Author: Shaun Marie

President Biden forced to cave on Wuhan inquiry…

Since Governor Cuomo created JCOPE in his first term, isn’t it obvious this is exactly what he wanted?  Remember the Moreland CommissionCuomo calls state watchdog ethics panel JCOPE ‘meaningless.’ The Emperor is invincible in his own eyes.  His passion is to do something his father, Mario, couldn’t do — win a fourth term.  The emperor, who has done everything possible to blind us with a perfect aura around his warts, will deservedly fail and his legacy will be the same as the meaningless commissions he created to fool the public.  The people who have not fled New York’s high taxes, out-of-control crime, failing public schools, a Legislature that abdicated its responsibility, and other major problems that vitiate our quality of live, will speak loud and clear to save our state on November 8, 2022.  New Yorkers have a message to Governor Andrew Cuomo:  fool me once shame on you fool, me twice shame on me.

America’s public enemy No. 1 — crime: Goodwin.

Victor Davis Hanson asks the question will the madness of 2020 last?

Conservative Black intellectuals battle 1619 Project, ‘race-grievance onslaught’

Critical Race Theory Is Worse Than Marxism.

Where does NY stand in how much the average American will pay in a lifetime? Life of Tax: What Americans Will Pay in Taxes Over a Lifetime.

Democrats are getting increasingly nervous about ‘woke’ culture, analysts say.

How Zuckerberg Millions Paid for Progressives to Work With 2020 Vote Officials Nationwide.

Cognitive Dissonance Is the Glue of the Democratic Party.

Nigel Farage Has a Message for the Democratic Party in America.

REVEALED: Biden’s India Ambassador Pick, Eric Garcetti, Praised China’s Xi As ‘Extraordinary’ And Privately Messaged Communist Influence Chiefs.

WATCH: Senate Chamber Erupts in Cheers After Passing Sen. Paul’s Amendment to Ban Funding Chinese Gain-Of-Function Research.

Fauci Says It Would Have Been a ‘Dereliction of Our Duty’ Not to Work with China on Coronavirus Research; to which I say, Dr. Fauci, it is a dereliction of duty to collaborate with Chinese scientists who are beholden to the communist government determined to destroy the United States of America.  You are a disgrace to your profession, in fact, you are a disgrace to humanity if you truly believe that collaborating with the Chinese scientists was the right action to take.  China’s goal is to rule the world…and what we have seen is terrifying.

Dr. Fauci is addicted to publicity and probably cannot help him self when he makes outlandish statement like this: “Fauci can’t say whether WHO is infected by China’s political influence but can say that New York, the COVID mecca of the US with the most deaths and infections, handled the crisis right.”  If New York handled it right, who handled it wrong – Vermont the least number in the contiguous states?

Chinese Propaganda Outlet Paid Millions to American Newspapers and Magazines, Records Show.

Jason Chaffetz: Biden’s COVID relief – here’s how you can track the waste, fraud and abuse, in US and abroad.

Biden shut down Wuhan inquiry out of spite — and is now forced to reverse course.

The Biden White House has made 4 big economic mistakes in just 4 months; at this rate, with 44 months left in his administration, it will take two, maybe three, fiscal conservative administrations to dig us out of the deficit he continues to create.

Biden keeps scrapping the bottom of the barrel:  Biden’s ATF Nominee Says He Wants to Ban AR-15s

Biden’s Palestinian Mission is Doomed to Fail.

Some public figures should learn that silence is golden.

Memorial Day 2021: Greater Meaning This Year Than Ever Before.

Governor Cuomo Directs Flags to Half-Staff and State Landmarks Lit in Honor of Essential Workers Who Lost Their Lives to COVID-19.  While our essential workers are heroic, Memorial Day is when “Americans honor those who sacrificed their lives in military service, it wasn’t just to defend the United States, it was also to uphold the natural rights and transcendent values associated with the nation’s founding that was understood to provide inspiration for others worldwide.”  With all due respect to Governor Cuomo, and those who sacrificed so much during the pandemic, Memorial Day should remain a day to commemorate those who served in our Military.

Licensed to Death: NY, CT among worst states when it comes to barriers for businesses.

The Fallout from ‘Progressive’ Budgets in New York.

New York Legislators Unhappy with Pace of Cuomo Impeachment.

Society is failing and it is government’s fault.  Police Bust 7 Suspected Drug Dealers Operating Out of Senior Citizen Retirement Center on Long Island.

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s true legacy:  A spate of shootings underscores Albany’s sad decline into mayhem.

Dinesh D’Souza opines about New York’s Two-Tiered Justice System.

Not sure if it will stand up in the judicial system, but is certainly a way get the attention of Big Tech companies.  Florida Gov. DeSantis signs law to hold Big Tech companies accountable for content moderation practices.

Russell Brand slams censorship of Post Hunter Biden exposé.

17,000 tweet ‘Hitler was right,’ and Big Tech barely reacts.

Rep. Carlos Gimenez (Cuban born) calls for a return to bipartisan support for Israel.

Don’t say you weren’t warned, President Biden:  Even with a Deal, the Mullahs Will Pursue Nukes.

With Policies Failing, Democrats Turn to Trump-Hate.

The ‘Woke’ Are Sleeping on China.

Why Inflation Matters/It hurts workers and retirees, disrupts investment, and can be hard to control.

Isn’t it time to retire, Randi?  Randi Weingarten Endorses Debunked Rebekah Jones Claim That Florida Manipulated COVID Data.

This snowflake is an embarrassment:  AOC Gets Wrecked for Making a Ridiculous Claim About ‘Serving in War’

For This Immigrant, the American Dream Came True.

Jason Riley Examines ‘Maverick’ Who Is Thomas Sowell.

Former Congressman Allen Bernard West opines in the Washington Times about the good, the bad and the ugly Democrats: Race in America.

America beware; the oligarchs are getting closer to taking control.

NY lawmakers’ ‘clean-slate’ proposal is a gift to career criminals.

As his scandals grow ever worse, Andrew Cuomo offers only lies and rage.

With all of Governor Cuomo’s warts, only 41% want him to resign; 5% points higher than April’s results.  What shocks me most about the Siena Poll is that those polled support Cuomo handling of the pandemic 58% to 35% even though 67% thought he only did a fair or poor job making public the nursing home COIVD-19 related deaths (doing so would have damaged his $5.1 million book deal).  I do not understand how the responders think he did a good (58%) job when 67% of the same responders believe the reporting of the data of COVID-19 nursing homes deaths was poor.  How can they absolve Andrew Cuomo’s sending nursing home patients back to their nursing home knowing his responsibility was protecting the elderly and also knowing COVID-19 was akin to “fire through dry grass.”

Bob McManus opines in the NY Post:  Teachers unions are desperate to deflect blame over closed schools.

Are ‘woke warriors’ running a protection racket?

A Brief History of Corporate Social Responsibility—and Why It Must Stop

Say hello to the newest enemy of Woke, Inc.

Today’s religion of Wokeism ignores logic, science and reason.

Heather MacDonald writes in City-Journal how The Revolution Comes to Juilliard/Racial hysteria is consuming the school; unchecked, it will consume the arts.

Christopher F. Rufo writes this in the City-Journal (unfortunately, it isn’t only in Portland):  The Child Soldiers of Portland/Public schools are training children to become race-conscious revolutionaries.

Deroy Murdock describes how Democrat Left’s Critical Race Theory Preaches Black Failure.

Robert Knight has his say on Critical Race Theory in the Washington Times: Parents must push back against progressives’ doublethink.

The Daily Signal explains the 5 Things You Need to Know About Biden’s $1.8 Trillion American Families Plan.

Larry Kudlow: Uncle Sam Gets Set to Dig into Your Bank Account.

Iran: 10 Characters in Search of a Protector.

Gordon G. Change writes in Gatestone Institute what he believes is Biden’s Worst Move Yet: Giving U.S. Vaccine Tech to China.

The ‘Wuhan lab leak’ theory looks more credible than ever.

Researchers at Wuhan Institute of Virology Hospitalized in November 2019: Report.

Fauci Says He’s ‘Not Convinced’ COVID-19 Developed Naturally, Calls for Further Investigation.

Biden’s Border Policy Is an Economic Boon for Cartels, Assault on American Communities.

White House Dodges Questions About Rising Violent Crime by Serving Up a Talking Point on Guns.

Inflation on the rise in most every area of our economy:  Severe Supply Bottlenecks Add to Inflation Pressures.

This triple-edge sword really gets under my skin:  Insurance giant CNA Financial reportedly paid hackers $40M in ransom, 1) good organizations do not demand a ransom; obviously, the ransom money will only be used against us, 2) it encourages more terrorist groups to attack more businesses, and 3) no company will absorb the cost resulting in higher costs/premiums to consumers.  Companies have a moral and fiscal obligation to protect their companies and hire people to end the possibility of being hacked.

Out of gas: what does the Colonial Pipeline shutdown say about US defense readiness?

The Democrats have a way of not dealing with  election results; they bully all until they get what they want.  For example, this is their latest rant — Democrats: Roe v. Wade blow would fuel expanding Supreme Court.

Kelly Shackelford: Biden’s secret court-packing commission – here’s what first meeting tells of Dems’ plans.

Ordinary Things, Extraordinary Genius.

We can now have hope that the abortion industry, built on judicial activism with no concern for an innocent unborn life, will be on life support soon.

From the Wall Street Journal (Subscription required) Criminal Probe of Andrew Cuomo Administration Broadens to Covid-19 Testing Issues.

Actual Collusion: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Helped Brother Andrew Navigate Harassment Scandal.

File this under: is this what you want your tax dollars to pay for?  Taxpayers footing the bill for Cuomo’s lawyer in nursing-home probe.

From the Empire Center:  NY per-pupil school spending topped $25k in 2018-19 “once again surpassing all states in the latest U.S. Census annual data.”

Producer Prices Surge to Record Highs in New York, Reinforcing Consumer Inflation Concerns.

Government must stop paying Americans to not work.

There are some good reporters … and Peter Doocy is proving himself to be one of them:  Psaki Cornered on Biden Killing Keystone XL But Approving Russia’s Pipeline

Poor Joe Biden, when he isn’t caving to the progressive left by selling out our allies, he is upset that some just don’t get his “sense of humor.”  President Biden has been plagued by accusations of plagiarism throughout his career and it seems as if he and his speech writers continue down that same path today.

Unfortunately for the free world, President Biden is putting pressure on the wrong person in the Middle East.  As the NY Sun points out Mr. Biden “conveyed to the Prime Minister (Benjamin Netanyahu) that he expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire.”  Read President Biden’s War here.  Then read Larry Kudlow’s Changing on Israel, Democrats Turn Toward Iran and ask yourself, does President Joe Biden put America’s interest first, or has he completely capitulated to the progressives?  On his current course how would he respond to the tragic, horrific events of September 11, 2001?  How safe do you feel knowing President Joe Biden expects Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to de-escalate?  Hamas is the terrorist organization, is it any wonder that Netanyahu brushes off Biden call for ‘significant de-escalation’ in Gaza, says Israel ‘determined to continue’

Victor Davis Hanson: Biden flirting with disaster – here’s where division at home, weakness abroad will lead.

How President Biden Emboldened Hamas, Islamic Jihad.

Biden must see things as they are in the Middle East, not as he wishes them to be.

Israel has acted like a moral beacon in the latest Gaza war against terror.

Arabs: Hamas Does Not Care About Palestinian Suffering.

What You Need to Know About Israel-Hamas Conflict.

Sen. Tim Scott: S.1 is not a voting rights bill, it’s a partisan power grab that will harm faith in elections.

Roe v. Wade is on trial. Don’t let the Left threaten the Supreme Court over it.

From National Review:  Overturn Roe.

Texas Governor Signs Bill Banning Abortions After Fetal Heartbeat Detection.

From the City-Journal:  Conditional Compassion/ The Left’s enthusiasm for diversity and empathy depends on one’s politics.

After Losing to Male Athletes, College Runner Fights for Fairness in Women’s Sports.

How the Big Tech ‘Masters of the Universe’ imposed their will on the American electorate.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on We can now have hope that the abortion industry, built on judicial activism with no concern for an innocent unborn life, will be on life support soon.

New York’s disingenuous emperor hopes a $500,000 charitable contribution will bring him absolution … not a chance.

Cuomo earned millions from pandemic book deal despite nursing home controversy.

Andrew Cuomo’s shameless $5.12M payday profiting from the pandemic.

File Cuomo’s obscene $5 million book under true crime.

How the AP Slanted Border Coverage to Hide the Crisis

If AP really didn’t know it shared space with Hamas, why trust its reporting?

As Iran’s Mullahs Incite Hamas Terrorism, Biden Administration Wants Sanctions Lifted.

Frightening news:  Sen. Ron Johnson Says Green New Deal Would Make US Grid More Vulnerable to Cyberattacks.

When Capitalism Wins, Poverty Loses.

Dennis Prager opines about Men Give Birth. America Was Founded in 1619. And Israel Is the Aggressor.

The Politicization of Childhood.

Biden Scorning the Secret Formula of American Prosperity

This strikes me as the beginning of guaranteed minimum wages…if you have children under 17.  IRS to start monthly payments of child tax credit July 15.  Socialism’s seeds are planted and are rapidly growing strong roots and like all destructive weeds they must be eliminated to save the America that has been the beacon of freedom to the people who have suffered under socialistic dictatorships.

Jobs Without Takers.

New York’s Long Decline Is Canary in Coal Mine for Biden’s Big-Government Agenda.

And this is a perfect example of Big Brother! American Airlines Investigating Pilot Who Opposes School District’s Critical Race Theory Plan.  What gives American Airlines the right to dictate what a pilot says if it is unrelated to his job duties?  America is spiraling out of control due to the fact far too many believe only they have the “right” to voice their beliefs and they have the right to ostracize from society anyone who disagrees with them.

Better diet prior to vacation:  Airlines could start weighing passengers before boarding.

The Paranoid Style in Progressive Politics.

Then I saw this and some hope returns;  Supreme Court Unanimously Rebuffs Biden Administration on Warrantless Searches for Handguns.

The Five Myths of Systemic Racism in Policing.

Americans are tired of the left’s lie that U.S. is systemically racist.

Assembly member Yuh-Line Niou, has introduced a bill that would, among other things, end court surcharges and fees, impose a ban on mandatory minimum fines for traffic offenses, and require that courts evaluate a person’s ability to pay a fine before it’s imposed.  If people do not want to pay the fees or are unable to pay the fees for committing crimes what signal is sent if fess and surcharges are eliminated?  It becomes tacit permission to continue to commit crimes, as all New Yorkers have experienced how crime has skyrocketed with the previous “let’s help the criminal” reforms; imagine what it will be like if this becomes law.

From the Daily Signal:   Roe v. Wade in Crosshairs as Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Major Abortion Case.

Psaki Says Biden ‘Committed to Codifying’ Roe v. Wade after Supreme Court Agrees to Revisit Precedent.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on New York’s disingenuous emperor hopes a $500,000 charitable contribution will bring him absolution … not a chance.

The NYS Democratic-controlled Legislature sees your human remains as an “environmentally sustainable and cost-effective alternative to burial and cremation,” AKA compost material.

BREAKING:  The Emperor heard  constituents and realizes that confused, angry constituents are a force he can’t win over, so he caved and will follow the CDC mask guidance beginning Wednesday.  

Cuomo, de Blasio’s refusal to adopt new CDC mask guidance sparks confusion.

Cuomo’s refusal to take CDC’s advice on masks shows his addiction to power.

Insisting on masks despite the science is just partisan posturing gone mad.

Six NY county execs urge Cuomo to adopt CDC’s latest mask guidelines.

Democrats follow the ‘science’ and reject common sense.

Good news: “This case has the opportunity to reconsider the precedent set by the landmark Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey decisions.”  Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Major Abortion Case.

While SCOTUS considers a new case that provides the opportunity to reconsider the precedent of the absolute right to take the life of the unborn, the democratic-controlled NYS Legislature is on the verge of diminishing the value of humans when the have died.  S. 5535-Comrie/A. 382-Pauling sponsor a bill, that has passed two committees in the Assembly and is “live” on the floor today, while the Senate is considering it in committee as you read this.  The Bill essentially seeks to add composting, or “natural organic reduction,” to the approved methods in New York State for the disposition of human remains.  The reality is it would allow humans to become composting material in natural organic reduction facilities that accelerate the process of biological decomposition naturally converting human remains to soil.  We live, we make choices, we think and make rational decisions and our human remains should be treated with that dignity when we die, not become compost in some facility that does not acknowledge that we are just organic matter and bones to be used to enrich the soil.  Call your Senator at 518-455-2800 and your Assembly Member at 518-455-4100 and gently remind them your body should be treated with the respect it has earned.

Texas Governor Expected to Sign Bill Banning Abortions When Fetal Heartbeat Is Detected.

Two Special-Needs Best Friends with Low Life Expectancy Graduate High School Side by Side.

The Chinese Communists Get American Aid.

From Gatestone Institute:  Americans Have the Right to Know About Biden’s Upcoming Deal with Iran’s Mullahs.   Also, in Gatestone Institute:  Responsibility for the Latest Upsurge in Arab-Israeli Violence Goes to US President Joe Biden

Israel Tricks Hamas With Brilliant Tactical Move, Then Launches Ferocious Air Campaign.

Stunning Photos Captured of Iron Dome Protecting Israel From Palestinian Terrorist Attacks.

Victor Davis Hanson writes in American Greatness: How to Ensure a Middle East War in Five Easy Steps.

Biden’s overtures to Iran undercut US bid to end Hamas-Israel conflict.

Mike Pence: Biden’s China-first tax plan – Americans come last in president’s jobs plan.

Political winds — like those in Britain — mean trouble for Democrats in US.

Why doesn’t Al Sharpton recognize and hold up as an example this young black man?  Man Leaves Painful Childhood and Gang Life Behind, Becomes Missouri’s Teacher of the Year.

When did it become responsible to teach debunked theories?   Psaki: Teaching ‘1619 Project,’ Critical Race Theory in College Is ‘Responsible’

Why A Nation Should Guard Its Founding Stories—Interview with Dustin Bass.

Acting ICE Head Admits Agency Is Not Tracking Illegals Released into U.S. Interior Amid Surge at The Border

Robert Knight makes the case for breaking up big tech in the Washington Times.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The NYS Democratic-controlled Legislature sees your human remains as an “environmentally sustainable and cost-effective alternative to burial and cremation,” AKA compost material.

The Oligarchs know their COVID-19 constraints are imploding; therefore, they publicly pretend to be more benevolent.

David Bossie makes this observation about President Biden’s agenda;  Buckle up for Biden’s next big crisis – our economy is in peril thanks to his radical agenda.

120 Retired US Military Officers Warn of Conflict Between Marxism, ‘Constitutional Freedom’

Potential ‘Mutinying?’: White House Press Corps Fume Over Biden Administration’s ‘Extra Control’ Over Media Coverage.

From inflation to jobs to the border, Biden is flailing — when will the media notice?  (Actually, they notice, they just choose not to report it.) Fortunately, there are some news organizations that do report on the Biden Administration’s shortfalls:  No ethics needed for President Biden’s best buddies.  And then there is this:  Biden Nominee at State Runs Center Funded Mostly by That Agency.

The adage, follow the money, still rings true:  Easy Being Green: Biden’s Clean Energy Fundraisers Reap White House Rewards.

Victor Davis Hanson writes in Daily Signal that the Biden Administration Is Mocking Ancient Wisdom.

Consumer Prices See Largest Yearly Jump Since 2008 as Evidence of Inflation Mounts.

Down the Tubes: The Tax Man Cometh.

Sorry, but they’re called ‘mothers’ — not ‘birthing people’

School Budget Spotlight 2021-22.

Teachers:  it is time to replace Randi Weingarten, seriously, is she the only person who “has your back” what about your credibility?  Teachers’-union boss fumbles on 1619 Project, school openings should scare America.  Today Randi flip-flops on school openings, my guess is that Randi can’t stand the heat from the rank and file.

Black Parent Compares Critical Race Theory to KKK Intimidation Tactics.

Bob McManus opines in City-Journal:  Cancel the Columbus, Keep the Dysfunction.

Colonial Pipeline Paid Hackers $5 Million Ransom: Report

‘Defund’ lash-back as New York Republicans push stronger, pro-cop laws.

8 Takeaways as Senate Panel Deadlocks on Bill to Nationalize Elections, Nullify Voter ID

America Playing With Fire.

Cuban Immigrants Warn Americans of ‘Misery for Everybody’ If They Choose Socialism: ‘Learn the Truth’

The Past and Present of the Chinese Communist Party’s Bellicosity.

Xi Jinping Talks Chaos: Pandemic Provides Favorable Situation to CCP.

The CDC is about to recommend new guidelines…CDC Announces Vaccinated Americans No Longer Need to Wear Masks Indoors in Most Situations  Updated CDC guidance will still call on Americans vaccinated for coronavirus to wear masks in crowded indoor settings, such as public transportation, hospitals, and prisons, but not schools or offices.  (What about Churches???)  And most importantly, will the Emperor allow New Yorkers to comply with the new guidelines?

Science Letter Breaks ‘Chokehold’ on COVID-Origin Narrative, Says Lab-Leak Theory ‘Viable’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The Oligarchs know their COVID-19 constraints are imploding; therefore, they publicly pretend to be more benevolent.

President Biden and Gov. Cuomo, both career politicians, have little or no sympathy for the millions of people forced to pay for their largesse’s; we are their personal ATM’s.

Colin Reed: NYC mayoral primary – ranked-choice voting means things could get even worse for hard-hit city.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has no incentive to let taxpayers control their own money as long as he has a friend in the White House who also has no concerns whatsoever for the beleaguered taxpayer. New York governments are getting $24 billion in stimulus aid. Here’s where it is headed.

Professor Explains Flaw in Many Models Used for COVID-19 Lockdown Policies.

The CDC Has Been Dramatically Overstating Outdoor Transmission, According to Epidemiologists.

Mainstream media misinformation and the high cost of COVID-19 ignorance.

Rand Paul Urges Fauci to Abandon Gain-of-Function Research, Citing Possible COVID Lab Leak.

Court-Packers Say Court-Packing Is Not Court-Packing.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  Department of National Child Care/ The Biden plan would cause costs to explode for little benefit.

America’s Failed Experiment in Public Housing.

Free the Gig Economy/The Biden administration wants to keep the labor market stuck in the past.

Liz Peek: Biden’s Jimmy Carter connection – here, already, is where their policies are alarmingly similar.

Katie Pavlich:   Hamas Is Now Heavily Attacking Tel Aviv.

Biden must not abandon Afghan interpreters.

Heather MacDonald writes in City-Journal: Diversity Over Discovery/Biden’s war on merit puts America’s scientific edge at risk.

Teachers’ union chief Randi Weingarten defends use of 1619 Project in schools.

Woke-ism will swallow our kids unless we restore the West’s great traditions.

Thankfully, people are waking up to the division the “woke movement” is doing its best to sow throughout our education systems, corporate boardrooms and our families:  Scholars Line Up to Join Anti- ‘Woke’ Online Education Platform.  Keep spreading the news that there are alternatives ways to protect our American Dreams.

Is the Biden administration the end of the American Dream?

Larry Elder’s column, Blacks Don’t Need ‘White Savior’ Politicians, should be sent to every person pushing the debunked 1619 project, but they would only call him Uncle Larry while denouncing it.

Former NFL Player: ‘We Gotta Get God Back in Our Schools’ to Solve Racial, Economic Divide.

Ransomware is a real problem and we are not doing enough to protect our everyday lives because they are too involved with preserving their power over our freedoms.  US Fuel Shortages Possible, Gas Prices Jump After Hackers Hit Colonial Pipeline: AAA.

Xi Jinping: “Marxism is winning the global ideological war”

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on President Biden and Gov. Cuomo, both career politicians, have little or no sympathy for the millions of people forced to pay for their largesse’s; we are their personal ATM’s.

The wolf in sheep’s clothing sheds his deception as he flaunts his fangs while feasting on our tenets.

Yes, it’s time to lift the cap on NYC charter schools.  But will the Democratic-controlled Legislature listen to common sense or remain beholden to the Teacher’s Union?

From the Epoch Times:  Trevor Loudon writes that the Socialist Revolution Is Underway in America.

Larry Kudow opines in the NY Sun:  Wait a Minute, Joe — Trump Rules Could Keep Boom Alive Another Five Years.

Pays not to work: How Biden benefits are grinding the economic recovery to a halt.

Bidenomics is already starting to slam the US economy.

The Message Washington Needs to Hear Right Now: STOP!

Victor Davis Hanson: Conservatives Need To ‘Fight Back’ Against Corporate America’s Assault On Their Values.

The Progressive movement is doing its best to destroy every aspect of the Judeo-Christian values of America’s foundation, the wolf is no longer hiding in the sheep’s clothing, it is flaunting its destructive nature.  Biden HHS Redefines Sex as Non-Biological in New ‘Anti-Discrimination’ Rule Change

This is good advice for every parent in every school that is contemplating the debunked agenda.  Dad who decried antiracism initiatives at Brearley urges parents to join fight.

A Welcome Backlash against Critical Race Theory.

The Who’s Roger Daltrey: Woke Generation Creating A ‘Miserable World … For Themselves’.

At long last, honesty.  Facebook Oversight Board member criticizes indefinite Trump ban: ‘Their rules are in shambles’

File this under: How can a federal judge be so blind?  Chief Judge Roger L. Gregory of the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals (a recess appointment of William J. Clinton, and then nominated by George W. Bush) indicated that he can’t discern any meaningful difference between topless females and topless males.  Thanks to Robert Knight for informing the public, in his Washington Times column, about Ocean City’s bare-chested women tops off a ridiculous woke agenda.

F.A. Hayek on ‘the Supreme Rule’ That Separates Collectivism from Individualism.

And Then There Was One: G.O.P. Defends Its Last Seat in Queens.  As State Vice Chairman, Thomas M. Long notes in the article, “The division is killing the Republican Party,” Mr. Long said. “The average person gets disgusted and walks away.”  So true, which leads us to ask you:  Isn’t New York (and our beloved America) worth fighting for?

Exclusive: Conservatives Crack Down on Chinese Political Influence and Tech.

Communist China: World’s Biggest Climate Polluter Keeps Polluting.

Cyber-Attack Shuts Down Biggest Gasoline Pipeline in US–Colonial Pipeline.

From Gatestone Institute:  China Aims to Become the World’s Leading Space Power by 2045.

Andrew Cuomo’s pathetic SALT obsession.

Bob McManus opines in the NY Post about the Cost of left’s anti-anti-crime folly: 4-year-old shot in Times Square.

Olympic-sized battle looms over transgender athletes at Tokyo games/Female athletes ‘told to be quiet’

When did unions forget they were formed to protect their members, not their leaders?  Union Leadership Evaded Pay Cuts as Pandemic Devastated Membership

A Pastoral Letter on the Human Dignity of the Unborn, Holy Communion, and Catholics in Public Life; By the Most Reverend Salvatore Joseph Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco:  Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. 

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The wolf in sheep’s clothing sheds his deception as he flaunts his fangs while feasting on our tenets.

When Will President Biden, Congress, Governor Cuomo and the Democratic-Controlled NYS Legislature stop spending the money our grandchildren haven’t even earned yet??

America’s Border: Cui Bono? – Who Benefits?

ICYMI:  Today’s press release by Chairman Kassar.

Chairman Kassar also discussed various and sundry topics on Alan Chartock’s radio program earlier today:  click here to listen.  

How the White House is hiding the true cost of its spending plans.

From Gatestone Institute;  Arabs Warn West: Do Not Let Iran Fool You.

Be prepared:  Biden set to flex clemency powers.

Joe Biden Comes Down against Stay-at-Home Parenting.

Biden Wants to Give American COVID Vaccine Patents to China.

Unacceptable:  Lawmakers want billions in government spending on unusual pet projects, Fox News finds.

Move over Marine Corps, AOC’s pushing for 1.5M-strong ‘Climate Corps’.  More taxes and regulations that will surely have a negative effect on what made America the greatest nation – uplifting other countries – being a country that lets entrepreneurs create opportunities for people to earn a living.  Did she not take any economic classes at Boston University…or do they only teach Keynesian economics?

Biden’s tax hikes will thwart the economic prosperity he’s promising.

Biden’s actions masking the science: Devine.

Governor Cuomo, New Yorkers leaving the Empire State has little to do with the weather, it has to do with how the state is run!  DeSantis signs Florida election bill limiting drop boxes, mail-in voting live on ‘Fox & Friends’.   Of course, the ink wasn’t even dry when those who want to control every aspect of voting filed lawsuits.

From the Washington Examiner:  Investigate Cuomo.

Jason J. McGuire opines in the Albany Times Union that New York must reopen the Capitol to the public.

Enough with the COVID Zealots.

Two items that may interest you:

  • May 7 at 4:00 PM, Sen. Phil Boyle will have a debate on Medical Aid in Dying.  Click here if you would like to watch it.
  • There will be a ZOOM meeting on Human Trafficking on Wednesday, May 12 between Noon and 1:00 PM sponsored by VOW for Women (Voice of Women for Women) but you must register by May 10, 2021: or call 914-548-3588 for more information.


You Can Hold Your Ground Against Critical Theory.  This is one of the rare “must reads” articles we include in our daily update now and then.  The last paragraph sums up what we are facing now with the wokeism many of the “woke” are trying to enforce.  “If you don’t fight this nonsense now, wherever it’s showing up in your community, soon there will be nothing good, true, or beautiful to defend. We will be ruled by lies and power while being told we’re progressing toward truth and justice. We’re in an open war, ideologically speaking. There is no “safe” any more for people of good conscience. Choose which kind of “unsafe” you can abide. Fighting lies is always preferable to being ruled by them. I believe the truth will prevail.”

The clock of history is five minutes to ‘Darkness at Noon’.

Stephen J. K. Walters:  Anatomy of a Crime Wave/Baltimore’s experiment with de-policing has been disastrous—and deadly.

Victor Davis Hanson asks the question:  Are Americans Becoming Sovietized?

Gordon G. Chang’s latest article in Gatestone Institute:  Microwaving the White House: Enemies Are Now Sonic Attacking Americans from American Soil.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on When Will President Biden, Congress, Governor Cuomo and the Democratic-Controlled NYS Legislature stop spending the money our grandchildren haven’t even earned yet??

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on the Biden Administration’s Spurious Compassion

For Immediate Release
May 6, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys
Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on the Biden Administration’s Spurious Compassion

Brooklyn, NY –  Afghans who worked for US plea for help after Biden announces exit.  There is no excuse for this; the red tape holding up the special immigrant visa from the U.S. must be expedited to allow these brave Afghans to escape what will be a certain death once our troops have returned home.

Every American should be outraged that the Biden Administration encourages migrants to cross into America through our southern border looking for America’s generosity yet, has not opened America’s doors to welcome the Afghanistan interpreters who assisted our military men and women throughout the last two decades.

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Sheldon Silver is furloughed…what’s next, a job as a consultant for the Democratic controlled legislature?

Gerard Kassar, Conservative Party Chairman – NY government hurt NY more than Covid.

Shelly Silver’s release from prison after 8 months an obscene miscarriage of justice

Tom Basile writes in the Washington Times on Combating Biden and Democrats’ ‘Cult of Free’.

From The FederalistDemocrats’ H.R. 1 Election Takeover Would Also Control What Americans And Politicians Say.

Angelo Codevilla opines in American Greatness on Oligarchy, and Remedies.

McConnell Says Not One Republican Will Support Biden’s $4 Trillion Infrastructure Plan.

This is unsettling: Biden Admin May Partner with Private Firms To Gather Online Data Without Warrants.

The Dangers of Biden’s Spending Binge.

From the City Journal:  Undermining Success/President Biden needs economic prosperity to pay for his many programs, but his tax plan will thwart business incentives.

Biden has no excuse for his massive spending because the crisis is over.

When did we elect her?  Jill Biden a key figure in push to pitch White House plans.

This would be unheard of a few years back:  New York’s Hospital Industry Ranks Near the Bottom of Two Quality Report Cards.

From the Gatestone InstituteBiden Administration Needs to Halt Talks with Iran’s Mullahs.

The City Journal alerts us to The Monster Is in the Classroom/Schools indoctrinate children as young as eight in race and gender essentialism.

The Daily Signal explains How Critical Race Theory Is Taught in Public Schools.

7 Ways Biden Wants to Make America More Like California…where the exodus rate is almost as bad as New York’s

Victor Davis Hanson writes about the Decline of American Universities.

Dennis Prager: What Creates Leftism? Affluence Plus Secularism.

Race Demagogues Are Poisoning Our Politics.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Sheldon Silver is furloughed…what’s next, a job as a consultant for the Democratic controlled legislature?