Governor Andrew Cuomo should have thought ahead when he closed businesses in New York.

Desperate New Yorkers struggle to file for unemployment. How NY is trying to fix it.  For the last few weeks numerous news outlets have reported on the failure of the Department of Labor to process unemployment insurance claims.  Governor Cuomo asks for patience and understanding as the system is overloaded and they are working with Google to “fix” the problems.  Question for Governor Cuomo – as a self-proclaimed micromanager, couldn’t you have foreseen this when you used your executive powers to close non-essential businesses?  Seriously, what did you thing would happen when you told people they couldn’t go to work, couldn’t open their small businesses, that essentially, they would have no income.  Did it ever occur to the micromanager-in-chief that the Dept. of Labor, wouldn’t be able to handle the overwhelming flood of requests?  Did he even inquire if it could?  If not, why not?  Had he simply asked the question, Gov. Cuomo, could have asked New Yorkers to hold off applying for 2 weeks, while explaining why (system upgrade) and reassure the public that the applicants would be eligible from the first day of his Executive Order to stay home.  People would understand that a system upgrade is necessary; and it would not have taken as long to do, because people would not be trying to access it.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo may be getting high marks from the press, but does he really deserve them since he dropped the ball when it comes to really helping people.  Granted, Gov. Cuomo has a lot to juggle; a little thought about how an antiquated system would serve the needs of those he forced to be unemployed would have gone a long way to alleviate the frustration and fear of being without any income.

Empire Center’s E. J. McMahon is reporting that Gov. Cuomo is freezing state employees pay increases at this time.  With the economy tanking and the budget deficit growing every day, it is a necessary step that I’m sure most employees understand.

This headline would be music to our ears, if only the reasons they are stalling it were for the right reasons:  Senate Dems Stall Trump’s $250 Billion Small Business Relief Package, Demand Targeting for Minority-Owned Businesses.  As fiscal conservatives, the act of adding more debt is abhorrent, however, adding more debt for identity politics reaches the apex of political discourse.  What happened to “we are all in this together?”

Here is a good column to read by one of my favorite authors, Walter E. Williams;  Manipulation Through Racial Hoaxes.

The Constitution Doesn’t Mean Whatever Judges Think It Does.

This Congressman Wants to End US Reliance on Pharmaceutical Products from China. Here’s How.  (I think he will/should have a lot of bi-partisan support for this bill.)

Everything You Need to Know About China and Its Handling of COVID-19.

Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times that Bernie Sanders fought the law and the law won.

This headline explains, in part, why the country is so divided.  Think of the good that $20 million could do during the coronavirus crisis: research, distributing medicine to clinics in poor neighborhoods, filling food pantries, providing tablets to students, distributing masks, helping the homeless, helping those who lost their jobs, there are so many ways to help, but they would rather attack than help.  Thankfully there a hundreds of thousand others who remember the real American spirit.

Presidential Prayers: Turning to God in Times of Need.

The most solemn Christian Holydays began today.  Easter, the most joyous day in the Christian calendar reminds us all that no matter how dark our journey may be at times, it is God’s footprints in the sand.   He is the one carrying us…all we have to do is ask Him.

May the peace and hope of the Easter Joy carrying you through this current crisis as He carried you through the sand.

We will be back on Monday.