Author: Andrew Davis

Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/15/24 VP Pick

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 15, 2024

Statement on JD Vance as Trump Running Mate by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“President Trump has made a brilliant choice in selecting celebrated author, Marine Corps veteran, and U.S. Senator from Ohio J.D. Vance as his vice-presidential pick. Mr. Vance personifies the tens of millions of disaffected Americans, of all ethnicities and backgrounds, who could only watch as millions of well-paying manufacturing jobs vanished from our nation in recent decades. In selecting Mr. Vance as his vice presidential running mate, President Trump is sending an unmistakable message to the voting public: America comes first.

“The Conservative Party looks forward to campaigning with President Trump and Senator Vance throughout New York, a state now in play. It’s full steam ahead ‘til Election Day.”


Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up 7/12/24

Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE)

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed the crucial SAVE Act, a significant step towards upholding the integrity of our elections and partially addressing the ongoing migrant crisis exacerbated by President Biden, Governor Hochul, and the Democratic Party. Despite opposition from 198 Democrats, the bill received unanimous support from the New York congressional delegation, reflecting their commitment to securing our borders and ensuring fair elections. We extend our thanks to the New York representatives for their support and dedication to safeguarding the interests of their constituents and the nation as a whole. You can read our full press release on the SAVE Act here.

Biden’s Leadership Crisis

Yesterday, President Biden’s highly anticipated “big boy” one-hour press conference, aimed at demonstrating his fitness for another term, was marred by numerous gaffes, causing more internal mayhem for Democrats. Notably, he mistakenly referred to former President Trump as his Vice President, confusing him with Kamala Harris. At the NATO summit, Biden further embarrassed himself by addressing the President of Ukraine as “Putin” in front of global leaders.

These blunders are not just political missteps; they underscore serious concerns about Biden’s mental acuity and his ability to handle the responsibilities of the presidency. This is not a partisan issue; the president’s compromised mental state poses a significant national security risk, and his continued leadership is increasingly untenable. This problem is not going away for Biden, with calls from prominent supporters, donors, and legislators calling on him to drop out of the race. Shockingly, the media even seems to be turning on Biden as well. With the most liberal-leaning networks finally coming to the conclusion that Biden is unwell; we expect a lot more “bombshell” reports to arise come November.

Preview Of GOP National Convention

The 2024 Republican National Convention will take place from Monday, July 15th to Thursday, July 18th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The city is set to welcome delegates, party leaders, and supporters from across the country for this event in the presidential election cycle. Each day will feature a combination of policy discussions, strategy meetings, and keynote addresses. The culmination of the event will be the formal nomination of the Republican candidate for President of the United States. Delegates from all states and territories will gather to cast their votes.

The convention will feature a lineup of prominent speakers, including party leaders, influential politicians, and rising stars within the Republican Party. I was especially happy to see Governor Ron Desantis announced as one of the speakers. The united effort to elect Donald Trump as our next President couldn’t be more enthusiastic and the momentum is on our side. In accordance with election law, the New York State Conservative Party is also required to hold its own Convention, which will take place in August. We look forward to nominating our endorsed candidate, Donald J. Trump, as the official Conservative Party candidate in NYS that will appear on line “C” in November. More information will follow.

Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/9/24 SAVE Act

Contact: Andrew Davis, 845-522-1915
July 9, 2024

Common Sense: Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE) by Chairman Gerard Kassar

The New York State Conservative Party is amazed that most Democrat members of Congress are opposed to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which is expected to pass the Republican-led House of Representatives this week. The SAVE Act addresses the critical need to protect the integrity of our elections and ensure that only United States citizens are permitted to vote in federal elections. 

The SAVE Act addresses the disturbing trend of some municipalities allowing non-citizens to vote and sends a clear notice that this will not be tolerated. This trend raises significant concerns about the sanctity of our voter rolls and the integrity of our electoral process. The NYS Conservative party is proud that our ten member New York Congressional Delegation unanimously supports its passage. The SAVE Act takes decisive action to combat these concerns by requiring states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls whenever documentation or verified information is received indicating that a registrant is not a U.S. citizen. 

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has also highlighted a loophole in the National Voter Registration Act that does not require proof of citizenship during registration for federal elections. This loophole has led to instances of non-citizens being registered to vote with no repercussions. Federal law currently prohibits states from verifying citizenship status during registration for federal elections.

The President, Senate and House Democrats oppose the SAVE Act, citing this is another way to make it harder for people to vote; some democrats are even calling it a “non-issue”. Overwhelming, the majority of Americans consider election integrity as one of the major issues facing the American people. To no one’s surprise, President Biden has already signaled the possibility of a Presidential veto if it is sent to his desk. 

The SAVE Act is a common sense step to shore up election integrity, and to partially combat the Democrat caused immigration crisis. It is imperative that our elections remain free from interference and that every vote cast is legitimate and legal. The question is, why are Democrats, and the President unanimously opposed?

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up 5/31/24


I spent a good part of the past week on the road supporting our candidates, visiting with party leaders, supporters and attending events across the state. 

Joe Cairo, the Nassau GOP Chairman, invited myself and Nassau Conservative Party Chairman Dan Donovan to join the GOP organization at Nassau Night in Albany. Elected officials ranging from County Executive Bruce Blakeman, State Senators, Assemblymembers, local elected officials, party officials and Congressman Anthony D’Esposito, were a reminder of how strong the GOP and Conservative Parties are in Nassau County. 

The next day began with an early breakfast with Albany area financial supporters of the Party. I then made my way down the Thruway to Orange County where I held a press roundtable with Congressional candidate Alison Esposito, Assembly candidate Tom Lapolla, and Orange County Conservative Party Chairwoman Grace White. We had good press coverage with many of our party people in attendance including the esteemed former Chairman John DeLessio.

Dorey Houle, the Republican and official Conservative Party candidate for State Senate in Orange County faces a Conservative Party primary from Tim Mitts, who re-enrolled as a Conservative on February 14th – the last possible day. It is clear that he is a spoiler put up by liberal Democratic Senator James Skoufis to drain votes from Dorey, who came within a hair of beating him two years ago.  Grace, Allison, and Tom used the roundtable to not only discuss important issues in their campaigns, but also to express our strong support for Dorey.

Then, onto Tappan in Rockland County with our Director of Operations, Andrew Davis, to push for the re-election of Assemblyman John McGowan. The Assemblyman, a former Prosecutor, has a 92% Conservative Party rating. He faces a serious challenge from a well-funded Democratic local office holder.  Once again there is a Conservative Party primary by a candidate who is quick to admit that he is no more than a spoiler candidate.  John is the official party nominee. I was pleased to be joined by County Executive Ed Day, GOP Chairman Lawrence Garvey and Conservative Party Regional Vice Chairman Bill Beckmann for the enlightening press conference. 

Later in Eastchester, I gave remarks at State Senate candidate Tricia Lindsay’s incredibly successful fundraiser. It was wall-to-wall people in a large room with enthusiasm and excitement permeating the air. Our Eastchester Chairman, Bob Fois, was front and center. It was great to share speaking duties with Bobbie Anne Cox, State Senator George Borrello, County Legislator Jimmy Nolan, Joe Pinion, and GOP Chairman Doug Colety. 

I hope to spend many days over the next six months on the road meeting with Party leaders, candidates, the press, supporters and anyone wishing to help the Conservative cause.

Trump Verdict

In a deeply flawed decision, President Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts in a highly biased Manhattan courtroom. This was a verdict most Americans view as a culmination of a prolonged and politically motivated campaign to undermine a president who has consistently championed American values and fought against the entrenched establishment.

I accompanied President Trump for one day of the trial, at which time I saw firsthand the prejudice displayed by Judge Merchan against President Trump. In addition to the judge, I watched the prosecutors given every opportunity to affect the jury outcome, while the defense attorneys were stymied at every opportunity. It was a Manhattan jury, probably the worst place in America for Trump to get a fair trial. Unfortunately, I was proven right. 

In my opinion, this conviction backfired on the Democratic party; Americans will remember this come November. 

This relentless pursuit of President Trump has diverted significant resources and attention away from pressing national, state, and local issues that New Yorkers really care about. As you saw in the deep blue Bronx last week, New Yorkers are fed up with failing Democrat policies, and this distraction will not deter them from voting for Trump. 

Looking ahead to November 5th, the New York State Conservative Party is committed to rallying behind President Trump, confident that the American people will see through this unjust prosecution and vote to restore common sense back to office. The New York State Conservative Party, and our members, proudly stand with President Trump.

“Equal Rights Amendment” Everything You Need To Know

2024 NYS Equal Rights Amendment 

THE ISSUE: The NYS State Legislature has adopted a proposed constitutional amendment — the Equal  Rights Amendment (ERA). The ERA will appear as Proposition 1 this November 2024 on our statewide  ballot. 

New York’s ERA is the first proposed state constitutional amendment in the United States to include transgender and abortion rights. Specifically, the ERA expands existing state constitutional  protections to include, among other things, rights of all persons, including minors, regarding sexual  orientation, gender identity, gender expression and reproductive healthcare. Appendix I contains the  language of the ERA.  

Proponents portray this amendment as required to protect abortion rights in New York. Abortion was  legalized in New York in 1970 and this law is not under any genuine threat of modification or repeal.  Further, the 2019 Reproductive Health Act greatly expanded abortion rights in state law. Moreover, New  York’s Constitution and numerous state laws already protect all persons from discrimination.  

So why is the ERA being placed before the voters this year? Simple: Partisan policymakers think by  falsely portraying abortion rights as under threat they will inspire enhanced voter turnout for their side.  It is a cynical move, but one with alarming implications.  

The broad and ambiguous language of the ERA would create new constitutional rights and likely become  the subject of litigation by activist groups seeking to create new “rights” inconsistent with the views of  most New Yorkers. Serious unintended consequences are likely to result. Among these new “rights” are  “gender identity” and “gender expression” covering “all persons” including minor children. The ERA would grant minors the right to medical transgender procedures without parental consent or  notification. As a new constitutional “right”, the ERA would override any existing statutes limiting  medical interventions to minors. Schools would likely be banned from disclosing students becoming  transgender to their parents. Indeed, parental non-disclosure is current State Education Department  policy. Passage of this amendment would also prohibit schools from barring biological males from  participation on female sports teams, jeopardizing the fairness of such contests.  

The ERA bars “discrimination” based on “age.” Without clarity this provision could also be construed as overriding specific statutory provisions protecting minors against rape or sexual abuse by those over 18  years of age. Laws which enhance penalties for committing crimes against those over the age of 64 may  be challenged as illegal age-based distinctions under interpretations of this amendment. The ERA will  also have a chilling effect on free speech for religious organizations or charitable groups providing  medical, educational, or other services including adoptions and foster care.  

Amplifying these concerns, the legislature will likely consider the following bills – all placing further  limits on parental rights: 

  • S.352 /A.6761 : Allows minors to make their own medical decisions without parental knowledge or  consent.  
  • S.762-A / A.276-B : Provides treatment for sexually transmitted diseases to minors without a parent’s  or guardian’s consent.  
  • A.4604: Requires comprehensive “sexuality instruction” for grades K-12.

New York’s Department of Education released a legal update in 2023 entitled “Creating a Safe,  Supportive, and Affirming School Environment for Transgender and Gender Expansive Students” setting  up an adversarial relationship between parents and children whereby children of any age can determine  if their parents should be involved with their decision to transition. The Education Department advises  school administrators to inform parents of their child’s purported desire to change genders but only if  the child grants permission for the school to do so. 

The ERA is not what its sponsors would have you believe. All the new “protections” contained in the  amendment are now contained in current state law. The amendment is unnecessarily vague and subject  to judicial interpretation. One thing is clear however: the sponsors intend to dramatically curtail rights of  parents over their minor children in their efforts to enhance transgender rights. 

WHAT VOTERS SHOULD KNOW: Concerned New Yorkers formed a Ballot Proposition Committee to  oppose Proposition 1. The Coalition to Protect Kids-NY (CTPK) aims to educate voters on the  unintended consequences of the ERA. See for additional information. 

CTPK conducted a poll in October 2023 and found that without being fully informed there is 63%  support and 24% opposition against the amendment, with 13% undecided. However once informed,  support plummeted to 29% with 49% against with 22% undecided.  


1-Litigation: On October 30, 2023, Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes filed a civil action against New  York’s Senate and Assembly leadership and the state Board of Elections. The claim was grounded in the  fact that the legislature failed to follow the New York State Constitution’s deliberate and clear process  designed for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution. Oral arguments will be held in  Rochester in mid-April.  

2- This ballot initiative will be up for popular vote on November 5th and proponents are effectively  mobilizing across New York State to characterize the Amendment as a right to abortion. CTPK seeks to  educate voters — and especially parents — through communications and political outreach utilizing a  strong team of seasoned political and communications professionals as well as grass roots community  leaders and organizations. CTPK has a fundraising team and is developing a diverse grassroots network  of policy influencers across New York State. 


Spread the Word: Please circulate the messaging contained in Appendix II. More information can be  found in CTPK’s website


The text in BOLD capital letters is new; the text in yellow highlight (strike through in brackets [ ] ) is old  law and will be omitted. 

  • 11. A. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ETHNICITY, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE, DISABILITY, creed [or], religion, OR SEX, INCLUDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, GENDER EXPRESSION, PREGNANCY, PREGNANCY OUTCOMES, AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE AND AUTONOMY, be subjected to any discrimination in [his or her] THEIR civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state, PURSUANT TO LAW. 

Appendix II Messaging: Proposed NYS State Constitutional Amendment: Equal Rights Amendment 

  • New York State’s government seeks more authority than parents in making medical decisions for  their children.  
  • The State Legislature has adopted a proposed constitutional amendment dubbed the “Equal Rights  Amendment” which will appear as Proposition 1 this November 2024 on our statewide ballot. 
  • Partisan policymakers will portray this amendment as necessary to protect the right to abortion in  New York. Abortion was legalized in New York in 1970 and this law is not under any genuine threat of  modification or repeal. Further, the 2019 Reproductive Health Act further enshrines into state law  the right to abortion. 
  • New York’s Constitution and numerous state laws already protect all persons from discrimination.  However, the broad language contained in the amendment would create new constitutional rights  which will be the subject of litigation and efforts by activists groups to create new “rights” not  consistent with the views of most New Yorkers.  
  • Among these new “rights” are “gender identity” and “gender expression” and language would cover  “all persons” including minor children. If adopted by the voters, the ERA would grant minor children  the right to medical transgender interventions without parental consent or even notification. The  amendment makes no provision to protect specific statutory provisions which protect minors against  rape or sexual abuse by those over 18 years of age or laws which enhance penalties for committing  crimes against those over the age of 64. All such age-based distinctions could be considered  “discriminatory” under interpretations of this amendment.  
  • The ERA will have a chilling effect on free speech for religious organizations or charitable groups  providing medical, educational, or other services including adoptions and foster care.  
  • Amplifying this, the Albany legislature will be ideally positioned to pass the following bills sitting in  committee – all placing further limits on parental rights: 

o S.352 /A.6761 : Allows minors to make their own medical decisions without parental  knowledge or consent.  

o S.762-A / A.276-B : Provides treatment for sexually transmitted diseases to minors without a  parent’s or guardian’s consent.  

o A.4604: Requires comprehensive “sexuality instruction” for grades K-12. 

  • The NYS Department of Education released a legal update in 2023 entitled “Creating a Safe,  Supportive, and Affirming School Environment for Transgender and Gender Expansive Students”  which essentially sets up an adversarial relationship between parents and children whereby children  of any age can determine if their parents should be involved with their decision to transition. The  Education Department advises school administrators to not inform parents of their child’s purported  desire to change genders.  
  • A ballot proposition committee has been formed to oppose Proposition 1. The group – – is seeking to organize grass-roots opposition to this proposal. Please  circulate their website among all your social media channels so that voters may be informed as to  this dangerous proposal. 

Click the YouTube Link below for a short explainer Video “Vote No To Stop The Parent Replacement Act”

Statement From NYS Conservative Party 4/19/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
April 19, 2024

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on 2024 State Budget

Brooklyn-NY…“Anyone who views this state budget as a victory is deluding themselves. It’s too expensive, too expansive, too progressive, and too self-serving for the Democratic Party. The People of New York deserve to be outraged.

“Governor Hochul, who loves to claim victory by saying how much worse her budgets could have been, has again done nothing to address the screaming needs of New Yorkers. New York has a serious housing crisis, yet we see abandoned properties everywhere. Rent regulated landlords can’t keep properties up with Major Capital Improvement (MCIs) reimbursement rates capped at $30,000. And now, after destroying much of New York City’s housing market with counterproductive rent regulations, Mrs. Hochul and the Democrats are bringing regulations statewide with ‘Good Cause Eviction.’

“Low-income parents across New York, the very population Democrats purport to champion, are desperate for more charter school slots, while Mrs. Hochul and her colleagues continue to dump money into a broken system that necessitated charter schools in the first place. The Governor talks a big game about cracking down on crime, but does nothing  — zero —  to roll back cashless bail or to bring back crime fighting tactics that actually work. Approximately 1.4 million former New York neighbors have abandoned the state for lower-tax environs since 2010, and the Democrats keep piling on more. It will now cost you $15 to drive into midtown Manhattan.

“Everywhere you look, New York is out of the mainstream, as it continues to rank as the state with the worst business outlook in America. One would think that Mrs. Hochul and the Democrats would finally wake up. This budget makes it clear they will not. It will be up to voters to save New York. Those running Albany have their heads in the sand.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
March 7, 2024

Statement on State of the Union by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“This nation is suffering a variety of problems, domestically and internationally, and President Biden’s highly partisan address tonight did nothing to fix them. His speech, which can only be described as wandering and angry, confirms the need for change at the top.”

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
March 4, 2024

Statement on Unanimous SCOTUS Decision to Protect Trump’s Right to Appear on Colorado Ballot by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“It’s heartening to see a Supreme Court unanimously agreeing that The People — not the courts  — are the ultimate arbiter of who stands for President.  President Trump’s victory today is a victory for all Americans. The Court wisely knew where the boundaries of federalism lay, and for that we all should be relieved.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party- 25th Amendment

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
February 9, 2024


Brooklyn-NY…”For some time it’s been obvious that President Joe Biden is suffering from increasingly diminished mental capacity, and the Democratic Party is doing the nation no favors by refuting what’s plain for the whole world to see. We respectfully believe the time has come for a 25th Amendment review of his competency to remain in office. We do not make this statement lightly. The stakes of a sitting president with clear markers of dementia are too great for the country to ignore.” — Gerard Kassar, Chairman, New York State Conservative Party
