FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117 January 7, 2025
Kassar: Shut Down New York Reparations Committee
Before it Wastes Another Nickel
“New York’s divisive ‘Community Commission on Reparations Remedies’ has blown through most of its $5 million budget with zero to show for it. Now it wants more time — and another $5 million to waste. Shocker.
“Virtue signaling Democrats controlling the State Legislature will almost certainly renew the Commission — at any cost — knowing full well, in advance, what its recommendations will be: wealth distribution, the same goal the political Left has had since Marx published The Communist Manifesto in 1848. Reparations are just the latest tactic, and New Yorkers aren’t falling for it.
“We confidently predict that the Commission’s findings will lead to other ethnic groups demanding redress for past injustices. Indeed, turning New Yorkers against one another based on their skin color is now official state policy, arguably. Is it any wonder Americans are turning away from the Party of Jefferson and Jackson? (these former presidents have been lamentably cancelled by the Left.)
“Meanwhile, what has the ‘Commission’ accomplished? Can they show us their work product? New York Taxpayers are all eyes. Where’s the beef?”