Author: george

Weekly Wrap-Up

Is Chuck Schumer now the most powerful man in America? That would be bad news for America, which is why many conservatives are deeply troubled by this week’s budget deal between President Trump, Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

But do House Republicans have any room to criticize, when the only thing they seem capable of doing is spending money?

For the first question in our new Weekly Poll, I want to know how concerned you are over the Trump/Schumer/Pelosi deal. I look forward to seeing the response on this one.

Our second Weekly Poll question deals with the upcoming statewide vote on the proposed Constitutional Convention. In his New York Post column, George Marlin outlines key reasons why the Conservative Party and other groups oppose the Constitutional Convention. Which potential outcome of the Convention alarms you the MOST?

Speaking of the upcoming elections, conservative mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis is out with her first campaign ad, and it is literally a hard-hitting piece. You can watch it here.

This week President Trump kept a campaign promise by ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) implemented unilaterally by Barack Obama for illegal alien “dreamers” that are celebrated by the left. The issue now goes to Congress for a proper legislative solution.

While there may be no such thing as a “deserving” dreamer, many believe that President Trump was right to make Congress resolve this issue through its legislative powers, combined with the checks-and-balances outlined in the Constitution.

What do you think is the BEST reason for eliminating the DACA program? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

As all this is going on, President Trump is doing a great job of nominating lower-level judges and reshaping the federal judiciary. Now if liberals in the Senate would stop their gridlock and end their religious tests and anti-Catholic bigotry. Could you imagine if a Muslim judicial nominee was attacked this way by a Republican?

Finally – we’ve been discussing the problem of voter fraud in recent weeks, and this week saw new evidence from New Hampshire that fake voters can decide an election.  We’ll be keeping an eye on this.

Have a great weekend!


Have a great weekend.

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week President Trump confronted the first great challenge of his administration. I believe the President is rising to the challenge, and his words after visiting Texas are inspiring: 

“In difficult times such as these, we see the true character of the American people, their strength, their love and their resolve. We see friend helping friend, neighbor helping neighbor, and stranger helping stranger. And together, we will endure and we will overcome.”

Even the New York Times is giving Trump some credit for his leadership, but of course liberals who hate Trump are finding ways to criticize him and especially the First Lady. The Left can’t even resist the temptation to take swipes at the American people in general. Sad, indeed.

How would you BEST describe President Trump’s leadership during the Harvey disaster so far? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Hurricane Harvey’s wrath is revealing the worst of Mother Nature, but the best of America.

What has inspired you the most in the American people’s response to Hurricane Harvey?  And what do you feel is the most important thing you are doing to help victims of Hurricane Harvey? 

Those are the second and third questions in our new Weekly Poll. 

If you want to give, here are some options – and I imagine JJ Watt of the Houston Texans will be cheered wherever he plays this football season, after his Texas-sized fundraising effort that is still going strong. 

This unfolding disaster is also showing the perils of Big Government, and will soon be a test for Congress – can lawmakers pass an emergency bill that’s not littered with pork spending? 

Meanwhile even a disaster can’t stop the left’s fake news.

Some good news amid this week’s tragedy: The economy is growing at the fastest pace in more than two years, and President Trump is launching his tax reform plan to “Bring Back Main Street” and accelerate our economy. Can he close the deal with the American people? 

Speaking of fake news, be ready for the Democrats’ endless tax cut lies.

Finally, Christopher Columbus is under attack – literally here in New York, and figuratively in California. President Trump called it – where will the political correctness end? 

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week was a tale of three speeches. President Trump loves Arizona, and on Tuesday he delivered a fiery speech in Phoenix that called out the news media for its obsession with fake news.

CNN of course delivered again and again with the biased news coverage, but I want to know what you think: What was your favorite line from the President’s Arizona speech? It took some time narrowing it down to just a handful of options, but I have several for you to choose from in the first question of our new Weekly Poll.

The Phoenix speech came after President Trump’s more somber, subdued speech outlining his strategy for Afghanistan. The President listened to his generals, according to UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, and has put a blunt focus on “killing terrorists.”

There were many inspiring lines from the President’s Afghanistan speech – which was your favorite? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Finally, the President also delivered a powerful speech to the American Legion National Convention, where he also signed an important Veterans Administration reform bill.

I’m curious to know this: Which kind of Trump speech do you prefer? Would you rather he sticks to the more serious, measured tone of his Afghanistan speech? Or do you look forward to his more freewheeling, energizing speeches like the one he delivered in Phoenix?

That’s the final question in our new Weekly Poll. I look forward to seeing what you think!

It hardly qualifies as news at this point, but biased CNN chose to slander 63 million Americans as white supremacists – another instance of so-called journalists proving President Trump’s points about our out-of-touch, untrustworthy media.

What else caught our attention this week? Peak politically-correct stupidity thanks to ESPN and the Robert (no-E) Lee debacle. Corporate hypocrisy from companies that refuse to work with President Trump while cozying up to Iran. And Nancy Pelosi crying wolf in a crowded theater. You can’t make this stuff up.

We were also given a stark reminder of the importance of President Trump’s unwavering stance against illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, and the lawlessness they represent.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week, another terrorist strike unleashed by radical Islam. 

But no doubt our media and political elites will stay focused on their top priority – proving that the President they hate is a racist. What has happened to America’s sanity?

The Left is doing exactly what the white nationalists want, and exposing their own double standards in the process. 

Remember that the goal of the liberal media and the Democrats is to “vilify and isolate anyone that doesn’t agree with their very extremist leftist policy and ideology.”

Obviously, President Trump could have handled the Charlottesville situation better, but I don’t think there’s anything President Trump could say about white-nationalist protesters and counter-protesters that would satisfy the media and the Democrats. They hate him no matter what. Do you agree? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Last week I featured this article from Larry Horist on the problem of voter fraud, and this week we have new evidence – about 3.5 million reasons, in fact – showing that this is a major problem for our country. 

In your view, how big of a problem is voter fraud? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

While Andrew Cuomo carries on his pipe dream of taking over the White House, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has let the lobbyists run City Hall – the latest in bad behavior from the Mayor and his associates.  

How would you describe the level of corruption in the New York City Mayor’s office under Bill de Blasio? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

And remember, New Yorkers don’t have to settle for this sleaziness – there’s a better way forward for New York City. 

With all the fake news running rampant this week, it’s great to see a group trying to set the record straight about a painful chapter in America’s history: The Vietnam War. How many times have we heard that Americans put politics before patriotism and turned their backs on fighting men returning from Vietnam? A new website – Home with Honor – shares the truth.  

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

North Korea is by far this week’s biggest news story. Fox News has ongoing coverage here. Ralph Peters has a plan for taking out North Korea’s nukes, while Rich Lowry says the Trump Administration needs to pick a strategy and stick to it.

How worried are you over the possibility of a conflict between the U.S. and North Korea? That’s the first of three questions in our new Weekly Poll focused on the North Korea situation.

For the second Weekly Poll question, I’ve collected some of my personal thoughts on the matter, on everything from President Trump’s leadership to the power of our military to the wonderful absence of Hillary Clinton in this situation. They’re laid out for you in question #2 – you can select the statement you agree with the most. I look forward to seeing what you think.

Investor’s Business Daily puts it best: “Since at least the early 1990s, presidents have kicked the nuclear can way down the road, and now we’re running out of road. Trump inherited this mess. Now he’s dealing with it.” 

Even the biased media can’t deny that previous presidents dropped the ball on North Korea – the country’s path to becoming a major threat started with a Clinton-Era deal.

Liberals are shocked at any suggestion that President Obama’s failures might have led us to the current North Korea situation, but of course they’re perfectly okay with blaming President George W. Bush.

And speaking of Obama – his failures are many, from North Korea to Iran to Cuba

Rush Limbaugh has a good overview of how we got to the situation that President Trump and our nation now face together.

Which recent U.S. President do you believe bears the most responsibility for North Korea’s rise to power? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

This isn’t what you want to read as an international threat takes center stage.

In other news this week, we saw media bias and more media bias

Larry Horist reminds us that voter fraud is real – an alarming problem with major elections coming up this year and next.

In this year’s NYC mayoral campaign, Nicole Malliotakis continues to take the fight to Bill de Blasio.

And what seems to be a hateful act has inspired kindness and generosity towards New York’s finest and their hard work.

On that note, have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

We are now past the 6-month mark of the Trump Administration, and though you wouldn’t know it from the endless fake news coverage there have been many accomplishments to celebrate, from cracking down on illegal immigration to reviving the U.S. economy to placing conservative Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. 

Even CNN has been forced to acknowledge some of President Trump’s success!

President Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence have both set forth the White House’s success over the past six months – which accomplishment do you think is the most important? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

There have of course been setbacks and misfires since January – we all know that – and there’s only so much one President can do in six months… so there are still many goals to pursue and achieve for the Trump Administration over the next six months and beyond – whether it’s finally repealing Obamacare, or getting the border wall underway and laying down the law for sanctuary cities, or giving Hillary Clinton’s endless corruption the investigations it deserves. 

What do you think is the most important goal the Trump Administration can seek to achieve over the next six months and beyond? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The big news this week – besides new evidence of Al Gore’s global warming hypocrisy and a party switch that won’t get nearly the attention it deserves (the media only cares when liberal Republicans abandon the GOP for the Democratic Party) – is the new immigration reform initiative being led by Republican Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue and supported by President Trump.

The RAISE Act is of course being demonized by the left (including our very own Andrew Cuomo), but now is the time to make immigration work for America again.

Can it pass? We’ll have to wait and see, but what is certain is that the liberals’ immigration fantasy world is plainly trumped (so to speak) by facts. 

What do you like MOST about the new immigration plan endorsed by President Trump – that it focuses on skills and entrepreneurial spirit, or that it emphasizes the importance of the English language, or that it cracks down on the refugee crisis? Make your pick in the third and final question of our new Weekly Poll. 

And have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

“What Happened” – that’s the title of Hillary Clinton’s new book about why she lost in 2016, and it will likely not do anything to explain what actually happened. Expect Hillary’s “blame game” to continue. Spoiler alert – Hillary was a terrible candidate. That’s what happened. 

What’s your take – which of Hillary’s many faults and flaws was the most decisive in causing her humiliating defeat? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Now let’s talk about “what happened” to Obamacare repeal. Ignoring the large number of Obamacare victims and turning their backs on conservative Republicans, while at the same time sabotaging President Donald Trump, three Republicans joined Chuck Schumer and the Democrats in killing off repeal and saving Obamacare – which Schumer himself has said is a mistake

President Trump is not happy, as you can imagine – and I don’t blame him. What about you… how angry are you that a few Republicans turned their backs on conservative voters and supported Obamacare? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Liberals can’t decide whether they love or hate John McCain, who was the deciding vote against Obamacare.  I think it’s important to remember that just because someone has acted courageously in the past and undergone recent struggles, does not mean that they are permanently exempt from criticism. At any rate, McCain certainly has a strange definition of his campaign promise to “lead the fight against Obamacare.” 

Here’s what’s happening in New York this week – Gov. Cuomo was caught red-handed using a non-profit to boost his image and political profile. 

And Mayor de Blasio, blinded by his privileged bubble, continues to be an embarrassment to ALL New Yorkers. How would you describe Mayor de Blasio and his administration – out-of-touch? Incompetent? Untrustworthy? There are many options for you to choose from in question #3 from our new Weekly Poll.

There’s no doubt in my mind that de Blasio’s bad ideas just get worse, and his policies are downright deceitful. Conservatives are fortunate that Nicole Malliotakis is out there talking common sense and holding de Blasio accountable

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

What’s next for Obamacare repeal? There are many possibilities, none of them completely satisfying. 

One thing is for sure: There’s plenty of blame to go around, from phony numbers to political posturing to abysmal Republican leadership

Where do you put most of the blame for the Obamacare debacle? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Another thing that’s becoming clear: Democrats will soon regret that the GOP failed to repeal the collapsing Obamacare. 

But doing nothing isn’t always bad – sometimes when Washington snoozes, the economy wins.  And President Trump is helping this along by putting the kibosh on hundreds of Obama-Era regulations before they can stifle our economy. Good for him.

“A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages.” – that is supposedly the Democrats’ new slogan that they’ve been researching, testing and tweaking for eons… and if that’s the best they can do it’s no wonder they lost in 2016. I have two questions: 

1.    Do the Democrats really think that the best way to connect with working-class voters is to tell them that their skills aren’t up to snuff? 
2.    Is anyone else suddenly hungry for Papa John’s pizza?   

What do you think would be the best slogan for the Democrats right now? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – I hope you enjoy some of the options I’ve come up with! 

It looks to be another scorcher this weekend, and it’s been hot all across the state – what are you doing to beat the New York heat? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Stay cool, and have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-UP

President Trump’s priority is protecting America – while the Democrats are focused on… using defense dollars to fund sex-change operations. 

In your opinion, how would military funds used to subsidize sex-change treatments be better spent? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

On this and virtually every issue, the media – or the left, if you prefer… it’s hard to tell the difference – continues to show an astounding level of bias. Think about Russia (how can we not, as much as the media elites harp on it), or immigration, or even how the First Lady is portrayed – the liberal slant of news coverage that has always been obvious is even more insidious now. 

What would you say is the most glaring example of liberal media bias that Americans are witnessing right now? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Will the Democrats’ anti-Trump overreach backfire? Are they especially overplaying the Russia card? Time will tell – but we’re seeing case after case after case where the media liberals have a stark double standard for President Trump and Democrats.

It’s almost time for Congress to take its August recess – but it seems this year’s summer break will be delayed at least for a short while and maybe more to catch up on keeping campaign promises about Obamacare, taxes and other matters.

How much of a difference do you think it will make if the House and Senate cut back on their August recess? Let me know in our final Weekly Poll question. 

And have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Independence Day is almost here, and this timeless message from the great Paul Harvey is as powerful as ever.

This week we witnessed the horrors of socialized health care – a chilling reminder why, as Mark Levin points out, nobody is running to Canada or Great Britain for their health care. But this is exactly what the liberals want for our country.

We also made progress this week in the fight to protect our country from the scourge of out-of-control illegal immigration. The House has taken action to crack down on sanctuary cities, and President Trump earned a major judicial victory from the Supreme Court – but the fight continues.

Via the Daily Wire, here are seven stories about the illegal immigrant crime wave that the media elites won’t cover.

Speaking of the media – their unhealthy Trump-Russia obsession continues, and it has sent news outlets into a “death spiral” of incompetence and dishonesty

Personal freedom, the right to life, America’s sovereignty, the responsibilities of a free press – the topics raised this week, and so many more, are particularly relevant as we celebrate the Fourth of July. I’ve focused our new Weekly Poll on three questions related to U.S. history and freedom. They are:

  • Who is your favorite leader in U.S. history?
  • As we celebrate July 4, what makes you proud to be an American?
  • Which threat to our freedom as Americans are you MOST worried about right now?

I look forward to seeing how people vote, and I hope all of you are able to be with family and friends as you celebrate Independence Day.  Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Did votes by non-citizens cost President Trump the 2016 popular vote? It sure looks that way, as a new study shows the unbelievable impact of voter fraud. 

In your view, how big a problem is illegal voting by non-citizens? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Outside influences (the liberals in Hollywood, the taxpayer-funded zealots at Planned Parenthood, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, “The Resistance”) couldn’t steal the special election in Georgia, making Tuesday a very bad day for the Democrats. 

The loss could push Democrats even further left for 2018 and dampen their chances for a comeback next year – but it likely won’t inspire the liberals to rethink their ongoing culture war or their abiding hatred for President Trump.

What do you think is the most important takeaway from the GOP victory in Georgia and other special elections? And what about the Democrats’ anti-Trump “Resistance” movement: what do you think this left-wing uprising is most resistant to – winning, or reason and logic, or accepting the outcome of the 2016 election? 

Those are the final two questions in our new Weekly Poll. 

Speaking of Hollywood, the liberal stars are on the warpath again in their violent crusade against President Trump. Johnny Depp is the latest to raise the specter of violent resistance – joining the new and crowded Hollywood Hall of Shame.  

Meanwhile Sen. Elizabeth Warren is carrying the banner of violence in the Senate, echoing the harsh rhetoric that has led to bloodshed. 

Be safe out there, and have a great weekend! 

Weekly Wrap-Up

Wednesday’s shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise and several others has liberal lawmakers saying the right things about “unity,” but will it last? To judge by Rep. Nancy Pelosi – no, no it will not

Pelosi’s “blame the victim” stunt is just one aspect of the Left’s shameful response to the attempted GOP massacre (which could have been much worse, by the way, were it not for good guys with guns). 

The New York Times can’t believe that this week’s shootings haven’t sparked a gun-control frenzy, but fortunately the GOP still has enough leaders guided by reason, not emotion. Rep. Mo Brooks, for example, who witnessed the violence, is now even more resolute that law-abiding citizens should be able to defend themselves, as is our right under the Second Amendment. 

How did this tragedy affect your views on the Second Amendment? Are you more supportive of gun rights now? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

The New York Times makes an important point about this week’s political violence: 

“It is facile and mistaken to attribute this particular madman’s act directly to Democrats or ‘Resistance’ members. But it is legitimate to hold Democrats and particularly their most virulent supporters in the media responsible for the gale of anger that has produced the vast majority of these threats, setting the nation on edge.”

You didn’t really believe that, did you? In reality, the Times made that point about “Republicans” and “the Tea Party” (and specifically Sarah Palin) back in 2011 after the tragic shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords by a disturbed individual with no clear political or ideological leanings, and certainly with no direct or even indirect link to the Tea Party. 

As Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist points out, for The New York Times “bipartisanship” means blaming the GOP for anything bad that happens to Democrats OR Republicans. 

And what’s truly stunning is that in an editorial this week, the Times knowingly and shamefully furthered the “fake news” that Mrs. Palin was somehow linked to the Giffords shooting – and when they were forced to correct the record, Team Times was still disingenuous and borderline dishonest

One can argue that the shooter alone is ultimately responsible for his own actions – but shouldn’t that standard apply to everyone, across the political spectrum? Not at all, the Times and their fellow media elites seem to be saying. 

Thinking about The New York Times specifically – has their coverage of the Alexandria shootings made you more distrustful of their purported journalism, or less? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.  

This week’s violence is just the latest in a string of threats and attacks against conservatives – and The Drudge Report today features two more stories of harassment and violence against Trump supporters. Maybe they’re just trying to be like their favorite liberal artists

How concerned are you that the Democrats’ and their anti-Trump allies are attempting to “normalize” political violence through their so-called art, journalism and internet posts? 

That’s the final question in the new Weekly Poll. I hope you’ll vote today, and that you have a great weekend!