Author: Gerard Kassar


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
January 13, 2023

Brooklyn-NY…“President Joe Biden’s reckless mishandling of classified documents from his time as Vice President — some were sitting in a garage for years — is a matter of deep national security concern. Unlike documents discovered at Mar-a-Lago, the classified materials President Biden kept were virtually unprotected. No classified documents should ever be removed from the White House, but the carelessness with which President Biden stored them is extraordinary. It calls into serious question the President’s judgment, and we hope for a thorough and apolitical investigation into what happened.

“It should also be noted that some of the documents were discovered before the November 8, 2022 elections, but not reported until after the elections had taken place, demonstrating the nakedly political thought that went into their reporting. One wonders what President Biden was thinking while doing interviews condemning President Trump for documents discovered at Mar-a-Lago. This is Washington at its worst.”



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
January 10, 2023



“What’s most alarming is the Governor’s apparent belief that more spending can fix the very problems that high-spending, high-taxing states themselves create.”

Albany-NY…“Governor Kathy Hochul’s State of the State message is a document of conflicts — she cites many of the problems New Yorkers face, but her ‘solutions’ too often would make things worse.

“The Governor calls for Band-Aids where tourniquets are needed: She proposes building 800,000 new housing units in a state that’s chased away more than a million and a half residents over the past two decades with nation-leading taxes. The Governor talks about rising crime, but refuses to end one of its root causes: cashless bail. She highlights the environment, but bans clean-energy natural gas exploration in the state, natural gas use in new construction, and she wants to require expensive and inadequate electric heat pumps in homes, making it even harder for families to keep the lights on. Mrs. Hochul talks about the high cost of living in New York, but refuses to right size the gargantuan, inefficient government causing it.

“What’s most alarming is the Governor’s apparent belief that more and more spending can fix the very problems that high-spending, high-taxing states themselves create. New York’s budgets are getting larger and larger under this Governor. That’s the problem, not the solution.

“If we are not serious about our challenges, Governor Hochul’s ‘New York Dream’ will continue as a nightmare for millions of hardworking state residents. We can do better.”


Statement From New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Speaker McCarthy’s Election

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
January 7, 2023

Brooklyn, NY – “The New York State Conservative Party congratulates House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on his historic victory tonight. The Party is particularly proud of the 11 House Republicans from New York State who presented a strong, unified, and unwavering front for Speaker McCarthy in round after round of voting. Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, a dynamic House leader, was one of those honored to nominate Speaker McCarthy on the House floor.

“These 11 members, each of whom was supported by the Conservative Party — the Party provided the direct margin of victory in four of those races — will play a key role in the 118th Congress, and rightly so. The Republican delegation from New York is ready and able to help lead our nation forward.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the 55th Annual CPPAC, the New Congress and Choosing a Chief Court of Appeals Judge.

Conservative Party Legislative Conference

In the 2022 gubernatorial election, Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin, carrying the Conservative endorsement, won a higher share of the vote in each of New York’s 62 counties than President Donald Trump won in the 2020 presidential election. Additionally, the Conservative Party helped deliver the U.S. House of Representatives for the incoming GOP Majority and expanded the number of conservative allies in the State Legislature.

Now, we turn our focus to building on that success.

This winter, we are holding our 55th Annual Conservative Party Political Action Conference (CPPAC). The conference is being held on Sunday, February 5 and Monday, February 6, 2023, at a new location: The Albany Hilton (40 Lodge Street, Albany, NY 12207 If you plan on staying at the hotel, you are responsible for making your own reservations. Special rate is good until January 20, 2023)

This year’s conference will have an emphasis on training conservative activists with the practical skills needed to make the conservative case in the public marketplace of ideas. It will offer training for conservative-minded individuals who want to win in 2023 and beyond. If you are looking to strengthen your local party and train your committee members (and we hope you are), we encourage you to get them to this year’s CPPAC.

We are anticipating the most successful conference perhaps in the history of the party. Join New York’s standard-bearer and Monday keynote lunch speaker Lee Zeldin and his 2022 running mate Alison Esposito. Other noted speakers include China relations expert Gordon Chang, former Assembly Republican leader and current Public Finance Commission member Brian Kolb, and numerous members from New York’s Congressional delegation and State Legislature.

For further details and registration visit here.

New York Delegation Arrives in Washington

 I had the privilege of attending many events in our nation’s Capital for both returning and new members of the House from New York ho were elected with Conservative Party support.

The complications of electing a Speaker aside, we have an exciting, dynamic group of Congressmembers from New York. They can be expected to be common sense legislators fighting to protect our borders, a strong national defense, fair and equitable tax policies, support for law enforcement and values-oriented legislation.

As is our habit, the State party stays closely in touch with the group concerning their own proposals as well as important votes that regularly emerge. I also hope as individuals who stay current on Washington and Albany matters, you will keep our members informed on how you feel.

Choosing a Chief Court of Appeals Judge

Regardless of your view concerning the confirmation of Judge Hector LaSalle as the Chief Judge of the NYS Court of Appeals, you should be concerned that many Democratic State Senators have expressed little to no interest in qualifications or even basic fairness.

They want as partisan a court as they can get, even a court that ignores longtime precedents. Albany Democrats will go as far as to change a committee make up in order to keep a full floor vote of

the NYS Senate from occurring on LaSalle’s nomination. They want to say we would do the same. That is not true and frankly annoys me greatly.

Yes, there is right and wrong even in politics—especially in politics. Pushing for the Chief Judge of New York to be a partisan hack is simply wrong and puts New Yorker’s and our visitors in danger.

The Democrats in the NYS Senate need to stop playing games.

Fact-Checking 5 Fibs From Biden’s Border Speech

Soros Doubles Funding to Group Aiming to Pack Supreme Court

Republicans Warn of National Security Risks as House Speaker Battle Extends Into Third Day

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the 55th Annual CPPAC, the New Congress and Choosing a Chief Court of Appeals Judge.

Statement From New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Swearing In of Assemblyman Lester Chang

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
January 3, 2023

Brooklyn, NY — “Huge congratulations to Assemblyman Lester Chang (R-C, Brooklyn) on being sworn in and seated in the New York State Assembly today. Assemblyman Chang is the first Asian-American from Brooklyn to be elected to state office. The Conservative Party salutes Assemblyman Chang, a retired Navy Reservist, on his historic accomplishment. We look forward to working with him as he fights to make New York safer, more affordable, and more accountable in the years ahead.”


Year-End Statement From New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar  

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117  
December 31, 2022

Brooklyn, NY — “The New York State Conservative Party had significant success in 2022, and the Party is poised for another strong year ahead.

“Our successful efforts to defeat potentially corrupting ballot proposals in 2021 directly led to the litigation that forced fair, court-ordered redistricting lines across the state. With reasonable district lines established, the Conservative Party supported 11 winning congressional candidates from New York this year, four of whom won with margins provided by line “C”. Newsmax is calling the New York State Conservative Party “The Majority Makers” for its role in the Republican takeover of Congress.

“Congressman Lee Zeldin’s determined run for governor — Zeldin was among the highest statewide vote getters in the Conservative Party’s 60-year history — played a significant factor in the historic congressional wins, helped usher in six new Party-supported Assembly members, and increased our representation in the State Senate.

“Zeldin, who garnered 47% of the statewide vote, and Attorney General candidate Mike Henry received more than 313,000 votes each on the Conservative Party line, solidly outpolling the Working Families Party and guaranteeing line-C ballot position for the next two years. Our U.S. Senate candidate Joe Pinion and State Comptroller candidate Paul Rodriquez also had outstanding vote totals on the Conservative line, approaching 300,000 votes each on the line.

“The Party’s growing influence in the five boroughs of New York City helped lead to the flipping of three Assembly seats in Kings County alone. Frank Tinari of Suffolk County, a State Vice Chairman, and Joe Lorigo, the son of Erie County Chairman Ralph Lorigo, were both elected to the State Supreme Court, adding to the number of registered Conservatives serving on the State Supreme Court.

“The Conservative Party held two successful conferences in 2022 — a State Legislative Conference in January and a National Affairs Conference in August. We also held a statewide nominating convention in February, and a number of successful receptions, including a summer reception featuring former Vice President Pence and a Fall reception featuring noted economist and radio personality Larry Kudlow. Party Leader Ross Brady served as a voice for common sense as a member of the NYS Reapportionment Commission in 2022.

“I am proud to report that the Conservative Party is on the ascent in New York, thanks to the hard work of its members and candidates. The Party’s year-over-year enrollment continued to grow in 2022, and we are excited to build on our successes in 2023.”


Happy New Year

It was without a doubt a banner year for the New York State Conservative Party as together we delivered, and the party enjoyed one of its most successful years since our founding in 1962.

We entered 2022 with momentum stemming from our victories in 2021 defeating several ballot propositions that would have changed the way reapportionment, voting and even elections were conducted. This momentum carried us through a reapportionment litigation period in which the party played a key role in finding plaintiffs and developing arguments. Additionally, Conservative Party official, Ross Brady, served as a member of the NYS Reapportionment Commission where he provided a voice of reason within a sea of partisanship.

In 2022 we saw 11 Conservative Party endorsed candidates get elected or re-elected to Congress. From Long Island to NYC, the Mid-Hudson, Southern Tier, Central New York, The North Country and Western New York, we were victorious. We, in fact, were the actual margin of victory in four Congressional races. The New York delegation were truly the “Majority Makers.”  Many, including Newsmax, have said the House Majority would have indeed been in trouble if not for the Conservative Party.

Statewide, the Conservative Party played a pivotal role in ushering in the largest freshman Conservative/GOP class in the State Assembly in many years. The Kings County Conservative Party actually flipped three Assembly seats. Many other parts of the State including Long Island, Staten Island and Rockland County can lay claim to important Legislative turnovers.

Not to be outdone, Lee Zeldin had the best showing in terms of percentage, 47%, since 2002. In fact, Lee Zeldin’s statewide vote total of over 313,000, better than twice our enrollment, is one of the highest totals in the history of the party. In nearly 200 statewide elections since 1962, the 2022 vote total ranks within the top ten results.

With this result the Party comfortably held onto Row C.

Our party also enjoyed close to home victories as State Vice Chair Frank Tinari of Suffolk County and Joe Lorigo, son of Erie County Chairman Ralph Lorigo, were both elected to the State Supreme Court.

Finally, I am proud to announce, once again, that our enrollment year-over-year continues to grow around the state.

With all that said, it is clear that the party remains strong on a local, state and national level. The upcoming year will be about local elections, party building and our issue agenda that our Members of Congress and the State Legislature advocate for.

I wish you all a Safe and Happy New Year!

Chairman Kassar’s Holiday Greeting

Happy Holidays

From all of us at the Conservative Party we wish you Happy Hanukkah, a Merry Christmas, and a wonderful New Year. Some are already on their holiday vacation while others will be starting very soon. Wherever you are, we wish you a peaceful, safe and exciting holiday season with your family and friends.

2022 was a banner year for the Conservative Party throughout New York State. Together, we fought for our state and achieved many great things. I made a promise to move us in a winning direction and with your help, we remain on that path.

While 2023 will surely bring its new challenges, I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year and continuing our work together for a better New York. But first—enjoy your time away. We deserve this well-earned break with the people who matter to us most.

See you in 2023!

Statement From New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar On Devious Albany Pay Raise Scheme

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
December 20, 2022

Statement From New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar On Devious Albany Pay Raise Scheme  

Brooklyn, NY — “Democrat leaders in the State Legislature are once again breaking the public trust by sneaking through a massive pay raise for themselves during the holidays when the fewest number of New Yorkers are watching. The proper time to have proposed a pay increase would have been during the elections when the public could weigh in, but, of course, that’s not how Albany works under one-party Democrat rule. The whole thing stinks of corrupt intent, frankly.

“The Conservative Party also opposes Democrat efforts to make state legislative offices full-time positions. If this change is forced through, New Yorkers will have to pay more for the same substandard government they get now. And God knows what other foolishness a full-time legislature could impose on us.

“New Yorkers are cynical about their state government for a reason. It reeks of self-interest year in and year out. The public deserves better.”



Chairman Kassar discusses Pay Raises for Albany, the Lame Duck Session and Executive Director Shaun Marie Levine’s Retirement

Pay Raises for Albany


The Legislature is planning on returning soon to vote themselves a more then 18% pay raise

bringing their salaries to $130,000 a year for a part-time job. The Conservative Party remains

opposed to any pay increase for its part-time Legislature.


Our opposition is based on both an objective and subjective view of the Assembly and Senate.

Subjectively, they do an awful job. Frankly, the party does not want to pay them more for giving

us unsafe streets, a sour economy, depopulation of entire regions, infringements on second

amendment rights, suppression of individual rights through mandates just to make a few points.

Objectively, the job is part-time despite efforts to eliminate outside income which will result in a

Legislature devoid of members who are part of the actual work force. This loss to the Legislature

of individuals who work at regular jobs or own businesses will do significant harm to a body that

strives to be representative of the government. The planned salary increases to $130,000 annually is

better than double the average salary of a single New Yorker working full-time.

We should call this what it is, a heist. But instead of ski masks, they’re wearing suits and dresses.


Lame Duck Session


The House of Representatives, controlled by the Democrats for less than two more weeks, is

moving full speed during its final days to pass spending legislation filled with numerous

programs that would go nowhere in the Republican controlled House that was recently elected by the

people of the United States.


It is not certain if the current Republican membership of the House operating in a tight minority

can win the day. What we do know is that the current 50/50 Senate can prevent the House Democrats

and Schumer from moving forward.


Our Conservative Party-endorsed delegation of eleven House members who will be taking office

on January 3rd understand and agree with our position. However, to win and get to next year we

need the US Senate to stand up.


At the moment, it does not look like that will happen. Put one more check mark next to a reason

why Mitch McConnell needs to go.


Executive Director Shaun Marie Levine to Retire


They say all good things must come to an end, in this case good is an understatement.

After more than twenty-seven years of steering the Conservative Party on a day-to-day basis our

Executive Director, Shaun Marie, has informed me that she plans to retire effective December 31st.


Shaun has worked tirelessly on behalf of the Party for Mike Long, for me and most importantly for you.

Frankly, she is irreplaceable.


The good news is that she will remain the Executive Vice Chairman of the State Party and as

such she will continue to play a key leadership role.


We will have much more to say about Shaun Marie in the weeks to follow as her service is worthy of

being recognized on its own. For now, allow me on your behalf and mine to say THANK YOU!


The Party is now taking on the enormous task of interviewing a successor to Shaun Marie for the position of Executive Director. I hope to have an announcement soon.


Liberal Twitter suddenly stands up for free speech after Elon Musk temporarily suspends left-wing doxxers

‘Bostonians Of The Year’: Martha’s Vineyard Residents Win Prize For Dealing With Illegal Aliens For 48 Hours

Gangbanger tied to high-end NYC heists gets sweetheart deal from DA Alvin Bragg

Dems risk Asians seeing ‘red’ if NY Assembly yanks Lester Chang’s win

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar discusses Pay Raises for Albany, the Lame Duck Session and Executive Director Shaun Marie Levine’s Retirement

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the proposed toll/fares hikes, Congressman Jefferies new position and our upcoming CPNYS Conference.

Tolls and Fares on The Rise

New York States three largest authorities: Thruway Authority, Port Authority and the MTA are all planning to raise tolls and fares in 2023. In the case of the MTA, they are looking at significant fare increases above the increases that were already scheduled.

It is no accident that these authorities operate outside of direct taxpayer control. Years ago, the Legislature and Governor designed their creation to insulate elected officials from criticism that would certainly result from the increases that have become as regular as he change of seasons.

It is also clear that the tolls and fares we all pay are the equivalent of a gigantic tax that disguises itself as revenue to cover necessary operation, but as a bottom line comes out of your pocket. Transparency is an alien word to these authorities and public hearings no more than a short detour from their objective to raise tolls and fees.

Inflation hits all of us in bad ways. These fare and toll increases will be blamed on inflation as an excuse to be even more egregious, though we know these increases will not go away even when inflation comes under control. When our local and state government make a mistake, their fix is to always throw your money at it.

Jeffries Elected New Democratic House Leader

 The senior Democratic House leadership might have moved from the West Coast to the East Coast, but do not expect any difference in political stewardship. As San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi leaves the stage and Brooklyn’s Hakeem Jeffries ascends to Minority Leader, expect many of the same failed Democratic ideas to emerge from their conference.  The main difference will be that, as the Minority Party, the likelihood that we will see a repeat of the gigantic spending and tax increases of the past two years repeat themselves is zero.

Terrible public safety policies which Pelosi put on the floor for a vote, which Congressman Jeffries supports, will not see the light of day. And environmental advocacy which focuses more on unrealistic goals than job retention and creation will find itself relegated to academic discussions.

I respect all those who enter the arena of public service. Hakeem Jeffries has worked hard and honorably to become the Democratic Leader. In fact, the national center of Democratic legislative power is in Brooklyn with both Schumer and Jeffries residing in the borough.

Having said that, we should all be especially thankful that Hakeem Jeffries is leading the Minority Party which should deter him from being an extension of the tax and spend Pelosi era.

Save The Date

 Our annual Conservative Political Action Conference will be on a new date and at a new location. We think you will like the change.

The venue will be the Albany Hilton directly across the street from the NYS Capitol in downtown Albany. The dates are Sunday, February 5th through Monday, February 6th. There will even be some official activities on Saturday night for those who arrive early.

A lot is coming together right now, but expect more on how to organize, run political organizations, advocate, get candidates on the ballot and run campaigns. Of course, we will be having a Sunday night reception, Monday lunch, and Monday evening Legislative Reception along with a dinner where we thank our 100% legislatively rated representatives. We will also release our 2023 platform.

Expect to see both new and returning Congressmembers, as well as our State Legislative leaders.

Speakers will present on both national and state issues, and we are looking at breakout sessions and a more interactive event in general.

We just concluded one of the most successful election cycles in Conservative Party history with many victories and a record-breaking number of votes. This will be a great way to start the new year. More details to be released in the coming weeks.

Analysis: Joe Biden’s ‘Wide Open’ Border Expected to Bring 2.6M Illegal Aliens to U.S. Next Year

Interrogated by Cruz, Diplomat Gives False Testimony About Biden’s Billion Dollar Bribe

Did Obama Really Just Say That About Biden?

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the proposed toll/fares hikes, Congressman Jefferies new position and our upcoming CPNYS Conference.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the Republicans winning the House Majority, Congresswoman Stefanik’s election as Conference Chair and wishes you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Republicans Win United States House Majority

It’s official, Nancy Pelosi will hand over the gavel to the new Speaker of the House, Republican Kevin McCarthy. This puts an end to Pelosi’s ultra-liberal leadership reign in Washington D.C. that lasted off and on for over two decades.

The New York State Conservative Party is proud to have played a pivotal role in securing a new Republican Majority. Eleven newly elected members of Congress from New York ran with Conservative Party support, and the Conservative Party line provided the direct margin of victory in four of those races.

In all, more than 200,000 of the party’s 310,000 statewide votes were cast on the Conservative Party line for the 11 victorious congressional candidates. The role the party played all over New York cannot be overstated. It is fair to say without the support of our voters, the majority of whom only cast their votes for Conservative endorsed candidates, the Republican Party nationally would be in clear danger of not being the majority party. Read my statement on the Republican House Victory here.

We look forward to hitting the ground running and having even more of a presence as we begin building the infrastructure and raising the money necessary to deliver again in 2024.

New York’s  Elise Stefanik Re-Elected Conference Chair

Elise Stefanik, the fourth ranking Republican in Washington, is certain to continue to play a leading role in developing national policies to combat the horrendous economic, public safety and foreign policies of President Biden and the House Democrats.

With eleven elected Members of Congress and Elise in a leadership role, New York will certainly play a large role nationally. Our New York Delegation has a bright future ahead. I look forward to working with them and advocating for policies that best protect the residents and guests of our state.

Happy Thanksgiving

Since there is no weekly wrap up coming next week due to the holiday, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very safe and happy Thanksgiving. With another long and tedious election cycle behind us, I hope everyone finds time to relax with friends and family.

I am not one to play favorites among holidays. They each have special meaning and should be celebrated for the intrinsic meaning each represents. Certainly, Thanksgiving is different from Memorial Day which is different from Christmas. Yet Thanksgiving might be the one holiday that touches upon all the rest.

On Christmas we give thanks for the coming of Christ. On the 4th of July we are thankful for the nation we live in. Veteran’s Day is a day to thank our veterans for their service and President’s Day for the service of our Chief Executives.

Almost all holidays are about being in one way or another thankful. Next Thursday we celebrate the one holiday that has thanks in its name.

Thanksgiving is also one of the lower stress holidays, at least for those not making the turkey. And of course, it has both secular and religious meanings as Americans in a broad sense recognize the establishment of a permanent European presence in what would become the original thirteen colonies, as well as the role of Native Americans in aiding these early colonists.

At some point Thursday could well become for you more about the turkey or a football game maybe even the World Cup. It could be about one of the many movies that tell the story of the Mayflower. That is fine, but do it with your family, take some time to give thanks for all God has afforded us as Americans. Grateful Day does not have the same ring to it, but we should be grateful for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us this Thanksgiving.

Pelosi to Leave US House Leadership but Remain in Congress

EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Introduce Legislation Auditing Ukraine Spending

PA Gov. Elect Josh Shapiro Arrests Democratic Consultant For ‘Wide Scale’ Ballot Fraud

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the Republicans winning the House Majority, Congresswoman Stefanik’s election as Conference Chair and wishes you all a Happy Thanksgiving.