Commemoration of October 7th Massacre of Israelis- Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 7, 2024

Commemoration of October 7 Massacre of Israelis: Statement from New York State Conservative Party

Brooklyn, NY…“A year ago today, evil crossed into Israel and took the lives of more than 1,200 innocent  civilians. What occurred in the space of a few hours was unspeakable. More than 250 civilian hostages were taken following the attacks, many were murdered, and more than 100, including Americans, remain in Hamas captivity today.

“In the days that followed the October 7 slaughter, Israel came under attack by Iranian proxies from seven different directions. Since then, Israel has forcefully responded to protect its borders and citizens, making notable progress in downgrading the leadership of terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah in the process. Thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians have been used as human shields by the terrorist groups.

“The New York State Conservative Party only wants peace in the Middle East, but it recognizes, as President Ronald Reagan did, that peace and surrender are very different things. Our Israeli ally has every right to continue to defend herself from external threats.

“We pray for those lost on October 7, 2023, just as we pray for lasting peace one day.” -Chairman Gerard Kassar
