Michael Goodwin has a lot to say in his column — Democrats’ smash and smear agenda reaches new heights.
With the road block the accuser is calling for – an FBI Investigation when you can’t even remember when and where the party took place, it seems to me that it will be very hard for the FBI to investigate and then what will Dr. Christine Blasey Ford do.
Here is Guy Benson’s take on the current DC Circus.
The Daily Signal introduces us to two women who actually worked for Judge Kavanaugh.
National Review calls it an 11th Hour Ambush.
File this under Priceless – Hillary Clinton says KAVANAUGH’S ACCUSER DESERVES ‘THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT’. Times have changed immensely since this is the same person who denied that same benefit of the doubt to the women who accused her husband of the same, if not worse, actions.
The American Spectator opines on more of Hillary’s Hypocrisy.
Cuomo’s top aides knew about Nixon mailer.
JCOPE never probed Cuomo — is that legal?
Oren Cass writes in the City Journal about the looming battle for the soul of economic policy.
The Heartland Institute writes that Medicaid for all would be a fiscal nightmare. There will be a lot of legislators that should be required to read the report, beginning with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The Beat writes about Green Schemes.
Molinaro in Utica: ‘Upstate New Yorkers have every reason to feel ignored’. You can make a difference…get involved help Marc Molinaro become Governor. Click here to find out how you can help.
Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.