Author: Gerard Kassar

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the Stars and Stripes Act, the need for restoring order by adopting the GOP anti-crime initiatives and an update on Congressman Lee Zeldin’s gubernatorial run.

Stars and Stripes

Last week, Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis introduced the Stars and Stripes Act of 2021; legislation that directs the Secretary of State to restrict the display of certain political flags or banners at diplomatic and consular posts around the world. The bill was immediately Co-Sponsored by House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik and supported by numerous other Members of Congress.

The bill is in response to Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s order authorizing and encouraging all U.S. embassies overseas to display ‘Black Lives Matter’ flags and banners.

“It is inappropriate for President Biden and Secretary Blinken to authorize and encourage the display of inherently political flags that are in no way affiliated with the U.S. Government over American embassies overseas,” Malliotakis said. “The American flag is a beacon of freedom and hope for oppressed peoples around the world; it should be the primary flag flown above our embassies and that is what my legislation seeks to accomplish. The Administration’s directive is an insult to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our flag and our nation – especially as we head into Memorial Day weekend – and it is absolutely ridiculous that legislation is needed to correct this issue.”

While the White House believes our flag is just a prop to be used on Government buildings, it is beyond me why something that represents rioters, looters, and the destruction of so many cities flies with our nations flag. The Red, White, and Blue of the United States is a symbol of prosperity, freedom, ambition and hope. Other political flags have no place in representing America anywhere in the world.

Restore Order Anti-Crime Initiative

As Democrats in Albany continue to push legislation to release dangerous felons back out on the street, Republicans in the State Senate and Assembly are introducing a bill to help combat the recent rise in violent crime across the state.

According to the Police Benevolent Association of New York State, 20 cop killers have been released since 2017. Under new Democratic proposals such as “Elder Parole” and the “Fair and Timely Parole Act,” even more cop killers will become eligible for release. Additionally, notorious killers such as David Berkowitz, better known as Son of Sam, who murdered 6 people during his terror spree and Joel Rifkin who murdered 9 women, but is believed to have killed 17 in total, could be released under the new legislation.

Herman BellAnthony BottomRichard Rivera. The list of cop-killers released by Andrew Cuomo’s out-of-control Parole Board in the past few years goes on and on. As if that weren’t bad enough, radicals in the One-Party-ruled Legislature are now planning to spring New York’s most dangerous criminals loose with their latest “reforms.” Spree killers. Serial killers. Child killers. Even the Son of Sam and Mark David Chapman could be eligible to be released under Democrats’ dangerous proposals. To be clear, their proposals aren’t reform — they are utter madness, especially at a time when crime rates in major metro areas across the state are on the rise. It’s time for our colleagues on the other side of the aisle to reject this unsafe path, and join us in our efforts to restore common sense and public safety in New York,” said Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt.

Since gaining control of the State Senate in 2018, state Democrats have put the interests of those most willing to commit crimes above the interests of those who wish to exist peacefully, support a family, and feel safe in their communities. Their mandate and rhetoric have caused a spike in unnecessary violence all over the Empire State that shows no sign of slowing down as we head into summer.

Zeldin at 76% of Party’s Weighted Vote

 As many of you know in our Party’s quest to run the most viable, philosophically aligned candidate for Governor many months ago I urged Congressman Lee Zeldin to consider a run.

During these past months as Lee made his decision to run and embarked on his extensive travels to meet with our leaders and the citizens in all parts of the state, I was pleased with the level of support he was receiving from within the Party.

County after county, leader after leader endorsed Lee. Excitement was clearly building with many party activists reaching out to me indicating they felt good about our chances of taking back the State next year.

The bottom line being that Congressman Lee Zeldin was quickly gaining momentum within the Party.

The official Party endorsements are done by a weighted vote of the State Committee at a convention early next year. The County organizations and our senior leaders select these State Committee members thus a County and/or leader endorsement is an excellent indication where the Party is going.

Congressman Zeldin is receiving overwhelming support within the Party.

A few weeks back with the endorsement of the Broome County Conservative Party

Congressman Zeldin surpassed 50% of the weighted vote of the Party. In my view that made Lee the pre-emptive candidate of our Party.

This past week with the endorsement of the St. Lawrence County Conservative Party Lee hit the 76% mark which in my view now makes him the presumptive candidate of the Party.

His support continues to grow with new County endorsements expected to follow based on calls I have received in the past three days. As our presumptive nominee, I will move from being a longtime personal supporter to leading the Party on his behalf as we plan for a November 2022 victory.

More details and announcements to follow in the coming days.

Jobs report misses estimates with 559,000 jobs added, unemployment rate falls to 5.8%

BREAKING: Trump slams Fauci in new statement: ‘What did Dr. Fauci know … and when did he know it?’

REPORT: US Government Officials Encouraged COVID-19 Origin Cover-Up

Google Removes Top ‘Diversity’ Exec After Antisemitic Comments Exposed

Former CDC director received death threats from fellow scientists over lab leak theory.


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the Stars and Stripes Act, the need for restoring order by adopting the GOP anti-crime initiatives and an update on Congressman Lee Zeldin’s gubernatorial run.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Memorial Day and our 2021 Spring Reception.

Happy Memorial Day

On behalf of the Conservative Party, I want to wish the men and women of the United States Armed forces, both past and present, a happy Memorial Day.

We are grateful now and forever to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our great nation.

Last year’s challenges have given us even more reason to cherish our freedoms and family more than usual. I hope your weekend is filled with celebration and gratitude for the ideals that make the United States the greatest country on earth.

Spring Reception

I was happy and humbled to see a great number of you at our spring reception. As our community emerges stronger and more resilient from our challenging times, seeing you all reminded me that despite the challenge we still face, the support of one another only makes the Conservative Party stronger.

There are many people to thank for making the evening memorable including Congressman Lee Zeldin and former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino who gave us insight in their quest to replace Governor Cuomo, something we can all get behind. It was a pleasure to bring Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay to the podium to talk about the amazing work the Assembly Republican Conference is doing.

Additionally, I want to thank Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis for being our keynote speaker. Nicole is a longtime friend of the party and founder of the Congressional Freedom Force. She has been an outspoken critic of the far left who tout socialism, vowing to fight their radical agenda.

Congratulations to Senators Ortt, Helming, O’Mara, Borrello, as well as Assemblyman DiPietro for being awarded with the state Conservative Party’s highest legislative rating.  Senate Minority Leader Ortt, like his Assembly colleague Will Barclay, has conservatives proud with his stellar leadership.

Finally, a big congratulations to Bob Smith our J. Daniel Mahoney award winner. It was an honor to bestow the award named after a great conservative to another great conservative who has played such a large role in our party.

Veteran’s Resources

China toying with Biden administration at every turn

‘Reagan Would Not Be Happy’: Trump Sprays Insults At Paul Ryan, RINOs, Reagan Library And More

Poll: Joe Biden’s $4 Trillion Spending Plan Unpopular with Swing Democrat District Voters

Russian spy ship parks near Hawaii, reportedly thwarting US missile test

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses our upcoming day in court, the Party’s leadership, Cuomo’s blood money and our upcoming event on May 26.

Conservative Party’s Day in Court

Next week, we have our first conference with the Judge and related parties regarding our complaint that the New York State Legislature and Governor exceeded their authority when the Legislature approved and the Governor signed into law legislation that extended universal absentee ballots through 2021.

The State Constitution outlines who is eligible and the process in which to obtain an absentee ballot.  Any change must be through the approval of a State Constitutional amendment by the voters on election day. If that is the will of the voters, then and only then, should it become law.

Check back for regular updates as it is certain there will be much to report as our complaint moves forward.

Party Leadership

 I am happy to announce at last Saturday’s meeting of the State Executive Committee, two longtime party leaders were promoted, and a longtime political activist in Central New York joined the committee.

Regional Vice Chairman Jim Thomas of Broome County was elevated to full Vice Chairman, Madison County Chairman Chris Kendall can now add Regional Vice Chairman to his impressive list of Party roles. Additionally, Tom Dadey, a former Vice Chairman of the State GOP and longtime Onondaga County GOP Chairman has joined the Conservative Party. He was elected to a position of State Executive Committee member.

The State Executive Committee of the Conservative Party makes policy for the Party when the State Committee is not in session.  It also issues authorizations of all multi-county candidates and recommendations to the State Committee for all statewide offices. The Committee creates our annual legislative platform as well as approves the bills that are used in our annual ratings.

Congratulations to all.

Cuomo Cashes in On Tragedy

 New York governors aren’t supposed to get rich from serving in office, but that’s exactly what Governor Andrew Cuomo got last year from his official duties —stinking rich — just as the Conservative Party has been saying for months.

The estimated $5.1 million that Cuomo received for his book, ‘American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic,’ is blood money: Cuomo and his cohorts in state government proactively concealed thousands of Covid-19 nursing home deaths as the book contract was being signed to further the myth that Cuomo was infallible in all things Covid-19. He was not, and early mistakes made by him should have been properly reported to the public, even if that would have killed the book deal.

This $5.1 payment represents a sickening abuse of power. How Cuomo can keep even a dime of the money is beyond us.

Governor Cuomo is the American crisis as I discuss here

Have you sent in your RSVP to our upcoming Spring Reception this Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at the ’76 House in Tappan, NY?  This is the first time since COVID-19 hit that we have been able to gather with our supporters and friends and I truly hope I will see you there.  For more information click here.

Legal Conservatism’s Moment of Truth: Abortion Returns to the Supreme Court.

Biden’s ‘America Last’ Ideas Crushed The Working Class In Just 100 Days.

Poynter Institute blasts CNN’s Chris Cuomo for ‘crossing a journalistic line’ with advice to embattled brother.

Biden WH: Russian pipeline, good … America’s Keystone, bad

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses our upcoming day in court, the Party’s leadership, Cuomo’s blood money and our upcoming event on May 26.

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Controversial $5.1 Million Book Windfall

For Immediate Release
May 17, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Controversial  $5.1 Million Book Windfall

Brooklyn, NY – “New York governors aren’t supposed to get rich from serving in office, but that’s exactly what Governor Andrew Cuomo got last year from his official duties — stinking rich — just as the Conservative Party has been saying for months.

“The estimated $5.1 million that Cuomo received for his book, ‘American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic,’ is blood money: Cuomo and his cohorts in state government proactively concealed thousands of Covid-19 nursing home deaths as the book contract was being signed to further the myth that Cuomo was infallible in all things Covid-19. He was not, and early mistakes made by him should have been properly reported to the public, even if that would have killed the book deal.

“This $5.1 payment represents a sickening abuse of power. How Cuomo can keep even a dime of the money is beyond us.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Crime in NY, the Hamas Attack on Israel, Elise Stefanik is the new GOP Conference Chair and the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack.

Democrats Refuse to Accept Reality

Crime continues to skyrocket across New York City as Democrats continue to ignore their fatal decision making that led to the surge in violence.

In 2020, murder in New York City saw an alarming increase. The tension and danger could be felt on the streets. Now, in 2021, those numbers are once again rising causing the city to feel more like 1991, not the safest big city as Mayor de Blasio touts. As of May 9th, 2021 murders have increased by 27%, shooting victims by 83.6%, shooting incidents by 86.4%, and hate crimes by 68.9%.

These numbers are worrisome at any point in time, but even more as the numbers increased during the winter months and during a quarantine. We experienced a cold, snowy winter which is usually a violent crime deterrent, but it seemed to offer no assistance this year.

Perhaps Mayor de Blasio, the New York City Council, and the Democratic State Legislature should stop passing the buck and own up to what has caused this disaster. It should come as no surprise that bail reform, defunding the police, postponing recruitment classes and stripping law enforcement of the ability to do their job has led to the situation we now have.

Daily, we open our local or city wide newspapers to see children, and other innocent bystanders, being struck by stray bullets, subway riders slashed in the face, or gang violence taking over our city streets. On Twitter we see our city and state representatives offering their condolences, but failing to admit fault. Some even point to the need for gun control, ignoring the fact New York City already adopted some of the most restrictive gun laws anywhere in this country.

I fear this city is on a collision course with financial and criminal ruin and sincerely hope the voters realize we have a chance to fix this, or continue to regress backwards to the days we thought were far behind us.

Hamas Attack on Israel

The terrorist organization Hamas launched an attack on Israel as they celebrated Jerusalem day on Monday in what has turned into a growing conflict by the Iranian backed terrorists and our biggest ally in the Middle East, Israel.

The United States must stand alongside our allies that are fighting terrorists and make it clear that our actions are predicated on an America first foundation.

Though many administrations both Republican and Democrat have worked to promote peace in the Middle East, none being more successful than President Trump, bad actors, such as Iran who funds Hamas, continue to be a clear and present threat to free people everywhere.

In just a week, the fighting has grown to resemble the 2014 “50 day war” and shows no sign of slowing down.

While our thoughts are with the innocent bystanders, we must work to cripple Hamas once and for all, sending a clear message terrorist organizations do not have a home anywhere in this world.

Elise Stefanik New Conference Chair

 I want to congratulate Elise Stefanik on being elected Chairwoman of the House Republican Conference this morning in a resounding victory.

This is exciting news for both Elise and New York State as she becomes only the second Conference leader from the state, the first being Congressman Jack Kemp.

As I said in February, Liz Cheney does not represent the 70,000,000 plus Americans who voted for Donald Trump in 2020. She has focused on harassing the former President and his supporters, who have carried down ticket Republicans to victory, instead of attacking the real problem at hand which is the Democrats dangerous socialist agenda.

Rep. Stefanik brings a new vision, one that is in touch with 2016 and 2020 voters, one that will look to grow and take the majority as opposed to damaging the party and keeping the gavel in Pelosi’s hand.

Elise is good for the Conference, and the New York Conservative Party. We look forward to her energized and thoughtful brand of leadership.

Pipeline Cyber Attack

A major east coast pipeline is now functioning again after being targeted by the largest infrastructure cyber-attack this country has seen.

Colonial Pipeline was shut down a week ago today after an attack was discovered against its computer system. The shutdown caused pain at the pump for consumers, many of whom had to wait in long lines for a fill up.

The pipeline that connects Texas to New Jersey is fully activated and receiving the shipments of fuel it needs to correct the week long crisis.

With the pipeline restored, it is now time to focus on the origin of the hack. It is becoming clear that this hack was carried out by the Russians and it is my sincere hope that the Biden Administration never forgets who wishes to hurt America and who our enemies really are.

‘That looks like a cover-up’: Senator Rand Paul slams Fauci for avoiding questions on Wuhan research

Gov. Cuomo says NY isn’t ready to follow federal advice on going maskless.

US pulls military personnel from Israel, urges Americans not to travel.

The Squad Is Rooting for Hamas.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Crime in NY, the Hamas Attack on Israel, Elise Stefanik is the new GOP Conference Chair and the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the Biden Administration, who will lead the GOP Conference in Congress and the progress of Lee Zeldin’s campaign.

Biden Administration Leaving Afghan Interpreters Behind

We are undoubtedly less safe today than we were on January 19, 2021, the day before the new administration was sworn in.

Since then, Chinese war planes have buzzed Taiwanese airspace raising tensions, Iran has published chilling images depicting the United States Capitol on fire, and Russia continues to inch closer towards the Ukraine.

Now, it appears we can add Afghanistan as the next nation we will have to keep a close eye on as President Biden prepares for a full withdrawal of U.S. forces.

This will surely lead to a re-emergence of the Taliban who has vowed retribution against Afghans who worked with Americans.

In 2006, Congress approved a special number of immigrant visas be provided for Afghani and Iraqi translators who are deemed at risk for their work with the United States. With the pullout of US troops pending, those who have provided much needed translation services will be put in grave risk.

Secretary of State Blinken has not committed to addressing the backlog or expediting the process in which the visas are processed leaving many concerned for their safety.

There is no excuse for this; the red tape holding up the special immigrant visa from the U.S. must be expedited to allow these brave Afghans to escape what will be a certain death once our troops have returned home.

Every American should be outraged that the Biden Administration encourages migrants to cross into America through our southern border looking for America’s generosity, yet, has not opened America’s doors to welcome the Afghanistan interpreters who assisted our military men and women throughout the last two decades.

Stefanik Looks to enter Leadership

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik appears to have accumulated the support needed to be named the next Chair of the House Republican Conference currently held by never Trumper Liz Cheney of Wyoming, including the support of former President Trump himself.

Rep. Cheney, who is believed to have White House or cabinet aspirations heading in 2024, continues to push her personal vendetta against former President Trump in an unacceptable manor proving she is out of touch with the more than 70 million citizens that voted for him. Her inability to put her feelings aside and work on behalf of the overwhelming number of Republicans who support Trump and his policies make her unable to serve as the Conference Chair.

The job of the Conference Chair is to message to Republican voters while setting and supporting the legislative agenda Conservatives and Republicans alike wish to see set into action.  Congresswoman Stefanik is aligned with President Trump which makes her aligned with the base that supported him.

Stefanik has been a steadfast supporter of the President and has worked tirelessly to elect more women to Congress. In fact, she has made it a priority of hers and to say she has been successful is an understatement.

Stefanik has proven she can be a leader in both Washington D.C. and New York State where she provided much needed assistance to the winning campaigns of Claudia Tenney and Nicole Malliotakis.

In 2014, the Conservative Party was proud to endorse Stefanik over her GOP primary opponent and we remain proud to be supporters of Team Elise.

Zeldin Quickly Accumulating Conservative and GOP Support

 Lee Zeldin who is seeking the Conservative and GOP endorsements for Governor charged past a key statistic in both parties over the last week.

He now commands 57% of the Conservative Party weighted State Committee vote based on the many County endorsements he has received. Meanwhile, he holds 56% of the statewide GOP weighted vote.

While both conventions are still many months away, it is clear that there is strong interest in the Zeldin campaign within the Conservative Party all over the state.

In another good sign of things to come, Zeldin is not only impressing the party faithful, he is also impressing donors with around $3 million raised thus far. His endorsements and early fundraising abilities have solidified his candidacy heading into the summer.

Jen Psaki admits she tells Biden ‘don’t take questions’

Governors Say Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Have Not Reached out During Border Crisis.

Texas and Arizona WATCH: Teachers’ union boss says widely debunked ‘1619 Project’ is a ‘factual version of oppression in America’

BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Has Funneled Business to Company Run By Father Of Her Only Child, Records Show

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the Biden Administration, who will lead the GOP Conference in Congress and the progress of Lee Zeldin’s campaign.

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on President Trump’s Backing of Rep. Elise Stefanik for Leadership Post

For Immediate Release
May 5, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on President Trump’s Backing of Rep. Elise Stefanik for Leadership Post

 Brooklyn, NY – “President Trump is right to recommend Rep. Elise Stefanik for the leadership post currently held by Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming. Congresswoman Stefanik has the respect of her conference, and a positive, forward-looking vision for her party and nation. The Conservative Party urges her immediate appointment to the leadership post.

“Congresswoman Stefanik, whom the Conservative Party has backed since the early days of 2014, when she announced a Republican primary bid as a largely unknown figure, is now a risen star in Washington. Her ascendancy within the House of Representatives can only be beneficial to the people of New York State by gaining additional influence at the table. We proudly back her for this leadership position.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses President Biden’s address to Congress; Gov. Cuomo’s coverup, NY losing a Congressional Seat and our May 26th event in Tappan, NY.

Biden Delivers First Address

 President Joe Biden delivered his speech to Congress and the Nation Wednesday night. It was the least watched address in recent memory failing to crack 27 million viewers.

Biden went months in office without holding a press conference, his address marks only the second time he has made public comments since taking the oath of office on January 20th.

Americans are learning it is expensive for them when Biden talks as it is clear his priorities are massive tax hikes.  One specifically large increase is to the capital gains tax which would see New Yorker’s taxed at more than 50%.

“When you add in the state capital gains rate, you’re looking at a 54.3 percent top capital gains rate. New York City also has a separate local tax on capital gains. So you’re looking at about a 58.1 percent tax rate,” Garret Watson, a senior policy analysist with the Tax Foundation, said to NY1.

While Biden was eager to talk about a massive tax increase, he conveniently shied away from discussing the crisis at our southern border, refusing to acknowledge the humanitarian and national security crisis his administration has created.

Republican Senator Tim Scott delivered a thoughtful rebuttal to President Biden’s speech, but the liberal left has chosen to ignore Senator Scott’s unifying message in order to launch personal attacks based on race.

“Intolerance so often comes from the left with words like ‘Uncle Tim’ and the ‘n-word’ being used against me,” Scott said. “And last night what was trending in social media was ‘Uncle Tim,’ they doubled down on this concept of liberal oppression. It is stunning in 2021 that those who speak about ending discrimination want to end it by more discrimination” said Scott.

The Biden administration and its allies have shown no desire to do anything other than tax and spend on far-left, progressive programs while pursuing D.C. statehood, which passed the House on a party line vote, and packing the Supreme Court to ensure a Venezuelan style decline in America.

Cuomo’s Coverup

 Details on Governor Cuomo’s corrupt coverup continue to come to light as we learned this week that the Governor and his staff hid the true number of COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes for nearly half a year.

Top aide to Cuomo, Melissa DeRosa, emailed New York State health officials admitting the administration was “anxious” in regard to the pending DOH nursing home report. The administration then worked to downplay their roll in admitting COVID-19 positive patients as they lied about the destruction stemming from that decision.

The DOH report stated the number of nursing home deaths was close to 10,000, far more than the administration had reported. Cuomo’s decision, the report found, ultimately led to 35% of the states total COVID-19 deaths.

While the Governor was involved in one coverup scheme, he also had a side hustle going. While thousands of New Yorker’s died in nursing homes, Cuomo lined his pockets. It is reported he enriched himself to the tune of $4 million dollars with his book, praising himself for his response to the pandemic.

The Governor was given a lucrative book contract because of his carefully constructed image as a leader in the early days of the pandemic. Had the real numbers been released, that image would have been shattered. Denials from his administration that the book had no relevance simply don’t pass the smell test.

By following the money, the truth is revealing itself.

New York to Lose Congressional Seat

New York’s decline in population will lead to yet another House of Representatives district disappearing thus leaving the state with less representation.

The aggressive tax and spend, progressive defund the police, and regressive public safety laws implemented by Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, and the Democratic State Legislature have led to an out migration pattern that is not soon to be addressed.

New York was once represented by 45 members in Congress.  Since 1952, that number has shrunk to 26. In fact, the only handful of years we did not see a decline in Congressional seats are the years that Governor George Pataki presided over the state.

The outmigration continues to plague New York, not only in the loss of revenue, but now the loss of representation in our nation’s Capital.

We now wait as district lines will be redrawn and announced sometime this coming fall. It is too early to speculate on exactly what the landscape will be later this year; but the census numbers have confirmed that our state is shrinking in population and influence while less taxed states continue to grow.

Spring Reception

  As a reminder we will be gathering in Tappan, New York on May 26th for an in-person reception.

I am happy to announce Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis will be our speaker. The Congresswoman has taken on a leading role in Washington D.C. on behalf of New York’s 11th congressional district. She has been an outspoken critic on the Democrats attempt to pack the court, and most recently has been the leading voice on calling for the DOJ to release documents related to Saudi Arabia’s role in the September 11, 2001 atrocities.

Additionally, I am excited to award Bob Smith, an original founder of the party, with the J. Daniel Mahoney award. Bob is the President and Founder of Smith Affiliated Capital and has been active for decades. Bob is more than deserving and I look forward to honoring him.

Finally, we will present Senators Ortt, Borrello, Helming, O’Mara and Assemblyman DiPietro with our top legislative rating awards for their commitment to supporting and voting for good causes throughout New York State.

The venue is a truly special place and piece of New York history. The Old ’76 House is America’s oldest restaurant and is listed as a National Landmark.

For more information and to register click here. 

Biden contends Trump administration failed to plan for migrant ‘overflow’

Taxpayer costs soaring for Biden border surge, contracts show

Progressives take credit for Biden’s huge spending plan: ‘We are setting the agenda for the Democratic Party’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses President Biden’s address to Congress; Gov. Cuomo’s coverup, NY losing a Congressional Seat and our May 26th event in Tappan, NY.

Statement from New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Sen. Scott’s GOP Response

For Immediate Release
April 29, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY — “President Biden’s address Wednesday night made it clear that America can’t afford the Democratic Party. His proposals, while nice sounding to some, would constitute an assault on our younger generations which have to bear the brunt of our already unmanageable debt.  It’s easy to propose new spending; it’s quite another thing to govern responsibly.

“Senator Tim Scott, in his GOP response, described the America we all embrace; an America that fosters the American Dream knowing that America’s vision from its inception has always relied on a responsible approach to governance.  He spoke to the common sense in each of us and it was a breath of fresh air.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses voting rights for parolees, VP Harris MIA at border and our May 26 Spring Reception.

New York Legislator Moves to Restore Voting Rights for Parolees

A bill passed earlier this year by the state Senate was also adopted by the Assembly this week paving the way to grant voting rights to every parolee in the state.

New York now becomes one of few states in the nation that allows parolees to vote and requires Department of Corrections employees to provide those individuals with a voter registration form.

When you commit felonies, you owe a debt to society and that debt is not paid in full until the convict has served their time and finished their parole obligations.

The Democratic-controlled state legislature makes it no secret that they are not interested in protecting the millions of residents and visitors who are law abiding members of society. Instead, they continue to place votes over paying the full debt to society.

They continue to empower those most willing to do harm to property and individuals, sending the message that their actions have very little consequences.

The only thing that remains for Democrats to do is add voting sites outside of our state prisons.

Vice President Harris MIA

Where is Vice President Harris, has been a question that has popped up over the last few weeks. Well, I can tell you where she is not, the Southern Border.

On March 24, President Joe Biden tasked VP Harris with leading the administrations response to the growing crisis at our border, but Harris has yet to visit Texas, Arizona, or New Mexico where illegal crossings have hit an all-time high.

The Vice President did announce her intentions to travel to Latin America last week, but continues to dodge questions regarding the humanitarian catastrophe, health risks, and the national security crisis our nation is facing.

Perhaps Congresswoman Claudia Tenney is correct when saying the Vice President is having trouble finding the border? Several members of our New York delegation have spent time visiting the border with law enforcement and seeing the issues up close. I am sure Congressmembers Garbarino, Malliotakis, Tenney, Jacobs or Katko would be more than willing to escort Vice President Harris to Donna, Texas.

2021 Spring Reception

I am very excited to have our first in-person Spring Reception May 26th in Tappan, New York.

It has been far too long since we have gathered to visit with one another and this event will give us the opportunity to do so while celebrating some very deserving honorees and their contributions.

I am happy to announce Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis will be our speaker. The Congresswoman has taken on a leading roll in Washington D.C. on behalf of New York’s 11th congressional district. She has been an outspoken critic on the Democrats attempt to pack the court, and most recently has been the leading voice on calling for the DOJ to release documents related to Saudi Arabia’s role in the September 11, 2001 atrocities.

Additionally, I am excited to award Bob Smith, an original founder of the party, with the J. Daniel Mahoney award. Bob is the President and Founder of Smith Affiliated Capital and has been active for decades. Bob is more than deserving and I look forward to honoring him.

Finally, we will present Senators Ortt, Borrello, Helming, O’Mara and Assemblyman DiPietro with our top legislative rating awards for their commitment to supporting and voting for good causes throughout New York State.

The venue is a truly special place and piece of New York history. The Old ’76 House is America’s oldest restaurant and is listed as a National Landmark.

For more information and to register click here. 

Twitter says it can’t evaluate LeBron James’s tweet targeting police officer due to deletion

Another Democrat-Controlled City Is Having Problems Recruiting People to Join Its Police Force.

Justice Thomas Calls Out Supreme Court’s Hypocrisy in Talking About Abortion.

Senate Republicans, Democrats Meet to Discuss Amnesty for Illegal Aliens.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses voting rights for parolees, VP Harris MIA at border and our May 26 Spring Reception.

Chairman Kassar discusses being back on the trail, Democrats and Court-Packing, and Bill Pepitone our mayoral candidate.

Back on the Trail

After a long delay due to travel restrictions related to the Corona Virus, I am back on the road moving party business forward. This past week, I spent two days in Washington D.C. to discuss the future for the State Conservative Party and politics in New York State.

I had meetings with several members from our state delegation which gave me an opportunity to discuss their priorities and a bit of politics. I found our delegation is focused and working hard for their districts to combat radical liberals and their dangerous, expensive agenda.

I was also happy to meet with key conservative leaders including Karen Cross, the Political Action Director of the National Right to Life Committee, Governor Scott Walker, President of Young America’s Foundation, and Dan Schneider, Executive Director of the American Conservative Union.

Additionally, I had a great meeting with Saul Anuzis, President of “60 Plus,” and Justin Richards, the Executive Director of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee to discuss our current members and some New York State candidates on the horizon.

Finally, I caught up with hard-charging Congressman Lee Zeldin to discuss his gubernatorial campaign and the next year and a half. Congressman Zeldin is focused on his district and his run to return New York to glory; a state we can all be proud of without living in fear of rising crime, taxes, and quality of life issues.

Democrats Move to Pack Supreme Court

The New York State Conservative Party condemns in the strongest possible terms efforts to expand the U.S. Supreme Court from 9 to 13 members.

In attempting to pack the court — a political impulse 75 consecutive Congresses have resisted — progressive Democrats are fiddling with the lock of a Pandora’s Box. If the Democrats succeed, what’s to stop Republicans from further expanding the court to 17 members when they next regain power? What’s to then stop Democrats from going to 21?

The Supreme Court was never intended to be the plaything of temporary partisan passions, and it should not be now for the benefit of either party. Its role is to interpret the constitutionality of our laws, not advance shortsighted political agendas. We urge level-headed members of Congress from all political backgrounds to stop this ill-conceived bill dead in its tracks.

We have seen a once prosperous nation, Venezuela, pack their courts with handpicked judges selected to act as an arm of the Hugo Chavez regime. The result? Between the years of 2004 and 2013, 45,000 rulings were examined, not once did they rule against Chavez and his Government.

That is not democracy, that is not freedom, that is socialism at its ugliest and mark my words, court-packing will be bad for America and its future.

Bill Pepitone for Mayor

The New York Conservative Party has its own candidate for Mayor, former NYPD office Bill Pepitone. This is not unusual as the party has run candidates solely endorsed by the Conservative Party including Bill Buckley, Barry Farber, Mario Biaggi, and George Marlin amongst others.

Bill was born and raised in Brooklyn New York, in a family of public servants. His father was a New York City Police Officer, Firefighter and Fire Marshal, His mother was a medical assistant, his uncle served as a detective with the NYPD Street Crime and Career Criminals Unit, and his grandfather served in the United States Navy.

It was inevitable that Bill would answer the call to serve the people, in 1989, Bill Pepitone joined the New York Police Department. During his career, he was assigned to Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Brooklyn South Task Force, and the NYPD Police Academy’s Physical Training and Tactics Department.

Like most of us across the country, Bill Pepitone is devastated by what is happening to our freedoms, our livelihoods, our businesses, and our safety within our communities.  These are some of the reasons, he chose to run for Mayor of New York City.

To learn more about Bill, or to get involved, click here.

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/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar discusses being back on the trail, Democrats and Court-Packing, and Bill Pepitone our mayoral candidate.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap discuses the NYS Budget, the Zeldin and Schmitt Announcements and the Disorder at the Border.

New York State Budget tops $212 Billion; Comes with Massive Tax Hikes

Late, expensive, and using taxpayers to bail New York out of another mismanaged state budget. I wouldn’t expect anything less from this Governor and State Legislature.

The state budget is a liberal’s dream and taxpayers’ nightmare; it throws all fiscal responsibility right out window while it continues to set a dangerous precedence going forward.  A balanced budget does not matter to the Governor, as long as he has taxpayers to place the burden on, he will continue to recklessly spend.

For years, far before the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been spiraling out of control, writing checks and spending money we do not have. After a federal bailout to the tune of $12.6 billion, Governor Cuomo and the Democrat controlled State Legislature raised taxes by an additional $4 billion, making New York perhaps the most taxed state in the nation and further providing more reasons for residents and businesses to explore other options in friendlier states.

To add insult to injury, $2.1 billion of the state budget was allocated for illegal immigrants while less than half that amount was allocated to help small businesses survive.

The priorities of Democrats are beyond misplaced. They have, once again, prioritized those most willing to break laws over the hardworking taxpayers who wish to live in New York State, operate a small business, or simply provide for their family.

Zeldin, Schmitt Announcements

Congressman Lee Zeldin and Assemblyman Colin Schmitt announced their intentions to run for Governor and Congress respectively in 2022 this week.

Their entry into the Governors race and what is now New York’s 18th Congressional District is welcome news as both have been excellent representatives to their districts.

Congressman Zeldin, a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army, served in the New York State Senate from 2011-2014 before defeating incumbent Democratic Congressman Tim Bishop in 2014. Lee is currently serving in his 4th term in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Assemblyman Colin Schmitt, a Corporal in the Army National Guard, was elected to the State Assembly in 2018. Colin easily won re-election in 2020. The seat was previously held by the Democrats until Colin flipped the open blue seat red.

We welcome them both and look forward to working with their teams.

Disorder at the Border

President Joe Biden wasted no time creating chaos at the border as illegal crossings are on pace to reach the highest levels in 20 years.

Shockingly 172,000 immigrants were apprehended in March alone under the Biden Administration. That represents an increase of 71% from March 2020 under the Trump Administration.

In addition to the humanitarian and public health crisis at our Southern Border, grave national security threats are a growing concern as two men on a terrorism watch list, and no fly list, were arrested after illegally crossing the border from Mexico into California, officials from the U.S. Border Patrol announced Monday. The men were apprehended in separate incidents, one on January 29th and the other March 30, signaling the utter disregard for our immigration laws and weakness portrayed by the Biden Administration.

Many members of the New York Congressional delegation have visited the border, or will shortly, to see firsthand the disorder President Biden has caused through the undoing of Trump era policies by executive order.

Today, Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis posted this video taken in McAllen, Texas last night as she toured the border with Whip Steve Scalise and other members of Congress.

Congressman Chris Jacobs was also touring the border last night. His initial observations can be heard here.

In March, House Homeland Security Ranking Member, Congressman John Katko, with Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy led a delegation to the Southern Border for a tour and discussion with Border Patrol Agents to assess the dire situation on the ground. Congresswoman Claudia Tenney was also among those who visited; you can watch some of that here.

“As a federal organized crime prosecutor back in the 90s, I was charged with going after the drug cartels. I had a fundamental understanding then, and I do now, that the cartels know when to exploit the southern border, and they’re doing it now masterfully. They’re doing it because President Biden rolled back a lot of the orders of the previous administration that were working” said Congressman Katko.

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Biden’s border crisis is the worst since 2006, blowing Trump’s out of the water.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap discuses the NYS Budget, the Zeldin and Schmitt Announcements and the Disorder at the Border.