The NY Post editorial is quite right when it writes that nobody wants Facebook’s ‘help’ with their bank accounts.
“The city’s Board of Elections will launch an effort to help Rikers Island detainees register to vote and cast absentee ballots if they’re in custody, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Monday,” reported Politico last night. These “new voters” will be comfortable casting votes, knowing so many elected officials wallow in corruption and share the same upstanding values that have landed them in Rikers. Words of advice for Mayor de Blasio: for once in your life, do what is right for the citizens who contribute to making New York City a safe, good, uplifting place to live and work. The Wall Street Journal also notes that on Monday, Mayor de Blasio signed a bill that makes all phone calls from jail free for inmates, which he said was another step to improving in the rehabilitation process…and costing the hard working taxpayers even more of their hard earned dollars.
Censorship of Infowars Exposes Larger Problem of Silicon Valley Bias.
In Past Years, Feinstein, Schumer Said Nominee’s Judicial Record Most Important. Have you called Schumer and Gillibrand to tell them the time for playing games is OVER; Confirm Brett Kavanaugh NOW!
Bernie and his army are losing 2018.
Some people actually believe what they say, too bad they do not live in the real world.
Trump’s Fuel Economy Plan Is A No Brainer — It Saves Money And Lives.
Betsy McCaughey writes that electric grid hacking is more perilous than election hacking.
Please tell me that this can’t be true: FDA Acquiring ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Parts to Make Mice With Human Immune Systems.
Sen. Chris Murphy: Have you heard of the First Amendment?
Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. (A good column for parents of college students and those who will be sending their youngsters to college soon.)