Author: Shaun Marie

Why is it that elected officials forget/ignore that they work for us?

If anyone thought things would change in New York with Andrew Cuomo gone, you were sadly mistaken.  Gov. Hochul apparently has the same disdain for the First Amendment that made Andrew Cuomo so arrogant and self-righteous.  NY Governor Calls on Facebook to Crack Down on Pro-Lifers.  Governor Hochul: New Yorkers do not have the patience for another elected official who believes they are morally superior to those they serve.

FEC defends Twitter over Hunter Biden censorship in a decision based on lies.

The Myth That Hurricanes Are Getting Worse (Because of Climate Change).

Biden’s clashes with own experts over COVID booster shots undermine promise to ‘follow the science’

House Progressives Unveil Massive Multi-Trillion-Dollar Tax Hike—Here’s How It’ll Impact You.

Don’t Lose the Forest Through the Trees: Tax Hikes Will Harm the Economy and American Workers

Rich Lowry opines in the NY Post:  Dems’ bid to tax $2.2T from rich and big biz will be middle class warfare.

Charles C. W. Cooke writes:  Dear Democrats: Kill the Spending Bill.

Larry Kudlow asks the question:  Could Common Sense Yet Prevail Over Biden’s Plan for Taxing and Spending?

Blinken hearing: Democrats rush to defend Biden’s deadly Afghanistan withdrawal.

Republicans Grill Blinken on Afghanistan, Democrats Blame Trump.

Blinken left tongue-tied over Hunter Biden question during House hearing.

Blinken slammed for testifying virtually: ‘Couldn’t be bothered to come down here’.

Blinken faces Congress on Afghanistan withdrawal amid GOP criticism.

Blinken Admits: ‘Several Thousand’ Americans Stranded Behind Enemy.

Rep. Lee Zeldin Has a Suggestion for Blinken on How He Can Show Leadership.

Top Democrat Blasts Defense Secretary After Failing to Show Up for Testimony.

Senate Democrats unveil new voting rights bill.

Giving the Taliban International Legitimacy Would Be a Disastrous Mistake

Nearly 8 Million Illegal Immigrants to Get Amnesty Under Biden’s Budget Resolution Says House GOP.

Dinesh D’Souza opines on 4 Glaring Inconsistencies in progressive and liberal condemnation of the Texas (pro-baby) law.

Wokeness: An Evil of Our Age.

I’m not a big fan of Bill Maher, but lately he is saying somethings I agree with:  Bill Maher Hits NFL Over Black National Anthem Performance: ‘We Should Have One National Anthem’.

Enjoy this incredible half-time tribute by the Michigan Marching Wolverines performed on Sept 11. 2021.

Catching up…

Today’s Daily Update attempts to catch up on the last few weeks with the following articles you may have missed.  Since there are so many articles (some will make you remember 9/11’s terror and some will hopefully make you realize how great our America is) I’ve kept commentary to a minimum.  For those who did not know the late Paul Harvey (perhaps the original Rush Limbaugh), there is an awesome link at the end.

What Made Them Do Their Duty? At the Twin Towers, cops and firemen showed they really were New York’s Finest, New York’s Bravest.

Protecting New York/Born in the ashes of 9/11, the NYPD’s counterterrorism program remains the envy of the world.

Year 20

9/11 memorials are a reminder of how far the country has fallen: Devine.

Gov. Kathy Hochul takes a sharp turn left.

ICYMI:   Rep./Cons Gubernatorial hopeful writes in the NY Post:  10 steps Gov. Kathy Hochul should take to get New York moving in the right direction.

Deroy Murdock: Nice guy Joe Biden has morphed into a mean man who is calculating, callous and cruel.

Republicans in Congress, Statehouses decry Biden vaccine mandate.

Biden’s employer vaccine mandate will make our hiring crisis even worse.

From ‘trust the science’ to ‘trust the tyrants’.

It’s now obvious that Biden doesn’t even want to stop the ever-growing border surge.

‘Build back’ blunder: The U.S. economy is worsening under Biden’s watch.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) House Democrats Consider 26.5% Corporate Tax Rate  Related article from The Hill:  House Democrats eye 26.5 percent corporate tax rate.

Biden’s Ammunition Ban Is Part Of The Left’s Plot To Disarm Americans.

CDC needs to leave guns alone, stick to diseases.

Unpacking the first eight months of the country’s most self-destructive presidency.

How Kabul became an evacuation bottleneck and a prime terror target: The Last 96.

Team Biden’s lies pile up as Taliban hold abandoned Americans hostage.

Afghan Fallout: Biden Ruins America’s Most Important Relationship — India.

What Should the World Expect of Gifting Afghanistan to Fundamentalists?

This is President Biden’s bid to destroy our military by removing patriots and replacing with those who are “woke.”  Absolutely shameful action by the Commander-in-chief and those who will do their best to make it happen have a special place in Dante’s Inferno!!!!  Biden White House moves to oust Trump appointees from advisory boards.

Biden Is Stuck in a Bind of His Own Making.

Democrats make case to Senate parliamentarian for 8 million green cards.

Covering up Fauci’s role in COVID leak: Devine.

Fauci-Funded Wuhan Lab Viruses 10,000 Times Stronger Than Usual, Documents Show.

Biden Letting China Get Away with Crime of the Century.

Is the U.S. Intelligence Community Putting the World at Risk?

Leftists Put Trigger Warnings on Founding Documents.

Larry Kudlow opines on the Sum of All Fears and The Democrats’ Leviathan Is on the Loose.

Conservatives Can and Must Save America From Biden.

Conservative principles demand we restrain government.

Democratic leaders betting Manchin will back down in spending fight.  I must ask, is the reason why they are betting on Sen. Manchin’s backing down because President Joe Biden appointed Gayle Conelly Manchin the federal co-chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission which pays $160,000 a year?  This is the latest regarding Sen. Joe Manchin:  Manchin says he can’t support Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending plan.  Good for him, one should respect a man who will not allow himself to be bullied by his fellow democrats; send him a message to stand strong, after all, it is your money they are talking about!  Hey Sen. Sanders:  It is your obsession with government spending that is not acceptable.     Last time I checked, you and I live in America, not your favorite communist Cuba!

Antifa Teacher’s Indoctrination Attempts Should Outrage—and Mobilize—Public School Parents.

Islam and Its White Slaves.

Texas Gets Election Reform Right, ‘Mainstream’ Media Gets It Wrong.

18 States Passed Election Reforms This Year. Here’s What They Did.

Texas Heartbeat Law Is Now in Effect. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Dems’ #TexasTaliban slander of pro-lifers is downright obscene.

Victor Davis Hanson: Our new woke Pentagon is hell-bent on losing America’s trust – and wars.

Does America Still Work?

Michelle Malkin opines about Ivermectin: Horse Hockey Versus Truth.

Delta is Dying/New CDC findings show that we’re closer than ever to the end of the pandemic.

How Society’s Search for Identity Spurred Sexual Revolution, Gender Ideology.

From National Review:  What Would Frank Say?

Justice Breyer issues warning on remaking Supreme Court: ‘What goes around comes around’

The Convocation Address You Will Never Hear Delivered.

Remembering Paul Harvey’s Optimism, Wisdom, and Common Sense.  Be sure to click on to his masterpiece “If I were the devil.”

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Additional 12,000 New York Covid Deaths 

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Additional 12,000 New York Covid Deaths 

 August 25, 2021

“Governor Kathy Hochul’s admission that 12,000 more New Yorkers have perished from Covid-19 than previously reported — bringing the current grim tally to more than 55,000 — begs the question: Why is she only telling us now?

“Governor Hochul served as New York’s Lt. Governor from 2015 until yesterday, and, as the state’s second in command, she clearly had to know — or should have known — the true Covid death toll in the state. So why did she stay silent as Governor Cuomo hid these numbers? Did her pledge to be transparent begin only yesterday?”




These are troubling times…but Americans can and will recapture what made us the inspiration for so many throughout our history.

So typical of Andrew Cuomo:  Disgraced Gov. Andrew Cuomo decries ‘unfair’ treatment as he bids farewell.  Bye Andy, you won’t be missed.

All eyes are on Afghanistan but the border crisis hasn’t gone away.

From the Gatestone Institute:  Night Falls on Afghanistan: Again.

Massive veterans group uses intel, satellite images to direct Afghan interpreters around Taliban checkpoints.

Iran Mullahs Closer Than Ever to Obtaining Nuclear Weapons.

Gordon Chang: China-Taliban connection – we must hold Beijing accountable for Afghan militants’ crimes.

As a person who loves and respects America, it saddens me to link to this article.  I did not vote for Joe Biden, we disagree on most policy issues almost all the time, yet, seeing this headline, grieves me. Today’s world that has seen far too much terrorism and the debacle happening in Afghanistan now, tells our enemies that we are weak.   Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal shows a disengaged, befuddled president.  We did not become the beacon of freedom because we had a president so disengaged from his own appointees that he overrides their advice.  Americans must come together and save our nation from the possibility of another catastrophic September 11th attack on our land or any other place.  Graham Allen lays it out well in his accurate and excellent August 21 Op-Ed in the NY Post:  Our polarized country needs to rebuild the unity we felt on Sept. 12, 2001 for if we don’t, America will collapse from within.

The First Step in Saving Our Military.

Guy Benson writes in  The ‘Science’ Behind School Masking Suffers Another Blow.

Well, this is unsettling:  Nearly 15 Million Mail-in-Ballots Unaccounted for in 2020 Election, Report Says.

It’s still true: the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

While all the news these days are discouraging and gloomy, remember this:  Freedom Always Wins.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on These are troubling times…but Americans can and will recapture what made us the inspiration for so many throughout our history.

God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her, Through the night with the light from above.

Heastie’s Role in Nursing Home Scandal Hangs Over His Decision to End Cuomo Impeachment Proceedings.

Kathy Hochul should probe Cuomo’s COVID nursing home scandal, report says (This is the report described in the NY Post article ‘Like fire through dry grass’.)

There was a time when Harvard was the platinum standard of Ivy League colleges, now one must question why anyone would want to go to Harvard!  And question why alumni continue to support a college that is out of sync with the majority of society.

China is already taking advantage of Biden’s bungling of Afghanistan.

A Chinese Warning for U.S. Tech.

Two Intelligence Failures by America’s Leaders.

So, we’re just trusting the Taliban not to kill Americans now?

Congress poised to grill Biden officials on messy Afghanistan exit.

Biden panned for ‘shameful’ comments on Afghan withdrawal during ABC interview: ‘It’s really bad.’

Damning pic of a weak leader: Devine.

Stunning, shameful admission.  Secretary of Defense: ‘I Don’t Have the Capability’ to Escort Stranded Americans to Kabul Airport.  Only topped by this disgraceful admission by the Biden Administration.  If Joe Biden had been president during World War II, America and her allies would not have had the fortitude to defeat her enemies.  Pray that America can withstand the onslaught of our enemies for the next 1251 days.   Walt Kelly (“Pogo’s” creator) paraphrased Oliver Hazard Perry’s words to General William Henry Harrison: “We have met the enemy, and they are ours” with “We have met the enemy and it is us.” Unfortunately, these words are an accurate assessment of today’s turmoil caused by our own Commander-in-Chief.

Biden WH memo before Taliban takeover sought to end protections for Americans trapped abroad.

Billions in US weaponry seized by Taliban.

Biden Reveals How Many American Citizens Might Still Be in Afghanistan.

Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster Has Left the West Defenseless against Islamist Terrorists.

Biden’s Appalling Mistake is a Watershed for the West.

Afghanistan withdrawal: Biden continues bunker strategy after widely panned ABC interview.  “The president took all public remarks, press briefings and press conferences off his schedule as he and his administration deal with the blowback from their botched troop withdrawal that saw Kabul fall into the hands of the Taliban.”

Biden has set the inflation time bomb.

Larry Kudlow writes about The Secret of Statecraft That the Gipper Understood and Biden Fails to Grasp.

Despite all the rhetoric from the left, Poll finds growing support for voter ID requirements.

We have recommended Stephen Moore’s Committee to Unleash Prosperity in the past, but in case you did not sign up for their emails, August 18th was another excellent piece.  Click here for the newsletter for useful tidbits from the political and financial world.  (Number 3 focuses on one of the sad legacies for New York.)

“God Bless America” performed by the West Point Band.  Thank you to all have served, who are serving and who will serve, we are forever indebted to all of you.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her, Through the night with the light from above.

Unless lighting strikes, the good news is Cuomo will be out of office in 6 days; but, the bad news is Biden still has 1254 days until he is out of office.

From the New York Sun: Obituary for Afghanistan

Afghanistan falls in chaos: Five takeaways.

Biden Defends Afghanistan Pullout amid Chaos in Kabul, Acknowledges Taliban Takeover Caught U.S. by Surprise.

Then there is this:  Report Reveals Just How Much Biden Lied to Us on Afghanistan.  From National Review:  Intel Agencies Warned of Afghan Collapse as Biden Publicly Downplayed Possibility

Biden vs. Biden: Speech defending bungled Afghan exit exposes inconsistency and inaccuracy.

From Politico:  What Biden lost in Afghanistan.

Gatestone Institute:  From Biden to the Taliban with Love.

Biden shifts blame for Afghanistan falling to Taliban.

Biden looks weak, makes American look even weaker.

Fall of Afghanistan Seen as Historic Failure for Biden.

Here’s What You Need to Know About the Situation in Afghanistan.

Pollster: Biden receives F grade from independents for Afghanistan speech.

Was this reporter actually watching Biden’s remarks or drinking the spiked “Kool-Aid” he was selling?  MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: ’95 percent of Americans Will Agree’ with Biden’s Afghanistan Remarks.

Taliban leader released from Gitmo under President Obama


Pentagon Warns of Worsening Terrorist Threat After Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan

Ex-SEAL who killed bin Laden blasts Biden, calls on Gen. Milley to resign.

Unfortunately, there are 1245 days left in the Biden Administration

Cuomo may, make that should, face more alleged misconduct: Assembly asked to investigate botched handling of ethics case involving ex-Cuomo aide.

How toxic is Andrew Cuomo now?  Enough to have a top PR firm scrub took steps to distance itself from scandal-plagued Cuomo.

Churchill: Fear of further revelations spurred Cuomo to quit.

Look Who’s Pushing Socialist, Racist, Gender-Fluid Education.

How 2 Unconventional Education Styles Fostered a Love for America’s Founding.

Are These 7 LGBT ‘Kids’ Books in Your Child’s Classroom or School Library?

‘Squad’ Member Who Wanted to ‘Cancel Rent’ Received Thousands in Rental Income in 2020.

Pro-lifers for choice are dangerous.

Roe v Wade got its legal history wrong, say experts.

‘I think more about what I can do than my limitations’

What I learned about victimhood while writing a book on successful people with disabilities.

The Orwellian manipulation of the words ‘assisted dying’

A superb video dissection of critical race theory.

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”  Edmund Burke.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Unless lighting strikes, the good news is Cuomo will be out of office in 6 days; but, the bad news is Biden still has 1254 days until he is out of office.

The chaos in Afghanistan was foreseeable, but the Biden Administration was and is clueless choosing to deflect its defects on others.

Biden to Address Nation (at 3:45) as Afghanistan Withdrawal Spirals into Chaos

Afghanistan…this never should have happened this way.  U.S. Evacuation Flights Out of Kabul Temporarily Halted amid Tarmac Chaos.

Miranda Divine writes:  Joe Biden’s defeat will echo for eternity.

Mainstream media crushes Biden for ‘flat-footed,’ ‘humiliating’ betrayal of Afghans as Taliban takes control.

Obama-era Afghanistan ambassador has ‘grave questions’ about Biden’s ‘ability to lead’ US.

Taliban seize power as Washington debates what went wrong.

Another Biden disaster to destabilize the United States:  Biden’s Plan To Outsource The U.S. Oil And Gas Industry.

Joe Biden isn’t the next FDR, he’s the next Jimmy Carter.

White House Refuses Transparency: ‘We Are Not Going to Be Providing’ Info on Who Biden Meets in Delaware.

In case you missed this:  Democrats’ Radical $3.5 Trillion Agenda.    Forty years later, what would Reagan think?

Last week our daily update believed Andrew Cuomo was in denial; however, after his interview with the New Yorker, this writer believes the man is truly delusional and dangerous.  The man stated “I’m not gonna drag the state through the mud, through a three-month, four-month impeachment, and then win, and have made the State Legislature and the state government look like a ship of fools, when everything I’ve done all my life was for the exact opposite,” Cuomo continued. “I’m not doing that. I feel good. I’m not a martyr. It’s just, I saw the options, option A, option B.”  Wow!  Cuomo’s arrogance, egotism and condescension is beyond description.  If he believes what he said, he must never be elected to any position, including, but not limited to, dog catcher. And if his brother Chris advised him that voters would believe his over confident statement, then simply put, they – voters – do not understand the responsibility they have in placing people in elective office.

Michael Goodwin writes:  So long to this at-odds couple.

ICYMI: Bob McManus writes in the City-Journal:  Scores Soon to Be Settled.

Cuomo impeachment probe suspended after governor resigns despite ‘credible’ evidence of wrongdoing.

Assembly judiciary committee members demand publishing of Cuomo’s impeachment investigation

This is an article from the Albany Times Union that was updated this morning:  Assemblyman: Judiciary report on Cuomo to come.

Charting American Decline.

Communist China Continues Illegal Actions in the South China Sea.

China’s Xenophobic Plan to Shut Out the World

Do Masks Work? A review of the evidence.

Here is an OP-ED from the Wall Street Journal (subscription required)  written by Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis:  Big Tech Acts Like Big Brother which mentions the Conservative Party. (You can go to our @cpnys page to read, if you do not have a subscription to WSJ)

Sometimes you need a break from politics; this is that break. (Thank you, Carl)

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds. Samuel Adams  1722-1803, American revolutionary

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The chaos in Afghanistan was foreseeable, but the Biden Administration was and is clueless choosing to deflect its defects on others.

Term limits needed now more than ever…

Governor Cuomo’s resignation must not be the end of the impeachment process nor the other investigations that are ongoing.  His resignation announcement was pathetic; a disservice to all New Yorkers and to put it bluntly a crock of manure.  New Yorkers must not accept his resignation as enough penance for all that he has done to undermine quality of life for all New Yorkers and especially those who had the fortitude to come forward. 

Lest we forget:  Some 15,000 dead seniors and 11 harassment victims later, Andrew Cuomo finally resigns in disgrace as New York governor.

E.J. McMahon writes in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required): Andrew Cuomo Is Gone, His Economic Mismanagement Not Forgotten.

Ronan Farrow writes about Andrew Cuomo’s War Against a Federal Prosecutor in the New Yorker.

Read this article before you believe that the incoming governor will solve New York’s problems.  Did she write her own press releases, or did the current governor’s machine write and issue for her?  Either way it is a problem for her.  For years, Kathy Hochul praised creepy Andrew Cuomo as a protector of women.  What is telling in this article is the last sentence, “Reps for Hochul did not immediately respond to requests for comment.”

From the Albany Times Union:  Hochul plots course as incoming governor after Cuomo’s resignation/ Says her administration will never be called “toxic.”  Did anyone expect her to say it would be toxic?  Amazing how one could be involved with the Cuomo Administration and not be aware of the toxicity permeating on the 2nd Floor of the State Capitol…Albany has never been known as a place where “secrets” are secret.  The Cuomo Administration was well known for its bullying tactics, in fact he was quite proud of them.

Hochul promises to ‘fight like hell’ for New York…like she did when she dutifully praised the governor as a protector of women?

In case you want to know what happens to The Gov’s pension.

Empire Center Appeals COVID FOIL Request Delays.

America needs term limits in every level of government!!

Some background:  “Washington’s voluntary decision to decline a third term was also seen by many people as a safeguard against the type of tyrannical power yielded by the British crown during the Colonial era.”

“… talk about a presidential term-limits amendment started in 1944 when Republican candidate Thomas Dewey said a potential 16-year term for Roosevelt was a threat to democracy. In a speech in Buffalo on October 31, 1944, Dewey said, “four terms or sixteen years is the most dangerous threat to our freedom ever proposed. That is one reason why I believe that two terms must be established as the limit by constitutional amendment.”  The 22nd Constitutional Amendment was introduced March 24, 1947 and became law on February 27, 1951.

Charles Ellis Schumer was born November 23, 1950, graduated as valedictorian, went on to Harvard and Harvard Law School and earned his law degree in 1974, passed the bar in 1975 but never practiced law. He was first elected in 1974 and has held elected office since then.   His only job outside of being an elected official was during high school.  (New York Senator Chuck Schumer actually worked for Kaplan – his first job – spinning off test prep materials on the mimeograph machine.)  Sen. Schumer’s father owned a small exterminating business that young Schumer thought was a huge albatross around his neck.   Obviously, it was hard work, long days, little time off as anyone who owns their own business knows.  That and his only job apparently soured the soon to be US Senator on being his own entrepreneur, like  Bill Gates, Peter Theil, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk,  and the countless others that have created businesses providing jobs for others.  Senator Charles Schumer never had to meet a payroll, pay for health insurance, create an atmosphere that supported what made the greatest nation in the world; he chose to be an elected official and tell us how we must use our hard earned paychecks…every day since 1974!

If ever there was a person that personified the need for term limits it is the current Majority Leader of the US Senate.

The Washington Examiner opines about Biden’s radical remaking of America.

Driving another nail into America’s coffin:  Biden to deliver ‘forceful’ call for Congress to lower drug prices.

Producer prices soar 7.8% annually in July, most on record

China: Crisis-Testing US Presidents.

Europe: Mass Protests Against Covid-19 Vaccine ‘Passports’

Infrastructure Bill Implements Green New Deal Via Corporate Welfare.

Soccer Legend Carli Lloyd Stands for America In An Era So Few Top Athletes Will.

From The Fulcrum:  Claims of voter suppression in newly enacted state laws don’t all hold up under closer review.

Start the countdown: 14 days from today Governor Andrew Cuomo will be former Governor Cuomo!

Start the countdown:  14 days from today Governor Andrew Cuomo will be former Governor Cuomo!  Read Chairman Kassar’s statement here.  Watch Andrew Cuomo’s disingenuous resignation speech here.

“Two more women approached the state Attorney General’s Office with allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo after Attorney General Letitia James released her sexual harassment report against him last week,” reported the evening edition’s NY Post of August 9. 2021.

Tom Precious writes in the Buffalo News:  Assembly to move ‘with all due haste’ in impeachment process against CuomoThe question becomes will they since they are supposedly investigating other potential crimes or will they be spineless and let others do the work they are charged with. 

Cuomo detractors say resignation shouldn’t be end of scandal, governor should be ‘prosecuted and arrested.

One awful bill, one terrible bill: Hope that Dems’ double-dealing dooms them both.

Sen. Bill Hagerty writes in the Washington Examiner:  We must rein in partisan government spending.

The 18 RINO’s (or GOP surrender monkeys, as Mr. Moore calls them) who voted to invoke cloture (and move the bill through the Senate) are listed here in Stephen Moore’s Committee to Unleash Prosperity.     His essays always have very useful information; you can sign up at the bottom of the column.

Here are the key parts of Democrats’ $3.5T budget resolution they aim to pass without Republican votes.

Dem Budget Includes Green Card Giveaway, Mass Amnesty.  “The new budget proposal from Senate Democrats will dramatically increase the number of available green cards and include amnesty for illegal immigrants, according to an official fact sheet on the $3.5 trillion budget circulated by leadership.”

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik joined Maria Bartiromo on this past weekend on ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ on business in China, infrastructure bill.

The Children of H&M.  A woke corporate ad campaign shows that there are many ways to exploit the young.

Will Governor Andrew Cuomo survive his decent down the rabbit hole he generated?

Gov. Cuomo making last-ditch attempt to avoid impeachment.

Watch the Press Conference regarding the articles of impeachment against NY Gov. Cuomo after the Judiciary Committee Meeting earlier today.

When Alan Chartock writes this headline – Alan Chartock: Cuomo brought this upon himself – the Governor knows he has a real problem.

‘What he did to me was a crime’: Cuomo accuser goes public with groping allegations.

Cuomo top aide Melissa DeRosa resigns as governor faces potential impeachment.

Even Peter Lucas of the Boston Herald understands the arrogance of Governor Andrew Cuomo:  Lucas: Don’t expect arrogant Gov. Cuomo to go quietly.

Nine (other) scandals of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo

E. J. McMahon explains in the City-Journal the Anatomy of an Albany Budget Blowout.

While allegedly harassing women, Cuomo also abused state resources.

Seth Barron opines in the NY Post:  Good riddance to fake-moderate Cuomo, but beware hard left’s pounce

From the Gatestone Institute:  To Biden Administration: No Visa, No Negotiations with Iran Regime’s Mass Murderer.

New CDC Data Eviscerates Their Narrative on Mask Mandates for the Vaccinated.

It was only a matter of time:  Female Inmate Pregnant After Being Forced to Share Prison with Biological Men Claiming to Be Transgender.

Buttigieg defends infrastructure bill after analysis shows $351B in deficit spending.

Congress Continues Spending Spree with Irresponsible Infrastructure Deal

Fact-Checking 4 Claims About COVID-19 in Florida Spike.

Why the Border Crisis Is Here to Stay.

Ben Shapiro Masterfully Breaks Down Critical Race Theory on Real Time with Bill Maher.

Judge Defends Equal Justice Against Tide of Critical Race Theory, Disparate Impact.  Kudos to Judge Ho.

CRT Shares the Same Ideology as China’s Cultural Revolution, Chinese American Warns.

Alveda King: Critical race theory – why it’s absolutely critical to know these facts.

Bias by Omission: 1619 Project Ignores Democratic Party’s History of Racism.

Once renowned for its fierce protection of the privacy of their users, Apple now plans to scan your iPhone.   Watchdogs Sound Alarm After Apple Reveals Plan to Upload Software To iPhones That Scans User’s Photos.

Inflation and the Price of Goods: What to Buy Now and What to Avoid.

Eric Blair forewarned us 72 years ago…can the predictions in his novel be avoided?

Shameful does not eve begin to describe what President Biden did Tuesday!  “The bulk of the constitutional scholars say it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster,” he confessed.  I never thought I would hear those words from the President of the United States of America; that is a response one expects from the “presidents” of Venezuela, Russia, Iran or any government that does not respect the rule of law.

Our nation is clearly on track to lose the very essence of what made us the beacon of freedom to the rest of the world; the fact that we have established rules of laws that our elected officials take an oath to uphold.  When the Commander-in-Chief stand at a podium and says ““The bulk of the constitutional scholars say it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster,” then pushes his Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to ban evictions once again — knowing full well he was likely breaking the law and violating his oath of office; the highest elected official in the United States of America blatantly ignores his oath of office.  America wake up! We are a nation of laws and when the most powerful man in America makes a mockery of our them how can we expect to have the citizenry to respect our constitutional republic ‘s laws?  (Note the increase in crime throughout the United States of America.)

Ronald Reagan said ““I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the Democratic Party left me,” years before “The Squad” took over the Democratic Party.  The New York Times recently (July 28, 2021) ran a guest editorial by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, a journalist who has written extensively about citizenship, that bellowed the following headline: There Is No Good Reason You Should Have to Be a Citizen to Vote. The Biden Administration warned Cubans and Haitians fleeing by boat against traveling to US while little to no restrictions are placed on the cartels smuggling people across our southern border.

Our national debt is worse than what is being reported, yet “the Squad” demands more – determined to destroy the nation that has given the world so many advances in its standard of living while maintaining the mantle of oligarchs they believe they, and only they, are entitled to wear.

History – when reported/taught honestly – acknowledges that collapse of a nation comes from within. America has been the beacon of freedom since its birth, but those who seek to destroy this great nation (the elitist oligarchs) are becoming stronger and may soon have the strength to extinguish our beacon of hope and freedom.

President Joe Biden, sadly for us – those who love and respect America —  your place in history will not be among the leaders that future generations will want to emulate.

The 1619 Project Conveniently Overlooks Racist Past of The Democratic Party.

Small-Time Landlords ‘Hanging on by Their Fingernails’ as Eviction Moratorium Drags On.

Everyone’s deserted you, Creep Cuomo. It’s over. Just go.

Andrew Cuomo faces near-certain impeachment if he doesn’t quit, then state Senate trial

ICYMI:  ‘I Love Representing The U.S.’: American Wrestler Gives Patriotic Victory Speech After Winning Gold Medal.

ICYMI:  One of the best monologues I have ever watched, thank you Ben Domenech!  Scroll down to the bottom and watch the full monologue; it is well worth the 7 and a half minutes.

Eric Blair forewarned us 72 years ago…can the predictions in his novel be avoided?

Statement from State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on New York City Vaccine Card Requirement

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on New York City Vaccine Card Requirement

August 4, 2021

“Mayor Bill de Blasio’s punitive and impractical vaccine card requirement for entering restaurants and theaters is bound to create confusion and hostility among New Yorkers and the businesses that serve them.  Civil liberties aside — and there are serious issues at stake here — vaccine cards are easily forgeable and shop owners can’t be expected to be able to verify them. The expense of hiring extra personnel to check cards, moreover, is more than many of these restaurants can financially endure.

“The mayor’s plan also defies logic: if both vaccinated and unvaccinated New Yorkers can pass along Covid-19 to others, what would this plan accomplish other than punish New Yorkers who choose not to be vaccinated?

“New Yorkers can also expect the de Blasio plan to creep into all areas of private business. What’s starting at restaurants and theaters may soon logically expand into every type of shop and office. Inside space is inside space, no? Do we really want to live that way?

“Underage New Yorkers used to flock to underground shops in Times Square and other places to buy fake paper driver’s licenses to get them into bars. Next, entrepreneurs will be selling fake vaccine cards — guaranteed.

“This is an ill-conceived idea that will put an unworkable burden on businesses, drive a wedge between city residents, and kickstart new underground forgery businesses. New York doesn’t want any of those things. Mayor de Blasio should scrap this plan before it begins.”
