Author: Gerard Kassar

Biden Emerges

After nearly 2 months, Punxsutawney Biden came out of hiding on Memorial Day and saw his own shadow, signaling months of more incoherent rambling and gaffes that have been the highlight of his campaign.

In honor of Biden returning to the campaign trail, for the time being, here are the not so top 10 Biden blunders.

1. Clyburn says he ‘cringed’ at Biden’s ‘you ain’t black’ gaffe but reiterates support

2. ‘A lying, dog-faced pony soldier’: just what was Joe Biden talking about?

3. Joe Biden Says ‘Poor Kids’ Are Just as Bright as ‘White Kids’

4.  Joe Biden Talking About Kids Touching His Hairy Legs in a Swimming Pool Is Not Great Viewing

5. Biden tells Iowans: ‘We choose truth over facts’

6.  VIDEO: Biden Can’t Remember the Word ‘Creator,’ Refers to God as ‘The Thing’

7.  Biden appears to fall asleep during town hall with Hillary Clinton

8.  In Another Biden Gaffe, Former VP Says Pandemic Cost U.S. 85,000 Jobs and ‘Millions’ of Lives

9.  Biden Says Voters Who Believe Tara Reade ‘Probably Shouldn’t Vote For Me’

10 .‘You’re a damn liar, man!’ – Joe Biden blasts Iowa voter, calls him ‘fat’ after man repeats Ukraine smear

Assembly Minority Introduces Bill Addressing Future Emergencies

Assembly Republicans introduced a bill this week that would limit the power of the Governor and hand more authority and decision making to local officials in future emergency situations.

“Undoubtedly, there will be times when immediate, direct action is needed from the Executive,” Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay said. “However, ‘state of emergency’ doesn’t equate to ‘authoritarian rule.’ In any situation, a balanced, measured approach is necessary and the full complement of government must be levied. This bill ensures just that, and that every voice in New York is heard during times of crisis.”

In early March, Governor Cuomo declared New York in a state of emergency. This allowed him to change laws, which he has since done more than 260 times.

The bill would call for a county-by-county declaration of all state emergencies, lasting for no longer than 30 days. An additional 15 days emergency order could be extended by the Governor. However, no other emergency declaration would be extended without being voted on by the State Legislature. Additionally, a county executive, chair of a county board of supervisors, and the mayor of New York City, could request any state of emergency declaration be cancelled with justification.

Livingston County Chair Leads Way

Livingston County Conservative Chairman, and Executive Director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, Jason McGuire, helped secure a win for religious freedom after advocating fiercely that houses of worship be allowed to open.

“On March 31, our organization (New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms) wrote to the Governor’s office seeking clarification on the issue of drive-in services. Since March many Churches have been holding these types of services as a way to meet in a safe and socially-distant manner. Today, Mr. Cuomo said that he would be encouraging drive-in and parking lot services. Pastors have been putting the physical, mental and spiritual health of their congregations in proper perspective for some time, but today the Governor lent his voice to the effort,” McGuire said last week.

The Governor has mandated church services be capped at 10 people.

A letter signed by more than 300 pastors was sent to the Governor asking him to prioritize in-person religious services.

“If you can safely do a First Amendment press conference, you can also let people exercise their freedom of religion,” McGuire continued.

Candidate Spotlight Liz Joy NY 20

 A devoted wife and mother to four adult children, Liz is a fierce advocate and fighter for our constitutional freedoms. A candidate of integrity, Liz will not be absent from her district, nor afraid to do the work on behalf of the constituents in New York’s 20th Congressional District.

Liz is no stranger to a fight, in the fall of 2018, she single handedly fought off a knife yielding man intent on doing fatal harm. After engaging in hand to hand combat, she was able to call for help, undoubtedly saving the life of at least one person.

Strong on the right to life, the southern border, jobs, and the economy, Liz will represent NY20 with humility and grace, and an open heart, always remembering the congressional seat belongs to the people of her district, not the representative.

You can visit her website here to learn more, get involved or donate!

Local leaders thought Phase 2 would begin Friday. Andrew Cuomo said otherwise

U.S. savings rate hits record 33% as coronavirus causes Americans to stockpile cash, curb spending

Data: Biden Is Underperforming with Black Voters, Especially Younger Black Voters

New York coronavirus tracing program falls behind on hiring goals

Kayleigh McEnany Brings Receipts and Drops Twitter for Their Selective “Fact-Checking”

Chairman Kassar reflects on Memorial Day

Memorial Day Weekend

This is not the Memorial Day weekend I, or anyone else, imagined we would be having, but American’s are resilient and our resolve will get us beyond the health crisis that has affected countless New Yorker’s.

Resiliency is a quality in Americans, one that goes back generations and generations.  Resilient men and woman have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. From the Civil War to today’s conflicts, Americans have always answered the call to protect our great nation from enemies both foreign and domestic, many paying the ultimate price.

This Memorial Day, as we continue to face daily struggles, changes, and complications brought on by COVID19, take a moment to remember this is not our first conflict, and it will not be our last.  We have the greatest military in the world, comprised of the bravest men and women in the world. Through them, we have helped rid the world of tyranny and oppression. I am forever grateful for their efforts, both past and present, who’s selflessness allows me the freedoms to write this message to you today.

Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to those we have lost in battle. It is my hope that we continue to honor their memories by continuing to stand up for our freedoms as Americans and never take for granted that we do live in the greatest nation in the world.

Please, have a safe Memorial Day weekend, and do not lose sight of what this weekend is really about.

The Conservative Party traditionally has made a special effort to remember the POW’S and MIA’S whose remains have yet to return to U.S. soil. Please, say a special prayer for them.

Fly your American flag today and everyday in honor of our glorious nation.

“I don’t have to tell you how fragile this precious gift of freedom is. Every time we hear, watch, or read the news, we are reminded that liberty is a rare commodity in this world.” –Ronald Reagan

Lara Logan on efforts to counteract Trump’s message on COVID-19, new Fox Nation special honoring veterans

EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s Buddy, Donor, And Ex Amb. to China Advises CCP-Linked Companies and Tells Chinese Media Joe ‘Will Not Publicly Criticize China As Much’

Trump says he will take a ‘strong position’ to pressure Democrat governors to reopen churches soon.

Most Agree With Trump’s Temporary Cutback in Regulating Small Business.

NYC desperately needs a smart reopening.  

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up topics are justice for General Flynn, Cuomo reverses deadly nursing home order, and our congressional candidate in the 18th CD Chele Farley.

Justice Prevails for General Flynn

It is beyond a shadow of a doubt a crime was indeed committed, but not by General Michael Flynn.

On Wednesday, acting Director of National Intelligence, Rich Grenell, released a list of 23 Obama Administration officials who allegedly worked to reveal General Flynn’s identity through the process known as “unmasking” (revealing their identity).

On that list of names, Joe Biden.

An outgoing vice president has no business unmasking an individual named in a raw intelligence report, particularly when that person has served his country honorably for decades and is the presumptive National Security Advisor for an incoming president of the opposing political party.

The fact that we are only learning this now demands the attention of the American people, regardless of political affiliation.  Seven unmasking requests were made by top Obama Administration officials between November 30, 2016 and Jan. 11, 2017, when President Donald Trump took office, in a clear attempt to find or manufacture dirt on General Michael Flynn, a prominent Trump supporter and advisor during the 2016 campaign. That speaks volumes.

So does Mr. Biden’s blatant mistruth this week in denying that he was aware of an unmasking in which he was intimately involved.  Of course, he was aware — he was part of it.

The more one looks at what happened to General Flynn, the clearer his railroading by leading Democrat operatives becomes.  A full and immediate investigation is required.  The American public needs to know why the Democratic nominee for president just got caught lying.

Cuomo Reverses Deadly Nursing Home Order

 After issuing an order to admit COVID-19 patients into nursing homes, Governor Cuomo has withdrawn the order in an attempt to slow down the spread of the virus amongst our most vulnerable population.

On March 25, the New York State Department of Health issued an order stating “No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.”

Chaos followed that order and we have seen over 5,300 nursing home deaths throughout New York State, accounting for nearly 30% of all the total COVID-19 fatalities; a majority of which could have been avoided had the Governor, and his Health Department, used common sense.

While I am glad the order has finally been reversed, I am saddened and deeply troubled that this order was not just put into motion, but that it was even considered in the first place.

The Governor had been under extreme pressure to reverse this order, much of it coming from the Conservative Party, and you, who signed our petition and spoke out against the lunacy.

The party continues to call for an independent investigation into the gross negligence regarding what happened in our nursing homes.

Please sign our petition if you have not done so already.

 Candidate Spotlight: Chele Farley – New York’s 18th Congressional District.

 We are pleased to have Chele Farley on the Conservative Party line this November in New York’s 18th Congressional District.

Ready to provide New York families with the opportunity to succeed, Chele is focused on recapturing the $50 billion dollars New Yorker’s pay to the state by addressing the unfair treatment of New York taxpayers. Chele is prepared to lead the charge in easing the burden of crippling property taxes and investing in her districts crumbling infrastructure.

Running a strong campaign in the Cook PVI 4+1 district, Chele has a real chance to flip the seat and bring common sense representation back to the region.  Please visit her site to learn more, get involved, or donate!

Trump calls for Obama testimony amid unmasking controversy; Graham cool to idea

Biden busted? Dems and the media circle the wagons over Flynn unmasking

Biden Trails Trump in FIFTEEN Battleground States

Trump says critics want him to keep economy closed until election: ‘It’s a political thing’

Confirmed: China Pressured WHO Against Declaring Coronavirus Global Health Emergency


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up topics are justice for General Flynn, Cuomo reverses deadly nursing home order, and our congressional candidate in the 18th CD Chele Farley.


For Immediate Release
May 13, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys


Brooklyn, NY  – “An outgoing vice president has no business unmasking an individual named in a raw intelligence report, particularly when that person has served his country honorably for decades and is the presumptive National Security Advisor for an incoming president of the opposing political party.

“The fact that we are only learning this now demands the attention of the American people, regardless of political affiliation.  Seven unmasking requests were made by top Obama Administration officials between November 30, 2016 and Jan. 11, 2017, when President Donald Trump took office, in a clear attempt to find or manufacture dirt on General Michael Flynn, a prominent Trump supporter and advisor during the 2016 campaign. That speaks volumes.

“So does Mr. Biden’s blatant mistruth this week in denying that he was aware of an unmasking in which he was intimately involved.  Of course he was aware — he was part of it.

“The more one looks at what happened to General Flynn, the clearer his railroading by leading Democrat operatives becomes.  A full and immediate investigation is required.  The American public needs to know why the Democratic nominee for president just got caught lying.”


Chairman Kassar’s wrap-up includes Governor Cuomo wanting out-of-state health care workers to pay-up, China’s cover up and the Dept. of Labor still leaving New Yorker’s stranded.

  Cuomo To Out of State Health Care Workers: PAY UP!

 Health care workers who selflessly traveled to New York to assist in the fight against COVID-19 are getting a very warm welcoming from Governor Cuomo: state taxes.

Medical professionals from around the country that answered the Governors call for help will pay taxes on income, even if they were only making money in the states they came from.

Cuomo, who has been begging the Federal Government for a bailout from the financial crisis he, and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio created, has unconscionably decided to raid the pockets of those who came to New York to save lives.

“We’re not in a position to provide any more subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit, “ Governor Cuomo said Tuesday.

Governor Cuomo has been shaking down New York taxpayers leading to mass outmigration. Now, he’s found a way to punish taxpayers who don’t even live in New York State. Their only crime, spending more than 14 days in New York saving lives.

In true Cuomo fashion, he continues to blame everyone else for his administrations’ runaway spending and bloated state budget. This is no way to treat individuals who sacrificed their own health to protect New York residents.

Please visit us  to view our new ad highlighting Governor Cuomo’s headful of bad ideas and there are a lot of them.  As we continue to push back against his radical agenda, please consider making a contribution on our website. Your help allows us to support candidates statewide in their efforts to take back the State Senate and shrink the Democrats majority hold on the Assembly.

Communist China’s Cover-up

 United States Government officials have reason to believe the Communist Party of China covered up the deadly extent of COVID-19, allowing themselves to stockpile much needed medical supplies, knowing how contagious and easily spread the disease was.

A report released by the Department of Homeland Security Intelligence last week concludes leaders of China’s Communist Party “intentionally concealed the severity” of the pandemic.

The report goes on to say China also delayed critical information to the World Health Organization while their orders and imports of protective masks, plastic gloves and surgical gowns grew at a rapid rate.

The United States and China have been at odds over the coronavirus epidemic as the U.S. and other countries continue to investigate China’s downplaying of the virus and failure to properly notify world leaders.

While the Chinese government insists they have been transparent, Beijing continues to be adamantly opposed to an independent international inquiry into COVID-19.

The Coronavirus brought the world to its knees and as we continue to rebuild our global economy following the shutdown, it is imperative the Chinese government cooperate with investigators to get to the bottom of what happened and work to prevent future health pandemics.

Cuomo’s Department of Labor Leaving New Yorker’s Stranded

 New York residents have been holding up their end of the bargain since the beginning of the states shutdown. They’ve closed their businesses, stayed home, and distanced themselves from loved ones and friends. Now, it is time New York hold up their end of the deal and deliver the unemployment benefits so many New Yorker’s are still without.

Governor Cuomo’s Department of Labor has failed to provide it’s citizens with much needed funds, while providing very little information as to when businesses can start to open, putting employees back to work.

“Especially troubling is the reality that under current conditions, these claims may be pending for several more weeks. These individuals have already waited, in some cases, months, with little information,” Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay said. “By not getting their money in a timely manner, New York State is failing them,” he added.

Governor Cuomo’s years of financial mismanagement had us ill-prepared for the doomsday type scenario we are currently experiencing with the shutdown of our state economy.  With a budget deficit of more than $13 billion, a state spending 89% more per student than the national average, a Labor Department failing to provide aid to New Yorker’s who are still forced to keep businesses closed and employees home, it is clear this catastrophe is too big for Governor Cuomo.

His reckless spending and failure to get the state budget under control years prior to this crisis, has left New Yorker’s financially crippled, led by an administration who’s only plan appears to be begging Washington for more money.

REMINDER:  Don’t forget to sign our petition calling on Attorney General Barr to order an independent investigation into New York’s nursing home crisis.

Adam Schiff Changed Russia Document Release Strategy Because Grenell Forced His Hand

Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show

Biden failing to attract young voters despite pivot to the left

Report Details NY Budget Deficit Amid Pandemic

De Blasio Warns First Responders May Be Laid Off If Bailout Doesn’t Come.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s wrap-up includes Governor Cuomo wanting out-of-state health care workers to pay-up, China’s cover up and the Dept. of Labor still leaving New Yorker’s stranded.

Chairman Kassar’s wrap up includes Joe Biden, reopening New York and the nursing home crisis.

Biden Asleep on the Job

 There has been much speculation surrounding the health of Joe Biden, speculation the DNC seems willing to ignore. Time and time again, Biden has exhibited clear signs of cognitive decline, failing to remember simple names, going off on odd rants, and forgetting thoughts mid sentence.

Earlier this week in an interview with Hillary Clinton, The former Vice President appeared to fall asleep as Clinton was endorsing his 2020 Presidential campaign.

While it falls squarely on the shoulders of a medical professional to evaluate Biden, it is very fair to question his condition, and request proof of a clean bill of health from the man who could very well be the leader of the free world.

President Trump’s health has often been a topic of discussion, even though he has never showed any sign of cognitive or physical decline.  Calls from the left have never ceased and  insist on doctors giving reports on his annual physical examination.  Requests are always granted by the administration and a clean bill of health is always delivered by White House doctors.

Mainstream media has, once again, developed a new set of rules for President Trump and everyone else. Responsible journalists would take the information we have and request Joe Biden show he is physically up to the challenge of being President of The United States.

Reopening New York

 We still have no clear idea as to when our state will begin it’s reopening at any level. While local and state government has acknowledged we are close to a region relaxation of restrictions, no clear plan has been laid out.

New York City is now in position to potentially have a $9.7 billion loss in tax revenue, while at the same time dealing with nearly 500,000 lost jobs.

New York City’s Independent Budget Office estimates a $2.9 billion revenue loss for the remainder of 2020, and a $6.7 billion loss for the fiscal year 2021.

State counties outside of NYC could see a cumulative  $2 billion in sales tax revenue losses. The state continues to estimate a sales tax revenue loss of between $10 and $15 billion.

This is certainly unwelcomed news as New York State was already starring down the barrel of a $16 billion budget deficit.

We must allow regions of New York not as effected by COVID-19 to open quickly and safely.

Governor Cuomo’s plan to open with only construction and manufacturing jobs in upstate will not suffice. Small businesses are hurting and many will not survive another 1 or 2 months closed. There is a recovery effort each business will undergo even as they are allowed to reopen their doors. Delaying this further could result in their permanent closing.

Conservative Party Petitions for AG William Barr to Investigate New York’s Nursing Home Crisis

What has transpired in New York nursing homes is nothing short of horrendous, irresponsible, and represents failed leadership to say the least.

“I don’t know where their head is, it could be up their butt,” former U.S. Senator Al D’Amato said of NY Health Department commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker.

3,500 nursing home deaths have been reported throughout New York State.

D’Amato, now a lobbyist and large fundraiser for Governor Cuomo, doesn’t believe the numbers coming out of his administration, “It’s higher, believe me, “ he said.

It is unconscionable that COVID-19 infected patients where allowed into nursing homes already full of our most vulnerable population with underlying health issues.

An investigation is needed and we are calling on that loud and clear today.

Please read and sign the petition here.

Biden campaign operatives accessed secret Senate records at Delaware library, report says

Now Nearly One in Four Bernie Supporters Won’t Back Biden

America open for business: States including Texas, Ohio and Illinois begin relaxing coronavirus lockdown rules

Secret FBI Source Provided Information On Michael Flynn Visit To UK

Governors Need Some Skin in Game With Stay-at-Home Orders

Chairman Gerard Kassar examines Gov. Cuomo’s flip-flops, President Trump’s re-opening America plans, Gov. Cuomo’s consideration of regional openings in NYS and your continued support.

Cuomo Flip Flops

To say the Cuomo Administration has had to undo their own mess this week, would be an understatement.

In an unconscionable move Wednesday, the state Health Department issued do-not-resuscitate guidelines for first responders.

Our first line of defense in a medical emergency is our paramedics – men and women who see heartbreaking emergencies and are exposed to every imaginable highly contagious disease. These extremely professional, dedicated, compassionate men and women deserve every bit of protection possible; but to ask these very same special, loving, caring people to not do everything possible to save another human life, borders on sacrilege.  They are trained to save lives; not standby and do nothing to help revived them.

Fortunately, due to instant uproar over this asinine ruling, the guidelines were rescinded, allowing medical professionals to continue performing their job of preserving human life.

In another head scratcher, the NY Post highlighted on Thursday a March 25th DOH order that required nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients.  A facility in Queens suffered greatly; losing 30 residents who perished after the nursing home was forced to admit two patients with the virus to a facility previously free of the deadly disease.

Governor Cuomo appeared to deflect the state’s role in the unusual high number of deaths in nursing homes during his presser on Thursday when he noted it wasn’t the state’s job to protect patients in nursing homes, nursing homes have strict rules to protect their patients.

The Governor has since called for the New York State Attorney General to investigate COVID-19 related deaths at nursing homes, but I strongly believe the federal government should impanel an independent commission to look into the allegations.

Trump Administration Lays Out Plan to Re-open

President Trump, at the advice of Doctors and Scientists, released new guidelines for reopening parts of the country last week. The three-phase plan can be put into affect by states who exhibit a two-week downward trend in COVID-19 symptoms.

Phase one would allow for the soft opening of restaurants, movie theaters, sporting venues (without fans), places of worship and gyms, but only if they are able to observe strict social distancing. Additionally, elective surgeries may resume on an outpatient basis.

Phase two would allow schools, youth activities, nonessential travel, parks and shopping centers to open.  There would be a 50-person max placed on gatherings, while restaurant, movie theaters and large venues could operate under lighter social distancing guidelines. Vulnerable individuals would still be encouraged to shelter in place, employers encouraged continuing telework, and bars mandated to operate with less standing room only occupancy.

Phase Three would allow for vulnerable individuals to resume public interaction, while continuing to practice social distancing. Businesses could resume full staffing, large public venues can open under limited social distancing guidelines and hospital visitation can resume.

Along with the phases, each state would have to meet “core state preparedness responsibilities” which includes: adequate testing, screening, fully stocked personal protection supplies, medical equipment, and intensive care bed space.

Reopening New York

Governor Cuomo finally acknowledged this week what many New Yorkers have been pushing for, a regional reopening of areas who have had limited COVID-19 cases, allowing upstate New York to begin transitioning back to normal life.

April 14, the Governor said he would defy an order from the Federal Government to reopen New York, now he is in agreement, the cure can’t be worse than the sickness, and will begin a regional assessment to determine which areas of the state may return to work.

“We operate as one state, but we also have to understand variations,” Cuomo said Tuesday in Buffalo.

“You do want to get this economy open as soon as possible. And if a situation is radically different in one part of the state than another part of the state, take that into consideration” he added.

New Yorker’s are ready to return to their daily lives, get back to work, and get back to contributing to the strongest economy this county has ever seen prior to the Coronavirus outbreak.

We trust our residents to continue practicing social distancing and sanitary conditions, but handcuffing upstate, because of the difficulties downstate, is not fair to the residents of New York who have had minimal exposure to COVID-19 and far fewer cases.

Your Continued Support of the Conservative Party and It’s Candidates

Thank you to everyone who continues to visit our website, remain active on our social media, and support our endorsed candidates. Like everyone, the party has been greatly affected by these unprecedented times, but we continue to do everything we can to be the voice for every day New Yorkers.

We greatly depend on your financial support, if you are not able to contribute monetarily, we ask that you continue to follow, like, and share our social media posts, releases, and support our candidates.

Internally, a majority of our staff voluntarily asked to be removed from payroll in order to allow the party to continue operating in the best interest of you, and our candidates.

We look forward to rescheduling annual events that have been both fun and successful for the Conservative Party, it’s members, friends and guests.


Pompeo blasts ‘wildly soft’ Obama-Biden coddling of Beijing: ‘Allowed China to walk all over us’

Birx: The United States Has One of the Lowest Coronavirus Mortality Rates in the World

“Promises Made, Promises Kept!” – Gavin Newsom praises Trump for sending what he promised

‘Country before my party’: Trump-supporting Georgia Democrat won’t resign after ‘outcry from the people’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Gerard Kassar examines Gov. Cuomo’s flip-flops, President Trump’s re-opening America plans, Gov. Cuomo’s consideration of regional openings in NYS and your continued support.

Chairman Kassar’s wrap up includes the NYS Budget, Conservative Candidates and a note of thanks to all who continue to give of themselves during the coronavirus crisis.

New York Passes ‘Political Budget’ at Exactly the Wrong Time

The state budget passed with less public and legislative input than at any other time in New York State history.   Governor Andrew Cuomo should have pigeonholed controversial items in his budget and moved them into the regular legislative session where they belong and could be vigorously debated.

In times of crisis, politics has to take a backseat to pragmatism, and that sadly didn’t occur in Albany this week. While members were away from the chamber and reform advocates were sequestered in their homes, billions of dollars of new borrowing was green-lighted; some small political parties were all but eradicated in New York; a taxpayer-paid campaign system was created; new financial burdens were placed on small business owners, and a massive $3-billion bond issue was approved for the November ballot, among other things. What else the governor stuffed into this budget we will soon find out.

Thankfully, the Conservative Party of New York State is strong, in good standing, and will survive the recommendations suggested by the Public Financing Commission. Our party will continue to operate as normal, our candidates will be on the ballot, and we will far surpass the vote threshold needed to maintain our spot on row C.

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, virtually no budget debate took place in Albany in the days leading up to the budget’s passage. Senators and assembly members were not present in their respective chambers and votes were taken remotely.

I am also disappointed that judges were deprived of the right to use discretion in determining whether to require cash bail from those arrested for crimes. Law enforcement leaders and prosecutors begged the governor and state legislature to give judges that discretion. Governor Cuomo’s budget further deprived localities of the right to require approval for certain energy development projects, making a mockery of local zoning laws and effectively eliminating “home rule.”

We are looking at a policy-driven budget of misstarts and overreaches, and New Yorkers will pay dearly for it.

Conservative Party Candidates

We are proud to be running a full slate of candidates this November for Congress, State Senate, and State Assembly. The pandemic has interfered with seemingly every aspect of life, including campaigns. While we must suspend all person-to-person campaigning for the safety of our residents, these tough times will pass, and we will be dependent on you more than ever for support.

This year’s budget is yet another example of why we must continue to remember our Congressional, Senate and Assembly candidates, and promote them the best we can.

I ask that you continue to use social media to share some of the great things our candidates are doing for their community, as well as highlight their policies and platforms that would be a vast improvement to what continues to come out of Albany; wasteful spending, dangerous bail reform, and pick pocketing tax payers.

When our quarantine is lifted and we return to life as normal, I ask you to support through volunteering, financial support, and most importantly, your vote.

Chairman’s Note

I want to continue to remember and thank all our essential frontline workers. I believe I speak for everyone when I say we are proud of our medical professionals, our first responders those continuing to supply medications, groceries, and other essential items every day.

I would also like to thank our United States military and National Guard who have mobilized in New York to provide much needed relief. The USNS Comfort arrived this week in New York City providing 1,000 additional beds, and Samaritans Purse has constructed hospital facilities in the Upper East Side in partnership with Mt. Sinai Hospital.

I am extremely grateful for all the organizations that have come together to care for our sick and help prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

Continue to practice social distancing and maintain sanitary conditions so that we can flatten the curve and return to normal routines.

The Second Amendment Was Made for Coronavirus

Biden’s Virtual Town Hall Goes Haywire with Audio Issues, Joe Wandering Off Screen

FAQ on Federal Coronavirus Relief Bill (CARES Act)

Trump fires back at Schumer over coronavirus criticism: ‘No wonder AOC is thinking about running against you’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s wrap up includes the NYS Budget, Conservative Candidates and a note of thanks to all who continue to give of themselves during the coronavirus crisis.

Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on the coronavirus, Trump and Cuomo and the economics of the coronavirus crisis.

Chairman’s Note

 I want to first start this week’s wrap up by thanking doctors, nurses, EMT’S, medical professionals, first responders, truck drivers, grocery stores, pharmacies, and everyone else across New York State who has been on the front lines of this fight. I am eternally grateful for your perseverance. We are all, in one way or another, touched by this epidemic. My thoughts and prayers are with our great state.

 Coronavirus and What It Means for Candidates

 We are living through unprecedented times. Schools have been suspended, businesses across the state have been forced to close, and the Governor has ordered 100% of the non-essential workforce to remain at home in order to help “flatten the curve”, further preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Politically, it has disrupted our calendar, as well as the petition period, which was cut 16 days short. The good news is, the Conservative Party, and county leaders, did everything they needed to do to ensure the party runs a full slate of candidates for federal, state, and local offices. We are excited about our candidates statewide and want to reaffirm our commitment to them, and you, that once we have beaten the virus, we will be doing everything we can to help them get elected.

Discussions to postpone the April 28th Democratic primary to a date in June are ongoing as Board of Election Commissioners statewide are encouraging the Governor to act fast on pushing back the date.

“We have election workers who don’t want to work. We have polling places who don’t want us to be there. We have this stay at home order that we don’t know when that’s going to be lifted,” Onondaga BOE Democratic Deputy Commissioner Dustin Czarny said.

De Blasio Sputters as Trump, Cuomo Shine

In the midst of a public health crisis in New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio has once again proven his detractors right, he is not up to the job. At a time when the city needs a steady, calming voice to lead the way, the Mayor has fallen short and left NYC residents scrambling to President Trump and Governor Cuomo for answers.

The Mayor continues his attempt to lay blame at the feet of the President, but a recent NY Post article confirms what we already knew, de Blasio himself botched the city’s response to the Coronavirus epidemic from the very beginning, waiting until March 6 to begin ordering the essential supplies needed to fight the virus. Now, according to the article, his administration is in disarray, and not sure where to go.

There are a series of blunders the Mayor wishes he could have back, including this March 2 tweet, “Since I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus, I thought I would offer some suggestions” de Blasio says, before going on to suggest going to the theatre to see a movie.

Meanwhile, President Trump and Governor Cuomo dominate the headlines. 60% of American’s approve of the President’s response to the health crisis, while Governor Cuomo is being touted as a potential Vice President pick of Joe Biden. Some going as far to suggest that the Governor should be the Democrats nominee for President this November. The President and Governor have often praised each other for their work on behalf of New Yorker’s, while both contradicting and minimizing the Mayor. I guess we can credit de Blasio with one thing; he has managed to bring President Trump and Governor Cuomo into thinking he is in over his head.

We are grateful for the excellent coordination that is being shown between the President and Governor. Their combined efforts are likely saving lives, and will hopefully shorten the duration of the virus. The Mayor, however, has been a miserable failure with his daily hysterical rantings, lack of leadership, and desire to politicize the crisis whenever he gets the chance.

Crisis and the Economy

 This crisis has presented a complicated scenario in which the economy cannot be allowed to crash, but cannot be allowed to operate as usual in the interest of Americans and their safety. That, alone, can have long term consequences that could compete with the dangers of the Coronavirus.

A much-needed boost was provided when the United States Senate and House passed the CARES Act, a relief bill – headed to the President for his signature – that will provide Americans, small businesses and large corporations who have been hurt, at no fault of their own, with much needed relief. The package includes $1,200 for Americans who make $75,000 or less, $2,400 per married couple, and $500 per child.

While I am no fan of the entire bill, which Democrats used as a slush fund for many other non-Coronavirus related items, I do realize there is a significant need to provide aid for the millions of Americans who have, and will continue, to lose their jobs.

The President has voiced his interest in re-opening many aspects of the economy on April 12 in areas that have not been greatly affected by the virus, but insists he will do so at the advice and consultation of White House Coronavirus task force experts, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, and others.

New York Times Tries to Spread Panic About Ventilators, Gets Epically Fact-Checked

Dr. Birx: Coronavirus Data Doesn’t Match The Doomsday Media Predictions

NY Times Front Page: Trump Cynically ‘Rewriting History’ to Save His Reelection

Coronavirus stimulus checks will come within three weeks, Mnuchin says

Pelosi hints at what Dems could include in next coronavirus bill

Look in the mirror de Blasio

Billionaire Who Helped Rehab Jeffrey Epstein’s Image Drops $1.5 Million to Boost Biden.


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on the coronavirus, Trump and Cuomo and the economics of the coronavirus crisis.

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Senator John Flanagan’s retirement.

For Immediate Release
March 25, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Senator John Flanagan’s retirement.

Brooklyn, NY — “John Flanagan has been a dedicated public servant for more than thirty years, as an assemblyman, senator, and senate leader. I have worked closely with him during those years and consider him a friend. The New York State Conservative Party thanks Senator Flanagan for his long service, and wishes him the best in all future endeavors.”

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Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on winning our lawsuit against Governor Cuomo’s Commission on Public Financing, Joe Biden’s health and the coronavirus.

Conservative Party Defeats Governor Cuomo and Public Finance Commission

 Since day one, we’ve been saying the State Legislatures creating of a Public Finance Commission was an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority. On Thursday, a Niagara Supreme Court judge agreed and ruled in our favor.

This is a big blow to the Governor who attempted to strip New Yorker’s of their right to vote for third parties, and reach further into the pockets of taxpayers through an unelected body of handpicked cronies.

“The Legislature established the commission and delegated to it the authority to create new law and to repeal existing law which is a function reserved solely to the Legislature under the constitution,” ruling Supreme Court Justice Ralph Boniello said. “The transgressions became final when the recommendations of the commission became law without further action by the Legislature,” he added.

This entire process was a total overreach by an overzealous Governor. This is a total victory for political freedom in New York, and a reminder to Governor Cuomo that he is an executive and not an emperor. Reason has won out over Machiavellianism, and New York State is better for it.

Joe Biden’s Big Primary Win

 Vice President Joe Biden enjoyed another successful batch of primaries Tuesday as he clinched huge victories in Mississippi, Missouri, Michigan, and Idaho. Bernie Sanders was victorious in only North Dakota, vastly underperforming from his 2016 numbers. It is clear that Sander’s success in 2016 was a complete rejection of Hillary Clinton, and not the political revolution that he had suggested.

While it appears Socialist Bernie Sander’s path to the nomination is all but over, there are still many important questions to be answered, including the health of Vice President Biden.

It is fair to question whether Biden is fit to serve as President. We all recall the mainstream liberal media and never trumper’s questioning whether or not Donald Trump was fit to serve in office, and President Trump has since proven to be in outstanding physical health according to White House Doctors.

At 77 years old, Biden is four years older than Reagan was during his 1984 re-election campaign. If elected, Biden will be 78 years old when sworn in, older than Reagan on his last day as President.

Biden has contributed to our concern as American citizens, he has repeatedly misspoken, forgotten where he was, shown an extreme lack of patience, and recently, forgot the words of the Declaration of Independence, saying “All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing.” He has also has declared himself a candidate for United States Senate, claimed he was arrested in South Africa for trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison, which his campaign admitted was not true, and most recently, was seen shuffling into his escort vehicle slowly and with the help of a staffer.

I do not find pleasure in watching the decline of Vice President Biden, but I am concerned that someone in cognitive decline is considered the Democratic front runner for President of the United States.


 As you are all aware, the state of New York is taking preventative measures to prevent the spread of the virus. It is imperative we all take the necessary precautions, and maintain sanitary conditions so not to spread the sickness to our neighbors.

Nationally, President Trump has restricted travel from European nations and at 3pm today, will issue a National State of Emergency to release $40 billion in aid. The President restricted travel from China, where the virus originated, on February 4th.

As of this writing, there are 421 confirmed cases of the virus statewide, but that number is expected to grow as testing continues.

Contrary to reports, the New York City Subway system remains open, but I do expect more preventative measures to be taken to minimize the spread of the virus.

For those petitioning, I have been in regular contact with GOP leadership of the state Legislature to push for a reduction in petition signature requirements. I am very hopeful that in the near future we will hear that our request has been granted.

I ask you remain prudent, but do not panic. Wash your hands, make sure to be mindful of the most vulnerable age group, and maintain sanitary conditions at all times.

FDA grants emergency approval for faster coronavirus test.

Democrats, Media Were the First to Raise Issues About Biden’s Cognitive Health.

MLB cancels remaining spring training games, delays opening day over coronavirus.

Approval of U.S. Congressional Republicans Tops Democrats.

Why Did Trump Ban Europe Travel?

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on winning our lawsuit against Governor Cuomo’s Commission on Public Financing, Joe Biden’s health and the coronavirus.

Chairman Kassar’s wraps up includes the Democratic Debate, Buffalo Billion fiasco, and the falling approval ratings of Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Democrats Fall Short in Latest Debate

2020 Democratic challengers left much to the imagination Tuesday night in an often hard to follow, contentious debate that once again put the party’s socialist agenda in the forefront.

As Bernie Sanders oversees the downfall of the Democratic party as we know it, the remainder of the field has had little luck in shifting momentum away from the Democratic Socialist frontrunner.  At a time where the party is desperately looking for a leader and an identity, stalwarts such as Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar have failed to deliver for the party which continues to spiral down a path of extinction, making way for the new Democratic Socialist Party led by Senator Sanders.

Senator Sanders has confessed that taxes will be raised drastically on not only the rich, but the middle class who drives the American economy, in order to pay for his healthcare, college tuition and climate plans. However, Sanders conveniently pivots when pressed on the fact that a massive deficit still exists that would cripple the economy as we know it.

Perhaps the most concerning issue at hand is the amount of support Sanders has across the country for his socialist agenda. Dismissing his candidacy in a general election thinking socialism would never be a reality in America, would be a mistake for Conservatives all over the country. Sanders base is energized, organized, loyal and growing. We must take this threat on our democracy serious and prepare to support the President and down ballot Conservative/Republican candidates with enthusiasm.

Panasonic Ends Partnership with Tesla

Panasonic confirmed the end of their solar partnership with Tesla on Wednesday in a move that will deliver a blow to the Buffalo economy.

Panasonic will end all operations in New York and have their pullout complete by September effectively ending the employment of just over 400 New Yorker’s.  The state has informed the Panasonic employees in RiverBend, Buffalo that they will be offering their assistance in acquiring new jobs, but could make no assurances or promises. While the state attempts to put on a good face, it is evident Governor Cuomo’s administration continues to deal with a level of unprecedented corruption within this economic development project.

The facts are this, Tesla promised more jobs than they delivered in Buffalo. Gone are the promises of over 1,400 manufacturing jobs, and more than 2,000 additional jobs all over New York State to provide solar energy.

Transparency has never been the Governors forte, but this latest debacle stinks. It stinks for the State and it stinks for hundreds of people losing good paying jobs and the thousands of others who never got an opportunity due to failures on the part of Tesla and the Governor.

 Governor Cuomo’s Approval Rating Falling

A new Siena Research poll has Governor Cuomo falling out of favor in New York State with a 36% positive job performance review and a 63% negative rating, down from a 41% favorability a month ago.

The decline comes on the heels of abysmal statewide support for bail reform laws passed last year as a part of the state budget. In April of 2019, New Yorker’s thought the reforms would be a step in the right direction by 17 points, but one month after the implementation, voters believed the changes to be bad for New York by a 12-point margin. Now, those numbers have torpedoed even further as voters believe the law is bad by a margin of 26 points.

Senate and Assembly Republicans have called for the immediate repeal of the law, but state Democrats continue to refuse revisiting the reforms.

With the November elections on the horizon and public opinion souring, Democrats are under immense pressure to work with Republicans regarding the law.

Bail reform laws were passed as a part of the state budget and bail reform was never discussed on either the Senate or Assembly floor. I, along with many Conservative/Republican legislators have called on the state to no longer pass legislation within the state budget. Laws should be discussed and argued on the floor, not tucked away within a budget. With the Governors numbers falling at a rapid pace, I believe he would be wise to remember the people who elected him, not act as a king.

Biden reverses course, admits he didn’t get arrested in South Africa

WBUR Poll: Sanders Opens Substantial Lead In Mass., Challenging Warren On Her Home Turf

Serial Manhattan subway scammer jailed after 142nd arrest

Rasmussen: 31% of Likely Voters Say Democrat Party Should ‘Officially Declare Itself a Socialist Party’

Patricia Arquette Urges One-Day ‘Economic Shutdown’ to Hurt Trump

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s wraps up includes the Democratic Debate, Buffalo Billion fiasco, and the falling approval ratings of Governor Andrew Cuomo.