Chairman Long to appear on Inside City Hall on NY1 tonight at 7:00 PM (repeated at 10:pm). Check your local listings for channel listings.
Some Charter Schools are affiliated with the UFT – The United Federation of Teachers (one in ten) and these are the schools that are having problems, but Mayor de Blasio does not want you to know that fact.
Apparently, Mayor de Blasio didn’t want you to know he is supporting the City Council pay raise either.
Sometimes Mayor de Blasio stumbles upon the truth…and his statement that a new Rikers’ Island prison would be too expensive is certainly in that category. However, taxpayers, how many times has the Mayor told us that and then went ahead with a “lofty” ideal.
More New Yorkers will be out of work soon. And they are not the only ones as manufacturing contracted for the 7th straight month, despite a slight upturn.
Will President Obama and the rest of the democrats be hoisted by their own petard?
Hillary wanted a realtime fact checking method to check republican stated facts … how about this Hillary: a fact check on your Justice Scalia tweets. Will you withdraw your request now that your facts have been checked?