“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
March 25, 2022
Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Federal Investigation of Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin
Brooklyn, NY – “The Conservative Party and the GOP are running a candidate for Lt. Governor who until just a few weeks ago was making arrests. Governor Hochul’s Lt. Governor, Brian Benjamin, may soon be under arrest for illegal grants. Need we say more?
“The Conservative Party calls on Mrs. Hochul and Mr. Benjamin to explain what this is all about. New Yorkers deserve to know.”
As you know nominating petitions move the party’s rhetoric into action by placing our endorsed candidates for Congress & the State Legislature on the ballot. They also are necessary to organize the Party’s State and County Committees which are the basic units upon which political parties function.
It is important that all registered Conservative Party members sign a party petition. In some cases, a party member would have been at your door or made other arrangements to obtain your signature. With 155,000 enrolled party members many will be missed, so we need your help.
If you (a registered conservative) have not yet signed a nominating petition, please contact your local Conservative Party leader. If you need assistance locating the proper contact, call our headquarters at (718)-921-2158 and we will put you in touch with a local party representative.
Your signature on a Conservative petition is vital to our functioning as a party and time is running out.
Broken Windows Theory of Policing Returns to NYC
There are many parts of Mayor Adams’s agenda that the Conservative Party does not support. Fortunately in one key area, public safety, the Conservative Party and most city residents agree with the Mayor’s efforts.
The anti-crime unit, albeit with a new name, are making an effective comeback taking guns and criminals off the streets. Currently at half strength, the NYPD expects 400 or so men and women to fill these highly trained specialized units.
In addition, the Mayor has announced a crackdown on quality of life crimes like turnstile jumpers and shoplifters. This is a return of “Broken Windows Theory of Law Enforcement.” At its heart it works to stop small time offenses before those perpetrating them move onto committing bigger crimes.
The broken windows theory had been proven to work in New York City until Bill
de Blasio did away with this policing tactic. We hope the return of common sense policing will restore some law and order and give peace of mind to residents and guests of the city.
Conservative Party Presents J. Daniel Mahoney Award
Our Legislative Reception held in Albany this past Monday was hugely successful with a large, enthusiastic crowd cheering our two honorees, as well as the campaigns ahead of us. I want to thank everyone who came out to support the party and those who continue to fight alongside us as we move into this very important election season.
One thing was crystal clear, the Conservative Party, our incumbents, and our new candidates are expecting that our winning ways from 2021 will continue into November.
Our award winners, Broome County Chairman Aaron Martin, and Suffolk County Chairman Mike Torres, were a gigantic part of our 2021 success. We were very pleased to honor them and look forward to working together to deliver more results this November.
There was exciting news on all fronts concerning Congressman Lee Zeldin’s bid for Governor. On the Republican primary front, Zeldin the unanimous choice of the Conservative Party, was distancing himself from his three GOP opponents. In fact, he is leading second place Andrew Giuliani and Rob Astorino 45 to 14, a full 31 points, with Harry Wilson a very distant third.
Polling indicates in the general election Lee was in a statistical tie with Hochul. This is by far the best showing for a GOP/Conservative candidate, at this point in time, since George Pataki was in office.
Frankly I am not surprised. For months the leadership of the party and myself have been vocal proponents of the Zeldin candidacy.
A conservative by nature, with a solid voting record on issues important to us, he has shown himself to be an awesome campaigner and an equally strong fundraiser. Often accompanied by his wife and twin daughters while crisscrossing the state, Lee emanates the warmth of a family man and the strength of a Lt. Colonel in the Army.
It seems as though we can always count on the academic elites to do something that causes you to shake your head and wonder what they are thinking. SUNY BROCKPORT is planning to highlight convicted cop killer Anthony Bottom at an upcoming “Diversity Conference.” Worse yet, until the statewide outcry from our party, the GOP, Senate GOP Leader Ortt, and countless other conservative oriented officials, Brockport was planning to use taxpayer dollars to pay Bottom for his appearance.
Paying him has been taken off the table. That is not nearly enough. Bottom’s invitation needs to be rescinded. Furthermore, SUNY Brockport should reach out to the families of slain police officers Waverly Jones and Joseph Piagentini to apologize for the unnecessary pain the school’s actions have caused. I suppose I will not hold my breath, but it is what they should do.
It seems that one of the few national items of which both the right and the left often agree is Vice President Harris’s poor handling of her office. Poor handling of her office seems to be her MO, but actually embarrassing the nation of which she is second in command is new territory even for Harris.
Her performance last week, at a press conference with the Polish President, in which she was clearly unprepared can only be described as embarrassing. And then her attempt at humor in which she laughed at her own comments only further deepened the problems that are occurring regularly for the United States on the world stage.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
March 15, 2022
Brooklyn, NY – “There was a time when New York State cared about police officers and their families. Not any more, and that’s unacceptable.
“Today we learned that SUNY Brockport will be hosting New York City cop killer Anthony Bottom, aka Jalil Muntaqim, at an upcoming ‘Diversity Conference.’ His inclusion in the forum is an insult to African-Americans, who are not represented by Marxist assassins, the state university system, and all who remember Patrolmen Waverly M. Jones and Joseph A. Piagentini who were targeted as police officers and mercilessly gunned down by Mr. Bottom and others.
“Those who invited this stone-cold killer to speak — a man who was given a strict life sentence only to be paroled by former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Parole Board — should spend more time familiarizing themselves with the victims rather than the killers. Below, for their edification, is a New York Times brief written just after the slayings. They should read it.”
New York Times
May 23, 1971
The two patrolmen who were killed Friday night in Harlem were family men who joined the police force the same August day nearly five years ago after graduating together from the Police Academy.
Patrolman Joseph A. Piagentini was born July 13, 1942, and lived in Deer Park, L. I., with his wife and two children. He was a check sorter before he joined the force, and had spent his entire police career in the 32nd Precinct. He was a member of the Army Reserve.
According to fellow patrol men at the West 135th Street station, Patrolman Piagentini’s hobby was breeding German shepherd dogs. “He was very easy going,” said a friend. “If you saw him off duty you wouldn’t take him for a cop.”
Air Force Veteran
Like Patrolman Piagentini, Waverly M. Jones joined the department Aug. 1, 1966. A former paper cutter, he was born Oct. 14, 1937, and served for almost four years in the Air Force.
Patrolman Jones lived in the Bronx with his wife and three children. He came to the 32nd Precinct last August after tours in the 40th and 46th Precincts in the Bronx.
Although he was not well known in the 135th Street station, Patrolman Jones was well liked. “He was easy to get. along with,” said one patrolman, adding that Patrolman Jones tended to keep to himself.
The two dead men had been patrolling one sector of the precinct Friday night in their radio car when a call came asking for police assistance at the Colonial Park Houses. The housing project is in another sector, but the two men were asked to respond to it because the car regularly assigned to the sector that includes the project was busy. It was while answering that call that they were shot.
Funeral services for Patrolman Piagentini will he Wednesday at 11 A.M. in St. Cyril and St. Methodius Roman Catholic Church in Deer Park. Services for Patrolman Jones are to be held Tuesday at 11 A.M. in Trinity Methodist Church at Washington Avenue and East 166th Street in the Bronx.
Democratic Senators Rachel May and Robert Jackson showed a complete disregard for the thousands of victims, their families, those we continue to lose today and the millions that were affected by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Their cheap political imagery depicting an airplane flying into the twin towers was a truly sickening display of politics, one that has no place in New York or anywhere else.
Fortunately, many people noticed, held them accountable and forced them into a quick, cheap apology, though the damage was already done. Though they continued to show how out of touch they are with the real world as they gave poor excuses, such as they didn’t see the banner their staffs had produced before posing with it.
Regardless of party affiliation 9/11 imagery to push political agendas are despicable. While I’d like to say I believe they have learned their lesson, I have a suspicion their apology was made out of necessity not remorse. See our press release here.
Rep. Malliotakis Introduces Legislation Honoring James Buckley
On the 99th birthday of former Senator James Buckley, Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis introduced H.R. 7034 to rename portions of the Gateway National Seashore located on Staten Island in his honor.
Buckley, who was elected to the United States Senate solely on the Conservative Party line, played a pivotal role in establishing the Gateway National Recreation area which is a large element within the National Park System.
On behalf of the Conservative Party we’d like to thank the Congresswoman, wish her success and offer our full support.
Although, personally, I would much prefer to see the United States remove itself from the UN and send the organization packing, the reality is that stiff action needs to be taken in the form of removing Russia from permanent member status.
Russia has used its position to block what in theory is the most important role the UN is designed for—preventing war and genocide.
Permanent members can be removed by a 2/3 vote of the General Assembly. It is time to remove Putin and his hostile Russian regime and see where other UN member’s loyalty lie.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
March 8, 2022
“There are no words to describe Senators Rachel May’s and Robert Jackson’s use of World Trade Center imagery as a cheap political stunt in Albany. Perhaps they’ve forgotten that nearly 3,000 New Yorkers died in those towers at the hands of Islamic terrorists. The Conservative Party has not and will never forget those whose lives were taken, and we call upon Senate Democrat leaders to condemn this outrageous display. What in Hell were May and Jackson thinking?”
This past week both the New York State Conservative and Republican parties held conventions and I am proud to announce we have a unified slate of candidates going into November 2022.
The two parties are unified behind a ticket led by Lee Zeldin and his pick for Lt. Governor, former NYPD Deputy Inspector Alison Esposito, United States Senate candidate Joe Pinion, New York State Attorney General candidate Michael Henry and finally New York State Comptroller candidate Paul Rodriguez.
In many ways 2022 is do or die for New York State. Year after year you hear about this election being the most “important.” Well, we have hit critical mass in New York State and we cannot afford the trajectory our leaders have us on. Our streets aren’t becoming less safe, they are less safe. Our pockets aren’t going to hurt, they are hurting. Time for a change is here, time to try something new is here.
The Democratic Party wanted our petition related to overturning the grossly unfair gerrymander of the Congress and State legislature to be dismissed this past week when our hearing began before the State Supreme Court in Steuben County. We wanted a full hearing on our claims with discovery ordered to accompany all written arguments and responses. We got what we wanted. The Democratic representative did not.
The Judge is committed to dealing with the case in an expeditious manner. I am happy with the progress and will continue to keep you informed.
State of The Union
The Conservative Party was pleased to see a bipartisan spirit of cooperation Tuesday over Russia’s vicious and illegal invasion of democratic Ukraine. We urge President Biden and Congress to redouble U.S. efforts to cripple Russia’s already faltering economy and to provide brave Ukraine with the lethal weaponry needed to defend itself.
We were anything but pleased, though, with President Biden’s domestic agenda that subscribes to the failed and magical liberal philosophy that the more government spends the more it saves. That’s how you drive an economy into the ground.
What’s needed is a long-term plan to stop the government overspending driving the most rapid inflation growth in 40 years. Americans once reached for the moon. Now, they reach ever more deeply into their pockets just to pay the interest on U.S. debt. That’s not a sustainable practice, and, until proper fiscal stewardship enters Washington’s vernacular, our woes at the supermarket and gas pump will go on.
Contact: Shaun Marie
cpnys.org @cpnys
New York – Feb. 26…The New York State Conservative Party today announced its official slate of statewide candidates for 2022. The candidates were formally selected on Saturday at the Party’s annual candidate convention held at the Westchester Manor in Hastings-On-Hudson, NY. They are:
“The Conservative Party is proud to put forward a superb slate of candidates for statewide offices,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “We had a broad group of candidates requesting our party line, and after extensive deliberations we chose the most qualified and electable candidates who came before us. New York State is in desperate need of reform — ethically, economically, and in public safety policy — and these candidates have what it takes to get the job done. New York voters deserve a lot better than they’re getting from a one-party rule in Albany and a Democrat-led U.S. Senate, and we are confident that these candidates will deliver for them.”
Vladimir Putin’s Russia revealed itself as a pariah state this week as it launched an unprovoked invasion of Democratic Ukraine.
The New York State Conservative Party urges President Biden and other world leaders to impose the most severe sanctions possible on Putin’s Russian regime.
Ukraine is a free and independent nation that escaped the grasp of Marxism a generation ago. It must not be lost to totalitarianism again. To the brave Ukrainians who have taken up arms to defend their homeland and democracy, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you all the strength in the world to repeal back this invasion. Read our statement on Russia’s invasion here.
The New York State Supreme Court in Steuben County will hear the major case objecting to the new New York State Senate and House of Representatives district lines.
The hearing is set to be held on Thursday, March 3rd. We expect a decision soon after and remain hopeful that we will have a successful day in court. The State Constitution outlines numerous criteria for a fair and equitable reapportionment.
Many members of the media and political scene, regardless of party affiliation, in NY and across the country have spoken out against the gerrymandered lines presented to us by the Democratic state legislature. We believe we will present strong arguments that must be taken into serious consideration.
Alison Esposito for Lt. Governor
I was pleased to attend Lee Zeldin’s announcement Wednesday as he named his running mate for Lt. Governor, Deputy Inspector Alison Esposito.
Inspector Esposito is a retiring member of the NYPD who will bring an abundance of knowledge and experience in law enforcement at a time when New York City and State desperately need it.
What may not be as obvious is her wide range of experience throughout NYC’s diverse communities or her proven ability to lead in the most stressful of circumstances.
Born and raised in Orange County, and a current Manhattan resident, Alison is a well-studied conservative with solid core beliefs. Together with Zeldin they will return the executive chamber to common sense, conservative control.
Zeldin, Esposito and the rest of the statewide tickets will be nominated on Saturday afternoon at our convention to be held at the Westchester Manor with check-in beginning at 1:00 pm. I look forward to a good convention with many of you in attendance.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
February 24, 2022
Brooklyn, NY “Vladamir Putin’s Russia revealed itself as a pariah state this morning as it launched an unprovoked invasion of democratic Ukraine.
“The New York State Conservative Party urges that President Biden and other world leaders impose the most severe sanctions possible on Mr. Putin’s regime.
“Ukraine is a free and independent nation that escaped the grasp of Marxism a generation ago. It must not be lost to totalitarianism again.”
Contact: Shaun Marie
cpnys.org @cpnys
February 22, 2022
Brooklyn, NY – “Harry Wilson’s support for radical Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg makes him ineligible for serious consideration by Conservative and Republican voters. Mr. Wilson claims, hypothetically, that he’d remove an Alvin Bragg as governor, but his actions speak louder than words. By giving Mr. Bragg a $1,000 donation, he effectively endorsed him for office, an extraordinary lapse in judgment.
“Mr. Wilson’s decision to enter this race just days before the Conservative and Republican Party conventions — after remaining politically dormant for the past 12 years — also strikes us as more destructive than constructive. Where has he been all these years?
“The Conservative Party reiterates its firm support for Congressman Lee Zeldin for governor. Congressman Zeldin has the background, knowledge, and understanding of issues needed to make a great leader of our state. He is a proud combat veteran with a work ethic like no other candidate. Congressman Zeldin will make an outstanding Conservative Party nominee, and an even more outstanding governor.”
Hillary Clinton addressed the NY State Democratic Convention this week and sounded more like a candidate than surrogate for the state party. Clearly Clinton is not yet over her defeat at the hands of President Trump in the 2016 election as evident by her speech Thursday in which she continued to obsess over Trump and Fox News.
Though she finally did get around to endorsing Gov. Hochul, it is clear the power hungry Clinton may not be ready to go away just yet and it is abundantly clear that there is dissention within the New York Democratic Party. A sizeable contingency of attendees voiced their displeasure with the party’s endorsement of Hochul, instead opting to support Rep. Tom Suozzi who intends to primary Hochul this June.
While the Conservative and Republican Parties are unified together, the same cannot be said for the Democrats who will face their toughest challenge in years.
On the Road
What’s better then attending a county Conservative Party event with 350 people in the room? Having your keynote speaker the next Governor of New York. That is exactly the enviable position I found myself in when I attended the Monroe County Conservative Party annual dinner in Rochester. Congrats to Chairman Don Mazzullo who put together an amazing dinner filled with energy and positive vibes for the year ahead.
Our presumptive nominee for Governor, Congressman Lee Zeldin, once again proved if you want leadership in New York – you want Zeldin. We were happy to also be joined by US Senate candidate Joe Pinion and Attorney General candidate John Sarcone.
I look forward to more successful county organization events as we continue our march towards November.
Conservative Party to Nominate Statewide Ticket
The New York State Conservative Party will hold its State Committee meeting to nominate our candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Controller and US Senate on Saturday, February 26 at 2pm with the venue being at the Westchester Manor, 140 Saw Mill River Rd., Hastings-On-Hudson, NY 10706. The convention is open to the public, we ask non-delegates to please register by calling headquarters at 718-921-2158. We encourage everyone to attend and join us for what will be a good afternoon providing great insight into the convention process.