Author: Shaun Marie

Kassar Calls for End of Chick-fil-A Cancel-Culture Politicization

July 12, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys



(Grand Juries Swoon)


Kassar Calls for End of Chick-fil-A Cancel-Culture Politicization 

Brooklyn, NY – July 12…Not to be outdone by fictional grand juries — it’s said they’ll indict a ham sandwich — four progressive Albany legislators are absurdly calling for a ban of Chick-fil-A restaurants at all New York Thruway convenience stops, the New York State Conservative Party today noted. Chick-fil-A’s sin: Its Christian founder isn’t properly woke on LGBTQ issues, according to this small, self-appointed Albany jury.

The New York State Thruway Authority recently announced that it will be including popular brands Chick-fil-A, Popeyes, Panera, and Shake Shack at its 27 Thruway stops as part of a modernization effort. Chick-fil-A employs 140,000 Americans at 2,672 locations. Nation’s Restaurant News just listed Chick-fil-A as the second most popular restaurant in America, and Chick-fil-A was ranked #1 in restaurant employee benefits by Money in a 2019 study, with the average Chick-fil-A employee holding $158,188 in their employer-matched 401(k) program.

“If Assembly Members Linda Rosenthal, Harry Bronson, Deborah Glick, and Daniel O’Donnell have a beef with Chick-fil-A, they don’t need to eat there, but they have no right to prevent others from doing so,” New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar said. “Once you go down this path, it’s open season on every business, with Soviet-style litmus tests determining what we are able to think and what we are able to consume.”

Chairman Kassar said politicizing iconic American businesses is a slippery slope that benefits no one. “Consumers should drive markets, not elected ideologues. And consumers clearly want Chick-fil-A. We congratulate the State Thruway Authority for offering it to them.”


The Washington Post has more “Pinocchios” for President Biden.

Bob McManus’s insight into Albany and especially Governor Cuomo should be required reading by everyone who will vote in the 2022 elections.  Cuomo’s gun-violence emergency slush fund is all about saving… Cuomo.

Ortt: Legal gun owners in New York State should be worried.

Could aspects of NY’s gun violence emergency declaration end up before Supreme Court?

Congresswoman Tenney was in Ilion defending Second Amendment rights.

Gas prices projected to increase up to 20 cents over summer.

Larry Kudlow writes in the New York Sun; Stop the Presses: It Turns Out People Prefer a Job to a Tax Hike.

These 9 States Are Cutting Income Taxes to Boost Their Recovery.  Of course, New York is not one of them.

Liz Peek: Biden is no Reagan – here’s the real reason the economy is recovering.

Tammy Bruce opines in the Washington Times: Chicago’s Lightfoot plays victim in city’s crime spike.

BLM Utah Chapter Thinks You’re Dangerous, Dumb, and Racist If You Fly an American Flag.

Biden admin to move $860M in COVID funds to house illegal immigrant children.

Biden’s border crisis looks even worse in person.

Biden Relaxes COVID Safeguards for Migrants, Cracks Down on Agents.

President Biden has a problem when even the Washington Post does a fact check and Biden is given three Pinocchios.

Wow, this is shocking even for George Soros:  Soros-Funded Groups Call on Biden to Ignore China’s Abuses in Order To Fight Climate Change.

Psaki: Criticism of Door-to-Door Vaccination Campaign is a ‘Disservice to the Country’

Two excellent articles in Gatestone Institute on China:  1) What Is China Doing by Pete Hoekstra and 2) Xi Jinping Is Mobilizing China for War, Possibly With Nukes by Gordon G. Chang.

Randi Weingarten shows her true colors, which sadly do not have the best interest of teachers or students, in her remarks during a livestreamed event headlined by the controversial “How to Be an Antiracist” author Ibram X Kendi.

Randi, you should be aware that according to a Rasmussen Poll, 78% of likely U.S. Voters say it’s at least somewhat important for schools to teach the traditional values of Western Civilization, including 52% who say it’s Very Important. This is virtually unchanged from four years ago, and in line with surveys dating back to 2013.

How One Man Leads the Charge Against Woke School Boards.

Ben Shapiro opines in the Daily Signal:  Stop Surrendering Education to the Radical Left

Thank you, Pro Bowl NFL cornerback Marlon Humphrey.

The rise of a generation of censors: Law schools the latest battlement over free speech.

They want to be the 51st State!

Hunter Biden art show sparks ethics concerns.  (Seriously, this is the only thing that sparks ethics concerns?)

Statement from New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Governor Cuomo’s Cynical Assault on Second Amendment

For Immediate Release
July 6, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @ cpnys

Brooklyn, NY – “There’s a ‘Disaster Emergency’ in New York — and not the one Andrew Cuomo is fabricating to create a political distraction from the ongoing crime wave.

“The real disaster is the liberal, pie-in-the-sky criminal justice ‘reforms’ that Mr. Cuomo and his Democrat colleagues have forced on New Yorkers over the past three years. The resulting crime surge is as unconscionable as it was predictable.

“What did Mr. Cuomo think would happen when cash bail, broken window policing, and stop-and-frisk were all abruptly ended? What did he think when police budgets were slashed? Did he think criminals would go on vacation?

“Mr. Cuomo’s solution, once again, is to threaten the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding New Yorkers rather than address the actual issue of criminal behavior.

“We know how to crack down on crime — two Republican New York City mayors proved it — but Mr. Cuomo seems more concerned about appearing ‘woke’ than he is about crime victims. How terribly progressive. How terribly sad.”


Governor Andrew Cuomo’s shameful exploitation of the rising crime stats.

BreakingCuomo declares new state of emergency, this time for gun violence.  Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new emergency declaration admits ““This is normally not a state role. This is not what we do as a state government. But these are not normal times.”  You are right Gov. Cuomo; the institution of the NY SAFE Act, the numerous bills signed by you in the name of “Criminal Justice Reform”; allowing those arrested to be turned loose without out bail, a Parole Board determined to release violent criminals and looking the other way when misdemeanors are committee, all things that you have encouraged and signed into law, have created an environment that is “not normal times.”  Governor Cuomo, you are part and parcel of creating the increase in crime and it is time you admit that your agenda is responsible.  What you are proposing will do little to the senseless crime wave.  It is shameful that you are using the increasing crime statistics to bolster your decreasing poll numbers.

Larry Kudlow opines in the NY Sun on How Democrats Are Fleeing Principles of the Declaration of Independence.

File this under:  I just cannot let go of the power I have!

File this under:  Against our US Constitution.  (Click here for voting requirements.)

Mass Immigration Turned California Blue, And Your State Might Be Next.

Peter Warren writes in the Empire Center that Emergency Billions Pose Opportunity—and Risk—for NYS Schools.

Rep. Ron Estes: Biden’s economic crisis – his wasteful spending will crush recovery. Here’s what we have to do.

Denzel Washington’s Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS.

The Biggest Thing That Separates Authoritarians from Supporters of Freedom.

Biden Administration Announces Campaign to Make it Easier for Millions of Immigrants to Become Citizens.

Why Are Lawmakers Agreeing to Send Armies of IRS Agents After American Small Businesses?

China: A Colossus with a Foot of Clay.

Communist China’s Genocidal Crackdown on Uyghur Intellectuals.

Top Biden Allies Worked for Group with Close Ties to Chinese Communist Party.

What is China Buying in the Biden Administration?

Something to think about:  China Courts US Consumers Through a Familiar Storefront in Amazon.

This is extremely disappointing news; why does America’s largest teachers’ union what to undermine all the good America has done in its very short history?  Teach all of our history to let our students know that we are matchless when it comes to fixing our shortcomings.  Most of all they (teachers’ unions) must divorce themselves from their marriage to the bible of Saul David Alinsky.  America’s Largest Teachers’ Union Votes to Help Members ‘Fight Back Against Anti-CRT Rhetoric’.

Embracing critical theory, teacher’s union says they — not parents — control what kids learn.

Frederick Douglass’ Other Fourth of July Speech Is Particularly Timely in 2021.

Rep. Byron Donalds writes in the Washington times that the Divisive critical race theory spits on the Civil Rights Movement.

Stop Gaslighting Parents on Critical Race Theory.

Another great opinion piece by Robert Knight writing for the Washington Times:  Democrats’ gaslighting of America: Read or watch the corrupt media at your own risk.

Is The United States Defined by 1619 Or 1776?

Happy birthday to a great and good nation, the USA.

Then you have the left:  Liberals, media turn July 4th into America bashfest.

Joe Concha Goes After the ‘Woke Mob’ At The New York Times For Calling the American Flag ‘Divisive’.

Why Parents Are in Court Over Online ‘Portal’ Where Students Anonymously Accuse Each Other.

The July 2, 2021 editorial in the New York Sun:  The Hamburger Court.

Is it possible to avoid this dire prediction?  Economist Nouriel Roubini warns of ‘train wreck’ stock market crash and ‘stagflation’.

How Biden’s corporate tax hikes will hurt working people.

Beware of the ‘economic transformation’ John Kerry is promising.

The Wall Street Journal (Subscription required) editorial says:  Defund Joe Biden’s IRS.

‘DC excuse-making’: Voters blame Biden and Democrats, not filibuster, for gridlock.


If you love your freedom and cherish all America offers there is nothing to celebrate about CCP’s 100th Anniversary.

The Chinese Communist Party at 100.

CCP at 100 Years: A Century of Killing and Deceit.

Top Wuhan Lab Scientist Is Connected to the Chinese Military.

From Dove to Hawk: Nebraska Governor Explains Lessons from Dealing with CCP.

William McGurn (WSJ Subscription required) asks the question:  Was Milton Friedman Wrong About China?

In Hong Kong, Pro-Democracy Newspaper Closes and Editor Is Arrested.

Iconic American Magazine Fails to Disclose CCP Funding in Latest Print Edition.

Dems Turn Major China Bill into Green Slush Fund.

Larry Kudlow writes in the New York Sun:  Biden’s Baking an Orwellian Upside-Down Cake of Taxes and Entitlements.

From the WSJ (subscription required) on 0628 2021: It’s the Entitlements, Stupid.

Also, in the WSJ (subscription required), Gerard Baker writes Progressives Disdain America but Love Being Free to Do So.

Biden’s Own Logic for an Iran Deal Is Unraveling Fast.

Biden Administration: Rewarding the Murderous Regime of Iran?

Paige Willey writes about  The Concierge of Decline.

Ilhan Omar Knows What She’s Doing.

No, Republicans are not defunding the police.

The New York Times Explains Why the Minimum Wage Should Be $0.00.  (Yes, you read that right.)

From the Washington Examiner:  NYC primary disaster could undermine Democratic argument for election overhauls.

His arrogance will not let him listen to the results from the latest Siena Poll: Most New Yorkers think Cuomo should not run again

Way overdue:  Assembly Judiciary to issue subpoenas, require sworn testimony.

Former President Donald J. Trump in his own words:  I built the wall; Biden built a humanitarian catastrophe.

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Tenney, House Republicans to Introduce ‘End Zuckerbucks Act’ Prohibiting Non-Profits from Donating to Election Organizations.

Rich Lowry writes in NR Plus (subscription may be required) The Absurdly Misleading Attacks on Anti-CRT Rules.

This is an understatement; read about the latest warning and decided for yourself:  Facebook’s Latest Warning to Users Is Creeping People Out.

Two wins from SCOTUS today:  Supreme Court Upholds Republican-Backed Arizona Voting Restrictions and Supreme Court says California rule requiring nonprofits to reveal donor names is unconstitutional.

Will someone file suit on this assault on the 2nd Amendment?  Pennsylvania Democrats to Propose Bullet Tax and Encoded Rounds to Track Ammo Owners.

Rest in Peace, Donald Rumsfeld.

Patriotism and Noble Deeds: The Pleasures of Life.

Fighting Back Against the Killjoys.

God Bless America as introduced by Kate Smith in 1938.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on If you love your freedom and cherish all America offers there is nothing to celebrate about CCP’s 100th Anniversary.

The progressive left is spinning out of control and the media is mesmerized by them.

Roe v. Wade’s antiquated law of ‘viability’ deadly for unborn infants.

Pelosi and Feinstein refuse to say if 15-week preborn baby is a human being.

From Joe Concha, opinion contributor for The Hill:  US just finished dead last among 46 countries in media trust — here’s why

The White House is trying to argue that Republicans support defunding the police. No, really

Report Reveals Albany’s Balanced Budget a Gimmick.

From the NY Post NY GOP leaders pick Lee Zeldin as ‘presumptive’ gov nominee after straw poll.

Gordon G. Change writes in Gatestone Institute:  Cut Off the Blood Supply to China’s Communist Party: End Trade.

Beijing Weaponizes Health Care and Mobile Apps to Target Individuals: Expert.

Conrad Black opines in the Epoch Times that A Tsunami of Crises About to Swamp Biden Administration.

Larry Kudlow writes in the NY Sun:  The Real Truth Behind the Biden Budget Double-Talk.

Victor Davis Hanson opines on the Assault on Meritocracy, Politicization of the Virus, and the ‘Platonic Noble Lie’.

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) writes:  ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ Is the Future.

How can the progressive left and President Joe Biden explain this (again a WSJ article; subscription required) Americans Are Leaving Unemployment Rolls More Quickly in States Cutting Off Benefits.

Scalise Reacts to Fauci’s Refusal to Testify About the Origins of Wuhan Coronavirus.

Dennis Prager’s common sense:  Be Safe: Don’t Visit Your Dying Parent. Don’t Leave Your House. Don’t Get Married. Don’t …

Another historical figure the youth can learn from:  Frédéric Bastiat on the Connection between Socialism, Communism, and Protectionism. I wonder if the “esteemed” Congresswoman (AOC) from the Bronx even knows who he is.

Interesting…will SCOTUS take this case?  Take the City of Tahlequah Case.

From the Daily Signal:  Justice Department’s Lawsuit Against Georgia Is Completely Partisan.

Tough Questions About Electric Vehicles Unasked, Unanswered by Green Left.

McAuliffe Calls Critical Race Theory a ‘Right-Wing Conspiracy.’ His Union Ally Says It’s Needed to ‘Teach the Truth’.  Terry McAuliffe was only 1 when Damn Yankees was released, but this statement certainly reminds me of the lead character, Joe Hardy,  and what he was willing to do to win at any cost.  Will McAuliffe be a modern day Joe Hardy?

Titus Livius’ insight is even more important today than it was when he lived.

Iran’s New President: A Mass Murderer MullahIran: Black Turban Follows White Turban;

From Gatestone Institute:  How China Sees It 

China’s Secrecy Affects US from the Daily Signal.

State Allows Psychiatric Facilities to Forcibly Vaccinate Patients Against COVID-19.

Election Integrity_ The Firewall That Keeps America Free.

Byron York’s Daily Memo: Biden’s reckless threat.

It really is a sad commentary on the Congresswoman’s district that this is the person who represents them in Congress:  AOC dismissed concerns about the surge in crime in major cities as “hysteria”. While it isn’t AOC’s district, it is her city.  Questions for AOC, is this how you bring back tourists?  Is this “hysteria”? Do you really think it should go unreported so you can deny the rising crime rates?  Innocent bystander shot in Times Square in broad daylight.  No one is out to create “hysteria” they are however out to help innocent victims from being hurt and to shine a light on that the progressive movement has wrought with their agenda of going easy on criminals.

By the way, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, perhaps you should read this:  44 Things You Should Know about the Green New Deal and this by John Stossel:  Debunking 2 Myths About Capitalism.

Larry Kudlow writes in the NY Sun: The Biden Bait-and-Switch on Infrastructure Is a Historic Double-Cross, Played Out in Public View.

Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times:  Tracking parents’ revolts against Marxist brainwashing from coast to coast.

Master’s Programs Are Breeding Ground for Critical Race Theory, Teacher Says.

Critical Race Theory Is Antithetical to Christianity, Black Pastor Says.

Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? Here Are 5 Things to Ask About.

From National Review:  Fighting the Great Derangement of Our Times/ Today’s woke agenda and the cancel-culture madness are weighing our societies down.

To say this is a disappointment is an understatement:  Supreme Court Declines to Take Up Transgender Bathroom Case, Leaving in Place Victory for Trans Student.  What message does this send to our youth?  Very disappointed that SCOTUS would not take up this case.

From the Daily Signal:  4 Keys to Understanding How Illegal Immigrants Fly to New Homes in America.

As far as I am concerned, this woman is really misguided as to what the Untied States Flag stands for, and it is regrettable that she chose, was not required, to compete to be on the US Olympic team.  Our US Flag represents the country that makes it possible for her to choose to compete, a country that recognizes a mistake then corrects it.  Why would you choose to represent the US in the Olympics, the make a mockery of the good America’s flag stands for?   Who is Gwen Berry, the Olympic hammer thrower who snubbed the US flag?

Lessons from Livy on How Great Civilizations Rise and Fall.

President Biden does not appreciate our Founding Fathers requiring the Second Amendment.

Through Q1, the post-pandemic income bounce was lower in NY than in most states.

From the Empire Center:  Remote Threat

How to Decimate Police Forces in Two Easy Steps.

Just when we need public safety, Dem elites have alienated cops nationwide.

Sabotaging the Poor, Selling Out for Politics

Tammy Bruce opines in the Washington Times:  Democrats replace city life with hellscapes.

Biden Reminds Gun Owners the Government Has Nuclear Weapons.

‘Zero Tolerance’ for Gun Dealers Who Break Law Under New 5-Point Plan: Biden.

The NY Post editorial ask an appropriate question after yesterday’s presser with President Biden:  Is no one going to mention how confusing and out of it Biden was?

Analysis says Biden’s tax plan will effectively cut lower- and middle-class wages.

A flat tax would collect more revenue than 85,000 added IRS agents.

Allison Schrager writes in City-Journal: Here Comes the Tax Man.

Media allowed itself to be duped by one man on COVID-19.

Rep. Mike Gallagher: Truth on COVID, China – here’s why world needs answers about what happened at Wuhan.

Fox News Poll: Majority believes COVID-19 leaked from lab in China.

NIH Deleted Data on Early Wuhan COVID Cases at Request of Chinese Researchers.

Footage of Bats Kept in Wuhan Lab Fuels Scrutiny Over Its Research.

Biden official faces GOP scrutiny over Bloomberg-paid state climate lawyers.

Deroy Murdock: Biden opposes the slavery of 1619-1865. So why does he enable the slavery of 2021?

Kamala Harris heading to border Friday after months of bipartisan criticism.

Gordon G. Chang writes in Gatestone Institute: Biden Never Learns: He Still Wants to Talk to China.

VICTOR JOECKS: Democrats’ flip-flopping on voter ID would make even John Kerry blush.

The Movement Against Critical Race Theory Is Deeply Necessary.

Critical Race Theory May Violate Civil Rights Act, the Constitution: Dr. Carol Swain.

Democrats will be running on their failures in the 2022 midterm elections.

Victor Davis Hanson asks the question: Why Are They Woke?

Michael Goodwin writes in the NY Post:  Joe Biden’s policy puts America last.

E.J. McMahon examines why Buffalo Goes Red.

‘I’m Not Going Back to Work’: Indiana Residents File Lawsuit After Governor Ends Unemployment Benefits.

Angelo Codevilla, a Senior Fellow of the Claremont Institute and professor emeritus of International Relations at Boston University writes that Restoring America requires dedicated citizens to re-found our Republic.

Former President Donald J. Trump acknowledges New York’s Conservative Party for their leadership.

The Backlash against Critical Race Theory Is Real.  “No matter how much progressives want to claim otherwise, parents are genuinely concerned about a divisive worldview being imposed on their children.”

The ‘kill whites’ psychiatrist and the high price of wokeness in medicine

Moms Must Keep Hammering School Boards Until Critical Race Theory Is Dead.

As local Conservative Party dumps Katko, Trump approves.  Here is what former President Trump wrote to Chairman Ment.

Fascinating – and educational for those of us who do not follow all that is happening in academia  —  article written by Heather MacDonald in the City-Journal:  Down a Black Hole/Even the hard sciences are no longer immune to the ongoing racial hysteria.  “Seeing specters of racism everywhere, the racial avengers are tearing down every institution associated with Western civilization, simply because of its “whiteness.” Science had stood as a guard against such metaphorical, magical thinking. Bit by bit, it is succumbing.”

David Bossie: Radical Dems attack Manchin – GOP should be ready to welcome West Virginia senator.

If anyone is surprised by this, they most likely believe President Biden will press China for the truth:  Chinese Propaganda Outlet Trots Out Anonymous Scientists to Combat Lab-Leak Theory.

Quashing H.R. 1 is Not Enough.

Angela Davis for Aunt Jemima: A Plan for Woke Product Packaging.

Fascism Is Socialism: Here’s The Proof.

This is certainly an eye opener:  Woke Ideology Mimics Precursors to Totalitarian Slaughter, Experts Say.

You do not matter to the Democratic Party:  Democrats promise to do it all despite dissension in the ranks.

Big spending is making our inflation problem worse.

Despite campaign promises, 60% could see tax increase under Biden proposals.

Read This Classical Economist’s 200 Year Old Warning About Paper Money.

Thieves now mock the rule of law in ‘progressive’ cities like San Francisco.

The Hill reports:  Rising violent crime poses new challenge for White House.

Left aims to defeat another pipeline, but Native American business leaders defend construction.

Empire Center Demands Dozens of Coronavirus Data Sets from the NYS DOH.

Tinkering with embryos up to a limit of 14 days is wrong. What happens when the limit vanishes?

Not quite “Tuesdays with Thomas Sowell” but it is Tuesday and this is about Thomas Sowell through the eyes of Jason Riley.


While Henry Wadsworth Longfellow died in 1882, his words of wisdom are essential today.

Our prosecutors are imperiling us.  Chairman Kassar’s statement can be read here.

‘No One Comes Through the Border Illegally Without the Cartels’ Authorization’: How Biden’s Policies Feed a Criminal Monopoly

‘In Spite of Rock and Tempest Roar’.

The tide is turning against the woke-liberal blob that misrules us.

Woke, Inc: Why I’m blowing whistle on how corporate America is poisoning society.

From Gatestone Institute:  China_ The Elephant in that Room in Cornwall .  Also, from Gatestone Institute:  The US-Backed Palestinian Human Rights Violations.

Hong Kong’s Experiment in Freedom Nears a Brutal End

Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times about Hunter Biden’s misdeeds stagger compared to Trump’s fake scandals.

New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ In COVID-19 Deaths.  (Our February 1, 2021 blog posting explained how Ivermectin could and had helped those with Covid-19)

In honor of Father’s Day, observed yesterday, Robert Knight wrote in the Washington Times that strong fathers desperately needed to steer families back toward personal responsibility.

Another 9-0 decision from the US Supreme Court:  Supreme Court Rules against NCAA in Athlete Compensation Dispute.

Let’s hope there is enough backlash from reasonable people who realize that the “cupboard is bare” to stop this:  Fourth stimulus check live updates: can it be approved in June? Tax refund, $3,600 Child Tax Credit portal –

Oh Joe, this is not how you fill the cupboard:  Biden’s top tax rate on capital gains, dividends would be among highest in developed world. Perhaps you should have a public auction for your son’s art to close the debt instead of Hunter selling them – at prices ranging up to half a million dollars – to anonymous buyers.

Where do they think the money is coming from:  Democrats eye major Medicare expansion as part of $6T reconciliation bill

The Empire Center is reporting on a Shadowy Non-Profit that Employs One-Fifth of the New York State Health Department Claims to Be Exempt from FOIL.

From City Journal:  All the Projection That’s Fit to Print/on the New York Times’s blindness to what it has become.  Also, from the City Journal:  Critical Race Theory and Academic Freedom.

From the Daily Signal:  How Zuckerberg Money Could Have Led to Biden Victory in Texas.

Without a doubt, this is the best idea of the year!  Dinesh D’Souza: Defund the Universities.


Statement from New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

For Immediate Release
June 21, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Statement from New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn, NY  –  “New York City has willfully surrendered to criminals under Mayor Bill de Blasio, tying the hands of police officers and dragging the five boroughs back into the chaos of the 1970’s and 80’s under the false name of ‘progress.’

“Now the Bronx and Manhattan district attorneys are in on the act, tossing out serious criminal cases involving looting, vandalism, and other street violence that occurred during anti-police protests last year.

The message this sends to would-be criminals is clear: crimes committed in the name of ‘progressive’ political speech will go unprosecuted, just like all the smaller offenses that officers are now instructed to ignore. Bronx DA Darcel Clark and Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr.  should reconsider their decision. A city with a sense of lawlessness is a lawless city.”



Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up Discusses Biden’s G7 Disaster, NYSBA Say’s Cuomo to Blame for Higher Death Rate and Reapportionment with John Faso

Biden’s G7 Disaster

President Joe Biden’s face-to-face meeting with Russia’s Vladimir Putin left much to be desired from our President—most notably strength and any understanding of just who Putin is.

While we could point to many instances in which Joe Biden seemed intimidated by Putin, perhaps the most troubling revelation was the list of 16 sectors given to Putin and described as off limits to cyberattack.

Russian cybercriminals are believed to be behind the recent attacks that targeted the Colonial Pipeline and the largest meat-processing company JBS Holdings.

The two companies paid out millions in ransom money to regain their operational systems. Now, Russia has essentially been given the green light to attack other systems without repercussion.

President Biden had the opportunity to show America, and the world, that he is physically and mentally capable of dealing with our adversaries with strength. Instead, he mumbled his way through press conferences and speeches while other world leaders, such as Putin, portrayed confidence and often times exhibited dismissive tones and body language to Biden.

The G7 ended just as it started for the Biden Administration—in disaster.

NYSBA Say’s Cuomo to Blame for Higher Death Rate

The New York State Bar Association found Governor Cuomo’s nursing home order added to the COVID-19 death rate and Cuomo’s claims otherwise are false and disproven in a recent report.

The 242-page report goes on to blast Cuomo for not reversing the Department of Health’s “unreasonable” mandate and declares the order lasted for many weeks beyond necessity, further contributing to the death count.

“The Department of Health issued a report in 2020 in which it argued unconvincingly that the admission of 6,326 COVID-positive residents during the period the Health directive was in effect had no impact. That cannot be the case, and has now been shown not to be the case” the report goes on to say.

This is yet another report from an independent group stating what we have all known from the early onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York State—Cuomo and his advisors did everything wrong and attempted to cover their tracks, digging them deeper and deeper into a dark hole of coverups and lies.

Reapportionment with John Faso

I was pleased former Congressman John Faso took the time to join me to discuss reapportionment, a topic on many minds as we inch closer to the 2022 state and congressional election cycle.

John is an expert on the process and our sit down dives into the details of how the committee is selected and what they take into consideration when drawing the district lines.

For the interview in its entirety, click here where you will find the video pinned to the top of our Facebook page.

Biden dumping illegal migrants around the nation without notice

FLASHBACK: Biden appeared to have no idea what Juneteenth was just one year ago

US Reliance on Russian Oil Surges to Record High Amid Tensions

WATCH: Illinois father gives STRONG rebuke of critical race theory at local school board meeting


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up Discusses Biden’s G7 Disaster, NYSBA Say’s Cuomo to Blame for Higher Death Rate and Reapportionment with John Faso