While New York braces for artic weather; it already arrived in the state capitol….

This appears to be a poor choice by President Biden.  This Biden pick for a top civil-rights job has an ugly history of hate.  Her history, as reported in the op-ed, is not one that seems to understand that one does not correct a wrong by creating another wrong.  I hope that Kristen Clarke practices the “golden rule” in her professional life.

Governor Cuomo is not having a good press day:  How Cuomo would undermine his own smart offices-to-housing plan

The major news articles, across the nation, for today are regarding Attorney General Trish James report on Gov. Cuomo’s nursing home disaster.  Cuomo undercounted COVID-19 nursing home deaths by up to 50%: NY AG James.  Our statement on the report is here.  (Does anyone think Gov. Cuomo will write a revised book on his handling of COVID-19…neither do I)

The Empire Center’s Bill Hammond, who has been following the nursing home disaster since the very beginning has another eye-opening column on the Cuomo Administration’s withholding data on the number of vaccines as well as the deaths.

File this under good news:  Federal Court Upholds Conscience Protections for Doctors.

File this under not so good news:  Biden Creates Commission to Study Supreme Court Reform, Report States.

File this one under not good at all:  Senate Democrats Reintroduce Statehood Bill, Would Make DC The 51st State

John Stossel writes in the Daily Signal about what Thomas Sowell can teach us about standing up to the mob.

Rich Lowry opines in yesterday’s NY Post:  All of a sudden, much of the press has turned against free speech

City Journal opines about a trendy new book recycles the same old case for normalizing drug use. Drug Fiends and Fools.

Joe Biden’s magic COVID plan turns out to be more of the same.

Manhattan’s most privileged kids play victim — and their teachers cave.