President Biden forced to cave on Wuhan inquiry…

Since Governor Cuomo created JCOPE in his first term, isn’t it obvious this is exactly what he wanted?  Remember the Moreland CommissionCuomo calls state watchdog ethics panel JCOPE ‘meaningless.’ The Emperor is invincible in his own eyes.  His passion is to do something his father, Mario, couldn’t do — win a fourth term.  The emperor, who has done everything possible to blind us with a perfect aura around his warts, will deservedly fail and his legacy will be the same as the meaningless commissions he created to fool the public.  The people who have not fled New York’s high taxes, out-of-control crime, failing public schools, a Legislature that abdicated its responsibility, and other major problems that vitiate our quality of live, will speak loud and clear to save our state on November 8, 2022.  New Yorkers have a message to Governor Andrew Cuomo:  fool me once shame on you fool, me twice shame on me.

America’s public enemy No. 1 — crime: Goodwin.

Victor Davis Hanson asks the question will the madness of 2020 last?

Conservative Black intellectuals battle 1619 Project, ‘race-grievance onslaught’

Critical Race Theory Is Worse Than Marxism.

Where does NY stand in how much the average American will pay in a lifetime? Life of Tax: What Americans Will Pay in Taxes Over a Lifetime.

Democrats are getting increasingly nervous about ‘woke’ culture, analysts say.

How Zuckerberg Millions Paid for Progressives to Work With 2020 Vote Officials Nationwide.

Cognitive Dissonance Is the Glue of the Democratic Party.

Nigel Farage Has a Message for the Democratic Party in America.

REVEALED: Biden’s India Ambassador Pick, Eric Garcetti, Praised China’s Xi As ‘Extraordinary’ And Privately Messaged Communist Influence Chiefs.

WATCH: Senate Chamber Erupts in Cheers After Passing Sen. Paul’s Amendment to Ban Funding Chinese Gain-Of-Function Research.

Fauci Says It Would Have Been a ‘Dereliction of Our Duty’ Not to Work with China on Coronavirus Research; to which I say, Dr. Fauci, it is a dereliction of duty to collaborate with Chinese scientists who are beholden to the communist government determined to destroy the United States of America.  You are a disgrace to your profession, in fact, you are a disgrace to humanity if you truly believe that collaborating with the Chinese scientists was the right action to take.  China’s goal is to rule the world…and what we have seen is terrifying.

Dr. Fauci is addicted to publicity and probably cannot help him self when he makes outlandish statement like this: “Fauci can’t say whether WHO is infected by China’s political influence but can say that New York, the COVID mecca of the US with the most deaths and infections, handled the crisis right.”  If New York handled it right, who handled it wrong – Vermont the least number in the contiguous states?

Chinese Propaganda Outlet Paid Millions to American Newspapers and Magazines, Records Show.

Jason Chaffetz: Biden’s COVID relief – here’s how you can track the waste, fraud and abuse, in US and abroad.

Biden shut down Wuhan inquiry out of spite — and is now forced to reverse course.

The Biden White House has made 4 big economic mistakes in just 4 months; at this rate, with 44 months left in his administration, it will take two, maybe three, fiscal conservative administrations to dig us out of the deficit he continues to create.

Biden keeps scrapping the bottom of the barrel:  Biden’s ATF Nominee Says He Wants to Ban AR-15s

Biden’s Palestinian Mission is Doomed to Fail.