Author: george

Weekly Wrap-Up

New numbers out this week once again prove that no matter what, President Trump’s boost to the economy cannot be ignored

And the President is keeping his campaign promises, including his decision this week to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. It’s a geography lesson for the world that has, of course, prompted hysteria among the media and the left – even those like Sen. Dianne Feinstein who have supported the move in the past. 

Speaking of hypocrisy – Sen. Feinstein is undoubtedly impressed by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, New York’s own “shape-shifting phony” (trust me, this article doesn’t mince words!). 

Meanwhile Gov. Andrew Cuomo is no longer even trying to hide the fact that New York is a “high-tax state” – but he refuses to acknowledge that this is why the new tax bill’s SALT provisions are hitting our state so hard. (And let’s not forget that people are already voting with their feet.)

What is your reaction to Andrew Cuomo bragging about New York’s high tax insanity? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And then there’s the left’s dangerous obsession with Russia and the Robert Mueller investigation sparked by it.  It sure looks like a corrupt FBI gave Hillary a free pass, and now the pursuit of President Trump has been hopelessly politicized and maybe even DOA. The suspicious connections never seem to stop. 

What do you think is the BIGGEST problem with Robert Mueller’s investigation of President Donald Trump? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Finally, the case of the Colorado baker who chose not to participate in a gay wedding and was subsequently punished should be a piece of cake for the Supreme Court.  Let’s hope so, because forcing people to go against their religious beliefs is bullying

What would you do if a baker in your area refused to bake a cake for you? That’s the third and final Weekly Poll question for you. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s always worth remembering – if you want to see President Trump’s real impact, look beyond his Twitter feed. He’s draining the swamp and exposing its monsters, and actions like this show that he understands what matters to normal Americans.

Just wondering – do you follow President Trump on Twitter? I’m making that the first question in our new Weekly Poll. Your answer might have less to do with the President and more with whether you use Twitter at all – I’m very interested to see what people have to say.

Hopefully a major legislative victory for President Trump will be in the books by the time you read this. The President’s tax plan is a serious reform with backing from respected economists – and it’s being actively opposed by the Democrats/journalists at The New York Times, which is a plus in my book.

And when our tax dollars are bankrolling slush funds for congressional predators to buy their victims’ silence, it’s high time to limit just how much money our government can take form us. 

At least one of those predators hails from New York, and our very own Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is leading the Hypocritical Faux-Feminist Caucus in Congress that’s trying to excuse the liberals’ bad behavior – and she’s got plenty of company. Maybe in 20 years Senator Gillibrand will announce that yes, Al Franken should have resigned.

Were you as shocked as I was over the not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle/sanctuary city murder case? As you can imagine President Trump is outraged as well. Betrayals like this by a rigged system were a major factor in the President’s 2016 victory, as Ben Shapiro notes. Fortunately, this may not be the end of the story.

What is your main reaction to the NOT GUILTY verdict in this case? That is the second question in our new Weekly Poll. It’s a sad question to have to ask – justice has NOT been served.

The Weekly Standard looks at the slow death of the NFL – the next time you consider buying a ticket to a pro football game, consider that this is where your money will be going. (And remember that “social justice” can only mean “leftist.”)

Do you find yourself watching NFL football games LESS this season after all the protests and controversies? Give me your answer in this final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

News flash: Now that it’s politically expedient, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand thinks Bill Clinton should have resigned after being accused of sexual assault – and surprise, surprise, she’s using this newfound indignation to go after President Trump. 

“Things have changed today, and I think under those circumstances there should be a very different reaction,” Gillibrand said. Things have changed since when – April 2016, when she campaigned for Hillary with Bill Clinton? She knew then exactly what he had been accused of and how his accusers had been treated (by Bill AND Hillary) and had no qualms about appearing with him – but now she wants to distance herself from the Clintons? 

As Seth Mandel notes in the New York Post, “The Clintons have thrown many contemporaries under the bus in their quarter-century atop Democratic circles. Hopefully there’s still room under there for two more.” Sen. Gillibrand is seeing to it that there is.

And make no mistake: If Hillary Clinton had won the White House, Sen. Gillibrand would NOT be saying this. The only reason she’s calling out Bill Clinton is because the Clintons’ political power has been virtually depleted – and it’s not just conservatives noticing this hypocrisy

Of course, Hillary did not win the White House, and Thanksgiving is a perfect time to remember that. For our new Weekly Poll, I’m giving you three Thanksgiving-themed questions to consider: 

  1. As a conservative, why are you thankful to have President Trump in the White House? It’s been a turbulent first year for the Trump Administration but he has given us plenty to be thankful for in 2017.
  2. In general, what are you MOST grateful for as we welcome the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons? I have lots to be thankful for, and I’m sure you do too!
  3. What’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving – eating? Relaxing? Shopping? Watching football? I look forward to the responses on this one.

This week is giving us proof of the old saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” 

Democrats want to impeach a Republican President – nothing new there.

Global warming activists are claiming that the planet is doomed – just as they always have.

Socialism doesn’t work – it never has.

Sanctuary cities are dangerous and indefensible – no matter how much the liberals try to hide behind the Constitution.

Sen. Chuck Schumer is twisting the facts about conservative policies – this time it’s tax relief.  

And Gov. Andrew Cuomo sounds like a middle-school bully with his temper tantrums and name-calling – and to hear some members of Congress tell it, Cuomo is outright lying about talks they’ve supposedly had and things they’ve allegedly said.   

I’m thankful to all of our Conservative Party friends and supporters who stand with us as we call out the liberals’ terrible ideas and bad behavior. We fight the good fight because you are on our side – I appreciate that and wish you and your family and very Happy Thanksgiving!

Weekly Wrap-Up

One year after President Trump’s stunning White House win, liberals are still waiting for the apocalypse they predicted after Hillary’s defeat, still angry at voters and still in a fit of rage. The left had a good week at the polls, and yet they still rallied to “scream helplessly at the sky” in protest of President Trump. 

“Helpless” isn’t in the conservative vocabulary, and the Trump boom gives us plenty of reasons to cheer – so let’s turn this around on the left: What would you want to yell out to celebrate President Trump’s first year in office? That’s the first question of our new Weekly Poll.

Here is my take on this week’s election ups and downs here in New York – we had some great wins and some heartbreaking losses, and now it’s on to 2018 and our fight against Hollywood favorite Andrew Cuomo.

Nationally, the Democrats’ wins this week were a boost for the media and a wake-up call for Republicans in Congress – will they be energized to finally accomplish something? Tax reform is the do-or-die issue right now, but there are others – from repealing Obamacare to confirming President Trump’s nominees

What do Republicans in Congress need to do to get conservative and independent voters on their side for the 2018 elections? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

This week we saw the media’s stunning indifference to a violent attack on Sen. Rand Paul – plus lots of “blame the victim” theatrics from the liberals. Federal charges are now expected – can you imagine if the roles were reversed and a conservative attacked a Democrat senator? Do you think the media would be paying more attention? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Finally, I want to once again thank Nicole Malliotakis for her courageous fight against Bill de Blasio and the New York City liberal machine. She represented our conservative values with poise and principle, and I expect great things from her in the future. For right now, I encourage you to visit Nicole’s campaign Facebook page and thank her for leading the fight with us.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump is making America great again, and the American Dream is back!

As the Washington Examiner reports on new data by the Pew Research Center, “Three years after six in 10 Americans said their dream of a great life was unachievable, now 82 percent believe they’ve either achieved the dream or are on their way.”

How do you define The American Dream? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

To build on this momentum, President Trump and conservatives in Congress this week introduced the tax cut plan America needs – not a perfect plan, but a huge improvement on our current system. Here is a look at how individual Americans will benefit. Tax credits for illegal aliens and tax breaks for the NFL and pro sports stadiums are in the crosshairs – and this tax plan will make it impossible for Albany to hide the high taxes imposed on New Yorkers.

What do you think is the BEST reason to cut taxes and reform the tax code? That’s the second of our new Weekly Poll questions.

This week we saw that, even in a time of political divisions and partisanship, money-wasting ideas like the Constitutional Convention have the power to bring together people from across the political spectrum. I’m proud to say that the Conservative Party has led the way on this for the entire year.

This week we learned of Hillary Clinton’s hostile takeover of the Democrat Party, preventing Bernie Sanders or even Joe Biden from having a fair shot.  Compare that Clintonian gamesmanship to the leadership being shown by (to use one example) Nikki Haley, who continues to put the UN on notice that America is once again standing strong.

New York is fortunate to have another example of great conservative leadership in Nicole Malliotakis – if you live in the city, make sure you get out and vote for her!

Finally, the terror attack that shook New York this week – the 100th terror plot on US soil since 9/11, and one that could have been prevented.  I agree with the Daily Signal that we need to stop denying the obvious – radical Islam is the motivating factor behind terrorism as we know it.

There are many ideas for how to make the country safer in the wake of this latest attack – from ending the diversity lottery program championed by Chuck Schumer to more vetting of those entering our country to putting the death penalty and Gitmo on the table.

What do you think is the BEST way to prevent future terrorist attacks like the one New York City just experienced? Give your answer to this third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

And have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week we saw explosive testimony about the corruption that plagues the de Blasio administration. One donor’s “pay-to-play” saga is the proverbial smoking gun. Mayor de Blasio was bought-and-paid-for, and as Nicole Malliotakis puts it, “There’s literally a ‘For Sale’ sign at the gates.” 

In your opinion, just how corrupt is Mayor Bill de Blasio? That’s our first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

The question now is whether New York City voters will give their approval to this corruption by reelecting the Mayor. I agree with Ms. Malliotakis – “We need to change this culture,” and “We don’t have to accept this.”

Nicole is hitting Mayor de Blasio hard over this corruption, and he deserves it. Which of her statements do you agree with the most? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Now onto more corruption, this time – surprise – from Clinton Inc. Hillary’s Russian scandal keeps getting worse, to the point that we now should seriously consider if we’re talking treason. Any way you cut it, the Clinton campaign lied – no doubt about that.  

At best, Hillary had no idea what was going on with her campaign – that according to CNN’s always-trusty anonymous sources. In Washington, it seems, ignorance is truly bliss.

Team Hillary has sure played the media for fools on the Russia question, but of course the pro-Hillary press corps played right along.

President Trump is talking collusion, and ironically (for the left, anyway) it’s starting to seem like everyone but the President is in league with Russia – it’s the so-called “deep state” run amok, and it goes way beyond Hillary and points to corruption in the Obama Justice Department

From informants to threats to spies, it’s hard to keep up with all this drama, which leads me to the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll: What classic film do you think would make the best title for Hillary Clinton’s political dealings? I look forward to seeing your answers!

This week the Conservative Party released our ratings for the 2017 legislative session. They’re in the news, and I discussed them on Capital Tonight – you can watch it here.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week President Trump blasted the fake-news media for ignoring the real Russian scandal – the transfer of cash to the Clintons in exchange for uranium.  

Now the Senate is investigating (it’s about time!), a whistleblower is ready to testify, and the so-called mainstream media is being forced to cover up for the Clintons and cover real corruption instead of all the Trump/Russia duds that have been reported.

What outrages you the most about the Clinton/Russia uranium scandal? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – and there’s plenty of outrage to go around.

A budget vote this week sets the stage for tax relief – let’s hope Republicans get this done, because failure shouldn’t be an option if they care about the economy. (Of course, we have “independent” Democrats like Bernie Sanders who fail to understand the story of Robin Hood, which makes GOP leadership even more critical.) 

This week the Democrats politicized a soldier’s death and a President’s “sacred call” to a grieving widow – but nothing is sacred for the left, especially not when a congresswoman can parlay tragedy to become a self-described “rock star.” I’ll take John Kelly’s word over a politicians’ any day.

As this silliness unfolds, President Trump (and of course our military men and women) continues to be more aggressive against ISIS in nine months than the Obama Administration managed in eight years. 

So what do you think about President Trump’s leadership as Commander-in-Chief so far? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

As much as liberals like to take money and freedom from the American people, you would think a shoplifting charge would make a candidate more qualified to run for Congress as a Democrat, but apparently not. 

There’s not much leadership to speak of from the liberals in New York this week, as Chuck Schumer flip-flops, Kirsten Gillibrand cozies up to the anti-Semitic left, Bill de Blasio barely pretends to do his job (and a flip-flop of sorts for him too), and upstate New York continues to be left behind by Andrew Cuomo (whose sanctuary-state madness threatens all of New York). 

Which of New York’s “progressive” bosses do you believe is setting our state back the MOST? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Right now when I think of leadership and progress, I think of Nicole Malliotakis. Let’s give her all the support we can – and have a great weekend!


Weekly Wrap-Up

Is our nation more divided than ever? Probably, because Democrats are tilting to the extreme left like never before.

Can blue states survive? The situation in Connecticut isn’t promising, and of course New York has suffered as a result of liberal policies. Being obsessed with the Trump Resistance instead of fiscal responsibility probably isn’t helping.

Speaking of left turns, this week saw Bill de Blasio on the hot seat for his mismanagement of New York City, and we were once again reminded that de Blasio can always find someone to blame when things don’t go his way.

As we noted earlier this week, Nicole Malliotakis did an outstanding job – you can find debate coverage here, here, here and here.

What did you like MOST about Nicole Malliotakis as she took on Bill de Blasio? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

This week we saw the left’s culture war on America’s institutions as the Boy Scouts announced their plans to admit girls – another obvious salvo in our culture’s war on boys.  The Girl Scouts aren’t happy, and even some conservatives aren’t worried, but if you ask me it’s just the start of the destruction of the Boy Scouts.

What is your biggest concern with the Boy Scouts’ plan to admit girls? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

We saw leadership this week from White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, who is smacking down the foolishness of the biased news media and the incompetence and dishonesty of liberal reporters.

Meanwhile President Trump is taking care of business for the American people.

A highlight of this week was President Trump’s stand for health care freedom, as he took a wrecking ball to Obamacare with a new executive order to help expand the ability of small businesses to purchase health care for their employees – while increasing health-care affordability.  

The President also struck a blow for climate sanity by getting rid of President Obama’s nice-sounding but destructive Clean Power Plan – and he gave Americans a $33 billion tax cut in the process.

Today President Trump is announcing his plans to end Iran’s “pursuit of death and destruction” and “deny the Iranian regime all paths to a nuclear weapon.”

Finally President Trump delivered an outstanding speech in Pennsylvania on the need for tax relief – a chance to seriously drain the swamp and get our economy moving.

Of these key issues addressed by President Trump this week, which one do you believe is the most important? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up


This week the evil Las Vegas attack brought out the best in Americans, and also once again showed the ignorance and self-righteousness of the gun-control lobby.

We need a gun debate based on facts, not emotion – and the primary fact to remember is that the left doesn’t want “sensible” gun control, they want to overturn the Second Amendment. They can’t be honest, though, because the “evil” NRA that the Left loves to bash is in fact a force made up of actual, informed voters.

What do you think is the WORST aspect of the liberals’ calls for gun control after tragic events like the Las Vegas attack? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

File this under “Common Sense” – tax relief will mainly benefit those who pay the most taxes.

And while many politicians TALK about deregulation, but President Trump is getting the job done. Even as Congress can’t get its act together and repeal Obamacare, the President is doing what he can to protect taxpayers from Obamacare’s overspending. 

I found this article called “What Trump Has Undone” – an ongoing account by the Washington Post of President Trump’s efforts to roll back the regulatory state. Of course the liberals at the Post are horrified, but to me it shows that the President is serious about reclaiming our government for we, the people.

I’ve compiled a list of just some of the rollbacks that I think would be most intriguing to Conservative Party supporters – for the second question in our new Weekly Poll, have a look at this list and tell me which reversal of big-government you support the most.

The Post’s outrage-disguised-as-reporting shows a phenomenon I think we’ve all noticed – the media is no longer even trying to appear objective. They hate Trump and have from the very start, and the media hacks will attack everything he does.

With that in mind, consider this outrageous story right in our own state. Anyone who knows Rep. Elise Stefanik understands just how insulting it is to suggest that she doesn’t think for herself – but don’t expect a peep out of the Democrats or the biased media liberals who are baffled by conservative women (and who have taken gobs of money from sexual predators – Sens. Schumer and Gillibrand, we’re looking at you.) 

Why do you think liberals hate conservative women? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s been a tough week for the Republican Establishment and the party’s self-proclaimed leaders, and the one-and-only Rush Limbaugh let the party elites have it on Hannity this week.

What do you think is the Republican Establishment’s biggest problem heading into 2018? That is the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

President Trump set a winning path for the GOP in introducing his tax plan this week – and some are optimistic that tax relief will be an easier task than Obamacare repeal. The Trump plan has the power to spark economic growth and help all Americans. New York could take some lessons.

Here are ten key tax cuts in the President’s plan – will the GOP sabotage itself by buying into the liberals’ phony “fairness” arguments? Will tax relief be torpedoed by the Democrats’ “tax cuts for the rich” propaganda? Chuck Schumer is already cranking out the fake news.

What do you think is the biggest lie that Chuck Schumer and the Democrats will spread about President Trump’s tax relief plan over the next few weeks? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Speaking of fake news – here is a prime example. And you can file this under “Can You Imagine if President Trump Said That?”

Here in New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio refuses to get serious about school safety, and this is the result. Yet another reason for New York City to choose a different path.

If anyone was going to partake in cheap symbolism, you’d think it would be Barack Obama, but at a recent golf event he stood with two of his fellow former Presidents for the national anthem. So why can’t pro football get the message?

Maybe the NFL is afraid of its players, as President Trump says.  The league should certainly be worried when players snub fans like this.

From lawmakers to race car drivers, people are explaining why they stand for the Star-Spangled Banner. Why do you stand? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

As Democrats play politics with America’s national security, President Trump gave the United Nations a much-needed dose of true straight talk

When everybody from Hillary Clinton to the President of Iran is outraged, you know Trump is doing something right.

And he’s following up his words on North Korea with action.

What was your favorite line from President Trump’s United Nation’s speech? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – and let me tell you, it was almost impossible to narrow it down to a reasonable number of choices. Here is a transcript: I encourage you to read the whole thing several times, to fully grasp how well our President defends our country.

I’m also wondering what you think is the biggest (and best) difference between President Trump and President Obama. That’s our second Poll question for the week.

And finally – what do you think is the biggest problem with the United Nations? The endless corruption? The exorbitant cost? The waste and mismanagement? The coddling of dictators and anti-Semites?

As President Trump continues to keep his conservative promises, Hillary’s sour grapes tour is going full-speed-ahead. She seems delusional, as do many of her supporters.

Right now the Democrats’ biggest health care thinkers are a Socialist, a late-night talk show host, and a dishonest ex-President. No wonder their party is in shambles.

There’s nothing the Democrats’ won’t exploit to save Obamacare, or to defend illegal immigration, for that matter.

Speaking of Obama and dishonesty – we could be reaching Nixon-levels of corruption here.

You’ve probably heard liberals talk endlessly about how this year’s hurricanes are the result of global warming.  Don’t believe them.

But this you can believe – Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio have made a mess of New York’s subways, among many other things. And if you ever hear Cuomo talk about health care for the “indigent” – remember the real story.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Immigration is front-and-center in this week’s news.

President Trump’s DACA negotiations with the Democrats have all sides scrambling.  Is this set to be the next big win for the Trump Administration and the country? Is it too problematic to proceed? Or is it President Trump’s “read my lips” moment?

Meanwhile in New York, Andrew Cuomo has signed an executive order prohibiting state agencies from inquiring about individuals’ immigration status – another sell-out to the left, and the latest step in Cuomo’s presidential campaign.

Here is our statement on this upending of the law. Now I want to know what you think – Just how destructive do you think Governor Cuomo’s executive order protecting illegal immigrants will be? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Meanwhile Democrats are stampeding to support Bernie Sanders’s disastrous “health care for all” plan and follow the old-school socialist right off the fiscal cliff. Does the left understand just how radical socialized health care really is? Or, to put it less charitably, what a joke it is? Even supporters of the Canadian version acknowledge the wait times involved. (There’ll be no waiting, of course, for taxpayer-funded abortions.)

What do you think is the WORST aspect of the Bernie Sanders-Democrats’ “Medicare for All” socialized health care plan?  That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Also this week, Hillary Clinton’s giant carousel of self-pity continued spinning out of control. Here is a pie-chart of blame – there’s plenty to go around. Between attacking the Constitution and showing Americans how to breathe, Hillary also arrogantly instructed President Trump to read her book “It Takes a Village.”

I’ve compiled a few titles that Hillary might do well to read over – from selfhelp works to accounts of true leadership to policy analysis and character studies, and even a work from the President himself. Which book do you think Hillary should be reading? Make your pick in the third question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!