Author: Gerard Kassar

A Win for Religious Freedom

Last week the United States Supreme Court handed in a 5-4 decision striking down Governor Cuomo’s order limiting religious gatherings to 10 and 25 people.

“I have said from the beginning the restrictions imposed by Governor Cuomo were an overreach that did not take into account the size of our churches or the safety protocols that have kept parishioners safe,” said Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn.

Other Catholic and Orthodox Jewish leaders from around the state including the Brooklyn Diocese and Agudath Israel played big roles in pushing back against their religious freedoms being infringed upon by a power-hungry tyrant.

Governor Cuomo could do nothing but accuse the court of partisanship after the decision, claiming it was due to the three Justices nominated by President Donald Trump and their ideology.

The decision bruised Governor Cuomo’s ego which has grown larger and larger over the course of the past 8 months.

Earlier this year Jason McGuire, Livingston County Conservative Party Chairman and Executive Director of New Yorker’s for Constitutional Freedom, led the charge in urging the Governor to work with faith leaders and come to an agreement that would safely open churches.

The Supreme Court ensured religious rights will not be infringed upon.

Updating New York’s 22nd Congressional District

 Claudia Tenney continues to maintain a lead of 12 votes in a race that has been covered in a cloud of confusion with new twists and turns seemingly every day.

First it was a head scratching case of missing Post-it notes. The sticky notes “fell” off a stack of disputed ballots, making it unclear whether the ballots had already been counted. Next, the Chenango County Board of Elections found 55 “mislaid” ballots. 11 of the ballots were immediately thrown out due to registration issues leaving 44 to be added to the count. It is believed the remaining 44 ballots will break in Tenney’s direction as it appears those ballots were cast by a majority of Republicans.

While I do not expect any new updates until Monday, I do want to thank Madison County Conservative Party Chairman and attorney Chris Kendall who has been working with the Tenney campaign to ensure recount efforts are being properly handled and every legal vote is being counted.

I am confident we will have good news to report in the coming days, but I remain concerned with how the Oneida and Chenango Counties Board of Elections have handled the process. Carelessness and lack of transparency has the voters of the 22nd District unknowing who their representative will be more than a month after election day.

These issues must be corrected and the Board of Elections in both counties must take the steps necessary to ensure these issues do not happen again in the future.

President Trump closing in on 300,000 Conservative Party votes

 I am proud to announce as it currently stands, President Trump has received 295,697 votes on the Conservative Party line, the second most votes for President in the history of the party trailing only Richard Nixon in 1972.

President Trump’s 2016 effort was previously the second highest. He now holds the 2nd and 3rd most votes in party history.

I want to thank everyone who voted on the Conservative Party line and everyone who continues to be a friend of the party. With your help we continue to play a major role in races all over the state. Our party line is actively sought year after year from the North Country on down to Long Island. Candidates know the importance of being on row C and what it means to their chances.

I look forward to continuing our fight in 2021.

Mario Cuomo: The Myth and The Man

I was pleased to be joined by George Marlin last night to discuss his new book. George, through an immense amount of research and first-hand accounts, relives the Mario Cuomo era and offers true insight into politics in the 1970’s and 1980’s. I highly recommend the book to those interested in an important chapter in New York State and national political history.

You can watch the interview in its entirety on our Facebook page.

You can purchase a signed copy here.

Biden says people need to take virus seriously or another 250,000 could die before he enters office.

Joe Biden expresses support for raising tax rates to levels not seen since George W. Bush

Democratic Louisiana Governor Dined Maskless at Country Club Despite Guidelines

Joe Biden’s DHS Nominee Is The Absolute Picture Of DC Political Corruption.

Supreme Court Ruling Sends A Message Churches Can’t Be Treated Like ‘Second Class’ Citizens, Legal Experts Say.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses Religious Freedom, the 22nd Congressional District, President Trump’s Conservative vote and George J. Marlin’s book about Mario Cuomo.

2020 Election Update

President Trump’s legal defense team updated us yesterday on their ongoing investigation in what they believe to be widespread voter fraud.

“There’s not a singular vote fraud in one state. This pattern repeats itself in a number of states, almost exactly the same pattern,” campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani said.

“It suggests there was a plan from a centralized place to execute these various acts of voter fraud, specifically focused on big cities, and specifically focused on big cities controlled by Democrats,” he continued.

Giuliani maintains hundreds of thousands of mail-in-ballots were not inspected for irregularities before being counted in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia.

Additionally, questions continue to surround the Dominion Voting System software used to count votes. The Trump campaign alleges the system could have erroneously counted thousands upon thousands of votes for Biden that were meant for the President.

As we continue to await further information and evidence from the investigation, it is clear we are not doing enough to protect the integrity of our elections. We must demand transparency and allegations that Republican inspectors were not permitted to monitor the absentee ballot count is indeed troubling.

Live on Facebook with George Marlin

I will be speaking with George Thursday, December 3rd at 7:00pm on Facebook Live to discuss his new book Mario Cuomo: The Myth and the Man.

The former head of the New York Port Authority, Marlin has been heavily involved with the state’s Conservative Party, including being the Party’s candidate for mayor of New York City in 1993.

He writes his newest book with an intimate knowledge of the Cuomo family and how they operated, and continue to operate, politically in New York.

Details on how to get a signed copy of the book will be provided during the live interview on December 3rd.

Happy Thanksgiving

It may be difficult to understand how important the first Thanksgiving was for the pilgrims considering all that they had endured. Regardless, On June 20, 1676 the council of Charlestown, Massachusetts gathered to discuss the best options to express their gratitude. They would instruct the town clerk to proclaim June 29 as a day of Thanksgiving.

Though the first Thanksgiving can be traced back to 1621 when Colonists declared a day of thanks after their crops were saved by rainfall, the first official proclamation came in 1676 in Charlestown.

Nonetheless, they had much to mourn, but knew they had much to be thankful for. They had survived a rough voyage across the Atlantic, infectious diseases and exposure to the brutally cold New England winters.  Within their original plantation, half of the 102 people who had set sail passed, yet they still gathered and were thankful.

As you visit with family and friends next week, it is my hope that you will find satisfaction and gratitude for everything we still have through all the troubles we have recently endured. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the many abundance of blessings around us. A time to reflect on what God has provided for us, and a time to reflect on the many meaningful relationships we have with our loved ones.

I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season and look forward to continuing our good work into the future.

Fauci Questions Logic of NYC School Closure: ‘Keep the Schools Open if You Possibly Can’

More Voter Fraud: Ilhan Omar Reportedly Led “Cash for Ballots” Scheme Exposed by Project Veritas.

In sworn statement, prominent mathematician flags up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots.

Red States Continue Leading Economic Recovery While Blue States Lag

Gov. Greg Abbott says there will be no more lockdowns in the state of Texas

Ballot Audits

 Ten days have passed since election day and there are still many questions to be answered. It appears we will get closer to at least one answer as Georgia begins to recount almost 5 million ballots.

The state has not voted for a Democrat since 1992, but Joe Biden holds a lead of just over 14,000 votes. In an unusual development, the vote counting in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena was halted due to a “burst pipe.” Officials have not been able to produce any proof that a work order was issued for the “burst pipe.” However, arena officials have called the incident “highly exaggerated” and called the issue a “slow leak” that they quickly managed.

The audits in Georgia will begin Friday morning and are required to be completed by November 18th.

In Pennsylvania a judge ordered the votes of those who failed to submit proof of identification before the November 9th deadline be disqualified, a win for the Trump campaign. However, Biden’s lead in the state is currently outside the minimum needed to call for an automatic recount.

In Arizona the votes continued to be counted. As of this writing we do not know if the separation between the two candidates will call for a recount.

An interesting development in the last 48 hours is the questioning of the Dominion voting machines that were reportedly used in multiple states, including the battleground state of Pennsylvania. The President and his team have made claims that the machines may have deleted more than two million of his votes.

The situation in many states remains fluid with the proper officials continuning to gather information and the Trump campaign investigating claims of voter fraud around the country.

Malliotakis Flips Rose

 Max Rose officially conceded the race in New York’s 11th Congressional District to Nicole Malliotakis on Thursday putting an end to their three-day absentee ballot counting expedition that was not wielding the results he needed or hoped for.

With a lead of more than 37,000 votes, this race was all but settled on election night. Yesterday, what we knew all along, became official.

Nicole becomes the only Conservative/Republican to represent any part of New York City in Congress.

Running as the law and order candidate with the backing of every police union in the city, Nicole’s message of supporting the police against violent mobs and preserving the integrity of Staten Island and South Brooklyn, resonated to voters.

Outmatched dollar-to-dollar by the incumbent Max Rose, with Nancy Pelosi and the Congressional Leadership Fund pouring millions and millions more into the district, Nicole and her team outworked their opponent at every step.

In a race that is ultimately expected to be decided by ten to fifteen thousand votes, the Conservative Party is approaching nearly 11,000 votes in the district.

Congratulations Congresswoman-elect Nicole Malliotakis!

Mario Cuomo: The Myth and The Man by George Marlin

 George J. Marlin sets the record straight on Mario Cuomo.

In the book, Marlin traces Cuomo’s political rise and documents how and why he abandoned his public opposition to abortion to be elected New York’s chief executive.

Marlin describes the protracted conflict between Cuomo and his church on abortion and refutes the governor’s claim that his “position on abortion is absolutely theologically sound.”

He critiques Cuomo’s famous 1984 Democratic convention speech as nothing more than the usual high-toned partisan liberal bromides that offered little, if anything, that hadn’t been touted by his party for half a century.

The book also uncovers New York State’s fiscal, economic, and social decline during Cuomo’s 12 years as governor. It explains why voters repudiated Cuomo’s version of a welfare state when he sought a fourth term in 1994 and why, in the words of his son, Governor Andrew Cuomo, his father was “more accomplished as a speech-giver than as a governor.”

Next week our email list will be sent more information on how to get a signed copy directly from the Conservative Party.

King Cuomo Cancels Thanksgiving

 Andrew Cuomo has limited gatherings to no more than 10 people. No, not in restaurants, not in bars or taverns, not in catering halls. He has put a limit on how many people you can have in your own personal residence.

“I’ll be having more than 10 ppl at my house on Thanksgiving,” Staten Island Councilman Joe Borelli said in a tweet Wednesday. “Some family will come from (gasp!) New Jersey. Kids will see their grandparents, cousins will play in the yard, sis in law will bring strawberry rhubarb pie, & a turkey will be overcooked” he continued.

This new mandate from the Governor was issued along with ordering bars and restaurants to be closed by 10pm starting tonight and ordering all gyms closed.

Beyond attempting to put ridiculous restrictions on how many family members you can have over for the Holidays, the Governor seems hell bent on ensuring hundreds of more businesses shutter their doors for good throughout New York City.

The Governor remains drunk on power and completely unapologetic for contributing to the deaths of thousands and thousands of senior citizens.

Republican Declares Victory in Closest House Race In The Country (But There’s Going To Be A Recount)

Democrat Raphael Warnock Arrested in 2002 for Obstructing Child Abuse Investigation

Democratic Disarray Likely to Continue Through 2022

Joe Biden official Kate Bedingfield dodges lockdown question amid COVID spike

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the continuing ballot audits, Congresswoman-elect Malliotakis, George J. Marlin’s new book and Cuomo’s downsizing Thanksgiving.

Conservative Party Meets Threshold

 There have been 256,584 votes cast on the Conservative Party line as of this writing with 1.3 million votes left to be counted. We have far surpassed the number needed to remain a political party. In fact, we are potentially headed towards record breaking numbers on our party line.

The party has worked hard the last two years to prove our worth and staying power. We are once again playing a major role in the election and re-election of candidates from Long Island, to the North Country and over to the Finger Lakes.

I want to thank our county chairs and their committees for all their hard work this election season. As we approach 300,000 votes for the President, we have much to be proud of.

I intend to keep us moving full steam ahead and continuing to play a major part in electing conservative minded candidates across New York State.

Presidential Election

 The President and his legal team have begun to challenge the results in a handful of states where nefarious actions seem to be taking place.

We have heard individual accounts of irregularities in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia that are concerning. As the proper authorities investigate and look into allegations it is important that our process remain transparent.

It is unconscionable to me that Republican poll monitors in Pennsylvania have not been granted access to polling sites to oversee the voting process and counting. This is, at the very least, an abuse of power and unlawful. What’s going on in these poll sites that they don’t want Republicans to see? Who knows, but the state parties and Trump campaign are taking the proper steps to make sure all legal votes are counted.

The situation is fluid and changing by the hour. We may not know the results for a few more days, but we must demand a clean and fair election process.

There is still a path to re-election for the President and it is imperative, no matter who the winner ultimately is, that we get to the bottom of fraud allegations to ensure the will of the people is done.

Congressional Races

 New York Conservative/Republicans had a good night as two seats were flipped by two incredible female candidates, a trend we saw nationally.

Nicole Malliotakis flipped New York’s 11th district, while Claudia Tenney flipped the 22nd districts in dramatic fashion. Both races were considered “toss ups” nationally.

Additionally, Andrew Garbarino held the seat of the retiring Peter King and we kept every other Conservative/Republican seat in the state.

I want to congratulate Lee Zeldin, Elise Stefanik, Tom Reed, Chris Jacobs, and John Katko on their wins. We have an incredibly hardworking slate of Representatives and we’re excited to be adding three great new members in Malliotakis, Garbarino, and Tenney.

I also want to congratulate Chele Farley in the 18th district and George Santos in the 3rd district, and Liz Joy in the 20th district who all ran incredible races against large odds and did outstanding jobs.  The Farley and Santos races will come down to the counting of paper ballots. Regardless, I look forward to seeing what’s next for them.

New York Senate and Assembly Seats

 Democrats failed to win any State House across the country while losing control of two. Here in New York, that trend continued, while not at the level needed to flip the Senate, we made very meaningful gains.

We made significant movement and prevented the Democrats from gaining a super majority. As it stands, we are currently ahead in 7 races that would be flips, but we are still awaiting the absentee ballot results which will be another 4 or 5 days. I am confident that we will ultimately see gains in the State Senate.

We also made gains in the Assembly. We currently have the lead in 11 seats, but like the Senate races, we are waiting for absentee results. I am confident we will flip between 4 and 6 seats. We have continued to chip away at the Assembly Democrats super majority.

I am encouraged by these results and believe we can continue to elect more good candidates in next year’s local city, town and village races. 2022 is also right around the corner and the Presidents numbers show we can do very well in statewide races. I look forward to building on this momentum.

Gov. Cuomo blames de Blasio for Democratic losses on Election Day

At State Level, 2020 Was a Bloodbath for Democrats…And Highlighted Something Interesting About Trump

Graham: I’m Donating $500,000 to Trump Legal Fund; We’ll Be Briefed by Campaign on Saturday

New Jersey Releases 2,200+ Inmates to Stop COVID Spread

Tucker Carlson: The election that narrowly saved America


The 50th Anniversary of James L. Buckley’s election as a United States Senator

Fifty years ago, the still emerging New York State Conservative Party shocked the political world when James L. Buckley ran only on the Conservative Party line and won a seat in the U.S. Senate! The pundits scoffed at the idea, but, James Buckley, with his charisma and common-sense ideas, ignited a conservative movement in New York that brought together the young, the old, the rich and the working man, that quite frankly, has been difficult to duplicate.  A lot has changed in the 50 years that have passed since the excitement of the Buckley win; but this is certain, the principles, values, and dedication that ignited that movement are still as strong as ever within the membership of the Conservative Party and those who support the conservative cause in this deep blue state that seems, on the surface, to have lost its ability to unite and reestablish what brought so many to the hope of Ellis Island.  Lady Liberty’s torch still burns bright; but today, too many believe its flame comes from government, not the hard work of its citizens.

James L. Buckley’s appeal to the youth had a lot to do with the times; he challenged the establishment – yes it was liberal then also —  his appeal to the working class was his staunch support of reducing taxes and spending as well as restraints on regulations and bureaucracy.  Sen. Buckley was unashamed to stand up for life, for being a conservationist before it was fashionable, and he had a plan to win in Vietnam and to do it quickly.  James L. Buckley was and will always be dedicated to the American citizenry and in some ways like President Trump, who has the same remarkable ability to unite those who revere the United States of America.

We thank Judge Buckley (D. C. Circuit Court of Appeals) for taking up the cause in 1970; we thank him for believing in the Conservative Party.  We salute his statesmanship and celebrate the 50th anniversary of his election to the United States Senate and for being an example for all to emulate.

Election 2020

With just four days remaining, President Trump could be on the path to a familiar looking victory.

While the President is tirelessly traveling the United States campaigning vigorously in battleground states, Joe Biden spends very little time outside of his Delaware home. The candidates schedule the last few weeks are just another indicator that Joe Biden is not physically fit to be this country’s Commander-in-Chief.

President Trump often does 4-5 public rallies per day, speaking to crowds of thousands. Biden does 4-5 public rallies per week, speaking to crowds of dozens, sometimes tens.

What does this mean? We won’t know until late November 3, but what we do know is the momentum and enthusiasm is squarely with President Trump; much like it was in the final days in 2016.

There are pockets of very good news, particularly in the swing state of Florida where it’s biggest county, Miami-Dade is having an unexpected strong showing of Republicans voting. Hillary Clinton won the county by 29 points in 2016, but still lost the state to then candidate Donald Trump. Now, the President looks poised to cut into that advantage which would be a huge development in the must win state of Florida.

The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime

You’ve heard it before, but in 2020 it is true, now more than ever.  There are two philosophical differences on the ballot.

The first is a message of doom and gloom. Government forced shutdowns of the economy. It makes it tougher for corporations, the job creators, to do business, it aims to defund, and in some cases, disband the police. It aims to tax you for their agendas, such as the multi trillion-dollar Green New Deal. It aims to pack the Supreme Court, all because they lost the 2016 election and thus had no ability to fill vacancies. Instead, Democrats want to add Justices. It wants Puerto Rico and D.C. statehood for nothing more than to add 4 democratic Senators and additional House of Representative members. Remember, Democrats didn’t care about Puerto Rico in the 1990’s when the Clinton administration stripped the U.S. Territory of their ability to offer incentive to pharmaceutical companies to do business on the Island. Puerto Rico remains in a recession to this day. It aims to eliminate fracking, ban oil, and strip America of our energy independence, and it aims to have us rejoin trade deals that shipped Rust Belt jobs to Mexico and China.

The other is a message of hope. A message that the cure can’t be worse than the sickness itself. It lets Americans safely get back to work to provide for their families. It aims to keep both small and big business alive and thriving, something they could not survive if forced to close again. It gets children safely back to school. It keeps manufacturing jobs in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. It keeps the farming industry alive and well in Wisconsin, and it tells Floridians that the atrocities faced just 90 miles south in Cuba, will never happen in the Sunshine State or anywhere else. It is a message of law and order that protects every citizens of this country, but doesn’t kowtow to a violent mob looking to loot and destroy businesses.

There are two very different choices on the ballot. I strongly encourage you to choose the policies that have worked to bring jobs back, lowers the unemployment rate to historic lows and made the American economy the envy of the world.


Shortly after I took over as State Chairman, Governor Cuomo, angry with the Working Families Party moved to change state law, making it more difficult for third parties to exist. The Governor and legislature tripled the minimum number of votes required to maintain legal party status.

We are a party with a proud history, we have elected a U.S. Senator on our line alone and we continue to be the margin of victory for candidates around the state of New York. We are a small party, but we play a major role in getting conservative republicans elected.

We took the Governor to court and won the right to continue as a party, but under the new rules we must get between 160,000 to 170,000 votes cast on our Conservative Party line for President.

In 2016, the party received 292,392 votes on the Conservative line. This year we hope to surpass 300,000, sending a clear message to Governor Cuomo that New Yorker’s want a choice.

Please remember to grab a family member, friend or neighbor and vote for President Trump on the Conservative Party line.

EXCLUSIVE: NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

BREAKING: Hunter Biden under criminal investigation according to FBI.

Democrats’ Lurch Into Socialism Is Driving Young Cuban American Support For Trump.

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter E-Mails Request ‘Formal Meetings With Dad’ To Secure Billion-Dollar Deals

Add Florida to list of swing states where early voting data favors a Trump victory

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar discusses Sen. Buckley’s historic win, 2020 Election, the importance of this election and casting your vote on Row C.

The Final 2020 Presidential Debate

With eleven days to go, and early voting already in progress, the last presidential debate took place last night.  The moderator, Kristen Welker, had more control of the debate, and to her credit, threw some hard balls to the former Vice President, however, there was little follow up when he deflected the questions and responded with unrelated answers.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden has a long history of embellishing the truth and even creating events that aren’t even close to being true.  Why he wasn’t pressed into answering the allegations that continue to dodge him regarding Hunter Biden’s business deals is beyond comprehension.  Voters have the right to know, if the man who looks right into the TV camera saying how you should trust his integrity, knowing how many times he stretched the truth in the past to serve his own agenda, what he knew and how involved he was with Hunter’s business arrangements, especially with Tony Bobulinsk pre-debate revelation.

President Trump consistently reminded viewers how he is looking out for America’s citizens.  He has done more for the middle class, minority communities and those sent to prison under Joe Biden’s signature, draconian crime bill.  Donald J. Trump is looking to get people back to work, has fast tracked COVID-19 remedies and a vaccine, is looking out for those employed in fracking and the oil industry, and will not rescind his tax cuts that let the working class keep more of their own money.  As Thomas Sowell once said, “I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you’ve earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.”

The 2020 elections are trending toward record breaking numbers; it is my hope that people voting have all the facts.  The debate last evening was helpful, but more certainly must be learned about what Tony Bobulinsk knows, before it is too late.

Candidate Spotlight on Congressman Lee Zeldin, 1st Congressional District.

 Lieutenant Colonel Lee Zeldin is a native of Suffolk County, who served his country in the US Army completing ROTC; Lt. Col. Zeldin served in different capacities, including as a Military Intelligence Officer, Prosecutor, and Military Magistrate. In the summer of 2006, while assigned to the Army’s elite 82nd Airborne Division, Lee deployed to Iraq with an infantry battalion of fellow paratroopers in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He currently serves in the Army Reserve.

In 2008, Congressman Zeldin opened a successful law practice (he received his law degree from Albany Law School and was at the time the youngest attorney at age 23) in Smithtown, New York, which he operated full time until he was elected to the New York State Senate in 2010, representing New York’s 3rd Senate District. As a State Senator, Congressman Zeldin led the successful effort to repeal the MTA Payroll Tax for 80 percent of employers, a job killing tax that was hurting New York’s small businesses. He also created the PFC Joseph Dwyer Program, a peer to peer counseling program for veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI); the program started in Suffolk County and quickly expanded across the state.  After serving 4 years in the NYS Senate, Zeldin was elected to Congress in 2014 where he quickly became a leading advocate for Veterans and first responders and a strong voice for the quality of education, repairing our nation’s infrastructure, improving healthcare in America, and safeguarding our environment.

You can help keep Lee Zeldin in Congress by clicking here.

Candidate Spotlight on Elise Stefanik, 21st Congressional District

Elise M. Stefanik was born and raised in Upstate New York. Prior to serving in Congress, Elise worked at her family’s Upstate New York small business. Growing up in her family’s small business, she learned, lived, and understands the values of hard work, perseverance, challenges, and risks that go along with building, operating and growing small businesses in the North Country.  Elise graduated with Honors from Harvard University and currently serves on the Senior Advisory Committee of Harvard’s Institute of Politics.

Prior to her election to Congress, Elise served in the West Wing of the White House (2006-2009) as part of President George W. Bush’s Domestic Policy Council Staff and the Chief of Staff’s office where she assisted in overseeing the policy development process on all economic and domestic policy issues.  When elected to Congress in 2014, Ms. Stefanik was the youngest representative elected, and is still the youngest Republican woman serving in Congress. Since elected, Elise has worked tirelessly on behalf of her district’s hardworking families, farmers, students, seniors, service members, military families and veterans.  Congresswoman is an outspoken defender of President Trump and was a staunch defender of President Trump during the Impeachment Hearings.

You can help keep Elise Stefanik in Congress by clicking here.

Candidate Spotlight on Chris Jacobs, 27th Congressional District

Chris Jacobs is a conservative reformer, small businessman and was a New York State Senator representing Erie County in Western New York prior to his election to Congress in a special election held in June of 2020. First elected to the Senate in 2016 and re-elected in November of 2018, Chris has been a strong voice for Western New York, fighting against policies driven by New York City political interests that are harmful to the region. He has also been a strong advocate for government reform. The first piece of legislation Chris introduced in the Senate was term limits for all state elected officials.

Jacobs first job after college (Boston University) was working in Washington DC for former Buffalo Congressman and Buffalo Bills Quarterback Jack Kemp.  In 1994, Jacobs returned home to Western New York to start the BISON Scholarship Fund, a charity that raised donations to help send children to private and religious schools; he was also small business owner.  Jacobs founded Avalon Development in 2002, which has redeveloped many vacant and historic buildings in Western New York.

You can help keep Chris Jacobs in Congress by clicking here.

Trump and Biden clash over Hunter corruption claims at final debate.

Hunter Biden’s ex-biz partner links Joe Biden to China deal: ‘A political or influence investment’

Joe Biden is lying: His Ukraine policy created a conflict of interest that diplomats warned about.

Media goes to bat for Joe Biden after final debate.

The Media Skips Its Own Scoop.

New Stanford Study Suggests Biden’s Agenda Will Devastate the Economy.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the final 2020 Presidential Debate and shines the candidate spotlight on Congressman Zeldin, Congresswoman Stefanik and Congressman Jacobs.

Hunter Biden Bombshell

 The New York Post released scathing E-mails on Wednesday providing damming evidence linking Presidential candidate Joe Biden to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy company.

Hunter Biden introduced his father, who at the time was Vice President of the United States, to the executive not even one year before Biden pressured the Ukrainian Government to stop an investigation into the energy company.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email says.

Hunter Biden joined the board at Burisma, the energy company in question, at a $50,000 a month salary. Although Biden has no experience in the energy field.

The bombshell report directly contradicts Joe Biden claiming he never had any conversation with his son regarding his overseas business dealings.

Just hours after the story on the pay-to-play scheme between Hunter Biden and the Ukraine, more emails were released that show another disturbing connection, this time with China.

Hunter Biden sought to make deals in China in which he stated would be “interesting for me and my family.”

The information was obtained off a water damaged MacBook Pro that was dropped off for service at a repair shop in Delaware, but the work was never paid for and the device was never retrieved. After discovering what was on the laptop, the shop owner contacted the feds and made them aware of the files on the computer.

This story continues to develop as the hours pass and new information is released, but the pay-to-play scheme between the Biden family and at least two foreign governments had been established with credible evidence. Now, Joe Biden must be held accountable and must answer. The American people deserve to know just how deep the waters of corruption and foreign influence run within the Biden family.

Amy Coney Barrett Hearing

We are one step closer to confirmation for Judge Coney Barrett as the hearings ended on Capitol Hill Thursday with the Judge performing admirably and showing why she was nominated by President Trump.

Senate Democrats threw everything they could at the Judge, but she proved to be too smart, too seasoned, and ready for the moment. Every question thrown her way, in an attempt to smear her, was answered with style and grace by the future Justice.

The Republicans on the Judiciary Committee have called for a vote on October 22, and all signs point to Amy Coney Barrett being confirmed to a seat on the bench of the highest court in the land.

“We have the votes,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, should be commended for how well run the hearings were. In fact, one Democratic Senator from California voiced her pleasure with Senator Graham. “This has been one of the best set of hearings that I’ve participated in,” Dianne Feinstein told Graham, “Thank you for your fairness and the opportunity of going back and forth. It leaves one with a lot of hopes” she continued.

Candidate Spotlight Dennis Dunne Senate District 6

Dennis Dunne is a proud veteran who served our nation in Vietnam and still fights for us as a Hempstead Town Councilman today. Dennis is a tax-cutter and problem solver, and you can rest assured as a Senator in Albany, Dennis will work to repeal extreme Democrat criminal reforms. No stranger to defending our country and he’s still fighting for taxpayers like us.

Dennis’ opponent supported “Bail Reform,” and the extreme law that lets accused rapists and other violent criminals have access to the homes of victims and their phone numbers. These policies set forth by state Democrats have already proven to be both dangerous and deadly.

To lean more or get involved, please click here.

Candidate Spotlight Peter Oberacker Senate District 51

From Peter’s early days working in their family business, to building a successful business, and becoming an effective and productive elected official, it can certainly be said he knows what hard work is all about. Peter Oberacker grew up in a family of sausage makers, working in the family’s local market since age 8. Over his life and career, he has become a successful business builder, community leader, and family man. In 2015, Peter was elected to the Otsego County Board of Representatives and quickly showed his effectiveness delivering for his constituents and becoming a respected leader across the county.

Peter chairs the Public Works Committee, is Vice-Chair of the Administration Committee, Human Services, Negotiations, and Inter-Governmental Affairs committees. Prior to his election to the County Board, Peter served as Maryland Town Supervisor and as a town board member.

During his time in both county and town government, Peter has never produced a budget that raised taxes and has consistently supported staying under the tax cap. He has been a leader in focusing on infrastructure improvement and developing effective programs for updating public work fleets in a cost-effective manner.

To learn more or get involved, please click here.

Candidate Spotlight John Cummings 14th Congressional District

John was raised in the Parkchester section of the Bronx and followed in his father’s footsteps when he was sworn into the NYPD in January of 1983. Upon graduation from the NYC Police Academy, he was assigned to Neighborhood Stabilization Unit 7, in the South Bronx. Following 6 months there, John was assigned to the 46th precinct, where he remained for 2 years. He was then assigned to the NYPD Harbor Unit, where he served first as an operations coordinator in the Bronx, and then as a member of the Harbor George unit in College Point, Queens. After suffering an injury in the line of duty, he retired with multiple commendations for bravery and excellence.

John emphatically denounces Socialism and believes it is antithetical to every one of our founding principles. Principles that have made us the envy of the world for over 230 years and the destination of generations of people looking for the freedoms that were consistently denied them by royalty, authoritarians, dictators, and terrorists.

John is all that stands in the way of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her mission to bring socialism to New York City.

To learn more or get involved, please click here.

Ilhan Omar Funnels 70 Percent of Campaign Expenditures to Husband’s company.

Giuliani: You’ve Only Seen Five Percent of What’s on Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive

Orthodox Jews show overwhelming support for Trump in new poll

New: Tucker Carlson Announces More Hunter Biden Emails, Further Corruption Exposed

President Trump Eviscerates Liberal Talking Points During NBC Town Hall

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the Biden Bombshell, Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate Hearing and shines the candidate spotlight on Dennis Dunne, Peter Oberacker and John Cummings.

VP Pence Delivers

 Vice President Mike Pence delivered a masterful performance Wednesday as he took the Biden-Harris ticket to task on their records in government and flip- flopping agendas.

Pence was firing on all cylinders from beginning to end, articulately making his case as to why President Trump has earned the right to a second term.

Harris, who successfully managed to avoid questions all night, did make some very noticeable gaffs, and worked hard to move the conversation away from her record as Attorney General in California; a record that saw her lock up African Americans in disproportionate numbers for small offenses.

She also gave a revisionist version of history saying President Abraham Lincoln did not appoint a new Justice to the Supreme Court in an election year citing his desire to wait until American’s had voted. The Senator is aware of the truth; she either was comfortable lying or misleading, neither of which are acceptable. President Lincoln did not send a nominee forward in October in 1864 for one simple reason, Congress was not in session. He sent the nominee forward in December when they returned. The nominee was indeed confirmed that same day. A shameful rewriting of history from the VP candidate.

Perhaps the biggest moments of the night were her refusing to answer if she would pack the Supreme Court and contradicting herself, and Joe Biden, about their position on fracking. Both have said they will do away with fracking and Biden’s campaign website goes into detail on their support of the Green New Deal, which of course also calls for the banning of fracking.

Kamala Harris made two things clear. First and foremost, she and Joe Biden should sit down and discuss their platform, something they seem to have not done. Second, their policies are costly for Americans, they will result in higher taxes and job loss. Their agenda is simply not achievable without sweeping tax increases.

As for Vice President Pence, he proved to be cool, calm, and collected. Educated on the issues, strong on foreign policy, and ready to lead. Mike Pence delivered a vision for America, a vision for 4 more years.

  Governor Cuomo, Mayor De Blasio Singles Out Communities

The Governor and Mayor have closed schools and non-essential businesses within 9 zip codes throughout Brooklyn and Queens as corona virus cases have spiked in clusters.

While it is imperative New Yorker’s continue to adhere to safety guidelines, it is not reasonable to close entire zip codes. A cluster within a zip code could only be a matter of blocks, shutting down a business a mile away, but in the same zip code, is a lazy attempt to fix a problem, one that will also not stand up in court.

It also troubles me to see Brooklyn and Queens, as well as Hudson Valley towns, being singled out with these closures. Make no mistake, there have been many other instances in which safety guidelines were violated around the city, but in those cases Mayor de Blasio encouraged the gatherings and demonstrations. A stark contrast to the directives they have given to Brooklyn, Queens, and Rockland.

Bishop DiMarzio, Shepherd of the Brooklyn Diocese, announced Thursday they have filed a lawsuit against the state of New York in Federal Court saying their First Amendment rights have been violated. “The State has completely disregarded the fact that our safety protocols have worked and it is an insult to once again penalize all those who have made the safe return to Church work. We vehemently disagree with the capacity limits being placed on us,” Bishop DiMarzio said in a statement

Elected officials within South Brooklyn’s very prominent Jewish communities also voiced their frustrations and concerns.

“We are appalled by Governor Cuomo’s words and actions today,” Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, Councilmembers Chaim Deutsche and Kalman Yeger said Tuesday in a joint statement. “He has chosen to pursue a scientifically and constitutionally questionable shutdown of our communities. His administrations utter lack of coordination and communication with local officials has been an ongoing issue since the start of the pandemic, and particularly recently as we face this uptick,” they continued.

Considering the lengths he went through to protect violent protestors as they violated every guideline the Mayor himself put in place, this is an egregious overstepping of authority to attack livelihoods and religious freedoms.

“New Yorkers have a right to be concerned by Governor Cuomo’s announcement that, due to an increase in COVID cases, neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens will once again have non-essential business shuttered, schools closed and the use of houses of worship greatly restricted. Our city, its businesses and its people cannot afford another lockdown,” Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis said. “Businesses and recently reopened restaurants will close permanently and more people will flee our city. Many community and religious leaders, educators and small business owners have spoken out against this heightened level of enforcement and feel the heavy-handed actions of Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio are uncalled for; I stand with them,” she continued.

The zones created defy all common sense and logic. This will turn into a constitutional nightmare for the Governor and Mayor, and a return nightmare for business owners, many of whom barely survived the first shutdown only to be shuttered again. For months, we have been told follow the science, perhaps it is time they take their own advice.

Candidate Spotlight Charles Missick

 A veteran, attorney, and small business owner/winemaker. A husband, father, and a firm believer in the value and dignity of meaningful work and getting your hands dirty, Charles Missick has dedicated his life to his family and will dedicate himself to New York’s 55th Senate District.

Charles believes it is important that we embrace the values that made this country great. From a focus on safe neighborhoods and raising strong families, to reinvesting in our manufacturing base and building the things our nation needs. Charles wants New York to know it is important that we aren’t merely limited liability citizens, but wholly invested in this great state. The future doesn’t belong to us, it belongs to the children, and we owe it to them to leave a rich, vibrant inheritance.

To learn more, click here.

Candidate Spotlight Dave Catalfamo

 A proud lifelong resident of Upstate New York, Dave Catalfamo understands firsthand the issues that matter to our community and knows how to deliver results. He is running for NY’s 113th Assembly District to rebuild New York’s economy, restore balance to state government and be a powerful, effective voice for Saratoga and Washington Counties.

Dave grew up in Niverville, New York, one of four siblings. The oldest son of a single mom, Dave watched his mom struggle at times and occasionally need assistance, but she always instilled in her children the value of hard work and integrity. That helped shape Dave’s passion for jobs and drew him to service–first in the United States Army Reserves, then to New York State as a senior official in Governor Pataki’s Administration, and now to the greater Saratoga community. He has dedicated his life both in the public and private sector to helping create jobs and grow the economy.

Dave understands the importance of tourism to Upstate NY’s economy. As head of the world renowned ILOVENY campaign he led the effort to reinvigorate the brand, which reached new heights after 9/11. He served as the Governor’s liaison to the Olympic Regional Development Authority, where he helped to lead the successful effort to bring the Goodwill Games to Lake Placid and facilitated transformational investments to revive the Olympic facilities that continue to serve as a key generator of New York State tourism.

To learn more, click here.

 Candidate Spotlight Vito Bruno

 Vito Bruno is running for State Senate in South Brooklyn to fight for working and middle-class families that are being ignored in favor of special interests. Bruno believes education, seniors, a reliable transit system, and infrastructure must be our top priorities, not the dangerous bail reform laws passed by the politicians in Albany.

  A successful business entrepreneur and renowned music industry impresario, Vito is an independent leader beholden to no one, he loves Brooklyn and will go to Albany to fight for us. The 22nd Senate District is comprised of several Brooklyn neighborhoods including Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, Gravesend, Marine Park and Gerritsen Beach.

To learn more, click here.

Biden Says He Will Announce Position on Court Packing ‘When the Election Is Over’

 Uh Oh, Joe: Even PA Voters Know You’re Full of Crap When It Comes to Fracking

 Poll: 56% Americans Say They Are Better Off Now Under Trump Than Four Years Ago Under Obama-Biden

Mail-in ballots in Westmoreland County delayed, voters confused and frustrated

NY Dem Organized for Group That Protested Terror Leader’s Death


The New York State Conservative Party wishes President Trump and the First Lady a speedy recovery. They will be in our thoughts and prayers.

 Trump Goes 2 on 1 in First Debate

President Trump had more than just Joe Biden to worry about in the first debate as moderator Chris Wallace made himself a key player, and at times, even a surrogate of Joe Biden.

Wallace repeatedly let Biden off the hook on many key issues such as his plan to raise individual and corporate taxes, as well as whether or not he would pack the Supreme Court, a topic he allowed Biden to ignore all together.

President Trump, however, was pressed on every issue and even forced to answer recycled questions from a 2016 debate also moderated by Chris Wallace.

At times it felt like the debate was between the President and Wallace as Joe Biden snickered in the corner. We heard very little from Biden, and what we did hear, spells potential trouble if elected.

Doubling down on his support for Obamacare, raising taxes, and chasing jobs out of America with an increase in corporate taxes, and referring to Antifa as an “idea” and refusing to acknowledge the destruction they’ve caused nationwide is a dangerous direction we cannot afford to go.

Amy Coney Barrett Officially Nominated to Fill Court Vacancy

 Last weekend, President Trump officially nominated 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett to become the next Justice on the United States Supreme Court.

Barrett is a highly qualified, highly respected proven conservative. Her belief in faith and the law is what we should be looking for in a new Justice.

Democrats are looking to discredit her in any way possible attacking her Catholic faith and conservative record. One activist even went as far to call her a “white colonizer” for adopting two children from Haiti.   An absolutely disgusting charge.

While Senate Democrats will do anything they can to obstruct the President from doing his job, the constitution is clear and the President is elected for a term of four years. It is his duty, as well as the Senates, to confirm a 9th Justice to the Supreme Court.

Conservative Delegates Meet in Orange County

 I want to thank the Conservative Party State Committee from around the state for trusting in me to lead the party for another two-year term.

It has been a busy year and a half. We have made tremendous strides digitally, we have expanded our presence throughout the state, nominated an impressive slate of candidates, and most importantly sued Andrew Cuomo and won. The Governor attempted to rule as a dictator and abolish third parties, but with the help of many party leaders, we fought back and won. The Conservative Party is here to stay.

In addition, the following officers were also elected to two-year terms, Shaun Marie Levine (Albany County) as the Executive Vice-Chairman, Howard Lim, Jr. (Westchester County) as Secretary and Frances T. Vella-Marrone (Kings County) as Treasurer.

Our state leadership is as follows:

Eight State Vice-Chairmen, Daniel F. Donovan, Jr. (Nassau County), Hugh Fox (Westchester County), Thomas M. Long (Queens County), Ralph C. Lorigo (Erie County), James F. Quinn, Jr.  (Wayne County), Gregory S. Rigby (Cayuga County), Allen Roth (New York County) and Frank Tinari (Suffolk County), and seven Regional Vice-Chairmen were also elected.  The Regional Vice-Chairs are:  In the Capital District – Brian Gardner (Columbia County), in the Northern Region — Henry “Hank” Ford (St. Lawrence County), in the North Central Region — H. Leonard Schick (Oswego County), in the South-Central Region – James M. Thomas (Broome County), in the Mid-Western Region — Jason McGuire (Livingston County), in the Western Region — Arthur Munger (Genesee County) and in the Hudson Valley – William Beckmann (Rockland County).

The Officers above also serve as the officers of the State Executive Committee.

The following are At-Large Members of the State Executive Committee:  Vincent Arcuri (Queens County), Stuart Avrick (New York County), James J. Barrett, Jr. (Schenectady County), Carol Birkholtz (Warren County), Ross Brady (Kings County),  Michael Buttino (Greene County), Thomas M. Casey (Queens County), David M. Curcio (Richmond County), Chung Dick (Kings County), Louis DeCicco (Chemung County),  John P. DeLessio (Orange County),  John E. Flynn, (Suffolk County), Robert  Fois (Westchester County), Edward J. Gaddy (Ulster County), Michael Garlock (Wayne County), John J. Hayes (Ulster County), Eileen Johnson (Kings County), Christopher J. Kendall (Madison County), Jim M. Kerr (New York County), Paul Kosowski (Nassau County), Edward A. Magilton (Sullivan County),  Charles R. Mancabelli (Onondaga County),  James Maxwell (Putnam County), Donald S. Mazzullo (Monroe County),  Patrick McManus (Bronx County), Donald Minichino (Dutchess County), Christopher Mistron (Nassau County), Scott D. Nasca (Monroe County), Dimitry Edward Naemit (Rockland County), Reid W. Robbins (Ontario County), Laura A. Schreiner (Suffolk County),  John Seravalli (New York County), Michael E. Torres (Suffolk County),  Robert E. White (Franklin County),  Anna M. Wilcox (Chautauqua County), and Robert Zordan (Saratoga County).

The Members of the State Executive Committee serve as the governing body when the full state committee is not convened.  All members serve a two-year term.  The Members of the State Executive Committee appointed Ralph C. Lorigo, Esq. as Party Counsel, Eileen Johnson as the Assistant Secretary, Shaun Marie Levine as the Executive Director and Michael R. Long as Chairman Emeritus, for a term coterminous with the elected members.

Candidate Spotlight Mike Lawler

 Mike Lawler is a lifelong Rockland County resident and graduate of Suffern High School. In 2009, Mike earned a degree in Business Administration, with a double major in Accounting and Finance, from Manhattan College, where he was named the Valedictorian of his graduating class.

Mike currently serves as Deputy Town Supervisor in Orangetown under Supervisor Teresa Kenny and previously worked in the Westchester County Executive’s Office as an advisor to Rob Astorino, where he dealt with issues ranging from the county budget to public policy and community outreach initiatives. In addition, Mike previously served as Executive Director of the State Republican Party, helping elect candidates to federal, state, and local office.

Mike is also a successful small businessman who founded his own government affairs and public relations firm.

Mike represents a real opportunity to flip an Assembly seat and continue to chip away at the Democrats super majority.

To get involved or donate, click here.

Candidate Spotlight John Lemondes

 After graduating from Liverpool High, John studied agriculture at Penn State University, and was commissioned in the U.S. Army. Over a nearly 27-year career serving us in the Army, John deployed overseas numerous times including Iraq and Afghanistan and retired in 2014 as a Colonel.

Returning home, John, Martha, and family began farming 488 acres in LaFayette.  He has turned longtime fallow, overgrown land to fertile productivity.

While working as a Defense and National Security consultant the past few years, the farm continued to grow, and Ellys Acres now hosts a growing flock of sheep and lambs, hay and forage, and John is looking at his 3000-maple tree sugar bush with an eye to maple syrup production.

John is a leader in the farming community as well – – he is President of the Farmer Veteran Coalition of New York State – – and is active nationally with the American Sheep Industry Association. He was also appointed to the Board of Directors of the Onondaga County Soil & Water Conservation District by the County Executive, and is a member of NYS Farm Bureau.

To get involved or donate, click here.

 Voter Registration Data in Battleground States Shows Huge Boost for GOP

NYC business owner: ‘Explosion’ of trash another struggle to deal with.

 New York Times publishes pro-China Hong Kong councilwoman: ‘Like it or not, Hong Kong is part of China’

 Biden deflects yet again on court packing questions: ‘I’m not going to play Trump’s game’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the debate, Judge Barrett’s nomination, the Party’s reorganization, and shines the candidate spotlight on Michael Lawler and John Lemondes.

President Trump to Nominate Supreme Court Justice Saturday

 President Donald Trump has announced he will move to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court in 2020.

The President has a constitutional and moral obligation to fill the seat. Frankly, a potential 4-4 deadlock on a ruling in the Supreme Court is not something we should risk. Since 1869 the number of Justices has been set at nine and we must ensure the highest court in the land continues to operate the way it was intended to.

It is imperative a conservative voice is added to the Supreme Court to ensure fairness, common sense, and prevent a far-left radical Justice the left would surely nominate.

It has become clear the votes are there in the United States Senate to confirm a new Justice. The President was elected nearly 4 years ago by voters who wanted to put him in charge of nominations for the Supreme Court. It is his duty as Commander in Chief to fulfill his obligation and protect the integrity of the Constitution.

AOC Promoting Full NYC Socialist Agenda

Democratic Socialists of America-NYC chapter will be looking to run and support a slate of City Council candidates who would create a “socialist caucus” in the New York City Council.

The already Democratic controlled council will see 35 new members in 2021 running to fill term limited seats. Only 16 of the current members are eligible to run for re-election and a far left of left push is being made to pack the Council with self-proclaimed socialists.

Recently, in a gross display of anti-Semitism, the DSA asked potential candidates on their questionnaire if they would pledge to not visit Israel.

The DSA has also pledged to:

  • “Confront Gov. Andrew Cuomo and push the state Legislature to tax the rich to help fund the Green New Deal and New York Health Act, legislation that would create a government-run, single-payer health insurance system and to prevent state cuts in public services. “In the face of an austerity budget, many of our campaigns will lend their weight to a demand on the state government to tax the rich, putting us directly in the cross hairs of Andrew Cuomo. We welcome his hatred. Remaining resolute now is the time to expand the public sector, to provide social housing, public power [energy/utility supplier].”
  • “Use the COVID-related housing crisis to “cancel” rent, thus squeezing landlords of revenue and forcing them to give up their properties and “exit the market” — and have the state acquire the properties and convert them to public housing. Its housing agenda also includes “undermining” the real estate industry’s already diminished clout in the Democrat-run state Legislature.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become the face of this movement, a movement that NYC cannot afford. Their first move will surely be to defund the NYPD to the level of a small-town police department, if not abolish the police all together. They will chase taxpayers out of New York City, leaving a higher burden to the middle class. New York will most certainly become one of the most dangerous big cities in America.

The DSA threat is a threat we should take seriously in NYC in 2021. The future of our families and our city hinges on 35 City Council seats.

More Than A Candidate

New York State Assembly Candidate Lawrence Chiulli (@Lawrence4Ny) was in the right place at the right time.

Just weeks ago, a young boy found himself in a horrifying situation as he held on for his life on the side of a Hudson Valley cliff in Westchester.

A 10-year-old boy was hiking with members of his family when he got separated from them. In a panic, and a stroke of luck, the family came across Chiulli who searched for the boy.

Chiulli, a former Eagle Scout, found him clinging on to the side of Bear Mountain in a treacherous position and growing weak from hanging on for so long.

Lawrence was able to maneuver down the steep mountain side and grab onto the boy, helping him reposition until help could arrive.

I would like to commend Lawrence for his bravery and willingness to spring into action without hesitation. His selflessness, quick thinking and bravery preserved a young life.

Quick Piece of Importance

NY state to review any Trump-authorized COVID vaccine for ‘safety’ before use: Cuomo.  This says the man who sent COVID-19 patients back to nursing homes knowing full well that it would spread like fire through dry grass.  New Yorkers deserve a Governor that puts the health of her citizens first and not one that puts politics first.  Creating a new “Clinical Advisory Task Force” can lead to delays in getting a critical vaccine to those who need it; while no one is being mandated to have the vaccine.

Candidate Spotlight Alexis Weik

Growing up in Ronkonkoma and Oakdale, and currently residing in Sayville, Alexis has stayed true to her roots. A wife and mother of three, Alexis knows the true sacrifice our law enforcement officers make each and every day, experiencing it firsthand through her husband and oldest son who are in law enforcement.

Active in many local civic and educational groups in addition to being the elected Islip Receiver of Taxes, Alexis is a fighter and our choice in New York’s 3rd Senate District to oust far left liberal and Governor Cuomo loyalist Monica Martinez.

We cannot afford a Democratic controlled State Senate. In less than 2 years, they’ve given us disastrous bail reform, they’ve released multiple convicted cop killers and have promised to raise taxes.

We need common sense representation that will make New York an easier, safer place to live and raise a family.

Contact Alexis here.

Candidate spotlight Liz Joy

A devoted wife and mother to four adult children, Liz is an advocate and fighter for our constitutional freedoms. Liz will not be absent from her district, nor afraid to do the work on behalf of the constituents in New York’s 20th Congressional District.

Liz is no stranger to a fight, in the fall of 2018, she single-handedly fought off knife yielding man intent on doing fatal harm. After engaging in hand-to-hand combat, she was able to call for help, undoubtedly saving the life of at least one person.

Strong on the right to life, the southern border, jobs, and the economy, Liz will represent NY20 with humility and grace, and an open heart, always remembering the congressional seat belongs to the people of her district, not the representative.

You can visit her website here to learn more, get involved or donate!

See Liz’s new ad here.

President Trump signs Executive Order on pre-existing conditions in Charlotte

Sen. Rand Paul Sending Hunter Biden Report To DOJ For Potential Criminal Probe

Americans call for the firing of FBI Director Christopher Wray after he downplays violent threat of Antifa

AOC calls on Cuomo, de Blasio to raise NY taxes: report

Democratic lawmakers kill job-creating Industry City deal


President Trump Announces 1776 Commission

Patriotic education is on the way in response to the democrats pushing their “1619 Project” which aims to educate students through indoctrination from liberal teachers and professors.

“I will soon sign an executive order establishing a national commission to promote patriotic education. It will be called the ‘1776 Commission’,” Trump said Thursday. The commission will encourage our educators to teach your children about the miracle of American history and make plans to honor the 250th anniversary of our founding in the year 2026 said President Trump.

At a time when our students are being educated by far-left liberals, being taught a revisionist version of history, being stripped of learning about where we have come from, how far we have gone, and promoting disdain for our country, this is very welcomed news from the President and his administration.

An accurate, truthful education should not be political and I look forward to this program being put into action. We, like every other country in the world, have come a long way. We must not strip students of an accurate education and allow them to form their own opinions without bias.

Trump Administration Celebrates Abraham Accords

 On Tuesday the President was joined by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in what was a historic day for the four nations as they signed the Abraham Accords officially formalizing relations between Israel and the two Arab states in a deal brokered by the United States.

This is another massive foreign policy win for President Trump and he hinted they weren’t done bringing other nations to the table and plan to normalize relations with “at least five or six” other nations.

Months leading up to his election and in the years since he became President, we have heard from the Democrats on countless occasions on how America and our interests wouldn’t be safe under a President Donald Trump. Well, we have learned that couldn’t be further from the truth as his administration continues to broker peace deal after peace deal, withdraw troops from endless wars and promote peace through power all over the world.

The facts are this, the world is a safer place than it was four years ago and this President has earned a second term.

Candidate Spotlight

This week I am happy to spotlight two candidates who will be instrumental to our success this November.

Angi Renna is the Conservative/Republican candidate in New York States 50th Senate District. Angi comes from the financial planning world and specializes in helping those on the verge of retiring and seniors plan their financial futures.

The 50th District has been represented by a Conservative since 2003. Now, Angi Renna looks to fill the vacant seat, but faces a stiff challenge from far-left liberal John Mannion. Mr. Mannion makes no attempt to hide the fact that he will join in lock step with NYC liberal Senators who love writing taxpayer funded blank checks and allow the Governor to operate as more of a dictator and not a public servant.

In New York’s 41st Senate District, Senator Sue Serino has been an avid supporter of law enforcement and has sponsored countless bills in support of police and has been a leading public health advocate. Senator Serino led the charge in 2019 as she pushed her colleagues in Albany to support additional funding, research, and preventatives to help those suffering from Lyme and tick-borne diseases throughout New York State.

Albany is a better place with legislators like Senator Serino working tirelessly to advocate for good on behalf of her district and New York as a whole.

We hear every election cycle that it’s “the most important” election of our lifetime. Well, 2020 is the most important election of our lifetime, there is no denying it. The left has attempted to bully conservatives into submission through rioting, looting, and lawlessness. Common sense must prevail this November. We cannot continue to hemorrhaged residents to other states. We must get back to keeping all politics local and ensuring our representatives in Albany are working for us, not trying to out progressive their democratic colleagues.

Angi Renna and Sue Serino are where the common sense starts. Please check out their websites and get involved:  Angi Renna;  Sue Serino

Most Voters Now Believe There’s a “War on Police” – Back “Blue Lives Matter” Laws

Trump SLAMS the revisionist history of the ‘1619 Project’ and critical race theory

Video: Joe Biden doubles down on supporting China in WTO: ‘We want China to grow’

Restaurants, bars, and theaters at risk of being left for dead

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the 1776 Commission, the historic Abraham Accords and shines our candidate spotlight on Angi Renna and Sue Serino.


 On this 19th anniversary of September 11, 2001 I want to remember the lives lost, the families affected and the heroes who responded without hesitation.

Our darkest hour was followed by heroism we could spend a lifetime documenting. Firefighters, Police officers, EMT’s, even civilians rushed to save lives, never thinking about the potential consequences. They knew their fellow New Yorker’s needed help and that’s all they needed to know.

19 years later, we are still losing first responders to 9/11 related illnesses. We are still seeing people suffer and families grieve.

I ask that you continue to remember everyone affected, pray for the families and offer comfort. Most importantly, honor their memories by honoring the city and country they jumped into action to protect.

Conservative Party Re-instated on Twitter

After two long months of being suppressed and silenced on Twitter, the State Conservative Party account was re-instated last night.

We are thrilled to be back and have an additional platform to communicate with our party members and other like-minded individuals. We are entering the final stretch of the most important election of our lifetime. Being able to promote our candidates, keep the public up-to-date on what is going on with their campaigns, and bringing you information in real time is crucial to their success.

I want to thank Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt for sending a letter to Twitter’s CEO demanding answers as to why we were suspended from twitter. We have never violated any of the terms of use, nor have we promoted any inappropriate content. Our biggest crime is practicing common sense conservative values.

If you are on Twitter, please follow us @CPNYS for up-to-date news, and keep you up-to-date on our candidates from Long Island to the North Country.

Governor Caves to Mounting Pressure

Governor Cuomo’s bluff was called by New York City restaurateurs this week after they delivered a $2 billion lawsuit against the city and state.

More than 300 restaurants joined in on the class action lawsuit that demands New York City establishments be permitted to open 50% of their indoor seating capacity.

Assemblymember Nicole Malliotakis and City Councilman Steve Matteo joined the lawsuit which was filed in Richmond County earlier this week.

The Governor folded like a cheap suit and announced 25% of indoor seating capacity may be opened starting September 30. However, waiting nearly 3 more weeks and only allowing 25% capacity is not nearly enough to help restaurants sustain themselves through the winter season. Restaurant owners, along with Malliotakis and Matteo are continuing with their lawsuit and demanding 50% of seating be made available.

Stefanik, Malliotakis Release New Ads

Rep. Elise Stefanik and first time Congressional candidate Nicole Malliotakis released new ads earlier this week as they continue to campaign hard against their far-left opponents.

The ads can be seen here:

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

Congressional Candidate Nicole Malliotakis

He watched a plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Then he braved flames and smoke to save lives

NYC CEOs plead with de Blasio to crack down on crime, quality-of-life issues

Senate Democrats block GOP COVID-19 bill that included unemployment relief

As Joe Biden Condemns Rioters And Looters, Kamala Harris Continues To Support Group That Bails Out Suspected Violent Criminals

Nick Sandmann: I’m a pro-life conservative Republican college student who won’t let cancel culture silence me.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses September 11, @cpnys reinstatement, Governor Cuomo caves and new ads by Congresswoman Stefanik and Congressional Candidate Malliotakis.