Author: george

Weekly Wrap-Up

“The Comey Show” didn’t live up to the hype – by most accounts it was a pretty weak case put forth by the former FBI Director. But the Democrats’ hatred of President Trump was and still is strong. 

We did learn that President Trump has not been under FBI investigation – as Sen. Marco Rubio wisely pointed out, this is seemingly the ONLY nugget of information that somehow wasn’t leaked out by Team Comey. 

Seems like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and virtually the entire media owe President Trump an apology – but I certainly won’t be holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

We also learned what many of us suspected – that Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch wasn’t seeking justice but playing partisan games with investigations (er, “matters”) into Hillary’s wrongdoing. Will Hillary be adding Mrs. Lynch to her laundry list of people to blame for her 2016 defeat? 

Suddenly The New York Times is concerned about Loretta Lynch’s independence – did this not occur to them almost a year ago after her secret tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton? 

The Times had problems of its own as Comey testified that one of their blockbuster stories about Trump and Russia was fake news. The New York Post lays out the liberals’ dilemma: You can’t trust both Comey and the Times.

Now, on to this week’s poll questions. Of course the James Comey testimony was the week’s big news, so we’ll start there: What do you think is the BIGGEST IMPACT of Comey’s Senate testimony? 

There are endless lists of “winners” and “losers” in the wake of Comey’s testimony. Who among the anti-Trump forces do you believe came out of Thursday’s spectacle as the biggest loser? That’s our Weekly Poll’s second question. 

Finally, a question that was practically written for me, and just in time since quite a bit of this week’s Wrap-Up deals with fake news and media malpractice: A new Quinnipiac poll asked a question about the media’s coverage of the political scene, and whether it makes Americans feel enthusiastic, satisfied but not enthusiastic, dissatisfied but not angry, or angry. How would you have answered if you had been included in this poll? 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

“I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris,” President Trump stated brilliantly as he announced his decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement.

And don’t forget the citizens of Plattsburgh, Potsdam, Pomfret and every New York city and town across the state that has been left behind by the liberals’ radical environmental agenda.  

As Kellyanne Conway puts it, President Trump promised to protect America and that’s exactly what he’s doing. (If you made it to our 55th Annual Dinner last night where Kellyanne was our special guest, you know what an extraordinary spokesperson she is for this Administration!)

I agree with the President – the Paris Accord is a BAD deal for Americans… a poorly-negotiated plan that overregulates our country at the expense of our economy and job growth, while giving a free pass to the top global emitters, like China. As the world leader in energy production the last thing the U.S. needs is a bad deal that will harm American workers.

What do you think is the BEST reason for freeing our country from this Obama-Era boondoggle? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – vote now! 

Liberals are of course outraged, but President Trump is doing the right thing for America, plus a huge favor to our economy. 

What do you think President Trump’s determination to get America out from under the Paris Accord says about his leadership? That’s our new Weekly Poll’s second question, and I look forward to seeing the answers. 

Of course Hillary Clinton chimed in on the matter, because she cares oh-so-much about reducing carbon emissions. Do as I say, not as I do – that’s the Clinton Way.

Hillary has hit a new low in her “blame game” post-election crusade, ascribing her loss to a long list of enemies while ignoring her own worst enemy: herself

What do you think this says about Hillary’s leadership? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

BREAKING NEWS: Oscar Lopez Rivera won’t be honored after all in the upcoming Puerto Rican Day Parade – not formally, anyway… but he will still be part of the festivities. But is the damage already done? 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week of President Trump’s allies being convicted of high crimes without a trial – and we’re seeing more and more leaks designed solely to undermine our President… even if it jeopardizes the country’s security

This week’s attack in Manchester is the logical result of Barack Obama’s “smart power” agenda as President – another mess left for President Trump to handle. Yet Obama still seeks to govern “in exile,” lecturing Americans about “hiding behind walls” while literally hiding behind a wall. He fits right in with the Democrats’ inane pop-star fans, as does the bitter Hillary Clinton with her endless lectures to the American people.

Which group do you believe is MOST determined to sabotage the Trump Administration? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

The President’s speech in Saudi Arabia earned praise from national security experts and opened the door for a renaissance in the Muslim world. Naturally Nancy Pelosi and the liberals lost their minds over it.

What do you believe is the MOST POWERFUL quote from President Trump’s address to the Muslim world in Saudi Arabia? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

This week President Trump delivered a balanced, “optimistic” budget – a true stimulus – to a seemingly unbalanced Congress. Washington hates it, and naturally Chuck Schumer and the liberals lost their minds over it. (See a pattern here?) Let’s take care of some of the liberal myths right here, right now.

What do you like BEST about President Trump’s new budget proposal? That’s the third question in our new Weekly Poll.
“A great win in Montana” – that’s how President Trump describes the good news for Republicans this week, as a (literally) hard-fought special election for the state’s at-large House seat went to the GOP. Ironically, the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves

Now if only Republicans in Washington would stop falling for the media’s “divide-and-conquer” strategy against President Trump. Investor’s Business Daily counsels Republicans to act like they’re going to lose control of Congress in 2018 and make much-needed reforms while they can – and make no mistake, the Democrats are already plotting the destructive policies they’ll approve if they do take back the House. 

Fleet Week is here – a chance to say thanks to those who keep us safe. And some gave all defending America… let’s remember them and the real meaning of Memorial Day this weekend.

Have a great one!

Weekly Wrap-Up

The uproar surrounding this week’s firing of FBI Director Jim Comey has been fake news at its finest – but the facts tell a different story.

Many feel that President Trump was right to tell Jim Comey, “You’re fired!” What do you think – do you believe Comey deserved to be dismissed? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.  

The real reason Comey was let go has nothing to do with Russia – though as the New York Post points out, the Left’s favorite narrative actually aids Russia’s goal of undermining our democracy.

But truth doesn’t matter to liberals who are obsessed with turning President Trump into President Nixon, or to a media establishment that has already impeached the President.

How would you describe the Left’s response to President Trump’s firing of FBI director Jim Comey? That’s the second Weekly Poll question I have for you this week. 

A variety of names are being mentioned as possible choices to lead the FBI – what do you think President Trump should look for in the individual he nominates for this important role? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Kellyanne Conway has been out in force getting the truth out about the Comey story, and refusing to suffer fools in the process. She is the Conservative Party’s guest speaker at our upcoming 55th Annual State Dinner on Thursday, June 1 – the registration form is here. I hope you can join us!

There has been other news this week, and it hasn’t been good for Obamacare. Aetna is the latest insurance giant to exit the unsustainable Obamacare exchanges. Democrats have a (fake) reason for this latest blow to socialized health care, but why should we believe anything they say? 

And finally, bad news for those who like to show their liberal good intentions by raising the minimum wage – it’s a disaster for workers in New York and everywhere. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Democrats have been “Russian” to judgement, but the left’s “tinfoil-hat brigade” of conspiracy theorists and sore losers continue to lose credibility with their claims of collusion between President Trump and Russia.

And the sorest loser of them all, Hillary Clinton, is stumbling back into the political arena with a new group aimed at taking down President Trump – a task that Hillary’s had problems with before, you may recall. Hillary claims she’s now part of “The Resistance,” but can she resist scandal? 

Hillary’s new PAC is said to be called “Onward Together,” based on her oh-so-successful campaign theme “Stronger Together,” but I’ve come up with some names that I think would be better – pick the one you like best in the first question of our new Weekly Poll. 

We’ll keep with this theme for the second Weekly Poll question, too: How do you plan to “resist” Hillary’s latest venture into politics? (Standing strong with the Conservative Party is one option – we’ll be working hard for you here in New York to support candidates and ideas that I’m sure will be dismissed as “deplorable” by Ms. Clinton.)

Unemployment is down and Obamacare is on its way out this week. Many are saying good riddance to a system that’s already collapsing in on itself.

Now it’s time for the Senate to act, and it’s also time for the GOP to think far beyond just replacing Obamacare. 

President Trump marked this week’s National Day of Prayer with an executive order protecting religious liberty – a very good start to his second 100 days.

And we learned more this week about Andrew Cuomo’s “incredible shrinking free college program” and all the strings attached. If Cuomo was teaching a college class on his fake free tuition giveaway, what do you think would be the best name for it? That’s the third and final Weekly Poll question this week. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

There has been endless speculation and analysis about President Trump’s first 100 days in office, but to me the most fascinating take is from the President himself – read what he has to say here.

President Trump has amassed a number of accomplishments since his Inauguration – there are promises kept and not kept… the good, the bad, and the ugly, as one commentator puts it.  But overall, I think it’s fair to say that America’s “downhill trajectory” has been reversed under our new President.

Our new Weekly Poll is focused on this topic. The three questions I have for you this week are: 

  1. How would you rate your satisfaction with President Trump’s First 100 Days in Office? 
  2. Which issue do you think President Trump has made the BEST progress on since he took office? 
  3. Which issue do you expect to see the MOST progress on over the next 100 days of the Trump Administration? 

It certainly has not been a good 100 days for the political media, and the Democrats’ “resistance” has only resulted in “disunity, obstruction, incoherence, obsession, and obliviousness.

Tax relief is the next big fight, and the Daily Signal says President Trump’s plan is a strong starting point for reform – but getting the job done will take a major effort.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump continues to succeed where President Obama failed, but he’s hindered by a “do-nothing” Congress. What is the one MAIN issue you wish Congress was doing more to address? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.  

Republicans should know better, but it’s hardly surprising that Democrats have done everything they can to ruin Trump’s first 100 days. Is “The Resistance” futile? There’s still a runoff election to go, but this week the Democrats failed in their effort to immediately flip a Georgia house seat. Still, it’s clear that Republicans need to hone their nationwide strategy before 2018.

Meanwhile, why are Republicans making tax reform so difficult? (Almost as difficult as it is to simply pay taxes!) The Treasury Secretary and D.C. insiders say tax cuts are coming soon, though the deadline that’s been set is looking unrealistic. Democrats, of course, are muddying the waters with their Trump hatred. 

What do you think is the biggest reason that tax relief and reform need to be enacted right away? That’s question #2 in our new Weekly Poll.

Free speech is not on the menu on college campuses – so maybe new management is needed? 

New York schools are no strangers to liberal indoctrination, hysteria, hatred and exclusion – when it comes to stifling free speech and hatred of conservatives, how do you think New York colleges and universities compare to schools in other states? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Andrew Cuomo claims that the state’s new budget rejects “the politics of division” – in a Daily News piece in which he accuses those who disagree with him of facilitating “a surge in bias-motivated threats, harassment and acts of violence,” opposing “diversity and inclusion,” attempting to “take a wrecking ball to our health care system,” and trying to “create a religious test for immigration.” He says that conservatives – you and I – are “committed to policies that will hurt the middle class and the most vulnerable among us.”

When Cuomo talks about “unity,” he lies. He hates conservatives and everything we stand for, and has made it clear that we “have no place in the state of New York.” 

And for the record, that “surge” in violence has proven to be a surge in liberal hoaxes; left-wing politicians like Cuomo define “hate” as “anything I disagree with”; “diversity and inclusion” do not extend to anyone who disagrees with Cuomo’s Democratic Party; Obamacare itself is the “wrecking ball”; the “Muslim ban” is fake news; liberal policies, and especially Andrew Cuomo’s, hurt the middle class; and the Cuomo Administration has been one long, drawn-out ambush on “the most vulnerable among us.” 

In that same article, Cuomo states that “Never has New York… produced more impactful legislation.” I guess he’s telling the truth about that – the impact will be everything from bigger-than-ever government that New Yorkers can’t afford to more “free” programs that ensure failure, to a new migration out of our state to more taxpayer-friendly locales. 

All three questions in our new Weekly Poll are focused on the Cuomo budget. They are: 

1)    What do you think will be the WORST IMPACT of this budget? 
2)    Which part of the New York state budget do you find MOST objectionable? 
3)    Overall, how would you describe the new Cuomo/Albany budget? 

I look forward to your responses – unfortunately, there are lots of bad apples to choose from in this budget.

As I’m sure you noticed, our Weekly Wrap-Up is a day early this week – tomorrow we’ll be observing Good Friday. We’ll see you back here Monday – until then, have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s up to President Trump to clean up President Obama’s mess in Syria, and the President has taken decisive action to do just that – and in doing so, he has struck a blow against the Obama Administration’s feckless foreign policy.

I’m sure you’ll all join me in praying for our nation as these tensions escalate, and especially for our men and women in uniform who sacrifice so much so America can lead the world. 

Obama Era foreign policy is still little more than a question mark, and it’s looking increasingly likely that Obama’s foreign affairs crew committed criminal acts – but we’re already seeing results from President Trump… whether it’s more aggressive U.S. leadership at the UN or a drop in illegal immigration now that would-be scofflaws know that President Trump means what he says.   

So here’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll: What do you like most so far about President Trump’s foreign policy?

Hillary is back with expert analysis of her election loss, and – surprise, surprise – she thinks it had very little to do with her own campaign.  She’s blaming the usual suspects: Sexism, misogyny, Russia, and on and on…. 

Of course this makes for a perfect question for our new Weekly Poll: What do you think is the REAL reason Hillary Clinton lost the White House? There are so many legitimate answers – none of them involving ridiculous claims of sexism. 

Today Judge Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice by the U.S. Senate – yet another example of President Trump keeping his campaign promises (and of the Democrats continuing to earn the “Stupid Party” label). 

Baseball is finally back, and there is endless analysis of where the Mets and Yankees stand headed into the 2017 season.  The Yankees had an outstanding Spring Training, but I hear the Mets have some talented minor leaguers

So here’s the third and final question for our new Weekly Poll: Do you think the Mets or the Yankees will impress us the most this year? 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

How do you think President Trump is doing? 

The Wall Street Journal is keeping track of the President’s first 100 days, and United Press International is also tracking the Administration’s actions so far – and I know Conservative Party supporters have followed the news themselves, weeded out real stories from “fake news,” and formed their own opinions. 

So here’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll: As we enter the third month of the Trump Administration, how satisfied are you with President Trump’s job performance so far? 

I’m very interested in seeing how the responses to this question shake out. 

One thing President Trump is doing is making American energy great again by bringing back the Keystone Pipeline and rolling back the Obama Administration’s phony “clean power” regulations.  Of course leftists are losing their minds and filing lawsuits – it’s what they do. 

What word do you think BEST describes the left’s environmental activists? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – can you settle on just one?

With Nikki Haley representing US interests at the United Nations, there’s a tough new sheriff in town laying down the law – about time, if you ask me. President Trump has called for a major cut in U.S. funding for the UN, and those cuts are starting to take shape

Get our your scissors for the final Weekly Poll question: How much do you think U.S. funding for the United Nations should ultimately be cut? 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

The Conservative Party has launched a new petition drive telling Sen. Chuck Schumer to clear the way for Judge Neil Gorsuch ‘s confirmation.  Sen. Schumer needs to hear from as many New Yorkers as possible, because as it stands he is playing politics with Supreme Court.

Ironically, the Democrats’ blockade is a clear sign that they have lost their fight to block the Gorsuch nomination. 

How would you describe Chuck Schumer’s opposition to Judge Gorsuch? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

The Republicans’ response to a filibuster should be the Dirty Harry classic: “Go ahead, make my day” – especially after Gorsuch’s masterful performance during his confirmation hearings.  

The Democrats tried to bring Gorsuch down, but “nobody laid a glove on him,” as Wesley Pruden points out in The Washington Times. 

What did you find most impressive about Judge Gorsuch during his confirmation hearings? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

While some Democrats (especially “red state” Senators up for reelection in 2018) are desperate for a deal to get the confirmation over and done with, Sen. Lindsey Graham says that if there is a filibuster Republicans will have no choice but to “go nuclear” and eliminate that obstruction. 

What do you think will be the final outcome of Judge Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

The Democrats’ favorite narrative – that President Trump is somehow a Russian agent – continues to collapse. As White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer notes, there is more evidence that CNN colluded with the Clinton campaign.

Meanwhile it’s increasingly looking like there is more to the story behind concerns that Obama Administration officials had their eyes on President Trump.

The President has made clear his intention to end the U.S.-taxpayer-funded U.N. gravy train, and in the New York Post Betsy McCaughey says that horrific U.N. “peacekeepers” would be a good place to start with the funding cuts.

Remember how Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand pulled strings to help a man get around President Trump’s immigration order, and then he was charged with sexual abuse of a minor? 

Well, the Democrats’ “open borders” obsession continues to have devastating consequences, this time in a “sanctuary city” in Maryland. Border patrol experts say that the Obama Administration’s lax border enforcement set the stage for the attack – and the state’s Republican governor says that because of sanctuary policies, parents can no longer be assured that their children are safe in Maryland schools. 

The liberals’ response? Accusing outraged parents of “racism and xenophobia.” Unbelievable. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

In a win for corrupt officials everywhere, this week we finally found something that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is good at – escaping prosecution for corruption.  The New York Post makes no bones about it – it’s too bad the Mayor is incompetent at everything else.

How would you describe the news that de Blasio will get off scot-free on these corruption charges? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

As you answer, consider the irony that de Blasio could now face a challenge from someone who’s even better at corruption. How likely is it, in your opinion, that Hillary Clinton will run for Mayor of New York City? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Meanwhile, President Trump this week continued his unheard-of-in-D.C. strategy of keeping his campaign promises by releasing a budget that scales back government’s size and scope and strengthens our defenses.  It’s a great start at putting Washington in its place – and it also puts Republican lawmakers on the spot as their promises of limited government are put to the test. 

The Washington Examiner has the winners and losers – what do you think is the most sensible cost-cutting measure in President Trump’s newly-released federal budget proposal? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

As President Trump follows through on the promises he’s made, many sense a more optimistic spirit in our economy… and many businesses are going back to hiring mode

Is it “un-American” for businesses and entrepreneurs to feel confident about the Trump economy? Chuck Schumer and the media elites may very well think so.

There are still reasons for concern – especially (as we’ve seen this week in the courts’ dangerous, “Twilight Zone”-style rulings on President Trump’s immigration orders) since activist judges are going above-and-beyond to defy the White House rather than simply apply the Constitution.

Have a great weekend!