Author: george

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Outspoken ex-Marine” – the New York Times’ description of General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, President-elect Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, is music to my ears. 

“The president-elect could not choose a better man to be our next Secretary of Defense,” says Ralph Peters of Fox News. “I trust Jim Mattis because he’s a man of character, that most un-Washingtonian quality.”

There are many articles such as this one, from people close to the General, which echo that sentiment. 

Mattis is described as a “warrior monk” with a big library – and his colorful quotes are certainly worth a read. 

What do you like most about Gen. Mattis and his qualifications for Secretary of Defense? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And for the second question, let’s go back to those quotes I just mentioned: I’ve listed my favorites – which one do you like most? 

News of the Mattis nomination has made this a wonderful day for me, but of course Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is trying to ruin it. 

Maybe a sign of things to come – do you think General Mattis and President Trump’s “team of outsiders” cabinet nominees will face difficulties getting confirmed by the Senate? That’s Poll question three for this week. 

Meanwhile in Washington, the Democrats have doubled down on failure by putting “clueless” Nancy Pelosi back in power – and with that, the Democratic Party may very well be on the verge of extinction.

And it’s now clear (as if it wasn’t already) that Chuck Schumer will violate any principle to toe the Democratic Party line.

Donald Trump hasn’t even taken office yet and he’s already delivering on his promises. 

And by the way, despite the media’s outrage, the President-elect is probably right when he talks about the impact of voter fraud

Here in New York, all signs point to more Cuomo Administration incompetence.  

And finally, this past week we said goodbye to a truly despicable human being. May the myth of Fidel Castro die with him. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday planned. 

I’ll give the first question in our new Weekly Poll a holiday theme: What’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving – eating? Shopping? Friends and family? Football?  

I know Thanksgiving will be a lot more festive for me, since any political discussions will be about President-elect Donald Trump – NOT Hillary Clinton.  What are you most thankful for now that Mr. Trump has won the White House? That’s the second question in this week’s Poll – and there is a lot to be thankful for!

The left has to find something, anything, that lets them criticize our next President – so they are brewing up a storm about how Mr. Trump hasn’t announced his cabinet yet. The Daily Signal explains that this is much ado about nothing. 

Is there any doubt that, if several cabinet officials had already been named, the very same liberal news outlets would have outraged stories about how President-elect Trump was moving too fast and not giving such important matters the proper consideration? 

At any rate, there’s been lots of speculation this week about who will make up the Trump cabinet – lots of names we’ve all heard of, and a few surprises too – did anyone expect Mitt Romney to be in the mix

We now know that Jeff Sessions has been offered the job of Attorney General.

If you could pick anyone – regardless of whether they’ve been discussed, or if they’ve declined any role in the cabinet – who would be your TOP pick – the one person you want more than anybody else to be serving in the Trump Administration? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. I’ve made a big list full of former presidential candidates, law-enforcement officials, military veterans, and everyone in between – let me know what you think!

The left continues to protest Donald Trump and refuses to accept the outcome of the election – and our current President is encouraging them

Barack Obama still doesn’t get it – there’s nothing to be “proud” about… his policies have been rejected by the American people.  

And Obama’s elitist friends still don’t get it, either – history is NOT on their side

And for that, we can all be thankful.  Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President-elect Donald Trump – that has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? 

So does – the new website for the Trump transition team.

How did you spend Election Night 2016? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – being posted one day early this week since the Conservative Party will be celebrating Veterans Day tomorrow. 

Why were the media and the polls so wrong about Donald Trump? Because the media elites and pollsters wanted to be right about Hillary Clinton. 

Here’s some good analysis of why Hillary Clinton lost the White House. 

Were you shocked by her defeat?  I’ve heard from plenty people who couldn’t believe it, and plenty who could see it coming, so I’ve made this the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

A glass ceiling was broken on Tuesday night, as Kellyanne Conway became the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign. Plenty of women voted for Donald Trump, but the liberals and their media/Hollywood friends want you to believe that our new President won because Americans are sexist. They’re wrong: Hillary lost because she was Hillary. 

As protests and violent rhetoric erupt across the nation from angry Clinton voters, the New York Post urges Democrats to get past their hysteria and move on. 

After celebrating his historic victory, Mr. Trump is getting to work, and made a visit to the White House today. 

What do you think should be President-elect Trump’s FIRST priority when he takes office? That’s the third and final question on our new Weekly Poll. Lots of great options to choose from!

I mentioned Veterans Day, which is an important and historically significant day. Now more than ever, let’s strive to honor those who serve every day

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

No matter who wins the election on Tuesday, the first thing I will do is say a prayer for our nation and our new President. I’m sure all Conservative Party backers will do the same. 

But then what? Do you have a plan – serious or tongue-in-cheek – for the aftermath of a Hillary victory? And what will be on your mind if (as I hope) Donald Trump takes the White House? 

Those are the two questions for our new Weekly Poll. I’m sure you can have some fun with both of these questions. 

“It’s not just that the Clintons will bend every rule and try to destroy anyone who gets in their way, they will enlist everyone on their side to do the same,” Rich Lowry writes in the New York Post, surveying the left’s new smear campaign against FBI chief James Comey. “This is how a Clinton administration will work. Consider yourself warned — again.”

It seems like more and more Republicans are finally getting the message – that we MUST elect Donald Trump and defeat Hillary. 

And all of Hillary’s latest controversies might be a tipping point for undecided voters. 

As Investor’s Business Daily notes, Hillary’s deceitful stonewalling strategy is backfiring in a big way. 

Endless scandal is a given if Hillary wins – she even lies about lying about her lies

And it’s clearer than ever that America is not safe as long as Hillary has access to classified info.  The FBI has found Hillary emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, and they’re NOT duplicates from the previous investigation. Plus, her private server was breached by up to seven different forces. 

Investor’s Business Daily has a clearinghouse of info on the Clinton email scandals, as well as all the Clinton Foundation wrongdoing.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up


The Statue of Liberty was dedicated 130 years ago this week. What an incredible day October 28, 1886 must have been here in New York! The history of this landmark is fascinating. 

What does the Statue of Liberty mean to you? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. There are several great answers to choose from – I look forward to seeing what people think.

The second Weekly Poll question is more somber, I’m afraid: What do you believe is the GREATEST threat to liberty in America right now?  And unfortunately, here too there are many options for you to consider. 

We have a President who is openly hostile to religious liberty and the rule of law. We have a left-wing presidential candidate who is corrupt to the core. As Election Day nears, voters can’t help but worry that the election outcome has been rigged, directly or indirectly, by the D.C. establishment, left-wing operatives and the mass media. And we have generations of young people being indoctrinated against freedom.

This week we were reminded that Hillary Clinton’s corruption knows no bounds. The Clintons have corrupted charity, free enterprise and our government.

This story should be a blockbuster – the quid pro quo is clear. The top expert on Clinton cronyism rightfully says that the McAuliffe revelations should throw the FBI’s investigation of Hillary out the window. (But to be clear, Hillary’s politicization of the FBI has been going on for decades.)

Meanwhile, the New York Post warns that the agony of Obamacare’s collapse has just begun. As families are devastated by socialized health care, the White House is cheering – and scolding Americans for not blindly trusting President Obama.

I am praying each day for our nation, and I’m sure you are too. In addition to that, what do you think is the BEST thing Americans can do RIGHT NOW to protect liberty? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Hillary has some chutzpah ripping Donald Trump for raising the alarm about voter fraud – she has a history of questioning elections that didn’t go her way. 

But that’s just the Obama/Clinton Banana Republic in all its corruption and dishonest – and if we let Hillary win, we’ll have more of the same. 

Imagine Hillary in charge of the IRS, or unhindered as she imposes the billionaire left’s radical vision of open borders. Remember Hillary’s corruption, and think how bad it will be if she is in the White House serving as judge and jury for her own wrongdoings. 

Consider how the President refuses to face the truth about Obamacare, and then remind yourself that Hillary already can’t be honest about her economic plan

Under Obama the only aggression against America that warrants a serious response is when the Democratic Party and liberal campaigns are threatened – where America cowers before terrorist nations holding our citizens hostage, and pays them off rather than stand up to them. Under Hillary we’ll have more of the same – our terrorist enemies will be given weapons, while law-abiding Americans will have their right to self-defense taken away.

There are countless reasons to vote for Donald Trump – what do you think is the BEST reason? You have many choices in the first question of our new Weekly Poll, and I hope you’ll weigh in today. 

This week’s second poll question is a different twist on the elections – what to you is the BIGGEST reason to vote AGAINST Hillary? I’m very interested to see people’s responses to this one. 

And for the final poll question this week: What will you be doing over the next three weeks to help elect Donald Trump and defeat Hillary Clinton? 

Finally, having attended the Al Smith Dinner last night, I find myself in the peculiar position of agreeing with ultra-liberal Geraldo Rivera – Big Media’s prejudice against Trump and his supporters was laid bare.  

Overall it was a wonderful night, and I hope you have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

As this election becomes a referendum on political correctness, I am becoming more and more concerned about the left’s determination to crack down on dissenting views and differing opinions. 

The biggest example this week: Dennis Prager’s “PragerU” videos have been censored by YouTube – “protecting” America from such dangerous topics as “Why Did America Fight the Korean War?” and “Islamic Terror: What Muslim Americans Can Do.” 

Investigative reporter James O’Keefe was a target of the social media thought police this week as he was suspended from Twitter after releasing damaging footage of Hillary Clinton supporters promising sweeping new gun control measures. 

This follows an instance earlier in the year in which Twitter shut down a petition campaign against gun control focused on California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsome, who happens to be a friend of Twitter’s bosses. 

The liberals start their censorship early: Consider this story of a Nebraska high school that concocted phony reasons to silence a pro-life student club. 

And this week, thanks to Juanita Broaddrick, we’re reminded of the many times the “mainstream” media has selectively edited interviews and news reports to protect liberals (and especially the Clintons).

Of course President Obama has jumped into the fray. Decrying the Internet as a new type of the “wild, wild West” – i.e., a place that liberals’ don’t completely control yet – Obama says he doesn’t want censorship but rather a “curating function”… a phrase only a hardened liberal could concoct.  

We’re seeing how this type of government control is stifling even the most lighthearted criticism in China. And these comments come just as President Obama is handing over control of the Internet to authoritarian regimes. 

I want to know what you think about all of this: How concerned are you about the left’s silencing of conservative ideas? Which left-wing institutions do you believe are the WORST about oppressing conservative views? What topic do you believe the left is MOST likely to censor in the coming year?

Those are the three questions in our new Weekly Poll – we welcome all views and vigorous debate, so I hope you’ll give your opinions now. 

In other news this week: Newly revealed information this week shows us the Clinton Cronyism at work – whether they’re handing out ambassadorships to repay “political debts” or backing expensive bills at the beck and call of liberal lobbyists.

Hillary’s hypocrisy was revealed for all to see this week, as leaked documents showed her discussing the need for “public stands” vs. “private stands” on controversial issues. 

And the left’s hypocrisy continues on the $15-an-hour minimum wage, which they publicly celebrate while privately conceding it could be a disaster (a disaster we’re seeing unfold before our very eyes here in New York). 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week we were reminded that there’s no such thing as outrage for the lawless left – but that’s not the case for those of us who still believe in the rule of law.  

In the liberal world, laws don’t apply to those hand-picked by the powerful. President Obama’s commuting of more than one hundred prison sentences (including many drug-related convictions) is just the latest proof.

Fortunately the Supreme Court has stepped in to curtail at least some of the Obama Administration’s contempt for the law. But that’s little comfort at a time when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have joined forces to sink America into almost constant scandal. 

And so we are faced with parodies of investigations into Hillary’s wrongdoing and an FBI that is now little more than an arm of the Democratic Party. It is heartening, though, that some agents are reportedly ready to revolt over the kid-glove handling of Team Clinton. 

Who is MORE lawless, in your opinion – President Obama with his executive actions and subversion of the Constitution? Or Hillary with her email abuse and Clinton Foundation corruption? 

That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. I hope you’ll give your opinion today.

Voter fraud is a form of lawlessness that could cancel out your vote and actually change the outcome of elections. But the left claims it’s all a myth

How big of a problem do you think voter fraud really is?  That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Another member of the lawless liberals’ Hall of Shame, Bill de Blasio, is making a spectacle of himself as the press dares to ask questions about corruption and incompetence in his administration. 

He’s acting less like a mayor and more like a frightened left-wing college student, desperately in need of a “safe space” from nosy reporters. As the Post notes, it’s becoming clear just how thin-skinned de Blasio really is. 

And what is de Blasio’s defense for all the crookedness of his administration? That his friend Hillary is being investigated too! With friends like this, who needs enemies? 

What word do you think best describes Mayor de Blasio’s behavior this week? Corrupt? Incompetent? Embarrassing? Immature? 

I’ve tried to give you plenty of choices (the ones that can be said in public, at least) in the third question of our new Weekly Poll.  I look forward to seeing which one people choose. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

In case there was any doubt, the first presidential debate proved without fail that the biased news media isn’t even trying to be objective in its coverage of Donald Trump. This Investor’s Business Daily headline puts it bluntly: “The News Media Are Partisan Hacks.”

What do you think is the most blatant way that the media shows its liberal bias in presidential debates?  That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. This is something I’ve heard a lot of people talking about this week, so I’m interested to see what you have to say. 

For the second Poll question, I’ve pulled some of Donald Trump’s best quotes from the first debate. Which one is your favorite? There are some good ones to choose from.

The next presidential debate is Sunday, October 9 – and it is almost inevitable that more bias will be on display. What issue do you think should get the MOST attention during “round two” of the presidential debates? That’s the third and final Poll question this week.  

The next debate will supposedly be based in part on questions submitted by voters – here is how you can try to get your questions in the mix, and vote on the ones you want to see included.

If you think Hillary’s corruption should be a prime topic, there is plenty to talk about

In other news, Obamacare is still a disaster, which may be the left’s plan anyway since liberals are obsessed with forcing us all into a single-payer health care system. Meanwhile the lawless Obama Administration is planning a backdoor bailout for insurance companies. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

“I really do hope there is a trial in this case so New Yorkers can see, in gory detail, what their state government has been up to,” said U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara as he announced massive corruption charges against Andrew Cuomo’s top aides and allies

I couldn’t agree more – Cuomo’s SolarCity “monument to corruption” needs to be completely exposed for the rotten-to-the-core enterprise it is. Cuomo vowed to clean up Albany – but in reality, his cronies have made out like bandits

What do you think will be the end result of these charges – plea bargains, actual trials… or do you think Cuomo’s cronies will get off scot-free? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Cuomo himself hasn’t been charged, but he’d have to have his head in the sand or just be dangerously naïve to not know what his closest associates were up to. What’s your take – do you think Cuomo is ultimately responsible for all the corruption surrounding him in Albany? 
That’s the second question in our Weekly Poll. 

And finally, what do you think is the BEST way to start ridding Albany of this endless corruption?  Do we need a new Governor? Term limits? More investigations? Do you think Albany can police itself? Let me know in the third and final question of this week’s Poll. 

These are corrupt times we’re living in – here in New York and of course in Washington. 

We have a President who is dead set on exploiting our badly broken immigration system to bring in people who will be Democratic voters, not Americans, first. 

We have public officials who are too obsessed with political correctness (and hatred of Donald Trump) to take meaningful steps to keep people safe. 

We have a President too blinded by ideology to see the terrorist threats facing America.

And of course we have Hillary Clinton, who is embroiled in endless scandal.

I’m looking forward to seeing Donald Trump raise these issues in next week’s presidential debate. Here is a “cheat sheet” from Rich Lowry – and I’m sure next week’s poll questions will focus on each candidate’s performance and the overall impact of this showdown. 

Have a great weekend!

Everything you need to know about the presidential debate

A group advocating the rights of veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are on the Hill this week to press lawmakers on issues ranging from disability care to high rates of unemployment.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, the largest organization for veterans of the wars, will host a series of events as a part of their Storm the Hill campaign this week, culminating in Thursday’s release of their legislative agenda for 2010.

Top priorities include improving the claims processing system for disabled veterans, addressing the suicide epidemic among service members and improving the Veterans Affairs Department’s health care services for women.

This is the fifth annual trip for the group, which was founded in 2004. Starting Monday, the veterans will form teams named for the military alphabet — Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc. — and will meet with more than 100 lawmakers to discuss their issues.

The veterans were originally scheduled to meet with Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), a Marine veteran of the Vietnam War, who died Monday.

Weekly Wrap-Up

This was an exciting week for the Conservative Party, as we welcomed Donald Trump to our 2016 Presidential Reception. His speech was wonderful – here is the full video. 

What is your favorite quote from Donald Trump’s September 7 address to the Conservative Party?  I’ve featured the best ones in the first question of our new Weekly Poll – make your pick today!

Meanwhile the Democrats are begging for mercy – sounds like they are getting desperate. 

How panicked do you think Democrats are right now as Hillary continues to face endless corruption and falling poll numbers? That’s question #2 in our Weekly Poll. 

Talk about scandal – even though the FBI went easy on her, Hillary can’t avoid questions about her email shenanigans. Her bad press is well earned, says the Washington Examiner. 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg – there’s the corrupt-to-the-core Clinton Foundation to think about, and Hillary’s unprecedented foreign financial entanglements.  Plus hypocrisy, and more hypocrisy… and then some more hypocrisy, this time from Bill Clinton.  

Meanwhile the Trump campaign continues to showcase what a great candidate Republicans have at the top of the ticket. 

Right now, what do you think is the BEST reason to vote for Donald Trump? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – I look forward to seeing what everyone has to say. 

Have a great weekend!