Author: Andrew Davis

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
November 15, 2023

Hochul Social Media ‘Hate Speech’ Surveillance Creates Chilling Precedent: New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“Governor Hochul’s scheme to monitor the social media transactions of New Yorkers is chilling to the core. Nobody wants to see the type of internet vitriol that occurs between some citizens, but government’s giant hand can be the most frightening one of all. Law enforcement authorities can and should monitor legitimate terrorism suspects online, but spying on everyday citizens is unconstitutional and wrong.

“We speak about the Chinese Communist Party’s ‘social credit scoring’ system with tremendous derision, but here in New York we risk walking down the same path. Where one begins scoring citizen speech, one begins scoring citizens. Leave law-abiding New Yorkers alone.”


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 11/3/23


It might seem obvious that we should all vote, but several studies have shown that 20% of New Yorkers who say they are going to vote – do not. With nine days of in-person early voting, absentee voting, and of course, election-day voting, there really should be no excuse. 

Yet I know it to be true from my petitioning. The walking lists many in the Conservative Party use show the last year someone voted. It is amazing the number of enrolled Conservative Party members who failed to vote in the Presidential and/or Gubernatorial elections.  

You can still vote early this Saturday or Sunday. Bank your vote. My wife Janet and I voted early in person on Thursday.

Regardless, make a plan for you and your family to vote. The Conservative Party can run radio spots, digital ads, send text messages and robocalls in an effort to cause New Yorkers to see the value in supporting our candidates and our Party. However, in the end, all the Party’s efforts come down to everyone receiving this email voting and hopefully voting Conservative.

You can read our full “Pre-Election Day” press release here:


This comes under the heading that good things happen to those who are patient.  Newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana, based on his record and public statements, is likely the most conservative Speaker of the House of Representatives in modern times.

Speaker Johnson for the conservative movement is the whole package. He has been clear that he places equal importance on a conservative social agenda, with the many other pressing matters he needs to consider. To that point, the sanctity of life and the protection of parental rights are certain to be a high priority.

He will only consider stand-alone spending bills. This is long overdue and should please the many of us who distrust omnibus legislation.

His record on the Second Amendment is perfect. And to that point, he is a constitutional lawyer in a Congress that needs to pay more attention to the Constitution.

Maybe best of all, Americans can sleep more soundly knowing they have a Speaker with a moral compass.

The margin in the House for the GOP majority is way too close. Keeping Mike Johnson Speaker is another good reason for us to double our efforts in electing Conservative – Republicans to Congress next year.


Our annual Conservative Party Political Action Conference returns to downtown Albany, at the Albany Hilton Hotel, on Sunday, February 4th, and Monday, February 5th (40 Lodge St, Albany, NY 12207). Much more information will be coming soon. 


We would like to thank all of our Sponsors and those who purchased Journal Ads for our Fall Reception held October 25, 2023.  We also thank all those who came out that night and supported the event.  To view the Journal click here.



Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact:Bill O’Reilly,212-396-9117
October 12, 2023

Gianaris Silence on Democratic Socialists Deafening: New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“New York State Senate Deputy Majority Leader Michael Gianaris has been utterly silent about Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) in his conference, and it’s deafening. Senator Gianaris represents Western Queens, a hotbed of DSA activity and legislators, but he’s evidently more afraid of them than he is of the outrageous anti-American policies they espouse. Responsible leaders need to stand up and set things right when their colleagues stray, but it’s as though Mr. Gianaris is totally unaware of the wildly anti-Semitic Times Square Rally that the DSA helped organize and promote last Sunday — the day after more than 1,200 Israeli men, women, and children were butchered by Hamas terrorists. Remaining silent in the midst of such cruelty and horror is unacceptable.

“The DSA does not have America’s best interest in mind, nor Israel’s for that matter. These are strident ideologies who fundamentally believe that America is the problem in the world, not a beacon light of freedom. They would erase our Constitutional protections in the blink of an eye to achieve state control over our lives, and it’s high time that Mr. Gianaris said something about them. Silence is complicity.”


Conservative Party News Release

Issued Jointly by the County Organizations in the City of New York
22 September 2023 / For Immediate Release
Contact: Frances T. Vella-Marrone, Tel. (347) 866-4945


The county organizations of the Conservative Party in the City of New York jointly and unequivocally oppose any attempts to remove monuments honoring the great heroes and founders of our nation.

New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar has issued the following statement:  “The City Council Cultural Affairs Committee, with its slightly Maoist ring, is once again hunting the statues of figures including President George Washington, President Thomas Jefferson, Peter Stuyvesant, and Christopher Columbus in a perverse historical dragnet.  For all the faults of their eras, these figures are a crucial part of U.S. history.  Those seeking their erasure may end up being a crucial part of New York’s demise.”

Each of these historic figures made monumental contributions, worthy of tribute, to both the history of America and the City of New York.  Christopher Columbus inaugurated a great era of exploration and immigration to the Americas, with succeeding generations of immigrants arriving in New York at Ellis Island.  That tradition continued with Peter Stuyvesant’s leadership of the colony that would later become America’s largest city and global capital.  As the nation’s first capital, New York was the site of George Washington’s inauguration as our first President and the birthplace of the Bill of Rights, influenced largely by Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence.

“The City of New York is facing a multitude of problems that are negatively impacting the everyday lives of New Yorkers,” stated Kings County Chairwoman Frances T. Vella-Marrone.  “Instead of focusing on the real issues, the City Council chooses to divert attention by once again declaring war on statues.  We need a change in direction in the City Council.  This November, we have an opportunity to effectuate change by electing representatives who are focused on the needs of the residents of NYC, not erasing history.”

“As our city continues to crumble around us, our out of touch city council is once again trying to rewrite our history,” stated Bronx County Chairman Patrick McManus.  “History is is not for us to agree or disagree with, it is needed for us to learn from mistakes and create a better society. This is yet another attempt by our electeds to forward their agenda. This November, we the People have the power to change the direction of our once great city.”

“An unprecedented migrant crisis that will cost taxpayers billions upon billions of dollars while our Mayor is cutting 15% from the operating budgets of essential services including the NYPD, FDNY, Sanitation, and others,” stated New York County Chairman John M. Seravalli.  “These are just two examples of the very serious issues facing our city. Another issue is the very un-serious NYC Council that is more concerned with manufacturing outrage as opposed to solving any of the myriad of problems that are crippling the five boroughs. This type of leadership and governing is simply unsustainable.”

 “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” stated Richmond County Chairman David Mario Curcio, whose county organization has officially endorsed municipal independence from the City of New York.

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Siena Says What We All Know

New Yorkers are afraid. They are concerned that their property will be stolen or they will be the victim of a violent crime.

The Siena College survey released this week showed that a clear majority of New Yorkers from almost every part of the state consider crime one of their top three issues. You do not need to reside in Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, or New York City to believe your community is not as safe as it was just a few years ago. Just as shocking, most New Yorkers have been touched in someway by crime in their lives, many very recently.

The Democratic Party has moved far left on public safety issues with crime victim rights being overtaken by criminal rights.  We can thank the Democrats in Albany as well as in local big city governments with implementing cashless bail, disclosure laws that hinder prosecutors, defunding police, anti-policing initiatives and just this past session a “clean slate law” which simply undoes the record of a convicted felon and washes away the reality that they seriously broke the law. And this is to name just a few.

Law enforcement professionals are retiring in record numbers. New Yorkers are moving out of state because of crime, taxes and over regulation.

Siena said what we all know. The only way to reverse the damage done will be by electing conservatives to state and local offices who have an interest in public safety. With your help that is what we plan to do.

Read my full statement on the Siena poll here.

New York’s Third Department is Politics as Usual

As you probably have heard New York’s Third Department Appeals Court in Albany ruled 3 to 2 to scrap New York’s Congressional lines returning the responsibility to the Independent Redistricting Commission and eventually the Legislature. The lines that currently exist were drawn by a Special Master Court appointed by a Supreme Court Judge, upheld by the Appellate Division in Rochester, and by the Court of Appeals.

The Albany Appeals decision will go up the ladder to the State Court of Appeals. There is something to be said for the certainty of government. The constant back and forth on redistricting leaves the general public depending on the ebb and flow of a working government in the lurch. This is unfair and destabilizing for those represented and the broader nation. It would be foolish to think this Court was doing anything other than the bidding of the Democratic Party, House Democratic leadership, and the Biden Administration.

We will continue through the process and work to have our day in court. However, as the Party Chairman, I continue to focus on beating the Democratic Court assisted steal at the ballot box. 

Read my press release here.

Congresswoman Tenney on Patriots Podium

You can preview my conversation with Congresswoman Claudia Tenney by clicking here.

Claudia has been a beacon of conservative philosophy in Albany and Washington for many years. In our interview we discuss a wide range of issues from defense and foreign policy to Governor Hochul’s poor stewardship of our state.

I personally have known Claudia for over twenty years. You can count on her voting right as much as you can expect her to explain why she voted a certain way.

I hope you will take a look.


Contact: Andrew Davis, 845-522-1915 
June 20, 2023


Brooklyn-NY…“Biden Administration Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke of a ‘reset’ on U.S.-China relations following his trip this week to Beijing. China clearly has other ideas. The American public is now learning that China and Cuba are planning to jointly build a military training outpost on the Marxist Caribbean island, just 100 miles south of the continental U.S. Presumably, this is not what the Biden Administration had in mind.

“Real progress from Communist China would come in the form of a guarantee not to invade free Taiwan, the cessation of mass intellectual property theft from Western nations, and a halt to its dramatic military buildup and intimidation tactics throughout eastern Asia.

“The last time a Marxist power threatened to put a large military installation on Cuban soil, the U.S. swiftly acted to protect its territorial integrity from naked Soviet aggression. The Biden Administration must similarly put in place measures to stop this planned facility in its tracks. That should begin by halting all U.S.-Cuba tourism, the dollars from which almost certainly will be used to help build the military training outpost. Doing nothing wouldn’t just be unacceptable; it would be dangerous to the long-term security of the American people.”



Contact:Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 22, 2023


Brooklyn-NY…“The so-called Medical Aid in Dying Act (S.2445) would let New York doctors prescribe fatal chemicals to terminally ill patients for self-administration, providing that the patients are mentally competent.

“This legislation represents the slipperiest of slopes, and it must not be made law. Who can truly determine one’s mental competence at such a time? How would patients be protected from subtle coercion from health providers, insurance companies, and distraught family members? Who can assess whether a patent is making a decision based on clear thinking and not situational depression?

“Canada allowed eligible Canadian adults to request medical assistance in dying starting in 2016. In just seven years, Canada’s MAiD law degenerated into euthanasia for the sick and poor. Indeed, every state and nation that has adopted pro-suicide legislation has loosened its original requirements.

“Some may think this bill makes perfect sense. We ask that they think more deeply. This is not the path for a society that values life.” –



486 78th Street, BROOKLYN, NY 11209
(718) 921-2158 Voice * (718) 921-5268 Fax

2023 Legislative Memo…IN OPPOSITION TO… Medical Aid in Dying Act

S. 2445 Hoylman-Sigal               A. 995 Paulin

Bill Purpose: To provide that a mentally competent, terminally ill patient may request medication to be self-administered for the purpose of hastening the patient’s death provided the requirements set forth in the act are met; provides certain protections and immunities to health care providers and other persons, including a physician who prescribes medication in compliance with the provisions of the article to the terminally ill patient to be self-administered by the patient. 

Party Position: Nothing is more heart wrenching than knowing your loved one will suffer unbearable pain when they are diagnosed with a disease that medical experts cannot cure.  Your loved one does not want to reach the point where the debilitating effects leave them with little dignity.  

The Medical Aid in Dying Act seeks to change New York’s law to allow health care providers to prescribe medication for your loved one to self-administer said drugs if they are terminally ill and mentally competent.  Who decides if the patient is mentally competent?  It is a crucial component of the proposed bill.

When any one is given a diagnosis that implies death is imminent, it is natural to be terrified of the future.  It is also natural for one to want to control as much of what is left of their lives as possible. However, some people become so depressed at the thought of dying they are not mentally competent to decide.  The proposed bill does not ensure that the health care providers provide the best care to their patients to keep them comfortable, with as little pain as possible, rather it allows health care providers to provide medicine to die. 

Medicine has changed.  The Hippocratic Oath is obsolete.  While most health care providers enter the medical field to help patients, there are far too many who have an agenda, Jack Kevorkian, the infamous euthanasia proponent, has many followers.  

The Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) Act is today’s Pandora’s Box.  Canada’s Supreme Court gave the government until June 6, 2016, to create a new law. In June 2016, the Parliament of Canada passed federal legislation that allows eligible Canadian adults to request medical assistance in dying. 

In just seven years, Canada’s MAiD law has degenerated to euthanizing its sick and poor.  Guy Benson wrote on December 6, 2022 that Canada’s Euthanasia “Slippery Slope’ Is Real and Horrifying.   Sadly, two bioethicists recently wrote in the Journal of Medical Ethics that patients who choose MAiD know what they are doing … do they really… and their choices must be respected. It isn’t only Canada’s slippery slope, every state/country who adopted MAiD has loosened the original requirements. 

Life is precious, and every effort must be made to protect patients from choosing to end it on their terms. The choice to refuse treatment is always theirs and with palliative care, one will be as comfortable as possible.

CPNYS strongly opposes the Medical Aid in Dying Act’ and urges a NO vote on the pending legislation.

LM 2023 004


Issued Jointly by the County Organizations in the City of New York
17 May 2023 / For Immediate Release
Contact: Frances T. Vella-Marrone, Tel. (347) 866-4945


The county organizations of the Conservative Party in the City of New York jointly and unequivocally oppose the malicious prosecution of Daniel Penny, a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, who is being charged with manslaughter by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office for his heroic act of bravery in defending himself and fellow subway riders from a mentally-ill person causing mayhem.

“Self defense and coming to the aid of others should never be a crime,” stated Kings County Chairwoman Frances T. Vella-Marrone.  “Riding the subway and walking the streets of New York City have become dangerous activities. Daniel Penny took the risk to intervene and should not be punished. He along with his fellow New Yorkers are victims of failed soft on crime policies.”

“While D.A. Bragg’s soft on crime policies increase the likelihood that New Yorkers will be forced to defend themselves, he seems to actively be seeking to criminalize the right of each of us to do so,” stated Bronx County Chairman Patrick McManus.  “Daniel Penny should never have been put in a position where he had to take action, whereas jail may not have been the right place to put Jacob Neely, repeatedly unleashing this violent mentally ill individual back into society only served to endanger him as well as all of us. When our government fails to protect us we have the RIGHT to defend ourselves.”

“New York City residents and visitors should never have to fear if their safety is at risk,” stated New York County Chairman John M. Seravalli. “Unfortunately, pro-criminal policies perpetrated by rogue prosecutor D.A. Bragg and the New York City Council democratic majority leave far too many wondering if taking action into their own hands is the only way. The City of New York failed Jordan Neely and now looks to punish Daniel Penny in a disgraceful attempt to cover their tracks. It is not Marine Corp veterans like Mr. Penny that subway riders fear, it is the bad policies and total disregard of personal accountability that place us all at risk.”

“Daniel Penny is a good Samaritan who placed his own personal safety at risk to defend himself and his fellow New Yorkers with courageous action,” stated Richmond County Chairman David Mario Curcio.  “He deserves better than to be maliciously prosecuted by a hack politician who routinely endangers the public safety in his jurisdiction with complete and total incompetence.”

New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar has issued the following statement:  “A basic American principle is that ‘self-defense is not a crime’.  New Yorkers who ride the subways or walk the streets anytime after dark clearly know that New York City has become a place in which you need to regularly look over your shoulder. Trapped on a subway car with a highly erratic individual aggressively approaching ‘strap hangers’ requires men and women like Daniel Penny willing to intervene. Now the second guessing begins from a liberal establishment ‘hell bent’ on changing the way New Yorkers work to protect each other.  Daniel Penny did not commit a crime.  He committed self defense and New Yorkers should be thankful.”

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Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
April 21, 2023


Brooklyn-NY…The New York State Conservative Party is calling for immediate passage of legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Matt Slater (R-C, Putnam/Westchester) that would prohibit China, Russia, and other nations of concern from purchasing real property throughout the Empire State.

The bill, A. 5301, follows the alarming arrests of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence officers who have been operating spy centers in New York City and across the nation. (These are CCP spy centers, not Chinese “police stations,” as they’ve been carelessly described.)

“Whether its spy balloons, cyber attacks or the recent arrest of Chinese Communist Party agents in New York City, America is constantly under attack by foreign enemies,” Assemblyman Slater said. “This legislation will prohibit China, Russia and any other nation of concern from owning property in the Empire State. New York must take action to protect its citizens and safeguard our property and natural resources from foreign influence.”

“The New York State Legislature has a constitutional responsibility to safeguard its citizens from foreign threats on U.S. soil,” said State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “The Party urges every elected legislator to place the long term safety of New Yorkers (and all Americans) above the acquisition of real property by foreign countries and entities that the Department of State identifies as places of particular concern. We commend Assemblyman Slater for stepping forward with bold legislation that, if passed, will send a message around the world: New York will proactively defend itself against foreign transgressions.”



486 78th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11209
(718) 921-2158 Voice * (718) 921-5268 Fax

2023 Legislative Memo… In Support of

A. 5301 – Slater

Purpose: To protect New York State and the United States of America’s interests from foreign governments, entities and non-citizen individuals.

Party Position: As noted in the Preamble of the US Constitution, one of the primary responsibilities of government is to protect its citizens. Our state constitution is also charged with protecting people from local threats.

New York State has several areas that citizens rely on to provide its citizens with protection from her enemies; unfortunately, lately our enemies (as defined by the Department of State) are looking to obtain real property near such entities for probable nefarious reasons.

It is the responsibility of the Members of the NYS Legislature to make certain that our government buildings and military bases, as well as any other similar entities designed to protect New Yorkers, and in fact, all of America’s citizens, remain free of foreign countries being able to purchase nearby land or any other means of putting our citizens in danger.

The Conservative Party of New York State urges every elected legislator to place the long term safety of New Yorkers (and all Americans) above the acquisition of real property by foreign countries and entities that the Department of State identifies as places of particular concern.

New York, in its infancy, played a major role in making America the best country in the world; our form of government “by the People” acknowledges that “we the People” will protect our citizens. Now 234 years later, this legislative body must pass this legislation to maintain their commitment to the people who duly elected them and keep them and all Americans as safe as possible.

LM 2023-001