Author: Gerard Kassar

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 3-24

Alvin Bragg

When he was running we called for his defeat, when he was elected we called for his resignation, when he refused to uphold the law and prosecute criminals we demanded the Governor remove him. He is not focused on making New York a safer place. In fact, he has shown that is last on his priority list. His obsession with former President Trump makes that very clear.

Selective enforcement is a page right out of the Bragg prosecutorial play book. Our gubernatorial candidate, Lee Zeldin, made Bragg’s refusal to prosecute murder to the fullest extent of the law, together with his desire to prosecute only the most serious of crimes, a center piece of his campaign. Many listened, but not enough. 

Elections do have consequences.

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Investing

On March 1st the US Senate joined the House in voting to adopt a measure to overturn a Labor Department rule making it easier for fund managers to consider environmental, social and corporate governance, and ESG issues for investments and shareholder rights decisions, such as through proxy voting. Although not truly bipartisan the two Democratic votes for the measure in the Senate caused it to pass.

This past week President Biden vetoed the Congressional measure. There is little to no chance at an override.

Investments, particularly trillions in retirement, should be managed from the perspective of growth and safety. I suspect those who were touched by Silicon Valley Bank understand how woke investing can backfire.

The rule was a mistake and Biden’s veto of the measure overturning the rule another mistake. It is also another reason to change Presidents and leadership at the Labor Department. This need not be a long-term problem as we have the opportunity to fix this in the near future—Election Day 2024.

Petitions Last Call

If you are a registered member of the Conservative Party, and there are 153,000 of you, I would strongly urge you to sign a party nominating petition. In the very near future, we will be filing the paperwork with the county and state boards of election.

Some say if you do not vote, do not complain. If you claim to care and do not make some effort to sign a petition for public and party office, the same can be said.

If you do not know who your local leader or contact person is, please call us at 718-921-2158 or reach us by e-mail at

J. Daniel Mahoney Awards Final Call

Our J. Daniel Mahoney Award reception is on Monday, March 27th at 5:30 at the Fort Orange Club in Albany. Our award recipients are Monroe County Chairman Donald Mazzullo and Greene County Chairman Michael Buttino.

If you would like to purchase a ticket you may do so online here or by calling the Conservative Party at 718-921-2158. We look forward to seeing you in Albany.

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 3-17

One-House Budget

Albany is not only the Capitol of NYS, but also the likely originating point of the expression going from “bad to worse.” Let us take the Democratic Senate and Democratic Assembly’s “One-House Budgets” released this past week. Both houses took the largest State Budget in NYS history submitted by Governor Hochul and made it a lot bigger. The Governor supported in her budget an increase in Charter Schools, both one-house budgets eliminate the increase. As it pertains to disastrous bail reform, the Governor had moved to give judges limited ability to set bail, but the two Democratic Houses offer no changes from the current failed policy.

Much of the new spending is in the form of “tabletop” spending which contains funds that are allocated at the discretion of the Democrat-controlled legislature. Call them re-election pots if you like.

In one bright spot, the Legislative budgets did eliminate Hochul’s effort to bring local zoning under state control but many of her crazy ideas, such as phasing out gas stoves, remain.

Congratulations Chairman Cox

I look forward to working with Ed Cox the newly elected Chairman of the NYS Republican Party who during many years of prior service in the same role enjoyed a close relationship with our party.

Most recently the Party and I worked with Chairman Cox, John Faso, Allen Roth and others on a successful effort to overturn the extreme gerrymander of New York’s Congressional and State Senate Districts. This effort was ultimately credited with the creation of many fair and winnable Congressional seats. The end result, that with the votes on the Conservative Party line being key,we were able to secure eleven victories and the Majority in the U.S. House.

I have personally known Ed for many years and feel confident that we will, once again, enjoy many victories. Few know as much about politics, political history, and issues as Ed Cox. I would also like to thank Congressman Nick Langworthy, the outgoing chairman, who was a superb partner in State politics and now an excellent Member of Congress.
Read my release on Ed Cox here.

J. Daniel Mahoney Award Reception

We will be presenting our J. Daniel Mahoney Awards to Monroe County Chairman Don Mazzullo, and Greene County Chairman Mike Buttino at a cocktail reception at the Fort Orange Club in Albany on the evening of Monday, March 27th at 5:30pm. You can register for the event here. The award is named after the founder of the Party, J. Daniel Mahoney, who in 1962 had the vision to create a political organization that would move candidates and elected officials to the right on fiscal, social, national defense and international issues. Always a friend of law enforcement and an advocate for personal responsibility, protection of the 2nd Amendment, the rights of property owners and the unborn remain a major part of our focus.

I hope you can join us for what will be an enjoyable and informative event honoring two great

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

On behalf of the State Conservative Party, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Irish immigrants have left a tremendous mark on our society. Today, their Irish American ancestors continue to be an integral part of our success here in New York and around the nation.

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 3-10

Happy Birthday, Senator Buckley

On behalf of myself, the officers, and members of the NYS Conservative Party I would like to extend a very Happy 100th Birthday to former Senator, senior member of the Reagan Administration and Federal Jurist, Jim Buckley.

I was a teenager when I received an invitation to attend a speech by then Senator Jim Buckley at the Edmund Seergy Republican Club in Brooklyn. It was 1976 and the Senator was running for re-election. Of course, we were all campaigning for him back in the days when handing out literature was the standard.

The GOP Club which could hold two hundred people within its walls was so overcrowded that people were spilling onto the street. I did not get in, but was able to shake Jim Buckley’s hand and listen as best I could.

The hold the Buckley family, and in particular Jim and his brother Bill Buckley, had on the conservative movement in New York and the nation during the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s could best be described as seminal. The family founded Young Americans for Freedom at their home in Sharon, CT. YAF in turn created the American Conservative Union and the annual Conservative Political Action Conferences. Jim and Bill Buckley were regularly in attendance. As a young man I had the honor of serving as a National Board Member of Young Americans for Freedom and considered speaking with Jim and Bill a highlight of my involvement.

Jim and Bill were key to Ronald Reagan’s 1976 effort to become the Presidential nominee and just as important in 1980 when he was elected President. Jim went on to serve in several senior Reagan Administration positions and for many years as a federal Court of Appeals Judge for the District of Columbia.

Currently, Jim Buckley has not been honored by the Federal government through the naming of a park, building or other federal installation. That could change. Senator Buckley was the sponsor of the legislation creating Gateway National Recreation Area in the New York City region. United States Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska, a onetime legal intern for Judge Buckley, and Republican Conservative Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis of Staten Island/Brooklyn have sponsored legislation to name the Staten Island portion of the national park after Senator Buckley. We will be strongly advocating for its passage.
Read my full press release here on Senator Buckley.

New Taxes to Pay for Biden Budget

It is a mainstay of the conservative movement that elections have consequences. Here is one: out of touch, left-wing manipulated President Biden has submitted a bloated federal budget that depends on tax increases to assist in covering its ballooning costs. Speaker McCarthy, Ways and Means Chairman Jason Scott, and the GOP House Majority have declared new taxes a non-starter. The end result will be that we win and Biden loses. Elections have consequences.


Zeldin Launches PAC

Former Congressman and Gubernatorial candidate wasted little time in getting back into the arena to fight for Republicans all over the country.
Zeldin announced the Leadership America Needs Political Action Committee on Wednesday that will aim to help candidates appeal to first time Republican voters, much like the voters who turned out for him in huge numbers this past November.
“We’re gonna be doing a bunch of different things that we’ll be announcing in due course, but from a political standpoint, I’m staying active,” Zeldin said to Politico. “I believe that at some point in the future, there will be re-entry into government. I don’t know exactly when or what, but in the meantime, we’ll stay heavily engaged in trying to continue our involvement for the 2024 cycle.”
The PAC announcement comes at the right time as the 2024 election season seems to be heating up fast.
I want to congratulate Lee and thank him for staying involved in the fight. He has been a tremendous leader and asset to both the Republican and Conservative Parties. With his help, I expect many victories in 2024 not only in New York, but around the country.

Nominating Petitions

Conservative Party organizations throughout the state have either nominated, or will soon nominate, their slate of candidates for local offices. County Executives, other countywide officials, County Legislators, Town Supervisors, Town Council Members, and other local positions are up for election in most counties.In a few counties, the party will be reorganizing. There is much to do. Before our organizations or the State Party can issue authorizations (Wilson-Pakulas) our activists and candidates must obtain a minimum of 5% of the enrolled Conservative Party members signatures on the nominating petition.If you are an enrolled member of the Conservative Party, please sign the nominating petition of your local party candidate when a member of the Conservative Party knocks on your door.  If you would like to sign but are not sure who to contact, please call the Conservative Party Headquarters at 718-921-2158 and we will point you in the right direction.

Follow us on All Social Media

The Party remains very active all year round. The best way to keep up with us on a daily basis is through our website cpnys.orgYouTube, or social media:  facebooktwitter and Instagram.
In fact, our highly successful Conservative Party Political Action Conference appears on YouTube which can be found at our website or through the YouTube link above. The conference had many great speakers including Gordon Chang, the noted author on Communist China, Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council, a panel of newly elected Congressmembers, speakers on Charter Schools and children’s rights, just to name a few.

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-up Feb-24

No Compromise, Mr. Speaker

We Know President Biden, Senator Chuck Schumer, Democratic House Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell are all about more spending, big unwieldy federal programs, and willful ignorance of massive federal waste and mismanagement. This leaves Speaker McCarthy in the driver’s seat, and he must not compromise on lifting the debt ceiling.

In fact, since 1960, the debt ceiling has been raised 74 times. It raises questions about how seriously past Democratic and Republican Administrations have taken this important cap. Amazingly, most Democrats want the current debt cap of $31.4 trillion increased by close to 3 trillion additional dollars. A subset of the Democratic House Conference has actually proposed entirely doing away with the cap. In my view, this is the definition of irresponsibility.

No one can say how much waste and mismanagement exists in the federal budget. Based on what we have seen in fraud that came out of pandemic spending, it is likely to be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

Incredibly the current per capita debt in the United States is $97,600. That becomes over $390,000 for a family of four. It’s a large mortgage that few Americans know they need to pay back.

The Conservative Party opposes raising the debt ceiling. First, we need to address fraud, waste, and mismanagement. The next step should be respecting the cap through the reduction of spending. Frankly, that is why, except for national emergencies, the cap exists in the first place.

GOP Senate Scores Important Win

The word arrogant is the best word to describe the Democratic leadership of the NYS Senate. Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins and Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris, when confronted with a Gubernatorial Court of Appeals nominee that they did not like, chose to stack a Senate Committee and then ignore the State Constitution, which requires the entire Senate to debate and consider all gubernatorial nominees.

Senate Republican Leader Robert Ortt, Senator Anthony Palumbo, and the entire GOP conference took Senate Democrats to court Judge Thomas Whelan of the State Supreme Court made short work of this petition, declaring the action by Senate Democrats unconstitutional. It was consistent with the view of almost every NYS Constitutional scholar and editorial board that offered an opinion. It was arrogance and a pattern of disregard for New York laws that brought the Senate Democrats into court. Principle and the rule of law were upheld, making all New Yorkers winners.

Conservative Party names J. Daniel Mahoney Award Winners

Donald Mazzullo, our Monroe County Chairman, and Michael Buttino, our Greene County Chairman, will be the 2023 recipients of the J. Daniel Mahoney Award.

Dan Mahoney was the founder of the Conservative Party in 1962. His illustrious political and governmental career led him to a seat on the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

The event will take place on Monday, March 27th, beginning at 5:30 PM at the Fort Orange Club in Albany.

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up Feb-17 “A Presidents’ Day Tribute”

In honor of Presidents Day, the New York State Conservative Party pays tribute to the great leaders who have served as President of the United States. From George Washington, who helped establish the very foundations of our democracy, to Abraham Lincoln, who fought to preserve it during one of its greatest challenges, to Ronald Reagan, who worked to restore our national pride and strength in the face of adversity. Regardless of political affiliation, every president played an essential role in shaping our nation into the land of the free and the home of the brave. 

As conservatives, we believe in the principles of limited government, individual freedom, and personal responsibility. Our presidents have exemplified these values throughout our history, upholding the Constitution as the bedrock of our society. 

Our nation’s first president, George Washington, exemplified historic leadership during the American Revolution, which was crucial in securing our nation’s independence. His commitment to liberty and justice for all set the standard for future leaders to follow. President Lincoln recognized the need to preserve the Union at all costs, led our country through the Civil War, and ended the institution of slavery. President Reagan understood that America was a shining beacon of freedom and opportunity to the world, and he worked tirelessly to promote those values both at home and abroad. He knew that the strength of our nation came from the ingenuity and hard work of its citizens. 

The legacies of these  remarkable presidents, and so many more, will be forever ingrained into our society. Generations to come will have the opportunity to participate in the strongest democracy in the world and vote for a leader that will impact the lives of every citizen. It is essential that we choose leaders who will uphold the constitution, our values, and our freedom. 

As we honor our past presidents, let us be reminded of the timeless values that have made our country great. Let us work together to uphold these values and build a better future for ourselves and future generations. In the wise words of President Reagan, “We are too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams. We have every right to dream heroic dreams.” Let us never forget the heroic dreams of our past presidents, and let us strive to achieve even greater heights in the years to come.

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-up Feb-10

Bidens SOTU

President Biden wants you to feel that things are looking up for our nation. To make his points, the President filled his annual State of the  Union Address with half-truths and lies.  More jobs, sure, but make no mistake, they aren’t jobs created, but jobs returned as we rebound from the pandemic. Improving the economy, maybe. Out-of-control inflation, obviously.

On Mexico, the President was not willing to connect the dots between his foreign policy and border failures with the nearly one hundred thousand Fentanyl deaths in the country. Fentanyl comes over our borders from the South and through various mechanisms directly from communist China.

He touted a bring back the “Made in America” banner created in the early 1970s by a Republican Administration. Too bad his party spent most of the previous administration denouncing its “America First” theme.

Biden’s inability to tell the truth resulted in him using his address to the nation to falsely accuse the Republican Majority of working on cutting Social Security and Medicare the true third rail of government and politics. As though on cue, the Democrats denounced the GOP for jeering Biden’s lie instead of questioning why he lied in the first place.

Direct TV and Newsmax

Political speech, particularly dissenting speech, is America’s most precious resource, whether it comes from the political left or the political right. At a time when free speech is under attack and censorship by big tech, television providers should not be removing any news networks.

Newsmax is not just another network; it has become a wildly successful alternative to the major Networks, Fox and CNN, even going as far as to outperform both in the ratings at times.

I suspect the decision by AT&T to pull Newsmax is hardly over the financial reasons it claims; it just sounds too convenient for the moment. I know corporate boardrooms aren’t the friendliest places for conservative thoughts. I also know that corporate boardrooms should have no place deciding where and where not the consumer will get their news.

We are tired of being told what to think and how to think by elitists. This country was founded on Principals, the most important being freedom of speech. The longer they keep Newsmax off Direct TV, the longer they suppress our 1 st Amendment.

2023 Political Action Conference

Thank you to everyone who supported and attended our Conservative Party Political Action Conference. I have had the good fortune of hearing from countless attendees over the last couple of days and the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. From the beginning, the conference had a different feel and look. The centralized location in Albany, combined with a revamped speaker format, helped result in one of our largest turnouts. I am sure many came away with information they will put into action going forward.

The new member Congressional Panel of Nick Lalotta, Michael Lawler, Brandon Williams and Marcus Molinaro was worthy of its own public affairs show. Gordon Chang on China and Brandon Judd the national head of the Border Agent Council were insightful.

The Rookie reception had near twenty new members of Congress and the legislature in attendance. The Awards reception that closed the conference was in particular well attended.

Lee Zeldin’s news conference which received both national and statewide coverage had over nine cameras and countless journalists in attendance.

Lee who was the Luncheon speaker was modest in describing his efforts and thankful for all the  Conservative Party did for him.

The Conference was planned and executed by Jason McGuire, who acted as Master of Ceremonies, along with  Jim Thomas, Eileen Johnson, Chris Kendall, Aaron Martin, and Andrew Davis.

I would also like to thank our former Executive Director Shaun Marie who continues to provide guidance.

I look forward to continuing to grow the ranks of the Conservative  Party and helping deliver decisive victories around the state.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Omar’s Removal from Committee, Gov. Hochul’s Budget and CPNY releases its 2023 Legislative Program.

Omar Removed from Committee

Congressional Republicans are finally playing hardball and treating Democrats exactly how they were treated the previous 4 years. Except Republicans aren’t removing House Members from committees without just cause.

Rep. Ilhan Omar has time and time again spewed anti-Semitic hate and downplayed terrorist attacks, such as 9/11, far too many times to be taken seriously as a member of the influential Foreign Affairs Committee.

There are no fewer than three times where Rep. Omar participated in and led anti-Jewish sentiment, at one point even causing her own caucus to at one point introduce a resolution condemning her comments.

I am happy House leadership is holding members accountable for their bigotry. For far too long, the media has provided cover to Democrats acting as in-kind contributors as opposed to responsibly journalist. Leader McCarthy and his caucus have had enough, and I agree.

The Hochul Budget

If big government were the solution to society’s ills, New York State would be heaven on earth. Instead, under Governor Kathy Hochul’s proposed budget, it will remain a tax and regulatory hellscape, continuing to fall behind other states in job and business development. When will New York’s Democratic leadership finally learn that economic growth comes from the private sector, not government spending?

From the Governor’s proposed MTA payroll tax, to tone deaf responses on crime and bail reform, one party rule in New York is proving to be more dangerous and costly than we could have ever expected.

Read my full release on the Hochul Budget here.

CPNY Legislative Program Released

The Conservative Party is building on one of its most fruitful years ever. In 2022, it played a key role in the successful litigation effort that forced fair, court-ordered redistricting lines across the state. With reasonable district lines established, the Conservative Party supported 11 winning congressional candidates from New York, four of whom won with margins provided by line “C.” Newsmax called the New York State Conservative Party “The Majority Makers” for its role in the Republican takeover of Congress.

Political parties have a duty to spell out in detail the ideas and legislative measures they support, and we are pleased to do so again in 2023. Unsurprisingly, we continue to call for fiscally sound, pro-economic-growth policies; respect for human life; strong public safety laws; religious and other constitutional freedoms; free-market solutions to healthcare and housing shortages; accountability in education, and government reforms, including the return of powers to the State Legislature, a co-equal branch of New York State government. We urge that members of all political affiliations review and consider these prescriptions for a better state.

Please see our comprehensive legislative program for 2023 here.

BREAKING: Pentagon tells the public to ‘look up in the sky and see where the balloon is’

Nancy Mace says ‘Squad’ members are ‘drama queens’ for complaining about Ilhan Omar ouster

Food inflation is so high even Whole Foods is looking to lower prices

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Omar’s Removal from Committee, Gov. Hochul’s Budget and CPNY releases its 2023 Legislative Program.


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
February 1, 2023

Brooklyn-NY…“If big government were the solution to society’s ills, New York State would be heaven on earth. Instead, under Governor Kathy Hochul’s proposed budget, it will remain a tax and regulatory hellscape, continuing to fall behind other states in job and business development. When will New York’s Democratic leadership finally learn that economic growth comes from the private sector, not government spending?

The Governor’s proposed MTA payroll tax is painfully tone deaf to struggling New Yorkers, and her rosy projections on casino revenues shows just how much New York, under one-party Democrat rule, has come to rely on vice revenues that cannibalize the poor to pay for more ineffective government programs?

We are pleased to see the Governor talking about changes to New York’s disastrous bail reform laws, but her incremental approach is totally insufficient. If the Governor really wanted to reduce crime, she’d propose a complete repeal of cashless bail and hold up the budget until that occurs. We’re not holding our breath, but we do urge New Yorkers to hold tight to their wallets. New York’s Democrat-led Legislature is in session.”


New York State Conservative Party Releases 2023 Legislative Program

January 31, 2023
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Brooklyn, NY...New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar today released the Party’s 2023 Legislative Program. The Conservative Party publicly submits its agenda each year to make clear its beliefs and priorities for the annual legislative session in Albany.  

The Conservative Party is building on one of its most fruitful years ever. In 2022, it played a key role in the successful litigation effort that forced fair, court-ordered redistricting lines across the state. With reasonable district lines established, the Conservative Party supported 11 winning congressional candidates from New York, four of whom won with margins provided by line “C.” Newsmax called the New York State Conservative Party “The Majority Makers” for its role in the Republican takeover of Congress. 

“Political parties have a duty to spell out in detail the ideas and legislative measures they support, and we are pleased to do so again in 2023,” Mr. Kassar said. “Unsurprisingly, we continue to call for fiscally sound, pro-economic-growth policies; respect for human life; strong public safety laws; religious and other constitutional freedoms; free-market solutions to healthcare and housing shortages; accountability in education, and government reforms, including the return of powers to the State Legislature, a co-equal branch of New York State government. We urge that members of all political affiliations review and consider these prescriptions for a better state.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Holocaust Remembrance Day, New Congressional Assignments and CPPAC begins next weekend.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Every year, on January 27, the world comes together to remember the millions of innocent men, women and children murdered by the Nazi regime. I would be remiss if I didn’t make one thing very clear—while today may be the official International Day of Remembrance, the thought that these atrocities were happening not too long ago and not too far away never escapes me.

Staying vigilant against antisemitism, and all forms of discrimination, is not something we should just verbalize, but practice on a daily basis. Together, we must ensure that the world never sees such darkness again.

We have unfortunately experienced heightened levels of discrimination aimed at our Jewish and Asian neighbors in recent years here in New York. Those acts go against everything I value as an American and I hope you all join me in re-committing that hate will not win.

Please take a moment today to say a prayer for all the lives lost, as well as those who lived through the unimaginable horror of the holocaust.

Speaker McCarthy Announces Key New Committee Members

The Speaker of the House announced the list of Congressional Members that will serve on a subcommittee that will investigate the “weaponization” of the federal government and COVID-19.

It is exactly for reasons like this that it was crucial for Republicans to take back the United States House. With Democrats no longer in control, special interest and big government take a hit. Now we have the ability to get to the bottom of the issues that matter most and investigate circumstances that changed the course of American history and our lives.

Rep. Jim Jordan has been tapped to lead the panel on weaponization. Joining him will be Reps. Darrell Issa, Thomas Massie, Chris Stewart, Mike Johnson, Chip Roy, Kelly Armstrong, Greg Steube, Dan Bishop, Kat Cammack, Harriet Hageman and New York’s own Elise Stefanik.

Rep. Elise Stefanik released a statement where she promised to “hold the DOJ and FBI accountable for their longstanding political weaponization.” Additionally, she intends to probe both the IRS and HHS.

Additionally, a new subcommittee on COVID-19 has also been formed to investigate the origins of the virus and what role the federal government may have played in its gain of function research as Republicans look for answers in regard to the pandemic.

To lead that committee, Speaker McCarthy chose Rep. Brad Wenstrup, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Debbie Lesko, Michael Cloud, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ronny Jackson, Rich McCormick and another of New York’s stars Nicole Malliotakis.


The Conservative Party’s annual political action conference is coming up in just a few days. It is being held on Sunday, February 5th and Monday, February 6th at the Albany Hilton downtown just across the street from the State Capitol Building.

The conference is loaded with great speakers and events. The all-inclusive price of $175 includes two days of seminars, a Sunday night reception with newly elected members of Congress and the State Legislature, Monday morning breakfast, Monday lunch with Lee Zeldin and Alison Esposito, an evening reception and dinner with our Conservative Party endorsed members of the Assembly and Senate.

The Sunday and Monday sessions have programs designed to help you run candidates, reach out, raise funds and run a political party. There also will be great speakers and informative panels. You will hear from pollster John McLaughlin, author and China expert Gordon Chang, Brandon Judd the national head of the Border Patrol union as well as a panel consisting of Congress members Mike Lawler, Marcus Molinaro, Nick LaLota and Brandon Williams.

Use this link to register.

Treasury blocks House Oversight committee from Hunter Biden records.

Cory Booker Mocked After Claiming More Americans Died from Gun Violence in 50 Years Than All Wars Combined

The Government is Trying to Figure Out How Many Programs They Run, Because They Don’t Know

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Holocaust Remembrance Day, New Congressional Assignments and CPPAC begins next weekend.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap discusses Judge Hector LaSalle, Congressional Committee Assignments, Mayor Adams and the migrant crisis, and the latest on our upcoming conference.

Judge Hector LaSalle

The Democratic controlled State Senate Judiciary Committee voted against Governor Hochul’s nomination for Chief Judge marking the first time in history that a Governors nominee has failed to be confirmed. This is a shocking and embarrassing defeat for Governor Hochul at the hands of her own Democratic colleagues in the senate.

Judge LaSalle, who was endorsed last year in the 10th Judicial District by the Conservative Party, is highly regarded for his fairness, intelligence, temperament and work ethic by colleagues, peers and lawyers alike. It is shameful that Judge LaSalle has not been afforded the right to go before the entirety of the New York State Senate for a confirmation vote of the full body. This does remain an open issue subject to litigation.

If it wasn’t clear already, Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal’s (the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee) comments left no room for misinterpretation when he suggested any judge that received the Conservative Party nomination will not be considered by his committee.

The left wing crazies on the committee led by Hoylman-Sigal ensured that LaSalle never got a fair chance.

Top legal scholars, experts on the legislature and State Constitution, all agree that the advice and consent role of the Judiciary Committee is to make a recommendation to the entire 63 member Senate body.

This is yet another shameful play by Democrats in the State Senate who this time voted against one of their own because he dare enforce the law and carry out his duties as a judge.

Read my full release here.

Congressional Committee Assignments

New York’s Conservative Party endorsed Members of Congress got more good news this week as committee assignments were finalized. Many members received positions on top committees while others were assigned committees that are both near and dear to them, and most importantly, near and dear to New Yorkers.

The influence of New York around the country is front and center with the appointment of the following committees:

Rep. Nick Lalota NY-01: Homeland Security, House Armed Service

Rep. Andrew Garbarino NY-02: Financial Services, Homeland Security

Rep. Anthony D’Esposito NY-04: Transportation and Infrastructure, Homeland Security

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis NY-11: Ways and Means

Rep. Michael Lawler NY-17: Financial Services, Foreign Affairs

Rep. Marcus Molinaro NY-19: Transportation and Infrastructure, Agriculture

Rep. Elise Stefanik: Chair of the House Majority Conference

Rep. Brandon Williams NY-22: Transportation and Infrastructure, Science and Technology

Rep. Nick Langworthy NY-23: House Oversight, Agriculture

Rep. Claudia Tenney NY-24: Ways and Means

*Note: Rep. George Santos NY-03 has been assigned to Small Business; Science & Technology. However, the State & Nassau County Conservative Party position remains that he should show respect for his constituents and office by resigning. Furthermore, we no longer consider him a part of our delegation.

Mayor Adams and the Migrant Crisis

Why is it so difficult for Mayor Adams to admit that New York City cannot dig itself out of the economic hole that its economic and social policies have dug? Why does he not see that the city is still suffering from the effects of COVID turning many of our business and shopping areas into deserts of empty office space and closed stores? Why does the Mayor think that spending 2 billion dollars annually to address the migrant crisis is okay with most New Yorkers?

Mayor Adams creates more questions than he has answers. And although I do agree that Biden’s border policies are the biggest part of the problem, New York City government’s progressive rhetoric was naturally going to work against the city’s ability to serve its actual citizens from the start.

New York City couldn’t handle 2 buses of migrants without going into a state of emergency. What do they think is happening to Texas and Arizona?

Conference Update

We look forward to seeing you at our annual Conservative Party Political Action Conference. Though not nearly the first conference, it will be considerably different than in years past as we continue to evolve with the times and political landscape. We look forward to both great speakers and immensely informative breakout sessions.

We are happy to feature Lee Zeldin and Alison Esposito at Monday’s lunch, Gordon Chang on the dangers of TicTok and the growing China threat, John Mclaughlin on understanding polling, along with a panel of newly elected Congressmembers. We will also hold seminar presentations and processes with Brian Kolb on Public financing of elections, along with media training, petitions, party organizing, campaign interaction and raising money. Finally, Border security and parental rights with a closing reception honoring the super stars of last year’s legislature round out the conference.

This will, without a doubt, be our most successful conference yet!

To be a part of CPPAC, you can register here.

Post-Roe, Why We Still March for Life

Democrats Propose Constitutional Amendment to Overturn First Amendment Decision

VP Harris Did Not Do One Major Thing While Visiting Arizona

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap discusses Judge Hector LaSalle, Congressional Committee Assignments, Mayor Adams and the migrant crisis, and the latest on our upcoming conference.