll supports the 2nd Amendment.

File this under total abuse of his office:  Cuomo admin. kept COVID tests from nursing homes as gov’s kin got them.   Then there is this:  New York set to surpass 50,000 COVID-19 deaths, but NY’s tracker is only approaching 40,000.

Newsday is reporting Cuomo controversies strain his relationship with Biden.  Shouldn’t the headline be:

Cuomo controversies stain his relationship with the citizens of New York State, how many other controversies will we learn about while the investigations go on?  New (NUMBER 9!) Andrew Cuomo accuser Sherry Vill speaks out alongside Gloria Allred.

Will you please explain this Governor:  NY’s trek back to economic normalcy still far behind the rest of U.S.

The Times Union is reporting that the new marijuana law may be signed into law this week and two years to implement.  Part of the message the Legislature is sending our youth, is that marijuana is okay and 40% of the sales tax revenues will be spent on your education, while 20% will go to drug treatment and public education programs.  Great message, isn’t it?  We are now on the precipice of educating our children with drug money, while only half that amount will go to drug treatment, mental health treatment and public education.  Do you think they have their priorities up-side-down?  Read more about what is in this ill-advised bill here.   

Michael Goodwin writes about the scare-Crow tactics of Democrats.

Dinesh D’Souza: My Experience With ‘Woke’ Corporations.

Did anyone expect anything different?  WHO Report Dismisses COVID Lab-Leak Hypothesis.

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times:  Big Tech’s Masters of the Universe fueling the Marxist revolution and destroying America.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Gov. Cuomo’s controversies are multiplying…Johns Hopkins University is reporting NY’s COVID-19 deaths are 10,000 more than NY State’s own trackers numbers.

The Wolf in Sheep’s clothing is back!

For the families that have lost loved ones in nursing homes due to the complete misguidance of the Governor and his Health Commissioner Zucker, finally some good news:  NY Senate Repeals Bill Shielding Nursing Homes From COVID-19 Lawsuits.  It is little consolation to the families who have lost their parents, grandparents, spouses, but it is a positive step; we will stand with them to make certain that nothing like this ever happens again.  We will never forget that Governor Cuomo knew that returning sick patients to a nursing home was like “fire through dry grass” yet, that didn’t stop his directive on March 25, 2020.  To make it even worse, he would not even let the sick patients be tested for COVID-19.  His actions were unconscionable.  Add to this heart breaking scenario, yesterday we learned that “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York Health Commissioner Howard Zucker directed health officials to prioritize the governor’s own family and figures with ties to his administration in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, the Albany Times-Union reported Wednesday.”

Governor Andrew Cuomo, you can never undo the grievous mistakes you made, even giving you the benefit of the doubt that we were in unchartered territory regarding how to handle the world-wide pandemic, your arrogance and belief that you did your best or worse that you followed what the federal government recommended – you eventually realize it wasn’t what they recommended and rescinded the DOH order on May 10 – you have never apologized to the families who could not even be with their loved ones while facing an almost certain painful death.  Your actions were not the actions of a leader; they were actions of a man who believes he can do no wrong.  Governor Cuomo, it is time to admit you made mistakes; and then resign.

Janice Dean’s Op-Ed in today’s NY Post:  Families deserve justice one year after Cuomo’s deadly nursing home order.

See Chairman Kassar’s press release on the Emperor’s arrogance here.

How ‘15 Days to Slow the Spread’ Became a Year.

Despite this: New York Spends More than All Other States on Education and Medicaid, the Legislature always adds more money to both of these budget items.

Lawrence A.  Franklin writes about China’s Pattern of Anti-U.S. Hostility in Gatestone Institute.

Migrant crisis forces Arizona border town to declare ‘state of emergency’.

Ending Critical Race Theory for the Children’s Sake.

What the Legislature is up to:  New York State Legislature Prepares to Enact Mezzanine Debt and Preferred Equity Tax BillStewart-Cousins: “Really, Really Close” for Cannabis Legalization; and this from E. J. McMahon, Albany’s soak-the-rich push ignores the large grain of SALT.  Bill Hammond writes that Cuomo Pushes Budget Change Sought by Hospital Group Implicated in Pandemic Scandals.  And let’s not forget that a deal has been reached about legalizing marijuana:  What NY lawmakers forgot in their drive to legalize pot.  Legislators see this a way to continue funding government, we see the legalizing of marijuana as another way government opens Pandora’s Box.  Marijuana is a Schedule 1 Drug (Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote;) there have been ample times to remove it from Schedule 1 yet the FDA has not reclassified it; a fact that government ignores in its quest to spend, spend, spend on their pet projects without regard for the consequences which are inevitable.  Read what SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) thinks of marijuana and state budgets.  And then read Marijuana and Mental Health.   Our youth’s drug use is rising in states that have legalized marijuana.

What the federal government is up to:  White House eyes sweeping $3T spending proposal; and if you haven’t heard about this, be prepared to shocked by what Nancy Pelosi is attempting to do now: Moderate Democrats warn leaders against meddling in Iowa race.  Sen. Schumer wants to control every aspect of voting:  9 Highlights From Senate Hearing on Federal Takeover of Elections.

There’s a five-alarm crisis on the border — and Team Biden imposes a media blackout.

Oh Boy, this should be very interesting, I wonder if she will acknowledge the problems and find a way to resolve them, or is Harris there because she knows nothing about immigration except her very progressive views.   Biden taps Harris to lead on immigration amid border crisis.

File this under more Biden family problems:  Secret Service reportedly got involved in bizarre gun case involving Hunter Biden.

KT McFarland: US-China Cold War – it’s real and Biden admin better start doing this.

From City-Journal:  Roadmap for Progressivism; Don’t Let Financial Regulators Dream Up Climate Solutions and Senator Cotton’s Stand/ The Arkansas lawmaker is introducing a bill to protect the military from critical race theory indoctrination.

Did anyone really expect President Biden to say anything different than he said:  Biden Signals Openness to Changing Filibuster, Says He Plans to Run in 2024.  The openness to changing filibuster is how he proves to progressives that he has their back and that unity means absolutely nothing.  He is the wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Statement by Chairman Gerard Kassar: “Governing is About Serving the Public, Not Yourself”

For Immediate Release
March 25, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys


“Governing is About Serving the Public, Not Yourself”

“The aggravating news about Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn’t letting up.

“Now we learn that New York’s chief executive arranged special privileges for family members and close colleagues in the early days of Covid testing — around the time he was penning a book on Covid leadership (after cooking the books on nursing home deaths under his watch) that has reportedly reaped him more than one million dollars.

“When we hear about arrogance in government — when we hear about naked abuses of power — these are the types of things we are talking about.

“That arrogance, in Mr. Cuomo’s case, has seemingly extended itself into predatory sexual behavior against random New Yorkers and members of his own staff.

“Albany, we have a problem.”
