Author: george

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump is still winning – a new poll shows he leads Hillary Clinton by 20 points in favorability ratings, and a sociological experiment designed by liberals to show that sexism is rampant in our culture actually proved that Hillary would be even less likeable as a man.

And this week we learned that illegal border crossings decreased by 40 percent in January – that’s a win for America, and even liberal news outlets like The New York Times and CNN are being forced to admit that President Trump’s principled stand for secure borders is actually solving the illegal immigration problem. 

This is a great topic for our new Weekly Poll, so here’s the question I hope you’ll answer now: What do you think is the PRIMARY reason behind the drop in illegal border crossings under President Trump?

Meanwhile, it’s not just President Trump but also American workers who are winning as the newest jobs report crushes expectations.

Health care has also been in the news this week.  Biased media outlets have been peddling reports that Obamacare has somehow miraculously become very popular – and it seems that establishment Republicans have fallen for this hoax, as this week they introduced what Erik Erickson calls “Swampcare” in an utter betrayal of conservative values. 

Let’s bring back a dose of reality: What do you like LEAST about Obamacare? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

National Review says the Republican plan is pretty bad – but is it better than nothing? The Daily Signal outlines why the GOP’s Obamacare plan isn’t real repeal, but offers hope that conservatives have a willing negotiating partner in President Trump. 

It’s a day that ends in “Y” so of course Andrew Cuomo is pushing a tax increase – a so-called “millionaire’s tax” that will hurt more than just the wealthy. With our state already imposing one of the highest tax burdens in the nation, and with job creation and development hurting as a result, the last thing New York needs is another big tax hike. 

What do you think – how much will yet another massive tax hike hurt New York’s economy? That’s the third and final question in our latest Weekly Poll.

Other news I hope you didn’t miss this week: 

A liberal activist pled guilty to voter registration fraud – yet another case that exposes the liberals’ dishonest claims that voter fraud doesn’t exist.

The American Bar Association has given its highest possible rating to President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch – so of course “progressive” activists and Democrat Senators are stepping up their opposition.

And is this what’s behind all the intelligence leaks designed to undermine President Trump? 

Have a great weekend!

Another week, another round of the Left’s meritless attacks on the Trump Administration – this time with Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the crosshairs

Make no mistake: The liberals’ goal is to destroy the Trump presidency, and if Republicans don’t stick together, the Democrats’ “new McCarthyism” (assisted by the media’s fake news) will succeed.

The Democrats’ hypocrisy (exemplified, of course, by New York’s very own Chuck Schumer) is galling – but it’s not surprising.

“This is how the Democrats are going to behave – to delegitimize the President,” says one Justice Department veteran. 

Rush Limbaugh makes no bones about it: “This story is about Barack Obama and the Democrat Party attempting to sabotage the Trump presidency and do everything they can to either render it meaningless and ineffective or to get him impeached or force him to resign.”

I want to put this question to friends of the Conservative Party today: How concerned are you that left-wing Democrats and the national news media are conspiring to delegitimize the Trump Administration and effectively overturn the 2016 presidential election? 

That’s question #1 in our new Weekly Poll.  Let me know what you think!

Regardless of the Democrats’ latest witch hunt, the biggest news this week is President Trump’s game-changing address to Congress on Tuesday.
“It was a great speech for Trump — optimistic, upbeat, bipartisan, but clear on what he hoped to accomplish,” Investor’s Business Daily says of the President’s address to Congress – and I couldn’t agree more.

What word do you think BEST describes President Trump’s speech this week? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll the results should be very interesting.

There’s optimism in Trump’s America, and many citizens are even more hopeful after the President’s address.  

How would you describe your level of optimism for the country right now? That’s the third and final question I’ve set for you in our new Weekly Poll. 

Two issues stood out for me.  First, President Trump signaled a renewed commitment to repealing Obamacare, and though this topic is yet another that’s littered with fake news, make no mistake: The facts are on our side. 

Also, reality supports President Trump’s commitment to securing the borders and protecting the nation from the myriad, devastating impacts of illegal immigration.  We’re seeing more evidence that the President is right to raise concerns about illegal alien voter fraud – and right here in our state, we’ve witnessed frightening proof that a lax immigration system (combined with inept and/or naïve public officials) can do real damage to individual Americans.  

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

This is an exciting week for conservatives, with the annual CPAC gathering taking place in Washington. 

The highlight of the event was President Trump, who spoke today at the place that many believe was the start of his political rise.  His rousing speech can be found here, and in it he continued one of his most daring accomplishments so far as President: Exposing the media as partisans.

What is your favorite quote from President Donald Trump’s speech at CPAC? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. As usual, he gave us a lot of colorful options.

Vice President Mike Pence also delivered a stirring address – check it out here. His overall theme: For conservatives, this is our time to lead the nation. 

What was your favorite quote from the Vice-President’s CPAC speech? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – and again, plenty of great options to choose from.

In addition to the President and Vice-President, CPAC this year is featuring speeches from some of the biggest names in our conservative movement, including: 

That’s a solid lineup – of these conservative leaders who joined President Trump and Vice-President Pence at CPAC, which one would you most want to meet with one-on-one to talk policy and politics? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Immigration has been a big topic at CPAC this year, and this piece from the Washington Times gives a very powerful look at the difference between legal and illegal immigration – something we should never lose sight of.

But under Obama, we have lost sight of that, meaning that criminal aliens get a better deal than innocent Americans, and Democrats are going ballistic over the enforcement of laws their very own party signed into law.

As other countries struggle with their ill-conceived open-borders policies (as usual, President Trump was right and the media was wrong about the situation in Sweden), don’t let “fake news” cloud this issue – a border wall will protect America. 

You get the sense from CPAC of something that we’re seeing discussed from truthful news outlets: That under President Trump, it’s “morning in America” once again. The economy seems to be rebounding already, and there’s likely much more economic growth to come.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

“President Trump may have come to Washington to ‘drain the swamp,’ but now he’s finding out that it’s full of nasty swamp creatures,” Investor’s Business Daily warns.  “And, as he’s also discovered, they bite.” 

Media elites are outraged by President Trump’s press conference this week, but here’s a news flash: the President’s words played very different with his supporters than with inside-the-beltway journalists.

What was your favorite quote from President Trump’s Thursday press conference? There’s a lot to choose from – I’m interested to see how people respond to this first question in our new Weekly Poll.

It doesn’t help the media’s case that they keep peddling recycled propaganda and fake news under the guise of “journalism” – and the media’s endless double standards fuel more distrust.

How would you describe the national media’s coverage of the Trump Administration? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Talking about the economy, President Trump said, “It’s a mess. At home and abroad, a mess.” And there’s proof of this, as we can see that under the Obama Administration the United States steadily lost ground on economic freedom.

Here’s the third and final Weekly Poll question: What do you think is the BEST thing President Trump and Congress can do to get the U.S. economy moving again? 

Options range from repealing Obamacare and reforming the tax code to ending overregulation and curbing the destructive influence of labor unions (more proof this week that both of these goals are being achieved). I’m interested to see what friends of the Conservative Party think.   

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s too soon to say that #Resistance is futile, but Democrats are consistently losing battles in their war against Donald Trump. 

How would you describe the left’s crusade against President Trump and his cabinet nominees?  That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

The second question focuses on cabinet secretaries, as three of President Trump’s picks who are among the most hated by liberals won confirmation this week: Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, Tom Price as head of Health and Human Services, and Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. 

Of the Trump cabinet secretaries confirmed as of February 10, who do you believe will have the MOST success in strengthening America?

One of the biggest news stories this week is the judicial war against President Trump – specifically the courts’ crusade against the President’s (totally legal) immigration order. 

National Review explains why this is a particularly troubling turn of events – though the fact that our courts have become so politicized and unaccountable is troubling enough.

What concerns you most about activist liberal judges? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – and there’s plenty to be concerned about.

Meanwhile, refugees see an opening and are pouring into our nation while they still can.

And not surprisingly, new research shows that illegal immigrants are clustered in just a handful of urban areas – mainly “sanctuary” cities. Can you guess where New York City ranks on the list? A first-place finish for the Big Apple is not surprising, given that Mayor de Blasio has gone so far as to give drunk driving a green light for illegal aliens.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

All week we’ve seen how President Trump is short-circuiting Washington, through the truly radical act of keeping his campaign promises. Will the left lose it every time the President simply does what he said he was going to do?

Donald Trump has accomplished quite a bit in his first weeks in office – how happy are you by his leadership right now? And what would you say is President Trump’s most important action so far? Those are the first two questions in our new Weekly Poll.

The media and liberal activists (but I repeat myself) are responding to the Trump shake-up with fake news, fake news, and more fake news

And talk about fake: New York’s own Chuck Schumer cried “crocodile tears” over President Trump’s so-called “Muslim ban” or “immigration ban.”  And will he be sobbing uncontrollably at the news that Americans actually support the President’s actions?

Make no mistake, there’s plenty for Schumer to be sad about – from the Democrats’ electoral misfortunes to the complete failure of policies he advocates. What do you think Sen. Schumer should really be crying over? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

The latest Paris attack may once again prove President Trump right about his concerns over America’s security. The President advised the nation to “get smart” after the Louvre attack, and if you ask me America started getting smart by electing Donald Trump in the first place.

Meanwhile President Trump showed his smarts by nominating a principled conservative to the Supreme Court. Neil Gorsuch is an originalist judge in the mold of Antonin Scalia – exactly what President Trump promised the American people as he campaigned for the White House. 

And as if on cue, the liberals cranked up the fake news – and this time made a particularly pathetic effort.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

The Trump Administration is off to a stunningly conservative start, and one issue that stands out is border security. President Trump is keeping his promises and cracking down on illegal immigration, through “radical” ideas like securing the borders, enforcing the law and putting “sanctuary cities” on notice that they can no longer harbor criminal illegal immigrants.

President Trump’s actions this week mark the return of U.S. sovereignty and start the process of ending the Obama Era of open borders. (Unfortunately, the crusade by liberals like Andrew Cuomo to make fools of themselves is stronger than ever.)

What do you think will be the biggest benefit of putting a stop to illegal immigration? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

And don’t let the national media dismiss your concerns – illegals did vote for Hillary in November, and President Trump is right to investigate.

The March for Life is taking place today in Washington, and this year’s event is defined by a new spirit of optimism with conservative leadership in both the White House and Congress.

The White House is making a strong show of support. President Trump will call in to the gathering, while Vice-President Mike Pence and top White House strategist Kellyanne Conway will speak.

What’s the main reason that you are pro-life? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The crowd at the March for Life will be very youthful – which shouldn’t be surprising, as young people are witnessing technological advances which show that abortion isn’t about just a choice but rather a living human being.

The Daily Signal reminds us that while the 2016 elections were a pro-life victory, the fight isn’t over and pro-life legislation still needs to be passed. And new reports show us that Mayor de Blasio is showing a stunning indifference to the suffering of at-risk children in New York City.

We have two very serious poll questions this week, so let’s end with something a bit lighter: Who do you think will win the Super Bowl – the Falcons or the Patriots? Shaun Marie will post the results next Friday, just in time for the big game.

It was 26 years ago today that we had an all-New York Super Bowl with a photo finish – remembered now as one of the best Super Bowls ever. Do you remember watching that one? I certainly do.

This year there’s a brewing (literally!) rivalry between these two teams, and the media is consumed with Tom Brady’s friendship with Donald Trump. Of course, the ads are as anticipated as the game.

Have a great weekend!


Weekly Wrap-Up

Today is Inauguration Day, and all Americans have reason to celebrate. The peaceful transfer of power is a time-honored American tradition, and “the inauguration is a picture of our Constitution, proof that we are a nation based on representation, not royalty.”


For me, it’s worth celebrating that our nation is no longer represented by Barack Obama – and that it’s not Hillary Clinton taking the oath of office.

What are you celebrating as we inaugurate a new President? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.  

Inauguration Day is a time for unity, but the press has declared war on President Trump and continues to level low blows against the Trump Administration. Investor’s Business Daily calls it “media malpractice,” and I agree.

President Trump’s inauguration is being boycotted by about a third of congressional Democrats (including a shameful seven from New York) are boycotting President Trump’s inauguration – but what they’re really mad about is their own party’s collapse.

Obama ended his reign by letting a terrorist walk free – and shades of what happened here in New York with Andrew Cuomo’s commutation of Judith Clark’s sentence for her role in the deadly Brink’s robbery of 1981 that took the lives of two police officers and a guard.

What word do you think best describes Cuomo’s commutation decision? That’s the second question of the new Weekly Poll.  I can think of plenty – including a few words I won’t list here – so you have a lot to choose from.

Law-enforcement officials are outraged, as they should be, and as are many right-minded New Yorkers. 

The Conservative Party refuses to let the Cuomo commutation be the last word, which is why we’re leading a petition drive to rename the new Tappan Zee Bridge the “Brown Paige O’Grady” Bridge after Judith Clark’s victims. 

What do you think is the BEST reason to name the bridge after these three men? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – and if you haven’t already, make sure you sign the petition here.

I’m happy to say our campaign is drawing extensive media coverage. Thank you for being part of the Conservative Party and making efforts like this possible. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Obama gave his farewell address this week, and fittingly it was defined by dishonesty and “inconvenient truths,” as the Daily Signal puts it – from false claims that Obama revived the U.S. economy and created jobs to dishonest talking points about Obamacare to boasts about uniting the country after eight divisive years.

What do you think is the most outrageous falsehood being pushed by President Obama and his allies as he leaves the White House? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.  It’s unfortunate that there are so many choices.

Confirmation hearings for President-Elect Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees are now underway, and this has made it an interesting week, to put it mildly. 

Defense pick James Mattis is telling it like it is. Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson is winning support. Ben Carson was impressive during his testimony about how he will make HUD work better. Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos is being praised by those who know her and have worked with her. And Trump’s Health and Human Services pick Tom Price is already facing bizarre attacks from the (government-funded) left.

Which of President-Elect Trump’s cabinet nominees has you most excited? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll – and for this question, we are fortunate to have so many outstanding leaders to choose from!

Let’s Be Honest” – a refreshing theme from Rob Astorino, as he takes on Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his “fake news” style of leadership.  

Rob is one of our highly-anticipated special guests at the upcoming Conservative Party Political Action Conference that begins on January 29.  I hope you can join us – you can get more information and registration materials here.

We’re also excited that Kathleen Gallagher, an invaluable pro-life voice, will be joining us for CPPAC. This is one of her latest commentaries – it’s a powerful read. 

Also highly-anticipated is a strong conservative challenge to Andrew Cuomo in 2018. When Cuomo is up for reelection next year, what do you think will be the best issue for a conservative candidate to highlight? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – I’m very interested to see what you think. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Obama has started the new year by bragging about all his fake accomplishments. What stands out to me are Obama’s countless failures as President. 

What do you think will go down as President Obama’s biggest policy failure? This is the first question in our first Weekly Poll of 2017, and I hope you will cast your vote today. And unfortunately, there are plenty to choose from, unfortunately – from Obamacare and overregulation to Israel and Aleppo.

I believe brighter days are ahead for our nation.  Investors Business Daily has a 2017 wish list that includes everything from a new Supreme Court justice to repealing Obamacare – all very real possibilities now.  

What is your biggest wish from the Trump Administration for 2017? That’s the second question from our new Weekly Poll, and I’m looking forward to everyone’s answers.

One 2017 Wish List item is to “drain the swamp” and fix Washington. What does this phrase mean to you – term limits? Tougher ethics rules? An end to Obama-style “midnight regulations” that empower Washington bureaucrats? Abolishing corporate welfare?  Make your pick today in this third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Between the GOP’s ill-advised ethics gambit this week and new stories of possible corruption in Washington (including one featuring New York’s very own Rep. Carolyn Maloney), it is clear that we as citizens are going to have to keep a close eye on the federal government this year.  

Thank you for helping the Conservative Party do just that – and have a great weekend!


Weekly Wrap-Up

As we near the end of the year, President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet has taken shape, and it’s impressive – a lineup of conservative powerhouses and D.C. outsiders who are poised to “take the establishment and shake it upside down,” as one GOP operative puts it.

I for one am looking forward to 2017 and the opportunities we conservatives have to make real progress for our country.  What do you think will be the Trump Administration’s biggest policy victory for the coming year? 

That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – the last poll of 2016.  I’ve enjoyed seeing the results of our polls each week throughout 2016, and I hope you’ll take part in this final one. 

To get anything done next year, President Trump will need the support of the grassroots citizens who put him in office.  What do you plan to do in 2017 to help show your support for President Trump’s conservative agenda? 

That’s the second question in our year-end Weekly Poll. 

Meanwhile, Hollywood’s attempts to sway the 2016 elections have been so effective, the stars (as they think of themselves) have decided to unleash another video, begging the Electoral College to subvert U.S. democracy and reverse President-elect Donald Trump’s Election Day victory. They just don’t get it, do they? 

The list of “celebrities” in the new ad includes J. Smith Cameron, Michael Urie, Steven Pasquale, Dominic Fumusa and Emily Tyra. If you’re familiar with these so-called “celebrities,” you’ve been paying more attention to something than I have. But nonetheless, they’re all deeply concerned by what they see as foreign influence over U.S. elections… and so they’ve aligned themselves with an organization with foreign ties

That’s the sort of hypocrisy we should expect at this point from the entertainment industry liberals (that, and the fact that all of these luminaries would probably oppose efforts to keep actual non-citizens from actually voting in U.S. elections). 

This video is pretty weak in terms of celebrity prowess – the big name is Martin Sheen, who liberals seem to think was actually President of the United States because he played the role on The West Wing. 

But this year Hillary and the Left brought out the worst of the worst. In 2016 we’ve had the displeasure of seeing Rosie O’Donnell and her self-pity (and her bullying of President Trump’s 10-year-old child); the arrogance of Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen; Katy Perry and her immaturity; the vile antics of Lena Dunham; Madonna’s “war on women” who don’t vote the way she thinks they should; Beyonce’s anti-police hypocrisy; Leonardo DiCaprio and his environmental hypocrisy; and Barbra Streisand’s plan to undermine the Constitution. 

I’m sure I’ve left somebody out, but that’s a good start – who do you think is the most annoying liberal celebrity of 2016?  That’s the third question in our year-end Weekly Poll. 

We saw plenty of “fake news” this week – from claims that Obamacare added 20 million to America’s health insurance rolls, to allegations that Russia somehow decided the presidential election. 

And we’re learning more about the “fake news” story of a Muslim woman’s supposedly harrowing subway attack at the hands of Trump supporters – and what it reveals isn’t just the media’s eagerness to latch on to any story that confirms their bias, but also life for a young woman in an Islamic household. Don’t look for the media to give that angle much coverage. 

Have a great weekend – and I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Christmas season!

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Fake News” – it’s the hottest catchphrase in America right now, the liberals’ diagnosis of all that is wrong with our nation. It boils down to this: Any commentary, news story or data that the left doesn’t like is “fake.” 

The Washington Free Beacon has an impressive overview of this new left-wing phenomenon and the absurdity of the liberals’ cry for honesty. 

And the left’s new crusaders against “fake news” couldn’t be more laughable: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid


Obama even had the audacity to decry “fake news” to Rolling Stone magazine, a purveyor of one of the most outlandish and hurtful “fake news” stories in recent history. 

But Obama, Clinton et al are giving the liberal media a run for their money. 

Remember when Obama claimed he didn’t know about Hillary’s personal email or server? Fake

Did you hear Obama’s claim this week that he’s kept America safe from terrorism? Fake.

And then there’s Obama’s infamous claim that under Obamacare, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” Fake

Remember when Hillary claimed she landed in Bosnia under sniper fire? Fake.

How about when Hillary got the word out that she had turned over all of her emails… fake.

Remember when Team Hillary broke the news that the Benghazi attacks were caused by a YouTube video? Fake.

And who can forget in 2012, when Harry Reid spread the news story that Mitt Romney doesn’t pay taxes? Fake. (Good riddance to him, indeed.)

Other liberals are joining in the fun, too. Mayor de Blasio is jumping on the bandwagon about hate crimes skyrocketing in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory. You guessed it – fake

Which of these liberal fake news stories do you think is the most outrageous? That’s Question One in our new Weekly Poll. 

Of course, Hillary and the Democrats think they are the ones who should be able to determine what is “fake news” and what’s not. Hillary says, “It is a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly.” Harry Reid says, “Much of the responsibility for separating what is real and what is fake will fall on Democrats.” 

Why do you think the Clinton/Obama liberals want to seize more control over the news coverage you are able to see?  That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Of course, the media is complicit in all of this. They seem willing to surrender their freedom to the likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama – and biased news outlets have relentlessly pushed the liberals’ fake news stories. 

At this point, which major news outlet do you find the LEAST trustworthy? 

I look forward to seeing people’s answers on this third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend!