Author: Shaun Marie

Legislative Memo Opposed to Absentee Ballots

486 78th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11209
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 2022 Legislative Memo…
 In Opposition to
S7565-B Biaggi (on Election Committee Agenda 1-10-2022)

 Purpose of Bill:  To allow voters who are concerned about voting in-person due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to request an absentee ballot through December 31, 2022.

Party Position:  On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, the voters of New York State soundly defeated the statewide ballot Proposition 4 “No Excuse Absentee Voting.”  This bill seeks to override the will of New York State Voters.

Voters are currently allowed to request an absentee ballot, for a variety of reasons.  Illness, physical disability, care-taking responsibilities, are a resident at a veteran health administration hospital, which are legitimate reasons to request an absentee ballot.

This bill seeks to allow until December 31, 2022 a person to request an absentee ballot to those who are concerned about the risk of voting in person.  Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic almost 2 years ago, prevention and treatment have advanced to a point that people have the means to protect themselves in their everyday lives.

When voters could only vote on election day, the voting polls were crowded at times and people would have to stand on long lines in order to exercise their civic duty. However, New York State has early voting that people can take advantage of; gone are the days that only one day is possible to vote.

The Conservative Party of New York State strongly opposes A 7565-B as it willfully seeks to override the fact that New York voters rejected this statewide ballot proposal just last November.

LM 001-2022

Why is it that most prominent democrats are preoccupied with holding on to power by making unrealistic promises to people who expect government to provide the ideal utopia to live in?

Heed the Advice of Edmund Burke/New Year’s Resolution: Do Not Allow Evil to Prosper!

A message to state legislators in New York:  Pass an act to RECALL elected officials who 1) who fail to uphold the Constitution they have taken an oath to uphold, and 2) those who that do not put the safety on our citizens before the criminal’s perceived rights.

Betsy McCaughey writes in the NY Post:  If you’re the wrong race, the push for health-care ‘equity’ could kill you.

Transgender Activists Strategize to Overcome GOP Wins With ‘Race Class Gender Narrative’.

Interesting:  SHOTS FIRED: ‘1619 Project’ Author Slams Teachers’ Unions for Harming Kids.  Question for Nikole Hannah-Jones:  isn’t it also harmful to teach your “1619” theory, that has been debunked by experts, to children?

Teachers’ union factions ramp up pressure on NYC to go remote over COVID surge.  It is long past time for teachers to take back their union!  Far too many teachers are not standing up for the children who are being shortchanged by the radicals running the union.  Teachers unions are harming our children.

From the Post Journal editorial page:  State Policies Mean Repeat Of High-Tax, Slow-Growth History.

The Albany Times Union newspaper headlines Gov. Hochul’ State of the State:  Hochul pledges to build a ‘brighter future’ for New York.  The glowing review of the SOS is typical of most of the coverage the speech received across the state.  However, no matter how many news organizations paint a positive assessment of the speech, almost every proposal has been put forward in the past, and nothing that Governor Hochul focused on would help overly taxed New Yorkers who work hard and do not commit misdemeanors or felonies.  Of course, the progressives that control the democratic party see it as a “brighter future” for New York.  Sadly, most New Yorkers will not see the “brighter future” and if they can move out of New York State, they will.

NY Post editorial board writes:  Hochul’s State of the State shows she has a ways to go to prove she’s right for New York.

What Jan. 6 Focus Is Really About.

Dems and media who portray Jan. 6 as a near-fatal attack on democracy are absurd.

9/11 First Responders and Families Have Something to Say About Dems Claiming 1/6 Was Just as Bad.

Biden Rips Trump for Inciting Capitol Riot in Anniversary Speech: ‘Power over Principle’.  Wow.  Power over principle…Joe Biden is one to talk about power over principle…just examine how the USA withdrew from Afghanistan, how he has caved to the “climate changers” by closing the Keystone Pipeline on the very first day in office and don’t forget his boasting the he will this (virus) then never anticipated the variants once elected…this much is certain, Biden is wedded to power over principle.

McConnell slams Senate Democrats for invoking Jan 6 to push filibuster changes: ‘Surreal’.

What could possibly be in the report that Biden Administration does not want you to know (of course, if you watch any media other than CNN, MSNBC and the like, you already know)?  Biden Withholds Annual Report on Deportations/ICE fails to produce annual report for first time in more than a decade.

Biden Administration Blocks Natural Gas Project In New England.

Watchdog Flags Ethics Landmine for Biden Admin in Landmark Affirmative Action Case.

It’s Official: More Americans Dead From COVID Under Biden Than Trump/Mainstream media outlets failed to report the milestone, for some reason.

USPS requests temporary waiver from Biden vaccine mandate, warns of supply chain disruption.

Chinese Communist Researcher Stole U.S. Monoclonal Antibody ‘Secrets’… In 2015.

Controversial Chinese Tech Billionaire Gives Millions to Elite American Universities.

Iran’s “Nuclear Blackmail”: Iran Has No Interest in Negotiating a New Nuclear Deal.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Why is it that most prominent democrats are preoccupied with holding on to power by making unrealistic promises to people who expect government to provide the ideal utopia to live in?

Is Senator Schumer a G.O.A.T. or a goat?

Schumer vows Senate rules change vote by Jan. 17 if GOP blocks voting rights.  Schumer is drumming up support by telling left-wing media: ‘New’ Republican Party Under Trump ‘Viciously Against Voting Rights’.  This is from The Hill:  Schumer ramps up filibuster fight ahead of Jan. 6 anniversary.

And Senator Schumer isn’t the only one:  Biden Wants to, in His Words, ‘Eviscerate the Senate’

However, there is a glimmer of hope:  Chuck Schumer Plan to Obliterate the Filibuster Faces Two Big Obstacles.

Rich Lowry writes in the NY Post: “The latest pitch for the Democratic voting agenda is more cynical and detached from reality than ever. We are to believe that the only way to counteract the furies unleashed on Jan. 6 is by imposing same-day voter registration and no-excuse mail voting on the states, ending partisan gerrymandering and requiring the counting of ballots that arrive up to seven days after Election Day, among other provisions completely irrelevant to events that day or afterward.”   Read the rest of the article here:  Dems would discredit democracy by using Capitol riot to nationalize elections.

Tyranny of the mainstream media thought police.

China’s Hostile South Pacific Takeover.

For China, Amazon Supports Democracy Dying in Darkness.

Left Doesn’t Just Want to Censor You on Social Media. It Also Wants to Close Your Bank Accounts.

Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism.

Victor Davis Hanson writes about The Ungracious Generation and Its Demonization of the Past.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  The Warren-Biden Bank Heist/A coup at the FDIC breaks norms and signals more political control of finance.

Rep. Jason Smith writes in the Washington Times: Congress should not let the IRS play both tax collector and preparer.

Jeff Minick: Sickening Truths and Consequences of Government COVID Policies.

SCOTUS Should Nix Biden’s Vaccine Mandates.

Omicron’s Silver Lining.

Do you wonder why Gov. Hochul supports prioritizing non-White people in the distribution of COVID-19 treatments in short supply?  You answer may be in the following article:  White Coats for Black Queer Abolitionist Socialism/A national organization of medical students successfully pressures their schools to embrace radical identity politics.

Terris Todd writes:  Black American Triumphs Outweigh Our Tragedies.

In a surprise proposal by Governor Hochul Proposes Term Limits, Outside Income Ban for Statewide Elected Officials.  It is a good first step, providing it is passed by the Members.  However, if, she being serious about having people “believe in their government again.” the request should also include the members of the State Legislature.

This is not the first, nor will it be the last, person who is not prosecuted due to a technicality.  District attorney expected to drop groping case against Cuomo.  Remember this:  a leopard doesn’t change its spots.

Even the media acknowledges Americans are beginning 2022 with some Biden buyer’s remorse…

Billionaire Ronald Lauder blasts Hochul over universal mail-in voting. “A year later, a referendum calling to make the option permanent for all registered voters — not just those who are ill or immobile (emphasis added) — was defeated at the polls.  But Hochul won’t let it die, vowing last month to make the controversial ballot proposal a top priority in the 2022 legislative session.”

The Post says: Racial medical care is careless and racist.

New York’s racial ‘risk factor’ for COVID treatment is illegal and immoral.  

Operator slams NY officials for focusing on marijuana sales, not drug treatment. 

End the Covid-Zero Mentality.

The Covid Insanity Has to End.

Vaccine Mandates Caused a Healthcare Worker Shortage and Now the CDC is Panicking.

We’ll never end the COVID pandemic if politicians keep making same mistakes.

Omicron Is Turning Into Om-i-con.

CBS Reporter Hit a Homerun on This Year’s Underreported Story…And the Network Censored Her.

Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Reviewed, By Joseph Mercola.

Fresh evidence the White House put teachers unions ahead of science on school COVID safety.

Randi Weingarten’s attempts to rewrite school-closings history won’t fly.

GOP states restrict telehealth abortion pill distribution OK’d by FDA.

70% of voters in poll say it’s been a ‘bad year’.

Rising gas price projections complicate Biden’s horizons.

Killing Keystone XL: How Biden Destroyed American Energy Independence.

Biden’s first year the worst since Jimmy Carter – midterms will be the cure for buyer’s remorse.

Biden’s terrible first year.

Biden’s year of broken promises.

A year of Biden’s foreign policy failures.

Voters need to start turning the page on Biden’s disastrous presidency.  “In these areas and more, the Biden Administration has placed politics and ideology above the interests and lives of American citizens, not to mention Afghans and migrants. Of course, the mainstream media and congressional Democrats will never truly hold this White House responsible for its actions. In this midterm election year, it falls to the American people to do so. By ousting Biden’s elected supporters, voters can begin to turn the page on his disastrous presidency. (emphasis added)”

American Traitors: Academics Working for China.

Our elites now operate hand-in-glove with the CCP: Domenech.

Beijing Paid Millions to DC Radio Station to Broadcast Propaganda.

From National Review: A Conservative Alternative to Biden’s National-Security Agenda.

Nefarious border goal: Motive behind ‘whip hoax’ suit.

Migrants surge as confusion spreads on southern border.

The ghost of Build Back Better.

Scrap the Methane Fee.

Is Biden’s Legacy Really Going to Be the Dismantling of Democracies and the Free World?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the civic illiteracy of the illiberal Left.

I wonder what AOC would say about this article in Epoch News:  ‘BLM and CRT Movements Comprise a Gigantic Step Backward’: Leftist Professor of Media Studies.

Dumbing Down Education Key to Dismantling America: Alex Newman.

Will Biden and Harris lead Democrats to torch the filibuster?

Democrats Face a Brutal Reckoning With Hispanic Voters.

The Atlantic Claims ‘More People Carrying Guns Tends to Result in More Shootings.’ Decades of Data Show They’re Wrong.

Fake Students, Vacations for Random Koreans, and Fattening Up Eels: Rand Paul Exposes 8 Insane Ways the Feds Wasted Our Money in 2021.

The Worst Media Misses of 2021.

NEW YORK STATE When will leaders go by the book?

I wonder if Speaker Pelosi shares her investment knowledge with AOC and the other Squad members?  Nancy Pelosi scoops up call options for Google, Disney, Roblox stocks

1619 Project author says she doesn’t understand why parents should have a say in school curriculum.  More on Nikole Hannah-Jones thinking she knows better than parents what children should be taught.  The NY Post editorial board responded:  Sorry, Hannah-Jones: Parents DO deserve a say in what their kids are taught.

Sweden, Gang Violence and a New Prime Minister.  (Sounds all to familiar to the United States current situation.)

Just a fun piece of knowledge:  Each state’s population center, visualized.

The Biden Administration’s eagerness for eradication of extremism in the military is exceedingly excessive.

Good advice from the NY Post editorial board for President Biden…but does he take advice from anyone besides himself?  Biden needs to face the new reality of COVID-19

From the City Journal:  Florida v. Critical Race Theory.

Sen. Tom Cotton has a great idea:  Recall, Remove & Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor.  Unfortunately, that is not possible in NYS as the Members of the Legislature refuse to consider the options of Recall, Remove and Replace.  It is long past time to Save Our State with new energy, ideas that protect its citizens, and an economy to produce jobs for them.   If you have never been involved in helping a person, get elected, now is the time to become involved and take part in Lee Zeldin’s bid to Save Our State.  Click here for more information.

Lights Out for New York?

China Planning the Ultimate Genocide; Biden Responding with Empty Words.

Liberals and the media couldn’t care less about the true will of the American people; We the People must keep making our voices heard.

This is so unbelievable and disturbing. Liberals are the least tolerant lemmings on the planet.  Do they not understand the US Constitution?  The reasons why the US Senate is NOT apportioned by population.  Liberals irked by Manchin call for new Senate apportioned by population.

John Podhoretz, aptly notes. in the NY Post that Biden vowed a return to normalcy — instead, we got a year of chaos.

The Biden Administration is completely out of control.  Have they forgotten this is AMERICA THE LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!  Enough of this:  Liking a Facebook Post Could Get Service Members Punished Under Pentagon ‘Extremism’ Policy.  Who is going to define ”Extremism?”

How Omicron is changing the COVID-19 rules: Here’s what you need to know.

Words of advice to ACO et al.:  The only ‘undemocratic’ thing about Manchin killing BBB is the Squad’s crying.

Manchin and Breed show Biden-era progressivism the door.

It is about time:  Pelosi faces pushback over stock trade defense.

Republicans Don’t Need to Abandon Immigration Hawkishness to Win Hispanics.

Please note that the Daily Update and Weekly Wrap-Up will return on January 3, 2022.

We wish all our readers a Merry and Blessed Christmas
a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2022.

The Squad et al. needs lessons in understanding the US Constitution and needs them immediately…

This is outrageous:  Shooter who killed first female NYPD officer in 1980s is paroled.  The NYPD lets us know that “Jeter is at least the 23rd cop-killer released by the Parole Board in under two years,” the union wrote in a statement Sunday morning.  New members are needed on the Parole Board and the way to accomplish that is to elect a new Governor in 2022.  Get involved in helping elect Lee Zeldin Save our State.  Click here for more information as to how you can help; if not you, than who?

China and a Failed WTO Accession.

China’s US Enablers.

Biden’s Appeasement of Moscow Threatens NATO.

Biden Administration Sanctions Mail-Order Abortion. Here’s How the Move Endangers Women.

The Latest White House Statement About the ‘Unvaccinated’ Is Making People’s Skin Crawl

Liberals disappointed after Biden’s first year.  Sen. Bernie Sanders is so out of touch with reality.  Sanders: Let Manchin vote no on Build Back Better ‘in front of the whole world’.

Another elected official who lives in her own world and doesn’t understand that CRT does the exact opposite as what she (and many others) thinks.  AOC Suggests CRT Opponents ‘Accepting of Racism’ as GOP Bills Against It Pile Up.

Unfortunately, this headline seems to be written based on the Biden Administration’s talking points:  Manchin undercuts Biden, leaving his agenda in limbo _ TheHill.   Question for The Hill: When did Sen. Manchin (and others) become responsible to the President (and The Squad, left wing editorial boards etc.)?  Have they all forgotten that every elected official is responsible to the people who elected him!  Do they not remember, We the People in order to form a more perfect Unionwhere does it say We the elected officials?

Shocking news from the White House, not!  White House says Manchin went back on his word .  Since their first day as the Biden Administration, they have never acknowledged their complicity in an obvious error in judgement.  Neither do any of the far-left democrats in Congress:  Democrats outraged after Manchin opposes Biden spending bill.

AOC Once Again Proves She Doesn’t Know What She’s Talking About.

Manchin Dares Democrats to Push Him Out of Party.

Dems pivot from Build Back Better to illiberal voting ‘rights’ bill.  Naturally, after lamenting the end of BBB, Sen. Sanders quickly pivoted to telling reporters that it was more important to get a “voting rights” bill through the Senate.  Senator, please either retire or get real, you are not in tune with most Americans.

Inflation Will Cost the Average Household an Astounding Amount in 2021, Ivy League Analysis Finds

Note to news organizations:  Fauci is so 2020, time to remove him from the spotlight.  Fauci Says Masking on Airplanes Will Never Go Away.

This could be great news:  Supreme Court arguments suggest bright future for parental school choice.

Food for thought for all high school seniors and their parents:  Why College Degrees Are Losing Their Value.  Obviously, a college degree is right for many, just be sure it is in an area that will put their degree to good use, for example “in 2013; only 27 percent of graduates had a job related to their major.”

From the Washington Free Beacon, a review of the ‘Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide.’

Thankfully, this is not an example of how the great majority of Americans react to disasters: Looters caught stealing from ravaged homes of tornado victims in Kentucky.  I know it happens often, but this time it really disturbed me, perhaps due to the looting of major stores without consequences, whatever the reason, some people really need to learn the Golden Rule.

Mr. President, did you have another parapraxis yesterday?

Sen. Schumer isn’t having a very good year as Senate Majority Leader:  Dems Hint at Delaying Build Back Better Until Next Year, Pivot to Voting Bill. Then there is this:  Democrats make frantic last-ditch effort to change Senate rulesDemocrats weigh pivot to voting rights as Biden’s $1.75 trillion social welfare bill stalls.  The time has come for a new Senate Majority Leader with an agenda that will help America.

About that Voting Bill:  Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Voting Rights Legislation. “The struggle is no longer just who gets to vote or make it easy for eligible people to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote – whether your vote counts at all,” (emphasis added) he continued.  That is correct, Mr. President, it is whether your vote counts at all.  Perhaps it was just a Freudian Slip (aka parapraxis), but it certainly does matter if your vote counts.  Certain requirements must be adopted to know that elections are honest and forthright.  Strongly suggest every voter produce a photo ID (good enough to enter federal buildings, travel on a plane, rent a car, cash a check, and so very many other every day things we do) so we know you are only voting once and establish one is a citizen of these great United States.

Fed to speed up taper, projects three rate hikes in 2022.  From the Buffalo News:  Interest rates are set to rise next year. Here’s what that means.

No surprise here.  Fox Business Poll: Voters think Biden is making inflation worse.

The NY Post editorial board writes:  Biden’s bull about GOP being ‘against everything’ explains why he’s such a failure.

GOP lawmakers seek to block Biden’s repayments for illegals.

CBP’s November Border Apprehension Numbers Increase 140 Percent from Last Year.

National Review advises Senator Manchin, Keep Holding Out on Build Back Better.

Time to retire him (He is running for reelection in 2022):  Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal gives Communism a boost.

Lithuania Stands Up to China.

Supply-Chain Crisis Isn’t Going Away.

I know the supply-chain crisis and many businesses will have to cut back or close (at the very least lay off staffers) so, I am not making light of this, but who ever thought Kraft would pay some people to NOT make cheesecake over the holidays?  Making cheesecake for Christmas? Kraft will pay you $20 not to.

Elites use COVID-19 to build wealth, flaunt virtue as middle America suffers.

Tax the Rich: When Envy Trumps Economics.

What ever happened to wanting to be rewarded for being the cream of the crop?  America’s standard has always been to be the best you can be; not to be arbitrarily placed where you think you want to be … if one really wants work someplace, earn it as so many have done before you.   Democrats Push ‘Racial Equity Audits’ To Cement Control of Tech Companies.

The Financial Illiteracy Cycle Is What’s Really Behind the Student Debt Crisis in America.

Iranian ‘Drone Armies’ Step Up Attacks on US as Nuclear Talks Languish, GOP Lawmakers Say.

How many students check Wikipedia for information?  NEVER rely on Wikipedia. Wikipedia Threatens to Purge ‘Communist Mass Killings’ Page, Cites Anti-Communist Bias.

Ask what your elementary school age child is reading! Elementary School Libraries Offer Gender Identity Book for Kids, Virginia School System Confirms.

Hochul faces a test on health insurance costs.

This is pessimistic news:  Number of US adults who identify as Christian drops 12% in 10 years.

The emperor with no clothes may end up with no money either. 

Read Chairman Kassar’s statement on JCOPE’s requiring Cuomo to return the money from his COVID-19 book deal here.

Andrew Cuomo ordered to return millions from pandemic book deal following ethics panel vote.

Par for the course, the former governor is in complete denial and believes this is driven by political interests rather than the facts and the law.

Seriously?  White House says there are a ‘range of reasons’ for increase in crime stemming from COVID pandemic.

To be honest, I do not like to let our enemies know that we are vulnerable.  However, since this in already public news, we would be remiss if we did not let our readers know.  Cyber experts express growing alarm over Apache vulnerability.

Wouldn’t you love to have been a fly on the wall when this took place?  Biden tries to budge Manchin.

Biden spending bill’s proposed cuts to hospital funding draws scrutiny.

Biden’s dangerous deportation drop.

How China uses the UN and WHO for its own nefarious ends.

Shouldn’t they be making it easier for all children to have a good education?  NY education brass move to block two charter schools in Long Island

Tish James Was Floundering as Ny Governor Candidate.

Hochul says mask mandate up to counties, businesses to enforce.  This is silly.  Customers shop in different places and different counties.  Confusing for all; and some people will be angry if people don’t have a mask on if the county ops out, they might be aware that the county opted out. Businesses don’t have enough problems, now the government expects owners/managers to become the “mask” police?  Hochul needs to quit COVID-19 overreach, take Colorado Gov. Jared Polis’ cue.

Highly recommended reading for The Squad and their leader, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Why Democracy Needs the Rich.

As Homicide Rates Break Records, Black Lives Clearly Don’t Matter to BLM or to Soros-Backed Rogue Prosecutors.

We All Have Role in ‘Fight to Maintain This Great Nation,’ Heritage Foundation’s Former President Says.

From the Imaginative Conservative:  Stand, Men of the West!  Originally written in December 2013 it is even more relevant today in 2021.

The news shows the heart wrenching devastation of our heartland; if you can, click here: Tornado Relief: How You Can Help (Links to Fox and Friends) every donation helps, no matter how small.


It may be true that couples become more alike the longer they are married…Jill and Joe seem to be confused about the last 11 months.

Hunter Biden never fails to catch a break, from the White House or the elite media.

Congress must do more to stop China’s military-industrial spying on US campuses.

AOC Says Taxpayers Should Have to Pay Her $17K Student Loan—Even Though She Makes $174K a Year.

Stephen Moore writes in the NY Post:  Build Back beatdown for Biden: Fiscal double whammy for prez and his agenda.

Manchin raises inflation concerns ahead of pivotal Biden talk.

If you think Biden’s Build Back Better bill will help your child care expenses, this is a must read.  Here is former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s take on Build Back Better.

Natural disasters, like the horrific damage, we are witnessing in America’s heartland are heart wrenching to those who see the videos and photos; what the people who have survived are living through is almost unbearable.  To make it a political statement is unforgivable.   Good advice:  Don’t buy the pseudo-scientific hype about tornadoes and climate change.  “Equally important, the standard anti-warming agenda would do far more damage to humanity than all natural disasters put together — by impoverishing us all. We simply don’t yet have practical, affordable alternatives to fossil fuels (which, by the way, are still what produce most of the electricity for your Tesla).”

Let’s pray he keeps his word on this:  Biden to tour Kentucky tornado damage: ‘We’re not leaving anybody still breathing under debris’

Oh my, the First Lady’s whoppers are becoming as big as the president’s:  Jill Biden Says President Biden Rescued America During the COVID-19 Pandemic.  If inflation and mandates are considered rescuing America, Jill Biden is just as confused as her husband. Americans want their freedoms back, Mrs. Biden.

The Iran Nuclear Deal: Biden Administration’s Fatal Mistakes.

Just in case you are wondering what the VP has been doing, Katie Pavlich gives us an update.

A new day in Albany, NOT;  Hochul retains ties to Cuomo advisor.  When your business is complicit in protecting your client and then scrubs that client from your website, the principles obviously realize the shameful mistake it made; so, the question becomes, why would someone remain a client, could that client anticipate needing that stalwart business?  Empty New York’s swamp!

Any surprise so many New Yorkers are moving to Florida:  Ron DeSantis fights back against Biden illegal immigrant flights: Devine.  To the New Yorkers who are still here, hang in there, help is on its way.

A string of murders shows we must give violent offenders harsher sentences.

Melting Down Art and History.

Finding Hope in a Dark Time.

An Appalling Attack on Adoption.

Kyle Smith is offering some sage advice for the unemployed Cuomo brothers (we all needed a smile, thanks Kyle.)

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on It may be true that couples become more alike the longer they are married…Jill and Joe seem to be confused about the last 11 months.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses AG James dropping out of governor’s race, NYC allowing non-citizens to vote and CPPAC is back in 2022!

James Leaves Race for Governor

After only a few short weeks Attorney General Leticia James has bowed out of the race for Governor and announced her intentions to run for re-election as Attorney General. A surprising move as James was once considered to be the front runner.

Some will say James’ exit benefits Governor Hochul, others say it will unify the growing progressive socialist wing within the Democratic Party.  The Working Family Party’s candidate, far left New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, is sure to benefit from James leaving the race. Though James has endorsed Governor Hochul, the Democratic primary is shaping up to be a battle between dangerous ideologies.

Regardless of who James’ departure benefits the most, it remains crystal clear New York needs a reset and common sense leadership. The Conservative Party continues to support the only candidate that can return sanity back to New York State and that is Lee Zeldin.

New York City Council Passes Non-Citizen Voting

The NYC Council has passed an amendment to the NYC Charter that will allow several hundred thousand green card holders and other legal non-citizens to vote in city municipal elections.

The Conservative Party continues to believe the move is unconstitutional and we will be joining in on a major lawsuit to overturn the city’s action.

Non-citizens voting should be a concern for New Yorker’s statewide and beyond. If non-citizen voting is allowed to stand it will be a precedent and empower other localities around the state to pass the same change.

It is unconscionable that the NYC Council would devalue the vote of American citizens, one of our most sacred rights as Americans. We will continue to update you as we proceed with our legal actions.

Conservative Political Action – CPPAC – Meeting

After being forced to skip our 2021 conference due to Covid restrictions, we will be holding our annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Albany on Sunday, January 30th and Monday, January 31st at the Holiday Inn in Latham (400 Old Loudon Rd, Latham, NY 12110).

We are in the process of formulating the agenda and strongly urge you to hold the date. There will be numerous panels that will include speakers from the media, state politics, government, and issue oriented organizations.

There will be a Monday lunch with a key note speaker and an evening awards reception with our State Legislators at which time we will release our legislative agenda.

Mark your calendars – January 30 and 31, 2022 – and join us for an exciting two days talking about our recent success and where we plan on going from there. More details to follow!

Jussie Smollett found guilty in hate crime hoax.

Donald Trump: ‘Laughable’ to Claim Media Tougher on Biden; ‘They Are Treating Him with Kid Gloves’

Biden Is Losing His Grip on the Democratic Party.

Bloodbath: GOP leads by 10 on generic ballot in new CNBC poll

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses AG James dropping out of governor’s race, NYC allowing non-citizens to vote and CPPAC is back in 2022!

President Joe Biden lacks the Midas Touch, in fact he has the exact opposite.

This will certainly be the talk of the “politicos” across the nation today:  Attorney General Letitia James drops out of New York governor race. Hmm, I wonder if Zephyr Teachout will withdraw from the AG race, or try to force a primary.

New Poll Reveals Best President In Recent History. This WSJ editorial may give you a hint:  Capitalism—the People’s Choice

Indicators Show Totalitarianism in America Is Just Around the Corner.

From National Review:  The Worst Spending Bill in Decades?

Hopefully he will hold strong:  Manchin warns about inflation as Democrats pursue Biden spending bill.

Betsy McCaughey writes in the NY Post: ‘My body, my choice’? Only for abortion as the left pushes’ vaccine mandates.

FDA Says It Now Needs 75 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data. The question is WHY?

Pentagon warns China is preparing for military campaign to take over Taiwan

Wards of the State/The Build Back Better child-care plan would relegate religious providers to the margins

Poor President Biden, he can’t seem to get anything right, his polls are dropping even in his signature agenda – fighting Covid :  Most say Biden failing COVID fight, Trump better 49%-39%

Blood On Their Hands: Some Government Policies Are Killing Americans.

Another Biden priority that won’t be achieved:  Biden signs executive order to make U.S. government carbon neutral by 2050.

File this under “creating their own mess”  The Memo: Dour public mood spells trouble for Biden.

Biden cancels oil while Americans suffer and the world laughs.

Charles C. W. Cooke writes that No Sentient Human Thinks Biden’s Press Coverage Is Worse Than Trump’s.

White House officials push for favorable Biden coverage in secret meetings with news outlets. The fact that Newt Gingrich writes that Congress must investigate Hunter Biden – and those protecting him. Here’s why it is apparent to me that they are already bending over backwards in giving Biden favorable coverage.

NY was leaking income millionaires in pandemic run-up.

Innocent New Yorkers pay the price for state’s shoddy bail ‘reforms’.

Hochul Should Have Listened To Voters On Statewide Redistricting.

The hubris of this man is unbelievable – and he wants to be our governor; haven’t we endured enough arrogance under Andrew? De Blasio ignored warnings, violated fundraising rules.

New York City’s Drug Experiment/Gotham’s “safe consumption sites” bring disorder and questionable methods to its worst-off neighborhoods.

‘Amazon Bought Twitch for $1 Billion for a Reason’: Why Defense Experts Are Watching Video Game Industry.

How Trial Lawyers Team With Leftist Activists to Hurt Consumers.

This is one of those must read articles:  An Alumnus Story: Going Home, and Finding Woke.

Don’t let the Woke Crowd cancel Pearl Harbor

A somber anniversary, 80 years ago, Pearl Harbor was bombed. National Review writes about Infamy at 80; the slideshow provided by National Review is a factual, heart wrenching, visual of that fateful day and has to serve as a stark reminder, as does September 11, 2001, that America is not invincible (however, as both soon learned, an attack on America will awaken a fierce response.)   Both times America was attacked, we were at peace, not involved in any conflict or war. Victor Davis Hanson writes in American Greatness about Misremembering Pearl Harbor. From The Epoch Times:  80 Years of Remembering Pearl Harbor: Valor, Sacrifice, and Peace. From The NY Sun: Pearl Harbor: The Echoes of Infamy.

David Keene and Larry Kudlow remember Senator Bob Dole.

Biden Bureaucrats Quietly Increase Federal Government’s Control Over Health Care.

Does Biden really think we are going to believe his latest fabrication? Biden Blames Big Oil for High Cost of His War on Oil

Tensions soar as Putin, Biden hold high-stakes virtual summit

Russia and China are testing Biden — and so far, he’s failing.

How American Technology Aids China’s Global Ambitions.

Top Dem Economist Says Woke Math Is a National Security Threat.

Biden Admin Waives Sanctions on Iran as Nuclear Talks Restart.

Oh my, how will the progressives, socialist and swamp people cope with this headline? More voters would pick Trump over Biden if election were held today: poll. Perhaps that is why Ron Klain claimed press is tougher on Biden than Trump.

Deportations Plummet 90 Percent on Biden’s Watch.

DOCUMENT: Here’s Why Israel Designated Six Palestinian Charities as Terror Groups.

Seriously? Who is vetting the Biden nominees? Biden Nominee To Thwart Foreign Hacking Scored Sweetheart Deal for UAE Hacker.

Abortion isn’t going to save Democrats in 2022. However, NY’s Attorney General Tish James believes that NY should welcome women who want abortions with open arms and wallets. The current AG, who is a declared candidate for governor, is apparently hoping that promising to pay travel, accommodations and the procedure itself will give her a boost in the upcoming primary.

Dobbs and the Fate of the Conservative Legal Movement.

Gov. Hochul and Mayor de Blasio should read this:  Omicron Variant May Cause Less Severe Disease: Report.