Author: Shaun Marie

President Biden should go back to his basement…we were safer when all he did just troll Facebook.

So, where’s The Post’s Pulitzer for Hunter Biden exposé?: Goodwin.

Leaked Border Patrol docs show mass release of illegal immigrants into US by Biden administration

Biden threatens to call out companies that don’t help end supply bottlenecks.  Hmmm, maybe he should turn to his friend, Mark Zuckerberg (who) spent $419M on nonprofits ahead of 2020 election — and got out the Dem vote, and have him end the supply bottlenecks. If Zuckerberg can get the Dems out to vote, shouldn’t he be able to get them the supplies they need from Biden’s best buddy, China?

Biden’s Pro-Communist Nominee.

He really does live in his own little world:  Biden praises supply chain team even as White House fails to guarantee arrival of Christmas presents.

The Memo: Troubles pile up for Biden.

A supply chain bottleneck/Biden administration buries its head in the sand, lies about inflation concerns.

How Zuck’s Bucks helped flip Wisconsin for Joe Biden after Hillary’s 2016 defeat.

Mr. President, what is your response to this?  More than 100K workers threaten strikes as unions flex muscles.

Producer inflation sets record for sixth straight month.

One can’t help but worry that the Biden Administration will fail at this also:  White House brings together 30 nations to combat ransomware.

From the Daily Signal:  Biden’s Taxes Hit Americans at the Top and Bottom.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  Oil Prices and Bad Policy/A Biden ban on oil exports would make the supply shortage worse.

Obama Economic Advisor: Buckle Up, Inflation Will Get Out of Control Thanks to a Woke Fed

Any wonder why we don’t trust the news:  Katie Couric: I withheld RBG’s harsh anthem-kneeling comments to ‘protect’ her.

Just in case you didn’t know what this phrase means, Larry Kudlow explains that ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Is America’s Cry of Sanity as the Country Seems To Be Going Nuts.

“YIKES”: Fresh Fauci E-Mails Show NIAID Chief & Wife’s Flippancy Over Vaccine Deaths, More Interested in “Immortalizing” Him.

How Are the Billions in Emergency Aid to New York Being Spent?

From City-Journal:  When Cops Kill/Claims of systematic racial bias don’t stand up to empirical evidence.  Also, from City/Journal:  What Is Critical Race Theory, Really?/And why that’s often the wrong question.

Schools Group That Urged Attorney General’s Anti-Parent Initiative Has Ties to Democrats, Unions

From The Sun:  A Radical Dissent by Justice Clarence Thomas Offers a Reproach to Merrick Garland.

After 30 years, Clarence Thomas now ‘the most important justice’.

Merrick Garland’s Conflict…

NY Post editorial 1021 2021: Scandals from top to bottom in Joe Biden’s cabinet of horrors

Threatening Memo From Attorney General Merrick Garland to Parents Comes With Serious Conflict of Interest.

AG Merrick Garland is at war with American families: Devine.

From the WSJ (subscription required) Merrick Garland Has a List, and You’re Probably on It.

Terrible news on jobs is plainly on Biden, but he just shrugs.

Larry Kudlow writes that we should Take a Second Look at the Jobs Report — Private Sector Jobs Are Booming.

Confronting a Financial Assault on America’s Future.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Halts Work-Site Immigration Enforcement Operations.

Joe Biden must stand up to China after latest threats to Taiwan.

What Does Joe Biden’s Health Have to Do with the Future of Taiwan?

Stop making excuses for Joe Biden — he’s the one to blame for his far-left agenda.

Biden Finds Himself Crosswise With American Common Sense.

Biden’s history of plagiarism continues:  Biden says he ‘started the vaccination program’ despite Trump rollout.

Really, how low can Hunter go?  Art gallery repping Hunter Biden received $500K federal COVID loan, records show.

White House throws up its hands at new questions on Hunter Biden’s ‘art’ scam.

De Blasio’s bid to kill Gifted & Talented programs must not stand.

Parents rip de Blasio for ‘abominable’ plan to end Gifted and Talented program.

Expanding school choice with vouchers could actually save NY big bucks.

Aren’t you happy to know that Governor Hochul is governing by protecting the safety of New York’s law abiding citizens?  How foolish of me to believe she is… At least 9 Rikers inmates recently freed by Gov. Hochul have been rearrested.

NY’s leaders have blood on their hands in the death of Maria Ambrocio — just as we warned.

Look who just woke up to the spike in NYC murders.

Progressive drug laws in cities like San Francisco are killing people.

The Second Amendment Needs Defending.

‘There’s no prenatal test for Awesome’

G.K. Chesterton’s “Orthodoxy” and Conservatism.

President Biden and AG Garland don’t even realize they have created an avalanche of people who are neophytes in the political field…

David Harsanyi:  How left-wing protesters are justified, but angry moms are ‘domestic terrorists’.

Larry Kudlow:  Biden Turning Justice Department Against Parents in Battle Over Curriculum.

The Biden Administration hit a raw nerve as evidenced by following (and the above columns) pushback by those who know and understand the US Constitution and the fact that education is not a federal issueParents take a stand against FBI crackdown on CRT opponents; The Biden Justice Department’s Lawless Threat against American Parents;  Sen. Josh Hawley Questions ‘Weaponizing’ of FBI to Silence Parents; Attorney General Garland Abuses Power He Doesn’t Have to Threaten Parents; State Attorneys General Warn Against ‘Weaponizing’ FBI to Target Parents; Biden Declares War on the American People; and Biden Criminalizes CRT Dissent/The administration has mobilized the FBI against parents who oppose critical race theory.

What this administration is attempting to do is outrageous; they defend their actions by saying that “all” public officials, i.e., school board members, can not be admonished when they are indoctrinating our children.  Free speech is revered in America; even when we disagree with it.  The members of the National School Boards Association – NSBA – are not given the right to squelch the parents who disagree with their agenda; they put their pants on just like every other person.  IF the Biden Administration is not stopped and US Attorney General Garland does not withdraw his attempt to protect the snowflakes running the NSBA, the chief enforcement officer of the US will be subverting the US Constitution.  If there is violence at any meeting, there are current laws to protect both sides.  What the Biden/Garland team is attempting to do is to stifle free speech and punish people/parents prior to any discussion; another action that is completely against all that America is.  If they succeed in this, what is next?  Having Child Protective Services remove your children from your home?  Think about how far they will try to go, if Biden/Garland is allowed to suppress your rights.

Betsy McCaughey:  Never mind the cost — just look at the absurd things Build Back Better would buy.

Democrats’ ‘Build Back Better’ agenda is a payback to wealthy allies.

Biden Plan Would Sabotage US Economic Competitiveness in One Huge Way, Analysis Finds.

Real cost of inflation to average American household: An extra $175 a month.

The Post says: This is a tax you pay for Biden and Dems’ reckless spending.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  The Entitlements of U.S. Decline/Biden says his plans will make America great again. Ask Europe how that has turned out.

President’s ‘Word as a Biden’ Isn’t Worth Much, His Record Shows

No, Biden, raising the debt ceiling isn’t the other guys’ job.

Communist China’s Aggression in the South China Sea.

Steve Moore’s, Committee to Unleash Prosperity, discusses China’s economy vs. ours.  Today’s newsletter by Mr. Moore has a viable question about Donald J. Trump.

Blame woke pols for the nation’s needless spike in murders.

Gallup Poll sends Dems a warning:  More Americans Trust GOP to Promote Security, Prosperity, Poll Finds.

Somebody should tell Jen Psaki and Joe Biden this:  69 Percent of Hispanics Disapprove of Biden’s Handling of Immigration.  I wonder if they (Psaki and Biden) saw this:  Democrats’ ‘conservative Hispanic’ problem.

7 States Push Noncitizen Voting, 4 States Say No.

Why learning history is important:  How Roman Central Planners Destroyed Their Economy.

From Intellectual Takeout: Some Good News We May Have Missed.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on President Biden and AG Garland don’t even realize they have created an avalanche of people who are neophytes in the political field…

China continues to forge ahead in its quest to overtake America while our president, Joe Biden, continues to burden our nation with his reckless spending.

From the City-Journal:  It’s Not Partisan When We Do It/With strong majorities in both legislative chambers, Albany Democrats pursue a gerrymandering strategy.

Victor Davis Hanson (always a thoughtful and educational essayist, provides us one of his best in this essay) Can America survive progressives’ attacks on its origins and values?

Who Are the Advisors Who Circle a Confused President?

Texas braces for surge of 60,000 Haitian migrants.

China continues to build its might, while Biden and his minions ignore the mounting problems:   China’s Growing Maritime Empire.

From the WSJ (subscription required) The IRS Wants to Look at Your Bank Account.  Why aren’t the banks fighting back? (Rhetorical question.)  And why aren’t they alerting their customers that this could happen so we can fight back?

Joe Biden is proving he’s pretty inept at politics.

Biden’s ‘reduced’ spending bill is still far too much.

Sen. Joe “I lost my backbone” Manchin opens door to deal in range of $1.9T to $2.2T.  From Manchin Changes Tune on His Top-line Number for Spending Package.

Between Border Crisis and Afghanistan, Have We Ever Had a Less Competent President?

Why Rachael Rollins’ Nomination to Be Rogue US Attorney Should Terrify Us All.

Larry Kudlow writes Trick or Treat: Biden, Pelosi, Dressed as Socialists, Seek Showdown by Halloween.

Required reading for your children and grandchildren:  Why Socialism Often Leads to Tyranny.

More required reading for your college students being indoctrinated by liberal professors (note it is a 2018 article but still relevant):  5 Myths about Income Inequality Debunked.

Seriously?  Salvation Army Imposes Racial Wokeness Within Church’s Rank.

Who pays for the woke agenda?

Dark Money Dems Use Fake Newspaper To Influence Virginia Election.

ICYMI: Debunking the Left’s Propaganda on Voting.

From the City-Journal: Concentrating on Crime/An outsize share of lawbreaking occurs at certain places and times—and is perpetrated by a small group of people.

How Leftist Prosecutors Contributed To 2020’s Massive Crime Spike.

Former VP Mike Pence says American Liberty Must Not Become Coronavirus Casualty.

DOJ launching effort to combat threats of violence against school officials across US.  He is dangerous in his position of US Attorney General, imagine what he would have been like as a US Supreme Court Justice.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on China continues to forge ahead in its quest to overtake America while our president, Joe Biden, continues to burden our nation with his reckless spending.

Chinese President Xi Jinping versus US President Joe Biden

China Flies 52 Military Planes into Taiwanese Airspace in Largest Incursion Ever.  “The Chinese military on Monday sent 52 military planes into Taiwan’s air defense zone — the most ever in a single day — one day after the U.S. issued a warning to Beijing over similar flights it conducted in recent days.”  China continues to taunt the US knowing that “under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, the U.S. must support Taiwan’s defense capabilities against China.”

When it comes to defunding cops, Gov. Kathy Hochul wants it both ways.

NYS Senate Republican Leader, Rob Ortt, asks a great question:  Why can’t NY pols put public safety before political pandering?

Teaching more black history is fine — turning schools into ‘everything is racist’ is not

Supreme Court poised to make landmark rulings on abortion, guns, religious rights.

‘Trying to Fail:’ Amid Border Crisis, New DHS Rules Reduce Arrests, Deportations of Illegal Immigrants.

“Back to Pre-9/11. But It’s Worse.”

Nuclear Armed Iran More Dangerous Than North Korea.

Islamist Terrorism Flourishing Under the Taliban.

Biden Ignores Palestinian Support For Terrorists.

Elizabeth Warren and Cori Bush Team Up to Give the Presidency New Superpowers.

DOJ Inspector General’s Report Exposes a Broken FISA System.

Ominous signs from Harvard and other prestigious American institutions of higher learning.  There was a time when a Harvard degree was worthy of its price tag; but today, professors and  “…students alike are scared to defy a rising campus orthodoxy and are self-censoring on campus. The damper on free speech clearly goes against the university’s supposed mission, which is to educate by fostering knowledge.”

American Barbarism Is Alive and Well.

Kevin McCullough writes about The Wife Beater In Chief.

Kamala Harris still can’t handle unscripted events.  Yet some pundits believe she will be the one to keep Congress in the Dems hands in 2022.

Dems Tuck Multibillion-Dollar Handout to Illegal Immigrants Into Reconciliation.  Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending bill gives migrants same child benefits as Americans.

Del Rio residents sound off on Biden’s handling of migrant surge.

The Heritage Foundation has created the Budget Reconciliation Tracker for us to better understand what President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats in Congress are desperately trying to get over the finish line.

President Unity Gives Unhinged Lecture on Debt Ceiling.

Blame Jeff Flake’s Cowardice for the Kyrsten Sinema Bathroom Stalkers.

Kudos to Andrew Yang on what appears to be a very honest article in Politico:  When I Ran for President, It Messed With My Head.

From the City-Journal:  The Right Way to Welcome Newcomers/Extending voting rights to non-citizens is a deeply flawed idea—we should encourage them to become citizens instead.

President Biden, you have been well served by America’s freedoms guaranteed by our US Constitution, why are you unwavering in your determination to alter them now?

State Vice-Chairman Ralph C. Lorigo (Erie County Chair) appeared on NBC’s WGRZ’s Town Hall on Tuesday evening to discuss Gov. Hochul support of decriminalizing prostitution.  You can watch it here.  Note how strongly Mr. Lorigo supports women.

Michael Goodwin writes about the Tragic cost of Biden’s Afghanistan lies.

James Jay Carafano writes that Joe Biden’s plan to stop terror is ‘far’-fetched.

Biden Democrats have declared war on American small biz.  “Americans don’t deserve to bear the brunt of policies pushed by people in Washington who will never feel the effects of them, and who will receive a healthy paycheck each month no matter what.”

Betsy McCaughey exposes the billions hidden in $3.5 trillion bill to tilt election scale.

A ‘Titanic’ effort: Biden push to enact agenda headed for iceberg.

Malarkey, in Trillions.

Biden’s Immigration Treachery Threatens the Nation, Not Just National Security.

Poll shows people aren’t buying Democrats’ voter-suppression narrative.

New Poll: One Piece of Bad News for Biden after Another.

Garland should extend funding for special counsel John Durham’s Russiagate probe.  This will be the first true test of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s independence…does he have the backbone to extend funding?

BREAKING NEWS:  Durham Issues New Subpoenas in Probe of FBI Russia Investigation, Targets Clinton Campaign Law Firm.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Refuses to Acknowledge Economic Reality Because She Thinks It’s Mean.

David Marcus: Biden admin doublespeak – your handy guide to White House euphemisms.

Gatestone Institute write about A New Word for the Administration/For Those Who Have Chosen Power and Profits over Patriotism.

Larry Kudlow writes: If the Federal Reserve Craters to Leftist Democrats, King Dollar Will Be in Trouble.

Yes, Virginia parents should tell schools what to teach.

Protesters Against Vaccine Mandates in NYC: ‘This Is a Turning Point.

Despite Gov. Hochul public statement of not supporting the defunding of police, Gov. Hochul appoints another strong supporter of defunding police.   Why is it that most every democrat elected official ignores a simple fact:  actions speak louder than words?

Bill Hammond alerts us that Hochul’s Emergency Order Imposes Insurer Restrictions Sought by Hospital Group.

New York’s disconcerting new governor.

YouTube bans accounts with vaccine misinformation.  Quick question for YouTube:  Who decides what is “misinformation?”

Taiwan’s Wealth Shows Cuba’s Poverty Is the Result of Socialism, Not a Blockade.

Victor Davis Hanson opines about Orwell and the Woke.

CPNYS mourns the loss of a patriot and good friend, Sheriff Adrian “Butch” Anderson.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on President Biden, you have been well served by America’s freedoms guaranteed by our US Constitution, why are you unwavering in your determination to alter them now?

When anyone in the Biden Administration speaks, I can’t help but think of Fleetwood Mac’s 1987 Hit: Tell me lies…

Democrats’ massive spending plans will blow up US budget for generations.

Democrats fear fumbling on infrastructure will shock ‘flatlining’ Trump back to life.  Hmmm, Trump isn’t “flatlining” according to the latest polls and they – the Democrats – have no one to blame but themselves with their outrageous demands contained in the proposed infrastructure  bill.

Larry Kudlow writes about the Dynamic Duo: Manchin Is Loath To Spend, Sinema Resists Raising Taxes.

Pelosi breaks her word to moderates to appease the far left — again.

DCCC Chair Said Stimulus Would Fuel School Reopenings. In His District, It Hasn’t.

Rich Lowry: Anatomy of the White House lie on the border agent who ‘struck’ migrants.

Biden trades U.S. interests for globalist gains.

Victor Davis Hanson writes that At Home and Abroad Alike, Civilization Requires Deterrence.

Seth Barron writes how activists care more about teen killers than the teens they kill. While the activists are blind to the overall effects of the message they are sending, one must ask, where are their parents?  The government’s involvement in providing shelter, food, money has destroyed the family unit and has help create the moral morass that allows a 15 year-old to believe crime has little to no consequences and have no respect for the life of another young man.  Henry G. Bohn’s, A Hand-book of Proverbs is credited with the 1831 quote  in a newspaper, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” sadly today’s society has proved his ominous statement to be accurate.

Speaking of a decline in society, here is a must read article:  Hochul agrees to consider decriminalizing prostitution.  Assemblyman Richard Gottfried recalls how when he was a freshman member — nearly 50 years ago — how “some senior colleagues openly discussing how lobbyists arranged trysts with prostitutes for them.”  Now he is championing one of the bills looking to decriminalize prostitution. State Chairman Jerry Kassar reacted was: “There is nothing to study here,” Kassar said. “It’s an awful idea. It will create havoc in urban areas and stress throughout the state. You cannot decriminalize sex workers and not have a negative outcome.”

DEA warns of ‘alarming increase’ in fake prescription pills containing fentanyl.  The fake pills are commonly peddled on social media, making them easily accessible to minors (emphasis added), the DEA said.

The Daily Signal examines the 5 Supreme Court Cases to Watch in the 2021-22 Term.

Jen Psaki tows the administration’s line:  Psaki: It’s ‘Unfair And Absurd’ That Companies Would Raise Costs For Consumers Due To Higher Taxes.  Madam spokesperson:  Seriously, how gullible do you think the American public is?

When one first reads the headline one wonders how long they will remain “top generals;” as you read the article one understands that they, in all likelihood, are telling the truth, and the Commander-in-Chief tuned them out because 1) he was determined to end the war on his terms and 2) he doesn’t have the attention span of a gnat.

More on today’s hearing:  Milley Details Nancy Pelosi’s Attempt to Take Over the Chain-of-Command.

Follow Fox News for more on the ongoing hearing here.

Awesome dedication by Queens resident Coretta James should be emulated!

In case you don’t remember Fleetwood Mac’s Little Lies.

Who is running the current administration:  President Joe Biden, Pinocchio, or Coriolanus Snow?

House passes bill to codify Roe v. Wade in wake of Texas abortion law.  CPNYS salutes the NY Conservative endorsed House Members who rejected this bill and we thank them for standing up for our unborn children.  If you need to know more about the radical bill, read about it here.

‘Less Is More Act’ turns out to mean: Let ‘em loose.

An aftermath of Less is More Act?   Certainly, an aftermath of all the “criminal justice reforms” the democratic controlled City Council and NYS Legislature keep passing.  And then there is this:  Boy, 15, charged with killing 17-year-old in NYC weeks after gun bust.

Unfortunately, the current crime wave isn’t limited to NYS:  Homicides up 30 percent in largest increase on record, FBI says; Murders Soared 30 Percent in 2020 in Largest Annual Increase on Record.

Preacher Houchl says: ‘God wants you to be vaccinated’.  NEWS FLASH for Preacher/Governor Houchl: God does not want you to abort innocent unborn children.

I guess they didn’t get the Lt. Gov’s. message; Broadway folks bragged about forging COVID tests to go to Tonys parties.  (It must be so satisfying to be so superior to the people who pay to see you on Broadway.)

Biden said he wouldn’t raise your taxes. Washington is coming for your wallet anyway.

Biden White House’s lies a matter of life and death: Devine.

Biden Administration Moves to ‘Protect and Fortify’ DACA.

Alejandro Mayorkas’ 7 border lies

Mayorkas admits 12,000 Haitians released in US — and more could follow.

The Heritage Foundation examines the Biden Border Crisis. And the are hosting a virtual discussion on What Can States Do to Secure Their Borders on October 13 at Noon.  Use the link to sign up to take part.

The White House Is ‘A Little Tired’ of People Pointing Out Biden’s Border Crisis.  Did it ever occur to the WH, that Americans are a devastated by the crisis on the border; that America is being raided by those who have no respect for our laws and encouraged to do so by the Biden Administration.  The WH is tired of being told the truth…how arrogant.

Biden’s Del Rio Bridge Crisis: Far More Than Just Optics Problem.

Fresh proof Hunter Biden’s ‘work’ was always about selling influence over Joe.

Hunter Biden Brags About ‘Access To The Highest Level’ Of China In New Emails.

The Hunter Biden e-mail coverup is the clearest evidence yet of media corruption.

Thanks to Biden Administration, Iran Mullahs and Taliban Empowered.

Repulsive: John Kerry Accepts China’s Genocide to Get Climate Deal.

File this under “a glimmer of hope.”

An apology is knowing you did something wrong; asking for forgiveness is acknowledging what you did was unconscionable.  According to the article, Hinckley “apologies” doesn’t ask for forgiveness for what he did in 1981. “He apologizes to the Reagan family,” his lawyer added. “The president was a man of generous spirit and magnanimity. He apologizes to the family of Jim and Sarah Brady, whose lives were altered by what he did. He apologizes to the families of Secret Service Special Agent Tim McCarthy and Metropolitan Police Department Officer Thomas Delahanty.”  If he no longer suffers from the mental illness that caused the horrendous act, shouldn’t he be asking for forgiveness?

The White Backlash That Wasn’t.

EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon loosens access rules to secret programs, raising security leak fears.

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ takeover of American health care/Who should make decisions about your medical care?

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times:  Biden’s presidential dereliction of duty.

Howard Zucker is resigning; Hochul gives the author of the memo responsible for thousands of nursing home deaths a pat on the back.

Howard Zucker, NY health commissioner who oversaw Cuomo nursing home scandal, resigns.  The caveat is “as soon as a replacement can be found.”  Seriously, there is no one in the NYS Department of Health that can act as an interim commissioner while the DOH finds a new qualified commissioner?  He will be paid while the search for a replacement (upward of $136,000) is found and rest assured he will be able to collect his pension.  Hochul said: “He also has an opportunity to move on to new ventures and I appreciate him his service.”  Has Gov. Hochul forgotten it was his DOH memo that sent those with COVID-19 back to nursing homes knowing full well that it would spread like “fire through dry grass?”

How not to show your constituents they are your priority;  Foreign workers could replace NY’s unvaccinated hospital, nursing home staffers: Hochul

As leaves turn, NY’s post-pandemic recovery still has very far to go.

Who is Controlling the Biden Presidency?

House Republicans Shouldn’t Rescue Biden’s Presidency.

Congress facing shutdown, debt crisis with no plan B.

Lawmakers say police reform talks are over

Biden’s vacuous platitudes at the UN won’t fix his tattered global image.

Mike Pompeo: At UN, Biden demonstrates weakness on the world stage once again.

We May Have Left Afghanistan, Mr. President, But We Are Still at War

Independents want action from Biden on immigration.

Many Haitian migrants from Texas border camp staying in the U.S., officials say.

Team Biden knows how many illegal migrants it’s welcomed — it just doesn’t want you to know.

This is not good news for all concerned about the flood of illegal immigrants into America:  Biden Taps ‘Sanctuary City’ Supporter To Oversee ICE Prosecutions.

Biden’s Scramble to Control Del Rio Crisis Leaves Large Border Sections Unguarded.

Rich Lowry writes: Why Trump Didn’t Have a Haitian-Migrant Crisis.

Did Jen Psaki morph into VP Harris or is it the other way around?  Psaki Accuses Border Patrol of Using ‘Brutal and Inappropriate’ Methods against Haitian Migrants.  Either way, Psaki and Harris, have little to no respect for those who are charged with protecting our border.

Border Patrol Union Blasts WH’s Decision to Suspend Horse Unit Following Fake News About ‘Whips’

Biden’s Approval Rating among Black Voters Falls after Private-Sector Vaccine Mandate.

The swamp monsters who run Biden’s White House.

Jason Snead: Democrats are about to launch their next attempt at a federal takeover of elections.

Misguided Petition Demanding Permanent Monthly $2,000 Stimulus Checks Nears Huge Milestone.

Clarence Thomas and the Declaration of Independence.

Remdesivir Reduced Risk of Hospitalization When Given to COVID-19 Patients Early: Study.

COVID seven-day fatality rate higher under Biden than Trump.

Chinese Arctic Incursion Spooks Lawmakers

Witches Brew Starts To Bubble in Communist China, as Xi Jinping Edges Into Maoism.

David Keene writes:  China views critics as terrorists and criminals.

When you have a completely secular government with little respect for the value of lives, this is the result:  Wuhan scientists wanted to release coronaviruses into bats.

REVEALED: Daszak Admits Fauci Funded Chinese Coronavirus Research at Conference Featuring Hunter Biden-Linked Pandemic Group.

Wow!  Ben & Jerry’s releases ‘Change is Brewing’ flavor with Rep. Cori Bush.  Pretty sad for a company to do this after benefiting from the safety that law enforcement provides.  Ben & Jerry isn’t the only “woke” company out there; are you aware of this: True Privilege/CVS launches a program that forces hourly employees to discuss their “privilege.”

Sen. Marco Rubio: Here’s how we fight the woke elites running corporate America.

A great article to share with your children and grandchildren: 4 Reasons Reagan Should Matter to Millennials, Gen ZThe future of our nation will be determined, more than anything else, by the character of our children.  Ronald Reagan

RIP, Angelo Codevilla, the conservative thinker who took on the ruling class.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Howard Zucker is resigning; Hochul gives the author of the memo responsible for thousands of nursing home deaths a pat on the back.

VP Harris couldn’t find a football game to attend, so the VP criticized our dedicated border control agents.

Larry Kudlow (and most Americans):  How I Yearn for a Calm, Prosperous, Orderly America.

Dem plot to ‘Steele’ the White House: Anatomy of a political dirty trick.  It is beginning to look like this will make Watergate look like child’s play.

Independent Source Confirms Authenticity of Damning Hunter Biden Emails

Rich Lowry opines in today’s NY Post that Spin and lies won’t hide the extent of Biden’s border fiasco.

Jen Psaki taken aback after CBS anchor criticizes ‘very bad behavior’ by US: ‘We don’t see it that way’ (I guess Jen Psaki only expects that kind of observation from Peter Doocy.)

Nikki Haley says Biden ‘ignored’ threats in UN speech that did not mention Russia, China by name.

What is “horrible” and “deeply troubling” Madam Vice-President is that lack of respect you have for the US Constitution!  Harris ‘deeply troubled’ by images of Border Patrol agents on horseback blocking migrants, agents respond.

Don’t be caught by not knowing your new district lines:  Redistricting Commission sets public hearings on proposed election maps.

New York State’s Redistricting Commission’s Early Gridlock.

Left Leans Into Champagne Socialism,

Democrats Spend Big, and We Pay, for Their Socialist Dream.

Biden’s Budget: The Road to Serfdom.

Reagan, Biden, And The Facts On Government Spending

From Gatestone Institute:  China’s Vast New Nuclear Build-Up/When “China is ‘Untouchable’ in Terms of Military Power”

Companies and workers need to start getting real about returning to the office.

The Negative Relationship Between Welfare And Work

Biden’s Reckless Vaccine Mandate Risks Severe Economic Dislocation, Higher Prices.

The CDC Just Released New Stats on Children and They Are Alarming

12 People Canceled by the Left After Expressing Conservative Views.  Just wondering if there is a list of people canceled by the right for expressing leftist views…if you know of one, please send.  Thanks.

McLaughlin Poll: Trump’s Coming Electoral Landslide

Dennis Prager writes: As America Has Become More Secular, It Has Become Less Free.

Finding a Way Out When at Your Wit’s End.

The American Dream is achievable when you live by our laws and challenge yourself to achieve your dreams.

As WNY attorney fights for COVID patients to get ivermectin treatment, UB doctor cautions more studies are needed.  The good doctor may want more studies, but ivermectin has saved lives.  Thank you, Ralph Lorigo, for all you are doing for those who need ivermectin.

Here is a review by City Journal on a new book you may want to read:  What Progressives Wrought.

Conservative Party condemns council bill prohibiting criminal background checks on tenants.

Is anyone really surprised by this?  State wrestles with $9 billion in unemployment debt/Lawmakers remain largely silent on a tab that could lead to increases business costs.  When government forcibly closes businesses and pays people to stay home, it is the obvious result.  The question becomes what is government going to do to remedy the situation?  As noted, silence from the leadership. “Democratic leadership in both the Assembly and Senate did not respond to requests for comment on any plans to address the unemployment debt.”  Struggling businesses will undoubtedly have to replenish the money and you the consumer will pay for governments’ misguided generosity with our money.  It is well pass time to change the leadership in New York State.  If you have any doubt about that read this:  ‘An Amazing Transition’: Andrea Stewart-Cousins on the New Era in State Politics and What’s Next.

When will the joke of the JCOPE Commission be dissolved?  Ethics panel apparently ignored complaint about inspector general.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  How to Gerrymander the Empire State/New York’s redistricting commission is headed for failure.

Mark Steyn opines on A Hinge Moment of History.

Peter Schweizer:  Biden’s Afghanistan Mistakes.

Climate Change: The Next Power Grab.

Disgraceful:  MTA flood pumps from $1.5M Sandy grant have never been used, IG says.

Biden’s amnesty will only make border crisis worse.

The truth behind the Texas bridge migrants.

The Immigration Radicalism of the Democratic Reconciliation Bill.

From The Hill –  This week: Democrats face mounting headaches.  What the headline leaves out is that they are ALL self-created by their own arrogance and obsession to stay as the oligarchs they have morphed into.   There is a modicum of good news for now:  Democrats blocked from including immigration reform in party-line spending bill.  But Biden is not about to give up in his, AOC’s and Sanders dream: Biden pushes back at Democrats on taxes.

Betsy McCaughey writes that Biden Democrats’ huge social spending bill is a vast attack on Americans’ work ethic.

Biden’s big union bailout.

Biden falters in pledge to strengthen US alliances.

Andrew McCarthy asks the question in National Review Plus:  How Will Courts React to Biden’s Increasingly Imperial Presidency?

Mr. President:  Did you see this?  Biden actually the divider-in-chief, not ‘uniter,’ new poll finds.

From the Gatestone Institute:  Why Arabs No Longer Trust the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Future of Conservative Constitutionalism.

Supreme Court Will Hear Major Abortion Case on December 1

“You Americans Have No Idea What You Have Here”.

Another inspiring story:  Jose Hernandez:  Proving how important being a legal immigrant is and how important working hard for something you really want to do.

Our Founding Fathers knew those elected to represent their fellow citizens might abuse that power … far too many of today’s elected officials have proven that fear all to real.

‘Ethics’ panel clearing Cuomo exposes Hochul as part of Albany corruption problem.

Some things never change (as noted above in today’s NY Post editorial); if you believe Gov.  Hochul, we have a bridge to sell you.  Hochul ‘literally’ doesn’t know appointee who let Cuomo keep $5.1M book deal.

Seriously, aren’t you a little late Governor?  Hochul calls for changes at New York’s ethics commission

New York state government ponders whether it can police itself.  (It hasn’t been able to so far…the only time they react is when criminal charges are impending; the ethics commissions are a joke and have been stacked with those who sweep problems under the rug the exception are the few that resigned.)

Pols are rolling over for Big Pot, having learned nothing from opioids.

Politics Are Killing Medicine.

Border Agents Encounter 200,000 Migrants in August as Crisis Drags On.

Rick Hinshaw:  Texas Law is Saving Lives.

Abortion Clinic’s Supreme Court Defense Rests on Debunked Study.

From Gatestone Institute:  Surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban: Who Is Managing Biden?

Also, these are from the Gatestone Institute:  Why Arabs Do Not Trust the Biden Administration; China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Bad News for Human Rights.

Democrats propose ‘exceedingly regressive’ tobacco and nicotine tax hikes.

3 Glaring Problems With Congress’s Plan to Raise Taxes on Cigarettes and Vaping. How High Tax Rates Make Poor People Government Dependent.

White House chief of staff tells Wall Street titans $3.5 trillion spending plan will ‘cost zero’.  Ron Klain must really think the Wall Street titans and the rest of America live in his make-believe world that increasing taxes will “cost zero.”  Klain said “We have found a way to pay for every part of the spending with taxes.”  ”The proposal unveiled by House Democrats on Monday looks to hike taxes substantially (emphasis added) including raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 26.5 percent, hiking the capital gains tax rate from 20 percent to 25 percent, and increasing the top individual income tax rate rate from 37 percent to 39.6 percent.   But according the Mr. Klain, the spending plan will cost zero.  Another Biden Administration person who lives in Never-Never Land.

There’s (Cradle to) Grave Waste in Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Spending Plan.

From National Reviews editorial board:  Revenue and Revenge.

Polling about country’s direction raises red flags for Biden and Democrats.

McLaughlin Poll: Biden Numbers ‘Crater,’ US Worried, Kamala Not Liked.

Biden has made the world’s deadliest terrorists great again.

If you were Hunter Biden’s father, wouldn’t this be reason enough to end the border crisis?  Fentanyl Smuggling Surges at Border

From City and State’s headline –  surprisingly honest:  The bipartisan commission released draft maps that were, well, pretty partisan.  More on redistricting here:  GOP fears Dem leaders will steamroll independent redistricting; New York redistricting commission releases two sets of maps; Draft NY plan would merge districts of GOP Reps. John Katko, Claudia Tenney; Partisan stalemate emerges in New York’s redistricting; How CNY congressional districts would change in proposed NY maps; A look at Democratic and Republican redistricting plans for New York; Democrats look to cut half of NY’s GOP House members under gerrymander; Dems, GOP on NY Redistricting Panel Can’t Agree on New Maps, Release Competing Versions; Dems seek to ‘knock out’ up to five GOP members of congress in NY; Competing maps released as redistricting panel splits along partisan lines; Takeaways from New York’s (competing!) redistricting draft maps; NYPIRG’s Blair Horner weighs in on draft redistricting maps; and finally this article:  ‘Weird stuff:’ New York releases rough drafts of new district lines which Joe Mahoney clearly states “It’s clear that they’re far from a finished product.”  Stay tuned.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  Europe’s Climate Lesson for America

Leaked Zoom Video Reveals Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics.

Dr. Fauci, ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’.

Free Speech Is the Ultimate Truth.

There was a time when the ACLU would have been in court over this:  Amazon Blocks Ad for Book Investigating Black Lives Matter.

Apple couldn’t find anyone else?  Apple hires ex-Cuomo PR chief who helped gov fight sex-harass allegations  (His job description is unknown.)

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Our Founding Fathers knew those elected to represent their fellow citizens might abuse that power … far too many of today’s elected officials have proven that fear all to real.