Trump Trial Update 5/21/24

Trump Trial Update

I had the opportunity to spend all day Monday with former President Trump, meeting him early at his residence in Trump Tower, traveling in his motorcade to the State Supreme Court building in lower Manhattan and then attending the trial.

My takeaway, Michael Cohen, already a total fraud, liar and convicted felon, went a step further in admitting under oath that he had stolen $30,000 from the Trump Organization while under retainer to do legal work. 

How a trial can be conducted with Cohen as the key witness is a mystery to me, and I suspect most of America.

Having seen it in person, it is quite evident that the judge is doing what he can to assist the prosecution. At the beginning of the day, he stopped the defense from calling an expert on federal election law (a former FEC Commissioner) as a witness so the jury could better understand some of the points that had previously been made. Additionally, the judge who has no experience in federal election law, indicated that he would cover this area when he charged the jury.

Later in the day, the judge constantly sustained objections of Alvin Bragg’s legal team against the testimony of Attorney Robert Costello, a former federal prosecutor and a partner in Davidoff Hutcher & Citron. Costello was called by the defense to dispute many of the claims made by Cohen. From my layman’s perspective, the questions seemed reasonable and the judge’s actions prejudicial.

I was with a group of about a dozen individuals that included several members of Congress, the South Carolina Attorney General, Attorney Alan Dershowitz and Bernie Kerik.

Some of us attempted to conduct a press conference outside the court house only to have protestors do their best to shout us down. For what it’s worth, I had no intention of being silenced.

I did have an opportunity to speak several times with the President, who despite the pressures of the trial, was very focused on being elected President. He wished for me to express his gratitude for all the Conservative Party has done for him. He also strongly believes New York is in play and intends to work hard to win our state.

Best regards,

Jerry Kassar – Chairman
New York State Conservative Party