Year: 2018

Weekly Wrap-Up

The big news this week is that President Trump is planning to hold talks with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Here is what that says about the White House’s North Korean strategy.

As Fox News explains, “President Trump’s tough rhetoric has led Kim to conclude that the use of force by the U.S. really is on the table and that the Trump administration can’t be played for fools, like prior American administrations.”

Indeed, if it were President Obama or President Hillary Clinton leading these talks, I would be concerned. But for a variety of reasons, I think President Trump can make it work. What is it that makes you think President Trump can be trusted to lead these talks with North Korea? 

That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

(President Hillary Clinton – I’m so glad I only have to use those words hypothetically!)

Nationally, the Trump economy continues to boom, exceeding expectations for job growth

Seeing all this economic growth and freedom, the Democrats naturally want to raise taxes.

And it’s shocking how much of our tax dollars help fund abortion – $1.5 billion over just three years, according to a new report

How do you think this money could have been better spent? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Speaking of tax-and-spend liberals, it’s business-as-usual in Bill de Blasio’s New York City, and as Nicole Malliotakis points out hard-working taxpayers are shouldering the burden of the liberals’ tax-and-spend ways. 

The gun debate remained in the news this week, and it’s become clear that media elites and liberals don’t know and don’t care about the specifics of gun ownership – but as Barack Obama reminds us, the left doesn’t let facts get in the way of trying to abolish the Second Amendment. And of course, when liberals in our neighboring state Connecticut dismiss NRA supporters as terrorists, it’s clear that an honest debate isn’t really what the left is after.

What do you think is the worst lie or misinformation that liberals trot out in the gun debate? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial board opines on Mayor de Blasio’s whine. 

“New York’s public-sector unions are eager to lock in members who might flee if an expected US Supreme Court ruling gives them the right to escape. And state Senate Republicans may play along.”  This quote is from another editorial in the NY Post today, encouraging  Senate Republicans to reject  the scheme to trap workers in public sector unions.  The Conservative Party agrees that the Alcantara Bill must not be enacted. 

Councilman:  This is NOT government’s responsibility! 

When will legislators stop wasting time introducing “Nanny State” legislation?  I sometimes think they purposely try to dumb down the electorate just to stay in elective office. 

Really Governor?  You flatter yourself.  Cuomo fears Russian interference in governor’s race

Citizens of our great nation have a unique privilege in choosing who their government officials are, a responsibility, in fact, to vote.  Early voting is not the answer to get more citizens to vote; in fact, early voting can lead to fraud, not knowing all of the facts about candidates and increased costs.  This CNY election boss thinks our lifestyle in the 21st century makes voting a “burden” and thinks there should be 12 days set aside for early voting.  He is wrong and refuses to look at the facts that disprove his theory. 

Ben Shapiro exposes a Washington Post columnist who pens FRIGHTENING defense of Marxism: ‘It’s Time to Give Socialism A Try.’

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) elected in 2016 was California’s Attorney General prior to becoming California’s Junior Senator.  Knowing her background, one would think she follows Supreme Court decisions and the effect they have on America.  This being said, it makes her appearance on MSNBC yesterday, slamming AG Jeff Session’s speech on California ignoring the nation’s immigration laws and likening it to nullification all the more puzzling.  Like it or not, an Obama-Administration Precedent May Doom California’s Effort to Make Itself a ‘Sanctuary State’, writes David French in National Review on line.  Mr. French does not totally agree that the US Supreme Court’s decision will  or should be upheld in the current case, but, as he notes, conservatives would find it sweet if California lost because of Obama’s efforts. 

Nancy Pelosi – you may want to think about retiring

Kudos to Tucker Carlson.  His new weekly series on Men in America – each Wednesday in March on Fox News – should be nominated for an Emmy, but being known as a conservative commentator, I doubt that will happen.  In case you missed the first episode:  watch it here

Daily Update

This disturbing sentence is in today’s Daily Caller:  George Soros has effectively purchased another district attorney’s seat.  That is what George Soros does, county by county, state by state. 

Tony Perkins writes in the Daily Signal how our tax dollars are making Planned Parenthood a political kingmaker. 

Will the press report that 500 of the upcoming “gun control marches” (on March 24) are getting a $5000 boost to cover expenses?  Doubt it.

The main stream media would have you believe the democratic vote in Texas was close.  It wasn’t.  

The left, including Mayor Bloomberg and those who want to dismantle the 2nd Amendment, just cannot bring themselves to admit that shootings are a morality problem, not a gun problem.

I Go to a School Where an Attack Was Foiled. Here’s Why I’m Against Limiting Gun Rights.

The Washington Times brings us up to date on the Justice Department suing California over sanctuary laws.  Will Denver be next to be sued?  

Michael Rubin reminds us to be wary of North Korea’s sudden turn towards diplomacy

Sweden finds Trump was right on immigration, gang violence

Michael Goodwin writes this in today’s NY Post:  NYC’s mayor and ‘co-mayor’ are throwing city in the gutterMayor de Blasio gripes about rules barring spouses from paid gigs in government.  Mayor whine is whining again. 

Daily Update

Here is a Memo for the Movement, “Conservatives Must Defend the 2nd Amendment”  released by the Conservative Action Project that Chairman Michael R. Long has signed onto. 

Delegate Nicholas J. Freitas, from VA, speaks on the floor of the House of Delegates that has gone viral.  Watch him here.  He appeared on Fox and Friends this morning.   

You can be sure MSNBC will not invite Andrew Pollack back again.  Mr. Pollack is the father of murdered Meadow Pollack, one of 17 students killed in cold blood on February 14, 2018. 

The Daily Signal writes that Obama-Era Policies Helped Keep Parkland Shooter Under the Radar. Here’s What Went Wrong.

The world is watching said President Trump after North Korea says it’s willing to give up nuclear weapons; personally, I am more comfortable with President Reagan’s “Trust, but verify,” while dealing with Russia.  The NY Post wants to know:  Would you buy a used bridge from this dictator?

This is a case to watch, especially after the first ruling by U.S. District Judge William Orrick who was appointed by former President Obama. 

One thing I am certain of, Peter Stroke, never wanted to be the  Elliott Ness of the 21st Century.   

Will it be Cynthia vs. Andrew in a democratic primary?  Or is she just trying to get under his skin by hiring two of Mayor de Blasio’s veterans of his first mayoral race?  Time will tell. 

Jonathan Trichter confirmed in an interview with The Citizen Tuesday that he is set to launch a campaign for state comptroller.  Learn about him here.  

Robert Knight opines on the power of gratitude.  (Maybe all of the conservatives that read this should send it to their liberal friends.)

The Washington Beacon writes that the Janus Case is only the beginning for forced-dues fights.  We know that here in New York State is considering a bill that would prevent members from exercising that choice by giving unions new powers to block people from leaving. Public-Employee Unions: Only a Lousy Right-Winger Would Call Us Political

Daily Update

Ben Shapiro on last nights Oscars.  Early ratings show Americans interest has dropped off considerably.   

In case you missed this:  Michelle Malkin reminds us that “hypocritical” celebs lecture us – everyday Americans – about guns while surrounded by armed security.  Kudos to Michelle!

Libby Schaaf, the Mayor of Oakland, is the exact opposite of Michelle Malkin – she endangers Americans.   Libby Schaaf should read Stephen Moore’s an America first immigration policy and study the US Constitution. 

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has abandoned all pretenses of being a moderate democrat and aligns herself with progressive causes at Working Families Party rally.  It is time for her career as a Senator ends.   Sen. Gillibrand has latched on to the #metoo crowd, yet fails to do all that she can to end a cult in her own backyard.    NXIVM is a secret group that is accused of branding women, one would think that since Sen. Gillibrand’s father worked for and was ultimately sued by the group,   (when he found out about troubling legal, possibly criminal matters, he chose to discontinue his work) it would be an organization that she would have some knowledge of and ability to investigate – if not herself – at the very least to call for a thorough investigation by some of her colleagues.  There are so many questions as to how NXIVM continues when victims have cried out for help. 

City and State write that Percoco’s trial could actually be disastrous for Cuomo

The Manhattan Institute writes about closing failed schools.

The Government Has Already Tried Universal Basic Income. Here’s What Happened.

How long will it be before Flippy is making your burgers?   CNN ran this article last September:  Robots: Is your job at risk? 

Guy Benson introduces you to Kyle Kashuv — a conservative survivor from  Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

Are we at a turning point on guns? Don’t believe the hype… we’ve tried gun control before and it hasn’t worked, but the Democrats are going for broke and refusing to let this crisis go to waste.

Are you concerned that Congress will pass new gun control measures that undermine the Second Amendment? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

In the gun debate we’ve seen everything from bad ideas to terrible ideas to nonsensical ideas, and conservatives must admit that the President hasn’t helped the cause, though he seems to be walking back some of his more alarming rhetoric.

How important is it to you for President Trump to keep his campaign promises to protect the Second Amendment? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Dishonest, exploitative, insulting… the media’s coverage of the gun debate has been predictably dreadful. Which word do you think best sums it up? That’s the third question in our new Weekly Poll.

In other news, the economy continues to roar, and Americans everywhere are feeling the effects – but will a trade war sabotage all this progress?  

In case you missed it, the Conservative Party is rallying behind the candidacy of Chele Farley for U.S. Senate. She’s an impressive candidate – you can learn more about her here.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

From the past:  National Review’s tribute to William F. Buckley.  This article is from June 24, 1965 and holds a special place in the hearts of conservatives.  Buckley for Mayor!

Alberto Carvalho turns down top schools’ job in New York City.  

Delaware has a new proposal that would allow children, through the assistance of their school, to change their gender or race without informing that child’s parents.  Watch Mark Purpura try to defend it last night on Tucker Carlson Tonight.  The Federalist has this to say about the completely outrageous proposal. 

Champion transgender wrestler prompts questions about fairness, steroids

In defense of the right to keep and bear arms

Dick’s egregious if ‘even one life is saved’ gun control lie.

Newsday/News 12 report: Money, politics and the NRA alluding to the fact that accepting money from the NRA is morally wrong.  Chairman Long responds.  

CNN Once Again Allows NRA To Be Smeared as Child Killers

It Begins: Grassley Announces Hearing Date to Review Massive Parkland Screw Ups.  

Mayor de Blasio slams taxpayers again:  New budget has taxpayers paying big for principal pensions

DOJ looking into possible obstruction charge against Oakland mayor who warned of ICE raid, as well they should!

TV station rejects equal time request after Gillibrand appears with Colbert.    What is Colbert afraid of – a woman smarter than he is?

If you haven’t meet Chele Chiavacci Farley yet, here is your opportunity to do so!

Good News:  Real Disposable Incomes in U.S. Increase Most Since 2015.

Daily Update

George J. Marlin opines  in Newsmax:   Andrew Repeating Father Mario’s Mistakes on NY Budget.  Mr. Marlin reminds us that the governor is employing fiscal slight of hand shenanigans that include “shifting expenditures to capital project funds, which is outside the scope of state operating funds: moving expenditures off budget to a public authority or an off-budget fund or account; specifically, excluding certain spending from the calculated growth of state operating funds; restructuring programs such that the cost is reflected on the revenue side of the ledger rather than as spending; deferring expenditures to future years; and others.” 

Case in point regarding how Governor Cuomo misreads “revenue raisers in his budget.   While shouting from the roof tops how this will raise money, the realty is a black market is created.  When government went overboard in taxing cigarettes…a black market that funds terrorists was created and continues to thrive.   

The Manhattan Institute looks at Charter Schools again.   

Farley, GOP Senate candidate, wants equal time after Gillibrand’s ‘Late Show’ appearance..

T.he Federalist reminds us that Conservatism isn’t dead yet. 

Ed Feulner on: Toasting the “Intellectual Godfather” of the Conservative Movement

The left will not like this:  Most Adults With School-Aged Kids Support Arming Teachers, and this will really drive the left off a cliff:  Americans Blame Government More Than Guns for Florida Massacre

Dennis Prager explains why the left opposes arming teachers

Study on school shootings says schools are safer today, than in the 1990’s.  

The Broward County Sheriff’s department explained in the Last Refuge. 

Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times:  Media sharks smell blood from Florida school — and ratings. 

Larry Horist explains how political correctness is destroying America.

The NY Sun opines on the Missing Corporation — another look at the Janus v. AFSCME case where Mr. Janus is called heroic. 

Pamela Dee Gaudry gives us a lesson we should all learn.  Thank you for the courage to post this and let us know how what happened on this Delta flight. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams:  Another Liberal – Created Failure.

Daily Update

In case you missed our press release: Conservative Party Backs Farley For Senate

Betsy McCaughey weighs in on the Janus case.   The Daily Signal has 6 Key Exchanges From Major Union Case at the Supreme Court


This Committee could try to bail out private pensions with taxpayer  funds

If you – or your  friends –  don’t believe that the euthanasia movement has  a slippery slope, read  this.   

Andrew C. McCarthy writes in National Review on Line that the Schiff Memo harms democrats more than It helps them.

Love and hate in sharp contrast.

NRA boycott backfiring on dozens of companies.

In case you missed Tucker Carlson’s  interview of  Jordan Peterson on why are so many young men committing mass murder you can watch it here.

Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Have you heard of “Grunt Style?”  Watch the video here to learn more about the ad that is taking the internet by storm. 

Rest in Peace, William F. Buckley, on this, the 10th anniversary of your passing.   

Conservatives Enthusiastically Endorse Chele Chiavacci Farley for US Senate

Brooklyn, NY – State committee members of the NYS Conservative Party converged in Brooklyn, NY last nigth to nominate Chele Chiavacci Farley as their candidate for United States Senator.

State Vice-Chairman and Cayuga County Chairman, Gregory S. Rigby, was proud to nominate Chele Chiavacci Farley as the candidate to bring her expertise in engineering and finance to Washington, DC. Chairman Rigby was quick to note that Mrs. Farley’s principles are her core beliefs – regardless of the setting, audience, or numbers. Her dedication to educating and mentoring youth has given her a special understanding of the future leaders of America.

Kings County Chairman and State Vice-Chairman, Jerry Kassar, seconded the nomination, pointing out that Chele Chiavacci Farley is the right person with the right background to take back the seat the honorable James L. Buckley once proudly won on the Conservative Line.

When accepting the Conservative Party’s nomination, Chele Chiavacci Farley noted that she is running to restore people’s faith in government. “From Conservative judges to healthcare reform and rebuilding our country’s infrastructure, this is our time to transform America and make a long-term difference. Unlike Senator Gillibrand, I will never forget that the first job of a United States Senator is representing the needs of their state. After the summer of hell for subway and rail commuters in the metropolitan area, I will deliver the funding we need to fix our mass transportation system and protect commuters.”

“In every corner of our state, deteriorating roads and dilapidated bridges are jeopardizing public safety, hindering economic growth, and costing property taxpayers billions as the cost of these repairs is being passed down to the local level, who better than an engineer to know what to fix and a finance person to figure out how to do it economically?”

“The problems New York faces will only get worse as long as we rely on the same politicians who created them. Kirsten Gillibrand’s greatest success is self-promotion, not accomplishment. What has she actually done for New York? Whether its job creation, tax relief or public safety, the answer is nothing.”

“We will win because we are right on the issues. As she has moved radically to the left to appeal to national liberal activists and coalitions, Senator Gillibrand has turned her back on Conservatives, who are needed to win. She was known as Annie Oakley when she was a member of the House, but has turned into Jane Fonda in the Senate.”

Chele Chiavacci Farley clearly captured the hearts of the delegates and it is unequivocal that the citizens in New York State will have a clear choice in November — elect a woman who has the vision to restore, rebuild and return New York to her finest days.

Daily Update

You will seldom find the Conservative Party praising the New York Times, however, this article deserves to be read and circulated as it shows Governor Andrew Cuomo for what he is — a man who plays with words – trying to make you think you are wrong and he is right.  The NY Times article points out how this Administration choses to interpret an Executive Order to their financial advantage.  Governor Andrew Cuomo is all about Governor Andrew Cuomo with little or no regard for New York’s citizens – despite the flowery empty words he uses when addressing the ideological groups, he meets with. 

Tom Precious writes in the Buffalo News:  For Cuomo, no wins in trial of former top aide.

The NY Post writes about Cuomo’s denial on NY’s awful taxes

State Dems propose giving illegal immigrants legal protections

Janus case high stakes for public employee unions.   Here is what George Will has to say about this case.   As Unions Sound Alarm on SCOTUS Labor Case, Here’s What Wisconsin’s Experience Shows. 

The Heritage Foundation has new information on the transgendered movement. 

Justice Thomas RIPS Supreme Court For Ignoring Second Amendment: ‘The Right To Keep And Bear Arms Is … This Court’s Constitutional Orphan’

Jay Cost opines on what the Second Amendment means today

RUSH: New Evidence Shows Parkland Shooting Was ‘Failure At Every Level’ Of Government

Guy Benson :  Busted: Incompetent, Preening Broward County Sheriff Gets Caught in a Lie

Weekly Wrap-Up

There is one single person to blame for this week’s shooting in Florida – the shooter.  That simple fact has been left out of the mass media’s dishonest coverage that is driven by a gun control agenda and disinformation rather than any facts. 

Let us never forget the tales of heroism and quick thinking that saved lives – and let us never allow the left to bully us for praying, which is now unbelievably under attack.

Vice President Pence has fired back at the media’s religious bigots, and Rep. Steve Scalise and Sen. Marco Rubio are taking a principled stand against liberals trying to exploit tragedy.  I am thankful for their leadership. 

Overall, how would you describe the media’s coverage of gun control? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Unfortunately, the gun control issue is not the only example of media malpractice – far from it.  From journalists’ love affair with North Korea to the fake news of Russian collusion to cover-ups of government corruption and particularly Clinton, Inc. malfeasance, the media is falling down on the job. 

What do you think has been the most awful recent example of the news media bias and dishonesty? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Speaking of dishonesty, as well as recklessness, partisanship and politically ambitious – would you suspect I’m referencing Andrew Cuomo or Bill de Blasio? Both, it turns out – the Governor and the Mayor are on their worst behavior, and New York suffers as a result.  

I’ll make this the third and final question of our new Weekly Poll: Who is MORE dishonest, untrustworthy and politically calculating – Cuomo or de Blasio? 

As President’s Day nears, let’s remember some truly outstanding leaders like Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Reagan – and yes, let’s pray for more like them.

Have a great weekend!