Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the Biden Administration, who will lead the GOP Conference in Congress and the progress of Lee Zeldin’s campaign.

Biden Administration Leaving Afghan Interpreters Behind

We are undoubtedly less safe today than we were on January 19, 2021, the day before the new administration was sworn in.

Since then, Chinese war planes have buzzed Taiwanese airspace raising tensions, Iran has published chilling images depicting the United States Capitol on fire, and Russia continues to inch closer towards the Ukraine.

Now, it appears we can add Afghanistan as the next nation we will have to keep a close eye on as President Biden prepares for a full withdrawal of U.S. forces.

This will surely lead to a re-emergence of the Taliban who has vowed retribution against Afghans who worked with Americans.

In 2006, Congress approved a special number of immigrant visas be provided for Afghani and Iraqi translators who are deemed at risk for their work with the United States. With the pullout of US troops pending, those who have provided much needed translation services will be put in grave risk.

Secretary of State Blinken has not committed to addressing the backlog or expediting the process in which the visas are processed leaving many concerned for their safety.

There is no excuse for this; the red tape holding up the special immigrant visa from the U.S. must be expedited to allow these brave Afghans to escape what will be a certain death once our troops have returned home.

Every American should be outraged that the Biden Administration encourages migrants to cross into America through our southern border looking for America’s generosity, yet, has not opened America’s doors to welcome the Afghanistan interpreters who assisted our military men and women throughout the last two decades.

Stefanik Looks to enter Leadership

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik appears to have accumulated the support needed to be named the next Chair of the House Republican Conference currently held by never Trumper Liz Cheney of Wyoming, including the support of former President Trump himself.

Rep. Cheney, who is believed to have White House or cabinet aspirations heading in 2024, continues to push her personal vendetta against former President Trump in an unacceptable manor proving she is out of touch with the more than 70 million citizens that voted for him. Her inability to put her feelings aside and work on behalf of the overwhelming number of Republicans who support Trump and his policies make her unable to serve as the Conference Chair.

The job of the Conference Chair is to message to Republican voters while setting and supporting the legislative agenda Conservatives and Republicans alike wish to see set into action.  Congresswoman Stefanik is aligned with President Trump which makes her aligned with the base that supported him.

Stefanik has been a steadfast supporter of the President and has worked tirelessly to elect more women to Congress. In fact, she has made it a priority of hers and to say she has been successful is an understatement.

Stefanik has proven she can be a leader in both Washington D.C. and New York State where she provided much needed assistance to the winning campaigns of Claudia Tenney and Nicole Malliotakis.

In 2014, the Conservative Party was proud to endorse Stefanik over her GOP primary opponent and we remain proud to be supporters of Team Elise.

Zeldin Quickly Accumulating Conservative and GOP Support

 Lee Zeldin who is seeking the Conservative and GOP endorsements for Governor charged past a key statistic in both parties over the last week.

He now commands 57% of the Conservative Party weighted State Committee vote based on the many County endorsements he has received. Meanwhile, he holds 56% of the statewide GOP weighted vote.

While both conventions are still many months away, it is clear that there is strong interest in the Zeldin campaign within the Conservative Party all over the state.

In another good sign of things to come, Zeldin is not only impressing the party faithful, he is also impressing donors with around $3 million raised thus far. His endorsements and early fundraising abilities have solidified his candidacy heading into the summer.

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/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the Biden Administration, who will lead the GOP Conference in Congress and the progress of Lee Zeldin’s campaign.