Author: Gerard Kassar

Statement From NYS Conservative Party “Strong Medicine Ad”

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 27, 2023

60-Second Radio Ad Offers New York Voters Conservative Solutions to Pressing State and Local Challenges

Brooklyn-NY…”The New York State Conservative Party today announced that it has released a 60-second radio advertisement called “Strong Medicine” that encourages voters across the State of New York to vote on the Conservative Line — Row “C” — in the upcoming state and local elections. The ad is now airing in select markets across New York State and will run through Election Day, Tuesday, November 7th.

“Strong Medicine” can be heard here.

“Whether it’s runaway crime, the totally avoidable immigration crisis, or constantly rising rents and grocery prices, millions of New Yorkers have had it with the progressive status quo in this state,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “We are offering voters what we’ve always offered them — old-fashioned common sense — and we’re highly optimistic that a lot of voters will take us up on that in the coming days. New York families are fleeing the state in record numbers, and there’s a reason for that: Progressive liberalism has brought this state to its knees; it’s time for a conservative resurgence in New York.”

The script for “Strong Medicine” is below.

“Strong Medicine”

:60 radio

V1: [Male; Nervous, exasperated] Oh hi, Doctor, finally . . . V2: [Male; Authoritative] What brings you in today?

V1: It’s anxiety, Doc. I can’t even watch the news. We’re treating illegal  immigrants like honored guests. Criminals run wild. The economy’s just  nauseating. And the corrupt politicians? They couldn’t care less.

V2: I see. Tell me: Have you tried voting on the Conservative Party line? V1: The Conservative Party?

V2: Correct. I find that when people get sick of talk and excuses, they do  much better voting Conservative.

V1: Huh, how’s it work?

V2: The Conservative Party ONLY backs candidates who are tough on illegal  immigration . . . and who defend the law-abiding, not the criminals. So your  vote actually accomplishes something on the Conservative Party line.

V1: Wow. Any side effects?

V2: Well, if you’re ever around AOC or other Socialists, don’t tell them you  vote Conservative. It could cause seizures.

V3: [Male; Upbeat] This election, look for the Conservative Party line, Row C  on your ballot.

Vote Conservative. It’s the cure for what ails New York.

Paid for by the State Conservative Campaign Committee.


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 10/27/23


The Conservative Party has begun airing radio spots around New York State to encourage turnout and votes on the Conservative Party line. I thought you would enjoy an opportunity to listen to it. You can also listen to it on the website in the wrap-up.

(Strong Medicine Spot) Help us expand our reach by donating below!

Early in person voting starts this Saturday and runs through November 5th.  My wife and I, as we have done the past few years, will be voting early for the Conservative Party candidates.  I urge you to do the same.  If you cannot, it is important that you come out on Tuesday, November 7th. The Conservative Party is literally running more than a thousand candidates around the state. There are a number of major competitive races that our candidates should be able to win if our people take the time to vote. There should be no one on this email chain that fails to come out. It is important!


President Biden is out of it and the nation knows. His polling numbers are tanking, but no one needs to see a poll to understand he is physically and mentally incapable of doing the job.  The dozens of beach trips and countless days away from the White House never decreased even as the world is shattering around us. His disjointed public statements and startlingly unclear judgements on secure borders, the economy and our role in the world can be outright scary.   

Some people will say that Biden running for re-election assures us a win. That may be true, but for the sake of the country he needs to retire next year. I would say now, but then Harris would become President which would be just as bad.


The New York State Conservative Party’s Fall Reception proved to be a resounding success, marked by a gathering of a large and enthusiastic crowd. We extend our congratulations to John McLaughlin, who was honored with the prestigious James Buckley award, a testament to his outstanding contributions. Not only was he recognized by us, but he also received a personal note from President Donald J. Trump: “John, you were with me from the very beginning of my first presidential campaign and I can’t thank you enough for your loyalty. Your sage advice and counsel has been an integral part of the many successes of our American First Agenda. I know with your help, and that of those great Freedom Fighters of the New York State Conservative Party, the best is yet to come for our movement, and our great Nation.”

 A special thanks to our Keynote speaker, Emma-Jo Morris, who gave us an insightful inside scoop into the compelling “laptop from hell” story. We also presented John DeLessio an award for dedicating over 60 years to the conservative movement; he deserves our utmost gratitude, and we are thankful John is staying involved. The event wouldn’t have been as smooth without the exceptional work of our master of ceremonies, Jim Kerr, who always does a wonderful job. We also express our gratitude to those working diligently behind the scenes, including Eileen, my assistant, and Andrew Davis, our Director of Operations. This successful reception sets the stage for the final two weeks of the campaign season. 

Patriots Podium Featuring Kalman Yeger

On the thirteenth episode of Patriots Podium, I had the opportunity to speak with Kalman Yeger, a New York City Councilman, representing the 44th district. Kalman Yeger holds endorsements from several political parties, including us. This is a very insightful podcast probing several issues facing New York City, and everything you need to know about Israel, as they continue to rid Hamas. Yeger, who is Jewish, has strong opinions and thoughtful analysis on the tragedy that is occurring in Israel. This podcast will be more insightful than watching a news segment, I hope you give it a listen.

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 10/20/23


The NYS Conservative Party is recommending a No vote on the two statewide ballot issues on the November 7, 2023 ballot. The Conservative Party has always considered the fiscal impact of ballot questions, in addition to impending serious need, and has concluded the fiscal impact of these two ballot questions exceed the long-term benefit and will place additional financial burdens on New York taxpayers.

Proposal Number One, An Amendment:

The proposed amendment to Article 8 section 4 of the Constitution removed the special constitutional debt limitation now placed on small city school districts, so they will be treated the same as all other school districts. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?

Currently the small school districts are limited to 5% of the taxable real estate in the district (there are exceptions to certain expenses); this proposal could double the limit to 10%. The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote.

Proposal Number Two, An Amendment:

The Constitution limits the debt counties, cities, towns and villages can incur.  This debt limit does not include debt for sewage treatment and disposal construction projects.  The sewer debt exception expires on January 1, 2024.  This amendment extends the sewer debt exception for ten more years until January 1, 2034. The proposal amends section 5 of article 8 of the Constitution.

This indebtedness has occurred since 1962, renewed each time by a Constitutional Amendment allowing the legislature to prescribe the method by which and the terms and conditions under which the amount of any such indebtedness to be excluded shall be determined, and no such indebtedness shall be excluded except in accordance with such determination.

Since indebtedness is left to the legislature, taxpayers have little to no control or knowledge as to the indebtedness they are incurring; there is no cap on the costs or what would need to be covered.  The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote.


As part of our efforts to encourage Conservative Party enrollment, and turnout on Row C, The NYS Conservative Party is running an extensive statewide social media campaign.

Please go to the links below to see our first three vote Conservative advertisements (also available to download at the bottom of the page), please like and share with family and friends:

Less Mandates, Less Government, Early Vote AD

Safer Streets, Lower Taxes, Less Government AD

Secure Borders, Fund Police, America First AD


We are only a few days away from our October Reception being held on October 25th at the Glen Island Harbour Club in New Rochelle, where we are honoring John Mclaughlin with the James Buckley award. We have a fantastic event planned with many Conservative legislators, dignitaries, speakers, etc. We are excited to be joined by our Key-Note speaker, Emma-Jo Morris.

A little background on Emma, she began her career as a producer of “Hannity” at Fox News Channel, before being hired by the New York Post as Deputy Politics Editor, running national politics coverage. Emma is responsible for some of the most explosive stories of the last decade, authoring the Post’s exclusive “laptop from Hell” series. Since joining Breitbart News, Morris has published multiple investigative series, covering the education, media, and medical establishments. She has testified to Congress on the relationship between the US Intelligence Community, Big Tech, and the media, as it relates to journalism and press freedom, and has been featured in outlets across the political spectrum.

We are honored to have her speak, and we hope you can join us. If you haven’t bought a ticket yet, there is still time! Click the link to purchase a ticket:

NYS Conservative Party Recommends a NO Vote on 2023 Statewide Ballot Issues

Conservative Party of New York State Recommends a NO Vote on 2023 Statewide Ballot Issues

Brooklyn, NY – The NYS Conservative Party is recommending a No vote on the two statewide ballot issues on the November 7, 2023 ballot, noted Chairman Gerard Kassar earlier today.  The Conservative Party has always considered the fiscal impact of ballot questions, in addition to impending serious need, and has concluded the fiscal impact of these two ballot questions exceed the long-term benefit and will place additional financial burdens on New York taxpayers.

Proposal Number One, An Amendment:

The proposed amendment to Article 8 section 4 of the Constitution removed the special constitutional debt limitation now placed on small city school districts, so they will be treated the same as all other school districts. Shall the proposed amendment be approved? 

Currently the small school districts are limited to 5% of the taxable real estate in the district (there are exceptions to certain expenses); this proposal could double the limit to 10%.  The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote.

Proposal Number Two, An Amendment:

The Constitution limits the debt counties, cities, towns and villages can incur.  This debt limit does not include debt for sewage treatment and disposal construction projects.  The sewer debt exception expires on January 1, 2024.  This amendment extends the sewer debt exception for ten more years until January 1, 2034. The proposal amends section 5 of article 8 of the Constitution. 

This indebtedness has occurred since 1962, renewed each time by a Constitutional Amendment allowing the legislature to prescribe the method by which and the terms and conditions under which the amount of any such indebtedness to be excluded shall be determined, and no such indebtedness shall be excluded except in accordance with such determination.  

Since indebtedness is left to the legislature, taxpayers have little to no control or knowledge as to the indebtedness they are incurring; there is no cap on the costs or what would need to be covered.  The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote.

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 10/13/23


Several weeks ago, I was highly critical of the Queens Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America holding a candidate screening meeting on 9/11 (you can read my release here). This had become a day of remembrance with campaigns and political organizations in New York City standing down. However, not the DSA. Of course, it was just another reminder that this leftist faction of the Democratic Party was comfortable in its support of a Democratic Party agenda that considers patriotism a cliché, support for American interests at home and abroad ill-advised, and socialism a legitimate political alternative.

On 9/11 DSA operatives responded to me decrying the 2001 terrorist attack as ancient history, telling me to get over it and a whole variety of anti-American comments that are not fit to publish.

There was barely a peep from the Democratic Party critical of the DSA. The Democratic Party’s silence at the time was deafening

Last week’s efforts by the DSA, in support of the extremist group Hamas’s actions to destroy the Israeli state, reflected the groups complete lack of focus on the terrorist horrors perpetrated against Israel.

Furthermore, the DSA operates in the United States as a willing ally of an organization that looks to kill Americans. The DSA does not have any interest in what is best for America.

There are more than a few Democratic NYS Legislators and Congressmembers who proudly carry the DSA designation. Until a few days ago they functioned as the left wing of the Democratic Party with Democrats like Hochul and Schumer tolerant of their extreme positions.

With last week’s DSA-endorsed pro-Palestinian rally in Time Square, and the anti-Israeli rhetoric mouthed by many DSA politicians, the Democratic Party is finally waking up.

In my view, the damage has been done; resulting with mainstream Democrats who, until a few days ago, were willing to work alongside DSA colleagues eliminating any residue trust.


One more setback in President Biden’s hopes of a second term. Democrats and Independent voters of whom there are many weary about Biden’s ability to mentally and physically carry out his duties if re-elected now have a choice.

Robert Kennedy is a perfectly suited candidate for centrist Democrats. Some of his views could even be described as populist.

The Democratic Party’s efforts to disrespect Kennedy, even denying equal treatment to a candidate who appeared to be garnering nearly a third of the vote in a Democratic primary, backfired. 

Every ballot Kennedy appears on in November will only enhance the GOP’s chances of taking back the White House. 


The crowd is growing. The evening is coming together and we want you to be a part of it.

Use the link below to make a reservation, buy a Journal Ad and show your support for the Conservative Party and our honoree John McLaughlin. The reception is Wednesday evening, October 25th, at the Glen Island Harbour Club in New Rochelle. You can reserve your ticket by clicking the link here:

We are hearing from nationally known conservative leaders, pundits and candidates planning to attend. We will soon start releasing their names. 

It certainly will be a grand evening. Hope to see you there.

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 8, 2023

Statement on Pro-Palestinian Times Square Rally by Democratic Socialists of America from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“More than 700 Israeli citizens, and counting, were brutally murdered on Saturday by Palestinian extremists, with dozens more taken hostage — women, children, and the elderly among them — and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman’s Democratic Socialists of America effectively celebrated the attack at a Times Square rally today. The DSA’s insistence on promoting the rally as thousands of Hamas rockets rained down on Israeli civilians in real time is unfathomable to anyone who holds objective morality dear. The DSA and the squad are the new face of radicalism in America, squarely in opposition to our nation’s  best interests.

“New Yorkers know what terrorism looks like, and we do not tolerate it. Israel’s right to defend herself is absolute. We stand with Israel.


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 10/6/23

Columbus Day

Columbus Day is a significant holiday not only for Conservatives but for all Americans; As it allows us to commemorate the remarkable journey of Christopher Columbus and honor the contributions of Italian Americans to our nation. While it’s important to celebrate the Italian heritage of Columbus, this day has an even broader significance.

Christopher Columbus’s voyages represent a pivotal moment in world history. His daring exploration not only opened up new trade routes but also facilitated the exchange of ideas, cultures, and technologies between the Old World and the New World. This exchange laid the foundation for the growth and prosperity of the Americas.

However, it’s disheartening to witness efforts to rebrand Columbus Day as “Indigenous Peoples Day.” While recognizing the history of indigenous communities is important, we should not undermine the historical importance of Columbus’s expeditions. Just as we should not be tearing down historical monuments to appease the left; destroying history just because a selective group is upset (you can read my full press release here). Columbus Day stands as a testament to the spirit of exploration and the discovery of new horizons.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s statement on Columbus Day, 1940, hits the nail on the head: “This year when we contemplate the estate to which the world has been brought by destructive forces, with lawlessness and wanton power ravaging an older civilization, and with our own republic girding itself for the defense of its institutions, we can revitalize our faith and renew our courage by a recollection of the triumph of Columbus after a period of grievous trial.

The promise which Columbus’s discovery gave to the world, of a new beginning in the march of human progress, has been in process of fulfillment for four centuries. Our task is now to make strong our conviction that in spite of setbacks that process will go on toward fulfillment.”

Columbus Day provides an occasion to honor Italian Americans, celebrate Columbus’s groundbreaking journeys, and acknowledge world history. While we must respect all perspectives, we should preserve the historical significance of this day for future generations.

Patriots Podium Featuring Will Barclay

I had the pleasure of hosting Patriots Podium Episode #11 with Assemblyman and Republican Minority Leader, Will Barclay. Will happens to be a very good friend of mine, as well as a major asset to the Conservative Party. Listen to us talk about the major issues facing New York residents, as well as the possibility of a special session to deal with the never-ending migrant crisis. In addition, we cover parental rights, bills in the state Assembly/Senate that would undermine our 2nd Amendment and much more!

The podcast will premiere on all of our social media accounts Monday, 10/9. However, you can view early on any of the platforms below, feel free to give us a like and share!

YouTube:              Apple Music:             Spotify:            BuzzSprout:

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 3, 2023

Statement on Congressional Motion to Vacate by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“Rep. Jamaal Bowman is pulling fire alarms, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is looking to burn the House down, and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries wants to swoop in with a bucket of water and declare himself Speaker, all this while Republicans should be enjoying a perfectly good majority. This is the scenario that Rep. Matt Gaetz is unthinkably allowing in having allies on the extreme left of the Democratic Party like Bowman and AOC. This is the same Rep. Bowman, incidentally, whose staff called House Republicans ‘Nazis’ for objecting to his bizarre and illegal fire alarm antics. Why on earth would any Republican make the job of Democratic Socialists in Congress easier? Republicans must work out their differences internally and stick together as one.”


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 9/29/23


There can be no clear answer concerning a partial government shutdown that very likely will occur this weekend. As conservatives we want US obligations paid and the government running. After all, a shutdown can be construed as an abrogation of responsibility.

On the other hand, the continuing resolutions (CRs) from the United States Senate are no more than kicking the Biden/Schumer budget can down the road. McConnell to no ones’ surprise has been of zero help.

The House GOP has offered and is in the process of passing acceptable alternatives despite on occasion being internally waylaid. Although these alternatives are far from perfect, they are superior to anything coming out of the White House or the US Senate.

I am in regular contact with the many members of the House delegation from New York who carry our endorsement and win on our line.

They hear in my voice and see in my eyes the frustration that I have with this entire process. A shutdown is a bad idea. Approving CRs that give us nothing is equally bad. I think many members of the House GOP, particularly from New York, are on the right track but they need partners in government willing to stand with them against the White House and Democratic US Senate.

Readers should be calling and/or writing their federal representatives – Democrats as well as Republicans – to express their views.

McLaughlin To Receive James Buckley Award

I am pleased to announce that well regarded national political strategist and polling expert John McLaughlin will receive the Conservative Party’s James Buckley Award for years of meritorious service to the conservative movement. John, who for decades has done opinion research and political strategy for the Conservative Party, was born, raised and lives in Rockland County. As you likely know he is a senior consultant to President Trump’s re-election campaign and was also with him in 2016 and 2020. He has worked professionally as a strategic consultant and pollster for over 35 years. During this time, he has earned a reputation for winning some of the toughest elections in the nation.

The reception will be held on Wednesday, October 25th at the Paradise Ballroom, Glen Island Harbour Club, In Glen Island Park @ Weyman Ave, New Rochelle, NY 10805 beginning at 6:30. We have an expanding group of conservative dignitaries who have indicated that they plan to attend. We will keep you informed.

For more information call headquarters at 718 921 2158.

To register on-line, you can do so here:


The NYS Conservative Party is currently a Plaintiff in three legal actions. Additionally, we are non-litigants but a supporter and advisor through Plaintiffs associated with the Conservative Party & my participation in the federal redistricting case – Hoffmann v. NYS Independent Redistricting Commission. Finally, there are two potential areas of litigation that have not yet materialized that the Conservative Party will be considering joining in as Plaintiffs or through an amicus filing.

These two areas are the venue law (Chapter 475) that limits challenges to the constitutionality of the election law provisions to four counties: New York, Westchester, Albany, and Erie Counties. The second potential area would be even–year voting legislation which the Governor has not yet made a decision to sign or veto.

The cases that we are Plaintiffs in are:

  • Non-citizen Voting. The appeal by the City of New York of our win has been heard. We await a decision.
  • Universal Vote by Mail (Chapter 481): Papers are in; We are seeking a preliminary being sought. The return date is October 13th
  • Challenge to new 9-209 canvass procedure. “Amedure vs State of New York. This is a new filing on an action we had success with last year but unfortunately, we brought to close to the election.

As our legal status evolves, I will keep you informed.

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 26, 2023

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on St. John Villa Academy Court Decision

Brooklyn-NY…“New York State Supreme Court Justice Wayne M. Ozzi got it right in ruling that the former St. John Villa Academy on Staten Island is not a proper location for housing migrants pouring into the city because of Biden Administration blundering. Kudos to Staten Island Republicans and Conservatives for leading the challenge against City plans to put a shelter there. St. John Villa Academy is an educational facility, and it should reopen as one as quickly as possible. 

“The New York State Conservative Party salutes Judge Ozzi for defending common sense, a rare commodity in New York these days, and we urge Mayor Adams to forgo any challenges to his ruling. The court got it exactly right.” 


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 9/22/23


Coming a week after President Biden provided the Iranian terrorist state with access to billions of dollars which had been rightfully frozen, the President’s message to the anti-American United Nations body consisted of canned comments about everyone getting along.

Nice comments that do not reflect reality – just ask any Ukrainian or Israeli.

This past week we are once again reminded that the United Nations is a wholly ineffective world body that costs the United States over $12 billion annually (20% of their overall budget) as it insults and ignores our interests at best, often outright working against American interests.

The UN spends more time voting to be officially a non-participant in world events than an active arbitrator. 

The United States should re-access its commitment to the United Nations.  At a minimum, we should reduce our financial role. While we are at it, the UN should arrange for its member organizations to pay NYC the hundreds of millions in fines that the city is owed. 


The Conservative Party has joined the GOP, NYS Republican Members of Congress and a number of citizen plaintiffs in challenging legislation signed by Governor Hochul this past week that allows mail in early voting. You can read our full press release here:

This runs completely contrary to the NYS Constitution reaffirmed in 2021 by the defeat of a ballot proposition that essentially did the same thing.

Voters rightfully believe that paper ballots are highly suspect lending themselves to increased fraud.  The voters spoke and as usual, the Democrats and the Governor ignored them.

I will keep you informed as our action moves through the Judicial system.


Community protestors are now being arrested on Staten Island and other parts of the city for opposing illegal immigrant shelters appearing in their neighborhoods.

Adams and Hochul who used to talk about decisions being based on community input are totally silent as police, under orders, interfere with our constitutionally protected right to express our opposition to government dictates.

As I have said in the past the illegal immigrant crisis begins and ends with Democratic elected officials. There are no Conservatives or Republicans in office who support what the Biden, Hochul and Adams Administrations are doing on this issue.

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact:Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 20, 2023

Gov. Hochul’s Partisan Early Voting-by-Mail Shenanigans is Directly Repudiating the Will of Voters: New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar 

Brooklyn-NY…“Governor Kathy Hochul signed one of the most disingenuous pieces of legislation in memory into law today in a cynical bid to aid the Democratic Party at the expense of fair elections and ballot integrity in New York State. In doing so, Gov. Hochul is directly repudiating the will of the voters who overwhelmingly rejected early voting by mail in a referendum two years ago. The Conservative Party will proudly join others in challenging this new law in court on clear Constitutional grounds.

“There is no impediment to voting in New York State. Voters have ample ways to cast their ballots. But Mrs. Hochul and her ‘progressive’ colleagues in Albany, who already control every lever of government in New York State, are constantly spreading falsehoods in an attempt to engineer election results to their liking. Mail-in-voting is inherently insecure, and they know it, but Gov. Hochul and the Democrats want it so badly that they devised an intricate legislative end-around of the People themselves. The question we must ask is ‘why?’ Why would Governor Hochul and her colleagues go to such trouble to overturn the results of a 2021 state ballot initiative? The answer, sadly, is obvious. Mrs. Hochul and her party want to hold power perpetually, the voters be damned. This new law will not survive legal challenge.”
