Author: Shaun Marie

Andrew Cuomo, the narcissist, needs to stop inveigling himself…

Great analysis from Miranda Devine:  As threat of nuclear war looms, how Democrats spin a crisis.

Ukraine vs. Russia: A modern-day David vs. Goliath story.

Putin and the Law of Unintended Consequences.

‘Something Must Be Wrong’: Why Hasn’t the 40-Mile Russian Convoy Outside Kyiv Moved in Days?

If Putin wants to remake the Soviet Union, what country would Russia target next?

What good is the United Nations?

Oil hits 13-year high as Blinken signals openness to a ban on Russian oil imports.

China remains ‘all in for Putin,’ Chinese-Russian foreign policies are ‘highly coordinated,’ Gordon Chang says.

From Gatestone Institute:  A Plan for Peace in Europe.

The ravages of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia must be covered by news outlets, but I must ask, with all the attention on Ukraine, what is happening on our southern border?   With the lack of news coverage, no one shinning a light on the infiltration of illegals crossing the border, have the numbers increased expeditiously?

Newest NY Board of Regents member is leftist who gripes about ‘toxic whiteness’.

Cuomo’s ego won’t allow him to be out of the limelight — or politics.

File this under “Addicted to the political limelight” or “Just outrageous Chutzpah” Cuomo complains ‘cancel culture’ and dirty politics ruined his career in speech at NYC church.

Source: Cuomo would face impeachment if elected again.

Andrew Cuomo’s Comeback Tour Is Here

Biden’s pro-police talk doesn’t change his anti-cop walk.

The sun is shining in Florida, thanks to a sweeping entrepreneurship agenda

Jeff Minick opines in Intellectual Conservative:  A Change in Sex Ed? Count Me In.

Groupthink today: an endless circle of scapegoating.

Marijuana legalization is not harmless.

The gulf widens between Democrats’ truth and lies.

Biden is swimming in the deep end…and he doesn’t know how to swim.

Once again, Sen. Joe Manchin, stands up for his constituents:  Manchin pours water on Biden’s attempt to revive Build Back Better.

From the NY Post: Key takeaways from President Biden’s State of the Union address.  From The Hill:  Five takeaways from Biden’s State of the Union address.  From Fox News:  Biden’s State of the Union speech: Top 5 moments.  From the Daily Signal:  Fact-Checking 10 Claims From Biden’s State of the Union Address.

What Biden Got Wrong in His State of the Union Address.

Charles W. Cooke writes about All the President’s Incoherence.

President Biden’s State of the Union report card: Experts give their grades.

Biden’s unserious State of the Union.

Joe Biden’s State Of The Union Previewed Dems’ Fake Attempt To Walk Back Their Culture War.

Biden should’ve had a Churchill moment — but blew it with a back-slapping SOTU.

Determined Leadership Everywhere but America: Open the Spigots, Open the EastMed Pipeline

Russian cyberattacks against US banks increasing: sources.

U.N. Votes Overwhelmingly to Condemn Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Demands Withdrawal

Paskudnyak Putin.

White House asks Congress to approve additional $10B in Ukraine-related aid.  The request is well laid out for where the money will go; however, there is nothing indicating any cuts to where the money is coming from…since government isn’t selling a product for us to purchase, it will come from increased taxes and add to the soaring inflation we are already facing.  AT THE VERY LEAST, OPEN THE PIPE LINES SO WE ARE NOT PAYING RUSSIA FOR GAS THAT WE HAVE; AMERICA FIRST!

China asked Russia to delay Ukraine war until after Olympics: report

White House unveils plan for next phase of COVID-19 fight.

Biden wants to waste more money on COVID on top of the trillions spent

Meanwhile, Democrats look for offramp from masking in public.  Since they will do almost anything to stay in office and not have to work in the real world, they are “…distancing themselves from the strong pro-mask stance they took for most of the pandemic, which is becoming more and more of a political liability at a time when many Americans are reaching their limits of COVID-19 fatigue.”

NRA Scores Court Victory Against AG Letitia James In New York.  More in this decision from

Don’t Buy Democrats’ Cries of GOP ‘Racism’ and ‘Misogyny’ on Biden’s Supreme Court Pick.

Don’t Mess with the Tax Cap.

Protecting the Magic of Childhood.

The World Wants to Be Deceived.

There are some times when we really need to laugh out loud; this column by Cindy Adams, made me do just that this morning.  Of course, it helps that I spent half my life living in New York City.  Thanks for the memories, Cindy Adams, more importantly, thank you for making me laugh!

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on President Biden’s State of the Union Address

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
March 2, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “The Conservative Party was pleased to see a bipartisan spirit of cooperation Tuesday over Russia’s vicious and illegal invasion of democratic Ukraine. We urge President Biden and Congress to redouble U.S. efforts to cripple Russia’s already faltering economy and to provide brave Ukraine with the lethal weaponry needed to defend itself.

“We were anything but pleased, though, with President Biden’s domestic agenda that subscribes to the failed and magical liberal philosophy that the more government spends the more it saves. That’s how you drive an economy into the ground.

“What’s needed is a long-term plan to stop the government overspending driving the most rapid inflation growth in 40 years. Americans once reached for the moon. Now, they reach ever more deeply into their pockets just to pay the interest on U.S. debt. That’s not a sustainable practice, and, until proper fiscal stewardship enters Washington’s vernacular, our woes at the supermarket and gas pump will go on.”




What did Ukraine do just hours before Russia invaded?

Radical: Senate Dems Overwhelmingly Support Nationwide Law Imposing Abortion-on-Demand For All Nine Months.    Sen. Charles Schumer continues to push a far left agenda, but thankfully was unable to get the bill passed.  Republicans Block Abortion Rights Measure in Senate.

Europe’s Wakeup Call.

Guess what Ukraine did just hours before Russia’s invasion.

Rich Lowry writes about Nationalism’s Finest Hour.

From National Review: If You Want to Constrain Putin, Do the Obvious.

Europe needs more American oil and gas, not windmills and rainbows.

The Democrats’ Never-Ending Supreme Court Hypocrisy

From the Daily Signal:  7 Major Failures of the Biden Presidency.

Are Courts Properly Interpreting Supreme Court Precedent and Respecting Religious Employers’ Employment Decisions?

Confirmed: Democrats Now Want to Move On from COVID Hysteria Because of the Polling.

Here is another issue that is driven by the polling and driving democrats to pretend they have always been opposed to defunding the police.    State of the Union: Biden to speak against defunding police amid violent crime surge.

Biden’s SOTU exposes Democratic Party divisions.

The VP, Kamala Harris, really does live in her own little world, unaware of what is happening in the world that we live in.  Kamala Harris blasted for claiming ‘voters got what they asked for’ in electing her, Biden.

Another example of a women living in her own world!  Pelosi suggests Biden’s approval rating low because Americans uninformed.  Madam Speaker, the reason Biden’s approval ratings are low is because Americans are informed; the buy gas, they buy food, they heat their homes, unlike you who stores your $13 pints of ice cream in a $24000 freezer, they live in the real world and are reflecting their disappointment in how President Biden is running our country.

NYT Publishes Slanderous Video About the Death of Trayvon Martin.  The NY Times has been called “The Gray Lady” both for its tradition of only printing in black and white and for its careful, deliberative approach to journalism.  It is mindboggling, and quite frankly very discouraging how “The Gray Lady” no longer lives up to that standard.

David versus Goliath again in 2022

On Saturday, conservatives from across all sections of our state gathered in Westchester County to  nominate its statewide slate of candidates for the upcoming November elections: New York Conservative Party designates candidate slate and Political right highlights 2022 talking points at Conservative Party convention are just two of the news articles regarding our convention.  We did broadcast it live on Facebook, and if you want to see the enthusiasm and energy you can view it here.  Our candidates, Lee M. Zeldin for governor, Alison Espositio for Lt. Governor, Paul A. Rodriguez for NYS Comptroller, Michael L. Henry for NYS Attorney General and Joe Pinion for United States Senator from New York State are all dedicated to Saving Our State from the one-party rule that has led to increased crime, loss of jobs and population and parents being forced out of our children’s education by overzealous school boards subjecting them to indoctrination, mandates and masks. Our candidates and our Conservative Party are eager to restore New York to it Empire State status.

Governor Hochul has responded to the outcry of parents and those who have fought to end the mask mandate on our students by ending the mask mandate on March 2, while NYC is looking to end it on March 7.  Gov. Hochul is “reading the tea leaves” knowing full well that parents are fed up with the restrictions placed on our children.  Government overstepped its role during this pandemic, refusing to listen to the science while preaching, no demanding, we obey what they said.  We will not forget this in November, knowing full well, that if “forgive” the damage done to our children, the “woke” government will not hesitate to reinstate their controlling our freedom.  Leopards do not/cannot change their spots.

The Conservative Party will be at the forefront of reminding government’s elected officials that America is a Republic that was created by and for the people “We the people of the United States…do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.”  The United States of America’s government is the everyday citizen, not the elected officials who believe they decide how to run it; they are there to follow what we decide; and when they do not; we will replace them.  During the dark days of our young nation’s Civil War, Abraham Lincoln ended his Gettysburg Address with this, “and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  We the people who live, work, love and understand New York State will save our state on November 8, 2022.

This 99-year-old public servant deserves to see his name on a monument.

From the NY Post:  Yes, that’s Ukraine’s flag on our cover  “You may have noticed something different about the front page of Monday’s Post: We’ve put Ukraine’s flag at the top right, where we usually note Page Six, matching Old Glory at the top left.

Our reporting and analysis show our awe of Ukrainians’ staunch defiance of Vladimir Putin’s tanks, planes, missiles and conscript army. Ukrainians have become heroes to the free world.

The Post stands with the people of Ukraine in their heroic struggle for freedom.”  See it for yourself here.

How to help the people of Ukraine: 3 ideas for giving.

America in ‘Cold War 2.0’ With Russia, KT McFarland Says.

Russian citizens, growing frustrated with Putin, are taking to the streets.

From the Daily Signal:  14 Highlights From America’s Biggest Conservative Conference.

Trump wins CPAC straw poll, revs up campaign speculation as Biden’s polling collapses.

Andrey Mir writes, The Medium Is the Menace/Ubiquitous digital media offer potent rewards—but at the price of eroding our sensory and social capacities. Highly recommended for those who are interested in the “footprint” the current digital media leaves on our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren.

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo isn’t fooling anyone anymore.

How socialist lawmakers in New York hope to get their agenda passed…It is up to all our readers, their family and friends and those who love New York, to make their voices heard to stop them from letting this happen.  Get involved: Save our State.

NYC reforms aimed at tinkering with racial makeup of criminals created more Black victims: expert.

BLM Is a Moral, Political, and Policy Disaster.

‘I Am an Overcomer,’ Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears Says. ‘Many Black People Are Overcomers.’

George Washington remains a role model for all.

Elite Capture.  This is one of those must read articles by Peter Schweizer: “Elite capture is a crucial tool of China’s success. The idea is simple enough: by tempting another country’s elite with money, access and favors, you move them to see their interests and China’s interests as intertwined or even the same.”

To Eradicate Iran’s Terrorism, Confront the Ruling Mullahs.

Putin’s Latest Crackdowns – A New Low.

Putin’s fabricated history of Ukraine is cancel culture on steroids.

Gordon G. Chang writes in Gatestone Institute about Biden Ignoring Budapest Memorandum Commitments to Ukraine.

With media targeting truckers’ donors, say goodbye to anonymous free speech.

Canada’s Cash Grab Reminds Us Why Ownership Matters.

Trudeau Government Moves to Make Expanded Surveillance Powers over Financial Transactions ‘Permanent’.

Democrats think their messaging is bad, but it’s actually the product no one wants.

America’s Redistributive Welfare State/Contrary to popular belief, government provides more aid to the poor in the U.S. than in Europe.

From the Heritage Foundation:  A Budget Blueprint for Freedom, Opportunity, and Prosperity.

Critical Facts About Our Military Readiness.

Fool me once shame on you; and it looks as if Governor Cuomo will not fool us twice:  NYS voters say Cuomo is a sexual harasser, reject claims of vindication.

NYC schools need more opportunity — not race-based ‘redistribution’.

File this under good news:  Nurse Who Was Fired Because She is Pro-Life Wins $374,000 in Court.

Supreme Court to Hear Case of Web Designer Who Refused to Create Wedding Site for Gay Couple.

Oh, So That’s Why the CDC Is Burying a Report on the Effectiveness of COVID Vaccine Boosters.

How the concept of ‘misinformation’ has been weaponized to silence dissenting voices.

If the very nervous Democrats rely on Hillary to bail them out of the chaos they created, it will be a very long wait…

Rest in Peace  Mr. O’Rourke.    P.J. O’Rourke was America’s greatest satirist and coolest conservative.

Bob McManus writes: If Mayor Adams makes everything about race, it’s going to be a long four years

NY lawmakers won’t budge in Adams’ push for bail reform changes after Chinatown stabbing.

Stewart-Cousins says ‘dangerousness’ in bail law non-starter for legislative leaders.

Victor Davis Hanson writes about Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Masterpiece

Is anyone surprised by this?  Clinton campaign lawyer Sussmann files motion to dismiss Durham prosecution.

John Durham, Almost the Media’s Invisible Man.

COVID-19 rules boomerang on Democrats.

New Hampshire bellwether points to challenges for Democrats.

Democrats try to regroup heading into rough November.

Gordon G. Change writes in Gatestone Institute:  Will Xi Jinping’s ‘End of Days’ Plunge China and the World into War?

China’s COVID coverup.

The Palestinian Leaders’ Five-Star Jihad.

Justin Trudeau Has Disgraced His Office.

Justin Trudeau sparks outrage after accusing Jewish conservatives of supporting swastikas.

What This Reporter in Canada With Truckers Is Seeing.

Why So Many Families Are Uprooting and Fleeing to Freer States.

Optimism Balanced by Realism/Shane Trotter offers an educator’s perspective on education reform.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on If the very nervous Democrats rely on Hillary to bail them out of the chaos they created, it will be a very long wait…

Hillary Clinton believes she is making a comeback…Ms. Clinton is profoundly mistaken.

From The Hill:  Democrats show little appetite for Biden’s call for gun control.

From National Review:  Durham’s Jaw-Dropping Revelation.  “The Clinton campaign, we now know, played a huge role in generating the suspicions that spawned the government’s investigation, not least by commissioning the discredited “Steele Dossier,” which the FBI used to persuade the court to issue the warrants.”  Turns out the real threat to ‘norms’ was the Hillary Clinton campaign.  Does anyone believe that Hillary Clinton was unaware of what her campaign was doing?  Does anyone believe that Hillary Clinton did not encourage such behavior?  Knowing this, would you choose Hillary Clinton to keynote the NYS Democratic Convention?   The fact that Ms.  Clinton is, speaks volumes.  Be certain to read the last sentence in the State of Politics article.

Flashback: Liberal Media Told Us ‘There Was No Spying’ on Trump.

The frightening breadth and unaccountability of the deep state.

Thank Dems’ catastrophic climate policy for skyrocketing energy bill.

New York City Fires More Than 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers.  What happened to the leftist-lemmings battle cry of my body, my choice?

Perhaps they know something we don’t know (for certain) …NY Rep. Kathleen Rice is the 30th House Democrat to bow out of 2022 race.

Pelosi Declines to Say If She’ll Run for Speaker Again If Democrats Keep House…I would imagine if she did it would guarantee a red wave.

Federal Judge James Ho Surprises Georgetown Law with Speech Defending Ilya Shapiro.

Follow the “Diversity”/New analysis quantifies the politicization of federal science grants.

Biden’s energy flop.  And then there is this:  Biden Administration Kills Israel-to-Europe Gas Pipeline.

GOP senators to block vote on Biden Fed picks.

‘He just gained more freedom fighters’: Truckers react to Trudeau invoking Emergencies Act.

David Harsanyi opines about The Ugly Vilification of ‘Freedom’

Freedom of the Press does not mean selective “we will only tell you want we want you to know” reporting.

TAKE ACTION: Hochul’s Health Department Considers Controversial Regs    Comments are due by  TODAY, February 14, 2022

In case you missed this on Friday:  It’s now up to the courts to save NY from Dems’ vile, illegal gerrymandering.

Gerrymanders hurt democracy and other commentary.

Durham: Tech Exec Working with Clinton-Tied Lawyer Spied on Trump Tower, White House.

Most Democrats want Hillary Clinton investigated for any role in Russiagate scandal: poll.

Flashback: Biden’s National Security Advisor Drove Trump-Russia Server Connection.

’60 Minutes,’ CNN, MSNBC, downplayed, criticized Durham probe of Russia investigation.

The woman is delusional: Pelosi Says ‘Kitchen Table Issues’ Will Help Democrats Win In Midterms Despite 40-Year High Inflation.  Pelosi also said: ‘An assault on Ukraine is an assault on democracy’.  The Speaker is programed with talking points, if we believe what she is saying about Ukraine, wouldn’t it stand to reason that an assault on our boarder is an assault on our democracy? Delusional!!

Gov. Kathy Hochul repeats ugly Cuomo-esque history with dark money.

‘Sympathetic’ prosecutors from Manhattan DA’s office lower bond to free alleged shooter.

NY lawmaker compares charter school expansion to COVID-19 crisis.

Cathedral of the Left – Dems, Biden want to replace rule of law with their brand of religious zealotry.

America’s Assault on Reason and Logic

Late-night reports suggest CIA collecting more data on Americans.

Critical Race Theory & the Great American Divide.

What Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter Teach Us about Power.

Biden Administration Urges Court Not to Allow Release of ‘Secret Report’ on Dominion Voting Machines.

Heather MacDonald writes major cultural institutions Distort the Present, Rewrite the Past.

Authoritarian Science and the Case of Hydroxychloroquine.

Governor Hochul continues to ignore the majority voice of New Yorkers.

It really is disturbing how our current Governor is determined to override the voice of New Yorkers when it comes to ballot access.  Governor Hochul, the voters spoke loud and clearly in November when they were asked to vote on three statewide ballots that concerned voting in New York state.  Yet you persist in trying to override our voices:  Hochul pledges more aggressive efforts on voting laws.  You are the governor of New York, not an overlord of the people who live here; you work for us, you are elected by the people, and quite frankly, your days are numbered.  “I will be very involved in ballot issues,” she said. “Sometimes issues when you think they’re so simple and commonsensical and that there will be unified support behind them, people don’t take it out there to streets and fight, they get hijacked by other forces and then that’s how you lose.”  In other words, just give me total control so we can win all the time.

Stop pretending non-citizen voting is normal—it’s not.

Biden snaps at ‘wise guy’ Lester Holt for noting how president was wrong about inflation.  I guess President Biden is feeling the heat of his falling poll numbers and the increasing pressure of not being able to give the leftist-lemmings all that they demand. What he must come to understand is that we Americans are feeling the pressure of the largest increase in inflation since 1982…and his spending and policies are directly responsible.  Snapping at a reporter, who has always been friendly to the democratic cause, indicates he knows his policies are the problem, and very unbecoming for someone who pledged to be a “uniter.”  Latest inflation surge brings new political peril for Biden, Democrats.

Border smugglers use social media to recruit kids, urge reckless driving to evade Border Patrol.  “The cartels dangle big paydays in front of the kids and assure them that because they’re juveniles, they won’t face severe consequences if they’re caught. The kids are also told that if they flee, agents will give up if a high-speed car chase becomes too risky for others on the road.”

Astounding Stats on Biden Border Crisis: Illegal Crossings Explode, Deportations Plummet.

US Immigration Agency Changes Mission, Removes Key Phrases.

New BBC Analysis Reveals the Tragic Impact COVID Policies Had on Youth Mental Health

It’s a Bad Idea to Tap Medicare to Bail Out Postal Service.


President Biden needs a reset button; before the leftist-lemmings encourage him to descend so far down the rabbit hole it will be impossible to escape from it.

Annual Inflation Rate Hits Highest Mark in 40 Years

Biden approval rating drops below 40% for the first time in an average of major polls.

‘Look At How Bad These Numbers Are’: New CNN Poll Shows How Unpopular Joe Biden Is

Biden is wrong: Republicans stand for everything America needs now.

The Real Reason for Democrats’ Shift on Pandemic Restrictions is Entirely Predictable.

Gov. Hochul, you need to unmask our children now.

A Raw Deal for New York Republicans.

NY Dems consolidate power through brazenly partisan redistricting (Editorial Board Opinion).

When Al Sharpton starts complaining about the crime spree, one knows it is really, really out of control. Al Sharpton calls on Mayor Adams to curb brazen NYC thefts: ‘They are locking up my toothpaste’.  Especially when brazen thieves come back for more the very next day.

If this wasn’t so pathetic, it would be funny:  Nikole Hannah-Jones slams Rev. Al Sharpton over his stance on brazen NYC thefts.  The NY Times must be desperate for controversial items to bring attention and sales to themselves; there is no other explanation since Nikole Hannah-Jones is certainly not a journalist, a person who offers an opinion, a fictional author, but not a journalist.

Thank you, Congresswoman Stefanik:  Elise Stefanik Drops Support for Fairness for All Act. “Anderson concurs. “The so-called ‘Fairness for All’ Act has never been about fairness. Attaching religious-liberty protections to bad legislation doesn’t turn it into good legislation,” he told NR. “Kudos to Representative Stefanik for realizing it was a mistake to cosponsor this and for having the courage to drop off (emphasis added.)”

Russia Eyeing Kazakhstan? China and Russia Vying for Influence.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):   U.S., Allies Fight Information War With Russia to Deter Ukraine Invasion.

Isn’t it time to end the taxpayer funded NPR?  Let them survive as a private news organization and we will see if they continue to promote articles like this:  Taxpayer-Funded NPR Is Here to Tell You Your Emoji Use Is Literal Racism.

‘Unsilenced’: New Film Lifts Curtain on Horrors Committed by Chinese Communist Party

The False Gods Who Enslave Us.  (Well worth reading.)

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on President Biden needs a reset button; before the leftist-lemmings encourage him to descend so far down the rabbit hole it will be impossible to escape from it.

The latest report on the debacle of our Afghanistan withdrawal, leaves many questions unanswered that ultimately only the Commander-in-Chief can answer.

“After being denied the opportunity to speak at a legislative budget hearing, Bill Hammond, senior fellow for health policy at the Empire Center, posted video of the testimony he had hoped to deliver along with his full written comments on the health-care portions of Governor Hochul’s proposed spending plan for fiscal year 2023.”  So, Democrats in control of both houses, make the pretense of holding budget hearings, but deny the expert from a think-tank.  This is how they represent all of New York’s citizens?  It will only get worse if the citizens of New York State allow this charade to continue; get involved to Save Our State.

Mother of Hason Correa calls on DA Bragg to do his job or step down: ‘Not interested in your social justice’.

Understanding the Covid Odds

Hochul, Adams must follow —and exceed —NJ gov on masks.

Mask-Optional Schools Hit with Suspiciously Identical Suits Alleging ADA Violations.

Free-Lunch Economics

Child Custody’s Gender Gauntlet.

Schools Conspire With Outside Groups Behind Parents’ Backs to Counsel Kids on Myriad Gender Choices.

Our Unrelenting Obsession with Race and Gender.

Robert Knight opines about A leftist meltdown of hypocrisy and scandal.

‘Breadcrumbs Lead to Speaker’s Office,’ Rep. Jim Banks Warns as GOP Slams Capitol Police Leadership Over Capitol Riot.

What the Media Isn’t Telling You About Jan. 6

The 3 Greatest Economic Threats Facing America in 2022 (and Beyond).

Whoopi Goldberg, Disney’s hypocrisy, and how ‘critical race theory’ makes you stupid.

Illegal immigrants love Biden’s soft-on-crime policies.

The Afghanistan Debacle Looks Worse and Worse.

‘IQ of a Garden Pest’: Senator Kennedy Blasts Biden’s Crack Pipe Giveaway.

Ganging Up on Law and Order.

11 Examples of Defensive Gun Use Highlight Importance of Second Amendment in New Year.

Andrew Cuomo vindicated? Only in his delirious, dirty mind.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The latest report on the debacle of our Afghanistan withdrawal, leaves many questions unanswered that ultimately only the Commander-in-Chief can answer.