Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up 8/16/24

Harris’ Abysmal Record

Next week, Democrats from around the country will meet in Chicago to nominate their ticket for President and Vice President, and frankly, they have some explaining to do. Aside from the fact that not a single vote was cast for Kamala Harris, Harris’ record as District Attorney, Attorney General, U.S. Senator and now as the Vice President on issues that are important to Americans is abysmal. Her choice for Vice President, Tim Walz, is no better, and pushes her further to the left. 

During her time as a California prosecutor, Harris waged war against American energy independence by prosecuting U.S. energy producers. When it came to crime she weaponized the justice system, using prosecutorial misconduct to keep innocent people behind bars. During her four years in the Senate, Kamala Harris was ranked the second most liberal Senator. Time and time again she introduced legislation and signed on as a co-sponsor to legislation that never passed. Instead of using her time in the Senate to improve our nation, she used it as a time to get famous. After being approached by Republican Senators who wanted to pass bi-partisan legislation, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said that he “got the impression she was there to run for President. She just didn’t seem interested in legislating.” Harris decided just two years into her term that she would run for President in 2020. Harris refuses to work together with conservative voices to make America better for all and seeks unilateral control for her anti-American agenda. 

As Vice President, Kamala Harris continued to push Biden to the left while failing at her own tasks. She has admitted that she was the last person in the room three years ago when 13 servicemembers gave their lives for our country. She was appointed Border Czar and the crisis our country faces at the border has only gotten worse. Now as she runs for President, we still know very little about what plans and policies she is running on. However, one policy we do know about is something I can agree with. It is often said that imitation is the highest form of flattery, and Kamala Harris’ new campaign plan is to imitate President Trump: announcing “No Tax on Tips” in the same city that Trump had announced it in earlier this summer. 

Sadly, Tim Walz is no better than Harris. At a time where she needs to appear to reach out to moderates across the nation, her V.P. pick shows how far left America will go in a Harris-Walz administration. As Governor, Walz signed laws that allowed late-term abortions, raised taxes, marched with protestors to abolish ICE and watched as Minneapolis burned during the riots of 2020. 

But there is hope for the future. Tomorrow, the Conservative Party will nominate Donald Trump and J.D. Vance to be our candidates for President and Vice President. The differences between the extreme left wing agenda that Harris will implement and Trump’s  America First agenda is startling. This November we have a choice to make. Those who see the economy, public safety, national defense, and being the strongest country in the world as important for the health of our nation know that the Trump-Vance ticket is the only option. We implore all New Yorkers to vote conservative this November. You can find more information about tomorrow’s convention here.

Nassau County Mask Ban – Hochul Backs Criminals

This week, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman signed a bill that would ban wearing a mask in public, except for health and safety reasons or religious customs. This bill was passed after anti-Israel protesters engaged in violence and disrupted people’s lives while wearing masks earlier this summer at colleges across the state. While originally supporting the idea for NYC subways, Hochul changed her opinion and now only supports steeper punishments for crimes committed while wearing a mask. What the Governor doesn’t seem to realize is that people wear masks to get away with committing crimes. What she proposes does nothing to help police catch the criminals on our streets. Governor Hochul is oblivious to what New Yorkers are going through and what they need. You would have thought she had learned her lesson after almost losing to Congressman Lee Zeldin in 2022 because of the rampant crime hitting New York, but instead Hochul stands with criminals rather than everyday citizens.