TRUMP CONSERVATIVE PARTY VOTE HIGHEST SINCE 1972-Statement From NYS Conservative Party 12/10/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Conservative Vote More Than Doubles Party Registration
President-Elect Has Second, Third, and Fourth Highest Conservative Party Vote Count in History

Brooklyn, NY – Dec. 10…Monday’s vote certification by the New York State Board of Elections confirms that President Donald Trump received more votes on the New York State Conservative Party line for President than any other presidential candidate since 1972, New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar today announced.

Mr. Trump officially garnered 321,733 votes on the Conservative Party line this year, more than twice the Party’s statewide registration (158,797.) Indeed, in his three runs for President, Mr. Trump scored the second (2024: 321,733), third (2020: 296,335), and fourth highest (2016: 292,292) vote totals in the Party’s 62-year history. President-elect Trump did better in New York with each subsequent election, the Party noted.

“President-elect Donald Trump knocked it out of the park on the Conservative Party line in New York,” Chairman Kassar said. “His vote tallies are the second, third, and fourth highest vote tallies in our 62-year history, and that’s pretty extraordinary. But what should impress people most is that New Yorkers — subject to a never-ending barrage of left-wing media — increased their vote tally for President Trump in each of his three runs. They saw through the nonsense and voted for common sense.”
