Author: Shaun Marie

Good news for New York City residents; your megalomaniac mayor has only 26 days left in his term.

The NY Sun pays tribute to the late Senator Robert Dole, and the National Review also writes about his passing at age 98. If you watch the moment that he stood at George H. W. Bush’s public viewing in the Capitol you will get a sense of his patriotism and inner strength. That moment explains so much about Bob Dole the man, the man who gave so much for his country. He was part of the greatest generation, a man who witnessed the horrors of World War II and came home seriously wounded, yet, or maybe due to what he saw and experienced, became a man who crossed the aisle, who listened and who was able to achieve great things for America. The “Squad” should take note. I seriously doubt that one of them has 1% of Bob Dole’s love of America, all America stands for and what he sacrificed to keep America the greatest country ever created by men. As we Tweeted yesterday; Job well done, now you can rest in peace, Senator Dole.

GOP, businesses slam AOC for doubting existence of smash-and-grab robberies: ‘Tone-deaf and offensive.’  Are her constituents aware of what she says and does as their representative? I don’t understand how they can know and still support her. Do they think this is a scene from a new movie? LA police blast liberal ‘zero bail’ policy amid rash of looting: ‘Christmas every day for criminals.’    What about this AOC? Just because you don’t live there (in California), it doesn’t happen?

Cheryl K. Chumley opines in the Washington Times that America can’t survive another three years of Joe Biden.

This was a surprising headline; I wonder why the mike wasn’t cut or music began blaring. Biden gives props to Trump for early work on vaccines. Also from the Institute:  Biden’s Doppelganger for the UN.

From Gatestone Institute:  What Russia Wants in Ukraine.

NYC’s controller-in-chief just cannot stop harming the city he says he holds near and dear to his heart. (His mandate is effective December 27; his term ends 4 days later.)  New York City imposes vaccine mandate for all private sector employers, Mayor de Blasio says. Biden keeps getting his mandates delayed in the courts, yet, the NYC megalomaniac mayor thinks his will stand. Seriously, Mr. Mayor? Only 26 more days before is reign is over. Mr. Mayor, why don’t you try reading this:  6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit.

Dr. Harvey Risch: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Other Therapeutics Highly Effective in Early COVID Treatment.

This will give the oligarchs a major case of agita; well, it would if they ever read anything other than their talking points. COVID-19 a Pandemic of Fear ‘Manufactured’ by Authorities: Yale Epidemiologist.

Behind Legislators’ Push to Make PRC National Day a New York State Holiday

SCOTUS is hearing some very interesting cases during this session, here is one of them:  Supreme Court case places Sixth Amendment in peril.

What Science Says About When Life Begins.

Social-Emotional Learning: The Insidious Teaching Tool You’ve Never Heard Of.

This is great news:  Bloomberg doubles down on his most important legacy: charter schools.

Why more young black Americans are calling themselves ‘conservative’.

ICYMI:  The Third Worldizing of America by Victor Davis Hanson.

How the ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’ Fable Reveals the Folly of Student Loan Forgiveness.

How Does Government Welfare Stack Up Against Private Charity? It’s No Contest.

From the new president of the Heritage Foundation:  Tomorrow’s Heritage.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses voting rights for non-citizens, final results and the Supreme Court listened.

Voting Rights for Non-Citizens

It should come as no surprise that on top of the Democrats Christmas wish list sits voting rights for more than 800,000 non-citizens.

The far-left leaning New York City Council is set to vote within the next week on legislation that would allow non-citizens to register and vote in municipal elections. This news comes on the heals of Republican and Conservative success in the city that saw the Council Republican Conference double in size and successfully fought back Democratic power grab ballot propositions pushed hard by the left.

Democrats, sensing their socialist, anti-police, anti-public safety, tax heavy agenda is starting to annoy voters; they therefore are looking to do away with all election integrity. Furthermore, they are showing complete disregard to one of the most sacred fundamental rights of Americans citizens—the right to vote.

The Conservative Party will take every step necessary to see that votes are cast by legal New York residents only. This may very well include joining lawsuits with others interested in protecting our elections; make no mistake we fill fight every step of the way.

Final Results

After all absentee votes were counted, the certified election results show the defeat of the three propositions by large majorities. So, what does the ultra-left Democrat controlled state legislature do? They introduce bills to overcome their defeat at the polls and will next plan to push failed ballot propositions voted down by the people of New York through legislation in which only legislators can vote.

These efforts by state Democrats are dirty, disingenuous and shows utter lack of respect for the will of the people who made their voices heard on November 2.

We should be worried about the steps the far-left New York State Democrats will take in order to force their agenda through. A bi-partisan majority voted down three ballot propositions and now a partisan legislature looks to undo the votes of Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, and blanks alike.

Remember, these state legislators will have their names on the ballot again. It is imperative we don’t forget how quickly those who supposedly “represent” us discarded our vote the constitutional amendments and are working to undermine the democratic process all because they didn’t get their way.

Supreme Court Listened

It has been many years in the making, but our day in court has finally come and I am very hopeful that we will win an important battle—a victory for life.

As we wait on the Supreme Court to rule on a case challenging the constitutionality of Mississippi Gestational Age Act, a case that could have major implications for Roe V. Wade, including outright reversal.

A majority of the arguments focused on whether the court’s decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey should be overruled. These precedents are on the line and hold such importance because the court decided in both cases that any abortion ban prior to “viability,” (means when the unborn child can potentially live outside the womb,) is unconstitutional. The Mississippi ban draws the line well before viability, generally understood to be at around 24 weeks.

I eagerly wait for a ruling supporting our most vulnerable and protects the sanctity of life.

 Dem Pollster Sounds the Alarm: ‘We Have a Problem’

GOP Senators Intro Bill to Stop Biden’s Plan to Pay Illegals.

House Republicans propose bill encouraging history of communism in high schools.

Trump Makes Major Accusation in Fiery Interview: Biden Admin ‘Knowingly Destroying Our Country.’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses voting rights for non-citizens, final results and the Supreme Court listened.

Fifty years ago, the US Supreme Court created law, hopefully within 207 days it will realize that decision was misguided.

Just some of the coverage on yesterdays US Supreme Court hearing regarding the potentially historic case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. A Pathetic Political Argument on Dobbs from Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan. Lawmakers react to Mississippi Supreme Court abortion case. Observations on Today’s Abortion Argument at Supreme Court. High Court Hears Arguments in Biggest Abortion Case Since Roe. Here Are Key Takeaways. What I Saw at the Supreme Court as Justices Heard a Major Abortion Case. Five revealing quotes from Supreme Court abortion case. Even though many conservative pundits believe the Mississippi law will be upheld and Roe v Wade may become moot (we will know by June 27, 2022), the reality is that states will have the ability to adopt overly broad abortion laws similar to New York State’s. On the bright side, if Roe v Wade becomes moot, maybe New York’s “up to the moment of birth” abortion law will also, under new leadership.

It’s reckless for the left to selectively cry racism.

See No Murder/Despite its obsession with race, the media are blind to the nonwhite victims of rising violent crime.

Gordon G. Chang writes about The Moral Imperative to End China’s Regime in Gatestone Institute.

Also, in Gatestone Institute:  China Prepared to Launch Hostilities Against India Along Disputed Himalayan Border.

Chris Farrell writes about Vaccines and Power in Gatestone Institute.

Omicron Shows Why It’s Time to Move On from COVID Restrictions.

It is mindboggling that elected officials could be so mindless! If they are flummoxed by the crime wave, how do they think things through on complicated issues? Smash-and-grab crime wave baffles congressional Democrats.

Larry Kudlow opines in The New York Sun:  While Biden Blames Trump for Everything Under the Sun, Inflation Is Now Higher and Growth Lags.

File this under will worth the read:  Save the Cobalt! Municipal recycling programs need serious reevaluation.

Welcome to Mark Zuckerberg’s New Dystopia: the Metaverse.

Facebook staffer secretly advised Andrew Cuomo’s team to ‘victim shame’ accuser.

Next Step for the Parents’ Movement: Curriculum Transparency.

Do you remember the adage the higher you climb, the harder you fall? Ex-Gov. Cuomo under federal probe over sexual harassment claims. When you act as if you are invincible, inevitably you come crashing down.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Fifty years ago, the US Supreme Court created law, hopefully within 207 days it will realize that decision was misguided.

There was a time when you got in trouble for putting your hand in cookie jar…

Pence Predicts End of Roe v. Wade…if SCOTUS follows the science, former VP Pence will be right in his prediction. On the same note, our friend, Kathleen Gallagher, has a great column in this weeks’ The Evangelist.

This is an eye-opener:  China’s Subnational Influence at Work in the New York State Legislature.

Deroy Murdock writes:  Down With Foreign-Citizen Voting in American Elections.

You are forced to resign due to the complete disregard of the oath you took and you are still eligible for over $50,000 yearly – no state taxes to be paid on it – of taxpayer dollars; good deal for Andrew, disgraceful deal for New Yorkers. Cuomo takes his $4,219 monthly pension from the state.

Two of a kind (willing to break the rules to keep the power):  Chris Cuomo faces scrutiny at CNN over texts showing lengths he went to aid bro Andrew amid sex scandal. Will he keep his job as new details on Chris Cuomo’s role advising brother Andrew surface? Chris Cuomo crossed ‘many’ red lines by using journalistic street cred to help brother: Howard Kurtz

Such a project is a bold exit move for de Blasio, who has been pushing for so-called harm reduction strategies such as supervised injection sites since 2018. He should have just exited without this “bold” ultimately harmful move. New York City Opens Nation’s First Government-Sanctioned Drug Injection Sites.

From City Journal: The Genealogy of Woke Capital/From compliance to diversity.

Supreme Court Will Determine If Customers Can Sue Businesses for ‘Emotional Distress.’ This Has Serious Implications for Religious Freedom.

Biden administration attacks religious liberty.

Biden Enlists Nuclear Disarmament Proponents To Study ICBM Alternatives.

New Yorkers shouldn’t have to pay SEVEN TIMES the cost for their schools as other cities.

Jeff Minick writes in Intellectual Takeout:  Looking for COVID Truth in All the Wrong Places.

Larry Kudlow writes about Two Pieces of Good News Emerge Amid Mixed Blessings on the Economic Front.

CNBC Host Says Quiet Part Out Loud About COVID Vaccine Mandate.

Fed Chair Blows Up Biden’s Argument Inflation Is ‘Transitory’

The US Supreme Court will hear arguments this week on a very important case…

This is the most important US Supreme Court case to watch for the Pro-Life movement. Supreme Court’s Mississippi abortion case is a pivotal moment for all who value life.

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization: An Opportunity to Correct a Grave Error. The Heritage Foundation explains why this case is so very important.

It didn’t take long to forget the need for transparency:  Hochul and Lt. Gov. Benjamin dodge questions about botched N.Y. background check.

Nor did it take long to cater to New York’s progressive oligarchs:  Hochul’s shocking support for new law that snubs voters and lets Dems gerrymander.

The NY Post editorial board writes: Deadly result of progressive arrogance on bail reform.

A common thread in Waukesha tragedy, Kenosha shootings: Government failure.

Andrew C. McCarthy writes: Waukesha Atrocity Should Herald an End to the Bail Charade.

ICYMI:  Victor Divis Hanson writes:  Military, justice, FBI — half the country has lost faith in pillars of US civilization.

National Review’s editors write:  Non-Citizens Who Want to Vote Should Become Citizens First.

Is he breaking his word already? Eric Adams Wavers on Bail Beef-Up Pledg.e, Demands Judges Use Their Muscle.

How Biden’s Massive Government Spending Package Could Hurt Social Security

This is alarming! The Supply Chain and Border Security.

Biden’s border crisis – preventable, predictable and deadly.

Joe Biden’s ‘cure’ is what ails us: Goodwin.

Build Back Better will only make Bidenflation worse.

To Biden Admin: Do Not Give Away US Leverage Against Iran.

Who Keeps Iran Out in the Cold?

Biden’s dangerous plan to paper over inflation via more government handouts.

‘More money than God’: Chinese titan lavished Hunter Biden with 3-carat gem, offer of $30 million.

Joe Biden was involved in a deal with a Chinese giant — and was expecting a 10 percent cut.

NY Post editorial:  Sorry, but Hunter Biden’s profiteering matters — even if the rest of the press ignore it.

From Gatestone Institute:  Re Confidence in ‘Ruler’

The United States Senate is a very “select club” limited to 100 elected members, the Upper House of Congress. One would think a certain amount of decorum would be expected, especially by its leader…  whom by the very nature of their position should be an example to be followed. At one time, that was the image projected by its members; stately. I’ve come to the conclusion, I am obviously dated in my opinion of how the US Senate Leader should be perceived, and if I had any doubt, the current US Senate Majority Leader, NY’s own, Charles Schumer made that perfectly clear when Schumer said:  NYS Will Get ‘An Effing Lot Of Money’ For Street Safety And Cycling.  Great example for your grandchildren, Senator.

Progressives forget that parents are in charge of kids’ education.

How my 84-year-old dad helped me see the folly of Gen Z.

From Daily Signal:  27 Books That Would Make a Great Gift This Christmas.

By the First President of the United States of America, a Proclamation.

Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor– and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.

Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be– That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks–for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation–for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war–for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed–for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted–for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions– to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually–to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed–to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord–To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease of science among them and us–and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.

George Washington

Washington issued a proclamation on October 3, 1789, designating Thursday, November 26 as a national day of thanks. In his proclamation, Washington declared that the necessity for such a day sprung from the Almighty’s care of Americans prior to the Revolution, assistance to them in achieving independence, and help in establishing the constitutional government.

If only our current president would publicly acknowledge the same.

The Conservative Party of New York State wish all Americans a blessed, happy and safe Thanksgiving Holiday.

The Daily update and weekly wrap up will return on Monday, November29, 2021

Should we expect people to respect laws when our elected leaders ignore them?

These are your tax dollars! Pair of NYCHA Plumbers Paid $200,000+ in OT Last Year.

Reject Racial Hysteria/New York’s new U.S. Attorney should ignore the paranoid politics of elites and focus on prosecuting violent crime.

Rich Lowry opines that Woke Racialism Is a Clear and Present Danger to the American System.

Another major mistake by the Biden Administration:  Biden to release 50M barrels of oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid gas price spike.  The Biden Administration is incapable of making long term decisions that will prevent long term problems.

I admit, not a big fan of Bill Mahar’s politics (or language), however, one must give him credit for trying to enlighten his fans. (Fortunately, for America, Biden seeks to revive workplace vaccine mandate many in his audience already agreed with what he had to say.)  ‘Nobody Likes A Snob’: Bill Maher Picks Apart The Modern Democratic Party And Gets Brutally Honest With AOC . Then watch how ‘The Five’ break down Bill Maher’s common sense argument to Democrats.

Be prepared when your college age student comes home for Thanksgiving; they may have been exposed to this on campus:  Leftist Thanksgiving event asked students ‘what America should do in place of this celebration’.

Pete Hoekstra writes in Gatestone Institute: Peng Shuai Only the Latest Reason to Move Olympics, Hold China Accountable.

Chinese Leader Xi Defends Beijing’s Actions in South China Sea Amid Heightened Regional Aggression

Where are the JFKs of the Democratic Party, oh that’s right the AOC’s abolished them? Space Force general: ‘We’re not as advanced as the Chinese or the Russians’ with hypersonic missiles.

And people wonder why others do not obey the law? Biden seeks to revive workplace vaccine mandate.

New York City Council Moves to Allow 800,000 Non-Citizens to Vote in Municipal Elections. The right to vote is guaranteed by our US Constitution in the 15th Amendment. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude– so please explain this to me:  the New York City Council will vote on December 9 on a law to allow green-card holders and residents with work permits to vote in municipal elections. Members of the NYC Council who take the following oath “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am duly qualified, according to the constitution of this state, to exercise the duties of the office to which I have been elected and that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties thereof, and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of this state and of the United StatesHow do the NYC Council Members justify the fact that they will grant non-citizens the right to vote when the US Constitution grants citizens – not green-card holders and residents with work permits — the right to vote? The leader of the free world ignores laws he doesn’t like; the duly elected members of the NYC Council, want to grant non-citizens the right to vote, progressive DA’s know their low or no cash bail will lead to “going to go out and kill somebody” and people wonder why stores are looted, gang violence is rampart while the suicide rate and drug abuse is ever increasing?  When our leaders choose to ignore (or do not have) a moral compass, the result is the turmoil America is undergoing now. It is up to us to end this mayhem and save our country before America self-implodes.

What Gibbon Got Wrong in ‘The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’

When will social-justice prosecutors understand the difference between prosecutor and defense lawyer? Remember this when going to the polls.

Chairman Kassar responds to the November 7th Albany Times Union Editorial:  Voters were right to reject ballot propositions.

The obscenity of segregating schoolchildren by race in the name of anti-racism.

Victor Davis Hanson writes about The New Blue Confederacy.

In South Texas, The Border Crisis Threatens To Become A Constitutional Crisis.

Border Crossings Are at an All-Time High. The Homeland Security Department Is Prioritizing ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.’

Historic immigration reform included in House-passed spending bill.

220 House Democrats Vote for IRS Surveillance of Americans’ Bank Accounts.

The only ‘logic’ behind Build Back Better is Democrats’ desire to spend.

Almost everything Pelosi is saying about Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ agenda is wrong.

Republicans warn ATF taking ‘giant leap toward a federal firearm registry’.

From Larry Kudlow: What Abe Lincoln Would Say About the Biden Budget Bill.

Did Merrick Garland Commit Perjury?

Bob McManus writes in the NY Post:  Above the law, lefties? De Blasio & co. subvert justice in wake of Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.

Usually I am critical of headlines, however this one is right on the mark:  From Kenosha riots to Kyle Rittenhouse trial, biased media coverage makes everyone angrier.

WATCH: Media Melt Down Over Rittenhouse Verdict.

Suspect in Wisconsin Car Attack Has Long Rap Sheet, Was Recently Released on Bail.

Low or no bail is a major problem in today’s society:  Milwaukee DA Launches Investigation into Waukesha Suspect’s ‘Inappropriately Low’ Cash Bond and Soros Prosecutors Let Sex-Offender CVS Burglar Free, just two in today’s papers that I came across that have major consequences.

China’s ‘Morally Bankrupt’ Olympics.

Lack of accountability for Steele dossier coverage shows media collusion.

Voters want Biden to take cognitive test.

Pump Politics/The Biden administration has floundered over how to respond to rising gas prices—but a solution to the problem is simple.

Scenes from the Supply Chain.

Green Scheme: The Climate Action Council’s Climate Transition Cost Analysis.

From National Review: State Assembly Issues Damning Cuomo Report Detailing Sex Harassment, COVID Coverup.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on When will social-justice prosecutors understand the difference between prosecutor and defense lawyer? Remember this when going to the polls.

President Biden’s obsession with progressivism is akin to Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire…

Biden’s Build Back Better bungle.

Larry Kudlow writes:  Amid the Hoohah Over Budget Scoring,  Better To Simply Kill the Tax and Spend Bill.

Will Joe Biden Learn Jimmy Carter’s Inflation Lesson?

Frank Verrnuccio opines in Townhall Finance:  American Nero’s Fiddling.

This speaks volumes:  Bronx DA knew cop-attack suspect struck before — but didn’t ask for bail.

Outcry grows over Russian missile test that hit satellite,

After America Admits It Lacks for a Plan To Confront a Dual Offensive, Are Russia and China Starting To Coordinate?

Peter Schweizer writes in Gatestone Institute; Malign Foreign Influence: China’s United Front.

Of course, Biden didn’t press Xi at their summit: The feds are part of the COVID coverup

FBI whistleblower reveals agency created ‘threat tag’ to track alleged harassment of education officials.

Dems rush to discredit CBO ahead of potentially negative report on Biden’s social welfare bill

Proof that AG Garland misled Congress about silencing parents who dissent.

The Sun opines:  Merrick Garland Becomes an Issue.

Parent and School Board Tensions Could Be Eased By School Choice.

File this under, Stacking the Deck;  REVEALED: Jan 6 Commission Chairman Bennie Thompson Backed Extremist, Secessionist Group Seeking Violent U.S. Takeover

File this under, Americans are not captivated with progressive ideals:  Biden approval rating hits new low of 36 percent in Quinnipiac poll.

Victor Davis Hanson asks, Can the FBI Be Salvaged?

What’s in a Name: The Brandon Phenomenon.

This man needs a lesson in humility, and while he is learning humility, he may want to learn the truth. ‘I Give Myself an A’: 4 Highlights of Mayorkas’ Senate Testimony on Border Crisis.

Hypnotized by race and gender, politicians have forgotten the working man.

Governments are asking us to become informers. Isn’t this dangerous?

(For those who don’t remember Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire, listen here.)

A not so subtle attempt to minimize our First Amendment rights is getting stronger every day…

Happy 220th Birthday to the NY Post! You’ve endured many trials and tribulations, but like all New Yorkers, you have not only survived, you have grown in stature.

From the Heritage Foundation; the Biden Administration’s revised Build Back Better Act will be the Largest Welfare Increase in U.S. History Will Boost Government Support to $76,400 per Poor Family.

As Biden Gets Set To Spend That $1.2 Trillion, Here’s a Cautionary Tale of Bright Hopes That Disappeared.

Rich Lowry opines in the NY Post:  Bumbling Biden’s caretaker presidency has cratered.

China’s Military Modernization.

Larry Kudlow writes about a Modern Romance: It’s Manchin and Yellen, Arm in Arm, All the Way to the 2022 Mid-Term Election.

Charles C. W. Cooke writes in the online National Review:  No, We Don’t Actually Need to Be More Like Europe.

From Gatestone Institute:  “We live in a UK where free speech is a thing of the past, our media is merely a mouthpiece of government diktats, and where decent people are demonized and smeared for holding informed opinions. We are in a Britain that resembles the communist Soviet Union: fear, censorship, excessive government control.” Read the rest of the article here:  A Conversation with Anne Marie Waters.

Left-Leaning Commission Calls on Biden Administration to Develop Strategy to Counter ‘Disinformation’

In Defense of “Misinformation”/Restrictions of scientific free speech will inevitably lead to restriction of any speech deemed detrimental to freedom.

Our First Amendment:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Our Founding Fathers put this issue as the very first amendment, why are we allowing left wing organizations, the media and now even our government squelch our First Amendment rights?

When will this horrendous disregard for the safety of our NYPD end? Ex-con who once tried to kill NYPD cop is freed without bail after another alleged attack on officer.

Jeff Minick opines in Intellectual Takeout: ‘They Ain’t A-Gonna Stop’.

Parent Activists Warn That Fight for Education Far From Over.

The Covid Children’s Crusade.

A Bridge Too Far/Pete Buttigieg’s remarks on Robert Moses’s “racist bridges” flatten history in service to an ideological fad.

Sen. Schumer’s disingenuous suggestion for stopping the surging gasoline prices.

Democrats’ Spending Bill Breaks Biden’s Tax Pledge, Analysis Finds.

What to Expect from the Biden-Xi Meeting – And It’s Not Good.

Biden, Xi Set To Put the Gloss on the Failure of the Glasgow Climate Parley.

Fixing NYC’s host of botched criminal-justice ‘reforms’ needs an entire political movement.

Record number of immigrants funneled into alternative detention programs.

The Health Department takes a big step toward COVID transparency.

Four news articles about the COVID-19 Virus: What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on 19 Months of COVID; Here Are the Arguments That Persuaded the 5th Circuit To Block OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate for Private Employers; Little Evidence Supports Use of Cloth Masks to Limit Spread of Coronavirus: Analysis; and Japan drops vax rollout, goes to Ivermectin, ENDS COVID almost overnight.

SNAP: The Uncomfortable Truths about the Food Stamp Program.

St. Paul Rent-Control Initiative Backfires, Unleashes ‘Chaos’ in Housing Market.

Sen. Schumer, you are purposely confusing your constituents (and others in your capacity of Senate Majority Leader) in your never-ending quest for publicity. The gasoline is too damn high: Schumer says New York drivers desperately need relief from surging fuel prices. There is no doubt that every driver desperately needs relief from surging fuel prices; however, your solution is misguided. To use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for a possible short term reprieve of the Biden Administration’s cancelling  of the Keystone fuel lines, thereby being a major cause of the surging fuel prices, will not resolve the overall problem that you and the Biden Administration are determined to end (by any and all means possible, including the probable closing of another oil pipeline) the use of fossil fuels in the United States of America.  Government’s chief responsibility is to protect her citizens; not rule by fiat that Americans must abandon the free enterprise system. Americas’ entrepreneurial spirit has always accepted challenges and adopted to the needs presented. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is there for emergencies out of our control (hurricanes that disrupt supplies are out of our control) not for surging oil prices created by decisions made to curb the use of fossil fuels and force people to use what the government has decided to promote. What you should be doing, Senator Schumer, is standing up for us by telling President Biden that we must return to the energy independence we enjoyed under President Trump,. We won’t hold our breath while you find your backbone to really help your constituents.

In case you missed this Nov 10, 2021 Larry Kudlow article:  Stunning News on Inflation Shatters the Illusion of a Transitory Problem.

Inflation already hurting Americans, and Biden’s Build Back Better will make things even worse.

Democrats Have Only Themselves to Blame for the Inflation Fiasco.

VP Harris says inflation a ‘source of stress’ that $1.75T bill will fix.

White House economic adviser confident spending package will pass this week.

Liberal Myths.

Will this finally be the end of Beto when he strikes out for the third time? Beto O’Rourke Announces Run for Texas Governor

CONSERVATIVE PARTY RATES 2021 LEGISLATIVE SESSION Seven Senators Score 100%; Four Assembly Members Score 100%

For Immediate Release
November 10, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

Seven Senators Score 100%; Four Assembly Members Score 100%

            Brooklyn, NY – The Conservative Party’s 2021 legislative ratings are available on the Conservative Party’s website ( today to advise voters in New York State how their legislator votes on 25 key issues.

The Conservative Party congratulates Senators Gallivan, Helming, Jordan, O’Mara, Ortt , Rath, III and Tedisco and Assembly Members Angelino, DiPietro, Lemondes and Manktelow on their 100% ratings.

Keeping with its tradition, the Conservative Party tracked legislation throughout the session, issued support and opposition memos, and determined, at an executive committee meeting, which key issues would be used. The Bills considered comprise a variety of issues including, but not limited to economics, health, safety, and pro-life issues that affect the lives of all New Yorkers. “We believe that it is necessary to keep the public informed of key votes and let the taxpayers be aware of how elected officials spend our hard-earned money. Every Bill is considered, and then we narrow the number to give voters a fair assessment of what transpires in Albany,” said Gerard Kassar, State Chairman. “A review of the Bills used this year will show New Yorkers how out of touch the Democratic leaders of legislature are with the average citizen; many are costly, sometimes unwarranted, and a few will show how they try to help New Yorkers.” said Kassar.

The overall Senate ratings have consistently dropped since the Democrats took total control. In 2018 the average was 55%, in 2019 the average was 40%, in the COVID-19 shortened session of 2020 the Senate rated a meager 35%; this year the overall Senate rating was 36%. In 2018 the Democratic Senate average was 41%, in 2019 the democratic average plummeted to 14%; it slightly improved to 17% in 2020, however, this year Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins’ democrats averaged a mere 9.4%. Republican Senators, led by Senator Rob Ortt brought their average to 93% from last years’ 71%. Conservative endorsed legislators in the Senate raised their average to 90% an increase of 21% from the 2020 average.

The Assembly’s overall rating remains at 36% same as 2020 and 2019, down 6% from their 2018 rating of 42%. The Democrats in the Assembly average dropped 4.4% this year under the leadership of Speaker Heastie, from 19% to 14.6%. It was 17% in 2019, which was down significantly from their 28% rating in 2018. The 43 Republican Assembly members, under the leadership of Assemblyman Will Barclay, averaged, 89.5% up from 79% in 2020. Conservative Party endorsed Assembly Members also increased their average to 88% up by 9% from 2020.

As noted, the Conservative Republican alliance has the best interest of all New Yorkers when it comes to taxes, crime and every day “kitchen table issues.”

We encourage voters to review the ratings, and contact their legislators to let them know they are doing a good job or in the cases where the average is low, to let them know that you will vote accordingly. New York needs to reestablish a friendly place for entrepreneurs to open businesses and most importantly to create new jobs for those who have been forced out of work due to COVID-19. The current trends adopting progressive ideology – as noted by the numbers — only increases an exodus; families want a safe place to live, and a resurgence of business opportunities that made New York the beacon of hope and prosperity.

(Ratings are online here.) If you have a problem downloading, please call 718-921-2158 or 518-356-7882 for a copy.)

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