Weekly Wrap-Up

With this week’s Brett Kavanaugh hearings, Democrats in Washington have reached a new low, if that’s possible. Conspiracy theories, double standards, desperate stunts – it is “sick,” as President Trump has noted. “Pathetic,” to quote the Daily Wire. A “circus,” in the words of Senator Orrin Hatch.

There is much shame and blame to go around – from old guard Democrats like Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Diane Feinstein of California and Richard Blumenthal, our neighbor in Connecticut, to New York’s very own Chuck Schumer (who never misses a chance to shut down the Senate) and Kirsten Gillibrand (who, like Senator Feinstein, goes with the tired claim that people will die if Democrats don’t get their way) – as well as Lisa Murkowski, the abortion-obsessed Senator from Alaska who just happens to be a Republican.   

And then there’s the grandstanding Kamala Harris of California, who has no use for “that book” Judge Kavanaugh carries (i.e. the Constitution), and the melodramatic Corey Booker of New Jersey, who also doesn’t seem to understand the Constitution or the film Spartacus, for that matter, and who flaunted non-existent rules to show that Kavanaugh is in fact against racism.
In your opinion, who has been the most insufferable senator during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Are the Democrats desperate to distract from the fact that the Trump Economy continues to boom? Makes sense to me. 

Another distraction this week was Nike’s continued emulation of anti-American protester Colin Kaepernick, who doesn’t have a clue about what “sacrificing everything” really means but is nonetheless getting rich off the freedom he enjoys as an American. But Nike might ultimately stand to lose.

What would you say is the most offensive aspect of Nike’s Colin Kaepernick media campaign? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Speaking of someone who stands to lose – Andrew Cuomo is plowing through his campaign funds (he’s great at spending other people’s money) to avoid an upset by Cynthia Nixon, as polls show a tightening race.

And he’s willing to put children in jeopardy to win – just look at his decision to allow registered sex offenders to vote at their local schools, in violation of the law. 

Conservative candidate Marc Molinaro put out a strong statement, as did Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan – and of course, your Conservative Party had something to say about this as well.

What was your FIRST reaction to news that Andrew Cuomo is putting kids in danger by encouraging registered sex offenders to vote at their local schools? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!